,- Tr~~ l' . a n d a u S t t. e n ~ E o ~ a v I I , M r s . L e n rd D r iv e r . B r u c e , M %s . M a u r ic e Dri[e rL I I P h . il h a e l y d w naW @i s r s Victoria Dar Cullebration ;:ad Mrs. Gordon Chuse. Amlte S QO (1l .2><O ih s hdbat enetafih aKt fCdSplg îR ' b r o n l oOne of the largest crowds on %tng ere M s. Charles, e ttheo j è1 d i o il o b. Ail Chtr isi n g o p ee wt r r. H Barbara Conne!! fo ~~record attended the well pla-Mynlsandi Mrs. Gladys> r;etonville, May 23/65 by the cottagers, then mstlv, Although 1 beln o te.Anltahav ofdneMlrwo udy rid prt ay ait Bethany on olisn.Dear Mr. James: lairinen and their families.Iu tdan'foîg h rhn resec oa tenrus Mr n r.Caee Monday, May 24, which js The actual wedding date was Ianfihtndadwhen ilike a community spirits 1goUite ad fltlonk faorwrr ard r hwese can fpor eat ddne wt r I'Ie d I< net es ( lui letc so ain. Even b the o ~odflLd8,Wt nI amd - ie witiginsl0ed badner even idthat ba. ndohereigin hnkHl n udh H eadoredannully y thlubh May 20, 1925 and the ceremony that happens I begira thinking, decided ta find out for my- tri ail groups marching under 'oprt ihohrpolsadMs tnGe.Gre thweterat noprte oie. lfe Bon erigth ar.The first time I met te.ier were my own. 1 had a you for listeningfomveas MssGeda eread et t B oianva l nnr eein h ev are Hlent Duof ,theKi- k th'enire prgram a real the marriage vows of Leonard 1 u i g t e Is a r n - d u he n t e lti tr re d w o l v d te fr a a e e a oae .sT k ofth BwnavlleKneteChtr reien o teK~l~uces rier nofte lateh enM r.ng eRaseet sa Thrnk lugaer tahe a lestnihor chrd ho ervc d efon aeye Yorsi'ra ely o h ume.Te Club was helti an Wednsday, ets la Larmer, and1 Events got udr waywth and Mrs. Alfred Driver Of; nathing ta fear but fear itself". She made little replyndsoiwxtdayretgsnthAnsBrl. uan Icnae re m an l9t rH t e r si e t he Flying Dut h- Bervi ughes. a parade beginning from St.lB ethany and Florence (FlOr-;Then there is no better w ay t a Ileft. W hen I turned the corn- way out. On the other end Rural G a d o h r t P t r o o g ol g . r e miln Motr Hoel.Preside nt Tthe el c rti n eer t ho ug o Paul'% A glican Church tn the rie) Saunders, daughter of the destr y fear than t a pull it er n my wav omne the wo- of the stick when I had tlie - r e c i g i o m n i Eve n Wrrr pested th eectons wee t o 'e Athleic rPark. Betha Co .laite Mr. and Mrs. Robert Saun- ut into the sunlight and take man was waiing for me. She, privilege of attnding service Lots 0f1 n 1 hddrigbesa teBomnvleKîsomntmBn ld " ders nt' Frankln. Their at-ia good look at it. That is ýsaid she could see there were I used to go home disappointed theapag o tecnd-mnparaoh er adacon d iwr r.adMs'ELIZABETH IL dthes. B baamig n r tel cadi- mn Cl u l b ot h W e nd ecs pa ied by the M ajoret- ,d 1s w re M . an r.w hat we are g ang ta do right m ore parcels than one could if 1 m issed the' chance ta m eet dats. arbra onnli was Ar old Slep, bat pat pe- esand Brwnies in trim r iAmbrose Lywood (nee Ednainow for my own benefit and icarry sa relieved me of the mny friends and shake hands On Saturday v nn h electeI President of tiie Bow-sidents. d and white coFtumes. TherelSaUliders, sîster of' the bride)'I hape, for other frightenediheaviest part, theptaoswtthsrag.Smeeecmunygahrda M. a n v ile Ka n tth e s e fo r 9 6 - '6 A T e ar d w n te ai' th e a r w r v r 5 n t i s m k n l o ' L n s y h o w r r s n p e ap e w hlo c a e to r e a t th is l a n d c o a l il. It w a s o u t afi' in b e tw e e n th e -se tw o e x tr e r e s a n d i M rs . M a cra irUh m t d e l and thfe n e x c- Aar d as resew o nte e final decision for prizes. a' or this anniversary occasion.,'etter. her way to my cottage. Iare the rest of the w rshI- I hon or- our rec n rd tive wdj tak ofice n S p-' har Masers who Won thecom p îcated task for the id _-' M r. and M rs. D river had a f w hat do we fear? Vio-~ spoke ta hier w hen we me and 'pers. 1, to , love the dignity icouple, M r. andMr. S e n teniber. honoir for her outstandingles, Rev. Reginald Rose and Dr. amily aof six children, Ivan, lence and p<litical tinrestfvisited in lher home etwice, and beauty Of the formDONT BE ANit Kîiette Joani Brunt, who work, by Jk-an Williams. the R. M. Butler. ideceased; Gladys (Mirs.AIFi throughaut the ainso he nc fterbeormdlMaLenwt a sevie'cea. AMIIra lnou sowr was the campaign manager la.st year's winner. First prize for the best dec-iler) Toronto; Grace AîMUI. w a elnats a't one at ri adetng uli a serv i but am hapifrmt aicneous shofer.e pormISR IU O I for President-Elect ConnelM IThte Back aof My Hand.arated dol carniage went ta Douglas Bruce) Windsor; Auti- warlds he uur ascuat d homehey rat.n loin ik orki cdvnformadmnsico!alng' ogunnnon bad written several originaliAward which is annually pre-jSuFan Ryley: second prize ta rey <Mrs. Verne Mulligan'>, uncertain. Two days before leaving fot ioeelo anc. atid ermuil\nmesh h U lL~f and entertaining sangs boost- sented t thie Kinette wholDonna Strong. Best decorated Bethany; Maurice and Robert, Wa shpeig oty oetewahrtre it- te dy hev i erli *bWlkrfmî . th1eti lng ber candidate, whuch she lbas rmade the bîggest "boop" boys tricycle, James Rose; sec- both of Peterboroughi. The a What inghappein? Moste hoe hewether tur one bt- u daywhei re hlgiosi. Jon rew Mrln had ail the Kinettes singing during the year, was won this ond pnize, Michael Smith. 11est1family with their husbands, find it hard ta adjust ta places. We had no fuel, and ',vides thenm and study their'ýC. Mercer, Mrs. TicsMr mccomnpanied by bier ukelele. ie by Barbara Conneil, wiio decorated girls tricycle, Kim- wives andi chiltiren. were ail change. We Iearn ta adjust may add, couldn't buy aliy common ground: whcn they'Howacd White rcdtea I lben she han a Piper march upset a glass of' water three my Wood, second pnize Mari- home. Thece are nine grand- t0 the daily changes whic'n even with mancY. We wcrc 'will cooperate wihri us- antotintithe spariaus banquet times during one dirnner lyn McGill. Best decarated boys children, Patricia and Janre wvnwe he.hnig htbdivudb ico rc ith na .of . dhrverswhich XS.SMau Dan il give us a jli, but every few1 the only comfartahle place groups and nio need for sge eercie.Lnh w Élancé of hier candidate. iwas made by Kinette Audreylbank; second prize DwightlBtl.ce; Dianne and Larlannedcds te whale world when there was a knock. My gatedt sciionîs. cyhari gt evd the oiger etdro t A pltt er' hnstaer icye, firestdpcre athegrleneDrier. ad a' seems ta be in turmoil and son npcned the door and thcrc h1 lcavv wlîen I pass a religious Several attende ash ViePeietBarbara Mas- Kinettes for their financial Green; second prîze Betty AnncaOfnygtulatonwer an uchl.Toaing mne o 'stodteFncifather anithou, rcittle scoolre I thinkv fo r.Mind MreeWosedAm.drce amr ters, 2nd Vice-Presîdent Vir-ldana tion was received from Morion. Best decorated car, Mr. cards of congratulationos t' ad snc J hn th dscPlýh mp inanaw giniaa Ro'wn, Secretary Con- :the Bownanville Girls Hoc-,and Mrs. Frank Martichenko. received. The families' gift ti ta s eltsk.t scneuttle ai' caleough blat mad e suine John the dcehoeiOsaao Frdy aueheD-touet i~ie Wis mau, Tr asuer athy key Tca . A arcl w s pe- B st uni r co ies D5 nne ntither p re iwnts a a l ey a s werm l ta lak t cha gebut e w a tay fuel a d l ic t mnld J t cha d frbade a n; i hr. and manpdny f ai, u Corden, Re-gistrar Jean Colla- pared for- sending to the locallBarbara Ano Green.'Best Ad- tinpitue inow î anrmalthing. It lu bu.ddtij nw w adntuo buel d. thesuoantame casou emo wNs ifl M.and HMlr.Kî l'e,îcxet udmn eet cutt, and Directors Elcanon Kinettes' adopted son. Salem, uIt ecomics, Murray Smith and!isaldliterdiigro.adbd Murdoch and Frieda Kranip. in India. IMelvin Smelt. Best Farmer's Mc. and Mrs. Driver have: n asw in the past. Before cabching the train flot foliowing the disciplelRowel, spent hw cdIll ac In Septernber Evelyn Werry. Plans were completcd oriEntry, The Weatherîlt Floatialways lived in this vicinitv sod' c m sanr.ined fo hagomdbJ slipedoveî bu say g nt roup.But Jesuosno said, 'o wih Mrand Mrs;. J ecc ,don b tnb b tic 'our awn in. ThneeHonoany embes luch fr th Tee Towilt,"TheDeacn an lie wedMtheDrier o i hways. wthv1 happening ta the backwardier cauigtt me tiythie dress and does a might wr nm n n r.W ebuci uac dto.Seu h were eected for ane yean. Pro>m, which was being don- ding party.'" Best atiu -laaemebrsofte nte'Po ea' hewri.Wehae'satevt ny Yo aeofv aîme".ti'aheson"fFrordl ihln.ioreop' 'u ed ep n hosn Glays tut ws he l(at entry. "Sports Unlimited" ways an active member i in tio the dark places ai' the Il is truc thîe\, wene Frenchi that is not agailîst us is for Mr. Roy Beatty adMs eartsSLitWs h tiýi t at teacli the Fatherhood and pon and the daughtcc tint t.s"--<Mark 9394.BetyTonowtM.an friI .hme.cr...r î l ~ venor. Idiven by Ronlald Jackson andw amcens rganiiations. - -- ao God and brotherhood ot verv' bight. H:3ve9-40 lît an. Beattyflk Mr . o r onna uin s ur sr'c svat L e g i n ~ a i e s A n i f r a i e o i n < G o r d o n C h a s e . B e s t C lu b c t y -m n t lan i t e p t e W s b i t i e o u g i t eve d o 1 0 i c a r p b n in t h s a o u t ? M s . Maîî d M i - . Y r o u ! f i n d v r f s i n l .a ture on Cystic Fibrosis w& The Bethany 4-H club and Business Direciory raise their standard aof living. hous tanrtien ftbler and .Justb ti working iin the place faijv Ohaalyr,îh RF shown, graphîcally depicting their leýaders, Mrs. Harry Rylev __, hyar ed I aelrte__n___ id acw ft Slaka He r ep rt ~fecntasecso!ths ruland Mrs. Noci Wood. Best sad ed atk rtesadgv idcn cfid ounseîves aiid mccl- Mr. and Mns. E. oer ;1dseae hatissuc amencer cc 0u a cy linhip Tather.one ii toaska ir bu out er rI ongot g iust seach frista :nd Mn . n Ms.h. Wi a hidrn ws hwn Kn- aman idenb Ceihonthrei aote. hie theTe rnh aaiskwrPbradoand tait ht il witlI. Ostliawa ha b O Ba q es !'nArnold Sleep an the ICarr. Two special prizes wentý RAY J. DILLING 1 into the projectar. Ita tic Earl McQuade tamilv Cbactcced Accounitant few were helping there were aur friends wticn Wr' ueedcd go %vitti us itthbusiness, side. President Dorathv Rictianris lb twas plarincd in June I-andthie Weslry Gilbaîîk tamn- 93 Churcli Street ohes a h fel, vexenayh1phu Mirc.epetaand wckutg r s . 638î teacti or ta heal but t x ac he Roya il Cmission ý,dasocàlîl, omonly ne.andgilanMr presided at the meeting rof ftic tead aof holding a closing"1' Ter 63381plaît; tnot tagive ai' them- plan is to tburn a deaf eari Nmtein ' .a* O <e. r udr and M. aî n.L Bowrnanville Ladies AuxiIiaryý meeting hetare the sumnier' Th erWiP race. tOn ail LEONARD JAMES BROOKS selves but get for themuelves. rumoun, break dowii barriers life vc mu.st bake change and Muldnew, Oshawawrea to heRaaiCaadan egonhitu tat ilUi jiîeî~5age.s and prizes for thiese Ctiarlercd Accounitanb Now the people are coafrant-,and find oui for ourselves. pnoblemrs, tnot as raad-blocks Sunnysidie the RyalasI week in Legion hiausd go ail e Fir Lady lvents were as follows: Boys Truste in Baiiknuptcy ed by two views ni' us and are, Thon we crnme it h rabtdalue o i rl- M.adMs .GnoîRa Hall. On a motion k' Com-,at the University Tete o ,sx years anîd under Glenn Suite 205WV 725-995.3;tryîn aheiewic s0 rlgo0 lec.0 a rei weeiot ccbv rade Hilda Humplirey scn-June n.Tear igil.Hate c stawa Shioppinîg Centre ire ally us. Thcv arc wondcr-to changc scems te adst sltlm in tmytt bcrond M. Gordon IVce ed by Comrade Ruth Barclay, Thle Bowmanvilc inete»Il. Boý1'r eight years and - - r- __h fthiýfal ti itinoegnraino wognTrnt ihle the auxiliary decidcd tin<o- recrntlv attendeti a under . ilvPamr;grl M.j H CGINshigifwiaewoby f hiro al Hr, o i s nIii re cîeaia r w gn-Trat wt le snGay nate $50 ta the Hospital for fully arranged and ti nLynn Argue and -Julie Chai- Chartered Accountant fnedti.loees hIlos likr erations but it will eventually helping redecoratelshos. Oie edee most n.lic <lie). Bos 10yearsaîîd econdFloo Have the troubles within chaos and confusion is but the lic found if we kccp plugging. They were home foctewe-63-6(1359 SickChidrens B il i ng jyabl Kiette Iner-lcner tierrBy lston.rls N ecoLbrny Blding aur world multiplied or is aurý univcrsal churcl i tkiîg a good Wc older citizens cani restiend. Cu Tno.ne May Wetoer nrndaetCinhl try thejAnde eBriacnWiston, girls, -lone63-62ktrne? coreebeherse][.________________ C1 bd Pae oy c2yars and Cor. King & Temperance Sts. atti1ude toward other peopleslkatieef.s rdhatioewîflow M adMsAviOî- wa poneietnn o-lPickering. The host club wasiuSarner ls oç,1 er WILSON & BURROWS whpn god Christian peoplei Ivenor for the Junior Bowlersthie Whitby ,Kinettes. Saduron G nis os 1 ac rs hree conaf spoke aof disasters anti tragedy! Dlsnn Pir Banquet tlntbc lild in tlie 'Pher 're10 .iesa nd nderls nnisitar:tgrls Faaseteasccontats s. isantt'O Legln Hall an Saturday ev p enewee 4 Kiit.nnWito.Boys avec 15, Ian 114 King St. East, Oshiawa, Ont.10 tIceaso fthe lons.ita Reg. 49c! Mcd. Pkx ening ai' this week. Bonîavile, Ba i ge, Stewaort girls Barbara Green; Partners V E Bowianill, Bacbrigesenorboys, Roy Scott.. girls. Roniald F'. D. Wilson, C A Today wiht.h îe aews aad! Mss ty c ots lst Vice-President Florence Co-bourg, Whithy, os'taaMrunî isn ane .Ema urwC pictunes coming into our, liv- Ms uit ots Kxxight was appointeti con-j Lindsay, Milford By. inG. EdmaeMo.LviM- hned 23754în oa îe semmrerelCUA ~reorforth sppe l li dnPeterbaraugh-. and Part GuI: niarcieet mcii. 1îarvev- andi close and we become in- given on June l3th wiien tie!Hope Mlom ae~ lo ik HALL, PERKIN &CO. -volved. Bnae àuxiliary will entertain the: The Best Service Repart Mcs. Levi MeGilI. Chartencti Accounlants Is tle pligtit of the Negro Bnae patients ai' Divadale Lotige,' Award Werît ta the O-stawal There were tirce bal] games King Street - Newcastle in the Soutti wocse or are we43 i Sunnybrook Hospital. Vice-; Kinettes Club foi its HillsdaletBettiany juniors takiîg' the 987-4240 secung t as il really is? IlnýentKniht as Is a - 'Mano prjec fo enor 'Pli Te Negro has long beeîî Reir. 69e Gt. Tube ?res den K n g.lt w s a so p- ano pr jec fo se ior p ea w in ve c the visiting C avan 361,' K ing St. F . - O sh aw a k l e a us t a d d ni i iC R S pointed caleing rouivcnar for, pic. A group from oeaci Km- juniors; Ponlypool Seniors tak-72563 RS the Little NHL Banquet ta lie' ette Club present stageti a ing the win over the Bethanv 72-53 igiiîs as a human being. We held oil Monday cveniiîg. clever aridi amusing kt ai eir:Biihn eir William C. Hiali, B.Coninm., C.A. ýuseti ta look at tîier pîight Tooth Paste- afay 31s1. of whieti were hilarlous. Theclover Cavan Seniors. Edwin David G. Perkin, C.A._ mucti as the Southern White, President Richards. wtia wa-s firsî prize for thc best skit Clallice was umpire fo Il - __~ - - -! stili views it, as a naturalý tectrn ovnrfrte l a tt heLnsyKinettes the games. Ch49c ac i Ontri IsLtue o tunrylub.Prize fon the aldest lady- ti wo era cIus t ing. The oly ifenence be-_________ Managers, Central Region, There wcnc aulumber ai' wcnt to Mrs. Fluena Davis, G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. ing aur attitude faster. Bîrds 'ye Frozen Fods! BAKERY FEATURE! Baqe nMy1tpeet tcivedn-pie.Knte gd9t h rz o h hrpatrWenusebuIhte are cihang- 2-----IO--- ed her report. Treasiirer Rena~ Barbara Msters of Bawman- ýlargest family oui the grounts Office:. emotion wlen a man witlî a Save 6e! 6-oz. Tins ~A'D tathgate, wha was the cater-'viI1e won bIc first- prize ini was shareti by familbes ai' Mr.' 15 Elgin St., cor. of Hlorscy St. Peculiarly spelled nam~e was'An ar ' ing, convenor fo>r tîhe Oshawajtlie Special Dnaw, a hani- 'anti Mns. Haroldi Green and "liane 623-5509 killeti an an construction job, ~ a~ Juc Geneai aspial 0W in some leattier racking chair. Mn. and Mrs. Wesley Gilliank.!Office Hours: By appoitmelut,"He was anly a foreigner',. ' _____HsiaBoýIi l9,. rn e uie - 9 BAKERY FEATtU RE! SAVE 10r! APrLE RRII i I2 7IZ Banquet, also gave lier report.1 Thc speaker was Kinetîe Haroldi White, President ot 'Now we consider tiim one ~v eJ-z ks iComrade Humphrey, Chbair-i Laura Garrison, Oshawa, wtia the Athletie Association an- erench a i af us.e ma xi h Sc C m iteiga e a rising address on'nouned thc events ant thank- _ ! Wc e d o oo ipÔheS presented her report. the Kin Worîti CoLîfeil. cd everyane for their co-opera D -M RDEL DD g sti tfkth ian tcItec Sye(re Fash Ba e P es 39 Falawin~g thi e business ~tion. D.W . RUEL , pligîht ath ai' t Indias as f ANS 2.49C Reg. 33c! Supreme 3 Varieties R1 9!Wsa o uba ap meeting social ouc wasen-1 Theevenîng' progra 75 King St. E. Bowmanville ta a h a hywse TUANY 'soiaîlu ws n-Te e'Powng'Ha]] feature in Office Hours: aiy ta live. Today we look upon v Jayed. anti a deliciousIt lnch :he ow9Halarn. ta 6 !he nobleSv r!9o. k5 Was served by Comrade Thel-1 B T r 19am o6 ..diyace sn a riti nd u n im ite rd'ath i ieMainCo, auda n udynbe Irdan pati e e! -o. Pgs D onuts doz.2.9c S isR ls35 Tha Litie. Bradsliaw of Peterborough,, Office Phone - 623-5790 doebtjsachne a r C Fe 2- 7 ~ 'Pîrewre mRny visitons in who kept the large audience Res. Phone Newcastle 987-4961 make gooti in their awn way., !thie village avec the holiday weîî entertainet i wth t11cm - - -lIe upheaval is fouricii weekerd:Mr. anti Mrs. Jack' Black Magie". A Bethany DR. C.-F.-C-ATTRÀN, D.D.S, everv gvernment in theI BEST BUYI Save 4c' Cash Your Sc Coupon 12-ex. Pkgs. BestRySe ! McMahion, Mn. and Mrs. Earl trio, Douglas White, Philip' Office 'wonlId andi Canada includeti. Mo Dash f Sp yfied, N S.; r i eer nd C theri e BM anpl y-,h5 K7- St E.Pkg.avir u Godes'andePetrbrougi lYmr Hon e isses alaccordian selections. Office Hours: vinciai goverriment from rit- ~ I PeeroouhEme art and Thelise Pamela Stinsan anti 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily Ksli CaumbiaCorNewfluke-s-2 9 5 Lawrence Hart, Mount Hoeb,!Mitzi Malcolm gave severalj Closeti Saturday andi Sunay ýlanti anti especially ur Fetid f~j)lfJJJ47witti Mrs. Ina Palmer. :a dancing numbers in cs- Teleptine: Office 623-5459 ýeral Government at Ottawa. UW* Miss Myra Wilson, Ed Sav- turne. 'Ple Galery Quartette, DR. E. W. SISSON We, safe behinti the lines, nped' BE ST RUY. Save :;Oc! IS-oz. Tins FEnghish anti Miss Donna.Eng-IRose, Leslie Fairhucst anti Ofcdnlshm standing for they are having iIf 2 lI lihJaetile wthMran eogeBefodsang thre 100 Liberty St. N., Bowmativille ta feel their 99 on e U~ ~J U L I ~Mrs Wi Uar j'o dm er W ally Reidi sang s v-, P lne 623-5604 paîs.wa d wn cw* U y FEAI U RE av Mr. anti Mrs. Ted Laitiley:erai sangs, tianceti anti keptiOffice Hours : I read Rau edutorial ini 1. Mrs. D uglas raI-lb.MeBai mailis the "most") anti family, Belleville: Mr. and!~ a ruonnng commentarv o! 9 ar'm. ta 6 p.m. daily Mýay lst edition of Maclcain'1s BEST BUY! Saýzve 18< e2OCff Pa11--L Bag EFAOU rs. D ougI- A - l as G- h a m, es an ti cam ir im npres in s C lo eiW d ie t a uu t a h t a d I q o e: " h 6 1 OAC il r iiiranA rmstrongsWlalesale,- H'-arsPoe Ofc 2-58 0do un thc face ai' ail this'? R rhaieumaurs aboun i I &Hewitt, Ward Clark. Res. 623-5553 Wcan be truc to ourselve i 13D Drlver's 40th Weddlnà .RIHRDLVEI can keep aur mnouths shut un t i - Anniversary ' B.A.. LL.B. we know the truth. FmIs Ru WN 623558 M ani rs. Lenard Dri%7.: Barrister - Solirior rumeurs anti gssip il n de-ý RYL BOWMANVILLE er celEbraed their 40h we-' ing St. W. Newcastle stroy gooti people as ruch as i ding annhversary on Saturday,' Phone 987-4633 'a gun. We can wnrk for what h( ententainîng their niany frinsHar:953-Wel.St,91 we believe, in aur own way WED. O SA .,, J NE 2 TO 5anti relatives durîng îlie aftcr- Sk .idS RK and bp careful te have thelb j. c on anti evening. Barcisters, Solicitors true information before putting MATINEE SATURDAy, 2 P.M. . They receiveti theur guesis, Notanies Public pressure an a gaveraiment. I l!! ithe living roam. whicl waS W. R. Strike, Q.C. 'shutider when I hear people i WALT DISNEY'S decaraled with baskets of, A. A. H. Stnike, B.A. being asked ta tise pressure1, 'flowers. Mrs. Driver Was weanr-. Edward C. Wildman, when it is in thé area ai' Jul ifr a "Th ose (allor~~way Pt ing a dress of green embossed B .. LL.B. foreiga affairs. The Canadian "oaSv wc ihTi n rc"-Tne E O S6f' 3 bro e a lo a sanz cors.ai' o yellaw and,_ Teleplone 623-5791 want peace; ail the worldIDIrhCr, ni color, bronzeng H utes nii.clrco'zwants peace. Only those with cFem r in clor gtarin Hosesss an inchare o'a-il the fada sare in a position I Brian eith, era le guest bank were Mrs. Ail M o r ig a g I e - ta K thsprbe orR B T A K71 b Bra IeL, eaMiles, Walter Brennan Fuller anti Mrs. verne Mulli- ,-------c - -Wdor Wednesday and Tbursday at 7:30 gan. SADÎIE HAMILTON - ORON biwed ot want peace without 'PIe tea table was dlaîntilv Plane 1 r 16 firecdom for ail. MAPLE LEAF - Mild Cured- Sweet Picklcd Friday and Saturday at 7 and 9:30 pi., arranget i wth floral centre~- Firrut Mortgmge Funtis Fr enti olmcnin t ell-f TA r u u C ~ I Al r ~ a 'piece of' pink antiwite car- Residence - Far ma 'Prn d ry o ie Ioct o ny stelyl nation,pink anti white can- -- Busnes Pr peries a th Mar aintimy s ng theyC O T A G E RL L S 5,c,,u i MP U~i5 SUN. TO WED., JUNE 6 - 9 AT 7:30 P.M. desericsilethonr, iveai l h Mrtie tub h erocheteti lace lahîccloti Mr__ _tO fom e yr ify oatn ______________________________ fTabu 1011e Walter Neals poureti tea in thc' KEÏTÏA ILET. O.D. Agthere ereet easi ttapem- "Tabu"* ;~~~~afternoon, Mrs. Adidison Scott' Optomnetrist Itruent French Canadian homes., A L R V E H T in the evening. '1-1KnStE- Bewa-vll- Aseong tIc summrothtges A L R V E H T a l r Forbldden Wenders of the Werld. Serving the gueits in the Office ours: By appointmnent grapevine that the neaneut ane afternoon were two grand- Telephone 0;23-3252 ito us Was a poor French fish- O N S R DW H T inlr-nme b icn rc 5c ýdaughters Misa Dianne Mulli- Mon. - Tues. - Thurs. - Yr' ra' aul ihadug.fP < D f . W .ir gan and M issPatricia Fuller 9 .tr. ta 5 p.m. @trni1 aI e y bnîgh a anti hou- ai' Toronto; Mrs. Harolti San- Thursday evening s tarndave rd igara wsnet E K'S REDW HITE w~w..uw Ideron and Mia Damie pearce.1 Wecl. and sat. - 9 - 12 jvery bigli. Tkiey were 'gnored -f (