Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Aug 1965, p. 12

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12 "m 1ema2nastateuman, Eowmanian-1e, Aug. le, 1985 -Fine Weather, GoocI Fun and Fried Chicken Featuredat Annual Warden's Pici Victfor B orge and Bob Hone, Il eff - -- - 9 IShare Grandstand Honorsý 1-, At 87th Cdn. National 'Ex,! I The R7th Canadian National fmom anv' wiudshield in evon Federal Participation Exhibition opening Friday,i the beaviest, stocm. The Fedet-al Depanfnent of Aug. 20th, will bave a e- lfdiSiis Labor bas taken a large area freshingly nlew look with Ont, ni f iN main feaicîres af, In the Careers' Building for! dancing, niew I g'h tfinr g the Canadian National Exhibi-' a display illustrating oppar.ý throughout the park, a stream- tion this year will ho an ex- tunities open ta yotîng Cana-ý jined, hilariousdy funny Even- -hibit callemi "The Canadian diansin various fields. lg Grandstand show and Indian- Today aund Yester- Other federal representa- bomething cosnpletely new in day.*" tivos will include those of the. every department andi evenyl This projoot. undoitakeit byiNational Film Board whbîeh l ing M -dway o mte ie- a special ecommite o ÏaI n _4.:this yan prsents a unique longmidwy t tub wa de'-iansr, will ho complotely cdif-Ipe'rsonial-experience method' %vor!d of science and industry.1fereut [rom any pî-evîois ex-' af drana-tiziig the effects of, There je going fa be mnoue hibit abot the Indian and a!autO'mation on n-an. P Jun this year -- andi more!farc ry from the shopwonni Tifled: "The New WoclId of tfasciniting things to see and!'Medlcine Sý,how". Leisure"thbe exhibit suri-ounds; qdo - than ever befome. One of bbe main feafuies'the visifokr ta the CNE Art There is a new format (or wl be a gaîlprv or 10 sti-Gallery Building with imagesl the huge Agnîcultural Bepant- i nikand sound af present day! mportraits of famoils Cana-hav atonlaon>he'cn j m~ent: a new system of judg- dian rindians of the past adl front im witho then o- ing, and greatly inceased present. Done in eharcoal andfrnshm wt te silentý îarticipation this year by the epi.tevaete ok .woudems of aufomated pmoduc-, federai govemniment, tube. pro- j oron t isi Irma Coucillko.1 wtotaywcesa 'Vn lgoverrnments, inter- Biographiies are by Ethel' ail. Watonal govrn m e 1t a nd Brant Monture, Taking part also ou the etates in the United States. fedenal levol will be the De- . Anothor graphic display in- partment af Agriculture and " Taking prîde in being part lcîdes the -Canadian Heriftage the Deparfmont of Nationalý rof the CNE for '65 witl be Collection",,-of Roipli ClarkiDefonce. The National Fm-, Poiand,. Nigeria. the fedemali Stonie, painted from reference -pîovmnent Service wiîîgin ~epb]i a Gemay, hework sLtpplEci by Dr. Edwardi apen an office an thbe grounds l &Swedish Yrade Commissi on,1 Robers. Curator nif Ethnology'Canad.a's own Natianal Capu- Japan, France, Hungar-y, Cze-!af bthe Royal Ontario Museum i tai Commission has a booth chosovaiaSeaninaia. The inîdiistrial scton t'in whicb wil ho displayed a, theFdrlGvmmîto u Depar-tmeiit of Indiian Af-ýthree-dimCu5ionaI seale modoh l dle.a is gcmnga., onti, n aa~oùiesthscnetk IOtwa as it will look when l#à-îe tnkig fs mprsetaio ing so siguificant that t heP vp lanos foi- the capital haveý gi-eafer than ever beforo. Fori' have given the Indian Hlal'r been corn-pleted. the first time thbe Nationial, Famo Commi' tocagat<f rnsau Researcnh Counicil will demon-$20. rn The wrnrds two nd gt frtrate the genius of Canadianj ihbtnsr i oeysaetee iliventorswîth a fantastie now! The Fe er rA 1I ibtinsa ncoeyhr ten- ItYPe Of Laser Beaum publiclyl Commissýion is designing anditet'taînment spatlighb on thel Lastu Wednesday afteî-noon and early evening, cknontraed for the .iiî! nstallingfthe $12000 exhibif lworîd's biggest stage as Vic- 'Danlington Ptovincial Park was the scorne of the an- dàeminstrte wor . efist g 'ltor Borge and Bob Hope split Ju die ii t e viwo r]d. Ths is- There will e six live de-ýtue billing in this ya's NEÉ u l W arden's Pinic when severai hundred were ïmor-angdice aksi mnstratins going n daily Grandstand Spectacular. lguests of Uiiitpd Counities Warden. Arthur' L. Ban- imprtace in taday's age throughout the Exhibition- Durîng the first week - Au-cadad Ms lnhr.Teepoo ota wit tue frst electric light,ltterý, making, rulstie fulni-Igusf 20 ta 27 - Victor Borgp'ssm i hea- vtyia etoncryi tb far the fi-isf radia transmission Or ture rmanufacture, silk screen- Cmd uMui"wl om e Upper ea few ifyf heladies nare wfcing the aexcit- the fit-st radar. icaa-,kn nosye ue ptinbwt uet In ddiio, i te Rttor making, basket weaving and p-it ond Habo a ing bail gamne between Northum-berland and Durham. Living Centre, the genius <of carving. This projecf bas a Borge's gus9 copns n t ih,_orc'Drigo ev .R ikl Cianaa n n v n or ililt ho ofty g oal in its a ttem p t fo acco m p lice in o m edy . i_ _ _ orryed in a passe] OI 0ther tell the rcxal truth about thbe For the second week - Au-, ~~ Indian for theope,_ thii ernatuo naI m as-j a yi l i d U~Kb Adds Weather Radar jpoints out somne of thbe park's features to ex-Waî-den Hartwell Lowery, Warden Blanchard and xWa-e Milton J. Eliiott. Bottom photo shows, Wai'dcn Hlarn- chard being tagged oui by Jlohn Bedard, a st aff mcmr- ber <if the Caunties 'jRil. The Urnpire. nirht onto p <il' the play, is Alex Carruthers, MV.P.P. Latr, ho-o vc- races and a wonderful supper, featurî-npg Kofuitck\, fried chicken. Durnc nnul Lndo m rfI - Experince Du rna nnul tndo. RI~k~~ a m.. hy Alpen Aked Brighton, Niagara Automotive the <hildreil whn vWavrd, shuif off thp iir--cnrirlfiinujijn MuE'îm~ hrug te outey Niagara Falls, Ont_ Crowd,,; warmn at la,,t modern con- Ye o mamde il agaliî 11, of the museum. rpin-phry Moig - - - - iok cou age ight Io run -i. - tose vcaes ul o adivro h urcongestion and construction, inin pne onn condtion of 9111940~ an ho nlyone .o hve div-A shunting train ai, the top of'IePr oelsopdwî "ratrace rods o 196 ~ n l the English London te Clifton Hilli seemed toi have a the question: nld\'o ]b rat-ae nua i.onor 19o,5Brnhe: rnio u a Ms nedelightful time creating a ra e'xht~gigo rîn 1-lorny Age 67. nne taffic iam -no ane else hId! eî'o?"asked y twn*vnu on Run" of IhoeOntro ogon Hrbv atrlth gndWpw Antiqup Automobile Club of .ws rl te'rade ee aiint5crws Mohr talho cildren ýWe missed the turn intothIhe teailS no as stiango asho l~Am rica, whic trtd i Park Motel, back up the hilI fSOn istc'odu Id ondy mî'nug,.Juv dresscd as Charlie Chaplin, .OlOAnne rode a no'w Honda again te he halted by the!Bihoghor' Tor" I 'oplîed, a- 1~..26 and tonded ai Rriighiotion tri.Dd lhogîChri Calrio IWdimsa e~ein,~ 28. motorc\cle - il was felt the;domineering tri.DidigHondï, motomrcvco rvclîr Expcrienccs. holh uupredict. age of the.,divr balanced the acuthiben aum via.3Cdîtrdisom ablo and uniue. poraosage nf the machine and an oid'adwunigo olo gear, a bit quoci" Ru'k Srnlh and ...w...afeac nd ewcrdar11 i somet pimemtocce an' aall. back down again. J-ow tri Bob Stitou of ('.RN (Rardîn ~~ ~~;'~~'>- ~ wn cr fi. anpd. inther Chale" proved a marvellous gtu h u ihu n Niagara) 16()o onu vour .dia. wasef 1 apne.Te, - - -?on b Cipaa Innan Iar.confrt rider' Youngest on tour was ga rudb hpaa asked il thr 'mîght inter\mx -~ '~ v - d is c o m f o rt, w i u d a u ci s u n, th e 1 4 -m o n th b a b y b o y o f M r . B c t t e C p i C f m c sared i w pineieandc srieand Mrs. Cari Tushn, iten- idater) ta be met at the dont- by Jiýe \ i oplMs ship byin a riveers candpasen rer, who wiith his sisters and the proprietor who said: "Are Ji~ ym~m-uiMs ensho hapMoe Tbny ates eethe dravgestndfam- -yau with that buInch' ourIliem L'kî, NOvat, ~~ ½ u v o f s i x . o fR i d i ugMo di n t hea nrt o l a t e l W e h a v e n t ' a n y r a am A n l r î v a i v r Y"s, McLaughlins, Dod g e s-ae by ee isd no tables!" To emphasize sonuaasuu-iu nî Packards, Essex. LaSalle, Cad- tih u is xvords he staod with arms of CJRN aînd a tape reco'nî'g j illacs '17 and '38. w-ho weî'e an extended biocking the door-maefaurenk. assartmieut of îarrow tires, Up earlv Moniday momning way. What a weleomne ta the Bai n in North Walus, Auunej xvid times bras a -crme washing and poiishing the cars. ýspaghetti supperthug the aud ier i' rs h-rrîm oe' trim, largo w'heels, smail Everything ready, "Charlie's" 'invitation of the Niagara uo frienid u orw'em<eof Am-ahiia, whos' nmbes-as umrp lHonda wouidn't star. A îy motive Mîsum, Later wrIwho also .a.s W'eIsh aimila seaf-, t opless taurmug and on- for Hclp" aliied i fve boys la weî'e bld 0ofne d-vosmoacyrlisi cnthUSiaýt ime- S, c oon emiami.nrad- shîl if look ar S.O.S. had he-ard him i ri. uraiSay ta aa waiterest Il -atoni hv i x Alog Hghw'. ~n ~ ~i~ oBoN Barrabail, Omono, fa -Get fnat bunch ouf of hoe ibrîîh La-'e-C ofArai i In bondon on Smînmay - so rosi quickiy start the rnnotorcycle.,want the fables." He didn 'hack a,; a pubic (mguro ;.3111 Ppifora Classîr! A s;top at A nervous starl. but off! semt an s eme he was ,;nr mog te aservice centre Ia ho refresh- ldN oie sotwt otain Pthor ltalion me yes fafin.Wa o ed -Londn S soo! A cl-Iraffic sfopped, Chamîje follow- auront tip Lundy's Lane -lk>Nta I uesm a corne at thl( Arvlia Grande emi by the 19 1]hrassy Ford setafter a wait of one hour and as the one ini the mavic: ho . and the Ampricani Motets (bathih paefrte2crsad1mnus- having had soupwas sa"t immhemghb aid ~ ~ ~ 'eq pped w i ii swim mi gtwa ancint ire engines and land tomate juice - cod ta hu b ,s ke s v atim La- 'pools) as hevadquarlers for the!the "Londo aBiha"tu (which should have been bat) les, an Oxfoî- grdma, tour. What la\ ahvad? Duon- 'was an-nlil wahrfrwas sevd1Ne epo- tmyclist af note whol was das St. E. lu London was! the whole trip. A strong wind i ested, they hadn't seen us! ' illed on a matorr-vcie epair- poughed uip: ever ' where c'on- arse and the mtorcycist We walked out, Bck ta Bill edi fronu parts of that of Ane - .~...struction on the roads - some- withautwnsjedsonwsSauder's Garage (a member atI Hamnhy's. Lawrenc'e of Arabma times it seemrd luke destruc - taking a buffeting especialîyaur club) for help - bath for' was truiy on the Londonimnt tin! vorwhrethefrntc whpn transports weremete iuc and lunch' Bill Brightonî Ruu. Wlilm regret: ~~ sfiggle Io case tî'affic con- their forward puIsi of air caus- telephoned and d *vous tathe intei'view ecndeni amnd a -. . - ~gestion iin town, cii sund ,d quife a disturbance. Awaylthe B e stwa r ds Restaurant reodo es mim.agf coujntryside. At an oven.ung, blew Charlie Chapiin'.s mous- lfamous for smnrgasbord. wherefm RN aspadmior meeting each driver was prnim- tache - the wig and hat were;we met Mrs. Bestward. What car. ed as ta route and canvas retrievpd. Around Delhi manyj service aand such a good din-, On t he Q.E. a iid 401 1 n cih plaques weme given for each ýfieids in tbacco were passed, inom! lb was 9:30 p.m. All the iwa ami1 the Autim'eMt Car, "A.A.C.A. Landau ta auly ýhaîf fields iu tobacioactivities WO were suppased ta eum, anathoî' intmotinve Mi plants. the other haîf in grain ýsee, the view fmom the Oneida ta that miiset4m solely devotred t er of mnaehinegun patter, or corn, ta comnpiy with tabac- Tower. Believe It or Not Rip- la1 the history of the auto. The takes over top billing. It is cae rap restrictions. MorelieiY Museum. the Wax Mu- growthî of the mmusoum coi-ý The latest addition to the~ News facilities at Radio Station CFRB 1010, Toi' ,,Hope*- secoînd appearance at construction and gravol. Aýseum, the Niagara Antique tinur-S, each vîsit dfferent ex- th NBarge's third. nasty skid on the gravel de- Auto Museîîm, wore nlot for us, amples and more famowm>z ans; onto isthelatst n Wathe Raar etetio Sytems Th sytems sann r acking up the two head- 'cided that the motarcycle atheugh some of aur entaur- have been added taeurnt Iocated atop the 23-storey building in which CFRB's new broadcast studios are Iliners will he a ight, bright,lshould be put an the fire age saw them. :able collection. loeated at 2 St. Clair Avenue West, cnvers a 68-mile radius from the corner of sprightly variety show featur-.engjne as we neared Niagara Witb clutch and lunch fixed Led b', the Oellawa police Yozfge Street and St. Clair Avenue in Toronto, enabling CFRB newsmen to alert ling cirrus arts. folk singerslFahIs so Charlie becamne Anne - a restfui nîght at the air- river 40 vintage vehicles woinid Cmnikda's largest radio audience of rain or clear weather conditions whenever rock'n'rol t and comedy galare.,Hornby in ber Welsh- bonnet ýconditioned Park Motel. With lheiî' way in the best parade s 'yi 'ne emphasis this year is on up on the seat of the fir truck Iteeth chattering we awoke ta 1yet through the streets of snd& wherever they occur, 24 houri a day. I Iight fun and Iaughter. ringing the bell, Saluting aliput on everything we had and Osbawa to the Shopping Centre' and back ta the Automotive 'tho curbs tomn up pravod baz- !'Museuim. After whicb a grand ardous ta Mrs. Ray Bell. Ca- banquet followed by a dance bau'-g, who when Rot ting oiît was held for at least a bundred jef bheim Model T sprained her at the Genosha Hotel throughani 0bdytneurdas thle eourtesy o heOhaapitai-a tian. Chamber aI Commerce, thei Off again, on again 10 Canadian Autamotive Museum ýBrighton - another parade. and hIe B.A. Oul Company. At This yeaî' Brighton was ready the~ head table Oshawa's Mayor ifor us and a warm welcome Lyman Gifford weicomed the prevaiIed overywhero. lthe ancient autos once again and!streets weme iined, the boys spoke ai the effort ta keen 'and girls of the Higb ScNoal traffic moving swiftly through Band drcssed in bitue, white the city especiaily at bhe peak and orange, led the parade - hours going ta and from work \ve followed along, sametimes by mnaking ane-way streets _gaunP bhiree or four miles an 'this offernal. the expense ofjhOUî; a test foi- bath cars and the rosidents on these streefs. ýdivPî.,. No one falbeu-ed! Wp. (Oshawa has recently cam-iloved il! TNey parked us ini a piebc-d a one-way system, head-,1argsý corner garage lot wNilp ing East an King St.) Mn. ,drivers and passengors went Rob'inson of the Automotive iOff io a school bus ta the Gien- ,Museum told of plans ta ex- buirnie Motel ta ho onterfain. .pand the Car- Museum and bNe!cd again at a banquet. drive ta oblaimu more memhers. Chairman of the Tour-. Rami ýMr. Joe Cattreli of BA. OilICa. Fawcef t. Whitbyý, and Presi. 1hda wolcome for ail while!dent Lavern Chapmau pîesid. the manager or Oshawa Chami- ed. The Reeve oif Brighton bei- oI Commerce presided and wmelcnmtiecl us. Aftai- a deliciLus saw tNat overything went dinner gifts wore givon ta tho- 'smontnllyxeiioren - thon prizes Nanded Rptumuing home for the out ta thosc few who wemo oul- night fear shoak rus. AI the standing. To Wib Miller, bliuni oad near the bridge at ýOshRwa. who Nami a bit nt the west end af Bowmanvilie engine trouble witb bis Mr- a taxi with anly one lightiLaughlin enraute. To the nearlY clipped us and Annellargest family of six, thaï, of -lornby who was foliowing us Mm. aud M-s.CalTuan w asunt quite sa luck 'v as it Kitchener, w-No always man-. lauched hem on the arm aod age Io tut-k in anothor child beiuîg tuc-N a wandemful rider eaomfort.ably in tNeir concertina rather than go iu the ditch Model T. To Mrs. Anne Homo- she turned arnund. Several by, the Charlie Cj@plin whn cars sioppemi - the taxi didn't. ,rode hem Honda i4Jd handed lWe ami ivemi home slightly' fun out al] along t he way for shaken - bcUt deteî-miued natlbeing Ille best sport -1 on' the ta drive at nught on the Lon- 'tour. Bnass plaques for each 'don Io Brighton tour again - car tao their drivers. dark colons are haî-d ta see. Anather sehool bis% ride and Wedncsday along No. 2- dancing in the main street of Higahuvsv or 401 witN a stop ýBrighIon. The people af aud a meal visit af the oId cars BnigNIon had a rra] visif, witkj with the aId people al.thielus and lookomi us aven. Squiarm Goldcri PlougN, Coboumg - hoee danciuîg foilowed the strooet was a siight showen, the onlyidancingj?. Some retuî-ned ta the rai ,ion the whole trip. The 'Glenbîîmýnie andi Presqu'ile Mo- oldsieî-s thorpeonjoyed Lis anmi tels fer the niighi. but we ne. wo, lthcm. Mm. Py' e from Ennis- ýturnod taRoees White House, killon had a ride with us - ýHotol, Brighton, the former ho i- the fimst cousin of my ýhomPo <f Senalor Sam Nesbift brlo\ ri sehool teachor, Miss,- tNp', said the Sonaton's car Myrt Ir Pyeofa St. Thomas. was hack home again. Pembapi Stripping for luncheNat Cal- it, was! The "Landau ta borne mare construction and!Brighton)i" Tour was over. Wedding Inittations 'rî~rm .pnwra ,ed (AFeED LETTPIRIr,<) %X~ rdding and engagement annauncemnenti,, hîrth annaurice- unents. confirmation invitatinaqs. golden and aulver annuversary aunouincementsetc. Ihermouengraving (RAISED LETTERIN'C> _ LooLi and feods like the finest hand engraving. àà lettera have an elegance and individuality only the finelfd eM. graving can match. Thermo-engraving (RAISED LETTERING) ('osis aboîii hayf as much as hand engraving, because it elimin. ates the copper plate that makes band engraving s0 expensive ANr> IT'S RE4DY WITHIN THE WFJ< flif ,ni rp ,?fll van ordmrrmatichina Pouýlnsun carda, nu-epion, respan%e,. îhink sou anîd ai home r-ard'. Pie.. 'p'-i tram anur giani atal',g,,,' a! flat'v e.ssJ%, orrecu paprrrs Il ,livinrfivP of e IFa t,-irmn. IX -rdtuuî pric-d a* tnw ag ')0 bau $9.00>anfi 100> l<îr 813âO. cojo. plete with doubule envelopes and tuî;uei. Cantadan S&atesman f4 available at

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