TeCainadtan Stateman. Egowmranvflle, Aug. Il. 1983 DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED Tuesday, 4:30 p. Me. -- A Births In Memoriam j Articles forSale 1 Articles for Sale j For Fient1 Found JReal Estate for Sale IReal Estate forSlelEtt o CIFTION - To Lloyd and BEL-lIn loving memory oft11,000 BALES hay. H. Christ],i SECOND cutting hay for saler APARTMENT. Phone 623-3573.1 ONE cattie beast. Owner may SXro nu-rc osWL elharo Xvlnl ersnadbrother, Art. 'Phone 725-4055. 33-2* IPhone 623-2078. 3- 3Ihv aeb aigepne large lot, village of Columbus, bouse, new oil furnaer od uoa Ev n Clifton a daughter, ada3o3a-1 s EC N utn o ie al A E a fr sl. Cîlbdoandidentifyingbeast. 263-2260.2car garage, ail heat, 3-piece place for any kind ofbsiea Janet Isabelle Marie, born Bell, who passed away Agsn a1BÈDha-o -ae -a FURNISHED prv- Sunday, August I5th, 196.5, at 2.lrd, 1964. led hay. -Phone 263-2675. _33-1Hamlpton 263-2737. 33-1 late home (gentleman). Phone;___ 3.*bah 1.0,hifcs;p 72 ie rmPr Pryo ELO Memorial Hospital, Bowmian- 'We cannot Lord thv purpose WîTri OFsale and deîivered, BALED hay elover and alfaîf 623-3527. 322 -- -~sessi.n Oct. I. Estate of H. L. Highway 7, good highainaPne2-50 ville. 33-1 See W4L0i la - - otPascce.PoeBwaielodv. ag:cos But ail fis well when done hy ý24 hour service. Cal 623-5756. mixed, R. 2, Bowmanville. ITHREE roomis and bath, self- Lost342. Pon2B-2nvllagnd villag. c1e965 colBomnvle O1ic e EDWARS-Me andJean thpe. -fiPoe725-4'902. 33-1 contained. heated. aduits: Oct. ÈENGLISH-Buill1dog.-brindie, fe- -62--342-.s32-2 anduc.16lieefocuedotwl ultndkp 29ARS-e n Ja f-tf- Phon5King East. -13-.1 * maie, losi at scenle of accident. -eerstore Jr.and gas purp.Oe~bdoo rc uglw Edwards are happy ta an. -Loingly remembered h*v 'SECOND cutting alfalfa. Tee- ALLÏS--Chal-mers,-powe-r-take- 205 Pete CowrnerJr thousand down. Balnei i aae ae rvwy ziounce the arriva] of .îacauel- Mother. 33-1 * 1phoin 986-4803 Blackstock. off drive, combine, $200. In 1SIX-roomed house in Orono .Tuly 23rd at Tricky's ornrsthly aWlns Unme Leah in Oshawa General -- 3.2'l working order. 986-4843 Blark-1 district. Write Advertiser 646, Highwav 3.. eward,. Phone REALTOR o. paens PheTVteradxrashwr, 1/oCaadi-_tat-mn, - collect, 112-225-8769. .12-2 and GENERAL INSURN[ 655-4773 Brooklin. 3-~Coet col.Akn rc H~ospital on August l6th, 1965- LEE-I-n ioving rpemembr-IncelWATER for sale and delivered. stock.- .3-1 lBox 10 nw Samane P3.1*.- -18.20 wit subsantia-dow A sister for Lindia. Carol, of my dear mother. Selena Lee. Cal Cliff Pethick 263-21311. WALNUT buffet, excellent B-x 19Tenders \Vante33d1 Member of Oshawa & DistrittakRcrdpyet Lonna, Jimmy, Julie and who passed to rest on August 32-tf condition; brass fire dogs, high o Re T enders Waned Real Etate Boar JakRc Christine. 33-1 20, 1963. - hair 205 King Street East, Fo RealeEstte Boar You badp no one a last SIDE of choire quality stee" cair 52 King St. W. 623-2453 REALTORin akngdsnefrn SMITH-Don and Mary <nee farewell be, 5 erl. al8 2 !12.3- FIVE room modern brick bun. Bowmanvllle 99 King St. E., Bowm il eteo on evda Roy) are happy ta announce Nor even said goodbye, Bethany. .3-1 APPLES, Transparent, Red galow, attached garage, broad- BSA OWMANVILLE iDonwlmoevu2-50thehdrmfanebg- the birth of their daughter Vou were zone before 1 SÙRGE milking machin né--,- Astrachan adMla Ms om Wall-10owaîî '4-piece $r0ght into îs bemov om u 623ST-25CES03 Lwtae adeayt and Melba.Wrry Pon Mre-s.thco pleelheat.sedr Askîngt pricedoombu- $12.500. 12 Angela Lee, born August l2th, realized Ipletp with two units: Mal KnebWry hn e-bt.rmltl unse '- ao'Hssaiu o,7'xwt emoih 15,6bs l o..aMe AnonyGdkwsh. chain saw hoe786-2470. castlè 987-4458. .-3-1 (alternative,,nil heated: situl- S 1I Hsspcou oh0txinh4bermhu fiorial Hospital. BowmanvlAnrd while rhe lies in peaceful 33-1* SWEaonlrehypre ted 11.5 Highway near Clarke Street Li 11, fmnae ndmod- central. Ail us. er îh 250don wnrwl ern b orfrslyprkdath, If you can't find a $12.000. acp 1.0 ah ieu 33-1j sleep KEYS cut automatically, while as yoLI want it, Gerald Brown. High School.1 Phone Omono BOYS' TRAINING SCHIOOL ple taren. ameandbu Engagement i keep. ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- Phone 987-4474. ,31-3____3- receivori by the undersigned Bidiglobunx1'$20 galow gwith attachdgrrombikenrsptlee Itliloved and sadly missed il._____ 3-tBBildiGno sotî9w xnted0t, $2,5ti0. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hocka-vill-. daufhter Alicr. 33-1 . furnture .LLenL .lf:00p.m,. (E.fl.T.) on lg. arefamily bugaow day of Solina wish tai announce -----PASSANT'S Gladiols and 01 placerI l erTISUIAr't24th,' 196% hoil nn loca-ton. Vbrc n 1.0 ersarned a dn or ihbl the engagement of their rut flowers, container airange-1Hampton: business 263-2294 ý- THREE -bedroom houle inlIfor th- underground Re-wmir- attract inechoiceloainVer THIRD ST. ',i don cn.Ti hm utb daughter Evelyn, ta Mr. Barry R IMVAR ments. Cal 623-3527, 122 Jresidence 263-2695. 6-Uf Bowmanville area by October in rStee igti Ss e plan with aIl inod- ibrik bungalow witb alt ent e prcae.Ak Browes, son of Mm. and Mr of.Street.,ight g S 7 m nappointments,. N. H. A.,!'wal broadîom inalbuinpre$1.0 tb300 _____snoM.adr.Dik t,2-f SI boats, Il-foot, styrofoam, lst. Write Advcrtiser 645. /oat the Boys' Training Scboo .moigge E. Browes of Bowmanville, MEMORIALS s' -ida for duck hunters; pniced Canadian Stafesman, P.O. B5ox1Bowm7tanville, Ontario. ,mrgae kitchen. Finisbed me.( mm ,The wedding ta take place on TV TOMJERS Ito sli, $25. H. W. Stapleton, 190, Bowma\Iiille. 3- Plans. Specifications a n '- Lookinp for a new home? 2 hatbi-ooms. etc. Akn ls oOhw.3bdon 1/StraSpebr1,16,Dîgnlfied and Distinctive $5_____onile hne76-24 ýiStur3y p.r nelddLntdMouet Ia akr 50u etniie hn 824.Aion -65,Tpndç- Documents may be ob- :W( bave six 'nem, bungalows ;I$18.900 - Termis. ~1-trvfai os.f 'àMnmet33Fa.are%1 A cto Sales taiined frm. or viewed ;It 'under construction by OshaLva ,SUHA RV.. aeet el eoae.a Çath3rch, Soin a 3-ite in designs for any need OSHAWA JSTblescobnNo uto sl faniu n RoiT04(oeî Dpr-WodPouis h lasbdonibikbuglwwtDbglt sigpiR 1,0 ____ 152 imeoe St.S., Oshaw TV SUPPLY LTD. S6, P.T.O., scour cleaner. Hiow- modemn furnitume, frigs, beds, 'ment of Public Works. East are very attractive and the! atlached garage and bez-wt 300dw.Gv sa Zjackie, R.R. 2,Nestieton. wish r Ofie Ev1ng 61 Gibbon St. fiai 728-8180 76-25.31 wile oid a thehaull. Pontc.,Toronto 2. Ontario. w..Fnsidrc to announe the enagementl ffice EvningsCentre6-2t2eet.-1'rilolaeartd al acelatl,'condition. CnAskintret ryoscpanir-1. aacretlotndition ef thei daughtm Laure -____ orNiglit -BDillLeask, Prop.î SRuiîîsdn,-1poo audy.Ags .A $1,000,00 Bld Bond. et'rc delng iinexcel- $15.5010 - Teris,orihottea.Gveua of announc the egagemen _______________resale__ at0tf' .m.10TePerforancehBnd.and entBredir.ndulentened. Be- MAPLE ROVE.r2enderrIl new Beatrice, ta William Rager1 Coming Events 'a 51ea urnee dst esl tIp..Tri cs. ...'ý Pa.vment Bond wili be p1c ad trns ______________ .oemy, son of Mr. an rudIîs __L____21-FOO00T a~Pue n aiu.Windows, doors, awn-iPayno, aiuctioneer. 33-1rqireda,, ,pecified, . centîv remnodelil, Cali foriroom bungalow on lag1 o.I3- ,ecil Ptoîemy. Port Pcmr,.! Monster Bingo, Thursdav season; 10 ft. Massey-Harris ings. Lorne Allun, 1 Prinice i 1'rnrs iandot eronisd-.Had tasooan bu 'The wedding ta take place at night at 8 o'clock, sponsored self-p ple obie e tBowmanville. 3-2WEEKrA' ered ulnless madeonfri 4Bdoa bckhmcls$800-2.0dwn the home of the bride's parentsyt.;uno Caber of Holiand baler with V4 Wis- 1--oticesfrm en Septeniber 4tb at 2:30 pm.iCommeFrce. Red Barn, North rofsin air-cooied motor: Inter- USED washer parts, 1/4 h.p. LIVESTOCK SALES,,v iiprnid by the Deprtient. 1to store and sciioni. This home*, WEST BEACH .3 edoo Oshawa.- - - -_______national Farmaîl M tractor motors. Comple.te line of aDclosedtySaeArna tpnitos$5.week. 33slimaclteinid n () Oshaa. 4.tfa Betty and rosey a- afurhn, nunt Saes AenaOrier. or Certified Cheq'eout. Awnings and aluminuni Askiing $5.500 - $1.000ion with front end loader, and Beaty Thoran rseaP Oroino - Ever.v Thurs., 7:30 P.m.; mad 'aabebth ra s,'iuetonsa clesad iate Mm. and -- BossFor an cvening of fun for crm ;cufflers ta fit tractor: pliances. P a d d i's Market, Sellinz Horses, Cattie, Swne f OnaeIn wth e requre taprsand ce o mîs a it. TEMPOPRY 0T IEM Fshadbrs Mibrt ron . W. Ibe te etr aiyb ue1 nentoa admdsl"Hmtn 6-21 2trCalves, Sheep, etc. . .A. Reid 'perset of tender documient, Prircd to sei. Acres of Christmias tresadPoeOoa31 2 fotcmn araeo hi'attedthe KMcme rnIvaPark. Bath 3-ur timber nearOT liOronor, 10 foot SoDr.alK.Mangers.n-ts office wiilono eldetcdaughtm. arra.Diane ra, 1Ajîgusmorilth._ 31-4 hhydraulir. Mm. Wind, trailer with grain box, 10"! hc ilh euddilRnhbnao uMri _ _ I b oau gs er ,nB adad ocDa ne n tsd aa reu gr e tu7 tn ed1- 4i flwR o a d . H asn e 9 9 7e r48 .b i ngur ef i rer e-ra m ild t h r ou. Hhst her yp rog :e r t y.is r el u s i v e . 3l s - 3 ton fMrs. A. F "onoster, a- -nyn wisbig -tobwl1.iCockshutt grîner and 7 i, Atft. nisale or iuslol gond condition withîn thirty place, ec. ooni, bar, etc.!Par- mile00th-Trms. -h 33'bel, Hrefrd alvs. ardn frniure pmperv o Mm Wi. dy~ ,~ahove closine date, ed right wîth excellent ternis. SmsFmusFoswl couver and Mr. A.Fose.ibLaes Major Bowling! T ~T~ Barrie, Phone 623-2197. 11-1-* fred Whitc, Millbrook, wýill be othcrwis-e forfeited. Want a cottage? We have 200( ACRE F'ARM w ecoe orhldv ni Oshawa. The wedding to takeiLeaguc., Phone Shirley Bicklc,i B UI1SLLATIONGIsold at bis residence Fridiay The lowest or anytne otwobnd ew ns.Nsraisntepmetyl.aeSpebr plae t PrkStretUnied623.5153 or Marion Slaght I NULAIO. blowing meth- evening 6 o'clock sharp, Aug.- necessarily accepte.d. dw'pyet Lctda i ofhr os n~9h 31 Church, Orona, on August 2th '623-3740 by August 25tb. 33-1j od, wîth rock wvool. Wot-k-.,,iI 20. Sale- incluides rini- .J . I.AR iw Lae. u" oant.d cool cepronfar gnd condto.CîuSehnFes ilb ls et 4:30 o'clock. .33-1 j- - -- S PE C IA..LS manship guamanteed. Freeture antiques. deeir head and .Dput for details.LAsking $32.500n- cdofor bolidays frainAucus& Meet "Red" Kelly and Jini 'estiniates. Harry L. Wade,imanv \ýother rtile. Trni yMinister. ff C:fodar 1 détaitlt Spt th 3- WRbrsa theon ak, Nera-Phone Nwovle786-2256. acton eDpartmcnt of Putblic:Wrsf!1,0 on Mr. and Mr-. Bernuard J4-- bes at th*nulLieaict etnil cash. R. J. Payne,. j tiorks, Store and fouir apartments. linger, Foxbomo, Ont.,. an- lpcsleSaura, Ag s- 2Ist- - 3 Tender Opening No. 16 I odlcto.Sow x!10AR ATR nounce the engagement of asl aI p. rynne weîcome2 BEA E Viking 10 inch electrîc' 3-2cellent eturn. Large lot. Calil -Gond fences and gondwt(wl ecoe m uut2 their daughter, Joyce Mar- i 3-)ITange with automatic ciock-1 n-- ----- !nadlo hsoe.Th.upy 1,0,Tr garet, tm Ronald William n - ri--4-~'c controlled oven; 1 Ashley auto-and iÀvingromn Fuinniture 1 X 4 Pu'ce is right.BD.LOSHntad- -- Welsh,, son of Mm. and Mrs. I N ew ra st Ic1 e orticultura 2 x 4 - 8' Spruce ai wood beater. Bath inCw Electrical Applianres, the 1BLDGafOTS.uH ~Leslie Weîsh, Bowmanville. and Vegetabie Show, Coni-1 Eeonorny Grade excellent condition. Téléphonîe property of Mr. A. E. Rbrs CUTOM combining. Phonveg:Ane t, Two 66' $100,lt1 ndoplsitietdh Th arigewl tk paemunity Hall, Tbiursday, August j78-47. 31* shIp,1ICon. :NoCrteh of ogn-,2 s1..Cde6324 17. Cou. r, ClarkeTown- 62 -place,317A.-2od0-.-.1,62-45 ave a number of te odege -1Fia vnns Saturday. September l1 at t l9tb, 5 p.m. until 9 pi..Salad Aiiy Quantity INE- -tatoes,$200 b sh Corner, elNrthou AYrrefr r-shoicil.P Kwl r - 63-88 ig.ltsi-vmns îesad otatEli Pat,63-98 2:30 pim. in Foxboma United 'supper,. 5 i.. until 7EWpttes 20 bse, pi.,seln totr- A ae o rSshochid!.Koa r 6,_j68bd.losi aroi Church.33-if Adults$100 ech, chldren each el * , 6-qt. basket: tomatoes, $2 'serve on Saîuridav, Augucst)21Cal] 623-7238. .13-2 33-1i prices. Calinow.Nn-rstswecm. 3- 150c each. 33-I1 bushel. pick your own; rab- lat. 1:00 pii. Ternis cash. L. ALENTOS u rsesF lW l l if HAWKE, Orouo1R1 nyn ihngt oli M.adMrs. Fredi'ick HIag. $1on brin contaier EditiHners.er. j LENTON ndess John P. AA LnBSSL Wib 68810'heMxc aorLageo I . age $1 ushl. ick ourHmis.cer:Jck Reid, aur- anid cats, also invisible mend- REALRRSEstleLLAK 63599 Moditiht,9 ..,cntc Koay wîsh ta announce I<0 b elda udy tah 31iîg. Sec Mms. F. Ricard, teP. Dobbin, 725-0l53; H. Dunn3 _3aghcm Tia areie ihSe ld onîid Aspenite bone mile east of Mill! phiolie 623-3931. l.-3BOwmanv'ille - 14 Frank St. 1orthroming maniage of theirlAgs1 29th, 19q65 ai 3:00 p.m. -w-te o aeLne tcinsale or iunîelold Poe6335 6356,o iet aI Willia GNestîcton, sUnif'e1 ChuSeet. 331-tf, fumniture, propci'ty of Elgin MOU.NTJOY Backhoc Service 3- Willandm rsGeote drs . snMo Speaker. Rev. Philip Romeril,I-9Shesi OFFICE Equpment T -pe-iBudd, Pontypool, wvlî b' sold --Trecnhes. drains, fouindations DAIRY FARM, as a going ým n m.GeadH .Blarkstock. Décoration 'will Cash and Cry 1witesader, as irs dp'-at bis residience, Saturdav and. ptictanks dug and concern, 236 acres with 5,9 head 'W. Frank Real E« ae& ie o ~ ïr Gootendorst of Waddinsveen, 1continue ail day. 33-2 iarry I 1-P P Hondtein-catie all Ie ~o1n.The wcddirig wiîîiOn 26 ac atons, cheque writers, files, August 21st, at 3:30 oý,1ok' backfiiled. Cali 986-47373-1ate. ul take place Scptcmbeu'I tili. 1 fumniture. We buy>, seli entjlnciudes ane nearnîucrm- A Bý of new machîncny. Good milk LIIE NOHR 1965, ai 1 vpi. al the Rehobotb EAST COAST LwRPI:SO service. Largest stock, budget1bination wood, coal and proa- A . BAAR S contract. A skin g $65,000.1177 Church St.. Rowmavle T h sat fCr Tsp Christian Reroi-ncd Church,'LOERPRCE O teris. New and used. Lowiparue gas stove, applualîcelf er nis5. 6339 esit1f h ono Bowmanville 1 ..13-1-__i_623-e3T OUR LARGER QITOURNTITIF.S overhead, low pnices. Bil somiR antiques and many nthier Plum-bing & Heating 100) Avres wilh STONEIMember Oshawa and Dsrc o ubnMngr ees ______________ 4 Personally Condueted !Hamilton, Raglan (North articles. Propemty sold, every- HOUSE, large trout streanimelEtt or d Death 1.5D'Oshawa). 28-tf thing goes. Ternis cash. à. .5 Nelson St. Bowmanville 1Bamn. Asking $8,300 withelEtaeBa Deth ! Dys4 x 8 - 1¼4"Firply OsPanej utiner 33 1:4T -$î00dw. 0 ceStc a, odrAlhesnlavn am AlLISN-At Me maial Has-, 2t 01~E $ 00____ Lclown-ERFET05 uildngs Stokearf: wsaaîs h bveett r Sept. 2t - Oct. 1ULflI Gond Ont Side GRASS S 'îNE EF Tbuildug Sntir efa n.ixeln eurd10sn ipriu pital, Bowmanville, on Sunday, IPLMIN r100)( Acres with 8 roomd August 15, 1965, Melville Ahli-'Frnfmainctati- het MIXTURES i- ---V-_ - ----H-AI---brick borne, modern cai- Isoil. Only $30.000) - Te1 s lr fschdist h n son Necaslein ida It ROWE Cash and Carry FOR BETTER LAWNS ýWAITRESSES wanted, must Phone 623-3540 yeniences. Large barn. Ask-i eablvdhsadof ed be 18. for permanenit staff.P..Bx59g ,emsr 300 Acre Corn Fanr enfr h stdyo etme yearOur, nPelovedrmuahusband 599Pontypool on paved od16 ferwihdt h Beckett, dear father of Eam,' TRAVEL AGENCY ' Only $4.09 each Ouiw rvnFruaApply The Voyageur, Waverlv' 78 Ontario__St.,__Bownianville, 100 Acre farn with 8 rani- 'odsrn.7rn as Lloyd, Gwen ('Mrs. R. Jenk- 1 BelleI ded pin. oor Pa l P r o e 8 5 2 2 O E R C s O V an B le G ardens R ai333 --.e Omne, al nimo e n con- estatesaasset wilI b distri ihs), Rosalind (Mrs. PalPr oe85227I LWRPIE N 'ighway No. 2 - Bowmanville IHAIR dresser, experienccd, Contract Carpentrveneîces. Gond barn. Asking,$25.000 - $5,000 down. Wright), Christena (Mrs. New- - -32-21 LARGER QUANTITIES i PoY6355i34iul u ri' anSvl EAR AIES$30.000. Ternis. dista aebe cc ton Seîby), Phillip and Mervîn. _PoWoodview Community Centres airSty- R, 200 Acre Stock Fanr er d SevMewa hMachheMorsinerywCmmniyCetr,- ng, Bowmanviile, telephone DONSPE CER DAIRY FARM, 150 acres, Millbmook. Modemr oen Ioe esi n Suerca he]d iwnvteMris I ntrB go weTFARM ahieyfor sale- 6323.3- O PN E Fueri hael Bwmnvll -onte Bi g. wnty B-s.. Used Combines: MasseyFer- -19 oomed home. Gond barn, large haro, spring, gondsi.IW .H ogn onWdnsaya 2oclc. -games-twenty dollars; fieBAVR6331 water -bowls. Large streain. $27.000. b ogn ors termet Bomanvile Crne-gamesthiry dolars;$150guson "300" (s.p.), Il ft. table- REGISTERED nurses, full or 15tf200Ace toc$3dGai,00i0tosTnwaninis.nt Ijac;t an LU1V1flLt ;Massey-Harris Super "26" (s. ;part tume, hourly rate, $3.00.- I- tery. 33-1 $250. Door twojacos. aet p.), 10 foot table; Cockshutt Transportation can be arang- "C T1kV1,5 Acre farm witb 8 rani- Fanm n e a r Campbecof.-33 l nzs. Nx BOWMAN TLE428" (s.p.), 12 foot table; led. Apply South Haven usf~ jiA. L 4\ ed home., ansra.Gn bikbuelrehr BLACK, Lillie-At Memorial IOshawa 6-tfMassey-Harris "60" (p.t.), mo- 1'ing Home, Newcastle, Phone'sin 100,me0f, wTbrani- ' Bbicuyose lr Hospital, Bowmanville, on Saf.- _- -- 96 King St. E. Poe6338 o rv,8fo al;Cc-9744.3-fPUIvPING Akn11,00 eî. $24.000 - Ternis. yfe t urday. August 141h, 1969, shuit "422" (p.t.o.), 7 ft. table: I .-W}VIITEWASHING STABLES 10d home good ih0roLne, 10)6 Arme Dairy Farm er'HITA re.J ofn Lillie Clark of Toronto. inihm Bermuda Cruise 3-'ail machines econditioned and SPECIAL vavancies fan retin- m SE1 TTeTl he ousearn . 3000 dnwn. Penny. 1,060 li.diy o hn 3 ,Omn.3- 7th year, %wife of the latei7 ilnga odr .J ci dmen. Work wheîî you like BR n1-.~u ienhus ny $3,00n0rac. Gnd bick Ford Black, belovedi motbei of H RV ST Sales and Service. R.R. I, Co- land niakiý gond mnneyv when Phone Newtonville 786-255.DR FAR'M, going con-husbns5x7,35x5 GAbonsssldclo. MsJ.Plld Rhon f' ep.V7th- 4t bourg, 372-2139. 3.3-1 lyou do. Gond commission. No Call Colleet 41.tfcerd with gond buildings. 50 Stable cleaner. Health ocsLad AmBwavle Mrs J.nar (an) oIILL -24t L '~t'rnnncy required. Write Raw-j - ea o attle, machinery. Any sale. $50.000 - Ternis. 6323.3- South Pasadena, Califomnia; Cravel oANCw ,o-kJ-L-.- 1 '...feJ.j II _______ der iserofM s.A.Banâ S e tCewEYArN S U M M E R lcgh, Dept. H-140-RE 4115 rru-inijs. BRINK ' ce.i40RiAcreiDuiSyIandsChiikenRLNVEBRIuKt400 ncdefeathe (Minnie) of Oshawa; Mrs. R. S AL E DCRYLE, 00A Rllr A NexeleC Black (Ethel), Mrs. F. Cow- Qiteen of Bermuda IEMontnea1. .31-1. Trenching Iwith gond buildings. Bulk erxcellent barns. TwosresayPon7r13clct laedwcale Reatd Ala tCnathe d[ o.9 lý sl-r-1EXELN PPRINTtank cooler. Highway Inca-1twn ponds. Vemy larg: n ___ 8t lard ~ ~ un (M mni)Rn la f(O ntact i ed COI N . co plt a no trvelfpowUS E DEX E L NT O R iJ ITYINSTALTI O NK lion. Asking $42.000. Ternis. corne. Located nomtb of Bo k Northcutt & SmihFiea O EIpledCMIE opeede with15bomsa ee ISTLLTIN -!lin.$160.000 - Ternis.FRTrî aîti ef Hoe uerlsric R V LAG N Y WthHdali el rainI REFRIaERATORS ld ge I 1 ousa lk40 Acies with brick baie, ,adyugcmsdei w Hokue raat2 ' l srv as R VE GE C Lifters. Stra, Spreader, ava3Jlble lime Io train in thein H am pton 263-2270 !modern' cnveniences. Barn. 1 Scnic 10 acre paicl 0 rtre wes hn ap 'Lrnoon. Interment Lakeview! Port H p 885-2527 Plattormn Botton' Shields, 1 A GOOD SELECTION AT for n em Chtoisms li eanf 24-tf Pnl Close to Oshawa. Ask- iîand witb fast tmout sra.Dvs 6-24 6t Cemetery, Newtonville. ..1- i H p 3- 1ukle VERY REASONABLE fo-vns hitasueoiîng $20,000. Tennis. 'Near Kendal. $5.500 - Trs __________ :22Sorle.inieuchandîse. High bnurly Y:J"Aceswi1 4,0M Cris- inMmoo-aTNwtMvile is Vanstone will be at home b t-NW -o AON U Mail Aiddre.çç: Bwavh Cal 623-3393 iLcneC6 their friends at 110 King Street' i v.ili in atbankk nirf Used Tires. Tan rceigs__3~*I he Manager rP.o. Box 54.1, Bowmanville NWNILE3beo,Afr9p.: West, Bowmanviîle, an the friends, neighbors and rla'a]most eigs 3-* -- - --i new un alow. e tryi, oAlrd Forder occasion of their 25th Wedding tives who werc so kind In Alec 1OnI3,t-$ 175.00 '55-F PLYMOUT -doo___ , stand--I-1 CENTRAL I ACERMANniccly undsap. Asi Ver65383.iear Anniersay on Satudavwith rards. gifts and flawcrs ard transmission, gond running C E M Ncl ladap .AskingHo rdF de e 6 nivrsryonSauravring bis ins.Alobt N E %i BALER AND odr Best offer. Telephone ONAJ oXAAIG noV $12,500. Ternis. Joe Barnoski *7620 GAATE1elvso n August 28th. 1965, 3 ta 5sin Jd 'hsiles As oteOTRI XAAIG n the afternoon and 9-10 in the l.C.W. Youi kindner-s and! COMBINE CLEARANtF after 6_p.ni.,_623-5615. 33 INC RNCI(. ERRCELK, om Jack Whlteman . 62331 ai evc salmks evening. .._sympathv wiil alwa.vs br e m- 151CHV. - TRUST & SAVINGSI~~~ RNHN ERRC AE ai _______________ I FF R 1 5f dükv -1-tn- stake truück, ', an * G ravel, Top Soil and Pd bungalow, alum imum sîd- Ken Rockin «1 3 5 5 ee iio e vc a h n ___ ___ ___ ___ - i m mbe ed go d m tor, go d rack, new C R O A I N 'F111 Delivered i g l o e n c n e in " a e LICENSED Walter. Eva Longypai 1 TRAIWNO tires: this ycar needs soieCOPRT N 24-Hour WATER SERVICE Askîng pnire anly $11.000. Hierb opr*62-33- Nursing Home I adfmuy 31No P::,nnts or Interest body womk. Newcastle 987-4744. 9Sm t . Reasoliable Rates [Low dnwn paynicnt. 3- ergrto Cagsutlnxqan33-1 1 iceS.N 623-5756 - BOWMANVILLE Ranchland, 60 acres on pav- -- n LINTONHURST Mýnar_ has W e %ush ta thank mur icla- iitlnx eao __ ed road, near Newtonville. i licemsed accommodation frtiv'cs. fricnds andt nighbors of lise. Oshaiwa, 3Ont.nI $.001dwn. - ~ts~:~Ierats.T or-> kind expressions of syni- 1 P33 2 I Ont.BRNES & BAM fe oms-C î Gliai-N~Apiac evc "ainsBeaoal ats ee received dnngteCO\AN ITWO maie kittens free -- LMIt& IAIGCmenilaiDmsi poeOoo71 29- pathy d[rig thegood home. Phone 623-5089. SPLEsonaERVDnAlrounUo- 62-36li: CetriertCash ToCodir phoneeen Orn 7.of orbrother _Persona! "THE___________________Home aemSenithaur n U Eqime33-1 *----- _ _ - -24-HOUR Dnadr Fory62-31 wrz O~E urn Hm Ae. pculthms aMr. j~L - -HGNIC Supples~ (RubberIOlBSrveGuy Leflanc 623lim 715 EE on ighway 2. Licensed. Ac- land Mrs. W alter Longy ar, C .TW O e m;ale B ageyear a o od s) mHîeGpotOaÙ B u rn er 1dm WleemaF orOr no 1649 iio g ay 235 7 com mnodation availfble. Kindlladies of Elizabethville huc Mr ninC98-80.B.c- lin ac n elp-î3 E T C TA K care. Nurse 24 hrsk. Visitns and Northrîîtt & Smith Fuin- hotte 623-5689 stock. __-pla i. i x sald nipe le c.TC ANKB Dner oreen - 9741 TATESMANNtta 2-37 WOIJ&I Newcastle 987-4252. ~1 p d Iunting stock, $25 each. Dep. NV-UbeT RMPO 6-28 Llis C bbie . 23-27159Il CPhone iv I 423Lader-UOdS 24-ti 1 33,8 i Ihone 623-7182. 33-3*1 ]Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 1-521 TYBONE 263.2650 iLowin. C. - Dt h7327PSner3a0 ~ ..à L-