Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 May 1965, p. 6

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T lhe Canadian Stateaman, Bawmanv4.le, May 5, 1965 Investigate Qi! Leaks That are Casing Cncr in Areas of Hope Township -Editor's Note : reports of ail leaki pipe lino in Hope1 Uic Ontario Water1 Commission recently cd a field investigati situation, and subm following report: Introduction This investigation i In rospons o tae comp wanded ta the Comm ,Mr. A. Carnuthers, M A serious ifiness or 41j requires a long and c convalescing period p. Dcce your present me ySprance protection coi e. xpenses as wdll as t] Sqnired ini the hospital Scheck with us about ti i~out-of-hospital meci ~pense protection youc with Major Medical Ir eadtmpiigy STUJART B. JAMES Ring St. E. Office 623-5681 *Real Eowm Roal 64 Following the Electorel District of Dur- Ls from a hani, on behalf of Mr. L. Mary- Township, la of R.R. No. 1, Port Hope. Re 'ro The complaint alleged that Rr cpet- pollution of a smell water- iomalte course flowing through Mr. Jottod the Marvin's fanm, and tributary nitted tat Lake Ontario, was occurrng as e resuit of a break in the n potraleum products pipeline wes made owned by the Trans-Northern ýplaint for- Pipeline Company. nission by During the investigation, X. P. P.fflfor discussons were held with Mr. Marvin and Mr. J. Hill, Meter Operator, Trans - Northerr Pipeline Company, Part Hope area. A subsequont telephone discussion was held with Mn. J. B. Chamberlain, Supervisor, Right of Way, Trens-Nothern Pipeline Company. The Pipeline WATface pipeline extndssuro IFBrockville ta Toronto end car- IFries petroleuni products such S as gasoline and kerosene. It 1 ME traverses the Township ai Hope north cf and parallel ta CAR E ghway 2, and crasses the 1 CAREabovewatorcourse in the north AT half cf Lot 21, Concession 3, ATTownship of Hope. Mr. Mary- in's farm i the south haif of IGME? the same lot and concession. iUstory o Pollution Compiaint ,Ur ofen Duning the early part of juyotnMarch of this year an oily film CXPen$IVO was notod on the surface af at home. the waer by the local farm- idical ini-.ers. This was accompanied ver these by the observance of dead thos ac- aquatic enimals such as frogs, i? not, eeis, and creyfish. Ths was Yei-ad reported ta the Trans-North- hia d- ern Pipeline Company thnough "Cl"-the Ontario Department cf cmii have Lands and Forests. On March tIsurence 9, ea mall corrosion leak was Iowcost! locatcd in the pipeline approx- imately 400 foot wost of where it crosses the stream and was subsequently ropaired. Since that time, the oily film on the weter has not been as hoavy, howover, it is still occurring.j Observations and Sample Collection During. this investigation1 Estat. samples wore collected and( visuel observations were made1 nanvlle af th2 wetercourse et Mn. Marvin's farm as well as the idence erea whore the Ieak had oc- 23_5493 curred. Althaugh the waten wes high, and fast flowing, af bluish film characteristic. of a ROYAL 623-5589 BOWMANVILLE Wed., May 5 to next Wed., May 12 in Celer Starrmng Sean Connery (James Bond) and Honor Blackman showing nightly at 7:30 2 shows Friday and Saturday at 7 and 9 p.m. Matines Saturday, 2 p.mn. Prices: Aduits $1,00 Students .65 Children .25 - petroleum product was note - an the surface et ail pointsg eobservation. In addition, at distinct petroleum adour wi r- raoticpable. This is supporte rby the appended semplo r( -y sults which indicate phen( ig caunts of 4 ppb just dowr Lstream cf the pipeline and Le ppb et Mr. Marvin's farn in The latter concentrationj slight]y above the OWRC ai 1jective for surface water quai r. ty which is 5 ppb. The pe ýtroleum film appearod ta orig n mnate et the point where th ýpipeline crosses the streari eand also from e swemp are rlocated just downstream fron rthe pipeline crossing. n Leak Deteetion Program In the discussion with Mi Chanmberlain, it was learneý that the company has ai active leak detection pragrani In addition ta a weokly air pa trol of the pipeline, pressuri totsting is performod et veriou fpoints appraximately twici Drnonthly ta ensure that tho normal pressure cf 80 psilii maintained. Rcportedly, dur ing a corrosion survey in De. cember 1964, this section o: fthe pipeline was checkec visually and found ta be ir tsatisfactory condition. f The company is presentl.3 1cansidcning an acceleratec program ai pipeline surveil. lance and application of cath. odic protection. Pollution From Phenolic Waste A question has boon raised regarding the toxicity which this product may have on farm animais drinking fron the stream. The United States Public Health Service reports in its dninking water standards manuel that phenol concentra- tions af 5,000 milligranis per litre in water eppeared ta exent no effects on digestion, absorption, or metabolism of experimental rets using the water for extended periods. It is generally concluded that concentration of phenol in water in quantities which may be injuriaus to health, would exhibit sufficient abjectionable teste and odour that farm, animais would refuse to drink it. Discussion It would appear that n further leakago fram the pipe- line is occurring; however, it is probable that any nesidue left from the leak may be seeping along the pipeline base ta the stroam. In addition, sanie saturation ai the adjacent swamp area has occurred and the mun-off is carrying the resi- due ta the stream. The petroleum product will eventually be washed from the area by nains and ground- water discharge; however, the rans-Northern Pipeline Com- pany shauld take any steps wvhich are necessary to ensure that the quality ai the streani ,yaten la restored and main- tained. Summary An investigation was made of alleged pollution cf a local watercourse by a leak froni tho pipeline owned by the Trans-Northenn Pipeline Com- pany. It was evident that, al- though the leak had been ne- peired, popllution of the water- course w'es atili occurring, pre- umably from the petroleum s ti t] c se ri NEW LARGER 32OZ. BOTTLE SAVE 10c REGULAR 49c VALUE1 SPECIAL! m"-"-3 R7àTA D)AIMy PHONE 623-5444 98 KING ST. W. BOWMANVI LLE been deposlted ln the v!dnlty of the pipeline. Recommendatioa Tne Camanyshould ensurpe line CTmanys-Nouhen Pipe. that further pollution of the watercourne does flot occur as a result of the escape of its potroloum products. Ail of which isa respectfully submitted, District Engineer R. Mansan for J. K. Theil; ap- provea by K. H. Sharpe, Di- rectar. ed TYRONE a Ann and Neil Newton m as be attending the Annuel Cc edvention. of the Profeasio 'Photographers aof Amer iheld this yeer in New Ye n« City. Thoy will be in Ni 8 York from Mey 2 until M~ 16. Mr. Newton la the repi 's sentative for the Professioi b- Photographers of Ontario k this convention. At thc sai etue Mr. Newton la one of «plhatographers choson throui Oe out North Amrneica whc "' photography wîll b. shown ca a speciel "Photography in I ~dustry" exhibition, being he et the New York Coliseum connection with thec I.P.E., :.photographie tirade show. !d MT. and Mrs. P. Piper ei Ln family, Oshawa, were Fridb i. nig'ht gucats of Mn. and Mi - Ross McRaberts. re Helen Harvey sport t] as weckend with Jean McRc; ,e enta. Mra. F. MeRoberts, 0 Le ana, was supper guest of 1M as and Mrs. R. MeRoberts, Sui r- day. > Mr-. and Mrs. Bill Jewe' )f Boyd and Bill were Sundi ci dinner guests of Mr-. and Mi n Jim Wagg, Oshawe. Mn. and Mrs. Henry Stai Yton and Douglas, Mr. and Mz d Donald Stainton vieited MV and Mrs. Lloyd Stainto Flint, Michigan, and attendE the Staintan - Joncs weddir eon Saturday. d Mrs. Mabel Cowling an hson Murray, Mr. and Mr aLorre Crago and Maunin nBowimanvffle, were Sunda ýdinner guests of Mr. and Mr sLloyd Smnith. s Miss Linda Smiith we -bridcsxnaid at thc Gray-Smit rwedding in Cobourg on Sai )urday. Mn. and Mrs. Lloy iSmith and Menvin were als fguests. 2 Mrs. George Bradley cf Cal tlander was overnight guest c tMr. and Mrs. W. Raiim an iattcnded thc Diekinson-Ax iderson wedding in Bowmar 1ville on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smitl 1Columbus, were Sunday guest zof Mrs. FIli-ence Scott. Mi-. and Mrs. A. J. Hoa called on fniends in Lindsay. Mrs. Garnot McCoy sper the weekerd witli Mn. an( 1Mrs. Lorne Phare. Mrs. R. Virtue, Mrs. I Phare and Mrs. G. MoCoi wero Monday supper guests oi Mns. D. G. Hoaper, Orono. Saturday evening Mr. anc Mrs. W. Raihm visited Mn. anc Mrs. J. E. Griffin and faniily Lindsay, and an Sunday alan with Mn. and Mrs. Olem Rahnr and family, Ajax, wene din. non guests of Mn. and Mrs Leonard Wilson and Arn, oi Selwyn. Tyrono U.C.W. wîll meet ai the homo of Mrs. Paul Vaneyk fon the May meeting on May 12th at 8 p.ni., w.itki a guest speaker and special music. Mns. J. W. Herod, Weston, Mr-. Lamne Gniffin called on their sisten, Mrs. W. Ralim. SOLINA Several new homos are go- Ing up an Saline. The Tyra boys under the leadership ai Larnv Spires, assisted by Lloyd Broomo, Harry Knox and Randy Fraser, have campleted thein winter wood-working praject by taking homo thein new birdhouses! Our flighty sumier, visitons will ho pleas- ed with their now accommode- tions. The Saline School Club held the April meeting, the final noetingé for this school term, east Wednesday night. The ielightful dancing by ballot artists Sandra Scatt and Non- een Arnold wes enjayed by Ill, as wvas the address by aur guest speaker Constable Cor- cIll, O.P.P. His discussion on afety, as regards aur children and their bicycles on the high peed noads of today, impress- ed us ail with the noed for aution and careful driving of EVERY vehicle, from tricycles to trucks. We wcre pleased, 1o- ta have- as aur-gu ts i I ai nf sa ai or ec ta El tE A~i ty. Fa: the combined Family Sunday Service et Eldad Church on Sundey, the child- ren's story "God's Roam" wag given by Ronald Baker. The sermon "God in thc Home ai Moses" was presonted by Mn. Harvey Yellowlees. On Sundey Mi-. and Mns, Alex Patter entertained Mr-. Fred Ellîott af Oshawa; Mn. and Mrs. Karl Potten of Isling- ton, and Mn. and Mrs. Harold Patter af Hempton. Mr. and Mns. Lloyd Enoomoe visited Mr. and Mns. Wallace Munday, Oshawa. Mn. and Mns. R. Frasen and Bob visited Mn. and Mrs, Stan- ley Long and daughtcrs, et Pont Credit. On Apnil 26th the United Church Women met et the home ai Mns. C. Vice, with President Mrs. J. Knox pre- siding. The opening hynin, Saviaur Like a Shepherd Lead. Us, was followed by thc minute:; cf the proviaus meet- ing and the RoU CaU - an Easter thaught. Mrs. John Knox gave a report on Uic Bey cf Quinte Conference held necently et Lindsay, and a letton mcmrnDoneen Van Camp of Indore, Indie, was readt.« Mns. B. Tirak g ave the won- ship service and Un. W. Yel- lowlecs gave the topic "Sa- lame», on humfity. Lorraine Knox read the seipture lesson. Lunch was served by Mrs. Vice anid Mrs. Knox. Mns. Hanry Dinibleby, Roy and Lynne spont Easten week in Keswick, at the home of Mr. and Mn. J. Isdake GM Sugges Winners Ht Annual Dir 'flirty-eight men of General Motors of Canada, each of whom won more than $ 1.000 ln the GM Susggestion Plail durlng 1964, were honoured reeently at the annual dinnei f the coýy 'a Master Sug- gesters Club. Top award win- ner was Wilfredi Ottenbrite o: parts procurement w h o s e award.s tot'alled $7,914.40. Suggestion awards paid tc GM people lest year totailed $203,374.62. Thlis was for a total of 4,139 adopted sugges- tions. Tbe maximum awarc for a single suggestion 1: $6.000. Guest speakers et the Mes. ter Suggesters dinner includ- ed E. H. Wallcer, president of GM of Canada and Donald E. Morse, director, suggestion plan section, General Motors Corporation. The 38 men received $80,- 991.34 in award money. For Wiltred Ottenbrite, it was the fourth successive year of Busineu: Direciory Accouniancy RAY J. DILLING Chantered Accauntant 93 Church Street MONTEITH, RIEHL, WATERS & CO. Chartered Accountants Oshawa Shopping Centre 728-7527 LEONARD JAMES BROOKS Chartered Accountant Trustee in Bankruptcy Suite 205W 725-99531 Oshawa Shopping Centre nd WM. J. H. COGGINS zs. Chertered Accountant e, Second Floor ar New Librery Building s. Cor. King & Temporence Sts. Phono 623-3612 as YALE, FRIEDLANDER th & COMPANY it Chartered Accountants yd Llcensed Trustees Sc ln Bankruptcy 64 King St. E. 728-7371 1 ~ Oshawa, Ontario id WILSON S& BURROWS id Charterod Accountants S114 King St. East, Oshawa, Ont. ~'Pertners : h, Ronald F. D. Wilson, C.A. tsG. Edmond Burrows, C.A. Phono 728-7554 r HALL, PERKIN & CO. Chartered Accountents IKing Street - NewcastIe id 987-4240 L. 36%6 King St. E. - Oshawa WiliamC.725-6539 WiliamC.Hall, B.Comm., C.A. Dlavid G. Porkin, C.A. d C hi r op r acic g G. EDWIN MANN,.D.C. n Chiropractor i- Office: s15 Elgin St., cor. of Horsey St. )f Phono 623-5509 Office fours: By appaintment t DR. WM. RUDELL, D.D.S. 75 King St. E. Bowmanville Office Hours: i 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily Closed Seturday and Sunday Office Phono - 623-5790 Res. Phono Newcastle 987-4261 DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. Office 75 King St. E. Bowmanville bOffice Hours: r 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily 1Closed Saturday and Sundey Telephone : Office 623-5459 [)R. E. W. SISSON L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in his home 100 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville Phone 623-5604 Office Hours: 9 sa.m. ta 6 p.m. daily Closed Wednesday - Suniday I ns ur a nce DONALD A. MacGREGOR Life, Auto. Home Insurance 9%6 King St. E., Bowmanvllle Phone 823-5962 Land Surveying MERRILL D. BROWN P.ENG.. O.L.S. 121 Quoen St. Box 1659 Bus. and Res. Telephone 623-7251 L e ga HODGINS S& MORRIS Barristers, Solicitors Notaries Public 14 Frank St. Bowmanville LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor Notery Public King St. W. Bowmanville Phones: Office 623-5688 Res. 623-5553 E. RICHARD LOVEKIN B.A., LL.D. Barrister - Solicitor King st. W. Newcastle Phone 987-4633 fours: 9-5:30 - Wed., St., 9-1 STRIKE an~d STRIKE Barristers, Solicitors Notaries Public W. R. Strike, Q.C. A. A. H. Strike, B.A. Edward C. Wildmnan, B.A., LL.B. 40 King St. W. - Bowmanviils Telephone 623-5791 Mlortg agqe s OMMIE AMILTON » ORONI' Phono 1 r 16 First Mortgage Funds Residence - Farmi Business Properties KEITE A. BILL ETT. O.». Optometrist 143 King St. E. - Bowimanvllle Office Hfouri: By appolntment Tulephone 623-3252 Mon. - Tues..- Thurs. - Iri. 9 a.rn. ta 5 pan. Thursday evenings Wed. and Sat. - 9.13l i ion Plan M. . . Roberts an&dn Neli O'Rourke et Oshawa Gen. oral Hospital on Sunday. onor d atMr.and Mrs. Henry Dart vstd at William Dart's, Scarborough, on Saturday. iner PartMr. Henry Dart received ner rar y the Sad nows on Monday even- ing that his brother-in-law ' qualifying as a master sug- Mr. Hen.ry Keeler, West Hill,1 If gester. Edward Kunkel and had dîed very suddenly while1 0 Gardon Pearson qualified for niding la a car as a passengor. n the third successive year and Mr. and Mrs. Ciffford Swal- à Otto Ferenc end Fr'ank Milli- 1ow. Maple Gave, were rcn ,r gan for the seccand successive visitars at Russell Per kins. - year.Shelley and Kevin Williams, Myrtie, visited et Ray Cern- f eran's and Donna Henry went ZIMON home with thema for a few days.t (Intondod for lest woek) Mrs. Reay Cameron and1 a Mr. and Mrs. George Fish- grenddaugheter Donna Henryj or and Russell, Oshawa; Mrs. spent Easter weekend et Ham- "Bruce Armstrong, Mr. Ivan itn hrmstrong, Sihild eo Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cameront recent visitors at Allen Fish. and family, Tottenham, visit- ers. ed et Wes Cameron's.f Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rae, Mrs. Elsie O'Neil, Oshawa, I fMarkham, wero recent visi- visited et Allen Fisher's onf tors et Russell Perkins. Sundey and with themn visit-t 1Mr. and Mrs. Bort Don Oud- ed at Wes Cameron's Sundey o n osioned their home for the evening. going-away presentation for Mrs. RoetKilnspn . Mr. and Mrs. Grant Williams lest week in Taranto et Tom *and family who are moving ta Currie's. Miss Mary Jane Ne-j thoir new home in the Myrtle misz spent the week et Wil- *district at the end of this fred Frank's, Toronto. week. Thçy were presented Mr. and Mrs. Jim Steinton, t with a coffee table, a step end- Day' and Doug visited River.g table and a floral arrange- dale Zoo on Sunday and were c mont for the table. We are supper guest aet Roy Thomas', sorry ta lose therm from our Scarbcrough. community but wish themn the Mr. and Mrs. William Pros-. best of evorything in their tan, CIurtice, were Sunday new home. cellers at Wes Camoeronis. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Fisher Miss Doris Dert, Woodville, visited et Fred Ormiston's, spent the Easter holidays with Brooklin, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dart. Mrs. Elsie O'Neil, Oshawa, Miss Petsy Dent spent the visîted et Allen Fisher's an week with her grandperents, Sunday end elong with themn too. wes et Wes Cameron's for sup. Mr. and Mrs. N. Patter of per. Toronto vîsited et Henry Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thomas Dart's. and daughters, Scarborough, Mr. and Mrs. Georgeoflts, were Saturday visitors et Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Russell Stainton's. Gerry Elaine and Carolyn, ,Mrs. H. F. Stephen, Oshawa,I Niagare Falls, visitod et Mrs.! spent Saturday efternoon endIAlex McMaster's. evening et R. C. Stainton's. 1 We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Stainton Arthur Stainton back ta aur attended the Electrical Main. community again. They have tenance Bowling Club banquet an apartment in the home of on Saturday evening and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sobil. brought home the Men's High Mrs. P. J. Roberts returned Single Trophy. home from Oshawa Genoral David Stainton attended the Hospital on Friday. birthday panty for Werd Skin. Mrs. Tom Sobil hed e U.C. ner, Oshawa. W. quilting et her homo on Mrs. Keith Stainton visited Tuesday. L14±I~Â Be.He.seNEWS 1_ by Neil Richards They are engaged in a Job anul athy wist orientation progrin m whereby an«T athy wist each student will visit a local The big; event of Iast week office to learn first hand how of curs, th spingbusiness is conducted. It is was,ofcustesrn hoped tliat this exPrI$flc% prom, Moonligtit and Roses. wlll help in theu, preparat Although the attendance was for their future e not ovei-àwhelmlng, a fair We wish them aut number cit couples did attend luck. and seenied to enjoy them- We have been asked toq selves. M'urch of the credit for mention that Students Counb the prom'S success must go ta cil Executive elections ae Audrey Mayes and Gary but three weeks away. W Crombie. Audrey, with the ask you to begin thinking' assistance o~t the art commit- about possible candidates for tee, transtanmed the assembly the varlous offices, sota hall into aL romantic, moonlit w4hen nomination time ar- garden. Garlands of green rives it won't be necessary to crepe cov ered the ceilig: the beg people ta run. wails weve decorated with At present, the scihool la rose-laden trellises; several wourking hard In preparation, lilac bushwes and a flood-lit for the May Festival, May 18 fountain iLa the centre of the and May 19. With the liard hall added ta the generi - work that is evident in the fect. Gaxr, es chairman of music, art, home econonics the refreslîment committee, and industrial arts depart- organized a fine buffet lunch ments we can expect one of in an adjcal.ning raom. Many the finest displays of B.H.S. favourable comnients were~ talent in recent years. heard conv4 irning the arches- _________ tars vAho peovided the musi c.,I The Studertts Council wouldi The ancient silver and Iead like ta expness its appreciation mines near Athens, Greece, ta ail the _rnany people who were first worked 2000 B.C. gave so uniselfishly of their Mcxbers who say they're tüne to mak aý this prom a suc- too husy ta attend meetings cess. are 11k.'. the man who was so 12K must be certainly en- busy chopping wood hie neyer joying thenselves this week.'had time ta sharpen his axe. Attention!1 Ail Goodyear Employees take advantage of your CREDITUNO for: 0 SAVINGS 0 LOW COST LOANS CONTACT: Au stin Stephens Ja< rkDunn Ha riry Saunders - -~ ?LUMP. ~EDR TU4 OU SAVE FRYING OR ROASTING "YOUSAVETWICE WITH TRIM AND PIE LAN, MEATY LOIN Pork CHOPS 6 9,i - 623-3724 - 623-5866 2'/2 to 3 IL average ETRA LEAN - MEATY - PR SPARERIBS 53b BEST BUY! Save 5c! Robin Hood Layer Style CELEBRATIONM2IE 21 83c BEST BUY! Save 6c! Solid White Meet 7-oz. Tin (LOVER LEAF TUNA 41C BEST BUY! Save 15c! Deep Bnowned LIBBY'S BEANS 20-oz. Tins 4 0Y BEST BUE! Save lOc! 5c Off 2-lb. Pack 2-lb. Package GOOD LUCK Margarine 65c BEST BUY! Save 13c! Reg. Pkg. for 5c Attacbed to Giant Pkg. Ajeax Lalundry Detergent 87c BEST BUY! Save 10e! Homogenized 2-lb. Round Jar York Peanut Butter 79c BEST BUY! Save 4c! Green Giant - Fancy Quality 14-oz. Tins NIBLETS Brand CORN 21'37c COPEEYORST ".STARDU ST" TAB LEWAR E EACH PIECE AVAILABLE AT -__ 29c] DISCOUNT PRICESI Reg. $1.00 Hot Lather SCHI(K SHAVE CREAM 69c Reg. 75c! Johnson's Large Tin BABY POWDER *w66C Reg. 79e! Johnson's BABY OIL SMALL Reg. 79c! Johnson's BABY SHAMPOO SIZE m m69C 1 1 69 UN -Fruits & Vegetabies-, JIlc vitarnin i\\-ic Juicyvitamn ric GRAPEFRUIT 101R69c Tampico white No. 1 ONIONS C.A. Melntosh fancy APPLES 33C 3-1b. poly bat Nutnatious new âPrîng No. 1 3-1b. poiy bag (ARROTS 27C SAVE 6c! Gr lnd ta your own taste 1-b ag EARLY' RUSER Coffee 75 c SAVE 4c! Va~i1ey View2-b Cello BREAKFAST PRUNES 49c Regular 39c! Veston or Sunbeam ChocoIaiïe Swiss ROLLS pkg. 35c FREE! 5.LBS. GRANULATED wth te purchase of FOUR GENE 'L ELECTIU!C LAMP BULBS at regulae*"prioe FR(CZEN FOODS 0F OUALITY SAVE lie! am SSouth &-«.Tt ORAMNGE JUICE 3 for 59c : Supreme Bs eand2-b FANC Y PEAS - - 49c MAPLE GROVE RED & WHIUTE Maple Grove CORNISH'S RED & WHITE Orono PECK'S RED & WH-ITE Newtonville Introductory Offer! SAVE 10c OFFER GOOD UNTIL MAY 15:1 100% PUREW ORANGE'JUICE Mad@ from Juice of Tree.Ripened Florida Oranges Enjoy that Frsh, Doudouos Flavor Vitamin "C"* for the Entîre Familyl GLENA - 1 LÛ] a 1 M- m ilcýý 1 - m- i - - - - - mmmwmý 69ci ý

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