octl &9ersonal Phone 623-3303 M. cmeý Cale spent sev- ýwere Sunday dinner guests of an. yble days in Wash- the formers brother and sister- gtor)P.C.. at Easter. in-Iaw, Mr. and Mrs. Harold ing a iist of your Mother's Miss Judy Brough, nurse-in- Day guests. The number to training in Hamilton General dial is 3-3303 Hospital, spent the weekend 1Mis.s Helen Vanstone return- with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ed home from Queen's Uni- Jack Brough, Horsey Street. versity, Kingston, last week,, Mrs. George Pingle, Otta- Upon completion of first year wva, anc Mrs. Ina Landers of studies. Oshaiva called on Mrs. Sam Mr. and Mrs. Bert Syer, Glanviile who is a patient in Duncar and Rodney were Ivemçrial Hospital, Bowman- Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.,ville. Ross Stonehouse and family, Mrs. R. Shribbs, Toronto, is Toronto. a guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Mr. Charles Disley leît last Rickaby, King St. W. Mrs. Thursday by 'plane for a iShribbs Ieavés shortly for a three-wcpk holiday in Englandholiday tour of the British where he will be visiting Isles. relatives. iEcitor and Mrs. John M. James and sons Bob and Mr. L. B. Nichols has return- Ricky were Sunday guests of ed fromn a two-week visit with terlessoandaughter- hissonanddauhte-in-law, !in-law- Mr. and Mrs. John E. Mrr. andi Mrs. Douglas NichaIs,,James-Trno Mr.indgsto . Mr. and Mrs. Glen McKeown' Mr.andMrs E.V. Hoar and son Lyn of Napanee were ~ weekend guests with Mrs. Me- Àd@MNM MMMBMK Keowns sister and brother-rn- *uu aw, Mr. and r.HryAe Bowmavuuue and Gary. Flett Street. ýj pe teCOSTravelling by 'plane from an Easter vacation in Los Angeles, California, whr they' visited Mr. and Mrs. Donald (hurch Oke.an Mr. he SPECIL Mr andMrs.Gary Conway SPECIALand Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Con- MOTHER'S DAY way have returned from a mnost pleasant holiday with MESSAGE their sister and daughter, Mrs. Robert Love, Mr. Love and ýua.M. "Sound Doctrine family of San Francisco, Cal. for Parents Mrs. A. Masters, Mrs. E. J. and Children"l Fairey and Mrs. Terry Masters attended the "Spinorama" th1e patients through th1e aft- er-operatian crises. In chil- dren, Ibis is far more diffi- cuIt than in adults. To cape w i t h it, intensive-care wards, adjacent to the oper- ating-rooms, are essential. The scene above is anc cor- ner of such a ward in The Hospital for Sick Children. Last year th1e hospital add- cd many new operating- rooms ta its facilities and perfarmed 15,173 o p e r a- tions. Now it mnust expand ils seriously ox'ercrowded special care areas. This is only one af the projects in ils $29,226,498 five-vear ex- pansion and renovatian pro- gram. The bospital secks $13,900,000 in public assist- ance ta complete this work and contributions will be gratefully welcomed by The Hospital for Sick Children Fund, 105 Adelaide st. w., Toronto. The Charîsmatîc Revivalq Evangelistic Service ýheld at the Oshawa -ë'Ccblivai hssoudrleenneapisbar 7 p.m. 'Auditorium last Saturday cx'- By Rev'. A. Kudra ýas they oivalthssoudrbesneceple oor ening when the latter's daugh- Dr. Paul S. Rees, Editor-i 1- ,spak who have rcceived the' day acurately as il did Io bis: "The Greatest Fool In Iter, MiFs Kim Masters, par- Chief of the Worîd Visio11Ho ly Spirit. ."The hungry sheep look up' the Bible" ticipated in the event. I Magazine s a i di, "Running "The witness of the Pente- and are flot fed". Mr. ancf. Mrs. Carl Rietmull- through al the ebb and fio\vlcostais is perhaps somethingý Let hIle churches aiiow God Sundy Shoo: 955 am. r o Brmen Gerany arîv-0f his exciting 12 monttisthat-'siiecclcd ta balance the 'to svcep us into a new spirit- Loyalty Sunday ed last Saturday for a six- (1964) hav e been events of sedate arrd praper practices ful\iaiytruhahal y week \'isit with their son and cheer and signs of hope: The the cliurch. As Christian throbbiog Charismatic Re- Wednesday, May l2th: ýdaughier-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. "charismatic"' m a v e mi e n t xvorsh ip tends to become more vival! This type of revival; E. Reitmuller, and four grand- which bas he]ped to lift sig- an d more disciplined and cor- is God's answcr to skepticism, FarmiIy Night Service bchlîdren, Hans, Irene, Nancy nificant sections of the ChUî'ch rect, mnore and more Christians 'that abouonds in the world bo- 7:30 .m. and Perry James, Concession ýabovc the sterility Ihat ai- break away to find relief in 'day and has also crept inoa 7:0 .fi.Street. ways results from neglecting ]ess restrained forms of devo- aur churches. Enough of our' Themne: "False Teaching Sînit snwsv'a asthe Hobly Spirit." tion. Whie the type of xc- hand-wringing and chidling! - How to AvoidI" sinice the opening of trout One is reminded of the Day liiai.c erv I cealmght btxo Ltt iite the hm Alo:Th Mstrjus fishing and we have received o!f etcsnal 200pce ûapelms ote'elf with God's pnwer. This Also:The Msterius f!o Word o! any "big catches", year.s ago, in the City of Jer- uncultîired. it has aiso a is Goc's answer Io the revo- "Mr. UhI?" Speaking To ýwe Assume that the fish must usalemn, where the wholeC curiaus! attraction for some in-lutinary and volcanic forces' tellectualsý The significant that are ai work in the xvorld' the Young People" be behind schedule, the saine church %vas gathered togetooer>fact is not onlv that Pente-,today. Let the church as eveyything cisc this back- in on:l place. in one accord, csait rmt eices eoh"isl ii o' Pastor: Rev. A. Kudra, B.TII. ward Spring, and are simpîy and they were -filled with h 11 otlssse ieabtS-pirithe"alsoerandl God's ':ovdotad pk ihigaIl over 1the wor]d, btSiiulPwradbcm Phoe 63-500 not 'iting. Hî hs n pk that ce'.eut people in the, a "*Voice" in this sinful world Phone 63-5100other longues (languagesi asan Jo bcacout o theaiîualtheSpirt gve hem ' churches, both Anglican andand not merely an ephemeralý ngeraiti Intheaccont f te anualthe pirt gae ternutter - i Free, are hcginning ta practise! echo! "You are neyer a strangra etn !teCnda Cu ne" tcs11-5ad2: speakings wibh tangues, and ta "The Promise (Charismabic the Pentecostal Church" o! West Durham which ap- 1-4). ý ei a) i no Y u n _____________________ peared in last week's issue of Thesýe Seriptures spcak o!f.îustify the apparent fiight Reia>i no'oadta The anaianStaesmn, l 11e nital utpurig. G]os-'fro ni reason- on three grounds: your Children, and to ail that! The anadan Satesan, t te intialoutpurin, - los-1)that it bas scriptural au- ýare afar off, evcn asma alaia, i seain inotertho rity; 2) that it bas cathartic the Lord our God shallcl"j perience has rccurred period- rfonihbtnshare Tr'àIITY UNITED CHURCH tongues. his pghomte Crsnalc-vaubert d*î" lmealy thiogt he C ristalitard spiritual growth, and 3) Minietler - Rev. Wrn. K. Flousiander, B.A., B.D. era du glms !rvvl that it cornes as a possessive rThis charismatic revival nasp I OBITo i Organist -,Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus.B., L.R.S.M. spreaci rapidly ta many parts p0 , atof ourseif but of O IUARY of the world, notably in the pthe1eSp*,rit, and is therefore an 'eietsign of the Divine DR. ANNIE E. HIGBEE SUNDAY, MAY 9th, 1965. 'close of thee l9th century and Peec" int firsith e rgai I De.ido htbb hr r. Aninie E. Higbee died At 11:00 a.m. - Morning Worship itri rstthera 2OI i viet htthecentury. Mlton. Ont.,,an Monday, April Saraet f atimchurches rcbelled. This doc- îsmatVc Revivai bias gained a 26, 196.5. She was in bier lOlst S'aranen o Batinitrîne was rejected, impugned. rccognized foohaiainru. "God Blss OurHomes"But the revival grexx, ani'eraus serninaries and eniieges en "GodBles Ou Ho es"people froni varioîîs denomiin- inth U.S.A. and in Canada.1 Daughter of Mr. and Mr. i SUNDY SCOOLations found it necessary la In Princeton Theological Sem-'John Carveth, Annie Ella was SUNDY SCOOLstart their own denominations inary. Wheaton College, Wesb- 'born at Port Hope, mnoving, i Junior, Intermediate and Senior - 9:30 ar.. apart froný the old-line denomn- mont College, Fie hoa-we ml hlwb e Primary and Kindergarten - 11:20 a.rn. mtosbLas fte ee-iaiSlnr ndmn t-family ta Leskard where lier Beginers- 1100 am.lion ai this doctrine bv 11w 'cers. Io 1963, Time magazinelfather was a cattle dealer and Beiner -1100a..otîiers. The Pentecostal groups reparted. that 19 Yale stu- 1mîller. 511e received lier ede- ____________________________________________becarne a militant force in dents, including graduate stu- mentlarY sehool eduication there __________________________11e world and particuîarîy in den1s with Phi. Beta Kappa janzi her secandary school cdu- ~ C ~C C ~ c I~ t ~.~zOprthe 20th Century. They cii- Kevs wcrc praying in tangues cation at Port Hope. Scircled the globe ,vith thrir and finding it meaningful., She gradiiated from Toron- Rehbth § Biblical Doctrine cliaiienging They ealled it "a refreshing!ta General Hospital as anR 11se - everv denomination 10 o ok Visitation of 1the Hoiy S3pirit,".'in 18818 and went on bo study o ver Ihrir denominationai A ciîeck was made' o! their'rnedicitne, rcceiving degrees Cnristian Keormed (hurcui wals and reinvestîgate Ibis religinuIs background and fn rm~~est rTrn !Impotn otie fte ae rmtePný,adTiiyCoilege xithin Rev. John C. Verbrugge, B.A., B.D., Minister 'Thpy hav'e been caiied "The tecastai chuirches, but froin the next f ive years. ~Th ird Farce in Christendom". 1the canservative denomina- Dr. Hipbec moved h o Lasý Telephone 623-5023 ~b -y an article pubîished in tions; one was a Roman Cath- Aigeiro shorlly after gradua- Lire -Magazine, June 9111. 19.58.olic-. han and in that city met bier I This very da, the Pentecus.,- Quoting th1e Rev. Dennlis J. htlsbandi Charles Higbee. a M aranatna tai Doctrine is penelrating in Bernneti. rector o! St, Mark's high school principal. When th1e Cîlder denominatians. iii Church. Van Nuvs, California, they went to th1e Peace River hris'Naorthorm doChur hundreds of xwher" Time states that 700 o! district in 1912 thcy had a Chitaflom d Ch rh odio'mnitr n lOJ-a oýeaino ,00mm oJhwho now ]ives irn Rev Hery Van Andel, B.A., B.D.. Minister - ands a!of]aymen o! everv \walk bel-s have manifesbcd a sym- Burlingbon. Thev traveiled Re.lino! life representîng some 40 pathetic interest in Ite Pen- the1e lt 2,50 miles by oix-dira'.n Telephane 623-3492 dif!crert denoninalinns have lecortal Fxpcriencer, gives this sied in 40 degrees 'beiow zeroC beno l'.vcpt int a nexv spirih- pointi description o! a speak- 'weathcer ta reach their new "-GOD'S ALL-CONQUERING LOVE" uial vitaliiv through the Char- ing in tangues:hoe 1S atic Revival. 'Tlie guifto! longues is a Mr. ]-ighe haught ;chnol WShip semrvice - 7:30m. British periodical, "Christ- freeing of 1the personality in and homesteadcd, white Dr. "Prclaning he vhle ounelGot ai-nd other Penîccostali .5 s sm bois, aie nol understood by traveiled thraughout the area Back to God Hotir Broadcast &aie nat onlY verY îIiumcrois 1the sieekcr. t,,14daes nal hais- ai, horseback and, withhlier 4CK B Ohaw -SunayMay9t, a 9:5 pm ,but ver- livel y, and 111eY nre peuiin a tranice. The persaniinstruments strapped ta the CKLBOshwa Suday Ma 9t, a 9:5 PM. exerting tada' a greater ini- is re!t-asing samething deeoerisaddle, often roade 15-20) miles SfIuenree en the uhu'Lrch Illa. thaii the ordinary symbals o! ducine the night, licr wav th1e uhurch Peertl' on t hem.1îinaî'. lighteci by a farmer with a The uo aux' reah 11e os- Al! of hich 'agrees withlanbern, ta deliver a baby. pe]. or some paît of il. '.it'lth,11eteachinlg o! St. Paul in Accorciing ta medîcai records great conviction, but lhey crinthians 14. ln 1the Peice River district, Dr. Whatsi.zificnce hodd beHiobe deive 1d te reon astanishes. fi does flotal receiving the Pentecostal c.x-,The famitv moved ta Toronto' I mast s h o e k contempaîarv perience iin denominatioial in the IP20. S U N D A&Y SC H O O L churci' people. Their miost circhs nuiside o! organized ',;i rcie ini-iei A NV EA y bowcver. k thal Ihhey speak vply e*believe thee lier eimntn195.S ' À N I E S nec as 1hey' be1ve 1e ih -'tePeeotaBlsn.Mionfrheps seea Apostlps did at Penteost. and Gods oise ncotlel 2:28 Miatonea r tepa.see inadverentiv sateci ' prxmisein por 2:28Spirît flr 1lgbrx.a ardi - THIS SUNDAY -was uvrenl tfri1ittpon uail flesh .and agaîn Dr961 bter Caadian ed ina M\'r. P. R. Cowling xvas Pw- in Ac1ý 2:17î 111e same uni- 16 h aainMdcl rordini Sewastarei eraîed, Association '.hich named 11cr: hax'e read Mrs. P. P. Co'.v-Ilil vl]nu ut'I pii pnas a senior member. On lier « 11:00 a.m. (D.S.T.) s000 be faking place at varîioi kno'.'s on racial or denomîna- ferm b of Qcen whuaonws univers3ities, and fir t . Scecond tianal baundaries. fvisithegQuei - City a ie GUEST PRACHER :arnd third ycr tudents \% n~nd.Ie iepra ie. GUESTPREA HER:alsobe r.CCii!ýg1'tSIItSOf natur- - ,o! these reports ceveals i examinations. We x&'.ould be thbe epth of spiritual hunger' A olIaauc WaS Un'eiied b' pleased ta receive. for Ihis in mnanv',.var' i ng sectors of Dr. Higbee sex'erai vears ago Rev. Duncan W hite, M.A. B.D. icolunin, information concern- Cisb3t-idom - ahappyvomen at Toronto Western Hospital suits. inii 111 Bodiy o! Chis. George Carveth. one o!f111e Field Secî-etary of the Christian Education LAC G. Sarioretto. Mrs. Sar- Third. a reminder of the hospitp1*s foundcers. Comtte as fQune ofrec. toretia and litîle daugbtec Lord's soon return. Bath TIn acîdition ta hiec son John, Margaret arriveci Tuesday ev- Sciptuies, Joel and Acîs 2, who rphiced in 1963 as chief, ening aI Trenton Air Farce have definite connections wibh 'engineer of bbe waterworks SPECIAL MUSIC BY THE JUNIOR CHOIR Station !rom France. Mrs. Christ's second advent. Thus division o!f111e Burlington Sartor-etto. the for-mer Evelyn thîs ne'.'.' manifestation of Public Utilities Commission, under the direction of Luxton. daughter of Mr. and Pentecast is a piophetie sîgn Dr. Hligbec also leaves two Mr. X. L. Beaton, L.R.A.M., A.R.C.M.. L.T.C.L. Mrs. Norman Luxton, Qucen o!f1the certainby and nearness grandchildren and twa great- Street, wenîta France four o!f1the Lord's return. grandchildren. years ago as a member o! the Many thousands of ministerst The funeral was heîd ai the K. E. Bragg, D. A. McGregor, air lorce. Mr. and Mrs. Sac. b each and preach t11e funda- Smita- Funcral Home. Burling-' Sec..Treas. Supt. bretto, who were macried inementals o! faith eacb year bn, o eded)QAri 8 Frnc, il.e tyig vîhstagey naae.%§hont_______ Where Life Is Won By Skill EVERYDAY SAVE at I.D.A. SNOW WHITE SUPER SPECIA FACIAL TISSUES 2-ply 400's 25ci HUDNUT QUICK ---2s Button Foam Permanent, 2.75 value 2.29 MAALOX LIQUID ---------- VITALIS Hair Tonic ------- ---------------------- 7-oz., sugg. Iist 1.07 93c -------- l2-oz,, sugg. list 1.75 1.47J NIVEA BABY CREME - ----- MICRIN Oral Antiseptic ---- ""BLUETTES" Rubber Gloves FLASH BULBS-- MOTH KILLER- A.S.A. TABLETS Idasal Buffcred, 5 grain, 100's, Reg. 1.25 99c --------Spray Deodorant, sugg. list 1.29 1.12 - ----- - ---- - sugg. list 1.19 --- -------- ------------- sugg. list 79e 99C ----------- -------- su g. li i .4 1 9 -AG-1 or M2 Clear by Sylvania, sugg. Iist 1.68 1.39 ------------ ---- I.D.A. Brand, 16-oz. can, Reg, 59e 49c PUREX 2 -NPy BATHROOM TISSUE Yo u're Blissfully Secure with »e 1Confidets THE SANITARY NAPKIN 12's, sugg. list 5ic Pep s dentSUGG LIST 69c DENTAL CREAM with IRIUMSPCA6 "CLASSICS in FRAGRANCE" Gift Set by LENTHERIC The gift choice of those who really appreciate Mother. Three '2-OZ. VialS Of Cologne SPECIAL * .tantalizing Tweed * . .mysteriaus Miracle IAOIS .7 * . .sophisticated Shanghai SG. 1T .5 *4~ ~~o SPECIAL E General Electric OFFER from LU STERINEHET AM KI !im ~~Send today for your ETLMKI 1 Genuine Ail Swiss Men's Calendar Watch or Featuring ... 1 G.E. Heat Lamp withbheat resistant \V.. Laies Coninetalglass. Red filter to reduce Fash on Wtclglare. Buit-in reflector to r <'114.98 ' concentrate heat. One ad- t!~1,R~E VALUE 5098"' justable holder with safety ,,I N-r1sEPrcý Plus the front panel from any guard. 8' cord. I. 1Listerine carton (Order fnrm Button switcb. t is enclosed in Listerine I ~, --~carton) SUGG. LIST 7.95 THSWEEK'S SPECIAL7 Lserine Antiseptic SPECIAL 7-oz, Sugg. List 73c5 6 7 Grand Gifts for Mother's Day Sun. May 9 SPECIAL 2orl7c 77c SPRAY NET by Helen. Curtis Keeps hair in place all day, even on damp, humid days. Just ar- range hair the way you want il, then spray. 6-oz. Sugg. List 77C For every antiseptic need depend on DETTOL THE MODERN ANTISEPTIC 8-oz. sugg. list SPECIAL 1L13 PRESCRIPTIONS ALEX McGRE-GOR 5 KING ST. W. *DRUGS e 2HONE 623-5792 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmaniife, May 5. 19835-7 The Orono News (Kendal United Church on lher eiltoagplnbt andMrs Hrve Gnn ai th fie ewsitms en Mr. anu Mrs. Wm. E. White Ithe oncoming traffic to pas, have returned to The Bald- linto mry room, 128, Memorial o oot eeStra u-te uldotaon h wvins at Windermnere, Muskoka, Hospital, Bowmanville. Please of ronuetsofereSturlamupltepulle ou nttparoh iwhere they are again emplov- keep Up your kindness as 1 usso r.Wlim udes sfo oSls ed for the summer season. star, my fifth week at this Mthl.toesadn ttecr Dr. and Mrs. Keith Taylor, address. Mr. an~d Mrs. Ken Gray and waiting for a bus. iac n one0 rm- Ms m tt scna son David of Cadmus *spent. Mrs. Wm. Mitchell visited ton speni Sunday xith Mr.Illescirng at the home of Mr 'Sunda *y with Mr. and Mrs. her son Mr. George Mitchell, and i\îrs 'Marshall Chatterton. and Mrs. Geo. Dunlop after Reg. Sutton and together vîsit- Mrs. Mitchell and children Mr. andi Mrs. KarI Hall of her stay in the Memorial Hos- ed Miss E'va Patterson at the INorth Oshawa, on Sunday. Bowmiianville were dinner 'pital, Bov'manville. Golden Plough Lodge, Co-' The Orono Odd Fellows and guests of Mrs. John Morris on: Mr. and Mrs. Everett Eng- bourg. Rebekahs held their annual Friday vvening, lish and children of Tweel Congratulations ta Missi parade to Orono United Church Mr. and Mrs. G. L. McGee 'visited Mr. and Mrs. Jack'Romnq Glanville who was re- land the Cenotaph on Sunday and her arunt Mr,-. Sybil Snell Moffai and sons. cently* named sale driver af morning. of Bow-nanv-ille attended the Mrs. Charles T. Miller is a the wc-ek by the Oshawa Jay- Mr. Chas. T. Miller bas re- Dedicationt Service at Kendal patient in Princess Margaret cees and received a free tank turned ta bis home after stay- United Church on Sunday Hospital, Toronto. of gasoline. She was observ-,ing at Hotel Genosha, Oshawa. afterrioon. Mr. an~d Mrs. Roy Patton,, ed by a member of the club's Mr. Paul Tamblyn of O.A.C., .Mr. VWmr. Buinîing is in Mrs. Ted Coathamn and daugh-, sale driving commîttee yes- Guelph; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. jWashington,.DDC., this week. :ters attended the dedication terdayv at the Oshawa Shop-!Tamblyn with Mr. and Mrs. Thank yvou once again forof the new kitchen at theiping Centre as she brought Carlos Tamblyn. Idasal Buffered, 5 grain, 100's, Reg. 1.25 99C In th1e past ten years sur- gery bas made normal life possible for countless chil- dren, especially infants m7bo previously were doomed ta death or physical handi- caps. But heart and brain operations, as well as nu- rnerous other surgical proce- dures, such as numerous or- thopedic problems like con- genitally dislocated hips, create a special problem. This is t11e task of bringing 11 RIGHT GUARD 1. P. A. REMEDIES