r 12 Births Deaths In Memoriam Articles for Sale_1 Articles for Sale 1 Articles for Sale Recl Estate for SaleJRa stt orSlReal Estat forSal 2FROST-Larry and Lynnej COOPER-In loving memory VIOLTN, $15. Cli63-M89.WATER for sale and - _______________ _____for__sale._ _____ ____623-5_ arenod ta art ARfCHER.-At Hamilton Gen- of a dear wife, mother and! 7- 24 hour service. Caîl 623-5756. 27-1 1sai liane roth ebirh 4th a , aHospital on Sunday. July g'9-tf f J. Van opased 1 sît nec rithe ir c f their 4h,1965, James Archer, aged gadoheLtwh asdBUYING rselng furniturel-- - ___--LD' nska u eaLMTE EL ni___ LIMl lmr AS obne ' pwrtae sz 6 $5 hoe23-01 adGNREALTO EAINTT BOE .daughter Deanna Lyn, 7 lbs.1 erbloe ubn faway July 6' 1963. g___ - - LADYSess2632294gonrconitiur coat,27- 2 z.,o Teda.Jne2th 9 ers eovdhubndc Sadly missed and ]Ovingl z.pines a177mr CS cmin,5' owrtke iz 6.$5.PonS63281t.7CrhStBomnil.mdGNEA 1SRAn 18KlgSt . 2333 2 z.enTeaY ue2tHelen Curtis, R.R. 2, Cope- remembered b hs b an Hmtndusns 6-29 5 f,_1dcnito.Poe __________6____23-3393 Member of Oshawa&Ditt 196, t shaa enr1 Hos- town- dear father of Tammy Charlie and family. 27.1* residence 263-2695. 6t 263-2400. 27-2 omnll pital. 27-1 and Jimmy, son nf Mr. and -- WATER for sale and delivered. Mme saaadDsrc elEtt PICK your own strawberries. BOYS bicycle, 21" .wheel, ex-1 Cail Cliff Pethick 263-2131. Me5e2OhwaKingsrit ea Statord1 ooWrck. pni Mrrs.CChrlelescArcher, rtCourtCce. ETCROCKETTI 1 me-eal EstatekiBoardt 52aKlnat.Se. W.t623-2tio3,c$0nditinn.i3Hot waeel sail heoar GLASPELL-Grant and Ar- Service was held in the Morris mr -nfIsac oviIlR me- oe Barnsv irs adtoad est celentcondtio, $m. hon leeG!.spell are happy to an- Funeral Chape!, Bowmanville, rnorscf aac Crocktt wh5. o.f2Nwtonlle and-north o7-2-34-- --.-- - -'FRIGIDAIRE stove, 42", ex- 200 Acre Stock Farm neardrea.Cetl.Ago Darry!the Grant h 12son o ntemet Bowmanv2lleCme This month comes with deep - 2- SMITH-Corona portable type- cellent condition, $45. Phone Sunderland. 7 room home, Tmmediate possesio!Pybya 8,0.Trs on Fy, ria.Jnt,8e s25, 1965, atter. BwmnileCm- regret IRRIGATION system, high writer, "Skywriter", private. 623-' gpe24xaou$,00d onFiaJn 5 95 ttr.27-1 bringsbckaday we and low pressure nozzles. Ca .62-0.24--- 48', drive shed 30' x 80', good right into this brick bnao.od nnc odtoo w Mernorial27 HospeyeitagelCmpetewCa! etwen7 ad KYScutauomaicaly-whle16 FOOT hoat and trailer, 9,8 sou ,2 spring-fed ponds. Only Easy terms. Close teoppnarso ad o iha ville Memorial Hos- Yof tl a up ithotnd-9 .r. Hampton 263-2305. you wait, at MeMullen Hard- motor; will seli separately. $33,00oO - $10,000 down. Wellington Street.Coy2Wet Asig1300 ih You aeep7- wagood-Kig9StpE.m.,wanPhone 623-5028. 27-1*20Ar GROEN-Peter and Barbara pital, Bowmanville, on Tues- sBut byernbu'- j ___brck__n memorieKng)o!nyoucewillhdFRIGIDAIRE refr65.gerstnIBut____-ie- galowwilargeRIGhiIRkenehousea garage vone.spaci auswlot.geOiliFarmho100 aacre oospagiod thanks te God the birth of iBrown, aged 84 years, husband n ver r ebre y elsiu. t.. also % size bd pigIWEDDING dress, white, fui-! LvsokFrSl with room for 4,000 chîckens. heating. Asing$200 ad their son Richard Edward, 6 of the late Ethel Edwards, dear wf n aiy 7Iadsrn-ildmtrsal1ntsize 15; headdress, j_ Near Bowmanville. $26,000 - Termis.brchoeon7Hiwa lbs. 1l ozs., on Sunday, July fhecfKy(r.Dulas in gond condition. Telephone worn once. Phone 623-2958 NINE 8-week old pigs. E.$.0Fon 7 1~ne om nna etitn rcdt Ane4th. 1965.Me o in M rn r L W N -- l - [2-71 27-1 after 6 p.m. 2-7-1 ýHockada, 263-2708. 27-1 73 Acres with gond troutlag lot close t o oî da sel] a 52,0 wih 800 Ann (M s. Regnad M -of a dear husand and father, COM BINATION sofa-h d. $ 5; PA-NT--ldilu.nd O-TE N-~ stream and pond, greenhoise for growing f ml. O u n ah LUXON-on nd oy necQuaid), Bowmanville. Serv- G1963. I$2; 623-3527. ous ndî OLTEN eiers, freshening 24' x 10,1IceMo'.eae ouei iecndto.Sisan ri rde Gaine) wih teannonce te ic washeldin th Moris Fn- GorgeLewins, who passedihostess chair, s$9; work bench, ctfoescnanrcrag-son. Cati Ivan Mountjoy, tre mal] barns, 2 frame Asking $250 Gie)wstr nuneteaway .Iuiy 2, 196. $10; sewing-cutting table, $10. mns al62-5î 2 Blackstock, Phone 986-4737. bouses, located in Kendal Hils ne.$250 em r Ann, 6 ofsa daughter, Wendy eral Chapel, Bowmanville, onl What would I give toi ciasp his AIl excellent condition. Phone1 Du ki St. 274-tf 26-4 area. One'sheath forces 1 623-3560 .An b.13 ozs., on July 3,rdaat2occkInemn hand, 62.1-5233. 27-l' IMODERN dining-room suite in sl.Akn 1,0 ens nai tet 1965, at Memorial Hospital: Nestleton Cemetery. 27-1 H s hp.ppy face tori , Egood condition. table, four -sl.Akn 1,0 em. nro~e. i Bowmanville. 27-1 To hear bis voice an d see bis' LECTRIC guitar, case and 'car n uft eehn' cars f or Sale B 92 Acres wt room home.,rn brick home isinma- G sieamplifier, two months old, charsan2 bufe. e 271' l- arns 32' x 190% 45' x Rn'. Next ulate condition thmuh. ereByee aEA--t umer emril miean omuch to Me. 145; St. Bernard female dog, --. ~-L 1961 FORD truck, Fleetsidelto golf course,.I11/4 miles from- Aluinum aw i n gs n SLEONLlnd nd ea HopialWeton o Suda. vfrremembered by s thoroughhmed, 2 years oid,f. BE.NJAMIN - NOR o. Phone 263-2760. 27-I Bowmanville. $35,000 - 51,0sorms.01hain. erfi RALO (nee Toms) are thankful tc uy4h 1965, Kenneth Dean, loving wife Rose and family. Caîl 623-2072. 27___ - ---TSIDE ther onee erricaLlOyd 8Newcastle, aged 51 years, be- 1 --___ 1 LATEX - '6OC-IV.- ow. alest 1100 Pon 63-30 27mpala convertibleailes V 35 Acres near Burketon wilh New 2-storey bik o owa1!eWetadi tnnr oneesaerria l o2*TRAILERS -b'!'entfIrailers, TT, 1 ---PAINT V8automatic. power steering 8,000 t. ' waltkig dt tOuthStef. x lbs, 15 ezs., on June 21. 1965, loed fahsbndof essieamead --cabin trailers for sale or rent. adbaks hne63266 resrad og ti out tee.Ltr mut n sac hecnr dearotfatheorcf Ress, James anry.LEWINS -bInloving MemorNI Atoie atSrie lne 5,0 200dw.lvn-om iigae n omfaebnao.Ms a rte o ua.SeilMr.Rested at the Morris et a dear fathpr. George Lew- Millenr 9eTudoPrStt., Haerwonod 15 AMNGiA er oa f3,0 re fcOP P-N thanks In Dr. Keith Slernon Funeral Chapel. Bewmanville. I hopsedaa Jl ,at 71 an nreso MtentyFoo Sric ashedinNwcstemswo ase aa Jly2 NAjx942-3491. 25-4-1 McMULLEN 15 AMNGiA on okn o oeite - spachous bedrooms.Prcdtbesntobapejte HsiaBwUntdCuhonWdedy1963. __ dtion, new upholstery, paint, 12 ½, acres, treed, minutes elAkgprc $1250wt ,f MemorialHoptlBw-UteChrhoWeesa The* rolling stream O! lifel-CAR top box and carrier, $10; HRD AARclutch, motor. Phone 623-7198. from Oshawa. Priced te seli 4 Bedrnom bungao n$100csh ieu nofr nianville. 27-I at 3:30 p.m. Interment Orono relIs on, 2-wheel taler, $25;ApaiWfend-27-1I at $6.600 - Termis.j Jackman Road. Almoe - oi a-Cernetery. But stili the vacant chair ýers, $6.00; seedspedr$5 Phone 623-54098 '1964 CHEV. 4-dr. sedan, 8l 150 Acre Stock Farm, 10,appoifltments; garage ak!Na iha 1:3bd piyanDnounEsth birth cf 'Recaîls the love, the voice, the power mower $5 (needs m- 36 King St. E. Bowman ville cl., automrathc, whitewail miie; from Oshawa. C Oout. basement, extr toetrombikvnrsptlee bier baby brother, Steven, 7 NEWTON-Suddenly in Cart- 1fsîepi).Cl 2-20. 2-f2- ires, t rue mileage 8.000 miles; property on new highway. Ex 1 etc. Don't, pass it upat$300 hm.Msebdrmba lbs. 64/2 emoal o sptnal, newright Township on Sunday, thr1/oo4.Cmp h -e ! S E 1 ±AL one owner. Phone 623583 Icellent soi], springs and smalî em akotbsmntwt an 1Bowmanville; parents, RoblArtbur, aged 71 years, beloved -- aver remembered b, Thor and! Crosley ap- 9LLRBE 5 ONICPrsen -ram 36' X 120'. h oame'11orth ar oi uNae; ag -ànd Helen (nec Laskaris).: wife cf L. P. Newton, 32 Mitre ter Dorotbh', son-in-law Hans, ipliances. P addv ' s Mar-ket,ý TE EF 15 OTA aiine -br 6 21 hsi ocr i i un 27-1Plae, Wsto, dar mthe 0grandchildren Debbie, CindyýHampton, 26.1-2241l. 12-Ifl I IPS - 60-70 Ibs. average dloor bardtop, V-8 automnatic,iproductive far. Excellenýtlo.Akn$850Tem. MpeGv: bdoo Charles and Grace ('Mrs. Johniand Bne.2-;(u eodr n atfoe power brakes and steering, finvestment at only $50,000- Properties UirgentiyReiedbrcvnerachtyeu- WILSON-Russ and Annie are Barclay). Rested at the Mer- Bni. 71INSULATION, blowing meth- î?tt rdradfstfoe -adho, excellent condition. 6 lTerms,. alNw ao n2ar o.Pto happy te announce the arrivai ris Funeral Chapel, Bowman- MUNDAY----n lovioR memor5F7cnshplba.need Fr eiaihorsesboPhodrive,24at.:r often- cfabb ilKtyAnville, uiitil Wednesday mor- of a dear husband and fatemaes. arry Le. Wade, BOVIJVIAN VILLEge bickjome,___d ofa-b il KtyAn,.Ray, wbo passedi away July estimt.,.Hrre.lle OW A VLL - or June 28tb, 1965, nt Me- ing. Service in Turner & 5th, 1964. ýPhone Newtonville 786-2256.1'63 RAMBLER station wagon,I barn, excellent soi]. Located!A. (Inde ---6324 îitda oems nmorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Porter Chapel, Toronto, (in We ittle knew' when we woke'.8t FRIGID LOCKER 6 cvi. standard, twin barrel near Bailieboro. Healtb forces ip. Kom'al jr. * 6356 ent eapeitd A sister for Angela. 27-1* Thursday at 3 p.m. interment that morn CUI WR e -ca.rbîîretor, back-tups-, washers. sale. $43,500 - Terms. _____ CAULMeorLOw Ga, ao. SYSToî mi low milepge, AI con-!IM100Acres witb Il mmprr $990.Gieusa - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ G l n d a e M m o r a l a r d n s T h e s o r r o w th e d a y w o ild g r e n c a b b a g e p la n ts , . lC. ro nro rsd . h o e a n 0 ' x 3 ', s r a , o f r 27agmet1ortbring, VnI ele -R.4,rwmn- Ponle O623-5578 Phonc, 62.3-3777. 27-1lgeod soit. Located ca3n, w takilcr p rve ero L.ngagnlenL For he rail was sudden, the vilto-, 12z mite east of Bowman- Ja1cku.vîîe Oirie n 12 cr lt Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm C. ROBINSON, Beatrice--At Co-, soksvrvleonHgwy2 osl tonville.~i .j On$1.00 $.00Tw ktcen cttriivn Camber announce the engage- or nSnay uy4h'Toipart witb one 'e loved -on Sunday. 20. - K.U.S.A. ner m18oving tREALTOR rm metofter agteMa-165vvder orkvvIned down. 199 Ring S t. E., BowavleIom. Sial o w net!teidagtrMa-96,Beatrice Bigelow of e dar FOFFICE Equipment Tp- 623-2503Ssu,ýptRod - ,geieJa.tiM.Rbr idai ir6r er ievr rememhered bhyhbis wri ters, a dders, cash iers,dTypei- MOlJNTJOY Bakhe Servip T eg ' -Su t od 3 bedroom 'fa62e.3-2n5pi0357,0 texadr Mlim, oetLndainbrofdyar iewife ad cldrdipt-,. 27-1I ~'~brick bungalow, attached! with $3000 down.Hf Ale and r W lli ms, son cfof the late T. W . Robinson,' a Ci e .2- cators, cheque w iters, files, -- Trenches. drins, fouîdatons, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander dear sister ef Mrs. N. WiIk-' furnhture. WTe bLy, self, r ' !ad eptic îanks duggad' P, loman0vii11'.Homest Williams. The n'arriage will lins (Elizabeth), Bowmanville; RIN4AR service. Largest stock, mudet, and iOllti. ac! fr986-47,17.ltho7-1 ' age, O- $16l,35A0ost' CRSCENT. Aveneer bngalow wth garag take place on Saturday, Aug-Ierm,..Bant(Mar),ndinon e d cbcftld aI 8-77.2-o Gwelr 1,5 -9- Mrs.rHs.Braet(anryuscd. Low 18-YEAR-old boy xvants -to at 6114'Yinterest. fstandout ho every wafoaonlreotVryiclc- tist 7, 1965, at 7 p.m., in Trin-!'of Tyrone, and Ress o! Osha- ME ORILb I - d lw ries.Blletla' and dTo g H O1LS 1,~TICda i ic,-lR Y . N C elr Crest Beach - Five 3por no wsrandcui eLeArn 5 40 0 ah andUitd Duî, owna-tw. nsedattelvrhett Hamlton, Raglan (North'garc!eningin Ibe ex-cings.e, . ___port._Windows_ an- vile 7-*!n Sit unra om, i' igiie adDiticiv O:shaWa). 2-tgatI enry ainte ctock, - normcllvig unae Vtrîm lean te the colonia.Fn s'ile.27î~ andSmth unealHom, D. Monuments - Fiat Markers é,- r - k it en 62 ry3-2442. 27.1* kallariglkefurnTVtihdrc oofmpae vision Street, Bowmanville.j In designs for any need CHESTERFE)S, kitchen6.-42 1964 Dr.$7,na, ag.aefotlt ihdrc om i Mr. and! Mrs. J. Morley Bre-i Funeral service was held at 2:i12ofliceS. . saa uts intesies us atn94C evrolet Dr!$,0 - Terms. imaculate throughout. Akn 5DL ol rnt ecsr. 19,500. Ternis. Jh .DWi thour, Blackwater, Ont., wish 'clock Tuesday aftemnoon. In- 12 tre t SOsaa sies, dinttesu il t e u ateDULLtosharpen't nchesy.Olive Ave., Oshawa. Two j DURHAM ST. AtrcieIRETR tri announce the forthcomingiterment Riverside Cemetery,1723-1002 - 728-6627 trps , amsai a rduedWe slihe as,scisss, Station jstorey brick witb garage, new' tnrig ftheir daughter ILindsay, Ontario. 27-1 Teeraodin: T, $gua0;ran- pruniog s b ea r s, baisors, -. -comfomtable 3 beamom u ona rn Gladys Marlene, tri Howard Office Evenings temeodiond 495;6koives. F.(rowe, 102 Elgin! Wagon <" umnce. wPc. bahrote4'finil Matn Ga ntmiage o! of _1c. ft. Kelvinator refrigerator, ,St., Bowmanx îîe 47 x10.$12.500 - $2.000 down. room, wibarge ishe.e. hn16 5 Mr adMr.Hoadfaro, C1d o hak-Hl "ntd $49.50, guamanteei: Westhog- 1- - - - 'Standard transmission, power Hampton - 1 Bedroom 11, i 2 atiyhomeTh sa 'M'. ndMr. owrdFaro. .,arisofThnk HlpWate bouse washer, guarant eed A A RS adbae.Here lm bY orne with 4 pce. bathidel fami00, home n Or2 ce aminrh OonOn.Tewedding will -.B ARsteering treratand$1.00 ersarage.Omnkwte7romdhoe Orono, Ont. The F~~,EMALE switchboardi operat-- 549.50. MurphY Fumnitume, 47ý a one owner car. on~ lot 66' x 166', gamage,. HR T eei ot br.Akn 1.0,Tre take place on Saturday, August Enniskiîîen's senior ctizen,rr Appîy in writing te Box ýKing W. Phone 623-3781. !Plumbing & Heating $11.000 - $2.000 down. enId SbT.ombuglo wte20 ce hmsmafie l4th, 1965, in Pinedale Unie James A. Werry, extends 38,Orno 27-2 --en-_3_ _____27-leg Church at 3 p.m. 21 haksfenbrhdy ree7s-2__ _____-,frbrhdypeets 5NlsnS.Rvavle Duplex- - Haydon. Total Il quch extra,, as bmoadlo nfr ih1600tes os - .anc! UPWards Of 30 cards on BOYS, 15-17, for puning 24-INCH thresbiog mili oYî'5n, o t owave163 Chevrolets rooms, 2 baths, 4' acre lot, living moom aoc! albedomac an sig$500 Mm oc!MrsEc!ardA is 92nd birthday. 271!Christmas trees; $1 an heur. steei, David Brown grain!ENI--'P~ Asking $13.500 - Terms. lagfishdmcromn-Tms MFamand, Grs LdandînA.___ hnoB7-ny56r11 tbrower witb pipes, tbresbing; JJ.LL ERFEC.L 1Fli'e (5) te choose f roim EstBec -- mio îm- c in iliharte. At-i0 MFrad oesLnig 27-2 idrive bett, saw frame witb two PLIUMBING & HEATING galow on lot 35' x 1259'. $3.500macwsera!dye.w Aramwth7rmd Ont., are happy te arnounce j saws, Cockshutt 7 f t. oul bath; --$500 down. $omŽ, modem cnveniences, the engagement of their daugh- I wiuld like to sincerely; CHRISTMAS tree priîners, 1 binderwtb e cnss' Phone 623-3540 .1962 Olds. batbmooms, etc. $18.900.( rsbmsmcieseec e ter. Sheridan Elaine, te Mm.1 alhnleaîd o!find 12 nhu.DnSano Chatham fanning mini whth P.O. Box 1599 Sue 1' n frol M'alcolm Fraser McKenzue o ýrte - ey flowers, fruit îth Line Manvers Township, 1bagger 2.000 lb. Renfrewl78 Ontario St., Bowmanville' ue 8Afier 9 pm. Ii 0 o ny$250ig$',o.Trs of Dr. anc! Mrs. A. F. Mc- aoc! gifts while I was in hos- West of Higbway 3.5. 71saes Ccksbutt No. 2 bay ' --Ailomatle transmission, pow- Ken Heekin 623l-.i55'rm amagd bebd- AUTNR D,10cr Keoie.Oroo, nt.Themar pia].BOY te beîp with t'arm womk, loader, Cocksbutt single pîow, !Contract Carrpentry er stepring and brakes, custom i3ack Whîteman m2-g ooms, large family reoa-fr ih1 mc rc riage tei take puace an Satur- Florence Glanville. 27.1* mnust be 15 years oIc! cm over. No. 21; 3 horse collars, set cf! REPAIRS - CABINEee adin. 1 62y-3077. tacbed garage. Joc day, Juiy lth, 1965, at 2:301- Apply Eber Milîson, Phone double harness. Phone Omono D NSPN E irdi. - Head adr 5-3853 comHUNgaS.lofnecimc g. sig52,0.Tr p.m. in Orono United Church,l D NSPN E HoadFodr6H. Orono. 27-1* j I Wriuld like te than k nih ampton 263-2137. 27-1* 2 r 9 e-venings after 6:30. 27-2 '93Covi53,ranek 8620 oom b-ue.gathow, itbvnDIiFAs 50Ar beors and! tiends for cards --- 96 Crai ln BrnX7t8'n2Zcoo.3-ce at nforh-ar CHRISTMAS trec pruners, T T623-3411HebCee *62-3gi c.erwth0hada ýand flo ers hil I ws iiboy an gils. anaian ý-erb oopr 6 3!ity. $12.900. Terms. Mr n r.KnehWi-hospital. AIse many thanks to hristmas Tree Gmowems. one $50 up - -t eueSdn ____ announce the engagement cfiflorfornthei dness.n tecfiasl Wet oret n. 26-2 l.OSHA'WA SEPTIC TANK lquîpped with large cgt o with api. on ai-iacre o adAkn 4,0.Trs ney Necatl ar peasd t fnres oc!ades n thefirl!st ile frt o! tmeemit21Rnt'in the village. Asking $550,10Ar amwt ag their eldest daughter Camol thanks to Dr. H. Anfessi. WAITRESSES, pr n 1 TV SUPPLY LT PUMPING and! 4-speed transmission. Temms. to tem os n an A-otr Grnt eseySmthJune Markle. 27-i 'time pn arst actfialî TDi COTTAGE for ent, sandy ORONO. 1018 .ureswt oy$1.0.Tm cf Orono, son cf Mrs. Mabe! 361mebbondSw.ges, substantial 361 lb Asking( Smt -f a adM. HuI-anc!Four Restaurant, Highwy Dayor Night -BilLeask, Prnp. BERT3TOMPKINS I boats. Phone 6231-244.5. 26-2 iTernis. bidns rc eewt son Smth of Bridgenerth. The family e! the tale Mm. 115, Phone Orono 10 r 19. 4__ ____1______ 4Otf Il Trhe wedding to take place Samuel Olver wisb to express 2- -- Phene Newtonville 786-2552 '! meomRNsHE prmntre-wt od oe uut21, 1965, in Newcastle awod2!7hak2teti kndEXERENEDShp erand uIlibfaath.oîet Avvnincs o oue. x Osa enited Church at 3 o'clock. naighors otac! rient he equîmed for stencgmapher hp ee t ul Lneof - ieetside 'mmediately. Phcne 623-35991 . -a. A s k nng 525,000 27-I in wer ads r eedu hor- iedfrsummer employ- rD~~T'i27-I -haro. $17,000 - $5,0001on Tms m1hle nWr, rde unent afO troys, Training CAMPING FRANK BRINK r1ikup $1,450! - tr bdnos$3.000 down.50 acre hb 3 ceswt ree ing thercen Iocf their loy- School frapos, bwmrnvar.. lCouA G,, haro. Asking $7.500.withapi Mr. and Mme. Franicis H.ied one. Special thanks B1 1 TTTIPMENT Tcighdo ot ec n efr tOIAppIy owmai-iviethTrengageg f h.dre boat, beach not safe for '30' x 60' haro. Ample ')t'rxj60'hbarnHomes: men c thireldstdaubtr Cpt H.Frserfo teir, hoperonte upr7- SEPTIC TANK 11961 Chevrolet chhldmen, gond fishing. Phonp!supplv,. $ 18,000. nientotla e ouncethee a . Forastr or dm adhenc!o 7-I BARBQSETS 1iD1Orono -371. ---- 27- 2 * Lt mdbnaobik Phyllis Ann Marie, te Mm. prayers and words of comfert. FREE COOK BOOK INSTALLATION 12 To A1RTETtWuoo o!,QIE N ANDLotsm.alnoeocneune.Ak Ronald Lloyd Broomne, son cf and aise te Dm. Hubbard aoc! Get your Rawleigh Cook Book T!A7T T-Te!o os '1rr7 IR.oMeNt tiea o roaned'66'Qo' ANb bik Mm. ane' Mrs. D. Lloyd Broome nurses nf Memomial Hospital.iOwanc! information bow ten LAWN CHAIRSLIJ Hiampton L263-2270 Feetsrepee bath isbcdeatefor ne 6,x 90. th2-ar grbredomhmewt e ail cf Solina, on Satumday, Violet Olver aoc! famiiv. makr mcney sellhng Bawleigh f F24 sdeI I '4 frnihf- ' ' a Pw!ge 00W on the proet.n!tînc.Pvdsre.Ak Jul 24h.196, a 730 .m.j,27 1*,Producî,s, full or part time. j" PckI ig aoc! etove, free parking, 5 4,.50.ig$900. Trs in _______ Eldad United Church, So- . Write Rawleigh, Dept. G-140-1 AI ' !, Pckpteevsonaeil.Apl SaesLAMBS LA1 .62 lina. 27-111aoc!FC. 4005 Richelieu St.EAR StI.!RAION 159 ,,.ifevriel- maPOSPCTfT.i5cxe,6',covt'ienes skng 16.00 1 qxli- te- xtnd ur-Hen -i--yMnra. 71Bwanii--IL-NCPOAD .5,0.n Augst1 nclsie. - -3jnnr~thepa 17g cJau ly '65. stating age, mar- 3-peint Hîtch Grass Seed atd EXCAVATING ' ý'±.'ads'tock Service -- to et n53 ce Igwtl' Dr. Allan B. Syivester's cf- .îta I staitus. qualifications, cal- Fertilizer Spreader, Interna- LOADING, - TRENCHING NITO ghest Cash Prices for Deaddw pyct lice will be closed from 'July Janted ta Bu .u - expectrd. 2 -7-2 toa 2 u T aueSnd rvl o olad M T RSALES HaNptonr6 Roomd bunga 12 to August 2 inclusive. 26-4 7________ _ -- titl12 u.PO aue adGael Top Sali andofOur ad Crlppled Farin Stock mOnE t.m eirornapm- mwwthatacTelrae D.EL.Eetsofc ilUSED rowboat. Telephone' otSpreader, Farmhanc! P T O Fil! DWAEiiERVICESec ren esmf our BURRETT FUR FARM 6ment.hmeitl.Tepnema]aronIcelt.A- bcîsdfor holidays from 623-5774 or after 6 p-rn. BUEand!gre y bu dgie, "Joey-", c!rle 4-Hur WTERSERICEagueeou salsm atPhone Long Distance - Ju lse 11tJuy2tinlsv.623-2954. Y,, ROmn.Cntc atii eMtr Sraer 2-55s oWMA NV. atILLE, 26-4 -- Jly2thinlsie.2-1 OWMANVILLE - COURTICE Zenith 66550 (ne charte to yeu) THREE becimroom bouse.Rf Hapn:3Arsit ml ____________in_________ContSictNiehels Ae RicherdsDept. Agri. Lic. No.355756 - eences supphed. Telepone haro i-ated un vllage.TAl, 26-4____________ LIVE poultry, old feather Wallace, Orone, Phone 1207. NEW 7-TON WAGONS Are2ichrds85. 27-I iog $N. 31-C6.500. Terms. Dr. Keith Billett's office tcs .Fat ..1 eh __________ 2- /ie 150 BARNES & BYAIvI Ted Miller Lau Phillps 4-tf. %vill be closed for the Conven- as»'. Phone 7 r 13 colleci. ITWO orS-ÈthD _ PLUheNlr-mom bouseroldAf ter heurs1 - Cal: -rnor tion cf Canadian A5sociation _-_ ____________ 28-LESI&ESERVIMCENCash AnItheHaSoot Mo r"apnr27tmeCash on th et Optametrista. July 8, 9 mand OLD cedar rails --gt o Nursing Home [a 2tPLSALS OSR PICEna for Dead or Crlppled Farmn Phone 623-3604.2-1, eBao * 637 i n .2 7 - i c sh . D o S t i o 9 4 ugh t fe Ir L D E r rsi g H o eu i r lm e n t i2 - O R- S to c k . P lc k e d u p p r m p tly . H E r f o r b d o n 1,. 27-1Ket clia ash. Do saileonta.,41 Du- "H OG"1'usn oeOu Burner Service HYGENIC Supplies-(Rubber Telephons collect 263-2721 TREo orbdomhue doWema*Oo.14 1,JaesKet ilias, 2daW.CokvleOnte- on Hghway 2. Licensed. Ac-Co 1 SEPTIC TA.K ND ýgeods) mailcd postpaid in wanted by teachrmvio ner Jognsn* 8-49 Concession St., Bowmanvile phone 277-8081. 27-1 commodation available. Kînd C K N plain sealed envelope with Margwill Fur FaiTn Bowmanvillc: preferaby C.Dt -7243 will no langer be responsible FIRST cal! Holstein hehferscame. Nurse 24 hrz. Vis Phbnc 623-5689 TILE BEDS price lizt. Six samples 25ce for any debts contracted in and yaung cows due in two 'welcome. Phone Mrs .Wmn. 134 'King St. E. Dowmanville PHONE i 24 samples $1.00. Mail Orde; TYRONE 63ugusto15. Wia tAdtie my narne. without my written or three weeks.Phn RalphlWestover. Newcastle 987-4252. I Lore Perrault, Orono 271 RAMPTON 263-2288 I Dept. T-28. Nov.-Rubber Co.,j Licence Noi. 389-C-65 i P.O. Box 190, Bowman,îl.InD~do 4ay3r permission. 27-2 iDavis, 263-2284. 16-tf i 24-tf 97-1 TYRONE 263-2650 1Box 91, Hamilton, Ont, 1-5 4-tf 5-