Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Mar 1965, p. 2

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-w---. -. w The Canadian Statesmnan, Bowmanville, Mar. 3, 1965 Hear Forceful Speaker Kiwanîans Entertain Red Cross Executive IGet SpeakerMay Rec Near -Nel :onstruct Hazard wcastle The BoardOfo Transport croased or decreased since Commissioners for Canada Highway 401 was put inte bave advised Russell C. Honey, service in 1960. Mr. Honey Prio to A nnu i B itzM.P. for Durham County, that stated that there bave been Pror to A n u l 11 z.it wi.U give congideration t 13 accidents at the subway e A forceful eddress on tbe bv Ger Brown, with b s arises.th o frensucin fiem r17,194 zneed for Red Cross work and wife Shirley at the piano. The speaker exhibited a . the "bole-in-tbe-waîî" subway î Folawing nepresentatians workers throughout the wonld Mrs. Spry. Presîdent o! cardboard Red Cross nurse on No. 2 Highway, just east o! made by Mr. Honey an inspec- wes gi', n et a meeting o! Bowt'jnville and District Redi witb five "Ca" la the Genova Newcastle. tion o! tbe subway was made Bo0wmanville Kiwanis Club on Cross, expressel tbanks te the Cross on ber blouse. These *.Mr. Honey made subinis- by an engineer froin the Board Mandav eveaing by Capýt. E. Kiwanians for their bospitali- symbols, Capt. Hopkins ex. siens to the Board o! Trans- o! Transport Commissioners, C. Hopkins, Toronto. He is ty and introduced Capt. Hop- plained, should express the' port Commissioners with re- and ropresontatives o! the Can- chairman o! the Ontario Di- kins, the guest speaker, lattitude o! ail Red CrossspctohednrusfarsadnPcicRiwyadte vision Public Relations Coin-1 wonkers. They represented o! the subway's structure fol- Departinent o! Highways. rnittee c! the Red Cross Soc- Ho forcefully drove home 1 comumunication, cleanly ex- Ideas that reform peopîe's lowing the fatal accident Studies are now proceeding lety. Guests present included the necessity o! active Red pressed, witb confidence ia lives wilho explored at a wbich occurred there on Oct. witb a view ta having the sub- the executive o! Bowmanville Cross work tbrougbout the their organizatijon, continu- one-bour public lecture la- the 22nd, 1964. way recoastnucted. The Dur- end District Red Cross branch, world. Besides onumerating ouely and convincingly. McLaughlin Librery Theatre Ho said that a survey con- bain Couaty M.P., Mr. Honey, -now preparing for thoir an- the number o! branches and Higb praise was given the cor. Centre and Bag 'St. cluded recently shows that said today that ho is quite nual fuad campaign bore on divisions o! the Red Cross In lca Red Cross branch for Oshawa, on Saturday, March taffic on the bigbway aver- bopeful that these wiil lead ta Maroh ltb and throughout Canada, he -stated tba't the their past efforts by Capt. 6th, ait 8:15 pin. by Otto Bert- ages about 1,700 vehicles a decision being made shortly the nionth in the district. The society opemates la 104 coun- H'opkins who urged tbem n nt scbi, a member o! The Christ- daily. This traffie bas not in- by theautiionities involved. dlinner was held at The Fly- trios with workers who are to allow temporary setbacks ian Science Board o! Lecture- Ing Dutchmnan Motor Restau- 97% volunteers. ta discaurage them in their ship. rat.On tir a al un oefforUs. Hoie tnesed the need H-e will speak under spon-S p r n e t i mt Kiwais Pesidnt Jhn ected !rom the publiec ui fo getting out and seliing the sorship o! First Church o!f u e b E t r a n n n 3,rowalee was in charge o! the campaign bore la Marchlidea of Red Cross to the com- Christ, Scientist, Oshawa. TheE iwI kv 2 5 P oe the meeting end welcomed wihl romain in the Bowmnan-Imunity. lecture is titled "The MeaningEn o ed W, 2 . eo l visiors inludng iveOshville district for disaster andl Kiwanis Pasit President Ted of Refonmation." awa Kiwanjans. Other head ohratvteh ttd utnepesdteme- Mr. Bertscbi is froin Zurich, i h table guests included Mrs. Otar iig tte 1n-ing' appreciatian to ap.Swtzland, and was former-A t Lions Ladijes' N i h ]Browiee, Capt. and Mmirs o beadcauarters and, the Hopkins andl Red CrOsa cam- ly associated with the Bureau Hopkins, Mr. and d other third te international paign chairman Mmi. B. L. o Standards o! the Society The Bowmanvilie L lao ns The winners o! the doar Broek, Mm andMm. ROn beadquarters. This division "Pet" Burk added ber per- o!rws ahn auatr lbsane ade'Ngtpie eeMs .M eei Buik ndMr. W R Sry Cos fun en a ny he reDasncige theanki. ens. Ho le!t this position aev- Dinner and Dance, held at the 1Mns. George Vice, Mrs. George - ,B u nd Min . s ngW. . S pry. Cro s t futio h n nec y ee, ncing c o 'pti e d th e v ral tyears ago t a devote is L ions C om m un ty C entre yon IW ebster, M . Jack B rough, A r u.s ng ing so g w s l d a yti e, w he n nec ssi y nin 's cti iti s.fulli t e o Christian Science Saturday vening w as enjo ed 1M s. Stew art M Tavish and a à av a If a - apractice. Heisao an author- UN Nthe joint planning board Of ized teacher of the religion. W i,, Speak H-ere. the aforesaid area as followe: Oshawa two elected represent- atives and two non-elected rep- t u ak resentatives as well as the ex- AtAnivrsryofficio iuember; and one elect- bPc' At Anniersaryed representative and one non« tC The Bowmanvifle Pentecos- o ele ter or iunta icipaoli- Parents' Night tal Church wiflcelebrate tiheir ofte oceredr. uicpai Fàrst Anniversary in the beau- iscnend tiful new church located at "It is further requested that Hed S tra 75 Liberty Street, South. Three the Planning Area be named ed S tr a services :are planned for the Central Ontario Joint Approximately 90 parents March 7th: 11 a.m., 2:30 p.m.,. Planning Area, and it is also and members of Bowman- and 7 p.i-. A cornpllmentary . ~~ asked that where lever desired ville 's Fourth Cub Pack attend.j buffet supper will be served the member municipalities will ed the annual Parents Night to ut-f-ownguets continue to niaintain their own dinner at Memorial Park ont Dr. Charles A. Retz, Dean Planning Board as subsidiary Saturday evening. Group Coin- of the Eastern Pentecostal ones within the proposed mittee ChairmanHoadCr Bible College, Peterborough, JitPann ra den was in charge of the pro- Ontario, bas been invited to, ' l Upon the Minister's approv- gram that încluded presenta- be the featured speaker et ail aiof this proposai the budget tiOn of badges and awards to three services. Dr. Ratz gra- for the Joint Planning Area Cub members under the lead- duated frorn the Western BI- . will approxiniate $35,000 for ership of Cubmaster Ronaldc Yle College, Winnipeg, Mani- the year 1965, based on appor. Law and Assistant Warren th4t Uinethe bas atr 2.sev- tioning o! the cost having re- Townsley. thettim he as astoed ev.gard to the 1964 population of The delicjous dinner was eral ëhurches and bas done the respective Inunicipalities. served by the Memnorial Park considerable evangelistic work. This therefore will represent Association ladieswihMs At ih prset tmeRev Rtza per capita cost of 311/2 cents Marg Jeffery and Mrs. Char.1 is in bis 24th year et the Eas- for each member municipality." lotte Clarke as convenors. tern Pentecostal Bible Col-.onilrHoescned Ha al ussicue lege, formerly Iocated ln Tor- onilrHoescne hHa al ussicu ont, Cnaa, ndnow inby Reeve Little, moved that the pack's honorary chaplain Pgteborugt, Onarj. Dr-'Bowmanville. Town Council Rev. and Mrs; . A mTrer Petrborhis hta ta rie o.Duge, h~aigreet in principle providing and Mr. and Mrs. Murray bais srvedast Precial ad' Dre, re.A at there is a clause added to the Tighe, representing the Scout Dean. da Picpladi D.Cals .Rt eoluton stipulating that Councîl.s Da.Christian ministry. Sixty oiomnil will be permit. Mr. Corden, during a brie! Dr. Ratz has travelled acrossi the graduates are ministering ted to, withdraw at any turne address, reviewecl the pack's Canada speaking, engaged as in thirty different countries1 for any reason. This was car- mnany activities during the a Bible expositor in many of and islands throughout the ried. past year and spoke of their the Pentecostal r eli g iou s world. camps. Hie has been in great A new piano has been pur- High Risc Apartments Plans for the comning season. 'He also called on Mr. and nrp demand In conferencet and dhased for this occasion by , Deputy - Ileeve Ress Stev- Dong Cater who have 'lhdicgt- has ministered from coast to and Vihrough the generaus ens, a member of the Bow- ed thev will not be able to coast as an astute Bible ex. gift.s of the rnembers and manville Planning Board spoke help this year with the meal positor. Last ycar Dr, Ratz frîends of the Pentecostal As- of the board's recent recom- preparation at camp. After spoke et the graduation exer-, semiblY. This instrument will mendation concerning high rise thanking themn for their un- cises of the West ladies School be dedîcated to Christian ser. apartments and multiple fami-tiring assistance during the of Theology held at Queen's vice in the morning service, ily dwellings. He explainedpast eight years, Howard Ed- Hall, Port of Spain, 'trinidad. Maroh 7th. that it was designed to preventýmondson presented thein with Hie also ministered at the Pastor Kudra extends a cor- such apartmnents and multiple a tent warmer as an expres- conference o! the Pentecostal dial invitation ta the residents family dwellings from beingisj0n of the pack's appreciation Assemblies of West Iadies. o! Bowmanville and the located in resîdential areas. io! their help. Mr. Carter Dr. Ratz is consîdered te be townsfollc of the surrounding He saîd that in one instance thaaked the group and saidI ernong the top-rated theolo- area. wbere an apartmeat bouse had1ýhow much he and bis wife gians in Pentecostai circles lin ~ ---- been built the neîghbours had had enjoyed working with theI North America. complained. *"fl looks desirable ýboys. Trhe member.s cf the Bow- Tte me that these apartmentsi rnaaviile Pentecostal Church Ir vu and dwellings be segregatedl consider it a rare privilege ta froin present built up residen-~ have r. Rtz mnistr intia areas," the Deputy - Reeve Tic kets bavse fr.tz ming nister in *ve ul U gsaid, and he poînted out that seh es orho n a nniversar large houses already situated services on March 7tb PAGE ONE) in such areas cauld stili bel I a M l O The talent that will accom- .evdan ie n oinconverted into not more than A a l b c pany the speaker for the -ceannd !îledon a moion th niversary services, is the by Councillor Hooper, second- 1 prtet.FROM PAGE ONE) "Watchmen Quartet". Th le ed by Councillor Fice. I Councillor Hooper moved utyabrgah<fhrsiII ipjartet is comprîsed of Trevor Town Clerk Jack Reid re-ta oni grei rnile, and 'dramatic ability to thisjil Butt from St. John's, New. ported that a signed titie toeotePann Badsrcm~mosi demanding role as the - foundland; David Aide from 33 feet of land has been re- mendation on this matter. This'vhdwf.Ms inya-I ,1nsilOt. oe av ceivedfo th widening of, was seconded by Councillor! ai ie ss inyaP fromn Oshawa, Ont., and Earn- Prospect Street. Councilior, Hughes, and carried. perdi TeCrasSv-p age". and later had the leading' est Harris from Wallaceburg, Hooper, seconded bY Reevel Attention of cauncîl was role -or Mrs. St. Maugham i Ont. Tbey will have their Sidney Little, moved that aidrawn by Councillor Hooper "The Cbalk Garden", and ap-111 owm pianist in the persan o~f By-Law be prepared in regardýto the need of drainage underi peared opposite Mr. Amesbury, Mis,; orn M1rrionof on.te he urterwidening o! the sidewalks on Elgin Street.'lir his producticnon "Th treal, Quebec. M oprspect Stret.e This was car.Hle said that et present wt iigDe(,ides."1111 These aforementione yunred stbid phreHenved Bob Sheridan will debt people are Diviaity students: Joint Planning Arra 'that this be referred ao the, et te EaternPentcostl' Works Supermntendent T. K. iwithi the Dramna Worksbop in1 tte atrpThe.,group that bas been:Stewart with power ta act *ýia b aGasdretonr.TheHner- Bie ts bae g radu5te fiuoworking in preparation for anlCouncillor Hughes seconded ors"an aditi "The M ngte- dens hve ra-uatd fom.area planning organization the motion and it was carrîed. Bwer a"Thfor i the rksho thia Bible College since its in- asked council ta endorse the olria frteW ksc ception. Two-thîrdis of these following resolution: "That the,'1Cauncillor Hoaper also stat-'land this will be bis first stagei graduates are in the full-ime Minister of Municipal Affairs. ed that ia winter weather, par-j appearance. be requested to define a Plan. ! tiCual since tbe last snow.' Also rnaking her stage de- ning Area composed Of Osh_.storm, there is a problemn in but xiii ho Mary Kerr, woh awa, Whitby, Bowmanvile, a onection with the approach with Iris Campbell, xiiipa- htownsoshp pEto rliton e"Elgin Street ta the o ralS.P. rsapardwt Township, an EDrltohîtYad bridge at the CPR tra's itray the two daugbters of Gen- Towshpand t naine the He said that this approach is lea the Mei apardw t .~. .~, iy o Ohaa s te esg-up a -steep bank. ;the W op in "Op '0O 111 .~Cit fOhw stedsg Thumb." Connie Gavey wili be nated municipality. He moved that this problem ,seen on stage for the first'h "It is further requested of be rpferred to the Roads and time as one o!thie attractive 111111 the Minister of Municipal Af- Streets Committee ta report maids in the St. Pe household, I fairs that the provisions o! back ta counicil on the feasi-iand Ruth Hoffman, who also Ii Section 5 of the Planning Act bility o! guard rails being appeae n"p M hm"ilil be used w ith regard ta the placed on the side o! t he aP- wi l ae O s 'O MerTh umb appointmeat__o!rniembers of proacb to the bridge. Council-1 rs rm te rz-i-li _ _ - lor Paul Chant seconded this rs rm h rz- iij11 motonaadit as arred. ning production of "A Re- p motonandit as arred. snunding Tinkle" isý Sylvia TUE BOARD 0F GOVERNORS Deputy - Reeve Stevens cati- Tucker, who wîil portray the II RYERSON POLYTECHNICAL INSTITUTE tended that the stop siga at1farmer lave o! General St. PeJii First and 1liigh Sresisnt Mrn. Tucker, m native o! New ANNOUNCES THE INTRODUCTION OF aecessary, and that a checker-1 York City, brings a great deall -M board shouid be there instead. of experience to the Workshop jli __uIa~waa He asked tbat theTatiAd having studied and per!ormedi THE TRIMESTER SYTEIM te.1~i visery Board consider tis iatat Antiocb College, Ohio, in FOR COURSES IN tughes everything froin Shakespeare, Couachlorclaimedito Tennessee Williams. ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY' that there is no need for thel Helen Nelues, familier toit1 ANI) stop siga at Temperance and Workshop audiences for berl iI BUSIESS DMINSTRAIONLowe Streets, and asked the'raies in "George and Marg- BUSIESS DMINSTRA ION reff Adint h soatte rd. He d aret", "The Curious Savage",1 11 A ilmitd number of fbrst-yCar students wIli be admlttcd it hsmte.H said that' -A Battle o! Wits", and "Tbe~ l te the tirst summer semester, Mar 3 - Aunigt6 this stop sign is a nuisance andICbalk Garden", will appear as Th inimum admisuion requlremnt in Uic Ontaio rot o! any value. ;the fashionable dressmaker in 11111b 5.ooudarî School Graduation Diploma (or equîvalent). A letter froni the Depart-, "Waltz of the Toreadors."j1 A few plues, however, wlli be reserved for mature ment o! Energy and Resources Barry Cowiing, well remem- gtudents who do netul enas bi diplema. ia connection with information~ bered for bis performances in ili cerdingposil assistance "George and Margaret" andilli APPLICATIONS MUST E UV MTTD urngfos seerdtaThCuouSva"rtr - y25Lions and their guests. Ms yo asoe Bruce Lush was chairman o!f hr a n xelo n trae meitse. achreo tertainment prograin. Five aranemnt.young accordionists, Glenn An exquisite arrangement o! Sawyck, Dave Riley, Eugene yellow and fuschia chrysan- themuins formed the head table centrepiece, and the oth- H,~.~f er tables were centred witb L ionett s Se datracive bd ouets ! unnt oueof yellana nd muv, th lides our4 uw nerr1is the Lions colons. The Haydon United ChuN orth A frterca Danny 'Shareturning ta Frank was tho leader of the sitting out an il-gaine suspen-1 singîong, and the piano ac- A Games Night was enjayed sion, !ired three goals ta pacey companiment was piayed by at the recent meeting o! the Generais to a 5-3 win over Rais Metcaif. Bowmanville Lianettes, heid Montreal Jr. Canadiens, Tues- Bob Williams prposed the t the Lions Community day night at the Civic Audi-i Toat t Lins Intrnaionl.Centre. Mrs. Arthur Oswald, torium. A crowd o! 3,403 Toae resp ons ntenasimotantMrs. Ted Miller, Mns. Colin watched Oshawa ciincb fourtb Toas wsmae b te ipratan- Birtwistie and Mrs. Rance DilI- place in the Jr. "A" standings tat Councidelon ner toad. ng were in charge o! the pro- with a pair o! reguiam scbed- al C uneilor Herb Godd rd. grain. The pnîze winnors were ule contests nemaining. Rois Stevens received a 29- Mrs. Fred Cole, Mrs. Doug The wînners beid a wide 1 Vear Perfect Attendance Tab. Kemp and Mrs. Lloyd Cli!tan. margin in play but Fernandi The presentatian was made by Rvr nteJ.Hb'cg President Laurence Goddard. i Recentiy Mr. and Mns. E. V.sRîvardinllthe r. Habs'uag sensationaily btocked ail bu The Toast ta the Ladies was oaor she aedtu in ttos five o! the 45 shots hie had ta proposed witb eloquence cloande tkn uin hei andie. Montreal had only 19: wît by George Webster. and trip ta Egypt, and gave an in-~ drives et Dennis Gibson. Laurence Goddard on Mrs. tomeestn talk on tbat North 1A!ter battling through a 1-1! o! ail the ladies present ro- Afnîcan country. fifinst period tie, the teamis sponded graciously. A beauti- At the next meetingv o! the again pitgal a h econd. fui bouquet o! pink carnations. Lionettes, Tuesday eveigGnrais taok the iead fra the gift o! the Lions, was pro- March l6tb, a Fashion Show second turne eariy in the tbirdj sonted to Mmi. Goddard by C. with local madels will be pro-1 but Montroal tied it less than I A. MDonald. - - - sonted. two minutes later. O'SheaIJ SPRINGTIME Laszklewitz, Rlck Starzynskl . b dies, Tins plans to enter thé and John Lucyk, aged 15 to 10, lin a Koz u D Royal Conservatory o! Music ail o! Oshawa, played a n um- for further musical studies. ber o! selections and received ~I She is presently stu.dyig much applause. vvîns iAwa ras Grade III Theory, Harmoy The inging o! the Ladies' and History, under the ud Ensemble, directed by Mur- Miss Tina Kzub, youngest ance o! Mr. Arthur ol s1 doch Beaton delii¶hted the daughter u! Mrs. G. Kzub, Bowmanville. audience. Those takng part R.R. 2, Newcastle, and the late were: Rosemary Merkley, Mr. Kozub, who is a gifted Cathy Corden, Carolyn Bren- young accordionist, has achiev- ton, Marilyn Vrooman, Roslyn ed further awards. p c a Boumne, Mary Betties, Janet For the first time, Tins was R__ 1)îand Eleanor Pickard. Music Festival held in Toronto ' n1Solos by Rous Cotton, Osha- nteronday, February 22nd. ( ROM PAil wa, baito e, aso iea ed crd in the. Accordion Solo Require". It bas been writ- the audine, ad a duet by Open Clasa, with no age limît, ten for the occasion by Mrs. Mr. Cottonce and Roa detcalf she received a mark of 89, fimst Jesse Jai McNeii o! Pasedena, M r. C tton nd R o s M e c i cas s honours, giving her fir t C alifornia, the fir t w om an te ssung in Italien made a great place. Her selection was Fan- receive the citation of "Lay- 'bit. Mr. Meteal!'. rendition a! tasie Impromptu by Chopin man o! the Year" froin the ean Irish song was suao warmy and Tina was tbe youngest Detroit Council o! Churchea, japplauded. competitor in this class. A trained socioiogist, Mn. Me- Du.ring the balance o! the With a !riend, Miss Anu Neil is the wife of a dis- evening a varied prograin Of Klam of Toronto, Tins ueso tinguisbed author and min- epopular music for dancing was entered in the Duet Open liter. She bas been active in provided by Charlie Coch- Clama which was held on the civil rigbts movement in rane's orchestra, Oshawa. Saturday, February 27 in York- the United States and in many minster Park Baptist Cburch, other community and cliurch Toronto. They chose the Over- undertakings. BASE LINE tue to the Marriage of Figaro o The o!fering froni bundreds Mrs. Chaci Depew Bow-oenratint. hîs clss, t ta ofWorld Day o! Prayer aerv- Manville;arleandeMn. aobetanin !is t bubdta i ces acroîssCanada makes ýjma vil e; r. a d M s. am o tai a irst th y h d t possible substantial grants to -Van Camp, Mary, Tom, Susan achieve a mark of 80. By their a large number o! organiza- Lori~~~ an iawreSna ard work and excellent ren- tions. Braille and Talking dian gus o! r and Mrs dition, tbey received an 83 Books for the blind, hymn Roy Van Camp. Tom's birth-. mark, thus putting theni Inîbooki forFroa il o day was being celebrated. !irst place. iciety rnFos n maBilens- Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Hopkins Tina is now receiving les-.and the World Cunil ot spen Su day itbthei da gh-sons froni Mr. Jerry Cingolani Churcbes are *just a few of the ter,Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Hart- o oot, w o i rsdn causes assisted, Sanie a! the loyCooston, nd isîecio! the Accordion Teacbersîmoney stays la Canada to as- teir grasndante Heter Federation o! Ontario. Hon [sist the Bible Society, the bo is gandpat r e ahta galis ta become a Doctor[Committee on Friendly Rela- in Barie.o! Music. Onigiaiy self -taughtî tians witîî Overseas Students, DuBrige weedmn Tina bas been playing for fiveiStudent Christian Movoment, Duri g th wee end arjYand a bal! years and will trY the ladian-Eskimo Association local familles took advantage ber Grade IX la accordian in of Canada, and others. It aiso o! the fresb înowfall and en- June. helps ta make possible Bibles joyed an afternoon o! sleigb- Miss Kozub, who wili cele- for New Canadians, and the riciing withtheir familles. brate ber l6tb birthday aext printing and distribution o! Mrs. C. Wilson visited Mrs. Juiy, hs a grade X studeat et Christian litorature in French, H. Wilson and son Steven, Clarke Higb School. Wben sbe Finnish, Ukranian, Hungarlan Oshawa, on Monday aternoon. has completed Grade XIII stu- and Italien languages. Clinch 4th Place u)own Jr. tfabs 5>-3 netted the winner at 8:16. and netted a goal and asslît, -ek broke baose ta go i lal one tending bis point streak to 31 for the clincher with four consecutive gaines. minutes remaining. Serge Savard, Jacques Le- Bobby Orn counted bis 33nd maire and Bruce Biytb scored goal ta break bis own record, for the visitons. Tbree stars while Captain Ron Buchanan were: O'Sha, Rivard and Orr. (l/i £/-er4tn & C. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS William C. Hall, B. Comm., C.A. David G. Perkin, C.A. II~ 36%/ King St. East, Oshawa, Ontario 725-6539 King St., Newcastle, Ontario 987-4240 4II~i <'îîîî <"III <"III <'1111 411111 <"III 41111 I. ~1! <'III I <"III 411111 411111 411111 411111 <"III <"III <11111 ~'IIlI <11111 <"iii SPECIALBà WITH SAVINGS 40-PCE. SET 0F SPRINGTIME - Servic, for 8 Consults of: 8 Teas, 8 Forks, 8 Knives, 8 Salad Forks (or 8 Dessert Spoons) 8 Smnall Teas Regular Retail $82.80 - SPECIAL RETAIL PRESENTATION DRAWER CHEST cJ 1847 ROGERS BROS. CD4 Si LVERPLATE SAVE ON COMPLETE SET AND CHEST .........$36-67 $49,o68 * * * We are trying to consolidate our watch lino su we are offering these watches ut a great saving to you. Reg. Price $809.95 EGUN LADIES RKGL CS aePrice $29.95 Rae.Pr ie 1 4.95 ELGRINLADIES Sae.Price 14.00 Re.Price 609.00 GLADRTOELAIES SSae.Price29.95 GLADTON LAIESSalePrice 30.0 ELGN ATOATI GETS Reg. Prie. 59.50 ELGN ATOATI GETS Sale Price ,35.00 OMEGA GENTS STAINLESS Reg. Pice 95 .00 Sale Price 69.50 LORD ELCO AUTOMATIC GENTS Reg. Prie. 79.50 Sale Price 39.95 JEWELLERY & Eu OPAER S ÇýGIFT SHOP 29 KING ST. E. BOWMANVI LLE PHONE 623-5747 OPEN STOCK SPECIALS I S p e lai IS p ec i l i I R e t a li I R e t a il _ _ _ R t l R e t a il Sgmaill Teas _____ i$1.10 1 $ .66 1 Tablespoo-n_______ I-$3.00--$.50 1 Regular Tus 1-1.25-1 .75--j Pierced Tbsp. 1 3.00 1 1.501 Cofice ___ 1- 1.00-1 .60- . Berry S poon _ __I 4 0 I 2 25 Dessert spoon 1i 2.25 I__1.35 1 _ColdMeat Fork 1-4.50-12.25-1 R.B._Soup __[_-i2.25--j-1.35-1 Butter Knife I_ 3.00 I1.50 I1 Luncheon Fork- 1-25-11.50-1 Sugar Seil I 3.0611,50- Sýa-lad Fork - 2.00 11.20- Gravy Lade 4.501 2.25 1 H. H. Knives 1 3.501 2.10 1 Pastry Server 1 6.00-1 3.061 F. H. Sprede-rs 2-.25 -j1.35-, Round Server 1 -4.50 1-2.251 H. H. Spreaders 3.5 19 Jelly Server 13.00-1.510ý- Grape Fruit Spoon 2.00-!-1.001 Buffet Server 3.00 1.50Î-1 Oyster Forks 1 2.25-11.13-J Iced Drink Spoon 1 2.25 I1 113II I 3 WEEKS ONLY - FROM MARCH 1.7TH TO APRIL 3RD BUT WE DO HAVE SOME STOCK NOW DON'T MISS THESE FOR GIFT GIVING 4 Coffee Spoons $1*65 Silver Plated and Boxsd Fer Bo In "Silver Mist" and "Sweep"l GIFTS FOR SHOWERSI Silverplted Serving Piecesj COLD MEAT FORK BERRY SPOONE GRAVY LADLEC70 c PIER CDASRYSEVE qORCOC -4 - - = = - ___ w w - 'W 'W 'W 'W 'W 'W 'W 'W 'W -~ 'W 'W .- w w e,ý ýlà 0 a 0 WATCH SPECIALS

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