Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Sep 1965, p. 4

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4The canadjin statesman, igownmv1fe, sept. 22, 1pso IDITORIAL COMMENT Politics Is An Exciting Game! Grooms His Guernsey for the Show e 6dY unçîwrn,ç iam g-.i At the marnent, this area is grad- 'Vally warming up ta a federal election ecntest that will hit its peak on voting day, Navember 8th. At that time, the Voters of Durham County and ail the other constituencies in Canada wil decide by their ballots who will repre- sent them in the House of Commons at Ottawa. In the ineantime, a great deal of intensive work will be done by enum-. erators who this week are calling at every home fi twn and recording the nanie of each person of voting age, to inake-certain they are on the lists. These people, working under direction of the Returning Officer are taking care of the basic requirements connected with any election, but there is far more work of a valuntary nature going on continuaily within the party organiza- tians. That is where every citizen can play an important part in helping this systemn we cali democracy work at its best. Tlierc' probablv xiii be three cari- didates in the fieid locaill'v, represent- ing the Li berais, Progressive-Conserv~a- tives and New Deqmocratie Part.v. Thesei are the people who will hear the main1 brunt of thp strenuous campaign that1 lies ahead. We know frnm experienceE that for the next several weeks, theyE wiil be gaing nîght and day, with littie rest, attending arganization meetings al over the canstituenex-, making speeches outlining their platfot-ns, plus a million and one other things that have ta be taken care of. Persans who have neyer been candidates in such an election cannot possibly have any idea of the xvork invalved by those who allow their names ta stand. It is an ordeal, but a most enjoyable and chaI- lengine ane, if one likes that type af activity. The point we ar- tryiîîg ta put across is that each of us, flot just the candidates, is a memnber of a Canadian teamn. Each of us has a responsibility towar-ds aur country ta do aur part ta make cettain aur democratic system functions properly. We are shirking that dutv if we merely sit on aur hands and play no part in this election. Al parties need workers to help with the rnanv details of electioneering for their favo-ite candidates. Outsiders have no iclea of the tremnendous amnount aofvoî-k that goes on in party circles through- out a campaign. But it is inteî-esting, fascinating and demnanding, and also rriost impor-tant, and we urge everyone ta join in the current campaign rather than îemaiîîing aloof. with sornep not ex-en bothering ta get out and vote on election day. As somne Of Yau maY know, I ne- casionally grace the B3owm ranville Golf Course with my august presence, ta do sundry chores for which 1 receive an emalument commensurate with my lack of initiative, industry and intelli- gence. Last Thursdav, the eagie-e-ved manager of the Ciub,' spotted me malin- gering, and promptly invited me to place my lily white bands on the handle of a swiri cut mawer about double the size of those dinkv littie thingamajigs that are usualv chivvied around most of the postage stamp sized lawns of Bowmanville, by fetchingly dressed females. Then, he poinited me in the direcc- tion of the roughest bit of 'rough' on the whole blinkin' course. As I bent slightly farward, he applied the toe of his number fine where il wouid do the rnost good, and yelled "sic 'cm."~ Well sir! Between t1 engh toughiiess, and abundance of the grass, plus the bumps and hoilows of the ground which someone must have plowed, and forgot to harrow, plus the apparent dullness of the mowcr's blade, vour humble scribe engaged in a very tiring, frustrating afternoon, \'owing to himself that. before lie cul anY more grass with that mechanical man-killer, it wouid have t<) le sharp- enied. Long before quitting lime, both shouiders feit as though thev had de- vcloped galloping hursitis; the collac boies feit as though swveeniied; the forearms were trcmbiing Just like when 1 pick up mny monthi 'y old age pensin cheque; my legs acted like tlîev\ liad buîg spavins, string hait and bowed tondons. Five o'clock ari-ived .1 tst a! t lie piecews finished. Wien i1 cricd on Bi LYie's shoulder about the duiluerss of the biade, he turnPed the i'ed monster on ils side, and discavered that some,- one had put the blade on bPckwardý, ývhich meant thai, insixead of cuttinL, the grass, the back oIflihe hiade,, about as duil as the edge of a plastie pail, had tori it off. The most recent. iincrease in the consumer price index as annonnced by the Dominion Bureau of Slatistirs bas once again focused attention on bliat least papular of animais, the rising cost of living. Higber tîrices, (of courtIondi tus ail wbere il hurts most and it's aîilv ta be expected tiat ecd successive rise iii thie index sliouid be pîominentiy reportedi and discussed. This is ail the more the' case when. as îîaw, it is thie price of meats anîd othet- foodsttîffs whicb is iar-gely responsibie. comparable inteî'est in rising wages and salaries. Not onlv have these also been going up, bbey have heen doing so mucli more rapidly. Since 1949 tic cost of living index bas ciimbed by just under 40 pet- cent, whicli is had enougi (although appre- ciabiy iess than if most other industrial cauntries>. Over the same period, bow- ever, av-erage weekivy camnings in Cana- dian matîtfacturîimîg industry have more Zmore than doubled. If tilik'vere allit il v'uld be quite enougl- to make the case but, in fact, Wîth Canadla abouttt olaýnucli ils *iew tax-paid pension progr-am, a e- view of aur neîghbor's long experience i-n Ibis field could be bath interesting and instructive, writes C. J. Harris in Trhe Clip Sheet. Since the U.S. started ils Social Security prograrn 30 years ago bath bieneflîs and conbi-ibutians have tîsen sharpiy, but thc pension bax bas elimb- - d a gond deal faster bban bbe pension chrqute. Alsa af inter-est is bic point that even alter 30 year-s the' maximum :benpfit. under Social Secur'ity is not 'n-uch higlien- han bbc maximum the .Canada Pension Plan will pay ta staî-, but alter thase 30 ycaî-s the U.S. work- ý er pays about three limes lie pension tax thal lie Canadian worker will pay -ta start. Witb the avmmxvd airn of keepiîig the pension ont af polies, blie aoriginîal SoilSecurilv iaw provided (as dioes the Canada Pension Act) R fixed sched- ;uie for future pension tax inceases. Originally, lie maximum cost ta the worker was $30 a yeai-, and thie legisla- . tian set a future ceiiing af $90 a year. s Despite thie goad intlentiouns af be'US. ~Congress iin 1935. an American womker's mnaxim um iability for tht' Social 'Securiîy pa'tul l ax is 110W $174, and * wviil be $27720 in 1966. Benefits have ji ncreased, but not in proportion. To * start, the maximum pension at age 65 iiWas $85 monthly; inow il is $116. anîd It will ise to $127 in 1i9(66. B3 By ofacomparisoii, lie Canada 'pension Plan's maximum on retirement et age 65 after ten yeaî-s of contribu- tions xiii be $104.17 a manîli. This is "nomewhiat. less than Social Security'x "inaxirnum af $127, but stamting in 1966 Durharn Countya Gr Esalsh.d 111 ye Aima Incor ETahe Bowmnan TheNewcastle aLt=e ese ocn4 JOHN M. JAMES EDITOit-PUBLISMR $4.00 a Year. t *ta uncover the expert responsible foi, the mechanical error. The followring dav, the blade %vas praperly installed, and made a picasant difference. From now an, every time this perso? *5 in- vited ta push a swirl cut he ends ta peek under the skirts ta maie sure that evervthing is in proper order, but unlike Dick Lovekin, he will do At while the motor's stnpped. The same day, my twenty-foot bamboo pale broke al bath ends, mak- ing it us'eless for 'wtiîg the greens. On Fridav, when 1 went ta the car for n-w lunch box, it wasn't there. Nomw, a mower blade on backRrds can be toler-' ated, but someone 'heisting' your lunch bucket ain't funnx-. After a few, suiphurus remarks, appropriate ta the occasion, your scribe began ta wonder if he had put il, in the car before leaving home, so bce dccided ta plione Butch, only ta dis- co\'er the 'Pro Shop' door locked, and thie phone unapproacliable. Only one tliing to do - drive the four miles home. wliere 1 found the black box x-îght wliere 1I had left il, on the kitchen coun te r. To nmake the day moi-e fî-ustratmng, afler lunch, 1 takes. friend swiri eut out tri cut aniother piece of rough, and blowed if 1 didn't get soaked hy that sncalkv thunder storm. On the \way home, 1 picked up the mail inciuding our asscssment notice which means that the Jokers in the municipal offices ar-e airead '- schemi ng ta raid aur bank account. next x-eaixx-ia propettvtaxes, F<t'l' rMalane %viii sut-p miss mv con- frihution hi bis Sepai-ate Scliooi next Year. wiien aur taxes are transferred to the Publie Sclol. Thltast straw xvwas, arrîving homne, lo find that Rutch i hd lried ta prv an et-ciric pILug out of a socket. and' had tliereliv blowrn a fuse which "'as better lli;'n lier receiving thie sliock, thî-ough ti;e silvr kiife - bel Iliat would have îardlier arîliritis. Also discovered Iliafthe ,lepare lire wqas devoid of air. the gap bet\ween the' irici-pase iri Priresq on1 the' one hand and in wagZes on thie ailier is rnuch greater on two canots. In the fit-st Place, account must lie taken of the steep increase which bas taken place in the same period in bbc value of employee benefits of onc kind or atiothet-. Tbese are curr-entiy esti- mated bo have a v-alue equal ta 25 per cent of average eai-nings. Secondly, the' consunet- price index catîlot and does flot attempt ta mneas- tire qualiîy impi-ovement. Yet a wide r'an ge of pi-oducis now last langer and pe-foî-m better than bhe-v did ini 1949, allbough tuis, 1(1<, tends ta be fart-I Clcaî-l\-.this cost of livinig businless is a two-sided coin and waî-king Cana- dians hav'e most emphaticaiiî,' adi the bettet- of it ax'eî the past 15 v"eais sa far- as their awn earniîngs are con- cern cd It's a diffoi-ent -storx-, of cour-se, w-len il cornes to rti-dpet-sors and oibers oni fixed incarnes and with limit- cd saxings. lb is they xvho at-e hardesî hit bv rising prices, a fac-t whicli the resî of us would do weil tb ponder-. -Industry n the 1 maximtîn ir-nu pînv t otlintife hereP is la be niy $79.20 a year, rr pared ta $27720 in the US. The Car- ada Pension Plan is flot exacti, compar-able ta U.S. Social Security bu" aur neigibor's 30-year experience iý certainly fair \varning that, unlike prîvate pensio ns, a gaverrnment-operat- cd "insurance"' pîogramn cao be r'adical- lv aitered frorn a iong-ter-r, fixed-cast conl tact. A new point of concern in the U.S. is bial noxv some politicians propose bo double the public pension's benefits anc char-ge bbe additional cost to general tax revenues. "While welfare in todav's complex socicîx-N ieeds a powet-ful en- gifle," anc responsible publication says af Ibis proposai, tit also needs a gond set af brakes. Tiere is a point beyond which saciety cannai transfer purchas- ing power- fr-arnils productive mcm- bers ta those who do flot pi-aduce lest it itmat-e damage bhan il cnt-es. Tic best way ta keep Social Securiîy f-omn goiîîg hevnd that point is tanroake the' public wb o pay for it cleaî-l , -- if need lie, painfully -- aware of tie cost." To kerp tie public sa infoî-med is bcecoming a prime responsibility af the pr.ess- WHAT'S A PHONE FOR? A hosbess remnarked thal il had not laken hem tweive-yeac-oid guiest long ta write a k'ttu'î-1l) lier.i- otitem-, aboumt.I550) 'nîles axvay. , 'ihe youîng lady' explaiî-ïed that sime uist tlid er- n-tbler that she mwas iavinîg a fine limne and tiat if she, lie nobher, wisbed furîber infor-mation lie elephone numnber was sLIcb and suclb. -The Printed Word treat Family Journal sOars ega in 1854 >rporatinq mvilie News aIndependent to News goq. ,4 C'as Ma"l bY h. POit Office Dept. Ottawa, end frlapyumos 01ohPostage la cash Praduced every Wednesdcry by THE JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED P.O. Bax 190 62-66 King St. W., Bawmanviîîe, Ontairto GEO. W. GRAHAM GEO. P. MORRIS ADVTG. MANACE» BusiNEss MGx. SUBSCRIPTION RATES stricly in advanc. $550 a Year in the United States Atu9 vr Pr@CaUtIOU WIU be taken te avoid erra: £ho Canadian ttsa cet deî. t; ia in ts colutans on th. unde:stcndag Ihat if w-111fot h. nale isfor ayer n s any accpdvert.n pulisked h.r.uDdes uunI*s Prof 09 Ruth ndvaitigamonî 1%'qqupsta re~ rîtInqbY 1h dvrsern ed rmtr*d te The Crnidiai, Sfaf.n,,rn I husxei, offr-. diuiv 'qrid h' d ln rtîercnb l :tth, fltt cefrreetton ritrinly li<4l.d i wrItIn,9q lteo,0 nIo eca.the ai,' rtis, et wi18 lIAI ccorct.d bY the. nc ,eurn Ifrt@imon ;t% li'hi,?îv sj.,iI ,mt *xreg,îh e mAi the -nél.r1 aSi el Ruth, tdv'rtsrn,.nt as the. vtrc.,rtuP'od hi' h. notaîsd oi bcs te h.whet. rcspo-.oeeuv,.d bv surh adveris.ment David Lai-mer-, 10, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Larmer of Blackstock was a busv boy oin Sept. 111h, at Orono Fair grooming his Guernseys for the show r-ing. He is shown lier-e har-d at work. Jietters to the (ocitor ~PCtPli0h .Sept. y5, 1965 Ricrpi1i ij I),pt.,, Mr. Budi Fanîiing and Mr. joe Kennett, Bow m an ville. Gentlemen: At this linic r wýouil I ikç' Iot lake the ppoiînhîx'tý of 1lellîng the publit- of the 1er,- r'ifle job these ,txvo mn h lave cinne ini looking after the halt diamond and (nooper-ai- ing in any wa 'v he.- t-ould bo aid iin xvomeil's snftbali. So. 01n belialf of the Durham Ladies' sortbail'ream 1 1VoîlId like to sav thank voni froni thp girls, 'the' spotisor, St'vMeTaxRistil of Canadian Tire: Coach Robh Ruilerq, and Manage9(r anîd Coac-h Reg Wil- ]atts.ulv Reg. Wiltatl's. .Hampton, Ont. Sept. 17, 1965 Ijeai- Edîtor.-- 1nont ired i]Ibis ýwOpksý e-ditil oui ofvont- fine papr that theî-c s t bhoa x-ote iin tht' ilear fuItn re over thie question ot allowinlg Morle liquor outltts in Bnwman- ville. Over tweritvyears or In the Dim and Distant Past Fromn the Statesman Files 2.5 YEARS A(;o v MI-. and Mu-s. Drinu Flodi t s;on and Gloît bavef relit-nei iS froni a motor trip ta Lb, e Atlantic Coast. Mrs. J, E. IIav es spei the, wrckcnd xitb Mi-. Sami Lie] Alcarti aîd danguitet- i ;t Lindsay, tiotnring OntUI Mit Mm. Alcam-n's soli, mt-. Jame! Alcorn Of Osuhawa. Thie AI. crn i and lia famuiieý 0 were mionce tosidont iii New. casti-. ofr iinpg part thie Editor fhîcStalestriiai a f]lying v-îs jt min S, it rrida %7 1ast. liu~~v'tas hcr11w ib tlîe National Railxva.vs Freigh: Dept. foi- tîhe pasi thi-ot dec-ados, gmiuîg ditec-t fi-on B.H.S. IlIc aîd Mirs. P-ari- î-ock tetuirîic,-011uiSutllîiv -to Wminniipeg a Itrt- xisitilig uî .s brotuer i-otace I ConItie. Mm. and Mi-s. Montagîie IHotmatîi, Chat-ke(. Ontario, anulouie the' cugapemetît of thci- yoLngcst daughier, ililliait. Reg. N., to Mm. John S. Emmersomi, ynungcst son Of Mrs. Eumcersum and the' late MF. James Emmerson of Bawmanvillc, Ontarioi. Tuhe niarriage xvill take place eamlY iti Octoher. Di. Wallace It. 110or1-, son Of Mr~. aînd MIS. W. W. Ilorti, laniptGri, %whi bas been re- se"'t*(h"m] i w v ith ,Lte radct il îptauit ali11lompe, iaZs iUci(»-Itt.ut a Ipmmii ljîl ithm thue Caliauiaiil Liuirilit- itud lut tilieî-11 tsi e plit at MiMstt- i ii.and Et ultLonghuits, Winderniere, Mnlskýoka. spent te wecketîd ai thie lattom's homer. Whilr there tboy en- oeda 75-mile mota- cruise of Lakes St. Joseph and Rnsseaui. M.and Mii. A. L,. au-- si-d attended tht' Rae-Brown Wedding in Cooke's Church, Toronuto, an Saturday, Mr. anti Mrs. C. D. Rogers (net' Ada Tyler, Maple Grave.), Vancoouver, B.C. are renewing acqnaintance heî'e after an absence of over 25 yearis. Mr. aîîd Mms. Ilai-aid DUn- l'ami, Jack anti Stuart, Bee- ton; Maste-r Bil]v Lymer, Olshaw-a, spetît Sunday ah Mr. Bort Colxvel's. Corporal Dot- Caniet-on, R.C.A.F., Treniton, was home for the Nveekend. Mr- and Mrs. John E. Law, Ottaxwa, xisiîed at S. G. Chartratî'a. .Mr. Chas. Churchill, Oshia- Wa, speuit Sundax' xvith Pte. Rau Richard. sOrotîr: Miss 0l.ve Brown ,s attending Queen's Uni- versity, Kingston. Blackstack: Miss Mabel Vati Camp ba.s eîlîm-îed ta Tormmta ta)takr ho,, fouith yea1r ai tht'tnmvu,î Ha vdn j W~. %Xanr sevra ul . on bis sheep at Lindsay Fair. question came up. We were living on the' farm icar En- field, and attended Enfîeldi Churoh. Our minister, Rev. Jas. Plant pireached a stroig Temperance sermon, and pleaded with bis congrega- tion tha t each meniher wete a letter to appear n The Statesman. How marix- wrnle? 1 did. and onue otIier lads-* from the' Enniskil]en Chut-th. 1 wouider if sanie who did flot hecd Mr. Plant's pdoa. haive sitîce seen drink creeping into their conriu ty, c(-piiip, as the snake in the Garden rit Eden. 1 ai a sliit-iiî, so ail) not a menihier of societyan mtore; bUt 1 ani told b\7 pen(- PIe, w-ho eall theni-elves "pillars of the ebrrch" 'Areli yaOU Just cai't enter- tain wi:th a Cup of Ica 0or coffee." Ever «ynne, who is aiiyN.on e, serves a Social dirink and aitîer pind an- other. A., one lady said tri mie when she tnuiîd hber dauIghier was ,;Iokilig - "Oh, thev a.Il do iL 110w, 5< il is airiglit." 1 suppose thue 49 YEAR.% AGO< (Sépt. 28, 1916) Misses Greta Anîd Not*a 'd MUir , who have heen Attend- le ing sc-hool here, staying wuth their gandmaîhem ,Mms. t Muir-, have returned to their 1- home un Honolulu, Hawaiian ri Islands. hi Mr. aAnd Mis. C. M. Ca - ýs cm- have retui-mîed froni a 1- three 'montbs' trip ta bbc sWest where thev xsited thteir son, Mi% Mailo Cawk- el-. Medicinet Hat, atîd friemîds k At Prince Albet and other r Paomnts entante. 9 Mrs. R. Slvsîi-,Lidsay, lias been visiting ier- sisî-, eMi-s. . A. Tale and other re la t ives. rMr. Franik Malco()],,,a,îd lus Iwo sisters and Miss Prout, Nestietoti. mo)toî-cd oulf atId speit Fair day with Mm. W. B. Hoar. M s r . F rt'ch Ilem l. ]arry Baskomviîîe, G,. 11. lintonl Jos. RrYanb And othier Toron- to citizens attenlded Bow- nanvile Fair and met a nuimber of old friends. ïMesss. T. S. Hoigate, W. E. Jewell, W, J. Bragg, H. Gree(,nlees Anîd J. S. Moor- <-iatt maucîmcd 10 Lindsay, Saturday, and attcnded thie Faim. Mrs. J. W. W'illianis, Mrs. J. H. Ashlev and daughîer, M-s. A. Ilitiksani, Oshawa, x x - e e n n t t - t I 'M . C hj a . Messi's, \Vili and Ilaur- Tisdale lmtujurd u.îp ftrai Kiuîgsumî 0ui Satin-,day anud at-e guests of the Misses Bab- cock, Carlisle Ave. Misses Luplia amd jeAll H-epburn, Kedi-no, andi Mm. Clarence Vire, Sauina, werg% rpcent guesîs ai Mr. Wmn. 1-is l0 p'S. Mi-. Mark *Jackson. Ox- ford Centre, rec-ently visçilpd his brother-in-law, Rev. W. C. Washington, MA. Mm. Leon Lane, Belleville, lias been vîsiting his uncle, Mr. John Lane anti other, relatives here.tr Thos. Luxon lad thi-ee ribs fractnred au Oshawa Faim by a kick fi-rn a colt lie was lcading. J. G. andtiMî-s. Boî-iand, Claremont, motorcd here Wednesday anti took in the Fair. Mms. Cihas. Stevens, Osha- c \Va, sPelt the' weekend with V lier mother, Mrs. Walmsley. 9 Miss Mvrtle Gi-cor, town, i visited with hiem mother at c Newpamk te past week. e Mrs. Thos. Jackson lias re- B tîrned fram 'isiting rela-b tives in Lindsay. Misses Vida ammd îýj Iliu Mos.Mariposa. * cietl ~iitdMrs. John Hockîn. bi NIr. Thos. Y. Hardy, Whit- Yi by# Wau Ù2 town for the Fair. It's A Two-Sided Coin and -Spice mo.iîsa nd fa Ii r , who Smi!e on dritikijip. havp foi- gottpri the' tea-hings of their Christian parents. Remeniher ireadeis, Yui bodY is the TJemýple or Youer Soti.]." God created the tirst people - tint xlii. as some -hîiir-hes are teachiîîg the cuhildi-en, aîîd God ex- pect~ s li Iokeep oui- hoffdv Pure.'rhe liIiimiaiî BndIV is a ver * vcoimlicated niachiiîc. The most expîie cr, suhmarine or satellite l'ails ta comPaî-e witb the human bod 'v. Do vo u suJppoe aliv beet- or alh--tol1 w&oild w'ork in the moto- of a car or Gemnini .5. Those imoIns ai- bah.iod. catei-ed to, cleaîîed and recleancrt. Yol Meii anid \"inc- xviI] fiII the hodies thai CGo)d gave, tlem wib nbitemns as beer, w-icv. vi iskev. Wbia t a pui-giig the'ir bodies shoiid bavýe. bIt N thec*- just drink amaiti atid ' wonder xvii,-their liealtbà begins tb fail. At New Ycais iaî have ~ tIn eeteb-ate bx- grtting lup- roarions] *-vdrnnk, tlltiltbx- ;à jokes, spi aw-I ini tbe guLttor, *. or go~ homne vitb anrilhier Ilati 's vi fe. Did vou kîîowh that sncb cetebràiomis de- scended fi-ein thc licatheut cuis'to"ls orithie Anc-lent . D'rL[idiS' l-Y callt aur miii ist ers work lharder- on 'a nie atcb igiservices, as,ýsist;ed w'hiu)t-lieattedil\-bv tbeir Etdeî-s or Deaconls? Thex' couléd have anl earlx', eveining -ser~vice foi- par-ent'. with sttiaIl ciiiid -ri, bIn w;hit-lIttbehfde ti coiitd he t lae:andr a lale, srx-ice for he ottiet- nemci- Dr. charlotte Wbillnîî, Otia\vai. spoke on Cil. 9 TV recentirv on " Th e Lost Chiristiatn S nIl d a y'Cod made one day ini sex'eî for i-est and xvotship. 111 Eîig- ]and, tbe fit-st -Loi-d's Day ti Alliance.,Act' xvas drawn b UP over 4t00 years ao. ex-cii d, before Johnti'Cahot. carne Io Caîîada. Ifxvas dect-eed tha t' Sunidav was to he a daY for 1 WoI-shiP, Rest and simple la Homne Pleasut-es. Dr. Whliit-o ton said thiat 1iinw. aulx-1,9 0 per cenît of fi( popînlatioti eno to chîn cli feua-v il T'heatres, restatî anIs, nl -oui-soe, bhtll anIes, wm miing. hoiat in g. dinkiio, ai1 have taketi over. anîd s-oon Y( 8il stor'es wtlbr openi. ni Remnemrber xvhiat hefoli Pl Sodom and Grmairau. Tvre and Sidon, ttfait of (,Jeri- -ho. Read Mati.. <-bapter tiI 4. fl,tole'.tOi\of. Gud senidiiîg ti th f lood tap0 usu 1 le i viekd xvîid Noie es-pet-- d xe-ss2t and 22. sfat- d ig that at fie s-i Om,- 1b i.g o.f Chr-istIn siraiglitetî LI! fhliS Smn-sc-k Mortd, ontV lic Eteci xvill he sxo 'ho stor *v of Noahi and file* h .rk is int a ill-tl, as smeari 'ad nis tri believe. Read eVel. 22: I1(9.W 0f course miail' sa\,- h res us dî-atîk vine -and tut-t- ed id water- int0 xiîîe ai the j0( eddiing fcast ai Cana. DI'arl, ,ader-,. tua i \vîic VasLNlt 1Naii iIt c-rta id Iii-.1' frtî lice. i I te iJipoih' lanîi ail lhe LiinM. as t as arockY cuittv xviih le ert-V 1litle pure xvat . reat Chi In t 18,\xveead h is ce stnt-v of the defeat or e Sx*'-iat a r ni vbv thtIl t li iticb qmll rm.v f th- ehP: heralise the Kinz no hbu 'niAafind hi. enî- sWere ' p nink in the pAttiî-andA le timnp of the'*aans n Lac-k on PE-ari I-;qrbholr, 10.1t of the' US1. arm-rn, siip. se dlv o n guard. were eeping off the t'ffe(cts ofta turdax- îîlight binge. Rpad ke wai-iitîg of Solomori, rv. 23: .11-32. Readi Epli- ans 5: 18-20. Of late- vearis, tnost Yed- la], Provincial, and often Litlcipal banquets. partieg id picicls niust have 0f i ilk. t thte ri-enn tem-P The îîientaî-y onfrene i W~ith the' boy grijnts '%Î abe l a fe times diirin.g dinner, grPký his curling hroomn or golf clubst and heads out the door. ('Iarlic's idea (if a pleasant social vv\enîag for viabPl is la send her over ta x'isit, ber sister whilp he bas the poker gang in. Afler, of course, she bas made a buge lunch for the boys. Charlie has a lot of trouble with Mabel's extravagance. Heck, he givelq ,hem bhirby dalla-s a week ta mun the house and fecd and ciothe the' kids and berself, and she jusI runs right throug- it, as thougli the stuff grew on trees. Sometimes she hasn't even enoughl eft a11 SabUrday ta iuy his weekkend case of beer. H-e iîad nie close tb tears as lie Inld me about be foiiv of letting wom- en liandie the' monev. Witli golf and curling fers tîp this yeai-, and a new rifle ta bnv for thie hunting trip, he figurrd lie migbt .îusî hafta -eut clown on bbc house aiiowance, if they were going ta make ends meet. Nm-w Chat-lie, whilp a pleasant, en- origli frIlow to tbe world, and a real sxvingw-rr vith the boys, as a husband anrd father k nat only a rat but also a fink. And Mabel, who is no dope) knrix0 s ilt. Bu( vomi shoald have seen her the oli- rinight, when she dropped in tb Pas- mv wife hack the five bucks she's hnrrowed reccntly. Her eyes were shin- ing and her poor, hnrassed face was aIl lit up, as si- t ld uis about the wvonderfuli trill of their anniversary <cl(bration. ('luitlie -hîad corme straight home afîc- r 'rkwxitlîout drinks and with rouses. hiust ted heito her giad rags atîd taken li-r ont bu lie golf club for tlitner. She'd liad bu corne home with SîimP friemids, hecause Cliarlie liad- xvandered inoatht' iock 'mr rorn, and got inx-oived in a poker gamne. But she just conidn'î, express ber appreciatian of his tbaughtfulness and kindness in remen- berinz th _ir anruîx-ersary. J)AY 0f' KISSES AND) ROSES 1 have the' deepesl admiration for buosc men wbo niake a big fuss avPc licir animal xvediding anniversary. My ,vife. and I bad another anniversar-y bhis week, aoid, as usual, ril bher afI us rempmb-'red il uintil bhree days alter it was past, boo late ta celelirate. The reason I admire tht' annive- amy addicls is bbc sheer boldncss of theu- bacties. Usually, bbey are about the rottcnest husbands in town, on a iav\-t o-dayý basis. But with anc fiorid, xtravagant gestttre, thex- wiPe out ail beir sins of the lasI 12 rnonths and ay thc groundwork for another yeac )f ,gctting away witiî murde-. I"cw, of these hirds are the reiitle, ieck, timid, humble, hen-pcckcd hus- iands this era lias spawncd, like y-ou mcdni. Not they. Among their î-anks 10t find the deer hunters, the' fisher- ien, the hard drinkers, the poker layers. the philandere-s. Anîd vet, with a cammbiniion of tee cleifronter-v arud inci-edibie ct-afi iss,te' cari-v il off vxvrrv x-ear. A g liasi of cand.v, a flonrirb of foer nner and a ni glil on thet' towt; and e ali lady fails ftor il evrr 'v lime. This is tht' par-t 1can'1t Lutîder- [and. Women, especiall v women wbo xc beetn maî-ried foi-'a fexx' veats, re tîutt notoriotisixsot-y cdeiA mi tI these womneiu, xVhl-:îwprfo-l ,l that thie oid mat isP a lxvo-t imitîg cI.l an imîcîpient lush. ai- a hig-mouthl- b um, go ail] weak at the kuices when IJ'ni îlot ma kiniî titi tp. Let's ta ke ypal Chai-lie as ain exanîpl. I [us il. l'Il1 chiang~e t uthiîîî bol i. te ntin es. arlie xvoulnu'l he cautghî dead naking ptht' vrar. Ile lakes lis holidax\--sin P fait, whimi the'ho vs are goiîug dpc-t- ining. Mahel stavs home, lb givex , a gaod chance ta rakp tic leaves Id gtt the storm w'indoxvs on. Wben Charlie finihes a ila y'l YL7 Corler /or 0Aet~ Somnefolk cao live a lifetimne thrauglr And do a lot of things for you, And that's a spiendid thing b )de). Bnt bave you thoughî that in (;od'a We, live, and dom usi, whaî we tan. A daisx- blooms ju3,t for a day, And gives a lot of jay ihat way. Sa, thougli aur lime be short or long, We'î-e juslta keep a-pushing on,, And, like the flowt-rs that bloom in May, 'pread joy and 'ýw@etness on our way. - -Marjorut' Cunningham Newcastle, Ont. aIl tht' things, iemxv, abov, The grealesl force af ail is Love, e itîs af mankind would lie nul If tuis command we wauld fulfîl. cead af bate. Jet Lave flow free, A new and shirîirg womld you'd se, wio could sloap to hurt anothe!, If he werc loved like as a brother! qnecr, - we tu-y aIl otci- ways, To make Ibis world. a betîer place; ole billions spent - tie carti subdue, Ne'er ieed, "Ta allir-s dut, The First '30 Years -Marjorie Cunnningham Newcastle, Ont, collumn

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