Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 May 1965, p. 5

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'Honor Hampton Couiplel OI 5th Anniversoiry dOn Saturday, May lst, Mr.' those present were. Mr. and and Mrs. Gerald Balson, Mrs. Bob Fairey, Bamnxxanville:, mpton, were honoured Mr. and Mrs. Bote Bryaxis,; eir Silver Wedding Anni-,Baktc;M.adMs i o or y at a gathering of;Meldrum, Oshawa; Mr. and' Mids ançI relatives at the 'Mnr. Harold Balson, Mr. and! eOlt Du. and Mrs. Wilfred Mrs. ei riM. n i. s MaryLeiseTtu, Mr.. and Mrs.! , ÇP Jice. Harold Wilkins, Haiýupton; Mr.' Mr. anýd Mrs. Balson. the and Mrs. Jo Balson, Mr. andý armer Ethel Wilkins, were Mrs. Walter Rundie, Bowman-: inarried on May 3rd, 1940, at ville: Mr. and Mrs. Sydney, urtice by the Rev. W. C. Worden. Mr. and 1%¶ s. Harryi mith. Gay and Mr. and M-ns. Balson's: Mrs. Harry Gay read the.six children, Jo, PAni, Philipe address from a Silver Anni- Bryce, Kris and Katrina. 'versary book made and pre- aleintedYthBl- Ipared by Mrs. Brown. This was Lriri h a'teBl the story oif their ives from son children gathei.red withý *whe Ethl ws bon tothetheir parents at their- home in present time when Ethel and Hampton to enjoy a chicken, Gerald are very active in af-:dinner together and lthey pre- Iairs in Ham pton and most sented their parent s with a helpful in the choir there. A lovely kitchen suite and a vase presentation oif two lovely end tif red roses an(l. Katninai tables and other gifts was their youngest daughter, gave, mnade following the address. them a set oif glassE: .Foo- The bride and groom both re-ing this gathering 'lîhey cameý plîed with thanks to the Wil_ on to Courtice for t1l~e evening.1 kins family and friends. Everytine enjoyed the quar- LN A'Ti tette oif Gerald, Harold Balson, LONG S I.I r Harold Wilkins and Lewis Trull, snging and dancing. A Mr. and Mrs. G. ffrown and buffet lunch complete with Ross, Oshawa, anmi Mr. and! wedding cake was cnjoyed Mrs. Raymond C lapp were! ]ater in the evening. _Amongý Sunday af ternoon t visitons, and Mr. Stuart Hocreey, Tynone, was a Sunday eve, ning visitor oif Mn. and Mrs. E& trl Penwar- den. Ha'ppy to saev Mr. Pen- warden is slig'htly improved 623 -3303 and able to get up a few min- fer utes a day. 623 -3303 1 Mr. and Mrs. G. Brown and "'VNli@ Ross, Oshawa, we re Sunday SER CEsupper gttests oif Mhr. and Mrs. SERYkt iClayton Bon *Mr. and Mrs. RoIýt. Cameron, and Ruth-Anne wtere Sunday I) supper guests off tr. and Mrs .. D. Oke. Oshawa. Raymond r Cameron was a Sît nday guest oif David Johnston.. cSprig J/io wers Ç13o narza /o'r i7Noti4er~ Çùa~1 ROSES LONG STEMS from $4.00 doz. BLOOMING POTTED PLANTS Ili Hydrangea IN ANY COLlouR 4 MXE/ OUQUETS - POTTEDANTS LORAL ARRANGENT 1CACTIJ YGARDENS -TROPICAL FILANTS TU LIPS GLADIOLI HYACINTHS DArFODI LS GARIDENIAS FOR ALL 0F THIS. .. AND M0DRE SHOP AT k Carnation. Flower ShopD PHON: 55 KING ST. W. Mothej A GIFF] THAT WILI YEARS . - IS A GI JEWELLERY! JEWELLER' TO WVIN ANY VýTTHERS IIEAR' Lovely Pins witli Matching Earring,, Cultured Pearl Necklaces HOOPI Amazing Fountain Decorates- B.H.S. A Those attcnding the annual semi-formal dance at Bowmanville High School on Friday evening, were amazed when they entered the assembly hall to find it transformcd into a beautiful garden, complete with this fountain in the centre. It was lighted with two colored spotlights and caused much comment throughout the evening. Lower photo shows two members oif the decoration committee, Audrey Hayes, chairman, lef t, and Linda Baker, standing in front of the main entrance with their escorts Doug Nichols and Richard Perfect. Gary Crombie also played a most important part in the arrangements, but was unavailable at the time this photo was taken. Many others from the schooi participated in preparing for the most successful event. School Music Director Subm ifs His Resig nation Ea 62-14i Newcastle:_- The reguiarStorks, absent. his help in the past years and' E 623-714 Schotol Board meeting wasý Principal Ronald Munro'to add their appreciation forl BOWMïINVILLE I jheid MondaY evening. ,vith read his report. Sehool was bis great co-operation. - Ijust one member, Mrs. Paulinc open 16 days, witb 40771/2 The local Cub Packs have' -days present and 2161/2 absent. been granted the use oif the Percent attendance was 94.96, school grounds and bal dia- and the daily average attend- monds for use during thse bet- ance was 254. There wcrc two ter weather on their usuel rc L ~ 7>'more admissions to tiese chool meeting nights, Monday. s D and two transferned out. A thank-you card \vas re- E. Denny had telephoned, ceived fnomn George Chard forl 'the principal to report on thel kindness shown him while' I uHi U I~ J Trecord player and sound hospitalized. Mr. Chard at-I - - _____I___________ equipment. This is a portable, tended this meeting and w-%as, reported Mr. Munro, and weicomed back by ail the, could be used in or out-of- board. LAST THROU(GH THE doors. It could be used in Ail bills were authonized to [F 0 FNE~ ______ one rooni for that room alone bepaid, and the meeting ad-, ITO FIEor used in the auditoiumd. amplify throughout the entine ________ school. A useful piece tif V Sec our see tion ofi' equipment, said the principal. y One ptîpil persistently pîay-.Zion (Hope Townlshilp) Beautiful L cather ing truant from sehool wasM.Nra eo hs . ~ reported to the board to have:M.Nra eo a HADI~Saction taken. This was then been transferred frorn the TrA DG turned aven to Ed. Barchard, Burley Bus Lines garage at A gft o~br -Truant Officer. The parents Bowmanville to the Cobourg A_________________ will be notified oif the action branch. ta be taken if he continues to Mn. Chas. Meneilley ieft: Iiii QV .Mohefwlichîs stav away. Monday morning to resume S; Mtherwil cheishAnother educationai tnip to work with the Law Construe- a beautiful Toronto is being planned forition Co. et Fenelon Falls. ALASAN BACKthe grade seven and eightl The estate of the late Miss tnupîls this vear. The board May Hawthomn has been sold.ý DIAM ND RNG ranted their permission on As yet we bave not met our DIM N RN his. new neighbors. ~ -Sand is requested by the ZVon U.C.W. Meeting Special primary department for the: sand box, and Mr. McMahon The Zion United Church has asked for two poles for Women's meeting was held at boutdoor volicybali. Imv Me- the home of Mrs. M. Irwin, P Mother's Day** Cullough wilI look aftcr-those Wednesday, 2 p.m., April 14, requests. with six members present.i U cnd The Lasting Gift! Field day wili be heid for The president. Mrs. C. Iwn CUP indthe lclschool oniy, and not opened the meeting wîth a' SAUCER A FINE asbfre wt four arealpassage oif scripture read ni schol cmp tin. -s so.The member inchargce Fin Boe Cina WATCH be held late in June, as sJ2- of thse devotional was not I Fine one hinaduct will be required for the present, so an Easten hymnn pits. Permission was asked,' was sung. Ou tf iib ~and granted. There was very littie busi-, Our taffwi.1 beThe new Canadian Flagsl ness. A motion was passed have arrived for each class,: that $40.00 be doneted to the gldto help you and wcather pcrniitting, anjStewards to help defray the' glad outdoor officiai fiag raising où bi]l and that more oul be in yu seioetion! eeremony was planned for, ordcred. A bot chieken sup* yor$24.95 Tuesday, May 4th. 1 per is being arranged hy the The re.signat.ion of Anthun' ladies oif the church for the, Collison, music director for theý Stewards, the 'date, Satunday, 1JEW LLER GIF SHand read. The board felt ai per wili not be advcrtised. It ioss with this resignation, but1is decidcd to seli approxi-! ER J' 211KingSL Bowanvlle Mr. Collison is giving up in1 mateiy sixty tickets, as this is the schools. Mnr. Barchard tiee nuniber that cen be ac- was asked to write a thank commodateri at one sctting, iyou letter to Mr-. Collison for and wW ieLiminate th~e con- u it rumB WESLEYVILLE ITheCaainStem , wn Real Spri g ca e wih avery plentiful in the lake and rush lest week when farmenslreports of scooping th"mou were able to work on the high nbsesusonsikth parts oif their fais. Air andstre fpinrdasw n 'v;ater birds seemed to be fi- trout could be scoped from ed with the same feverish ac- h cresitatwy tivity as men and huge flocks Mrs. Fred Hoskin with Paul oif geese rested on the lake to~ and Peter attended the boys' break their flight north. Hun-' gneat-grandmothen's birthday dneds in each group flew over party lest Wedr esday. Mrs. head. morning and evening George Dinner celebrated hen during the weekend. Among b er dau,:hten's, Mms. the many returning white Perey' Hoskin at Weicome. crowns, white throats and ail A travelier from Wisconsiný the otiser usual varieties, found one oif our sidenoads a watchers in this area bave1 littie soft for bis van load of beendelhted to sec blue- Labrador dogs. He was on birds,oflt years rarelyl bis way to Montncal and seen hene. There were 62 at Sunday. schotil on Sunday morniîngý with Supenîntendent George e I . .. . .Tufford in charge. Assistant teachers were prit for thein monthly wonk, ValenieSR hymn and the senior prima ryl class clased the school wîthi prayer. Sunday school begani WOMJI at ten o'ciock which it wil do from now on so that mem-1 bers mnay attend chu reb ser- Nu r vice held jointly at the othen, Nt r ehurhes Full Range of Sizes Mrs. W. Tufford wl'o bas' spent the winter months with and Colors - y, ber family returned to her own home last Monday and is [m d «Mý IM ~ ~~busy et settling ber house ieMmaGt and flower garden in order. Mr. David Ashby was bes S IP ER fusin tf clanig talesding in Port Hope on Satur-, fusin of cIeaing able, day. washing dîshes, and re-set- Mrs. C. Dickinson and WOMEN'S ting tables, and no one will be' Clarke attended the wdi~ H Il DI D kept waiting. it was left writh.tof Ben Dickinson in Bowman- HU HWPUP IE the committee to plan theý ville on Saturday. Ben is the 1 Ail Sizes Mrs.Menille wa HiRoss Dickinson, Bowmanville.ý Mrs. Menille wa 'n On Thursday af te rn o o n, charge oif the program and Mrs. Clarence Nichois attend- gave an account oif a personal cd the meeting oif the execu- tour of Latin Amenica by Drs. tive oif the Cobourg Presby- Birtch and Elliott, and their tenial oif the United Churchi definite impressions gained in Women. Brazil, and read "Good Friday Mr. and Mrs. Howard Harris, in Brazil." Mrs. E. Casweli of Apsiey visited with Mrs.] assisted by reading "Rich mn Canlus Dickinson and Clarkeï Faith." A contest "Narne the on Friday oif iast week, andý Jack" was civen. Mrs. R. reported ice stil iib the lakesl Gerow received the highest there. points for this. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Peters,' The meeting closed witn, son Grattan and fniends, visit-1 the benedfiction, after whichlcd with the Arnold Austinsi a dainty lunch oif cake and ice Ion Sunday.i cream was served by the hos-j Althouglh smelt may not bel fess. Ifished in the creeks, thev are. Tnanville, May 5, 1965 wanted ta let the animaIs out for a run so went down tc> Banrowclough's beach. He had to get tractor hclp on the way back but the dogs were safcly back in their specially buiit transport. The sides oif the truck werc fitted with slatted pancls for ventilation. Ross Cornelius, who has been in Cobourg hospital for some time being treated for burns, returned to bis home in Port Hope lest week, but will be some weeks before he is able to resuxne bis regular employment. M [EN'S :1inzers --$14-95 u l fComfort ... S WOMEN'S WASHABLE FUNTREADS by Kaufman ely Powders Reua9 , 'M% bï Monarch Twln Pack 16-o:. J lU517 9y Lay Bth ssoted Kraft Jet Putfed White Ob il-oz. à r MonarchCHOCOLAT ES MarshmalîoWSor fruit & Pkgs.q.#JC MararieL C 79c $s.55 ORAE JUICE Tins' 3 7c TABLERITE - Canada's Finest Red or Blue Brand Beef SUNKISI VALENCIA ORANGES SIZE 113's Crisp & Tender - Prod. of U.S.A. 3-lb. Celle Bagr Cen. No. 1 Grade (ARROIS 29C Ontario Hot House Cucumbers 2R'29c Save These Extra Tapes Recelve an Extra $10100 Tape Salad Dressing 3-mi.wjari Instant Coffee Pinesol Cleaner IGA 6-os jar IS-os. jar Receive an Extra $6.00 Tape Jeweî Shortening .e" Receive au Extra $2.00 Tape MiId Cheese MIDI NYLONS Prod. of U.S.A. Con. Celery Hearts Mother's Day Specials MIDI NYLONS 2 pr. 77c1 anid recelve an extra $2.00 Bonus Tape. IGA Hospitallty Each 12Zoz. CutAPL PI 43 AI] SizesAP L PI 43 2 Pair Hospltality 1-lb. Pkg. No!Gade Assortment 35c Hiqhliner Frosen Haddock & Batter 14»«z. Pkq. Minced Beef FrehiGrun Ail Prices Effective May 5, 6, 7 and 8. We Reserve the Bowmanvillle IGA Foodlineàr-- - 80WMAN VILLE M Hospitallty Package ot 30 Marshmallow Bnos.om 29c SPECIAL COMBINATION OFFER One 20-oz. Tin Staffords both Strawberry-Rhubarb fo PIE FILLER and Swift Premium Sliced Rindiesa 1-lb. pkg. SIDE BACON 69C Swift Premium 1-lb. Pkg. WIENERS 49c Swifts Premlum Sliced 16-oz. Vac Pack BOLOGNA 39C $8.95

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