2 The. Canadian Statesman, Bowrnanvll]e, June 2, 19 IMagistratels J HeId in Bowmanvi inn. lst, 1965 !rie had been unable to do ,eln Ham-ld Bannaster. 75lie continued, so he was giv, Kig Street, West, pleaded two days to bring it to t guilty to public in4toxication office. May 15ti. Magistrate J. D., The accused stated that Burger conivicted him andj had lied lis irisurance age placed thie fine et $50 and i phone to say that his polii cmn, or 10 ctays.j which had expired May 3rd h. Chef B. R. Kitniey statedi been renewed. Apparent (fiat the police had receivedj the eal hed been to the C> a call shortly efter Il p.rn.Itarie Provincial Police offi, saYing a mani had passed out1 instead of the local one. Chii on the grass on Queen Street! B. R. Kitney examined the fi fiuat eest of Liberty Street surance formas and asked th 'ie saad the accused, aged 18,tý the charge lie withdrawn. wesl arrested and becanie sický Martin Dow, 744 Simnc In thie cruiser on the waY to; Street, S., Oshawa, pleadE thie police station. gui1ty to a charge of illeg. Harold Wayne Brown, R.R. ~sino iurMy2 8, owmnvilechagedMayHis Worship convicted hii 22nd with failing to stop at a and fined him $25 and cosi stop street, therehy creating a or 10 day.. hazard. He pleaded guilty andi Constable L. Ricard testifie 'wae'fined $15 and c<,LS, or l0ýthat lie and two other officei CataleLsRcrc 1si were proceeding east by th Contabe L Riardtesi-Bowmtanville gravel y ar ifief thet he was called about when they observed a ca 8 pan. to investigate a two- parked et the side of the gra car collision at the intersec-. vel pile. They turned th Ubor of Third and j~iigli Cruiser and camne back 1 Streets. He said ie !o'und that check the car which had takei a Pontiac, driven by the ac-of.Ith rnhesite cusied, had been proceeding foffun tha unk hbote sathe *est on Third Street and, fail-o!erenonTegaepi ing to stop for the sign, had af par anedwhic the acel i tollided with an Oldsmobile admîtted had been flung fron bemng driven &outh on High the ca r. Street by Dan Hughes, On' Driver of the. car was Cal tar-lo Street. The officer add- vin F. Peters, R,R. 5, Perti ed that the stop sîgn on Third The beer was confiscated. Street was placed in the cor- Traffie tickets: (Constabi rect position and clearly Vis- K. Ruttan, OPP) Dale Anthes Mbe. 53 King Edward Avenue, Tor. Barry Gordon Mutrie, 47 onto, no liglits on his traile, ]Riverwood Parkway, Toronto, on Highway 35, April 2nc pleaded flot guilty to a charge $10 and costs, or five days of failing to produce proof of Donald James Dubay, 13. huinance May lOth. Constable Sophia Street, Peterborough~ L. Ricard told the court that driver's licence invalid, High. he anid Constable McGuey lied been on patrol on Waverley lliod when they ciiecked a M«G Mports car driven by the Little ROMuned. Wlhen asked to pro- cluce poof of insura-nce, -Mut- H NOW IUN ST OCK For Immediate Dielivery 1965' DOD)GE SEDAN Choice of 6 and S cyl. enîglues. 1965 VALIANT 4-DR. SEDANS Cholce of '«100" or "ý200' Serles. DEMONSTRATOR 1965 VALIANT CUSTOM 4-DR. "200" SERIES Save $ $ Here! '1More Just Arrived! 1964 PLYMOUTH 2-DRS. )Police Cruisers, V-8 with automatic transmissions. CLEARING AT WBOLESALE PRICES' Buy Now and Save $ $ 1963 FORD 4-DR. SEDAN "300" Automatic transmission, euutom radio. Maroon. 1962 FORD 4-DR. SEDAN 6 cyl, standard transmis- Sion, custom radio, chrome dise,. 4 new tires. Only 20,000 original miles. 1960 ENVOY 4-DR. STATION WAGON enstom radio. Here is an *oconomical, ail-purpose wagon. *1956 PLYMOUTHI *4-DR. HARDTOP $ cl. Pual button auto- Inatlc, custom radio, chrome dise..$Ports bine and white. OuIy 26,000 original miles. Local, one owner car. Beautiful condition!, @ALES AND SERVICE for LAWN BOY MOWERS and JOHNSON OUTBOARD MOTORS PALMER Motor Sales LOCAl Authorlzed Dealer for Piâouth - Dodue - Vallant Doige Trucks Cities Service Gaz, 0On, Lubricants 20 KING ST. E. 50WMANVILLE PLAN TO ATTEND TALENT in NEWCASTLE COi on FRIDAY, J 9: 00 p UNCLE JERRY 0F1 wiIl be in nt ADMIS,, Aduits 50e Wlnners of this talent si future Uncle Jerry's -Sponsored by Newcastle 1 I F<ROM PAGE ONE) slip dîsplayed. Mr-. Callaglan cougratulat- cd the (mcce Bowmnanvilic tems for f loir representation lo! eux- own, andthfe Eastern Onterio district, in Colling- Wood et tic Provincial Touru- amont. BotI Mr-. Hawes anti [S Mr. Cllaghan commentoti en thc number o! parents pros- ont et fie banquet anti foît fIat (lis was a groat asset te their boys and exocutîve. Mayor- Ivan Heblis, on lie- hlI o! tle Town o! Bowman- ville, et tlis time gave special lonor te tic Pee Wee club by Presenting individuel (replies te ecI member o!flice teem. 'AlIfeanis anti thein parents anti supporters, wcrc highiy praiseti by Mayor Hoblis in repxesenfing eux- tewn in (bis fieldi. On behlaf o! (le Bowmeu- iville Lit-fie N.H.L. and.'the Pcc Wee (ern, Coach George Cawker thenketi Mayor' Rabîs fox- this preseutation anti addti cd lis tbenks te the parents for theix- efforts this pest sees- on. Ho montioneti panticuiarly tIe green anti white jackets anti hats purclaseti by tic par- ents for (loir boys te roprescut flowmeuvillo Litftle N. R. L. Manager Don Gilleoly adetiit bis wox-ds o! approciation anti mentioneti sevex-el lumoreus incidents wîicl lad heppeneti1 lu thc past season sinco lima asseciationi with (bis (ern. At (lis time Deug Crougli anti Doug Parker cepably ex- e prossodti tbnks anti apprecie- ( ion on behlf o! tic Pec Wee beys anti presontedti (lir coaches with a gift. Mr. Carrufbers congratuiet- cd (le Bownuanville teamai for 1 thoir success ii Cellixigwood andtihfecexcellent menner ilu whicî (loy ropresontedti (is Pe.Runtile clesedth fe ev-i1 ening witî special thanks ( those who hati supportedti (l 1Little N.H.L._ tirougî f lis pa imB c e benezer, Mr.' I Museum Opens for Season boys, owrn 1PetiSthei' niversityesf nversary guests at the Harry i Cincinnati College Consera A Knox hme.RmO UVfs tory. Ray is married 9"ày~f Mr. and Mns. Wallace Mun-' Northi Caroline girl, and has C o u r it day, Donald and Ja:ice, of (PF:M PAGE ONE) onc son 3 years old. The Surday Schoolafrj>Imne ILOshiawa, Mrs. Larry Dewell, sparking.ly portreyed a mer- Rapidly winning acclaim on contest ln the Pentecoutal ille p nanville, Mr. John Broome which faue sustafied distin.guihdCnda ans a. h iiir ? ecn and family of Tyrone, wcne note that gradually !aded won higli praise for ha anrti- t est were announcd tn h. se, *way 115, April 2nd, $15 andi '" ea gucsts Of the Lloyd awey to nothing cnvisioning try et thc opening concerta of lest Sunday Sdlioolf àaon enlostaor 1 des;rhrLprperj. a drop of water on a window Lincoln Centen's New Phul- iTiey are: Jutdy Mhelson, he~ pasing on a hil at the same .~~ Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Fiee, pane. Soerbo, thie third part, harmenic Hall in New York Paul HRuttinson, Kathy Sol he 10ndaeSI5andi costs,' Î.4 o! Zion, Mn. Bob Blackburn o! depicteti a dwarf dancing i CItjy.lIrvingKldii¶si n oetMiSri hs te'rd lace,$1 Salem, Mr. Ren Broome were fro>nt of thc flickcring flarnes cniic of the Satuirday Review, children arc awarded an air- cntiFolowig apolie rid p-Sundlay guests of the Frank o! a tire, andi whose sliedow wrote that "Dudley is one of plane ride for bringing li the nt1 ol lthing alce rcaA) s Westlake's. image grows taller as the f irelthc best piexusts of the Young- most students into thec Bow- ed aged 70, R.R. 1, Pontypool, r n r.Grn ls is ;rgnrt., Previously emnle Pentecostal Sna pell andi Dwayne of Tyrone, Prior to thc intermnission hati triuaupled as soloist witli Sohool. A ses-lane has been ly pleadeti guîlty te a charge of . istt wt-ÀcyWslee gfrexuso )- keeping liquor for sae. e vsse wthere esiac M Dudley dcligleti his the Ne'w York Philhaermonie dliartened fortisexuso celappeareti in cutArl1 ,FMrs.Thos. Flett cf Columbus, Jstic peetto ftefr-Town Hall recitals.cotApl th ai!miyauenewI niprsonmd nCreieHladfrUcohdr. rs. ttono tefa- Snell Bounti" a th1 The Assembly was pleaseti cf was convicteti, fineti $50 and ~ Mr. and Mrs. Art Youngmen osClair de la Lune. ~ws Uct aei hi ia h n-costs, -or seven days ad the *~ anti !amily, Tyrone, Mrs. Edith OUSnei heLnonSn ati iquon was confiscateti A :.ec cn e ust ttc Alter thc intermission Mn. i I odnSn Rev. R. A. Bombay, district part of thie testirnony gîven on Dutiley's powerful yet poig- Supexintendent o! thie Eastern '~Deug Flctt home. nno sigof Rachmaninoff's Third Otroat ulc itit oe tat atewestha "i a ec. miss Pearl Leachi visieidhi r~dti~~Piano Concerto with thc BBC. His presentationofteWr ed 1nibd3m na ldws-<Srta Nrighmeu Y Liszt held the audience Symnphony Orchestra, Sir Mal- o! C.o<iwes greatly appreciat- ing on everalfriencfandlieerW ord iing machne were two fulli go eea neti niltnrp.Thc difficult fmngering c mSrent codut~in e-le yelltoeprset st., quarta of wine." wsSniytegus !M.o hie rcnownecl selection fcen argen ceo 8,00 n -! b A hoep et lm swc avd Jms' anti Mrs. R. Campbell, Bow- waas executeti by Mx-. Dudileycldn ,0 tnesi o sjMcKee, Peterboroughi, pleati.... ..-..~ manville. most ixnpressivcly. don's fameti Albert Hall. Ear- c d flot guilty of bcxng a e e, Mr. anti Mrs. Morley Gilnoy Three number:s by Vi1lier he had th'nillcd a capecity fonii elodgta ai. ~ fO! Enfielti, Mr. anti Mrs. F. Lobos werc ncfreshingly done. Lno uinei h aeB rh a He as epesetei b Fxan . .,Abernthy anti Mr. anti Mrs. The first was Moreninhe (Pa- Festival Hall, playing Mozart rG. Poster-, Q.C., Peterborough.I Frank Abernethy of Manille, per 0011) lad a light, fleet- anti Liszt Concertos. A solti ie Corporel M. Nîmigan, OPP, .1N.1.~ ' "'gv were guests of fthc Don Tay- ing, jeyful quality. As Mr. eut audience in Amstcrdam's *' to ti Ri W rs i p în w ena r s. H.uTiek w as SundAy -...sY h B achz ea a v e h im a s an in ar hie arriveti the accusedl antirs H E. ikwsSna (Raig Doîl) the audience coulti ovation. Simler enthusiestie anoh- maaeesadnrn~ *spp aiy ! dî u aohrmnw ading inPcrc x- gucst o! Mr-. anti Mrs. elrnost er thc tw.inkli*n.g response lias followed perfor- îthe doorway wthn te ec Dewell anti iYfe o hs olgal anig mne i uhmusical cn Omning up thc lene. Hampto H n. The lest of the Villa Labos manca rssce e n M- S"They steppeti out onto the We were sorry te Iearn Mx-s. trio w a s O Polichinelo aMdiD eclnLs tea, adrui,Grene,.Li- 'Y porch anti we enterei," con. Jessie Tink lad te return to (punch) captureti the verve bon, Munich, Dusseltiorf, antid m tinueti the officex-. "Lqo Memorial Hospital. Wc sin- o! a traditionel Punch andti Ve Hague - appeaxences luý e was founti an the prenmnses cereiy hope hier stay tiere will Judy Show. 15 different countries. ýanti wc laid a numbex- o!fle a short anc. Mr-. Dudley's playing o! n chages."Mrs. Elle Taylor anti San- Chopin's Etutie Opus 25 No. 5 Mrs. Derucha took Uiche . tre, Scarborougi, Miss Doris E Mincir and Etutie Opus 251 O ITT P -. t byandhsgr Milîsen o! Oshawa, wcre No. 9 G. Plat (Butterfly)i O IU R ~ "hatboyandhi gil fi- ,guests et thc Howardi Milîson wex-e greetly enjoyeti by thel CHARLES B. SISSONS endi came te sec a washing hme.sMabauudineo!ce.- BlldspeseG. on ohlsBueSissons lmachine that was for sale et Ms ablHggn f o-Chopin's Blaein G MinerBuc Sssn S, ur place," saiti ehe. "H e antia e i r b e. B c ' a i 0 otspent thc wcckenti with wa1eoal. ahsvn professox- emexitus o! Victra - lis girl fnienti were going to li er parents, the E. Huggins'.'ations on the well known Celee and auther o! several , georiiati He lives n -1O Friday evening, May "Jesu Joy o! MaUn's Desiring", Books, dieti Thursday, Mayl " 1, rbooug an sh lies n 2thMiss Eicen Heckaday, were playeti with feeling anti 27, 1965, in Torento East Gen-, 1Mi llbrook. 'TRey heti just got entertaineti et a formi party iu expression by Mx-. Dudley. o roSssital.on la ý2threwenthlplcecae onrof Mr-. Geoffcry Taylor The appreciative audience. ioswa e ex 2, the r w en u rc pol ie camed who is m ving te St. Cather- iîa ad e j1ei oni rfu own Hill, north of B are thMcagreBx-e dsmsetes. At this time lie wes pre-jpormply'wthtcn-anti was raiseti on a axM in Dr. nte ih frs. Aln Stock cal perfection and emotional that ae-a. Although bis stu- Mns. H. E. Tnk CROWED UTDati anMilorookAlnSMocks epth by one of thc worîd's dies took hlm as fax- afielti as CROWDED Oex-nd Rogers o! BrowmenviMl. eminient axtists accortied Rayl Oxford, farm.ing remaîneti in1 Mrs H. E. Tmk, Selina, STna mes o! Pe nncars in tIc Bowmanxvî1îe Museum opened for the season Iast Mx-. anti Mrg. Francis Wex-ry Dudhe tani novain 'hîs bogt .at UrinagDe? leretetilier 88h rtlideey publisheti next wcek. Unfontu- Saturday and had many visitors over the weekend. Enniskillen, Mr. anti Mrs. A. MThuey terts e nerntiher e w stlefa-m in Duran[on M a ptone.th m e e!i nately, (bey were crewtiec eut Two cf the new features which caused most corn-Beiley of Bleckstock, wcx- e ;aMx-t Du ey teoi rity cnterke caistr - Ox-end anti he ahter marMx-s. Pedc other items. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~guests et Mx-. antiMx-s. G tarcpini niiyUi-wreiitinisros at eor c a-ae a d this week as were several ment were the early Canadian bedroom with its hand- Leesk. ced Chux-dl Sundey Sc'lool pna!itabiy enough, despite his due Pasce, deughter o! tic lete some rope bed of maple. and pine, and other 1850-60 Gladti t report Mrs Frank Room's. Refcrring t I scholarly duties, te treat witfM- at r. hs aso n furîshng; ad he er deertiv hatig sov Gilint s mprvei i Iaîtî cîurch, Mx-. Dudley steteti thet scoru tIc imputation that he is the lest sunviving member fu ni hi gs a d h v ry de or ti e e ti g to eanl ti is eble t e i ene. a'coustica.lly it was the finest wae e tlm n fa- e. o! a femily o! nine. Mrs. Tinlc shown here in the Victorian parlour. The rope bet Mx-. anti Mrs. Roy McGill,l that lie heti evox- playeci in. j 1 rdaeifo h n L B (1852), on loan from Mrs. Thomas Pearson, Bowman- of Euuîskillen, Mx-. L. A.ý Outstanding Cancer lversity o? Tox-onto in 1901ja eiit n I oiaae ville, and the stove (of the 1840's), the gif t of Mr. Squair o! Salem, Mn. anti Mns.1 Ray Dudley atteuded sohool anti in 1961 thie univex-sity ýall 1er life. O f o e S and Mrs. E. B. Duvail of Leskard, are undoubtedly LloydPrestonî anti !amily of hene and latex- stutiied iw'th conferreti ou him an honorany, x-.Tn la treso, 0f fice s uill wee enivrsav Alent Gux-rro t te Ryaldoctox- o? laws cicgree. jHilton, o! Courtice, Clarence, (FROM PAGE ONE) two of the most outstanding pieces in the Museum. gucsts o! Mx-. anti Mrs. Ro' Conse-vatony of Music in Prof. SLasona was ou tIc oe Hapton, ant Bucandtic to the conference. Sic wes en- Other new attractions include the school room display Langmaiti. Tex-outo. He graduateci in dautaouitoi rog99 hefrm, oln, andPere tertaining, instructive ant inl- where visitors may examine old text books and see Mx-s. Effie Goyne, Preston- 1952 with thec Artist's Diploma until his retirement in 1947, tieuger Eveampyn, . Pc ferstnginbe rmaka Tc nohe ~î em ofvale Mx-s. G. Goyne anti end the EatenAwarti ý$1,000 anti fox- thc lest 28 years o! Dc Te.l Haton.and te! enkin conditions. in oteux- eho ls e d offurniture, the beautiful littie fml orie x.Wyea i osraoysrotthat perioti was Nelles Pro- M'.Tn a 4gad ofewrencondrsei ticst uy colmse" ek loaned by Dr. and Mrs. J. F. Beckett Enniskillcn, Mx-. Loren e outstaeding stutient. The saine fesser o! Ancient Histox-y. chiltren anti 17 great grand- own district anti a more thon-' Broch, of Oshawa. Pascoe o! Oshawa, wex-e gucsts yeax- le wais awax-cîccithe While sex-ving on the facul- chiltiren. ougli ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h suyiflcCndPe- Th Mser is pe eer da bu Mndso!tcC. Langmaiti's. 1 "Unenimýous Modal" in cern- ty. le wx-ot a two-volume Rer lusbanti, the late Hex-b- Sofl5 j d nteCnd e-i TeMsu soe veydybtMnasOA numben of pupils o! Mx-s. petitilon fwitlh leading Young biogreply cf Egerton Ryerson, er-t Tiuk, passed eway 20 yearu sosAcf. SIc lirevitiedtihem from now to Thanksgiving, and open'Mondays whenjPayne ex-e looking !erward te pianiste rom 33 other colun- Ontario's supcrinteutient of ega anti since Ihen, Mrs. Tinlc wcll as the business o! thc a holidav. The new displays shouldn't be missed byMpaying in thc music necitel tries et (le International Cern- education for 32 ycars, and bas matielier home with lier coxference, anti 1er impres- those w ho have visited the Museum in previous June 2uti at the Oshawa petition in Geneva. In 1953ý le i retiroment, publisli- sou Bruce. siens of her flighfte anti !rom semsons, and the entire heuse will maeafrt iLbx-ax-l. he receivedtihfe Hanriet Chn a itr Eldiridige anti rs Tink nos gd the Pro inc al nti egi nel onde ful exp rien e. ' ..Com m onw ealth M ediel as the G ifford G reens. IalfI anti is a regular et The Proincoulsndaneging ynduugl musiciene.His ather books include tendant anti membir o! Eldati meetinigs wcre stresseti, tic of tlic British Commonwealth.CurhatSetin aadnCuchnia ! ebr0 Congresa la. Wasington, from S O N A e id ents Dunring the interijm years Education, his own mem~oirs, Solina Womnc's In;ituf e., Jul 29 re a ugast 3, 1965.ld' FROM PAGE ONE) in Eunopean anti ceast te My Deae-et Sophie, a cojî'lec- ca et ou b r iri gt e fe'Ç Mill iu Tor-onto, June 6, 1965,' The Eltiad Explorer greup Ilcdther andi Steve n, Ebenezx-,. hiding untier a bcd upsteix-s coa's oxsI neiaa1tien o? Ryerson's letters. noon anti evenlng froni Peter et 10:00 ar..met in the chux-ch basement werp Suntiav tee guests et the in lberhou-se, anti that wben s'oloist*untier sud femeticon-i roeaendsoss u-vv Pxougt Hey ooti, S ner It was unaniimous that they ou Monday, Mey l7th. There John Knox's. 'she tiiscovex-cd him le lad ductons as Pierre Monteux, eti by liswife. the former OsntiwaPont ope, Bxleon. meet in St. Antirew's where wcrc 20 present fo auswer the' M- anti Mxs. Glen Piekel ieti. Six-Ex-nest MacMillan, Walterx- aNrmt n fu os the ladies lave sex-ved sud roIl caîl. Plans wex-e discusseti e - Eenezer were anniversax-y in 1er absence Miss Jegen's Susskind, Zubin MoIta, Six- James, Henryî, Chax-les audi- delight!ul anti delicieus dim- fox- tic Camp RelIy on May['guess t ftle Wes 'Yellowlees'lihomie lad been renseeketi, Malcolm Sergent, Franco Au- The-tin. ' PLeNNice ners. 27tb., anti aise the hike to lie home, anti $50 in caszh lad been tex-i and Max Rudoîf. Follo\&- TIc un teoralsricle as1 The June meeting will lie an on June l2th with everyone:soeCntbel Sihsigan pernc wt hej AH LD Y euting ta sec "My Faix- Lady", meeting et the home e? Wcsley 1Mrs. Gcxtie Ferguson, OsI- istn.CateeIan Deitro5ing Suphaony, ittheD-C helin tcVira o1li.g, ý AkeHOLIDeerAo j e1,16.Th rga ilsb :0pm awa, was a guest of Mx-. antid vsmatn.Dtoi ypoyteD-Capel at neym orumas n, Mk orrsrain a rs Buc ongoer.At 5:12 o'cleck on Tuestiay, troit Frec Press critie called ieaw 2 h. Itermenticasrin. NOW andi avolti Junte 1,16Te wparang ram HuIs.ly :3R . Cyem re Mr. ad B rucetmer ,May 25th, Mrs. G. Rundie, 28 him "One o! tho Select ScIooIFini C.eey Pce-n.disappointment. commttee wilbuarrangets tns y M yR. rytiermathe ot - at nEnetLxmxO'Deîî Street, informedthetIcof Keyboard Masters.' Hte es BARN BURNING NO BOOKING CHARGE Members may liring frientis pick." Mrs. G. Knox toîci some Douglas anti Craig o? Bîack: omnil oie tiatapaei iIlaigoce- Ahm o I r as. fer as tiey cenmerlie accom- iutelicxtestiugapfacts waboutadbircocses-xAbarn onURY p&oLOVELof modfarat b co- neesigfct butbr stock, were tee guests et thc while nIe hati been out 1er tres abroati anti et home, iu-!Ronald Clement, east o uv U Y&L V L moae.founti in the wotis. The roll' hof a-eyYllwee iuse had been ransacketi, cluding 18 performances wihl'lnn on No. 2 Higîwey, R.R. 2,1 Two minutes silence was cal for tIe uext meeting * (Gcnlahome o ? ure Ylos o ant i al thc dxawcrs pulleti orchestre iu Toronto. Newcastle, bux-neti this alter- TRAVEL AGENCY ebsrvei n mmoy o Mss e b "omehig w lerntidening if le spcntis "more" oe ut. SIc lad founti the doors Bosides lis coucoxtizing, hejnoon. I is believeti many PHOwmNE 62-33 Helen Crydex-man, a pat mcm- from eux- Leef Explorations. "'ls"tun1x-oîg ropen wIen she rotunneti. S bslcuAts nRstecbolrC ickeu may aelcuPOE6336 ber. The girls tIen conitinued M- ni xs os ostfa-r Mrs. Ruudle las not founti anti a Professer e? piano at tiestroyeti. Mrs Magaet ons will working on their 'Saci s" ;Oshawa, anti Miss Glay e-whether anytbmng wes stolen.______________ holti a Presidents' anti Vice (Brazilien DeUX ln1wlees were tee guests e!ft,,iConstabIe Tracy Davis la in- Presidents' Rally in tic Flying On Tîurstiay, May 27th a Ralph Devîs's. vsiaig Dutehman Motel, June 3, 1965. number o? C.G.T.T. antiEx-, Mx- Melville Griffin, Black-j etgtu to which eux- officens arc in- plonex- girls ef Eltiatiattended tc' r at M-.Harît ~ite.tfe "Camp Relly" et Camp'Powell of Unionville, Mr-. NWcs-, ,Pretoria, R.R. 1, Oshawa. TI eleyPwell anti Miss Mebelý B a dN w !I h P MM an gexwrc ome --i - Oslae,4wc_ Sun seeonand paderati0rt their holitieys with ton o! Millbrook were tee FO AEOE tep e s t i p r cai n t e k e a p guosts of M r-. anti M xs. BruceiRebek el s, but le p einteti eut tcboys anti their parents fox- (PROM PAGE ONE) On Suntiay, May St, Eliad!Tay'lx- anti Mr. Taylor, Sr-. ttasoiellsarexety thein excellent contiuct in The shielti awandedti te rx-,Sunday School hbld annîver-iM- li alr tedt eth teti in alcome rcal Cellingwood anti other places Asher was competeti for by the sary~ services in tIe shedt. Tlcsc! the Bey of Quinto ceuferencei zone, approval o? paragrapli 5 visitedt trough tIc winten. Ho A & P store managers lietween, wex- weII attendeti. TIe guest e t King~ston lest week. While 1 IId low tbis commercial monfionet i iicly tic compli- Orillie, MitlatiKingston anti preeclen for bath services wesflere le lad a pleasaut visit use in twe zones, tiec cer- mentary lettons recelveti by Gananoque. In addition te thisRcv. W. K. HulneB.. thsuphe'shoeMx. ndj oca a ntial e.elsc several parents !rom Colling- louer, Mx-. Asher bas acîieveci'B.D. o? Bewmeuville, whe gave, Mrs. Alan Belson. tine1erstinil1oe wooti since eux- beys have an- the distinction o? being fhe very enîighteniug sermons.. Mx-. anti Mrs. Harold Jebsoný Cheirman McRee steteti the' riveti homo. manager o!f te A & P Super- TIe Sunday Schoel choir exît Dorotly e! Beevex-ton, Mx-.seth side o Wellington Street Pros Rutil aie mntin- ankt Ire hatlesbeeuntier tIe capable leadenship and Mx-s. Gerx-y Glespeil, Mrs. lietw tee Silvo anStreantif ed that le foît that we lied nemeti one o? tIc 12 top A & pof M-.J racOlwFoec elwes xs laSuo tetwsa nao lied a vory succossful season - Stores in ail Canada in inirenderOti some dclightful nun- Gbo ?Zo niMs rt large homos sifuateti on lange this being the' first timne ali crease in sales anti other 0opfbex-s. The pianist for fIe after- McConofrmico! Cndumbswrots lmifint.H e (Irce Bowmanville Little N.H. crational figures. !noon was Miss Diane Tink and5ý1up0x- guests of Mx-. anti Mrs. cleredti fat it woult ne i L. camns lied won their zone Mn. Asher saiti totiay thatlin the evening Miss Gledy'%s'Ruissell Vice anti Mr. Everett in thc best interosts o! ail cou- playofs andtihte Atems win- people o? this town anti districtYOIIowlees.XVe' were pieasect vice. cernedti t approe e yl i-aw ning thec "B" consolation t ro- are thelicnost tieudly or ail te hav'e Mr. . o.:s Melcal' a-> \lm. and MVrs. John Leger %\itlî 1îl e inclusion of para- phy; Pee Wees, the "B" grand tiose in tIcernany ae-as ina mernbei of? hie choir iu lie andchilîreii, Oshawa, eý3ýgraj)h 5. championsiip, andtihti Ban. wbichhlbas worked. le aIse evening. Sundav tee witl the Rossý Grant Brooks, Port Hlope, tamns tIc "B"l finalists, In the gave croclît te bis excellent A football gerne between Cxyterr's.tIc lewyer fox- the two bbice- Provincial Little N.H.L. Tourn- staff, including John Smith, Zion anti Sauna andi a \'exiety, Mu.ranIni Mus. Ilelmer Frei- tons te paragraph 5, Mx-s. W. amont and as menfioneti le. Asat. Mgr., Gerry Merkeley, concert featuring thie Oroiio'ag and ho\s, Mr. andt Mrs.. Eiex1 13%edigonS. fore fIe Pee Wee Club fa be- Mgr. of thc Ment Dcpartment' Bress Baud, werc aise paîlt tJfGeox-ge Bittncer anti Diauna o!fanti Mrs. Sm Brooks, 136 Wel- couc .M.Fialitsin tic anti lis assistant, Bill Cornisi'tcauiesry lbetos Osîawa, wcre Suntiay visitersilington St., cross-eaie i O.M.H.A.* Bryen Hughes, heedfti! li Miss Pet Knox, wîo is ai wit Mr. anti Mxs. Evcrettl(ho witnessès, anti summoti up Produce Dcpertmenf, Gortoiep-scut in Irelanti, reportedti OC-teraiifh rgmn aais tI Finney, Icati o! Coffee anti 1er parents o? meeting again Mises HrcîBakr a t nclusi ntpeagapn h . Dairy, Mn. Joan Virtue, heati 'witî Mi. Jeffex-y Conn, wholiecou Coud o? Tex-ento, Miss A. H. Stnike, solicitor for' casheýr, anti ici assistant, Mrs., wes tIe delegate from Ixelanti ILeura Lee Smales o! Oshawa, tic Town o! Bowmanville, pre- Jean Harness, anti ail the ito Ontario in 1964 anti at which 1Mx- antiMx-s. Barry Cowllng sentodtihti case for fie by-law, others fief werk in flic store. time ho stayeti with Mr-. anti and Miss Marjorie Coud o! anti Lawr-ence C. Meson, Q.C., Membens o! tic staff ou fhe Mrs. Grant Down o? Ebeniezer. ýBowrnville, wcnre tee guests reproseuteti Oshawa W eo ti S H O W t ge is dare emphatic bnlP t a s visitethte gravet 1 PrTm Bker ome staingtha fll econitonforsit ofSi Paric inIrlan.1 r.anti Mxs. Tom Pleasance Thene vas no opposition te thestresotsaninaciee- Mr ad rs R C Fasrindchildrx-n. Tyrone, wex-e any other rvseso h ontrel mnitti~ atiBobviitei hei' auîh-guests o? Mr. anti Mrs. Joelby-lew oxcoot paxagapi 5. ~AMNIY HLLMr. s for bis organizea-ter anti sen-iu-law L.A.C. Cil.. Snowden anti Bruce. Mx-. IsaaclTIc by-law as it will lie ep- MMUNTY ALL tionel ablity, business acumen lient Tapp aud Mrs. Tapp, et Hardy was a Suutiey callor et proeot, provides for the ne- tispley kuowlctige andti îýCeutrelia on the weekend. thc snowdens.zine!tcpron!Si- spinif o! ce-operetien wît~i Mrs.Faeriandnig I Mr iMs. Mex-vin Bird sou Avenue fx-om Prince Stroet wi lal who work flere are week assisting 1cr daughter o? Columbus, Misses Joan Cut- (o King Street East from cern- I UNE 4th imbueti. eloyidls who is xecupexating frorn an'ting anti Karcn Roberts of mercial te residentiel. icue ý.2.apprec ifon for fhe assistance Mr- anidr Gr ant Dowu, Iwerc tea guests etiflic Camp- "For e sîngle famîly dwelling 1.1.given hlm byHerry Hockely, ' bell Ramer herne. a eue storey building shahl A & P Superviser for his arcs, COMPLETE MsH.BwnoKeonhaeegunti floor area e! anib . Hockley, tic meat ý jvisiteti with Mr-. anti Mxs. net Icss (Ian 950 square feet, WBEN TV SHOW spcclty man for tuis terrltony. , Clarence Vice. and a eue anti a hal!, or two tendance A native o! Port Penny, Art i Mr. anti Mrs. Noble Mctcel!, steney building, e greunti fleer Ashier bas lied many ycars ex. te ~ ' '0 Dr. anti Mrs. George Werny area e! net Is flan 600 perlence with the A & P in% SERVICE anti ?emily e! Osleawe, Mn. square feet, a dwelling unit ln IION dfet aces. Befre com- Fir., Automobile and ýFunness e! Toronto anti Mr. a serni-tietecliet or duplex o! lng o Bwmanill ta fke ýMouty Emmex-son o! Bowmen- net less tien 600 square feet, School Children 25e over tic management o! tic Liability ýville, wcre tea guesta o! (ho anti a tiwelliug unit in a old A & P Store at 21 Kin Low Rates on Farm anti jWerry family, Reslynvale. multiple tiwelling o! net les Street East. Mr. Asher ga r n r.CclPsce hn50sur et îow 'will appear on a witli the A & P in Montx-cal. Rural Properties 'M. anti Mrs. Ccalecithaso, (hant500esqare (cet. ng Club TV Show, He openedtheti new lange anti MORTGAGE FUNDS iOsbawa, Mn. anti Mrs. Arthur anti aparfuient buildings witi completely up-to-date A & P, AVAILABLE Burton e! Port Hope, wcx-c lhoc or more dwelling un-tsr Supex-market onuth it corner Contact guests at (le Haroldi Pa.scoe'.'must lave two oerkiug spareý1 R~ecreation Comrnittee oKing anti Libt'x-tv Streets in: A. LEN HOOEY -Mr- anti Mrs. Roy etcal? for eci dwelllng unit plut 1 Mardi163, anti las bocu lis 36 Liber.ty St. N. 623-7264an Ross, Haimpton,*Mx. anti anc extra parking &Pace for f uccenaalgmanager «ver si=c. ___________Mrs« Miltou Tïnk, Mr&, Wil!. each thrnu nit., IC7VOJ UUUUUUKel4ýL sens ational new transistorized ign -i--@ Most signific&nt n i automotive ignition sems m uà 55 years Tmansstîrzed Ignition le a modemn eletrole breakthrough. It gives instant ignition, fast sterting andi Improveti performance ln today's engines just es transistors do for radio andi television sets. It prolongs the life of the Ignition systemn com-s Ponnts anti raintains peal< fuel econorny (after 39,W6 miles a Studebaker test car Is still operating et peak performance with the original plugs and Bea >our local 8iu*dbaker Dealerj MAY COMS SALES & SERVICE GRAHAM'S GARAGE I 181 King St. E. Haydon The glamomos 1M65Siudebaioer DayfnSspartu Sedan, shown above, is the first Canadancwwtth transistorized Ignition as standaerdequlpmi tS* this sporti'est version of the Cr~-encm' for '65, with Its.. decorator-matfi edvInyl top .smat styling. Drive It with Its peppy new 196 Thuniderboit V-8 engine, W ln style, engineering, power anti prico Stjd.'