Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Sep 1965, p. 11

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Mrs. Bruce Tilison, Editor Consi ée a Record 5 Ex-Wardens in Durl Attend Municipal Me Newcasitle.- Memnbfrs of tu ili i. Al cf thesze men are NewSstle Maonie Order, mernbers cif Durham Lodge Durham Lodge No. 66, held a and each of them took part in ITict unique meeting on the the degree wonk that eveoing. evening of Tuesday, Septem- n xwreswr rn ber 7th. 1965. The meeting Tee-e-eswn rn %vas Municipal Nigit Cand Rickard, wardec in 193.3, there were present at the Cecil Cas-veti, warden in 194. nietin, ivecx-arenscfGeorge Walton, warden ini =JniteCuiv xres cf ofthm-'95l, Gai-net Rickard, wardcn berland and Durhiam. thrree n 15,cdEr cky oxrev f the viage cf wanden in 1963. Newcastle. o nre ex deputy Past reeves wr-, lia rvc rèleve cf Clanke townsbip, and Bitton. Johni Rickard and two mer who have servrd on Harrv Jose: Ex-deputy ree the Newccstle Courcu l ic heMelville Jones; acd Council- jiwstccd are still on the Coinlrs Robert Waltori and Rr>ss Ilewcast/cL Much exciîerriuî a; stir-, Pior. cow ied ermong the Enwriglit and ling, ccd om Emhhcey famîlies when tliey te Bowmar received visitons from Gcr- since 190O8. many on Montlav aflrucon. father of ci Cim.pleting a four ' ncr hitei ton, ho noceý wi'th tlic Canadian Air Force, mac office r in Germany. CpI. Krnnncth pasi few Iiepp, with lis wife arnd deîî- rstreet af ghtere, have just rctîrncd <o! taken ona Canada, and as promised,ý mucli remai moade Nexvcasqle onn cof ticir several part rstops t10hbnîng news liack Mn. Pniori from Cpi. and Mrs. Rcs,,s Em- ohd days. bley cnd Sandra. Thry ire Mrn.cd aIl weland lhappy and have soc, Dennis miade many ficnds, rcpr>rted cattended thi tlie Hepps. Ross is the son cfrpnoad M'rz. Reta Emhley, caîd bis areuceing wife Doneen L the nIau-hîi-r e ikn ef Mrs. Shirley Enwriglit. Bcith Mn. ccd M mothers were pieascd wili were dinnet the up-tn-d.am nows lircii't home cf MT to ihiem, as was Mr,,. TracyCrago. on th Emhhev wberîthe Hpppr visii,-IPowell's tent ed -itb her 'l' er, jvvr 8 1 \C~ry. Lat( jist .sorry thpe visit coîîld rit the famnil v gi have heen longer, but tliîs Was prise party only none cf many stops asetaint thev made their wav thrcuigh'reen'. to Coid Lake, Allienia, v bore rlA . F Cpil. Hepps wilh now be post-: R.C.A.'. Stel ed. enjoyicg ea t Mn. and Mrs. .d . Nesbti witli ler pz end family have Mr. Nesbiit's Mrs. Charles grandfather, Mn. Chas. Prior,. Mn. Chas. visiting with themr frcm Goto NS., is visit. J.ay, Manlit.ouiri Islanid,.Mr.;fer ccd hn Jié'eer Io thie ( ( Newcastle, n Dear Mr. Editor, Èepember 21: It would be appreciated very rnuch print the following poem, concerning th in Newcastle. "iTAXPAYERS' LAMENT 1 have a dog, and niy dog bas a frienc But now their friendship must corne L Their romping and playing and day fi Are over, if we are a]iowed only one. 1'hink of poor Noah, now what would h If a by-law said lie cou]d take one, bi What a mess wr'd be in, had this been tl Now îvhat would have happened to our With just a few cats, won't the mice h If they get out of hand, the Pied Piper The council's idea gave me the bright Could this hielp Io solve flie populatin Council's business goes on, both the oldi While the town waits and wonders, " will they do???" iPEcIAL j.C Il *ON NATION, IAt Your Local Druggisi ~'IRIGHT GUÀ _Spray- Deodorant by Gillette 5-oz., s PEPSODENT Dental Cri IVITALIS with V7 --- j"LAVORIS ---Mouthwash & ICHLORTRIPOLON 'j SECRET DEODORANT. 11( IýDO Hair Setting Gel. SHALO SHAMPOO S UFFERIN WATCH FOR THISj JACKS ON S DRUG S TORE MA"MW NeCGEGOE, DEIJGS JURY & LOVELL I Ii IMn. unlMr.r. Goorge wal- readicg a olictation froci "ue Nowî*as'tle,:- Mn. ccd Mrs, ini bis arm chair îiii ci *II o. cdoing snr Out ot f Sound cif MuLsit." Mis. llil-,Clianios Glanville. Newcas;tio-,, <li sreet cf Oroco, atnd cf 'f'.S('l ci, Itcw'c traveollinig, have recontl , Ian recd th," first ,zcripturr.. cpened thei' cottage nea -r, Charles Glanvillo, tineocf vi5ýiIed with M N. E. Bell- Mrs. Sclimid then rcad hie 1Rewd!e *v, on Sa.turdeay even- Gog r os aela ( v-oit, Trenton, Mn. and Mr-s second acripture. Mr<;. Narda ing. te the family and fni endis Gog r os ae a i 91. Oc ors iravel- Wil11flutîcant, Camphbellford, iHoopkamp gavec awcll ccm- c.f Mn. aîd Mrs. Ten.ry 5h H Pitched i orseshoes, cIso on dcxotitia, ctiled lin lom Glnvile wh orithe streî c f Or no. lri ai- tade bis finst visit Mn. ccd Mrs. Bill Gray, aac!posed bcoinl nild ie oaGavle WohdMot gin ie rso, oivile lest wenk, Mn. ccd Mrs. Far] I Dafoe. The Perfect 1-lostvqs.' Mns. getlered to 'honor the youog, A friend cf tle Frauk-ford. anîd Major ccd Gray then led iin praye. cupe nIhr) ecctmn-eec'ne jcincd lu l tryin tr Statesmiau Edi-' Mns. Flovd Dudilcy. Foxborc. The gnoup in change thiii dag. t eooz uspnoi gnized The States- ConZr~alfflatioiîs 10 Mrs ..conductedi an iuotitctng pael Mn. aild Mrs. Shjo1nit wne I,,trecva as tr film rolled on.i rijzt aav.IliOn the stihioi, -Wlits Kep- rnarried on June l8tli.Uc-' l a a woliidcrfuh evcnicgj 'ili acr lit'lioThoma q who ilias rrcecntlv < oe uth îucî1hct rn aI h . 1 Iwith devs again ne years, thîe fronî e1 bao lo l3db i g Wre nteCUclal nbig albhea s1zîîoe Bowrcanvlier 9lia bintde. i îcîiî"toe lofa lîtlme, audcalled. 'A buffet lunch Was' aemoral loopitabibispresciit, the cou pewitli gifissered-llo icgte movie. cew hoc , ui n O r nue ds eîî ti ig ibo usand congratulations, the rfcm-! G uesis îet tIlle prrsentetion mced the samnitcwek are(: Mr..Mar il Two Uu rac hmabc chosen tlîis ovening \\,ere: Mrs. Johin Laverv anri tg of the 1towil as rre-d, Mn. Dan Brnmand, . Mn r5.Mr.EleThWpst eono rechle bb god nmiDv is. VIn. Sander NMrs. Fred Gîctville. , hose. cdMr.Wlla Mi Fcîo, rs.Mar Foier)nVns bi'hanci s a cousin cf the cnd jValcrlo, Scarhorcugh, ;cndri Vs.Keltlî Rogo(r- Rubýv Pi Sirv M. Ed Smitli Open Seas u hbride, pitîned a lvl o-Ms lzbt tno fCi acd Lainre Anc. Misýs Miraîiî idam, anîd sao n .icbrde cd Mr. El iz. at t fro fC1- oe Merlin fmî'MPhlioh Willianls. Iii Ton- sgo .ebie n s aiir ussfo Oshawsa1 pienic ou Sunda.v tubi Sick Clilidrcns, Master Tehail-"e Nrnwc'aIle Rob Gianvilie pitmnprd a car- wenre Mn. anîd Mrs. Carl Rit-ý Z.ayi Shuliz. lat A and B Ctib Packs beld liai in on lier niew so -inl ! chie acd Mn. and Mrs. DirewN nrs. tiseh ohcIr.im firsI meeting cf tlie fOW mTe acddncss to the rdýca- rr omlvle ,guestsi flic -easoc on MAcdav vni7 idgroom iwas read ,v Mrç rncd Mns. Mat tI arrison: ran r. Jac'k pTlieîe wasà goodlfrioi f Fred Glenvile, whoo Orono. Mr, cnd Mrs. Bob, cftu OLtS rre a eCLIs ccad ne'w boys W21ling Sed the love ccad hîesl w ishesr Glativille, mentier anîd fathmrr <h eding of Scoti-repb < oic. lu A Paî'k. iicaster' for Pr',,cscroiis ,r ears aliead of cf the bride, cisc n.ad or iii the eveniîi r-- vTed Deiinv was on hand in tiier On behaif nf $l] thosei Mns. William Glaîîv. 1ijle, Mn. atliredfora su I JI/"~~ V~ earweicome tuelies\",, uiili ass~P'sTh 'Ie couple %verc thon latd Mrs, Ross Lewi.s, Ms ccd FodeActpre Y aiace fnom Mn. flot Poilen. lIrpncserited with gifts, moestly Bectricp Morgani, Mn,. and' Russ and MaLi- Nepxv!cas f1l:e The nai Boy B. Pack, Cubnîasio-r Derrn nn nov. Mrs. 'Emil Schmid, Elcinci atîdH s-o11ts; are azaîin preparing for Ncsbuttacd Assistat Cub- F'oliuig9 lie presentation,ilbannre, cdMrs. Harny LePwi.sz G i 1e (hkecg acotîmen husxy ard cîi 'vean atrFlorence Tihison wel- Mr,. Ceci, Carvetli delighted!and Fy;tbose freio Nw ticî, reiot.sTl Vhv ri henscn oe b o Special ihel gue'st.a with films tekeni castie', Mmacd Mrs. Char-les' meerting of tlb, seasoti, with ffv'Icorne was given IeCiîshtet leyas12 c lnil c TcM' n wcris Mr.kholdyboht"tnop metiig ornc- .îoîîîng the Pack-s. Tîmose beys-,, 193-5 On the ftilm stmip wore Mns. Ceorge Glactuii, Mnr' Gakres Mr.ccddc evýeings et flic Cr>rn- were intnoducr n b hie Pacck. P'(-tiîi'e cf the aeMGoretdMnBbIewsaiiM. Giikes. A i iliiuit.\' î1a 1. îatiesn'thon pla.ced illnoàasix pack'. Glanvilie Sr, quite al, hcm.f!,Ild MipFed(iaiîl mng wit.îî its su; ý îth thre inctroase flrf boys. , i and .givonin rst iticî u ___ fam lv, M n. and x's iec s a t O havP tw o OcP ccitîg cd oO n g Y '1n V I LinI w u Mou.idav anîd ftleother on gîvcn fthnm tecome ,otInaeo hItrsdav. '- Th irscay, bow- île meePtinig, and sldy bh Sda to Pve;. it rovc togonubclw. Promise. Grtr d w For First H ockey M eet ýa niglt, vitb tests b i cg iZ heli "d c l he ]if-e o e ri d e d inta nin. ,10- for tlie tim r, Illie t wc il.n w the b oiv.ç; to h'oi ili i- N P\A rasIii e b r f t e w s a re n i le s r e <o hecome fuiiî. HockY Mothers Association 'tcr.y ccdtreasurpr, theV feltr îrnps avehelncobied uba ,Thse veniiug fitheuîî-heîd <loir final mneetinlg f th(te cvran -,va long encugli. Plans aee'ucw briung mado again pick 11Pup wbce they h;jrad on 10 a evenhng, wili ccnd ' thcîîghzlt new offices ynu niil h.Ythe.boy,ý t) hod inthei lf'ftoff n th ';L'mmm ters i:p0eseoY10 Theer Phoenldh >stant s. nto t theirheioffice r ifne y \&POPtl b tt e boys 1inband êeo ti erl b e .f in flu recm od t s a .rg .dar m eetings are leld on before te new year. A ]me- ae nw b-1av pp ttl driewincdaudbadge Te, iefiat s end stars. ngým ina ody fe I On wcs thon madie<oncl] thiae c ewctl.Thy Tm wsspn b but due fo tbe holiday, nominations and lconi \Vill aýk for the conperation < i, Pea c nrolledf, afenhenili ws hage bi Otien idsppr t btlas beecý which somtetfne m'as ;pent'rlav be the reason wliy so few ber j ziven the'm in thie pasi. This discussing fh lc Cum Cmp wene in attendence tro art end. mray bc a zood time for the l being lie-Id cil the Tliksgiv -r The President, Mrs. Me bel E I ~ "'1T luli cf funa, ladies hunticg tp space fco icg holidiay wcekend. rogitte et-ZUJÂ.LIbJJ store presorves te makeweV il ea, h tw hu onigbhod, r and cate on lic hçl oing eut. tliehOtt ]e.sI Friday evening ccd retunu on1 sj9 e reryaMrs. E e n mhe y' On Ttîesda the ade hie rio, zcthcred tup inithe collai-dur- 1 Monday afron. Prns or ie minues. c fely mlaev u1' e h pliu ul Ut 11ot tuwo? ing tIe summer. This hottle Who cculd take c car]ncd cf metng scl A of Mi.these wji hirafi e aniq for if1 the case, drive will he beid sometime, he's either toi the camp rmcîn were cPrevedth. Mrse our Octeben etn.Nta human race? Octo sori t n te oOn ifi, arc asked to nolitacI MarilYn Waltoc gave c fln- rlargo a crowd as qusuel, se xvel shavte. a batihlnu. r cyof the leaders or theiracia laeabi, This is thin rwcv te make' assistants, "alr. eport ccd repcî'ted bey- i hed to finish il, on Wednesdar. iugtomore mothens niiîg! Mn. Hareld Snwden cand Mr. we'11 Cali. ftInds for* fhîir troop. In flie The Paüks %vrc re nithe> association; the member's Walter ILang-year, who were notion, pRSatrmit-10 of thé,money wcs couraged Ï o Jin witb thIrm now total 4.5. in the liogpitai, have ritunned ý ex p lo sio n ? speiV. in ii. ,,ily (A n cmp la dier s,; ic su pp rtiîg I hll e c.is u sinsVRiv r o her- thi-r s ec i etoesu r , 1 e q ui p oi nt: thi y e ar w s c Rn g e n s leti h xs'i g10 h v u - c o h r l c i u c elin ý S olW d e n s p e n t h e w e e k w it h. and he cw, ecod atnuî.aîce c Scutsiogwhe thewen f0showseond hbacd equipment; this:M'. and Mns. C. Beatty. What next attendjng camp, and the. bcd- ýfilm strips onithe IHeritage'!,,ý, cci idesaeset 'M.adMs . Mi. ' oIrs nealize the rnecd for evlenl Camps at Bniiisb Columbia ors, Irocks, pads and eis n n ss.Wlesatne ýmore oqtipme.nî. Vour bottlrs'and Quebeo fuis Yc.eytigcrei siabens sal e t Pon alatyp e curda. wiil lie used for e wantbwhile -.-- - - Aoymous dition. Those et the meeting M.cdMs .Wn c IllerIe gne o e tcdelp P Mr-. and Mi-s. Fowlp.r and Sea Rtangeprsm cmmîte e- 1 family tir> Scqtiirday evening! md cl fliche embens t0 At- for a rnom roast. i -î tn the Octolien meeting, the eee at.çedîePr 1Ho d Bake Scaie" n y of ied eonhand H-ope Fai- even thougl It we.s )W R IC Nex-astle otv oasis îxro hnd .qîpmcent ready couldf a dmp, muky dey. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ À_ u h Packs, txo Scot T oc nîg it ito that meeting, on M.,d M s.,. D K k r 4 !One grPou cf Ro vers, ~ tu, loc1at It cpneparod to state j Whitb', wore et hcsns AL B AND À ro ie Pcks tw Gudf Wbat eq uîpmect th ey did have.'on Saturday. Sc Rangera, plus a Cli Peckmcde in October. Tnew and Mr.s. Waliens wene' t' T lrs F .- a. from Brown's witliwliom the The Artificiel Tc 1)a n e in Kit.chener on iiday. fs hur. ri.- oto :NwcatleIs A ndB PckCommittee have c'le iifi Mr M. accid s. D. Wh iine 41have berd spenial as Hockey lMctleicn< caten 1 Jand girls, Oshawa, were et' Tefirst Sec Rangr mc-ngh fter ac.Sme ýSunnYside over the weekenld.. i ng ""'s lbld on Tîîesday woeliecntily ic favon cf fua Mss Suane Thosoî 'Ievenicg, et 4h tti bîoohraoiddfi s Bowmanville, wes home for metnegi agr rei 4h tti hl tesrmne h s the weke.î meetin, cigit Raners wre sociatloc fIat their association weed 4 presci. TIox' are tiner fthe wcs also formcd to make1 Dot forgct that tIce ladies G 1A R D 9 c eedersliip cf "Skipper" Mrs.,mocov ln the effort of eqIuip- 'are selling ]unches et flic A N U Yit 129,411j ane Sfuart. w o ; s tho w\ i i n" gihreamis. Sweaters for iploughing match on nGM 2,nd iug.Ist1.9Special cf Don Stiient, aj\c&!tab0otcoiams Wre vcry mucli lu at Mn. M. Whitr'ýa farm. wihthe Bownaux.liîîe Detacti- domms, nd ud theser.same sweat Ms Gloria Quatiftnîli, Ptr- s ment of th 0 p.p A -boncugli,%vas et home orIl betprlitekrsnowcbc tod eor o e eam---$1, 9 value 7 cobnt10 Ile village, long While il ivas agreed bthr 0' n lea ---------- $109 alu 79 us "l!e r Caroh3-c Gar- bofh these asciton !r Sunday -sr1ooJ and churdli ___ rod, iwho, ,wth ber lusband! wcrking for flie sat-e fhing, the 1 was held bei-e as- usual Rev, ouncessugg. lst 1.0 Gord. are managers cf the chiîdren, it vas ags-eed that1 Ramjît spoke at; Bet-hesda an- 7 unes ~1.7 c Garrod Variety and Grill. ccc should hein the othes- If 1flivesarv on unay During themn fis-stmeeting. asked, but if wra-- t t.he sarnie 1 M t f thrmesaring r final plans wevtre rmade regard- time feht fliat bath ould make' h is ftrsigo Gargie, 8-cz., sugg. list 70C C ng their bake sale. xhich tlie mny on it. With dncre tick-' finilsec. Due te, the ,an 59Rangers plan te old monthly ets already printed and abtjamphn tu iadt g~fi 9 C The bake sale was lield on ing the pruce, witli lunch in-' cps hervpsted. sugg. liât 1.09 NSaturdav afterncon, ccnd prov- cludeni b Hce ehr W ed t lie qite c stcos. cannot. charge, sanie therefere Irg On liand tro sel homel-mqdop feit the otelies should ceter sugg. iât 90'jc goodles, xvere the Skipper, thîs once while others stili foîtK D O ~7C ~ii acd fixe rcf the Rangers, Betb <bey szhould ask for e donationrTplnetne o e ' o el. Eha on M Cre , from flic A lJA. W ib o few Christ an Educafiorn building uugg lîst i 25 j Jean Clarke, dcx ce Campbell, members out, it, was decdetatK ro UntdCuoha. YYg it .59 C ~and Dorelia Lancaster. leavée thijariver tote meOctohIbecoev.yeidna h -At fhe fan eîîd cof thlie .rnot eet ig. hope for e geed urascth --- ,-sugg. liât 1.86 1.49 " a gaily niecrated tee table otut. and have the nitellos voe t Se'Fli pol casse 4 set tinwith mcd -trpamer-poza.Clse ÀMaenoss' île v.hiîe abec o l Ou.armein invev osbl e1oChint for children, and! The Canadian Statearnan, gowmanvllle, Sept. 22, 1965 bazaar items will be on sale. iNew asti LibaryThe Doubles Club is run- nng pony rides and liay rides. The Hi-C Young People will SO0 LI1N A Phoo 87413 R eceives N ew B ooks ado a booth selling home-- ~reei~ wil Mr. and irs. Jack Ovenden, Phon 9874213New books received nt New- 'da, Vialley of the Six Nation Ppeorn, and tliey are plan- castle Memorial Library In- jIndians, Native Trees of Cana- ning a highly original gamel Bruce Motoery, Monday, Westlake and Brenda. Osh. 'da, Puppetry and Puppet that should le popular. The Sept. 27, 1965. awa. vited Mr. and Mn. clude the following: Pl.,Ble eeadNwSot'\ohrqAxlaý n Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Pascoe,' Frarnk Westkake and farnily. Set of20 voumes o the The Sorce b Mitchner, hý theGroupCoa. Mr.e wln be Oshs..HMr.andnMr. Hokind Mr. an Rus. usse Vicice ^,Unit 3 of UCW W Set ook vcy~f e~c ichenn, heCormitee l ie Smih, amptnMr nd Ms 1Mq Ev ibo ndMs 1965 Lve - oodwar drins ared ellingLois Heddon, Columbus. were ithe Harold Jebsons of Bea- HoldsM eetig 1 rafts. A clown will enter- recent calleirs o-0Mr-. and Ms-s., vert on. ti.F'ranik Gilbert.i Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink lha a n Lodge Newcastle --Unitt 3 cf theA ec t M a a er Speaks taIn tb,,evrning, Murray and and fml. PtroogjM.edMs rc riitn ofte ar e sio ntheetngoard EîdMentovofth BocSundav visitors of Mr. I Columnbus. Room sf te Sn na c LI t Li onls C lu b D iinner ilinSquares will be in chargeand Mrs. Wes His and' ACI Glen Fraser was home .àetIflag on Monday evening, Septem- Newcastle>- The local Lons to thpm. fasquare 'danc~e on the tar- farnil. ' îîý ~ni~ fr the weekend romta m be 3th, with 13 members in" mc hypa oatrae udyvstr tM.edBrln r.Rt rsr Dikioo.attendance.Clbhd theiir recent me- Much cnieainisbigmdenadodtm dances,1 Mrs. Wes Yellowlees' werellBobbv 'and Leslie visited Mr. DicpkladesMon.arln ng et the Elmhurst Hotel. given by the Lions in their!and there will bc dances frZ M. Charlje Allin, Bewran-and Mr.SaeyLgPr This meleprore Fome kirdoAlrn, openedatheymeetingPSkt Thismayprov sone knd:lli, opnedthe eetng peaer for that eening was big projet, the undertakingýbotîh intermediates and for'ville, Miss Nan AUâin, Toronto 4Creiit. of a record for any Lodge toîuîth the poem "Corne 0A ihrnbetmnge ~c heCnena Ro.To egai ers Res0:0hm en s wllan MssLosEliot owî Mn.aniMre. Aernethy and hast f se many of thein Lord", and welcomed all those Oshawa Wiolesale, Oshawa.,froups sre involved in thi,' oealbee 03.Tbe manvie uh Maille. wr eei mercers ho hve ad ar preent.He was introduced by Lioflione to plan, and the other to will he set up in tlie lowerl Mr. and Mrs. David Wet-!vistns of Mn. and Ms-rs. Don taking such active duty in The business portion of the Irwvin Colwili. rork.Te eprei inranv ,!1hallfiso f the gawoldrea-i mr n d lin w1eStu Taylor and faniilv. wôrk Th preidet, uni-'y her inih of T gaa edy supper guests of Mr. and JMr-. and Mrs. William Steer, thcin home town. meeting followed. Roll wasl The 1&%t meeting, the Rn- Pat.erson, asked for snrmething, siOn with Rarnme ofcf rids. JMss Fran Johnston and Da-' Mr.q. William Culling, Osli- Folowngth metig,..called, collection taken and nual summer barbecue for cloncrete about both these: The plans have aIl beetcvid. awa, (Mr. and Ms-s. Middleton R.olle owin the meing, C the minutes cf fthe lest meet- the Lions and their ladies, plans.ma.Nwclth Kdn M.KnKoxalevgndfalyTrnoM.ad R. Cavetihtoekthe mmhor wen e n and approved. was held at the home of Lion 'Me 4"Buddv" svsIom marir.oods i qine w at edr n he r.isweK ten nd s fAg!nl rs -ami Potot, r . ndn ban to their i fneweatycuadnhegenqwek o ttndAg'5ilI.r.z.Haold PteHmtn hcn lie the ilms ietec neral suggcstions for rais-land Lionette Rod and Helen gone Ino efec't, in the bope1support cf ber fniends. tunal Schocil et KemptviUle. werfe visitors cf Mr. and Mrs. %htihe sear l ms hese' î,ng fucds wene discussed, and',Carveth. Memibers were stilI that with one niombor callingi eîto enL rm fi .o uk e.A otr Teereports were given hy thertalking cf the good time the7 o heer, csteL s2 Ist Os'hawa Trnp spent laet iMr-. and Mrs. Noble ýMetcalf Mr. La rny Brooime -,as home wn-re taken in and aroîîdtetesnrsca evee n njydadc nder onend lher100Nerwceaste in ,- wkcnd on Welîeslev Isiad e re pper guesîts cf Mn. ehýraqrr oilcnee nýnoe ndo h ilhv 0 e etatn nd !for the wcekend fs-cm Guelph. village arca. sliwing greatsunshine convener. Seven wene .iuicy steaks that wene eve nce. ýtWse er n a- rs a aceadcid differences bctwecn then and 'epontcd liavirg been in hns- St ate Park in the TýhotisndîM i- 1elyWryad~-rMr.RePsc n ud ti0.pitel, and fourteen homnes cau 'Island section of the St. Law- ily.! ren attended a fama.ly pienie edon. HAcUIAr# 4 rnce River. Scout% wlo tffkj Revent visiýtons f Mr. and et Cobourg nnd calledi on Mir.- The mectang wes tho turc- part in liis Eail outing were Ms-s. Harold Pascoe wei-e Mr.ICfld Mrs. Bill Moore cf Co- Woed ussnf Mrs. ed over toe I onorin Bob Smithî. AIl-an and Frankland M'rs. Chiarles SmihOh bu.Ms.Be Paeo e- Mn. otrd Ga, A _ allie, Bill Elliott. Frank!na, acd Mrs. lorence!tencd a birthclay party ini ReaEbe n sM . harg ettyMcMilaG entrd Gr.VVy,1IJg #v , Scott. BrueVaillancouni. Jer- rPeerce, Willowdale. lionor of Mrs, Glen Glaspell LnLnoOnt.. and Mrs. Clara Shmd. Mr. na C ottage a rty rv Bing, Kenîieflh wal Bruce, Miss Helen Baker, Mnrs.. t the homeo!M.A.B- T. G. Manes. Leaside. opened flie devotioal hby "'n' d- 1p '-'4nninzý-ql'irr ~ .~ Andv Tavlor, BradRxdck coto r idMn .Grant' MrLawrence Squair wagq DonacI and Dennis Werry. Baker, Georgetown, Mr. Mau- Sunday supper guest of Mr. At 1-he Siinday ninrning ser- rice Baker, Uxbridge, Mr. and and Mrs. Roy ImangmaiÏ. virc, ai Kedron *United Chutrch ,Mr.s. Barry Cowling, Mr. arid Sincere congratulations and thrco babygil rcivd h -Ms James Smales and fani- best wishes te r ndMs sacramnt c f tbaýptiFni, admin-Eily were Sundiay visitors o;f Bairy Browes on their mar- istercd hv tlie minisier, T{ev. Mr. and MArs. Tom Baker. inrage Sp-t. 18, 1965. Mrs. Winni.frrd Bridges. The bah-' Mr. and Mrs. George Ham-' Browei \vas formerly Evelyn irs wevrP Laîîra Jane. daighi-!lin were reeent callers of Mr.IHockataN. ler of Mr. andi Mrs. Roy RohJ!and Mirs. G-eorge Knox andl We ar e sorry to learn Uiat inson: Jauni Ann, daughter c>f'family. ;Mrs. Charles 1,anugnaid lias Mr. and Mvfis. Ronald Werry:ý Mr. and Mis. Everett Spires returnfed to, flowinanvjiUe Hos- Sandra Lviin. daigier cf Mn. vîsited Mr. and Mrs. Roy 'PitAl. We AUl wi,.h you a and Mrs. Brrt Smith. 1 Beamii, Oshawa. ý,ppedy rercrýv, Aima. * EXPERTS! AiE ~OME I-MS 'AIEWEEMEA RUP ROAST-M~$R ED~ SONELESS BOOCWO Round Steak R.ast- BONEtESS Point Sirloin Roast BCOflE-SS, FUU. SUCE«oeMW4C1 ROUND STEAK PRK CORNSH EN PORK SAUSAGE AU. MEAT 65~ Mm *JPit-qfiIT B"^Ne A&PCONtm ~~erb. r'sie ý (A l Y rs b 9 t raiq d P C LA U A 4P F aa y Q« % $ 3 o A V £E " a BABY FOUDS 4-- :ws TOMATO JUICE 3418m-z 4m 8 9c CASE F 12 TINS $3.56 - EkA'PE 40ô pp'ci.11 Blnd Reg Prtc Pk 78e- AVE 4c S nBP!»CIAU A&P TEA 1-1 pig 69c DESSERT PEARS à420ooztns 89c FNST FROAé THE TROPKEs ON4TARIO GROWN. PANCY OtADI APPLES MCmîToS Oo bue3 5c O nt-PW cipow- 0 4y L« 1 am . w , e uw Pd r . . , v' , N . f a ri:mule& Ne, 1 Grado P'um.me" SPINACH »- eIo bec I9c CABAGE ahe m w * PArri s.O Pl, mhS A IAISIN PIE 39 ______ me Parker La" Rege e. e"e $ AV£ e ~ NGEL CAKE «39c ba moum s mi ChOKO OIMMY, Cr«m S4y4e Ree Ptim %R 21C - SAVE ISC WEYRE MEAT 1565e 2ss29c

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