tE/-ersonal Mr. and Mn.. M. J. Elliott Pritchard, Manotlck, over the lbited iniends ini Bolton over weekend. the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Van- SMn.. R. D. Woods, London, stone and family have retunn- Pnt., is visiting her sister-in- ed home after a two-week holi- 'taw, Mrs.. Geo. W. James,, day at their cottage on Twelve filorsey Seet. 'Mile Lake. Mri n Mrs. Lloyd Hamil- Miss Eleanor MacMillan 1 tons have returned home from and Miss Nina MacMillan,I an enjoyable week's vacation Toronto, were Sunday guests 1 In the Laurentians. of Mrs. N. C. Yellowlees,! Mrs. Elva Short, Taronta, Church Street. recently spent a two-weeki Holidaying with Dr. and holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Wes;Mrs. E. W. Sissan last week lrice, Waverley Road., were Rev. S. R. and Mrs.1 Mrs. Hugh Hamer, Debbie Hendersan, Heather, John and1 and Paul, Brookville, Pa, are Cathy, Windsor, Ont. vacationing with her mather, Mr. Garnet Rickard and Mr. Mns. T. Buttery, Scugog St. MA. J. Elliott attended the Cir. ad Mrs. John Baxter, Ifiifleral of the late Mn. Charles onrs w~ee recent visitorsLab M. P. for Victoria of Ms. ussll ranlin hil Conty atLindsay last week.s she was in Memorial Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Alec Lyle and Mr. Douglas Nichols, C.P.R.; familY were Sunday guests af conductor, Kingston. spent Sat-ý Mrs. Lyle's sister and brother-n urday, JuIy lth with his fath- Iin-law, Mr. and Mrs. E.b er, Mr. L. B. Nichols, Carlisle ' Jacques and family, Scan-9 Ave. boraugh.e Mr. and Mrs. Everett Cain, Miss Helen McDona]d and Santa Barbara, Calif., were!her sister Miss Marilyn Mc- recent visitons with Mr. and Donald retunned by jet ta the Mrs. William Dawson, Happy Toronto International Airpant Valley. lfrom visiting in New Glasgow,a Mr. and Mns. George Brown Nova Scotia. a and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Burk' Sunday visitons with Mr. a visited with Mr. and Mrs. Otis and Mrs. Ed. Youngman, rBown St., were Mr. and Mrs. s &x'ia/ 'a reands.eroKn ake rekConcession Street, and on Sat- andRicmn.ond Hill. KnSaksuday Mr. and Ms. Bell wereM-1 Bowmanville or.cnandHîll. . V. Hoar wig insat eTrinity United Rosemary Karp, Marion Jaeger, Melville Roach,Het spPrxt a !ew days last week Church. Mins. Bell and child- 1 ihD.and Mns. H. . ren remained for aUAD.Uda Penteostal Rundle at thein cottage onl with ber mother. ahldyw errvsvvr.nnts, rnuuns Woo Ilad te t. Congratulations to Miss Lawrence, near Ivy Lea. Carolyn Stacey who ban been ChurchMn. and Mns. C. Johns, Mr'. informed by the Registrar o! H oId Farnily Reunion ChurchLoran Pascoe and Miss Betty Queen's University, Kingston, 'Goyne spent last week wîth that she bas been awarded twa nStraJl 7 h WyeYloleSotWr 15 Liberty St. S. itheir son-in-haw, the Rev. S. scholanships. One is a Uni- Ointysaturdey, Jul o7 the WyneGirl4and5ees., Suot Wn- ESnowden and familY, at versity Scholarship ta the nney-ecn pini o ery GrlJ4an 5hyrs;,Bousan taator: Rev. A. Kudra, B.TIi.1* Werry - Wright - Philp faiy enyJntShr;Bs4 thein cottage on Baptiste Lake. student making the highest wshl nteCnwih n r. ni amn l Phone 623-5100 Mr. and Mns. C. J. B. Jen- standing on entrance ta Hon -seoreain thCentre ght acdn Wen, ry; cl therhil-e Sunday School 9:55 arn. sen o! Nymegen, The Nether- ours in Classics; the other instok Froe hryyaspriiaigi h bv * ] ands, are spending a month's the Flossie May Boggant Schol- tock. For e thi ty atnrcs rticeatin a in heielsve (Jois H.M.S.S. Cruiser!) vacation with thein parents, arship in Greek. 'tarkedbt ed e t a mp aelto races ceive artoyAsGirls, Ilam GdsTreMr. and Mrs. Russell Osborne _____________ ark but due to , ac k ! ai Ann8Marlow; Boys 6 ta 8 yrs., il rn "Gd' The ,and othen relatives and friends chaes.twsdcie amk Paul barmen, Craig barner; Ways ta Stop Being 1 here. Memorial Hospital hg.reeto oimteGirils 9 tao 12 yns., Sandr-a Wer- Afraid" Mrs. M. J. Hutchinson has ~IIRalh Peggy barner, daugh- ry, Heather Dora-el; Boys 9 returned from an enjoyable vveekly R p r e hrn eladEenrt 2ysBinSar tn 7 p.m. manth's vacation in Anbroeth, Reor a-Shn,Nelva nd le anreytaneyrls 13rian 1Stana-,n Scotland, where she has been For the week o! July 12-18 CrW erny Elv ead tPerc an ey abane;Wirls3ta 16 yrs.,an "UNDER THE BLOOD visiting ber daughten-in-law, inclusive: Cm eitndtenmsBraaWihMne ae UNTIL THE MORNING Mrs. W. J. Hutchinson, and Admissions .............. 38 and supplied naine tags. Boys 13 to 16 yrs., Leslie DA N"grandchildren. Binths, 5 male, 2 femnale. 7 Oven one hundred and thi-1 rgt Glenn Ashton; Young DAWNS saares ................ 50 t sat own t tabes whc ade ver 16, Aileen Van (Harth Kdrs la Mkr;. Wanrd Hawke, Les.-..........5 y a ont alswinCamp, Eleanor Wenry; Young (Rea th Kuraspla ýkrd;Mr.andMrs Wmn. Daw- Major openatians............ 2 had been set by the Blackstock men aver 16, Douglas bane, the piano and organ at son, Happy Valley, and Mrs. Minon openations............ 12 W. I., wtio also served the hot, Peter Werry. Ronald Rahm, Tyrone, netunn- Emengency treetmnents .... 56 meat pies, tea, cof!ee, and' Two min. timne race for 6:45 p.mi.) ecî on Sunday after a most Visiting houa-s 3-8 p.ni de'ily. washed thec dlhes. those wha feel ovea- 50, Elve We.Jl 8h73 .i enjoyable week in Southerr. Follidnthre dcil ne - ueVan Camp; Th ree-legged race, We.Juy28h7:0p..Saskatchewan. - rsdnHavyMGl o -Margaret Werry, Muriel bane; Farnily Night service UflITUAIIY du.cted a business meeting. Wheehbarrow race, Allen and B ey. and Mrs. Lloyd Reaume Marion Wright nead themi-Ge Astn Laes ho Theme: "STANDARDS and son, Ottawa, visited Mr. KENNETH DEAN utes fan Hazel Tresise. It wasGlekngAstona ades oe and Mrs. Gardon C. Mantin, The death of Eldon Kenneth unanimously decided ta -have kVangCmp nt leabaseNoe OF DRESS, tawn; Mr. and Mrs. Alec G. Edward Dean occurned on the picnic et Bleckstock egain kikn noebseFe ADORNMENT, and Martin, Mn. and Mns. Welling- Sunday, July 4, 1965, at Hum- next yean on Saturdav, july kicWnitSa ae,Brbre 'HUH"ton Farrow, Newcastle, and ber Memoial Hospital, Wes- 16, at 12:30 p.m., with only 1Wright; Couples egg thnowing THOUHT"Mn. and Mrs. Stan Allun o! ton, Ont., following an ilhiiess the one meal. . contest, Margaret Werry and "h hrhta s Orono. a! six weeks. He was in bis The nomineting conittee, James bane; Balloon relay, EVANEL~TICLLY Mn.andMrs Bil Brk ihl nd year. Evelyn Werry, Marion Starnf Canal Werry, Donna Swain, E AEIC ALLY iMre into the ill ne wpill Youngest son o! the late and Lana-aine Werry, reported 'baneDreiGlnAson Aý»V" ýove ntothei ne hom 'nEdward Freeman Dean, and the following officens for 1966: A peanut oramb, GleAshten- iWelMn. Bun, manger o! the M .e a rdDe.an (nee Row- Past President, Harvey Me-'Apau cmbews Mr. urk maage of the n Elizabeth Gibson), Onano, Gil]; President, Mernili Van, .oyed by the smaîl ohilre the ecesedwasbor atLon Cam, Vce resden, Alanand others no longer childa-en. dca eDrh a s boune o g C m : Vc nsdnt, AHllaryn he ball game whioh con- Seult Duram Cunty.He Wrry;Conresponding Secre-! idc h feno !sot attnde No 9bochar'sPub teyWinni!red Wenry; Re- was much enjoyed by all ages. T RINITY UNITED CHUR (H~ lic School and Orono Continu- eoading Seca-etary, M a ri on An orange drink, dixie cups atio Scool.Mr.and Ms rgt raurr eg a- iecemwr vial Organist - Mr. Arthur Colfison, Mus.B., L.R.S.M. Dean, the former Bessie Ellen nmer; Management Comnittee, oforeeyn uigteatr Bear, wene maa-ied on April Eleanor and Neil Werry, Helen farevon. uigteatr Combined Services at 26, 1937.. and William Werry, Eleanoron ________ Following their marriage end Grant Wenry, bois and' St. PauI's United Church they resided et Bunington for Hlarvey Yellowlees. cight yeans and then spent ane William Werry assistedb yean at Bronte. In 1947 they Allen Werny distributed th Prout r ar ily Trrinity re-opens August 8 maved ta a farmn on R.R. 3, fo1iowing special pnizes: Per- E y 'c î Newcastle and remained thene son from farthest dis tance. no s Pc i ____________________________________ for 10 years, maving ta New- Ma-s. Agnes Doubt, cousin of castle eight yeers ega in 1957. Ma-s. Elton Werry, farn 15 Mn. Dean wes a cald storage Ordhard Rd., Maneton, Wirral, The Prout family neunion rU efnigeration operator for fine Cheshire, England;, Eldest lady pîcnic was held Sunday e!tea-- Reàhoboth yeans and was employed et the present, Miss Lena Elford noon, June 27, et the Creani time o! bis death by Dur-ham Caineron, 90 years young: Eld- of Baaley Park, Bowinanville. Chrstin R f r d Lnucbowea-s Co-op Cold Storage est gentlemen present. James There were almost 70 present Ce.hrsin . erug eAD., C nsrh etd.aNewatime.ead a n 1Ornhur Werny, Enniskillen ,92,1 to Cnioy the ideal weathen o! Rev.Joh C.Verruge, .A.,B.D, Mniser t oe tie oeraed fam, ornthe sanie vean as the firsti the day. At 4:30 races were and was e barber in Burling- picnic; Youngest baby, Paul heIci by the Sports Committee Telephone 623-5023 ton. Foir a period he was cm- Henneh, Kedron, 18 months; cf G'ýlen and Elsie Prout and played eat the Hamihton Stelco Lady wit>h heaviest pua-se, Clax-ence and Muniel Yeo. Steel Plant. Helena On.miston; b a r g e s t A t 6 p.m ., a!ter the ga-ace M aranatha The deceased wes a mnember feýmiay present, Ross and The]- had been sung, eli sat down of Newcastlc United Church me banc with their six child- ta supper. After eating, Pre- and was a member o! the Ses- aen, James, Douglas, Wesley, sident Wilnja Coombes began Chrstin R fomed Chuch alsa Chairman o! Ncwcastle Persan with neaa-est binthdav' silence for oua- deperted rela- Rev. Henry Van Andel, B.A., B.D., Minister Bowling Ahîcys and a niember Dale Van Camp, July lh tives. The minutes of lest ofNewcastle Communlty Hall Copems1eetymrid ya' incwn edb i Telephone 623-3492 CBoard. Hecnty ariewasrs iaiewformerbyAI Paresd ent oth foromiek Elcanor and Marvin Hannah;1vin Yeo, wbo also gave the "Th Dinit Tht Cunt" i a.a. Prasdens, DstertNo 2i aCouple mea-led the longest, Itneasuner's report. «'Th Dinit Tht Cunt" -11 .tmPaoest sti t o.e ae-Mn. end Ma-s. Norman Wright,i The ehection o! officers for Worship service -7.30 p.rn. shore School Board, and o!f er.16 eutda olw:Ps the Home and Sehoal Associa- *Amid much merniment and President, Wihme Coombes; # witty remenks, Olive Luke resident, Ross Praut; lst Vice "Proclainiing the whole counsel of God" flain for e number o! years. and Peg&y Larmen judged a Fa-es.. Elsie Richards; 2nd Vice Hais he!hby nees a group of gentlemn who had Pres., Alvin Yeo; Secretary- Back to God Hour Broadcast gaa-denîng eisswdo. been called ta the phat!orm Treasurer, Marion Henning; CKLB Oshawa - Sunday, July 25th, at 9:15 p.ni. Bessie Ellen, and mother, Mrs. nd decided that Allan Werny Spoýrts Convenors, Glenn and Edwand Dean, are two sons, had the manliest knee and îeg Normna Richards and Ca-o] R.. oss ofSolnaand Jame o e5s f ()I Membe ()1nd Rs frkino ac am Preston, Ont., and anc dauh most colour. MeIr rm ahfml ter Mary at home. Thene are Evenyone then went outside g\ea con !terfem- six grandchildnen, Glenn, Ben, to the lovely shadcd park etfIles. Special prizes wene won MUJamie, Wayne, Karen and Ken- the east side of the building bv Roy - and Canal Atkinson, ncth Dean. where the following sot Ruth Yeo, Diane Ferguson,1 by Wllim an Heen WrryRodne 'v Norton. i(r.Albert West) of Orono, Toddlea-s up tý 4 year .s,i picnice t the sainie place in BndHaoLE RR. , ewcstc.- i 1966, the lest Sunday if June, ,an Hrol, .R.1,Newasle.ginning the race.à et 3 l risDFunrCh a el, omn- necD'chock. The cide noe willbe eld;ri FunralChae],Bowmn: entcosals a peanut scaamble befone leav- 'ville, wîth funeral service 1,' n for home, and many good- ONDA , UL 2 thf ram Newcastle United Church H ni tbyesuti et er M O D YJ L 6 h t on Wednesday, July 7th. Rev. H tar ic___________ E.. Woadland o! Newcastle FRIDAY, JULY 3Oth ~~United Church conducted the Ooo' ak Ylole at Orono Cernetery. During the Te own vîhle Pntecos- played by the church organist, tel Cihurch held its annuelFam l P c~ 9 an 11:30 ar.jMn. Norman Williams. Sundey School picnic aecently Fa iy Pc i Palîbearers were Messrs. at the beautiful Memanial 1BOWIALLM4ILLE BAPTIST CHURCH !William Lake Sr'., Albert Park in Onono. An ahl-tme Unden sunny skies and! -95Nelso erLiet Pea cc, D. V. Haward Gibson, record crowd was presenit. balmy breezes of! Lake on- sonner LbetyGeorge Kimbaîl, H o wa rd Miss Vera Clapp, the Sunday tania thc Yellowlees family1- Quinney and John Rickard. School Suiperintendent, an- cnjoyed bath food and friend- AH, Boys and Girl% are wplcomm i tanimnmhimn euiu rngda neesigp-gem hpo 1llhe 'lc & n -ýe-.--ý41 Buy nowè JLFJULY 24th *make worthwhile savn f I 'c c c BAN RoII.On DEODORANT effective for hours Sugg. Iist 1.25 88, C A LA DR YLsoothes skin irritated by sunburn, insects, poison ivy - -Sugg. list 1.25 88( CHLOR.TRIPOLON for hay fever and other allergies ----- Sugg. list 1.09 88C CO-PYRONIL Pulvules relief frorn hay fever Sgg list 1.19 88C COPPERTONE SIJNTAN LOTION2 ounce Sugg. list 1.10 88C E NO FRUIT SALI Setties upset soic I DASAL BufferedlID.A. Brand A.S.A. wlth buffcring action -----10's, reg. 1.25 88C GILLETTE SUPER BLUE BLADES Pkg. of 15 Sugg. îist 1.00 88C IDASORB for Summer Complaint I.DA. Brand, 8-oz., reg. 1.25 88C GOLF BALLS Marathon Brand - Iively and tough --------2 for 8 8C MACLEANS 1001H PASTE --------------------------- Sugg. list 1.09 88C MICRIN ORAL ANTISEPTIC, NOXZEMA Tropic Tan Suntan Lotion -------- Sugg. ls Sugg. list 1.10 88c 1 PEPTO « BESMAL Quick relief for upset stomach - Sugg. list 1.25 88C LIMM IlS BiSCUits Weight control plan SCHICK Hot Lather SHAVE CREAM-- Sugg. liât 1.00 88c SCORE Clear HAIR CREAM VITALIS Hair Tonic withv7 ALEX McGREGOR Sugg. lut 1.09 88c Sugg. lut 1.07 88c PHN 6215792 5 KING ST. W. - - PHONE 623.5792 Phone 623-3303 I.. Unusua! Costumes in Lecûon Carnival Par;ýA- local branch cf thm Toronto- Dominion Bank, was recently transferred to the branch in Welland. Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Murphy (nee Carol Bell), who were recently married in Newcastle, N.B., have returned froin their honeymaan and are residing on Silver Street. Mr. Murphy is Chie! Clerk with the local bran ch of the Bank o! Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. A. Marjerri- son, Flett Street, were week- end guests of Mrs. Marier. rison's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Osborne, South Porcu- pine. Enroute home they visit- ed Mrs. Marjerrison's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Darey of Iroquois Falls. Last Saturday evening the Roy Camerons, tawn, were hasts ta Mrs. Sadie Hamilton, Leskard; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Yeo, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Chapman, Orono, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Youngman, town, when Mrs. Yeo showed colored slides o! her recent trip ta Ire- land, England and Scotland. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Far- neli and family of Shrews- bury, Mass., were weekend guests of Mrs. Farnell's broth- er and sister-in-law, Mr. and M\rs. E. V. Hoar, King St. East. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hoar, Downsvjew, and Mr. and Mrs. H-. E. Kerr of Oshawa, were alsa Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Hoar. Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Bell and family of London, Ont., spent the weekend with Mrs. Sugg. list 1.09 88C Reports from Women's Institutes M4APLE GROVE W. L. the repeating of the "ýCollect". in unison, lollowed by lunchý ~'~ ~ ' The June meeting o! the being served by the 4-H girl&s. Maple Grove Women's Insti- _________ 1 tute was postponed until July l2th. The meeting apened B SE LN wit th sigin ofthe Ode BA E LN and the repeating of the Lond's Prayer in unison. A minute Ma-s. C. Wilson is recuperat.ý- of silence was observed in mg at home after undergoing memory of Mrs. Cecil Mils, a an appendectorny ini the Osh- valued member o! aur Insti-waGnal Hospital. Her- tute ai well as our District granddaughter Karen is stay.._ President. ing with her. Mns. S. Doyle welcomed the Mr. end Mm-. Tom Lodge,' 4 -H Girls and their rnembers Silver Springs, M ar ylIa nd, who were able te attend our were weekend guests o! Mr.ý meeting. The roll caîl, "What and Mirs. Sami Van Camp and- I eat when I eat what I family. . please" showed most of us Mrs. A. Bannes and Grace* like most everything, especial- ettended the shower in hanor ly the fattening foods. lof Miss Barbara Milîs held in' The usual business was Maple Grave Christian Edu- dealt with. It was decided ta ýcation Cenitre on Thursday get 24 of the "Adelaide Hood-, evening. less'" teaspoons ta, selI. 1Mn. Danny Harris, New- Mrs. L. C. Snowden r-eport- rnstle, was a Saturday over-~ ed an the work o! the W.1. innit'gst fTe Baes Ceyln. e wre emidedand on Sunday t.hey motered cf the tour of the Glen Rae t Oiiandpnthea. Dairy for aur A¶igust meeting., Mrs. Gardon Beech, conven-1Mr.Rbn rhrC- or for Home Economics, pre- bourg. was a Thursday lunch..' sented the following program. eon guest of Mr. and Mns. Miss Donna Wood played two Arthur Barnes. piano solos. Miss Susie Laird Mr. end Mrs. Roy Van commented on the motta, "TheCaYpM. ndMs.Ni safest place ta live is just in- Brownell and family have re- er oah, lbrt oah oremot uusai osum side youn incarne". She said turned home after holidaying,, ter oac, AlertRoah woe mst nusul cstues, 'that unless we live within at Mink Lake for the past two and Heln P wel an Ch is ur incrne we have unhap- week. and Heen Poell an Chri piness. To have good health, 1n. and Mrs. Arthur Barnes and Allan GlaspeIJ, wha con- JJURKLTONLUL we have ta live within the and Grace were weekend visi- ducted a good variety o! races bounds o! aur own strength. tors with her parents, Mr. and- and n.ovelty gaimes. Winners Aïfter ten weeks in Oshawa We have ta know ourselves Mrs. James Bancroft, Newing- were as follows: Pre-school, General Hospital, Mr. Harry and be wise ta aur own limit- ton, Ont. Wayne Ye Rowlees, Jiamy Grace returned ta bis home ed abilities. This takes educa- We were sarry ta learn of Murphy end boTi White; 6-7 an July l2th. tion in ail areas of life. We the accident sustained by Mn.- yrs., Bryan White, Dennis Mrs. Greta Baley spent a also have ta know aur spîr- Bill Coombs whiah causes him Yellowlees; 8-10 yrs., Brenda few days o! hast week visiting itual needs ta get the mast out ta have his foot in a cast for YelIowl.ees, Beverley Thomp- friends. o!arlves. Misses Nancy several weeks. Mn, George. son, Douglas White; 10-12 yns., Mn. Roy Reynolds was a- ne-ianfd Lama 1Morton favored us Hoit has also heen on the sirk Karen YeUlowlees; 12-14 yrs., cent caller of Mn. O. J. Hy- with twa piano duets. l'ist and we hope he is feeling Susanne Graham, Robent Pow- land. Thnee of aur 4-H girls cam- better by now. eH;, Ladies' Nail D 'nivig on- Mn. Jack Smith wes In mented on their recent project Ma-s. Robent Storey and Mrs. test, Gledys Yelhow sesWtenBawimanvijle on Saturday. "Meat in the Menu'. The girls Miller, Bow'manvilhe, were' in Baijoon TrowingDona Two cars cohided just north were Mary Ann Doyle, Esther Wednesday evening dinner- Tihampson and Sharon Lott. o! Hubbard's store Saturday Cryderman and Susan Van guests of Mn. and Mrs. Fred Harold Yellowlees guessed evening. Camp and they showed by Wright and farnily. the number of hunmbugs In a Mn. Ainsworth end Ma-s, chants and a demonstration Mr. and Ma-s. rired Wright.; jar, with everyane enjaying Winters have been staying a "the way ta tender meat". A Birian, Leslie, Barbara anide Ms prize, the jar of hum-bugs. few days at the home o! Mn. lange numben o! the girls' Beverley ettended the Werry Some o! the men enjoyed O. J. Hyland. record books and recipe boxes family picnic et Blackstock on honseshoe pitching, while thel Mis. Wilson bas returned were on display. Saturday. women and child-en played alfro.m hospita]. Mrs. G. Beech moved a vote Misses Beverley end Bar- few games o! bingo. Every- James Byens and Fred Tay- o! thanks ta the girls and all bara Wrig'ht are holidaying one had departed by .5 o'clock Ion attended the 4-H Judging taking part on the program. with Mn. and Mrs. Edgar atter an enjoyable afternoon. ITour last week. The me1tIfina lnqei ,.,is WirL&hf .a nP4- 1.25 88C 1 Ite cmadùm stateman, Bewma"Me, Zuly Slo 1083 - -- 7 sugg. list 1.19 88C Sugg. list 1.07 88C PRESCRIPTIONS 1. D. X REMEDIES 5 KING ST. W.