Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Sep 1965, p. 11

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IMms Bruce Tillson, Editor <ýjO ICi Pnnprç in N1-1,4! lA/d 1 o m nt j Gle Frrowt, bary bacng %4 ~ M- % I E0îrE1. 8 %i 1 Fr U i LydaBowling, .n ta E Newcastle - The followîng, Campell, Frances Stacey, BrinhegloacKoMemor espo.oDebbie Myles, Marilyn Mac-i I isthe]is etthe op owlrs'Donald,. Bruce MacDonald, wep em ek edi25atrdyCamrle Peck, Grant Wade. Sepemer 5.Thoie attending Port Hope! Newcastle - These days, day. January 26, 1925. rnantic, 'was Rudolph Valen- Men's League, 225 and over:e royElitDca ?Jewcastle's Lions Club is put-: HeadIines wcre Success'ive tino, in "A Sainted Devil , and Jack Chard 299, and Gary, are ooh litDrla ting much effort ioto its pro- Phases of Totality. and direct- for the western fans, Tom 'Mix Forget 283. ~ Lncal der, Hemut M r Ject of the "Centennial Rocin". ]y below seven pictures, in was playing just &round the Ladies -.,eague, 200 and over: a * ocal laes wlo weCol During the summer, the dirt stages taken from 8:15 p.m. to corner, in a movie called "The Eleanor Perrin 313, Jean Ard lingwood on Tuesday, wereý and dust was deep as the men 9:13 p.m. showed the 1925 Deadwood Coach". For those 28 1, Bey Lake 249, MinnieMs Mlign nd erce eut through the wall. They eclipse. xwho may have missed thesejTaylor o246, Lillian Farrow . Mrs. M. Jones, Mus. W. Bou-1 were rewauded with the fiust Just as we now wondertwo excîtîng movies, perhaps 229, Cllee Pickering 227,ý ghîen, Mus. C. Farrow, Mus.î of what they hope will ho about lifle on the moon, or you Il get a second chance by Douothy Meucer 221, Doreen H. Trim and M.rs. R. Farrow. many articles te be tiisplayed jittle green men fuom Mars, watching the late, late shows Neal 220, Mary Foster 2011 Mr. andi Mus. F. Gilmer fromn tim-e te time in this roomn. a spca.cald!omPrson TV. Kathy Meucer 200 and Ruth pn ededyb oot Durîng the building of the gave news On footpuînts being. In the want ads. teachers Irwin 200. Newcastle- A happy 93rd where they visited Mrs.Rowe- Cornnunity Hall. two news- found on Bioni Island, at the were wanted at top rates cf Thuusday Mixed League: 200itdywsgral noedS1iin papers were placed in its head of the Adriatic. These;$90 te $95 per month, while and over. Russ Powell 303,by Mus. Beatrice Thomas re- Mr. Anduew Reichrath hasý walls. On one was written, footpuints werc 19 inches in !truck and taxi drivers were Art Dubeau 286, Marilyn ,cently. Mrs. Thomnas lives !eft Memarial Hospital, and! "Put in here by Gea. Gaines, length. and were believed to ':bringing homne pays of $25-00 Couch 251, Xen Whitney 2l3,,with heu daughter, Nellie 1.s now staying at The Lodge,ý Newcastle, Ont.' Mu. Gaines be that of a prehistoric mons-iweekly. and George McNair, 209. i (Mus. A. R. Spencer) and it Newcastle. livs o Beve Sree jut er ha liedsome 300000 0f more interest te the vil- Friday Mixed League: 2001was there that the pauty teck M.S Bowen cf B.owrnan-j forth cf Hoars Garage. The years apo. lege, would be the second and lover, Ruth Bonathan 243,l place. Another daughteu, ville accompanied Mu. andj newspaper was The Mail and, Adverti.3ed eit the localparfon ntewl.Ti Murray Paterson 238, Marilyn'Rena (Mus. E. M. Brown): Mrs. C. R. Farrow on a tipi Empire, dated Toronto, Mon-,Toronto theatres, fou the uo.iwas called "The Newcast1lCouch 234, George Zweiu 233,:Toronto, elso ettended the to Upper Canada Village on Tribune" with S. Bennett,luth Couch 230, Mernill Hen- celebration. Mus. B. CheIk. Friday. manager. Looking througli uy 221, Tracy Embîey 212, Ted also o! Toronto, wasagus. Mesrs. T. Henderson, 11, the pages, some cf the fa- Hoar 209, George Kimbail 208,,Otheu guests and relatives Hall, R. Trim and D. Vinkle, lew as /e ilir nmesweu: R Loe-Stan Powell 206, Albert Peerce w-eue from the village. wcue duck hunting in the nor- lewc stlekin, Mus. Philip LeGresley 1202. Mus. Thomas' two sons, Rev. theun district over the week-1 Tom Brown and William Lake. Juniors, 200 and over: GaryiW. Lorne Thomas, Winchester, end. The adveutising on the beck Fouget 295 and Nancy Gainesjand Fred, Bowvmanville, werc Students who went te page by local merchants il 265. * unable te attend, but congrat- Stratford on Friday for the,, cluded H. C. Bonthan's Herd-; - îlations and fond wishes were Production of "Julius Caesar"l S o i l a i -e .o i l 1wane Stoue, H. S. Britton and six tohrn 10 aThomaithad Kemell, ahrlyn M a nld, I-er l R. Walton gave their week. CUDS PrepandFcllod:en nased Suzla ima-11annEyen MacDo~ nl,, This will serve as a remin- ber, when your support and end specials from their groccry repare adFoddcie.Sznn yeDrLaLnj der tn the esdents f the co-o>peration will be asked for.. trs Herb Tm fee lSewsqiepesdr-rseGe arw o e- village o! Newcastle ta s T e D w siw C b P cspociaî. in pipes. He was thon centlv h n a n w get e o ,P ii a n sP tr thaitas Te Donsvie eekendk grandson was boun te heu Henderson, Gary Stapleton, p riavtiswiber lt 1965,enoy et aSwephenso.d Pn. heOietlHotel was ran-! yungest gunddughte, Ms. andi Bruce MacDonald. t the owmanville O.P.P. W ek n gu ts f M. a d aged by E. G. Gra. Man'y p Ç~ - Beryl C hiong f Torot. M s. Mesdames B. Wade, D.1, polcecaîs il b acepedrc end atStpes o rn d n. rn " " Thomnas noiv bas eight grand- Vinkie, W. Boughen, H. Bur- De.ahnen, t 2-3384. If Mus. Albert Neylou and a-cngshvtknplesne childuen and 12 great grand- ley and Doyuglas, R. Hiall andý between the hours of mid- ilv weue Mu. and Mus. HrY and some cf these mon are Ihlun Oe1etgrn-Caleewrlom !toe night and eigh.t arn. callI Neylor o! Cfheslevan u.nw eceaýed, but eech pagel Newcastle--Newceastîe îst Al egtu ae '-er-l tedn h eea en t Peteuborougli, Zenith 50,000. end Mus. John 'White, ber-wîll cetainly buîng back and B Peck met agai nMn egte fM.adMs.Dn.aee1heLosCnr, NO police celis will he eccept- onto. mnemories te a great meny. day evening, and a greet deal aId (Archie) Bernard, was the -Bowmanville, on Friday even-' ed ly officeus living in the' Mtch exctement was iî- The reeve back in 1925 was \4es accomplished in .;ust o »ne youngest et the par-ty. village after this date. ýed cn the four corners of thzefthe late Dr. J. H. Butler, and heur. New Chums were gîv- A happy and healthy wo- ETI~~u~T T Mus. Irwin Colwilil attend- village on Saturday evening.ihis counicillors were J. H.Ien further instruction anda, Ms hms s End JLZ JJLILLVILLj ed the five day Golden Jubi- While uunning along thie!Jose, J. H. Gibsen, H. S. Brit- helîP, whiîe seme cf lest veau s lrneny an hour sewing, crochet- lee Sessions cf the Order cf street, Tormmy Alcoun, 10, oftOfl and W. F. Riekerd. :Chtîms showed much improve- ing-and knitting, and veny On r-iidey evening tihe BOY' the Fastern Star, heîd lest: Toronto, tripped and smashedi George Walton was secre- mettwrsterbîgilpuhenjoys hopping in and Scouts end Culhs beld a beani week et the Royal York Ho- bard loto the gla&s door et;tery-tr-eesureu of the New. vested. 'u ftecnt ofrat upra apeluf al tel, Toronto. Accompenying the entrance to Garo's Ver-!castle Public School Liter-ar-y Many of flic Cubs p;issed parts whenever ber grand- Everyone repouted an excel-' Mu. anti Mrs. Harny Freernan,iietyý and Grill. Tbis glass is!Society. At its fiust rneeting niurereus tests which put them idaughter Pet (Mrs. Bernard), lent supper.i Bowmanvjile, on Thursdavone and a haîf incbes thic,of the new yean, President closer to their goal cf their-Il'is on an euuand for- the garage. On Tuesday Mus. H. Quen- fon part cf the sessions, weue yet this young lad rnnged Fred Butler was absent be- first ou second star-. With one- trilî, Mrs. C. Mercer, Mus. O. Mrus. George Stephenson, New-, to put quite a bole into it. He ceuse cf murnps, and Wilbeut sixer- leeving the Cub Peck, Meucer, Mus. L. Mulduew, cestle, Mrs. EaM Waîkcy,' wa; taken to) Bow.mnilîe!Graharn teck over for that Kenny Nesbitt was promotcd KVT D* L Ms J.Trw l1TR hie Newtonville, Murs. Wilhert Hospital and treeted fo>r-meeting. from seconder to sixer 10 B .~.TeMs .Wie 1'eeple and Mus. Wilson Pring, minou ur One of Our prescrit tourîr.il- !Peck, and Tracy Ernhley wes Ou weather lest week wasiMus. C. Beatty, Mus. Welteus, bct o!B'wmavile.SudaydinergustscfMu.los, obnt elonwa gienprornoted tc seconder. Imost unusual. After bernoan-ýMrs. Thicksen aend Mus. E. and Mus. Douglas Weltnn andecredit fou bis beautiful soloý Exciternent filîs the packs igd u odweh' !iWht e-taln ihSio Deputy C-ief Lawrence family, were Mr. andi Mus. Doft5u0g te a large congueatonwhen mention o! the cem August endi Septerober we ladieso u n eCl Gane, nt Fne FîhtuLegree andi family, Oshawa. iduring the evening service i lweekend is made. There wiIl fin ally got four days swelter- )igod. We arriveti et Eric Naylou and A. S. Naylou! Our friends and neighbous Nwisn Mteis huc.be some 38 boys attending this îng away up in the 80's. Real eleyen anti tour-et the Blue aittentiedtn re Fire Fiohter-s in Bowmanville Hospital thisi vea, with leaders and as- btat unt.HwvrteMuti otr okat Association meeting belti onlwcek ar-e. Mus. Etine Aiken, A'nd still others eue men-1sistan1ts. Scoutrnasteu Win weatherman rather cooildtus hati uir dinner et the Little 'rhusda evn-in, Spteberjrs.Mar AlIrea, Ms. eoneti. recalling e teerful, ou Cllier reports that severel do wn with vis o!o snow in Redi Hen. Afterwards we 23rd, et Hastings. The maininy Bersma, Dan Ber-naurd. Mus.1happy, memery cf by-gene !Boy Scouts bave offer-edto te he west.. went to the scenie caves near topic was Muecu1ai.Dystro-IMar-garet Cowlard, Mus. Auti- days. îessist, andi et leest thr-ee will Ms as ryweek with en a rtiv nthe skcavs and! tentcno g>hy. Guest speaker for thcirey Curson, Johin Davis, Mus.' These papers are but an ýgo along.ofls ekwtrlaisinhecv.Pa fte od evening meas Mie M. Poucette Mary Foster Sr., Master Don- lexemple cf memories past, that,ý As there are 31 beys in A Pourt Hope. shapped; the etheus toureti who spoke en the importance, aId Langley, Miss Susen Lines,'WIll e dispîayed in the nean ekt;te1 0 ek Mu. andi Mus. Martin Fester Keufman Furnitune factory, a of eveu.yane's-, help towards Mus. Ida McReelis, Fnankfuiture on the cempletion cfCbums mev soon be chengcd and Marie, anti Mus. M. E.' veuy edîîcationeî experience igbiting this rh ' -se. Our~ own Riekard, Mns. Floua Shaw, Mus. the Centennial Room. Ibisover te enother pack. Foster- is going te stay for a fou ih fe cnes that saw them loral firelfighter wiII be hoîi- Grace Sheppeuti, Edwaud'r-cer wiIl certaiîîly be o! Some parents have alr-eady week in Vinginia. Mus. m. E.1 maiking furniture. We sew ng a blitir. tîro-ughout the Smnith, William Teisma andjmuch use to cur youths in "phoneti leaders offering rides Foster is gcdng to say fou ai the piles of raw, green lumn- 'ilgesur-e time in Novem-Pbilip Williams. ______binging history back te them. 1tei anti fnom tecm u while. be, Veoeswe Now is the time te hunt eu-timore rides are still neetieti. Saturtiey eftcrnoon was oret ut, rough dressed and vour articles. These cen be'The Scout Mothers' Aiixiliarv very pleasant and Kentialeu into desireti leng.ths; bew, ýdonateti, or just loaried for a is this y'eau suppl3,iiîg theifolks had quite e a it fVeneer was eut fr-cm a whoil eV er to the 'e d itor therootmstaDn't waM fod re the camp, so the bys1 places tley coulti go. Lindsay tuelefgthwise, 1/16 f an untilthe oorn tand finihed!re nmoney s Fair was the greetest drawing inch tbick, in sheets. Aiso1 for ow- asca-rd. Roseneath Falu wes alslo 5ew machines that glued thej HURRAH FOR COIJNCIL ' coropleteti. lever, this year, expected to on1nia opr h i ml icstgte aoe Newcastle, Sept. 24, 1965. Our thanks to Murray Pet-Ipay t-he full cost cf their r-cg- car races. Of inter-est te oth- operation fou patterns or- There's a ban now on dogs ýerson for lentiing us the istretion fee, which wiîî now eus wes the mitiget game in matcheti sheets of veneer, any And i's cone noe teeseontueesuredpapers. _____ e_20.Oono with the Six Nation SiZO No furniture todey is Indien teamn. Kendal was made cf'a solid piece cf wood Fbr heyareof n us quet.for a table top ou large sur- 'Cftyo'eboyathe im ic o dr' ee at a R a g r S h iMr.anti Mus. Edd-je Cou- faces, but is maede up of &mai] If ou'e btheed ithmic yo do't eeda ct, ea ang rs howroux, Marie and Lynn, ac- piec esglued together andi For 15 tra wil son tke are f tat.companieti by Mrs. Luella then with veneer glueti on A sfe r a folkstrap ill son ke I are o t a. Moore spent the weekend in :top. Che per furni-ture asl As fr foks hvin doneys S iIues o Tf C .amrps Cache Bey witb M. anti Ms. presseti perticlles ef Wood }{oly cow there's plenîv cf .ackasses living here now. A. Coureux. Thev bati an thet resembles heavy pper,l lonch f snow on he grounti undeTthe veniee. This is be-i As for- kids there's se manv the school's had te swell, Newcastle -. Once again the Cubs set on the flIou et thethere Sundav momning. cause cf the shoutage e! wel- 1 wish that the council could ban them as well. local Sea Rangers have prev- fuejnt o! the ucom. Ieeving theý The Kendel frientisof Gary nut, cherry anti mahoganyi And the pigs and the cows well, their- odeur I rue, en themselvcs workers, andvacant seets for Gu ides, Patýter-son were sorry te bafr-n woods. It was aise interesting For- they don't smnell like roses, 'reel go getteus as they begin Bucwnies, anti many parentsithet he was taken te the te, sec eacb piece as it wn Tht n hn htstu.their task o! uising money.!who caee with smaller- chilti- Memorial Hsîa riefo oepito iihti Tha's ne hin t at' tr c. n ues a7 venng, Seîten- -en .withb peu mnonia. We al wish te another. A l the p ices arel Sbo "hurrah" for- the ceuncil !ber 9lst, they atdced anothen Skipper, Mrs. Don Stuar't,ihlm e quick recovery. Many fhenti rubbed andi planeti, ini For Noah a "boo", !$22. te their- funds, following anti Mate, Mus. Gorti Gar-utio! bfis frie-otis were in to sec i fact they saiti that it is one' Ini conclusion l'Il sav ýan eliening of slîdes. The r-cern Jr., anti the Sea Rangers wel- him Sunday. Of e the very few places wheel l'mAnnymus2.was filleti, many stod along comerf everyone as they came Fuitiay a number o! thelthe pieces are assembleti bvi - ,, I'm Annymotîs 2. 'the back, while two packs of in, wbile Candy Stonks, Chair- ighSeol ttins rmiatiatisti0a rSst __ _ _ man of the Rangers, officielly here went by bus to Stnetford seal1 the glue.Atu elft -- -- -- -- r - -ecorne eveî-yone ai-d intro- fou the play 'Julius Ceesar'., there, we wcnt te the Certr 1 1 duceti Durham Division Cern- Wdnesday aftcunoon Mrs.! Inn o>utiie f Collingwoodý msiener, Mrs Wm. Rudeîl, Eddie Cour-eux anti Mrs.ý for-a-n excellent dinnen, antiý awoise effereti heu appueci»a- George Mercer wene guests of then ever-ycne was reatiy for' tien te the large cnowd fou, Mus Arnolti Wede, Newton- home. A trip long to be r-e- FISP CIA LO WP RI ES giving their- support. She then ville niember-et. We thank the! 4 u.Ganroti anti encouragea was net compîcteti Saturday 1 go eleng with them and shar-1 ON N TIO AL B AND * ~ thoi wth te tsk tcy aveafternoon as some o! the Sixi ing this experience. ON N T O AL B A D undiertaken, ofcring ther nyN1.n -A [ 93rd Birthday NEWTC NýOw tht the Righ Sohgoi Suente have a more settled rotie, we have been able to SeCure the nanes of the loa cnes att.ending Clarke, as fol- Iowa: Ellen Harness, Phiip Hazness, Bob Henderisn, Bill Henderson, Peter Hendeuson, - -- 'feue onto cf one dollar, evergreens. At the Lake St.' Visitons with Ms Smith l '~ IA 'I D TBfUA AIR COLOUR& j sehooil childuen (oulti haveý Peter district the leaves wene anti Mus. Walteus were Mu.r LADY PATifILI MCONDTONR â gist 149 29 their namnes inscuibeti on tile et their best lest week, whîleý anti Mus. Ross Taylor anti L N D TIO N R su g. ~wats f this arch, anti er- inlthe Highlands f Halibu -!Rickie, Peterborough, M . ani- C LIM ITS - - *U. îst 09rn a i s cribed th~er(-.ton thv were about their Murs. G. Thompsor-, Mensford, C ynt on belbaîf of all the beauties wso scuedsone-; enbusb, Havelnck, anti Mu. IITAlt' a9 I Rang es, thnketi eveyone times Jn miti aternoon by the'anti Ms. Sayry. Starkville. E VII LI W n i - -- sug is 4 for comning. Murs. Rudeli aIse sno- furries. 1M. anti Mus. Laverne Wood, VIT LIS wît V7sug. fst1.49.2~ once again 1hanketi everyone, Gar-ny Monue anti Miss Pet!Peterberou.gh, calleti on M. WATCH FOR THIS AD FEACH WEEK andi gave special thanks ta Bain were down Sund.ay andi anti Mus. E. Fowîer, Sunday. ,T ilthose girls who shareti their- Mus. Ray Moore returnedti te-Mus. Ray Challis anti Mrs.! BOWMANVILLE NE CATL tp with evenyone. Thre Tonronto with theni. Hector Mebeoti, Idae, visited' NM AS' girls fr-cm Newcastle Cern- Mu. anti Mrs. Reg. Elliott in the village on Wednesday. A JACKSON'S DEUG STO4RE pany weue chesen te repuesent weue ta Brockville Sunday tei Mrs. Ron Provost, Belle- JGI[NSoN'lS DEUG SITORE Ontario at twe Heritagel attend tîhe christening of theirj ville spen4 the weekendti ! Camps.cGThis wDIsJaSgreat hn 1ganson, on, ad littM andi Ms. . ecr 1 -I ici c nBOC RONO 'dfou the girls anti Newcastle, son o! Mu. anti Mus. Ross El-! Mise Glenda Mercer, Bow- No ,*0uum , 'said Mus. Rudell, anti she lott, in St. John's United mianville, wa3 borne Sunday. - » I e & LOVLL -r i r IRI AA T hepedti tey wonîd co (ntinuce 10 Chuuch. Brockvblle. The r-e- Wn. anti Mus. Teurbenchev anti 'Ishow such great înteuest, anti ceptîen was helti et the home Lei.gh Ann, Port Hope, were- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. 4 iofferedtiat help them eat any of Mus. Elliott's parents, Mr., also et 1&. and Mrs. C. Mer.i- tirne. kafd Mr&. Gera]d Leder. 9A r . 0 Community 7aW39D10 M ANDJSRES EDBAMB MINCED CHUCK S1JPER-RIGH-T BRAND, YAC PAC COOKED HAM Speciail This Week A&P INSTANT COFFEE Jum.boi10-ex jar PEA BAGS )XYOLW& %&P ?CGITCRN AU.. PRICES IN TI418AD QUARANTEED Tl4OtGH ATuRD-Ay, ocTmgg tl1« 1 Coup., N. Qide, No iit Jut Q.dty &rMuéi ut[ Primas 59 6-oz pkg CALIFORNIA, FLAME TOKAY LARGE PLUMP CLUSTERS, No. 1 Gr'. GRAPES 2b>2Sc BRAZItIAN, VALENCIA% ORANGES "n'Of -%-,,bag5J97c SALADA PRIOR PARK WITM 15 FREE BAGS ATTACNE Re..Pria. P4g79e - -BAVE 1Oc DETERGENT (Mec OFF D<Aa4 SMONIZ VISTA KITCHEN cfloicg CUAL.rrY ROI. Prft eUn 21. BAVE£1"a A&P FANCY QUAL"T -C Mr, copfokgofM069C gaes*sizeb60X 79C 4 69c - £14VII IN V IL L E The canaitian StAtemsn.an.owmnvfl, Sept. 29, 196,5 ,d Attending Rosineeh Wir,! i e O ne A t P a - on Saturday were Mr. endAc rI y R4-.C. Browni, Mr. end Mrs.IAF s i a 1-F. Henderson and :ftmily, Mr.J ET J 'fff >P end Mrs. M. Saril .M r. .At OEno Fstiva IjWade, Mr. and Ain. R. Bru ce! The performing arts return on the Orono stage in formeti, :,ý Mr. and Mrs. R. Brown andt ro t wctpnteyau a W gflh. Mrs. R. Trim, with Mrs. B.! v,,osheld on three successive nights entry into the competitii i Wade and boys, were v isos n the Town Hall, Orono. The with one being the Scar nSaturday et Mns. J. Gilmer's, Festival this year has an in- borough Theatre Gtiild wit., Port Hope. crease of entries with ine two entries. ÏiMr. Frank Stapleton, Mr. plays being entered and pre- Thursday, Sept. 30 !tKen Staîpleton and friend, aUl sented Thursday, Friday and On Thursday evening, the- J of Toronto, spent the week- Saturday evenings, Se ptember ennngtcfhe etia' a end at Mr. H. S'tapleton*s. 13Oth to October 2nd. Ithe Ajax Dramna Workshop *M. an-d Mrs. Clarence Hay-1 Many of the entries are be-1will present "Past Caulder. eWood of Orillia Werl week-ing presented by theatre Street" by Frances Parkhill. à end visitors at the Manse. !groups who have prforme ebro h Wrso.As' !u n r.Lso ae on Thursday evening will ber.' !.of Port MeNicho1 are spending~ visited Mr. and Mrs. R. Bur-Ithe presentation of "The Pen a few days with Mir. and Mrs. ley, Oshawa, on Sunday. lof My Aunt" by the Lindsar-- W. Sta-pleton. With Mr. andi Mrs. Jack El-,!Little Theatre and "Passion%,: Mrs. E. Walkey end Miss liott andi Dorothv on Sunday'Poion and Petrafaction". be- Joan Walkey attended a wed-iwere Mr. and Mn-. Paul De-iteOhw iteTete ding in Osha'wa, SaturdaylSmit and fiamily, Orono, Mu.ý Fridav, Cet. lst afternoon. land Mrs. G. Lowes of Port. The cro ug Th a e- Mr. and Mrs. P. Gilner and Hope. iuld Saroouh Thare -e i i ill present If- family spenýt the weekend atli Mr. and Mrs. Roy Best 8ndipromnptu" as the openîng play Chemong. lHeather were Sunday din ner'on Friday. This wvill be fol. A number from here went1 guests with Mrs. G. Walkev, lowed by the "Bleeding Heart-I to Orono Saturday evening. Port Hope. of Wee Jon" by the Knoit Iwhere, at the Odd Fellows' i Mrs. C. Bunlev and Mrs. D. iTheatre Group. Peterboroujh- iiHiall, a celebration was held'Vinkie were Sunday dinnerland 'Voices of Desire" by_ lin honor of the 40-th wedding1 guests in Peterborouîgh, at thelifurther nernhers mf the ScaÈ. anniversary of Mr. and Mrs'hore f Mr. andi Mus. E. Mc- borough Thc'atre Gui]d. Gro. Stapleton. The latter1Ewen. Saturday,Cet. 2nd wý,ere presented with a coi- Sundayv vsitors wilh Mrs. 'ýFinders Kec'pcrs" by the plete set çof dishes for twelve, , Bourgerie includcd Mr. and Whitby Thratre . uild open%' and a subst.antial purse, fo1- Mrs.B. Bracey and JiinmY,' Satu2rdavý's performances. The. lo'wing a musical p'rogranm.1 Mrs.* Lakin and fami]y. Mr.'New Play Workshop of Ajax7c' Lunch and dancing finishedi Bob Hun!king, Mr. and Mrs,.' will present "The Journal" off the evening. IE. Bracey and family, Mrs. W., and the Pic-Ax Players willI Mu. and Mrs. Ken Etzwejler, Corneiuýs and famnily, aIl of conclude the Festival witFiý cof Milwaukee, with Mr. and'Oshai "Heat Lightninr". 1Mrm Jack Moore od Hamiltnil Mr. and Mrs. C. Farr*owv Following the thuee plays on weue Sundaýy guests of Mr. went to Toronto Sunday af- Satîîirda.y the "Oscars" will be- and Mrs. C. banc and Ba-rry.iternoon, where they toured;presented for the best pla-,' Mrs. H. Trim joineti the bus 4.he ncw City Hall, and were'best actor, best actress, best 1lati going to Algonq uin Park,1 supper guest. at Mr. Carl'director, hest set and a speciat and district, Sunday roiornýing.IFaruow's. et award. This has always prov. 1Mu. and Mrs. Ralph Torpil Mr. George Pethick of Tou- ed most interesting for tho 1e kins and boys, Port Hope,ionto was a caller on Suindayt.aking part in he plays as with. Mr. and Ms. Ray Tomnp-at Miss B. Thompson's. well as the audience. Awards kins and daughter, were Sun-! Miss Allie Nesbitt of Tor- are sponsoredl by local and ýday supper guests et Mr. Bo neils stayinig here for a area organizations. iTonpkins'. wie with Miss Anne Nes- Mrs. Billi Tyos will be the" Mu. nd Mrs. C. Broww hile'adjudicator.__ C-HERRY PIE 3 fun 8 ;Rh 24« $s1 000 ifls f" .EAT MitH"eMEAT hot o#à&tswa A& PRE-4ÂNKSGaylvflI TURKEY SALI! GRAR 'A'OV4-EAoM WC »C, 596 10 14L AMAR TmURKEYS v'43' pi 5 9c

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