14 The Canadian Stateisman. Bowrnanville, Mar. 3, 1963 Popular Young Orchestras Kept Busy in This Area O shawa Wholesa les Net Earnings Jump Lu.tarnings of The Oshawia President, reported. tWholesale Limited increased! Oshawa's annual report, now 32.8 per cent in the year end-in preparation, will show sales eè& January 23, 1965, and sales 'of $106,867,754, compared with rose 20.4 per cent, surpassing $88,"48,780 last year. the $100.000,000 mark for the Net earnings were $1.577,- lirst trne, Ray D. Wolfe,132, compared with $1,187,380 last year. Profits per share increased 31.1 per. cent to KENDAL $1.35 on 1,166,796 outstanding shares. compared with $1.03 on Our wnrst snow stormi of 1,151,.396 shares last year. the season came Iast week. it Thp Company also announc- was accompanied by sleet and 'ed that the Board of Directors tain which made roads very has adopted a new policy of hazardous for a few days. The, quarterly dividend payments. anowplows were kept busy Oshawa this year will pay right and day and at time of eight cents per share quart- wniting most roads are again erly for an anînua1 total of 32 bpen. Let's hope Spring is!cents, an increase of 35 per just around the corner! 'cent over last year's payment iCongratulations to Mr. and of 25 cents per share, and the Mrs.Robrt Cad Shirey!fourth dividend increase since Brown Roer Coa(Siey n 1960. The first quarterly divi- Kendal United Church on Sat- idend will be paid March 15 ta urday, Feb. 27 by Rev. R. C. sharcholders of record Marcn White. A reception was held.8th._______ ti the Sunday School room: following the wedding. Lunch:jp was served ta the guest.s by 2o H p o nh Zioni (Hope TfownshCrmep) .The last W.I. meeting was Ms .Dcisnrtre a ncag !Ms amnhome last Saturday feeling IIrwin. Mrs. Robert Morton' held at the home of Mrs. Tur- Imuch improved after a week's read the Scripture. Mrs., E. anksy. The program was in Icare at the Port Hope hospital. Caswell, secretarv, read the charge of Mrs. Cathcart anîd' Mr. Elmer Green returnedmiue. hibin tefrs Mrs. Luxton. Mrs. Cathcart:home ls usayatronmeingesTincsNvbe the re gav a emnstatO f a 'fromn the Oshawa General Hos- iwas considerable correspond- casserole using meat and vege-: pitlI where hie underwent ecicuigtakyums tables. Il was decided that we'surgery sagnesfirclidgthak ou ers-' miake a Dresden Plate quiit. Mr. and Mrs. M. Irwin lettdosaes frmadedsflwrs n d h: Visitors wilh Mr. Jas. blov by motor on Thursday for thedoain mdedin te were Mr. and Mrs. John Sar- South. Christmas season and since, to chuk and family, Scarborough.1 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Meneil- the sick, shut-ins, and other xvorth wbile causes. Mr. Ron Gay of Brigbton, ley and family, Port Hope, I The treasurers annual re- spent the weekend with his spent last Sundav with Mr.potreae byMsRu- patents. an-I Mrs. C. Meneiley. yep a edbyMs eel MissCathrin Steart is- Sunday, Feb. 141h services 1v Ited for a few days with hier were hield at Zion United.' oin asdtht$00 ister Mrs. G. E. Lofthouse of Church. There was a fair at- d otion bse d ast t0.e Oshawa. tendance. Rev. Colin R. Rudd Sears Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Foster of Canadian Bible Society, lýSeadntosf.20 vsr are enjoying a trip to Virginia.! Peterborough, was in Aontiaof$20 wsee We ae gad t reort on-and avea mot it iceived, also a donation of cop- ined rga ogreort Don-ald mesaeve atmeeresting tinued was "The :ers. Collection was takcn Rouhle wh isstil cnfied ordof he ordEndret ýamuntin"g to $1-65. Roll cal Rougleywhois til cofind Wrd f te Lrd nduethwas answered by paymient o!ý ta Oshawa General Hospital. Forever". He also explained ýfee mounting to $4.00. Sev-ex -the work and growth of the ~ ~t~: ~CanaianBibl Socetv eral bis were prescnted for Sunday School, held at 11:15 payment. 4 waswellatteded.An invitation xvas reccî\ cd The Zion U.C.W. met Wed- ýfrorn the secretarv of thc Wel- corne U.C.W. for«ihe ladies of nesday afternoon. F'eb. 17 'at Zo.Gnlma lo oa ~~~hom of~~~Cha~ Mn&ktend î&r Thankofferinomieet- 'br rsn. h etn opened with hymn 388, ;O3 at 'cok Ihe.Mrs. Meneilley led in raotdadufnse bus- iness dealt with Mrs. Meneil-, ~ ~ prver!lev tbanked the ladies for their The deotiona proyal support and cooperation during hier two years as presi- dent and declared all offices vacant. The report of the" nominating conîînittee w a S then received. There xvas verv i ltht change miade other Rapid , fis localitv is becoigamsclenrwt ugflk dpay tIleof tbaen ad iemi- msialcetrxvthyongfoksdtphy Mprerideîît. ings considerable talent,' especiallv in the instrumental field. The Montereys in Mrs. Carmen Irwin xvas the top photo have been together for, somne lime, until noxv thev have progressed nominated for pîesident ai.d to the point where thev are in considerable demand both foi' dances held by Mrs. Meneilley as vice-pies- yo ung and older citizens. The lower croup is re]atively ne w, fauig the new- dent for one year. Tese 1bW ,cages were accepted and est in the music field sué'h as rock and roll and rhythmn and blues numnbers. areed Io. They are called Rick and the Iguanas. Members of the lVonterevs, from lef t to PAIIJ Nwi ssceavfr165 Bl obn lHoeBa ua and Ai-ton Tre.ibal. The Iguianas are fromi A mtinwas passed htRunesad oi TRUST CERTIFICATES [vited the ladies 10 nieet aI hier iw ns D t. G v ro TRUST CERTIFICATES ihome forthe March meeting.. i a i is.G v r o e issued in amounts from $100 Upwards for 3, 4 or 5 years. e earn the above indica.ted interest, payable half-yearly by cheque. e authorized investment for al Canadian Insurance Companies and trust funds. lE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION 73 Mississaga E., orillic LONG SAULT Present for Ladies" Niqht Mr. and Mrs. Ted Sinîcon, Oshawa, were Sunday afler- noon visitors of Mr. Robert Sim. Horne anîd Scbool club will be held Friday îîigbt, Feb.5 and Club 50 ladies xill nieet ini the sehool Tuesday îîigît, March 9 with Mrs. Gordor Baker anîd Mrs. Keilli Goble , as proegraîîî convenors. Do't fo rget your houselîold hiîîts, ladies. Manyv fricîids o! Mrs. Editi Mui'pby, T *vrone, wisil hera speedY recovei 'vini Memorial Hospital. Bowiiaiville. also to Mrs. Wm. Br~own andiclMrs. Bert Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vanievk Were Sundayv supper guests of Mr. and Mrmi Alfred Millsoîî Miss Grace Smîith wasa Sunday supper giiest o! Mr, and IMrs. F. O. Snmith. Bow- -m ariville. Welcome Your (anvasser WED., MAR(H lOth President: MRS. WV. R. SPRY. Box 1638 Phone 623-2:141 .BOWMANVILLE AND DISTRICT BRANCH CANADIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY Donations wiII be accepted hy ail Charter Banks RURAL CANVASS THROUGHOUT MONTH 0F MARCH .-The Bowrnanville Ki\wanis present the Kiwanis niovemelît nul and inscribed with Mr. -t Club's Ladies' Nigl dinner throiigh Ille past 5(0 vears of Colliss' naine. vear of pies- anîd dance at the Lions Coni- conirnunity service. Members denc ' and feaîiurcd Ille Ki- I muni 'jiy Centre on Saturday of' the Bowmianville Club wanîs 1 Cr-est. Jii thanked the i eveniîig. F'ebruary 201h, xvas a >planted 50) flowerîng cra b club for, the gift and expres.s- ,t gala event. apple trees along Liberty St. cd appreciation for the cooper- Gold decals with a bloc b%, Memnorial Park as their ation gciven 10 imi during 1964. n numiber 50, represenling thel Ceutcinial project. The balance of the evening eu 50 ceals of Kiwaiîis Interna- Vice-President Fred Tippiîs ,vas spelît dancing 10 the mîîsic 't tionŽi . decorated the panels of had the pleasaii dutv of pie- of hIle popular 'Monterevs-. Win- Ille east and west walls of the seni ing Past President Jirn ners oif the special dances an1d roonm. Beinid the head table Colliss \vth a set o!' bookends contesis were Mis.. L. Short a panel of silver with the let- 1in nuprociation of his capable and Neil Metcalfo. Dr. and aters oif Kiwanis spelled outin leadershîip during 1964. Thoe Mrs. I)errY Hubbard an~d Mr. ýbine and accents o! pink. rei bunkends xvcre made of val- and Mis. Don Mountjoy. 0and gold were higbligbted by- spotli.ghts. l'leebead table %vas decoratedi witb a gold banid Y LT O and cciiired witliaan exqiiisiîoY L E R O farrangement o! vellow chrvs-inJctle nk 1antllemums an lecra Misýses Barbara WVilson anîl planned uJneil ik a ions, also decoraied 10 repre- Vanetta McGill were pro-ý weather permitting. Senit 50 Years. Siiiilar table claimed th~e winners o! Vel- Spcedy' vrccovvry tu Mis. centres, ighted witb bloc eretonj Public Schonl public Bill Pluimttre of Janctville (andles, graced the aI11le speaking contest and wîll wlîo uiacrwent sur,,erv Ibtis table s. Eaclb lady' was picas- compete inIllHe near futurewei nRosMnoalH- cd to find a cor-sage beside lier w\ith, lirM a lv e rs Tws P. elinRsM ioa H- plate. wiiîei's at, Lindsav. pital and is still iin serious coii- Presideiil John Bi ownile .dit i on yiatyi tef w-elconiîed aI I lu the part ' iipathv ýIen-dec o ir in« ipali of their am- which w as Ilhe Bovnlallii , MIr and Mrs. GeorgeWi'j Clus Iort auuivîsa'v îidtai i v ii Ie dath l f aut (aughtei. bhum Ibis week. Those althIle hezad tabl n cc(fM. luî itr Svnp thv Iroui tb s conii- addition to I-resideîît Browun-Xiilit e.Mis. TIen 1'v o! Pele moliiitY s alsu exiCiide( tii Mi-S. Wilson I leasl p ;'n the lee were Mi's. Bî'ownilee, Bvron Ioiig.deatli of lier fathei, Brunii, President of' Bowmani- Sx'mpatliv k alsu offered A u-te, ofl itrlirs i î'uui ile Kînsmen Club; Mrs. froini b cîiiS u llll lu VI'0M1 BrunI. Keitb Fergusoii. Presi- IHorace I leasl p ofJae ÙYii cumnît prtcitd de!Branch 178 of Royal Caii- daughter Ruth anîd son Ra Ipli I]ii the bonspiel lheld ini Black dci 1 stock on Monday o! tIîs week. adia Leion Mr. Fegusiî,iiithe sudden death o! a loy'- Theît, only dlaim to farne was Laurenîce Goddard, President uiic vife anîd mother. Mrs.la Jik win over a local o! Bowmanville Lionîs Club: I-leaslip was held iii the Il'iah-Bacsock teani whicb haci rî. Goddard, John. Bain, est esteibyalwlo knew lckstncfae dt i Presideni nf Bowmnîville r lier aînd will .be sadlv misser i entcr ndfausiigdatailo Rotary Club; Mrs. Bain: Jim bv flic whole clîurclî*and com- auuxtv 1andthe sin it am ,Colliss. PasI President of Bow- munitv to whicb slîe devoted(anc ,,,o! the dais 3 winnersî ;manville Kiwanis Club: Mrs. ..0 muvh of lier eiifrgies so0with a tie game but losing oui. Colliss. Mayor Ivan Hlobbs, selflesslvý, in tlie past. in tlie tie-breaking end. Those ,Mrs. Hobbs, Lieutenant Gov- ernor Sîephen Saywell, Oslîa- Sorr-Y to repor, tuaI litile!enjoying the outing weice wa. and Mrs. Saywell. Miss Mary culul is cir-,Me.ssrs,. Floyd Stinson, Nor- Follow~îig a deliciou>7 meal renitl'y in hospital. Trtust she mai' Wilson. Clarence Page 'prepared by tlîe Haydoii will be ouI shorl!v. anîd Harvey Malcolm. Iadi'-s. Gerald Brýowiýi led a Yelverton anîd Jaietville Several from Ibis commun- rousîng siîîg-song wiih Mr.i. C.G.I.T. and Explorer groups il,\-altended the charivari on Brownî assisting a I lic pialia. enioved a belatetî Vaîeîîîinc Satuirda'y niglit (or Sunday The wvinners o! a special doorl ska.tng partv a: Janetviîîe ar..)o! newlv~weds Nîr. and prize were Mr. and Mrs. Leroy î'ink on Fridav nighl. FolIo%%- -r.WyeMlor n r Short. ing tlie skating, ae brie! devo- and Mrs. A. Haines of South The Toast Io tlle Ladiesz tionai %vas held followed byNestlelon. Sorry we missed wasý eloqueniîlypropo:ed by lunch in the United Chuirc-ýh'he fun. Roll Brooks. Mi-S. Brownle-e basemeîît. On Monday paîn. Yelverton graciously îre sp o îd ed and, and Gallaway Public Schools ;thanked Mr. Brooks on be- Also on Fridav niglbt theIej~e aetn ktn bal! o! the Kiwanis' Queens.!i Janetville-Yelverton Jr. hoc-; party aI Yelv'erton rink and A beauliful bouquet of redkey team (8-12 years) motor- Wlo spnd olwdb roses and white carnations was cd 10 Dunsford and were, lunch served in the school. presented to Mrs. Brownlee as soundly shellacked 10-2 for: Miss Emma Henders is cur- a gift from tbe Kiwanians. their trouble. The locals pu tlysaigwt e ic, ILieutenanl-Governor Steph-ion a poor show in the MranirsrCetClea I en Saywell brought greeîin,-s period with very timid check- aMr.fandily i WestcilIClea :from himself, Mrs. Saywell, ing against their heavier and'adfmlinWsHl. the other Kiwanis Clubs of swifle'r opposition. In theý Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Steele Division 6B, the Ontario, second period (the last) theylare presently visiting with Quebec and Maritime Districtj held their own with Claire Mr. «n r.Aîu oa Governor Harry Ross, and Ki- Robinson taking over goalieîIduring Mr. Steeic'si conval- wanîs International. He stal- dulies allowing onlv one goal escence. cd that Kiwanis was begun in'scored against hlm. Brian Mr. and Nrs..'Alfred Jack- Detroil in 1915. The mollo Wilson scored bath goals for son of Brooklmn were Sunday "We Build" was chosen to re- the locals. A return match is visitors at the Rowans. 1 PRSONI DEOATN CNR OPENING, SAÀL E t' PRESTON'S DECORATUNG CENTRE it0. io IPl i-tone THE REALLY WASHABLE PLASTIC FLAT FINISH For you who appreciate the best in paint, it's Tone-Craft's Pli-Tonc Plastic U E Flat Finish for interiors. Pli-Tone is #S A V Eanti-magnetic . . . dirt and grime wilI WITH THIS flot dling to Pli-Tone surfaces .. . walls OPENING SPECIAL and woodwork stay fresher and cleaner StJG. ~ onger. 2.9Beautiful, to .. hsrevolutionary paint cornes in a complete range of GAL. 7 E colors from palest pastels to the new 9.50 7060 rich deep accent colors. Washable . .. Easy to apply. Dries in minutes, Wash-up is easy. Gives a beau tiful witbout odor - Soap and water RealIy Washahle no-glare finish. you can paint cleans brushes No 30-dayNopie and entertain and rollers, No pimerwipes up waiting. required. the same day spatters. tone-glo 10-LUSTRE ENAMEL FOR FINEST INTERIOR WOODWORK MATCHED IN QUALITY TO PLI- TONE PLASTIC FLAT. Wash it or scrub it, you can't harm this enarnel beauty Sugg. retail /'2-pint $1.20 090 finish. 100% Alkyd needs noiprimer, produces a soft lus- quart $.02 4 tre like hand-rub- bing. Ideal for all interior woodwork. galion $10.75 8 0 Luxa-Tone Super Whifte THE FINEST IN WHITE ENAMELS A white Mbat Stays White - refrigerator brlght, hard. glearning! - ideal for interior uses - walis. bathrooms. cupbnards, alsn exterior doors, furniture. Sugg. retail !'2-pint $1 .20 .90 quart $ 3.40 2.4545 700 W)TE Aso a8.2.1l in colors gallon $10.9518. 1 LATEX FLAT FINISH SEMI-GLOSS ENAMEL HI-GLOSS ENAMEL Beautîful matte finish. Softy gleaming finish for A tough non - xag finish Favorite for interiors that cives a rlch gi - woodwork, and for bath- "I Fast - dry. Wash - up ti ! to kitehens, bathr.ý' water. rooms and kitchens. 1 etc. Sugg. retail 35.50 gai. Sugg. retail $7.50 gai. Sugg. retail $7.50 gai. SIP 399A SPECIAL 5 9 SPECIAL 5 9 PRESTONS DECORATING CENTRE 99 KING ST. F BOWMAN VILLE 623-3070 t 372 Bey St., Toronto 35 Dunlop St., Barrie j Please Campaign Chairaman: MRS. B. BURK, Box 1440 Phone 623-3145