TL LU ~~~~~~~~~The Canadian Statemn onavle et 9 95 3 Thne vrono Niews jMîr. and Mr& Wn. ofto enr Mcnday.vieaeM.MryA- _________ __________________ ________ _____________ _______ ___ tured Mr. Jaes E RicardsmEdiorEMrRicheaLeds, ias . dredMr.. 2 Mr.Garr Pat Cards of Thanks 1_Cards of Thanks ! Cards ofThanksl_ Cominq Events AucionSaeMms Lloyd King has re- attended the 4th wedding turn eHapialhMomLehe Brona.1n ___________ ___________________ _________ _________ on__Sale______ ____home after ependingannversary of heir sister ad o surea to e CmngJms Gn, M.Olei Vie wish ta express our I wish to thank ail my 1 wish ta convey my thanks iG I A N T B I N G 0 The undersigned auctioneer !iast week with Mr. and Mrs. brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Events for detailsrkhçr np, ..2 r.Rlt thanks to the Bowmanviilej friendsan neighbours for the and appreciation to my manyi will seli by public auction, Gary Vasey and fa.mily et Geo. Bower of Nestieton, on ano Diraima FestialoOnStaradMc.NMCa- l'ire Depar nt for their many acts of kindness during friends and relatives and Rev.: LIONS COMMUNITY CENTRE farm stock and implements of Bradford. Septemnber 25th. AtPas hsTusaF-ln.RR .Ms ae rompt anefficient service my month in the hospital. A M. Dougherty for their well Bo navle Wallace Pascoe, Lot 32, Con- Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Robin-< Mî-. and Mrs. Harold Ha n. day and Saturdiyeeî.s ikb eund t e and al nt who assisted. special thank you ta Father wishes, cards and visits - aceso8,arignTw. ' son returned home Tuesday cock of Be~llevile visited re* h home Cbb Hii 'P - Mc. a n Dam 9_ Malane and Father Hickson, 'ceai inspiration; also ta Dr. 20 GAMES AT $10.00 mile wesOt. ofGEne a oSat after the long week- latives and friends in - wn fn ly aecmt' . n edy 39-d Drs. Sproull and Siemon and Mankiewicz, Dr. Sanderson and SPECIAL GAMES udy c.2 ursyCW end with Mr. end Mrs. Ed- mranville and Orono districf Mr ndMs ar ecr evatne h odCr the nursing staff of the bas-istaff of Oshawa General Hos-J No. 1 - Share the Wealth 'due Oct. 26, Holstein caw, ward lîogg end family and this week. vstMr . and Mrs. CaHÇomn t ereono We wouid like ta express:pj~i N Mgure 3-pital. A er. 3- No. 2 - $8 Per Line- 5 lines milking; eleven young cattle attended the Anniversary Mr. C. Hutton has been iilinto !at .lottsLkeadStryevng ent.i Our sincere thanks and ap- Mrs. e9-1 James . 5y 20 for Full Card around 00 ls. each, four Services In Fraservilie Uni'ted athshoeo4Mi treaiso friend.s in Pio.o u- rndugtrL aeCl.t preciation for the loveiy gifts! ewish ta express otir JckPo $0cauls ots aid50,500uureon Sodfy(South.bc given to us by aur fricnds at'ý We would like ta extend our WejC1uheso as,20bsei1~bc Long Sauit, Tyrane and Beth- 'sincere thanks and apprecia- heartfeit thanks ta aur friends 52 Nos. barley, Case O.L.A. tractar, Mrs. O. Ohapinan has been; Congratulations ta Mr. and' Congratulations t c n'adadaWieBbe esd cmmuites.tin t ar mnyfrend, lioo!NewasieShw', Bw- or onolaio - 2500 Farmail H with hydraulic e.oîn ustu t ý1Mrs. George William Carne- Mn-s Wm. Tornlinso h e iyumtopstoi esdacommnitis. tiontG or mny fiend, wo OfNewcstl, Shw'sBow or onsoatin - 25.0 fomafornA calyU.S.A.te Kay and Ted Bartlett. 39-1 ýsurprised us on Thursday lmanville and Oshawa for the 1OADISIN HAG manure loader for tractor H 1 gie, the former Miss Lyndacely eeradthi2thmx idcte ha yo ae 'vrayparty in taeOdFl pl ap as o ovl a-tr H two row corn cultivator,1 their mariage Friday even- Reeve John Stoneo lneI igiiwis sa a th OdFe-paelap as fr ael al'...CL tmwe ît 4frrwMa a re Gue, cabe, Sb2th~t ownship,as a rep-seate neighbours, friends and rela- ]ows Hall and presented ta lets presented ta the bys. 1S tra ,Oc.2 Vi î It;4fro Ms afe rue hre ng, .Septe er 2t, in an poiin rmtePîi es ~ ~ ~ ~ u shw au uigarr-thnks algaî. f 'tiler.ecin charge s O . rathETRe10 .AKPT uromt taco pouhfurther cemanded for ane Newca'stle. Rev. D. R. Dewd- iast Saturday fori akto ____________ Cent ereavment.Bill and Doris Tomlinson, Mrs. R. Campbell, Mrs. A. wlll be added Oct. 18, 1965Cosht spring-tooth cuit! ek hre gtLn- ney afficiated. Mr. and Mrs.whr heiatnigte_ Mr. and Mrs. D. Gobierski. Orono. 39-1 Wood, Mrs. C. Downey, Mrs. L.'3-1vator, Int. stiff tooth cultivat- sy nwoecaeeiec arnegie wil eside in Lind-CaadnGod odsCr- ES TSC U T ;Ayre for their work in makingi-'o MseHais3dscftws heard in ciased court last ay ventian fi-rn Septebr2t or___ y ari 1 ds 1rt sy wishWe ish a etendaurSm-such a lovely evening. Iilizer drill, gond condition;wewsrmne ncs g 9hsado r.~< Mr.Abr mt !St 39wihtoexed ursn-1 Aucion S ltd ni-wcoer1t r amsAthrTnat .A bet Mr tathnkDr Mkiscere appreciatian ta ail who Hubert and Margaret Stacey, 'Cackshutt manure apreader, 2 adYunil ctoerl9t. M. as A fih rs.Tennatt oh {rl w Ir. K.Sleo hn Dr. Luttorate, a otiue nay Jahn, Peter and Tom. 3-* WEEKLT Cockshutt binders, used this' Michael McGrath, 17, Whît- Thornton Tennant, passed MonWdtMrAiH, nurK. sles nD.Ltatten wdedg or c '.V i uomig inl ESseason; Cockshutt side deliv- by, charged with assault calas- away in bis sleep early Tues- Mr. and i-s. Aex iono MeoilHsia ugclWedig nieraysuha Co i Events LV S O K S L ery cake, Ernst threshing ma- ing bodily harm June 12thToronta, Mn. and Mcs. Lai-nee War, t frens fr fowesemorable occasion. A special LosBnowl ae- iat Durham County Sales Arena chine 2842, gond condition; was remanded for pre-sentenceMi,, Street, Orona. FnrlMCCov of Brokln îit gifts nd cada during m staLionso toithgoommtteehkaddd extra Ooo-Eey hr. :0 p ptata digger, twa rubber-tired repart July 2th this week hFuneral MLTILEGLSTIooSEVIC Waditofoens trflwese1 Hoo vrhrss, 7:e30le wgnswthrckp ru.aspacdansspnedsnThursda , Septembes- 30thMs .G opr gtsadcrsdrigm tytank yut tecm ittc,$0 ackpot dd Oct. 1- from The Barlow FumeraSwin, waMos. andraMk,. Rosawa-Gilbart o Consuitd se- yembe. aof the in hospital. in charge and toalal who sent 1965. 36ý1ýles, Sbeep, etc. J. A. Reid roller, 8' tandem dise, quantity tence for one year and orderedHoeOa. nemet~adfa'larmvigith Darothy de Jong. Dnc, ycardslStu-' andSaesMfaer.owers.sra ro, liertw rwnear future ta re.ieinSa Gogan eteSaltn-1corn patr electric clippers, the probation afficer. BondiO ICeeey.feh ____ Gerge andGertie tapleta.*day, October 2nd. HClar S onSaeMnaes 1-fa p tr. vrw roOanCrner Dc fiti. R lEB ad 1 would Jîke ta sincerely _____bitt's Band. 39.1*1 quantîty a! furnîture, num- was set at $500. TAethe patients from statethe p thank my relatives, neigh- 1 ______ - __ _ __ Teudrindacine erous ather articles. Sale at Ray James McLean, changed ntdAbr aaad distric nte______________ bar an fiens or ard ad A sicer thnkyouta Canadian Order o! Fonesters 'will seil by public auction, 1 o'clock. No reserve, farm 'March 25th with violation o!Unte Chu'rch, Oshawa,wa- gifth; also Dr. Hubbard, nurs- friends and neighbours for Court Venture, Fail Bazaar, garden equipment for E. C. sold. Terms cash. Cli!f Peth- a towvn by-law in cannection the guest speaker at Kirbyl es and staff of Memorial Ras- flowers, cards, gifts and visits Saturday, Octaber 30, Lions Warne, 368 Par k Rd. S., Osha- ick, auctioneer. 39-1 with soliciting magazine sub- Anniivei-sa.ry Service last Sun-1 pitai for their kindness while durng my stay in hospîtal. Centre, 2-5_p.m. 39-1 wa, just north o! C.P.R. tracks, _______________hecase____________ng e aten ter.Thanks ta Rev. Romeril and onse ig, hndy0 Saturday, Oct. 9. List o!fcitoshdtecaeds1ayeeîg paten ter. onte Bng, husdy ised MgitrteBate e- rs__ _ _Wilimsan Mns. Wmu. Ruiter. 39.1 Mr. A'lex Inglis for their visits, night at 8 o'cîock, sponsored articles next. week's paper. Want4LLed pained that in his opinion it ohildren retucned home fcoml ~~* I wshta hak elaivsalso to Doctars Holiows and by the Sunnyside Park, Red Clif! Pethick, auctioneen, Sale iÏORSES boarded, $20 montl - did fot fail within the province visiting hec sister. Mcn. Dcîig- 1111 H 1E. 1ws otakrltvsRennie, nurses and staff at Barn, North Oshawa. 39-tf ýat 1:30. 39-1 îy. Phone 263-2303. 39-1 o! this by-iaw. las Gamsby end Mr. Gamsby ,lWI U U UL UIEWLm friens an neigbouryforaort enny ommuity Rs- iHORSES for boardceasonable Michael Anthony Faykos Ocangeville. cards, flowers, fruit and caîls. pital. Popphmso.3-1ler.Ayoaywisi b ovee undersigned auctioneen rates. Phone 623-2233. 38-tf (ia Michael John Davis), Mcs. W. F. Ricka'rd, Mn.!b Also ta I.O.O.F., Beehive Re- GrnThmo.391 wreaths, sprays, etc., please will seli by public auctian the- 24, Honnig Street, Toronto, ap- and Mrs. Geo. Allin of New- ý bekah Ladge, L.O.B.A. 1244.- Phone 623-3524 or Canadian fanm implements and 30 head C s onth Sp t ead Apnil 1964 and pleaded castle, Mrs. R. K. Squaîr and' L.L hlinBwavle My !amily and I would like o! feeers fo8Edga guiity to malîciaus damage Mn. L. Squair of Bawmanville.î Noted fo1 ult rfsasi L.OL. hie ii Bwmmvile egonof38 f0,e esion EgarWri ht, for Dead or Crippled Farm and theft af blankets and fui-. Mr. and Mra. Roy Langmaid~ and Pivate Pavilion Ras- ta thank our neighbaurs, - -Lot20Cocsin8 Darling- Stock Pieked 'up promptly. nsig nmM.SeaOh i ohnM.adMs cn pitals. ~~friends and relatives for their Friday: November 19, Fail ton Twp., 14 mile west o! En- Telephone collect 263-2721 awa Mng fotel .S e a nemanded Mofa and on s i'Oakile,3 George Alldcead. 39-1 very welcome carda, gifts and Fair by Trnity United Church niakillen on Monday, October 3 BEMte.DeROOM BUNGALOWSan snsofOavile visita whiie in hospital at Women. Variety o! booths 11. Lut o! articles in next Margwill Fur Farm, ta May l9th for pi-e-sentence Mra. Sheldon Moffat, Mr. and. onLag Los 5'x 00 I wish ta express my thanka Chatham and Oshawa, and and'tea raom. Watch for furth- we' paper. Giving up farni- TYRONE report. He did flot appear and Mrs. R. G. Mloffat, Mc. arrd ta, relatives. friends and neigh- especially the nuraing staffs. an details. 3- aea :0pm i! a warrant was issued. Faykos Mira.HRai-aid Moffat, Mn. and, ing.Saea1:0pm lf Licence No. 389C-65 lhad been charged jointly with Mca. Jack Moffat and sons, fro bans for their carda, gifts and Dr. White, Dr. Keeley in -Buses will leave Bowman- Pethick, auctiomeer. 39-1ý We Ron Any Bofnus Card !aot berfond. emawoould- .adMs aekMfai fo $14,2 0 $ 130 d w visits, alan ta Rev. Miss Dough- Chatham and Dr. R. Rundie ville Hotel at 6 p.m., Friday, ____ 0-ero8mn h ol M.adMt AekMfa erty, and special thanks ta Dr. and Dr. Gi at Oshawa. October lat for Progressive- Intb od.Hhaa previ- and cilîdren weice Sunday' 39-1 ~~~Auctian sale o! bedroom Doua conviction in Toronto foc dinner guesta aof Mr. and Mca.! For AppointenteIpet oelHm Witzel and Dr. Csont, nurses James Riekard. 3- Consenvative Rally at Varsity living naom and kitchen funni ' eaustock Service ýtheft in 1962. W. S. MoMfat wh.o were cela- end staff o! Oshawa Gemeral Arena, Toronto. 39-1 tune, electn-ical appliances, Hlghest Cash Prîces fo ed Faks bae h habaigter4t eding- Hospital. We express aur thanka ta orDedi IayoKblmnellhi tetngtCAIL0h e Glays amb 39i ar rlatves fnend an Masquerade Dance, tools, automobile, diahes, etc.1 ____Saturday Oct. l6th, Bowman- the estate o! the late L. M. airlieFamSock troble oind clunin iveMis- araruso wihteane ys ncrmeighbours for their many ville Curling Club. Tickets Allison. Will be sold by pub. BURRETT FUR FARM sel idnt edau tht bis et aviMirs S ad F e of Ihanka t Dr. Ru mlenure kindnesses during William'a $4 couple fnam amy Kinette. lic auction, Satunday, Oct. 9 Phone Long Distance it had started out as a lark. S'tr'atford, Mr. Ken Bell, MissEXLSV AGN sty n hehopta, ls t Pies forcostumes. 39-3 at bis late residence, Monroe Zenith 66550 <no charge te y 'H e stated that ail the gooda Vicki Cotter a! Ramilton were and staff of Memonial Ras- the neighbaurs, particularly - -_____ - --etsofMr ad: pital, Bowmanville, for kind- Mn. Douglas Mackie and Mr. Yletn nulTurkey S. ecsl.Sl acm-Dp.Anc i.N.31-C-65 lhad been ceturned. weon usao r n nesses shown my wife while Earl Darreli we extend aur Supper will be held on nnence promptly at 12:30 p.m. 4týTefn a 10adcss %.Gro otr in hospital Morris Funerai thanks foc heling ta prepare Thanksgiving Manday, Oct. Il.Funther particulars sec bi5ds.. Te Hi e was 00ams fd cstMrs. Gaon CottRicad Chapel, Rev. J. S. Gilchriat o! for the sale. Admission 1.75 and 75c, stant_ Terms cash. Pnoperty sold. fveol5 as ewancstsfforvtd Mca.JanMes . E . icads W .FRANK RAMS A ELd St. Andnew% Chunch, Ladies' Elsie and William Rooey, ing at 4p.m. 39-2 Jack Reid, auctioneer. 39-2* A 6 AP d damaging the police office last visit Mcan d enur s . a-aý 2 KN T M a israe Tesayan odeedtop lstcula, a eAvene Ohaa, 21KIG T.W A'uxiliary t o The Royal Can . Nestleton, Ont. 39-1 J C -.O. -F. Co -urt V -e-nt-u-re D -ance $Tues 3dam a oreeds taMray arol d a eckvei adlian Legion and ail good 'at Legion Rail, Saturday, Oct. Graceries, dry gooda, hard--- ___-- frienda for carda, messages of We sincerely wish ta thank '9th. Clara Nesitt's Orch- ware, slicers, fixtures, etc., _ sympathy and floral tributes relatives, frienda and neigh- estra. Everybody welcome. contents o! country general Cou---rt- sfemt dar ife. cavmetl sfrdahvisita floral trib- Tickets at the doon, $3.00 per store, also offered, subject ta (FROM PAGE T utes, advst and assiat- couple. 39-2 cesenve bid, excellent pnap- . at nKîgStet ______ 39-1 'reavement Your sympathy Duhm.brlNmnt quartera, on approx. 4 acres matai-cycle es nKn tet and kindness shahl long he ne- îng Convention, Bowmanvîlle o! ]and, property of A. R. just east af Ontario Street" %, *I FIEQAIY .ebrd aytak laHigh School, Wednesday, Oct.(Pny ubrBkeoM It taE RAIT! ev. R. . Trner and a 6ha 83 .m pakr on iukeawith Gary Crombie as his pas-! i MONUMENTS AND t e.H .Tre n o6ha :0pm paeHn Saturday, October 2. Sale at senger. Ha said that when theý .KR~ Dr. Austin and nurses a! Me- Mitchell Sharp, Minister o! 1 p m. sharp. Ted Jackson, car ahead put on the left sig- maria Hosptal.Trade and Commerce. -39-1 Ted Specleactoees al lha baU started ta pasa on M »d. ori vm Mca. Minnie F. Purdy Woodview Community Centre 391*te A.Jutte tecr oultý fFand Famlly. 39-1* -Monsten B i n g o. Twanty 19*te i-.Jis hntecr __________________g________ IÇULR~~~~~ i ~~~iid _______ ~~~~~~driven by Mr. Gardon. swu ng__________________________________ S'r/games-twenty dollars; five. back ta the right and struck TArr B ROS With deep gratitude the games-thinty dollars; $150 Sixt3'-five bead of 1Roîsteins, the matai-cycle, he added. l family o! the late Lilaca Mabel jackpot, and two jackpots at mers,Herfoinges, oen b0 ai!- "$35ad M$11 cates, r . 'Thickson wish ta thank i-cia- $250. Door prizea. NextesRrodyaraa,6da,"aiMgstaeGs 8pmRd anfeede r hogs, 2 tractons kCabrs, 20 FPI tives, fiends and neighbors Monday, o! odem far eRupmeBarsssioJ o! F A LLR.3, 4'frfoes advstkind- Oshawa. 46-tf trucks, combime, balai-, fulll une pleaded guiity ta illegal p 1 ,iMONUMENS -of mofor flowerspmecardasivisita, ___________________F L L P nesses, etc., alsa Drs. Storey, Long Sauit Club 50 Turkey grain, straw, furniture, etc., McGuey told Ris Worship lha MLRS Austin and Willans, Memorial Supper, Tyrone Rail, Satun- propacty a! Mervin Edgerton, was called fa BawmanvîilelI Stafford Brothers Rospital, T r in ity Un ite d day, Oct. 9, 1965. Advance Lot 2, Concession 12, North Rote.i where the accused was, LIITDChurch, Rcv. George Ward, tickets only. Aduits $1.50, Monaghan Twp., Sherbrooke drinking fnom a Pepsi Cola - LIMIED BA.;Mamorial Park Asan. and children undar 12, 75c. Set- St. W., selling without reserve, battie. Analysis of the con-1 Monuments ýthe Nrthcutt andSmt Fun- tings 5, 6:30. Sec Club 50 Satunday, Octaber 2. Furnîture tenta ahowed 16.24% by vol-! Box 133 enavoen t errcn membens for tickets on Miss sale ta commence promptly at uma o!f alcohol.MI beevmn.Grace Smith 263-2798. "$350 .. oloe y ahn 318Duda S. . hlby James A. Thickson, STo 3- 0a.. oloe y mhin- and costs, or h0 days," 18D daStE.W tb iSeirCitizens intenested i n y and livestock sala. Trm EILING TILE . ..... Phone Whlthy Jim, Alice amd said Ris Wanship. MOhawk 8-3552 Carl James Rayman. Cavalcade o! Fall Colours, cash, fanm sold. Jack Reid, Corporal McGuey said ha e ~, 39.1* ISunday, Oct. 3nd, conductad by auctianeer. 139-1 bad charged James Cowlîng...............You can repair and beutf --Mr. E. Youngman and so- 7 .R ,a-tesaet me:unigtl cilnbeauîfyn soned by Bowmanvilla Kins-.1I 17, Rlae.r. ,a the ametm . nih ciigesl n men Club, are invited ta con- an1lc orasm1r fes.~ .1. :-~~:: quickly, with attractive ceiling "Suspcnded sentence for ance..j* t23-613Mr Bny Kinsan iClub L year," said Ris Wanship. "Re- ..... tile. You can do the jOb your- ~ 62e-6b3er. ayKnmnCu, E N part once. a month ta the pro-.............. .......self, or we can recommenda M oTo Saes be confiscated."..... Fr1111WmisFree Bruce Richards, R.R . fo.9 219 KING ST. E. plcaded guiity ta careleas dciv I MONSTER BINGO BOWMANVILLIE îng Auguat l9th. Corporal pa1f vcstigatad an accident on Mid- We Reserve the Right te Limnit unite Sponsored by -the Junior ______________________________ BETTY CROCKER Thiis th-,LAS WEK ha 1959 CHEV. 'sentenced hîm tan45 days inJ Kjail ta date frir the 5th anl W hatev.r Vour Home Sturdy permnent - CAKE MIX I ~ 86 SC ynti mav join the Ne'w BISCAYNE 4-DR. :strongly recornrended that h! 'Ipoemn a transmil fim Ne.ds Are . . . corne to O.W.P, nl CHOC.- WRTE -YELLO SAV 13c Beginners' Class sinrustom radio. Licef. exricebsbn CHO. HIT MODERSVE 3e46759D. "Mi, Jxeine a e IN MODERN this," stated Ris Worship, "tie thncurethe mu a js DYSTA' ECLSIE Square Dancing 1957 PONTIAC 4-DR "fe h ue hs h a FALL CLEAN - UP SPECAL DYK TR 'SEXC USVE6 y., automatie ft the wiil ta abstain when STAINLESS STEEL Rgsrto ClsstasiinLcH58173.don't bothan ta take the anta-t BROOM RAKES ...... $1.75 a BOW RAKES.......$29 . TALEAR Thursday, Oct. 7 1957 FORD 4-DR. bus they require."M LONG HANDLE ROUNDI flue 8 cl., auto 1tic in he rcae oi n ce nas sauît mO U H D S O E S$ . 9 SS O E A D E . . . . .1 5 a OFEBlc: MNI lue.jtansmssio, cuto adio.aintetaseoey Doassuls M OUHDSO S$.9S A MEMORIAL PARK ' Lic. 52343D. lWannan, bath of OshawaM 1, and Fcederick Cobbledîck, MRS WEEK Vf CLUBHOUSE ' CONTACT: iNewcastie. Magîstrate Baxter mWo rout CA ECKK L Liberty St. S. 8 - 10:30 P.M. Bud Fogg Jerry Keane icommitted themn for trial at a CAKE F RK 29Information- 623-7244 Now la the time te brni t a higher court. START TO SAVE YOUR SET TO-DAY! I your car in for Tune-up aInd tria at higec c8,6our Cmlt he lgmn.Street, pleaded guiity ta theft COUETICE SHOPPING CENTRE SEVCESATO o wo"ea ro"spot iights LIMITED t ramn a car left for sale ati2-617811 DYKST AS Ct Cah Toay.Rarley Rayes' lot. The asti-, Fui Line of mated value, acn Constabie Ian Sih a $30,m- itbruth1 Protet your car this wnter other yuth for $10. 17 iagSt . FEE elieryBomanill ~ A E M N against winter weather Captaîn Fraser of the Salva- SHOP AND SAVF PHONE 623-3541 C L A 8 8 I F 1 E D 8 SE-PA the accused wha was placed on 'UlON TM HE TO au» ON Phme S£-3303 suspende~".Ud sentence for onel year. Bond was set at $500,&