Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Sep 1965, p. 9

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ÇSPORTOpIcs CANADIAN SOCCER FINAL Terrence V. Kelly, president of the Ontario Soccer Aasocîatibn phoned to remind us of the Canadian Amateur j oecerChamnpionship te be played Saturday night. We ' iniagiithat a lot of our Darlington players and fans would «V really get a kick (if you'll pardon the expression) out of Vancouver Fire-Fighters, who arrive in the Motor CitYl P riday, will meet Oshawa Italia, 8 p.m., at the Kinsmen iR ta in Have u y S t r a W ashing Cars r Stadiumn in the sudden-death tilt and it only costs a buckY ta get in. Terry was telling us that the Vancouver club has many y cf Canada's top native born players on its roster, including their outstanding goal-keeper, Ken Pears. Incidentally Kelly, will be guest speaker at this year's Darlington Soccer League' banquet. t tj t. * i t SEVERAL YEARS TOO LATE Say - remember when Jack Kent Cooke was spending' ail kinds of money to bring a championship club to Toronto? Why sure you do - just the other day Jack Kent tossed off 53/ million for a basketball team~.... The Leafs neyer did win a titie under Cooke, but they.......................... played some great basebail - and fan support was good too. Aithougli ail the big shots agreed Toronto was a major: league city, they neyer got a franchise. Now Toronto, with a teamn that in our opinion wasn't as good as mnany of their fore-runners has won the Inter-r niational League titie - and there weren't many fans ati the Stadiumn either. Press, radio, and T.V. more or less said ho-hum to the whole deal. Just think back a few years and think what would have happened then. Major league fran- chise? -. only the money and enthusiasni of the backers' have kept triple A alive - and the hand-writing is on the~ WaIThe big timers arent hclping much cither, the crowning Bowmanville IRotary Club members, assisted by at times the weather was on the verge of raining.i example being the loss of Jack Lamabe to Houston Astros ýBoy Scouts from the town, were kept husy ai day This photo shows some of the workers en duty during the day before ho was scheduled to pitch what turned ou Saturday at Robson Motoî s where they held their the afternoon. te ho the final game. The news wasn't released until the annual car wash. There was a steady line up, although______ day of the game, by manager Williams. Houston was 241,____ games out of first place with no chance of catching the Panthers scoring with ten I II50 leaders - yet they needed Lamabe. And so another nail !goals and six assists, wh ile was driven nto the coffin of triple A basebalArch raham netteafotî Salm )nbeàllies goals and six assists. Dan ICowle collected four goals and three assists and Mark I D Johnston four goals and one ý o L a a ro s r e assist. Wayne Martin cern-, u Recre tion eviepleted the Panthers scoringi Touch Football News Cats vs Forty-Niners; 10:30: list with one goal and three, Os'hawa Green Gaels, led by: in srtep with two goals and, and added another 2,3 5seconds 'Ple eceaio Dpt.Miorar.,Ble BmbrsvsAlu~assiss capitain John Davis, rebound-ifive assists.1 later and from there on it was Touch Football League got ettes. 1 Bill Hoekstra, the Panthers.edfo audyslc-ute Ken Thornpson, held score-!all Gaels. goalie, \vas credited wîth thelcffort to wallop New West- less in the first four garnes,! Following the game, coacli under way last Saturdai, Lacrosse News shtut minster Salmonbellies 14-6 at: bit for a pair, while Ross' J'im Bishoip saîd "This is thel rnomnig at the High School In the second garne of the: Referee Bruce Colwell hadithe Civie Auditorium, Mon- Jones, Brian Thornpson, Neillfirst tinie we' ve played likeý grounds with two high-scor- Minor Mîdget Lacrosse Finals ,an easy night, with just twoý da ' night. The win gaves Armstrong, Gaylord Powless1we did last year out on theý ing games. pla Yed at Franklin Park last penalties to eall. ,Ges eedn ît u adPu lyo de h oast. Marshall turned in bis1 In the opener the Alouettes1 Thursday evening, the Yellow Balt1ls lacrosse champions, a 3-2 edge others.1 best game in two years blamiked the Tiger Cats 39 to Jackets defeated the Aprs Ballet Cass xvl b ir- n thbe best of seven series,I Seldom used Joe O'Malleyv against th em, out-playing 0, with Captain Larry Devitt:2 to i. Pi vctars the sixth game slatefo tced a bat-trick for Ný IWli by a country mil. leain bs ea t vctrv BaryVitu ad onMc-_ ganized for children 4 ya w oit NewWaili8:30 waih breeach-ons ick Mulenrrywerete and low Jc-and up. When sufficient g oneh (ed) t :3. Westminster, singles going tojHe stated "If we are up andý wit thce ouc-dons Ri*cÉ, llle wre he ellw Jc-istration has been recelvcd,I Davis scored the first three Wayne Bellwood, Wayne Goss ýrunnin.- - and hungry, there'si Woolner picked up two touch- ket scorers, wilh Ken Tabbime aeadpaewl e ol ftegm nte pt-adPu hy.no reason wby xve can't wrap: clowns and Murr-y O'Brien! and Larrv Devitt getting an arngd Fee is 75c per.ing seven minutes of the firsti Oshawa led 4-0, but Newlit up Wednesday night. I. was credited with two con- assist each. week. This clas; ill be un-IPerind te get Oshawa off toýWestminster clicked for aidon't want a seventh game."i verts, while Jerome Billett Fred Brown scored the one der the direction of Mrs. Shir-i a flving start. The sh arp- pair before the Gaels tallied Coach Keith Jackson thoughti converted bis own toucli- Spur goal with. Doug Sleep îyFwlr shooting->star in bis final jun- in the final minute of thZ the intense heat and humiditv' clown. ass isting. Baton and Tap icr scason ad-ded two more opening session. Salmonhellies might bave taken somnethingi 'Pli se ond a m e sa w he efer e B uce ol w ll c îl- T h ere are st il o enin gs ii1 alon g w ith a p air of a ssists 'ap ain d rew to w ith in tw o .>f otit o f i s p lay ers, b u t a d d Bombers defeat the Forty-, cd three penalties, ail te the the Baton & Tap classes forto lcad the way. Jim Higgs'the leaders at 1:10 of thei "We didn't play well - andý Niners 52 to 28, witb Greg' ,Spuirs, chîldren 5 vears and up that, pes haps the series' mostsecond, but Oshawsa got thatlvou ca n't stand a round Adamis scoring elght touch-i'This was another well play- may be interestcd iin partici-l steadx -pet former, vas rght one back witîhin ten seconds against a team like the Gaels."' downs and qo nverting two of:;dcd ean game between these pating in this class. For more h em.Du~iysadBryfw elbln teamns. The information oiease cal] thceA. Cochrane-.12 Virtue also nIna e o add : eowJctsndoemore Recreatian Office. 623-314. 0.flfflO offatt 117, lA onvert ecdo Adams' toucb- victoiy to cop the title. Spur: Hockey Regzistration I ~ . W ~ ~ N ~ E~ I D agno 0 cldowns. iCoacb lrx- Beauprie is confi- H-ockey Registratinn for, !V. Bartieti _-.-----104; Gary Bak-er sparkledi the; dent bis team will take the boys and girls will tels' plac Ir 1. I. Turnbull. 102'ý iosers %itb three touch-downs tIhird game, while Yellow Jac-î nfi eraio fiee',lIrG '~ u I i r AI. Wright --- 8 and co'nverts, while team- kets Orville Cotts does not the Lions Centre, 26 Beecli J. Gibner ~-96; maeBuebes it for a agi-ce. ýAve, on Monder. Tuesdev, There ,,vill be ne puhlic.cusq crowd control, 1raffic L cNabb---------------- 4i touch-down. In a Miner Pee Wee Lýa-jWednesdaV a n d Thursday'o'r~~îcmigMMsoi adîgadîwefreet 200 Garnes Bth ganies.- were refereed crosse Semi-Final game Play front 8:30 a.. te 9:00 7m- Park pror to the fîfth annuel "Ou'- Club members intend to C. Sarginson 249, M. Hodg- by Doug MeFeeters and Larry, cd at Franklin Park lst1Boy.s - Atams, under f0GaiPi aeo srtî~wîhnoro-sn23SAc e Simnpson. 1ur0a ienng Pnreranard eeWrsixnerc sportscar rc ndo eeyhn ihno pow o 4, S. Auh31, .S Nx Stud's Gme^,swa e tenCubs 23 tersIyer:PeWes 1 2ýSeturdav, September 25, Royecr te co-operete in everv way ýmen 217 and 209, B. Wilburl Sept. 25tb: 9:00 a.m.,Tg ura akrld teyas Bnes ne 1 cagîi rsde f the! possible xvtb the law enforce-;' 217 and 204, K. Raîston 215,J. Tige Muray awkr- l thyears; Mîdget, under 16 years: British Empire Motor Club,!ment bodies", McLaughlin IShearer 200. Juvenile, under 17 years: as1the race organizers, announc- 'said. "We have requested thei -___ of June lst of the cu rrentedtody police to enforce the liquorl year.g Girls - Bantam Il andi 'Many sports car racinge control act most rigidly". À under 14 years of age, Mîd-:thusiasts bave enjoyed over- B eceuse of the large attend- VW iILy a e gt14anof uner1s8 f ter- 'rig aces ingpat Grarnd, 'rixa expected at this year'sTa e get,14 ad uner 8 yers 0,nîht cmpin at Grand - nd Prix, the O.P.P. are S * ext year. Laughlin said. 'But a smaIî assigning more than 100 offi-G a me Leau - -ri crwIhv be cers ta speed up traffie in and: A * ~lrowdy aeceud hva nmout of the park and to handle [ILH ndbae leratM ausd urcrowds. There will be five Il Bail .erîes nocKev ners ~laws, particularly those deel-serteplc zosan a Mothe f ug ing with the consumptioni of police radio control centre Whitby huilt up a 6-C ug liquo in publc plce. hi hle the perimeter ronds wiîîî and withstood a belated Cen-i Plan M eetingr we are net going te tel- be constantly patroiled byladian Tire rly t S O owdysm, oolian- occle fîes.IrdaBwav ll 6- tin Durbam diilnein m erons crMy La ise ttbinp aog cto SOUND DRY UTILITY UTILITY CONSTRUCTION 2 x 4"s........... 82.50 95.50 2 x 6"s ........84.00 99.00 2 x 8"s .............107.50 2 x 10's........................ 109.50 Utllity grade flot qtocked at ail 80 stores. White Pine BARN BOARDS 10450 The Canadian StateaTna, Bowmanvflle, Sept. 22, 1965 m DUS or T & G Ultllity Constructioi Ni RA PI Select T & G i Asovers 4' m 8 2 . e. .6 %I .6 BUILDING 7/161x 4' x8' 1.76 ROCK LATIf 38.78 Per 1000 PLEASE NOTE: Ail the PrIces Iln thi. cOluma aPPlY on normal m:xed truckloads ci 4000' or more for the complots jobs, excapt Prices on piywood which are axiea available an minimum S-shoet IOtN. Smailer lots af PlYwood w'îen not lncluded in truckiats add 20c per sheet ta caver handlinq coats. ALL ORDEnS ARE SUBIECT TO ACCEPTANCE AND MARKET CHANGES. TW MULTI-PURPOSE iterior or Exterlor Use s C49 ,J" x 4' x B' 2 Shoot 2 hesor more sonalier lots --- 2.69 ANDOM V-GROOVED Iywood Panelling NATURAL wodTunmn.M. Hodgson up te the fitfth and fa - àfv ooTnament. SeasosonM. Sodman 3o an h Motin b DonSimson te ernIhedecision. Starteri byJa ipoS. Auch ______ iShirley Brock gave up thrce ROBSON MOTORS LTD. WILL sec aonde by oan impes oA-J biae 1 ts, while reliefer Betty Ther- ý 'join the Hockey Mothers As- . Allan Ô!_el,__________ i -th 1- Pressure dlean the undercarriage of your scitnpa amebrhp* *HghTpl tideritdfusfoe. car ini preparation for feof 50c for the year. D~. B. Wilbur- -- 601; Motion by Marion Hennings, "Erilii Hich Single soconded by Mary Cawker, C. Sarginson 2. G a ht Geba Ut that a $10.00 donation bc sent Averages - 249 Nathan Cohen ~~~~~ ~~~totho Lions Centre. G l .Wlu .... A motion by Marion }ien- G l Countryv i . ~ ___ WiTo B oadcas 3. and COmlctely wet ivash your car after ning, seconded by Diane Vivian Cu J. Shearer 193! lp]ic;ý1on. the executve for thoe opaClub M. Sedmaon ___ 19 theas approved toattho s on 250 dpsi n M. Hdgsn --.W iewson3 CKFM season romain the samne. ta5500dpito C. Sarginson ____ 1791 This Special 0f fer good until October 23 The officers for the cemiîig vour 1966 club J. Mairs .. ____- W Monday, September 20th, season arc as foliows: Presi.: membershlp. K. Raîston _____ 179 one of North America's mostiR ehae pkudeiey te dent Rota Junkin, Vice-Presi- G Scott 177 influential critics, Nathan 4 W haefree pcu and eirynte dent Anna Wilcox, Treasurer! D. Mutton -_____ 1741Cheiegan ta broadcaston 4 immdite re o ai rpai wrkMarg Tabb and Sec'y Betty, 1966 RATES: L. Mutton. ____ 159 ICKFM 99.9, the FM Sterea ' imeit rao alrpi 'r Forsey. Marion Henning wîll Sr. Men 8 75.00 ,L. Woodcock-___ 159 Pervice of CFRB. NATHAN and maintenance. bcocin ason --fo he S.Laie 40.00 J. Woodlock 158 COHEN'S TORONTO will beý 'oigsao.K. Campbell 153 'heardI Monday through Fni- Letters of thanks %vere sent Juniors -... S 25.00 !B. Milîs--- 152 day from 8:00 te 8:05 p.m. - oufte the Lions Centre, Me. , Married Couple $ 105.00 B. Beers 147 Re fIeet i ng the strongi moriai Park, Arena, 'the States- Famlly ------ 125.00 E. Coombes _____ 144 opinions and convictions of the1 b man and Rocreation Director A. Perfect______ 144 icon trovorsi ai TORONTO Bud Fanning and Staff.r W. McNeil ____143, DAILY STAR coiumnist, NA.! Motion by Anna Wilcox, 18 unies - Snack Bar C. Adams____- 143 THAN COHEN'S TORONTO1 soconded by Bonnie Cowle the Swimmlng Pool F. Ailan 140 .wiil provide him with an op- meeting was adjourned. Restaurant D. Sallows 139 portunity to voico ls think- ;The first meeting of the' L. Burgess- 138 ing on any sacred cow that '65-'66 season will ho held onî 9 mies east of Oshawa D. Dewell ____ 136 crosses his path. 166 KING ";T. PHONE 623-3396 Sept. 28, 1965. at 2 p.m. at, on north side of F. Land 1 135 The sky's the limit n thae aLioodCetrnW out e to Taunton Road. J. Harness 1135' NATHAN COHEN'S TORON- hae aLio Cenott e hes V. Agnew 18 h tatdMonday on!Te meein. 1_ýA. Lorusso_____ 125 CKFILi I - M - >REFINISHED Random V-Grooved ROLL ROOFING l'x7' 3.27 745 lb. Smooth ....... 2.29 l'x 8' 3.67 3.27 90 lb. Rock ......... 3.42 SANDED PLYWOOD Douglas Fir. . ---Good 1 Side "'x 4" x 8"'.. 3.69 x 4' x 8"'.. 5.12 x 4' x 8' .... 6.44 x 4' x 8" .... 7.49 x 4' x 8' .. 8.74 AiU the abova prices or* on mixed lot7 0' 50 shoota or more. Sheathing s... aboya) MOT ha included ta make volume. Smaller lots add 20c par &Ihoat. POLYETHELENE 500sq ht rll2.66 24 Panels or More 15 lb. Asphait Feit .. 2.80 changes. Prices only sllghtly NEED CASH? You des! directly and confldentlally with the Beaver Lumber manager. Ask about Beaver Lamber's Budget Plans that let you enJoy Cash and Carry savints on quantfty purchase.. Phone 623-3288 ~rm au low au $10 a month. or your Whitby Beaver SUWis ànce Ut DecN The Price Is Rigi Compare . . . TI SAVE TIME & G, Buy At Vour Near BEAVER LUMBI It mokaés god songe Whou are qoinq to pay cash and Your own buildinq materl quantity, that you shopa nourby heaver store and mal utbrsavIng on. your lima gos There are 80 neighbour, ha.ver Lumber stores ir. On and w. have already trucked moerjala close ta Tourb You cgo -r- assured af frie.ndly service an.d persan attention ta your needa, S20 Cartons or M~ I NSULATIC 90 SQ. FT. CARTONS 60 SQ. Fl'. CARTONS 2"f 3"fi IEXTRA STRENGTI SIX RIBBED GALVANIZEI ROOFING Top quality 30 U.S. GAUGI IRIDITE COATED GALVANIZED STEEL. LENGTHS UP TO 12' (13' te 32' lengths - 10.1 a sq. inl. 3c~ POPLAR PLYWOOD UNDERLAY WATERPROOF 1/4 i 'x4 $1. Less Than 50 Sheets 1.Z MASONITE Presdtex HARDBOARD %" x 4' x 8' HE 10 pcs or more 0 to 69 sq. . . . 9.79 a si DOUBLE COATED SATINCOTE WHITE CEILING TILE T & G Edgc 64 sq. ft. TOP NAME BRAND FLOOR 111E VINYL ASBESTOS Jamalca White 9/& Sahara San9 Carton Lots 911 x 9"1 TUe CASH! and CARRY PURCHASES Ail cash and carry purchas- es are on an in-stock basil. Ail Items subjeci to 1prior" sale avallablllty and market DependabIe Value zzd Service BEA VER, LUMBER 80 Stores Acrosu Onturio 96 King st. E. Bowmmnvîlle I mu 1 --Mýe &VA, la Per 1000 Bd. FI SYLVVAPLY Grade - Stamped - Big Mill Quallty PYODWaterproof Plywood STANDARD SHEATHING Spruce Fir 5116" x 4' x 8" sheet....2.62 2.82 3/ 8" x 4' x 8" sheet .......3.02 3.29 I/ 2"i x 4" x 8" sheet .......4.31 4.56 5/ 8"1 x 4' x 8' sIieet .......5.28 5.57 a ~PLY SYLVAPLY Select UNDERLAY FIR SHEATHING 5/161. x 4' x 8'. 3.46 1/ 2" x 4' x 8' 5.20 In Smaller Lots--3 TEN-TESI INSULATING BOA RD 7/16" x 4' x 8'18 716" x 4' x 8' 2.4m Primr 50 SHEETS OR MORE 1 1 rer iht 'hon 'AS rby ER la la at Cr ,and arood >the nore ON .7 led 57 ýH D ,15 re iq. ;q. .6.65 4'x7'Panel au 4'x8'2.75 25 Panels or More

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