Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jul 1965, p. 5

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Rotary's President Gives Details of Recenf Con ference Prs~etDon Morris on foilowing districts and clubsl Ju . Jr.rted ta the Bow- 105 England - Isle of Man,! mav .l Rotary Club on the 605, 67, 609 U.S.A.: 476 Chile, 56th annual Rotary-Interna- 707 Canada, 131 Norway, 250 tional Convention held in Austria, 159 Netherlands, 250 Rotary's 60th Anniversary Austria, 190 Italy, 365 Japan, Year, which he and bis wife 330 Cambodia, Laos. Malaysia, attended in Atlantic City. N.J. Thailand, Viet Nam." fromn May 30th to its conclusion Presîdent Marris told of on June 3rd. He spoke at the spectacular Mummers Parade luncheon meeting o! the local on the famous Boardwalk that Rotarians held at the Flyîng followed the many dinner par- Dutchman Motor Hatel. ties given for groups of the ,-Dr. Keith Slemon receîved visiting Rotarians. He also f12 Years Perfect Attendance described the President's re- t .The presentatian was cepton and bail beid later that made by Attendance Chair- evening. He mentianed meet- mnan Tom Rehder. The birth- ing B. Geleynse, a member of day o! Paul Andrus was cele- the Netherlands Government brated by bis fellow Ratarians. Service, whose son, Rev. M. AI Witherspoon in introduc- D. Geleynse, is pastor of a lng President Morris said that Christian Reformed Churcb in in addition to bis outstanding St. Catharines, Ont. service ta Rotary he bas also "The Honorable Adiai E.~ the distinction of heing the Stevensan, United States Am-~ only third generation Ratarian bassador ta the United Na in the club. His grandfather, tians, gave a notable address , F. F. Morris, was a Charter during the Second Plenary Member of the Bowmanville Session on Tuesday morning. Rotary Club, and bis father, "Next came the Cavalcade C. G. Morris, bad also been a of Rotary commemnorating the ~ member o! the club for many founding of Rotary in 1905 by years. Paul Hariss in 1905. Tere Gïovernor J. Hughes of tbe are now 12,048 Rotary Clubs State o! New Jersey officially througbout the world. There e welcomned delegates ta the 56tb were 4,292 Rotary Clubs re- ' annual Rotary - International presented at the Rotary-Inter-~ Convention, and addresses of national Convention. The last, welcome were also given by tbree that had been chartered State Senator Frank S. Farley, were Geunii, Mozambique and and Berbard H. Strousse, Pres- IMauritius. Mdent of the Rotary Club of! "In the afternoon on Tues-. Atlantic City. ýday there were 54 assembliesi "Officiai registration at tne of Rtarians grouped by re- convention included 5,188 Ro- lated classifications, wbicb tarians, 4,180 Rotary Annes, affoïded an excellent oppor- and 9,007 chiidren, a total of tunity ta discuss vocational 10275," President Morris stat- services. That evening there cd. He added that the re- was a buffet dinner and en- sponse ta the addresses ai tertainment for young people, welcome were made by Kiyo- and the International Feilow-i ahi Togasaki, Tokyo, Japan,jsbîp D inners for ' different, Who is the Second Vice-Presi- Ilanguage groups. dent o! Rotary- International . i"On Wednesday marning S"D uring the first Plenary balioting took place for off i- Session the presentation ot cers of Rotary International, the nomination and election and for members o! the Nom- o! the President of Rotary In- inating Committee for Presi-~ ternational for 1966-67, Rich- dent of Rotary International in ard L. Evans, Salt Lake City, 1967-68. Afterwards the Third : Utah, took place. President- Plenary Session was held, and elect for next year, Mr. Evans it included presentation o! Will serve in that capacity on the Rotary Foundation Trus-V the board of directors of 1965- tees, an address by E. W. 66, the year preceeding bis Brooke, Attorney General o! presidenry. During this ses- Massachusetts, and an addresi sion there was also an inter- 'by Shintaro Fukushima, Re- esting address by the Right presentative of Japan ta the Honorable Count Richard Cou- United Nations General As- denhove-Kalergi, Basel, Swîtz- sembly. "During the a!ternoon therelgroup assemblies for discus- was a series o! International ision o! club administrationi Friendship Meetings. I attend-land variaus phases of RoJ- ed No. 5 which included theltary's program. I attended JULY SHOE CE A-RAN CE L ~Q~g~&UGAGE REDUCED Shoes toClear Womners Sandals Black, Brow Leather Soles «4lte ieh4 and Bege Wldthg AA & BR L6.99 -12.99 Reg. $5.5es-0 CLEARING AT - $4.99 Teen Age Flats Whlte, Beige or Black Ret. $4.95 to $6.95 CLEARING AT $299 to $4.99 Chidren's Shoes b, Savage Beige - Brown - Black Reg. $5.95 ta $7.95 CLEAILI-1G AT. $499 WOMEN'S Summer Dress Shoes White - Beige Reg. $7.95 - $9.95 $4.99_to_$7.99 Women's Golf Shoos Reg. $13.95 CLEARING AT $8.99 MANY, MANY MORE BARGAINS IN SUMMER SHOES Lloyd Ellis Shoes 48 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE More Scenes from Legion Kiddies' Parade Irene Reitmuller, Barbara Ki.ng, Donna Virtue, Jili CoIville and1 yand Wayne Martin were pushed by Paul Martin the Assembly for Club Presi- dents and Club Secretaries. Latcr there were presentations ot Rotary Club banners and other mementos to the hast lclub by the visiting Rotarians. "The major entertainment feature on Wednesday even- ing was written especially for the Rotary International Con- vention. It carried the Miss A m er ica Pageant Story through eacb of the past five decades, and encompassed al the themes and music that had been used by it in that period. "Featured were the currcnt iMiss. America, Vonda Kay Van « Dyke. two former Miss Amer- icas, and other ta]ented enter- tainers. Phil Hope was the solist. "On Tbursday the bighlight of the Fourtb Plenary Session' was the address by the incom- ing President of Rotary Inter- national for 1965-66, C. P. H. Teenstra. Hilversum, the Neth- erlands. A brilliant address was also given by retirîng President Charles W. Pettin- gail, Greenwich, Conn.'" President Morris said that he and bis wife had greatly enjoyed the entire convention, and that they are bath looki..ng forward to the one ta be held next year in Denver, Colorado. He mentioned that the 1967 Rotary International Conven- tion will be beldinCne, 'France. Stewart McTvish maoved a' .vote of tbanks ta President !Morris for bis fine address an the recent convention. In clos- ing the meeting President Mor- ris chose as the tbought for the day: "The more we serve aur fellow man, the more we 'live by God's awn plan" Randy Lake and his Samoyed PONTYPOOLR A goodly number of local~ citizens gathered at theý Orange Hall Saturday. even-j ing to bid farewell to Mr. andI Mrs. Victor Russell who are leaving to reside in Fenelon Falls. Everyone enjoyed good music and the young couple was presented with a purse of money. Lunch was served at midnight. Our local bail teamn sustain-' ed two defeats this week to1 the Bethany boys. Both con-j tests were very close and hot-I ly contested. Everyone enjoyed a picnici in the park on Thursday even- ing when children of the Sunday School and commun-ý ity enjoyed a fine evening of' treats, races and hall games.i The local Chamber of Com-1 merce had made a generousi donation that made this even-I ing possible.1 Mrs. Jim McKee retu rnedj home Tbursday after under-' going an operation in Hospital.; Chamber of Commerce held; a meeting Tuesday evening toi make final arrangements foril their Street Fair ta be heldi Frday. Jul.ý 23rd. Due to the weather the' Leonard McNeil Auction wasý held in the Orange Hall on! Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Payne were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Whitmee at Oshawa. Mr. Robt. Hallbran and bis niece Mrc.- Clifford Olver of j Toronto spent a few days A number of the Eldad Ex-, a few weeks time. Columbus, visited wlth the. porer girls are enjoying holu- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ormis- Doug Flett family, Sunday. dys this week nt Camp Pre- Iton, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs.1 Mrs. Frank Westlake Sr. .~toria, Oshawa. Keith Ormiston, Ebenezer, Mr. spent a few days with Mr. and Bible Schaol is being held and Mrs. Howard Ormiston Mrs. Tom Westlake at their this week in Sauina School iand Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Orm- cottage at Lakefield. S with Miss Judy Tansley as iston, Bowmanville, were Sat.ýM.adMs DnTyo n leader and assisting her are urday evening guests of Mr. M.adMs DnTyo n Mrs. Francis Johnston Mi-s. and Mrs. Tom Baker in honor family attended the Aber. Joe Snowden, Mrs. Harvey of Mr. Haward Ormiston's 'nethy picnic on Saturday at SYellowlees, Misses Dianne birthday. Waltona Park, Newcastle. Darch and Doreen Hamer. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Werry, Miss Ada Pascoe, Port Cred- On Thursday, July 22nd in Mr. Jas. A. Werry, Enniskillen, it; Mr. and Mrs. Archie Keith, Solina Hall at 8:30 p.m, the were Sunday evening callers Oshawa, visited with Mr. and Missionary and Maintenance wîth Mr. and Mrs. Wes Werry Mrs. Art. Moore. Committee are showing color- and Mr. E. Werry. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Potter ed movies of "Brazil Ca1ling'- Mr. Wesley Powell and Miss iwere Sunday tea guests with and "Operation B ea ve r". Mabel Powell were Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Jim Potter, Everyone weîcome. tea guests with Mrs. N. Wot- Maple Grove. Mrs. Sid Barrabaîl, Orono ten and Francis. On Monday, July 12th a was Friday tea guest with Miss Mr. Melville Griffîn, Black- miscellaneous shower for Miss Pearl, Leach. stock, visited on Sunday at Phyilis Westlake was held by Mr. and Mrs. Wes Yellow- the Wotten home. the ladies of the community in Slees and family with Mr. Chas. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Huggins the Solina Hall. After open- Allin, Bowmanville, when the and family were Sundav tea ing the lovely gifts Phyllis family were ahi home to hon- guests with Mr. and' Mrs. thanked everyone and a tastv or Mr. Allun on his 88th birth- Archie Hoy, Pontypoal. lunch was served in the lowe r day. Your Solina friends also Mir. and Mrs. John Flett and hall. sav "Happy Birthday" Mr. lfamily, Brockville, were Wed- Mr. and Mrs. C. Langmnaid, '" Allin. nesday dinner guests with Mr. Tomn and Faye were Sunday " Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Yel- iand Mrs. Doug Flett. visitors with Mr. and Mrs. lowlees and family attended Mr. and Mrs. Bob Flett, Lloyd Preston, Bowmanville. '~the Werry Picnic held inth Blackstock Recreation Centre on Saturday. Mr. Paul Larmer of Black- THE MODERN WALL COVERINGI stck..oiayn it h S Harvey Yellowlees family. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Cryd- I NL erman, Mr. and Mrs. Ross l Cryderman and family attend. SELF ADRESIVE . EASY TO APPLY cd the Cryderman picnic held DUAL, A *E UFC at Wellsprings Park, Manches-! DRBE AHAL UFC *r STAIN-PROOF ...GREASE-PROOF *4..\ Misses Annette, Collette and * DA FO AN ROMI HUS F~rancine Taylor and Master' DA O N OMI OS Kevin Taylor spent a few days * FULL RANGE 0F COLORS AND PATTERNS CharityConwaywith their grandiparents, Mr. 1 ChastyConayand Mrs. Bruce Montgomery. COME AND SEE IT TODAY! Mr. Earl Dorrell, Blackstock, recently at bis home in the and Mr. Sam Gibson, Edmon-' villageton, Alberta, were Tuesdayl About 50 relatives anditea guests with Mr. and Mrs. i friends gathered at the home.Bruce Montgomery. A N CL R N E of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hamil-. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mont-i ton on Sunday for a farewelllgomery and grandeilîdren at-1 AS party and reunion prier te theltended the Bradley picniei LOW departure on Monday of Dr. held at Orono Park, Sunday. S 7 5 Glen Hughes, wife, sons and Mr. and Mrs. Burney HooeylA QUART father. They will travel by accompanied Mr. and Mrs.' motor caravan to Vancouver Everett Spires to Torontc. In- where Dr. Hamilton will be ternational Airport, Saturday, AN taking over as Assistant Prof- to meet Mr. and Mrs. Larry P IT& essor in Social Work at the Spires who returned from theirWA PPR sorry we were unable to ac-j At a later hour Mr. and Mrs.ne h s cept an invitation to this oc- Everett Spires boardied a casion but sincerely wish them1 plane to go to the west atj KN ST. W. Bowmianville the the very best in the future. land will be motoring home in ' 'he Canadian Statesman, Bewnianvtlle, JuIy 21, 1963 Cloverleaf SOLID TUNA French Regular or Miracle KRAFT DRESSING 2 DeJean Regular SMALL SHRIMPS' IGA SALAD DRESSING JeIl-0 Ail Flavours JELLY POWDERS 10 Henley Choice Canadian Kraft Cracker Barrel MILD CHEESE Bread & Butter HEINZ PICKL-ES yven Fresh IGA BREAD 3 Royal Gold First Grade IGA* BUTTER Tin J?39C Jars 879C 414 oz7 32 - 53c Siz 99C Tinz 39C 12-o,. Cnt 45 - o.29c 24-oz. Loaves for 59C 57C TASTY ONTARIO CAN. No. 1 GRADE NEW POTATOES 1 O LB. 10BAG 59C Garden Fresh Canada No. 1 Grade CRISP LETTUCE Leamlngton - Can. No. 1 INew Cro; Can. No. 1 Grade OntrioCabbage 2 for 25ci Clark's 20-os.'Tin Beans & Pork 2 i 39c1 2 feada Grade Field Grown ATTRACTIVELY Fraservale F rozen Peas New Vacuum Sealed Package" 1-lb. Pkg. TABLERITE WIENERS - - 49C S hopay's 10.Plastie Cap Shopsy Potato Salad or Cole Slaw 29c TableRite Vacuum Sealed 4 Varieties 6-o.pkgu. -SLI(ED (OOKED MEATS 2 for 49c- 2-lb. Poly Bat Puriton Se off 24-os. Tin BEEF STEW ...............39c Purit n l5-ox. Tins Meat BalIs & Gravy 2 for 69c 4 Varliles 10-o.. Ti.s CLARKS SOUPS ... 4 for 59c No Calorie Swast.ner 6-02. Jar ""SWEET No. 10"" ....... 79c Ifostas e P]Kt. POTATO CHIPS ...... 59c Twin Vallue Assatmienf Pkq. of M1 WESTON BISCUITS 89c Plcatie Ph;. 0f 30 J & J BAND AIDS ........ 59c Extra Tapes This Week Recelve an Extra $10.00 Tape wlth. CHERRY PIE Noy-tall WHITE SUGAR à 0-b. FLORIENT.- 10c off . gs Recelve an Extra 86.00 Tape with. MEAT BALL STEW PurUan Bk Off VIVA OIL 24o. aise Reeelve an Extra $2.00 Tape with. FISH FRIES Ilem k. adc Alpine or Primros. et Triangle, BEEF STEAKETTES Pq onit CM. . C. Bowmanviolle IGA Foodlinîer BD WMAN VILLE save more more more more easily with a Commerce Automatic Savings Plan Just tell us how much youd fîke ta save each month. Then we'lI make ail the necessary transfers from your chequing to your savings accourit. There's no cost to you. Thousands of our customners have found this simnple pian helps them save. CANADIAN IMPERIAL 13ANK 0F COMMERCE Over 1300) branches Io serve you SOLINA

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