Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Mar 1965, p. 10

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10 the Comdim tatemmn wn =mivM1e, Mar. 2, 1§8513D. 0. GIbb. AgriculturealgEn-! Pr oecorsn.M. gineering Extension SecjÉ-' unrl samme fte Agricultual CBrendr ton. . Generai Motors S pends choir.JuveniIe os - arch. ., 6 an 7 - P jnvin-At the public -jpeakng n LLT A 1 1.,.Junioeaurics <f he ios Cubonfer-Iflf $7iutuo oen a the P.H.H.S. on Friday, under V.M. - Dmham Toba=c Grow- ýMise Pat Wrav ta be in De-'1 Saturday, Marci 6 - Dur-$ 7. Ml ioUnE Cn aaGarrv Fowler second. fly jim Clak ae oh bv en Wlnter Meeting, Town, haro Hostein Club Barn Meet- hn~ Hal rn.partment of Agriculture Of-1 ings Tour. Starts et the farm1A UiTtm: Suzan e hickn rernd b Bowmanville Juveile.ptwre ad ere Bi Hal, ro o.fice. of Don Budd, Port He jt, Suzannes Gleksna re r n d tsl es a e u teyaa W duîbuin Junir Far1ner8:00 ,Fid ,Morch 5, 10:30> a.m.- 11:30 &mn. Bring your own F o r a n it i e Rc r Peterborough on Sunday ev-.o th playoff shef heeea dwih aid uk n We -DreayM noard iner8:00 Fidv Jî I i ec rback to Teachers' Col- owesaoar fi Ee iv Metnqp.m. - Farm Pond Con- lunch. Coffee and chocolate' exhibition route adifcteecwt uk H h Deprtmnt Aricltue, tractors Sehool. Ail Contrac- milk supplied. Spending in Canada for* GM of Canada spent more da spent nicre than a million Oe.r one. They' absorbed 4pi.~tras m Frank Street, Bowmnanville. 1 tors welcome. Ontario De-, Wdedv ac 0 3'ucae ae n ae yta 320O0 i Canada dollars last year exclusive of Sumar Da' for1cignLtleB partment of Agriculture, 14jP. m.- Dur>iam Farmers' Un- General Motors of Canada in every w;orking day during federal anîd provincial taxes!'Lamp Shades had to be post-,cigi iteBianFe.te2t hssaoBw Tliuraday', Mardi 4, 8:151 Frank Street, Bowmanville. ion Banquet, Millbrook Unit- 1964 reached a new high of 1964. The purchases ranged were: St. Catharines, $188,000,i-pduedtaganutlArl.&2t. a the thirgestraint manville They have on los fo P.M. - Durtham Federation of Speakers: A. A. H. Strike,Ied Church: Speaker, John 1$765,000,000, the company re- lfrom sheet steel ta office sup- 000; Oshawa, $15n1,an10aroad0;! ville, silice they weeoutduvneslamr xhbin AAgrilcuelture lymeetnglarrmeertH.ngwel, Ari-tolme. HF. Prsidet.lprtedtodv. GDof anadplisFanUfroPindstrileTront, $14.40,000tWinsorfron thepCaonfdby Aiax.Forthmesas tey pepar fo Ontario Departnent o0 Ag1 î-cultural Engineering Exteni-' W ednesday, M arch 10) - HjpnpSl,0 . 0 i 96 n iesaond 10 tra nsla t ri sron o,$04. 400 Mo t a,0 $24in 500,- s . Wan alter a d M 0 m n t s u d y n g tth v n x e s n Str et, B o - s o n p e ial sI Li dsa , ial s n D rh m C u t . sp en di t otal,0 0 , 00inlu des a nre- ia xcd ed t an l at, i n s 51 K itch e0r,0 S13 ,4,500 L o - M rs. S a o r att n ded M rs. ta 4 -4ine a t dck culdture, 14 Frank Sre iinSeiait idaand1 Wrîght, Soil and Cr p7Sp- 1$575 000in 1962. The 1964 lices. The shopping and wage 000; Hamilton, $18.500.000;Sihaogwt x nba 'terJ.D poet MngrMk u saat ONTARIO BEEF CA TIE IMPROVEMENT Thursdlay, March il - D.O cord $102,000,000 payroll -,communities of which 21 re- don, $6,000.000; F a r n h a m,ý Walter Renr' funeral i A total third peridclasviesapiato 0aricipt ONT RIOBEF C TT E IPR VEM NT Gibb. Agricultural Engineer- $94,000,000 of which was paid!ceived more than a million Que ., 5,100,000: Stratford,'i Peterborough on Saturday. 'saw Little Britain riinfe ASSOCIATION ing S'pecialist, wiIl be in the'in Oshawa. The company's !dollars. St. Catharines led the! $4,200,000; Preston. $2,800,000;i nasedgolt office in Bownianvil]e at 14 emp]oyment has risen to 19,5001'ist of million dollar citieslGait, $2,300,000; Georgetow nthunanserdHowalbreeeinaJvni lunaeti ,Fak tee.Cali 623-3348 10 people freim 17,700 people a!with $188,000,000. Amnong thel$2.200.000; Chathami, $1,700-PNTOL i 96 S HO W a n SAL adancefor ppontmets. year ago. provinces, Ontario received the 1000;, St. Thonmas, $1.700.000; 'of goals for Bow% nil pbsatcptn Saturday, arch 13, 6301 PetelsWerryteach pottedneta paiofwthlsbendheld in Miltonerwit1,50 Marh 1, :30 Ttal reored ody d no 'ulkofthespedig wthVanouvr, $l,00000; Cal- A c-ar driven by a Bethanyl "Bucky" Hughespied p of pr.- Durhiami COUIIy uniorijnclude spending or employ- $ 72 5.00000. Speiidiiig in Que-1 gary. $1,400,000; Branitford,.his'd nog Farmer Annual Banquet, Me-ýment b six other GM coni-lbec was $30,000.000, up from 81,300,000; Woodistock, $1,200 ,-'young man was bit byv the'asitsonl both afWrr L pi rv ntdCuc al aisi aaaor by GM of $15.000,000 in 1963.'00 Winnipeg, $I,100,000; dayIiner, Thursday nilg ttl BiLi BE F B L SGuest speaker - Mrs. Burle'Canada's 1,200 dealers. Cities in which GM ofCania- 'Beaverton, $1,100,000. Lith ocpnsoftecr the lentrltariaJer. o iSuminers,, Belleville. A for- -- --- were badly hurt as tihe day-j hssao n h xeînP W S M arch i 6th & i 7th, 1965 Juior Fermer,~ Mrs. Sum- N rh m eln& Duh M bad sor1.. oai l. iner was just pulling Out Of tley picked up in 1hsgo pfL R president the OntariobaWe plan to make anapplique! the saio.The dyliner ws1wsevident on ngh. el ee s mc Hays Sales Arena, Trafalgar ' mers xill speak on Australia quîlt and seIl tickets on itl held up at the crossing for anlCoach Harvey Webstrdi onHighway 5 north of Oakvile where she lived for some U it. 'fhour and traffic on the mainqittle experimentingan hd tm.Tickets available frorniHeaitk Unit Repor Reports were turned in framistreet was stopped. two new players lithn înu 17 Angus 47 Sliorthorns 136 Herefords 1 Don Welsh, President, Durham!f the various convenors. It was Whl hsîcltyws,1Gog eae n i ru AbrenAgsadSoton d Countv Junioir Farrners or:1Whl hslclt ahiGer Lvran obre n nMsarc h thoDreronsora te ffcel Communicable Diseaoes School Health Service Mrs. Thick.son'sq group, whaý hard by the mid-week stormiaîternated at. centre o lt Drcosoetheofc. igave a paper on '-Rice Grow- we d lihthl~ Kerry Dickens adTr o ac 6hThursda. Maroh 25, 8:00 0Of 210 diseases reporter, 103 ý Nuises gave 1,253 vision ing in Liberia" and "Ontario e xperienced ailthe raf-Y Herefords seli on March l7tb p.m. - Quinte Branch, Ontario were red measies, 93 chieken- ýtests; audiometer tests were Sluni, Pocket.,, of Pox-erty .,fir probleros of inetro Tar- Institute of Professional Ag-lfpox, and the balance compris- given ta 973 aud there were Lh redonto. Street cars were eit'her Sho - :0 a.i.eac dy. ot Saes- 1:10 an. rologists monthly meeting,ied of mumps, german measles,,73 teacher-nurse conferences 1 .s5 .Istopped or behind schedule. Ontario Department of Agri- scarlet fever and infectious 'concerning the health of each fMrs. Maggie Muldi-ew cele-, Taxis wex-e ai a premium and FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE culture, Brighton. Anyone ;n-lhepatitis. child in the classroom. Public brated ber 92nd birthday ojn almost impossible to attain. Top Prd c r Us The Bull Premlum Policy of 20%of the Purchai.e price terested contact Walter Ruth-' Two rabid animais were re-,health nurses then gave indi Tusa hn'7ehdsvrl notntl1w a etuî up to a maximum of $150) wiiI apply on ail buils sold erford or A. O. Dairymple. portedi, both foxes, one in ividual health assessment ta callers. On Thursday nightf car in Scar'horough and were, tht are QUALIFIED ON PERFORMANCE. Speaker - Dr. Cooper, on the Cramahe Township and ane in '583 school children, consolidat- Mr. and Mrs. C. Beatty enter-; held up in the City for a few " a C u sJect, Fungicide and Insec-IHope Township. There werc lin g information from these tandhrwt heeextra day.Itdd ivusa ticides, Their Wise Use. no human contacts. 'services with the hcalth his-dinr Ote guss eeopruitta ayavit 'NaC u " Liuder li r A. L. MeKlnlay. President FE. A. Starr, Seeretary Thursýday, March 18 - Ten- Tuberculosis tory as given by the family Mr. and Mî-s. H. Muldrcw, Mr. M-. and Mrs. .Johtn Webo and! R.R. 2, Blenbeim. Ontario Parliament Buildings, tative for Pat Wray, Home There were no new cajses and ber own direct observation and Mrs. R. White, Doris and enjoy their hosqpitality. John' Toronto. Ontario. Economistato e in Durham:reported during the menth. of the child.SiyBat. ig recovering frorn a recenti office. ToI recent years it has be-. There were 209 homne visits, Mr. and Mrs. John DeKoker,' 'heart attack. He is meking MVonday. March 22, 1 :30.(-ome apparent that cases of ta consuît with parents aboutlWhitby, were with Thicksons,f good progresis and his many1 p.m. - flurham .500 Bushel Po- active tuberculosis in our pop !the health of sehool children. 'ýSunda*y. friends here will wîsh him a tata Club Annual Meetinguato occiir most often in Audiometry' Mr. Wilbert Powler and son speedy and complete recavery,' D URHAM FARM ERS Ccimnunity Hall, Cavain. PO_persons who cariry evidence, as Twenty new hearing defectsiTimmy. Peterborough, With: Sorry to learn that Me. E tata groweî-sar now invited shown by chest x-rays, Of were discovered from the 1,049! Fowleî-s. MondaY eveoing. Bruno had te go to Sunny-1 CO N Ytooe> attend bt'îhear the la test on!previniis tuberculosis infection jaudiometer tests coîpîeted in Mr. .1 hni Quaîîtrill was1 brook Hospital for treatient' COUNTY CO -OPstorage and bulk bandling,..."scars on their lungs". Coi-1 January. Sixteen defects were home f rmiF-1int for the week- last week. harvesting, etr.. frorn Larryiparison films at intervals of 'still present on rctest n PHONE 137 ORONO, ONT~~~~~~~ Aru, giclurlfend and visited with Quai,- Alîg rw tnibos PHONE 137 ORONOONT, Argue, AgriculturalEngineer- roonîhs or years, enable these tbre previous defects haciltriliç alonig with Mrs. Quan-1 ag rw fnihos ing Extension Specîalist. AI-ipeople ta get early preventive ýbeen c.orrected. triIli.1 and friend's of Mr. and Mrs. ,a a representative of a patato treatient when there is any' Testing was donc primarily' MIsGoi unrPtr;AngeitHall on atrdaet cv F EEDI>processing Com'pany wiîî be sign of renewed activity of; in tawn schools and mauiy roti- borogh was home.engta elrtewh hm an hand ta discuss the indus- the disease. Older men sceni tine tests including 273 begîn-1 Sorry te hear Of the death'on their .3th wdin AND try. ta be particularly in danger of :l se32dgrde hrc an 24 Vote by Growers of Tend er're-acti vatio n. grade seven wcre complctcd. iofMr. Goreneau at Cobourg. versary. They were the re-c Fruit for processing oni A file is kept in the Health Environmental Sanitation ieea i tedn h iin. fgfso ivrad 1'ed eît la. VngUnit offices of persans for!Pbi funeral frai here. Sympathies, china.. ]jiui was supplied by1 at Ontario Departient of Ag-ýwbom comparison films aire Section 37 (5) f hPbleai-e exteî-ded ta Mes. Koox,lMes. Lily' Richardson and Keni N N IJ L 130-500 . 1r an S. t!remen arci te fm or th ealth Atstates that t shis daughter. eiW wrsay ee A N U L M EETN G wnnul,90-210 npyîînapoeof heathta ake a sanitary cuton Cb el h ir rbclated congratulations. Tuesday, M'arch 23 - Rcgion-<monthly chest clinic. Eighty- iinspection of ail schools in bis Parent Evening in the Camp-' Soeev ta learnOfo the sud- one ersns erevedR cestmunicipality an nually and to beîîcî'oft hall .when they hadj den passing of Me. Michael .. AND aI1 meeting for Beef Pi-oducerson esns .cve hs make a report ta tbc Depart- ' rga vteCblk pinkS.Dcae ido jadrelated prableros - De-' As of January 1, 196.5, there mn eadn hei sn abhd okte a oefa scvei-e heart attack. We ex- (odnMIrm ..2 eilsaeeyhn h TU R K EY B A N Q U ET ~ ~~partient of Agriculture, Lind-1 wel'e 352 cases on tbe case> rpg- fi-m upic yteDeat xibtAe!enoatltend our sincerp syrnpathy. Milton. harvested 15 lepce sa. .'ister for the United Counties.ment for that purpose. RhSO Wednlesday, March 24 - Re- Immunization Six t.321-s.even annesr. Lwal genci-al iél ofShll gional -meeting for Dairy Far-! Twenty-threec blîdren cO i enanalgnraýnwstori prevented severalPreRy SrnJh otearo 1960ec.t321,s.or37. 500W rePorteraRoyMSurnce on BreacednleyNa it NaCuis Lq mers on Dairy Cattle housing leted the initial series o! inpcin ofshos er'ro bengtrePan adMuieBrly Chur%" Program. rtleranaedo TUES,. M ARCH 16th 6:30 P.M . eod',ec Department Quad vaccine and 44 rcceivedndea 4 trfd the wedding of Shirley Br'own vention in Toronto last week. Gro amtani n yrsls r of Agriculture, Brighton. a rein forcing dose. This gives 'cta.Rprsaefrad nKnaStra.o atnCut' 'Phrsdy.Marh 2y-Rc-'prtetio agint dphtera, oad te scrtares ! he Keda, Sturay H as hewriees Ceatre aitahtn aunys eaing'rN-Curs oful thei O rono United Church gianal meeting for S'wine Pro- pertussis, betanus and polio- bors, the school inspectors Mr. and Mes. Quantrill at-ita meet Me. and Mî's. Ken farmers. 'lzro vr cel on Sîne houingmyciti. Tere ere467re-and the Provincial Department tended the services at thet Fisk of Bancroft. Keîî bas 8 r amto:"y 16! due on wnom e hddFos infarcying s. hr esoTria467givenof Hcaltb. Recommendatiorus Ba'ptist chuech in Port Hopcj beeén a councillor for 6 years' adM.Misr ________________________________- alono . s tc d FlosinSmalp deso r cintins totalled are made ii the reports on the Sund-ay evcning, whcn the in that aca. lVL.rh 3 25- otngon'3.an r-vaccinations 268. correction of conditions consid- Brouler Marketing Plan, On- The winter series of sel oolcrdtbeerinaltth ftT f ~ A A ~ TItfaria pepartnen.b of Agricul- clinit.5 startcd in Bowmanville, bc halth and welfare o! h tre, 14 Frank Street, Bow.!Port Hope, Coboureg and Camp- ýpupils and staff. N O TI E OFM EET N G anville, frai 9:00 ta 12:00 1belîford clementary scbools., Eigbty-two inspections of N y Ian~id 1:30 ta5:00op.m. eaoh dav.1 rlnaade and one was ordered The Annuel Meeting of County Members Algiven in mnst rodc', ai crs eligible to -vote. ýbecause of the pî'esence of coi- isdLnlase g ipol Tuesday, Maeeh 10 - Ati-i.municab1e diseases. This isiprobleni was coerected. CenralOntrj CatieBredig Asocatin la Meetinig, Easter'n Rieed-inne reason why childeen Ment InspectionI 'wlll be held àt ers. Kemptville Agrîc'ultural shoujld receive their vaccina-, 01 the 789 animais inspect- Schood, Kemptville, Ontario. tienhefare eneriing school. 'e-id iieing the month by à 'Phur,-day, April 1, 1:15 p. Family Visitinir veterinariani, nine werc con-' TOWNSHIP HALL DHIA AnalM t Ingi o January public, heaîth'demned. bcbng swine, calves, M ANC ESTE ONT RIOOnt.ario Departrnent of Agri nurses made 607 visits te fam- iand cattle. In addition 1R par-' speakers: Fred Barnes, %rrnbecause o! tuhet-etilosis. General Renarks 01n Econornies Rraticb, Waller; De. C. M. Hou-ner attended Rutherford, Ontaria Depaet. aveu in Our new Presîdent Dan a special session af the On- THU S. M AR H lth 1 65 ment of Agricuture, Bow-iWelsh who, wc ai-e sur'e, will itaria Veterinary Assaciation'sj' THUR ,. ARCH llt f 19 5 te; ifc)-iaiO b ascapable, as Junior annual meeting to which mcdi- i at 11:0 arn.mation contact Joe Walker, anmer President ail bave 'cal officers of bealth were in-1 D.H.I.A. Supervisor, Ontaria been in the past. Ivited ta study the probleni o! (lunch provlded) Dcp'artmcnt Of! Agr'iculture,!. The banquet on Mardi 13 ýsalmanellosis as it affects bath Bowm'anville 623-3348. is just one of many events;fields o! activity. Pridiay. April 2 - Tentativecoîing in thc neai- future. -_______ The programme wiII include:- date ta organize South Dur- The banquet nigit, Satur- hao4-H Clubs. If interested,ýdavy, March 13, at 7 p in LZ BE H JL Repots lecton f a iretor contact Ontario Departient1 Maple Grave Churci Hall willI Many Q3 n '-Wc G i l ve A odvof t me Pomuich, uc h m sore â ý 'ta be taken tentative date.; 'w- NOTICE IS HEREBY (UVEN that the Council ýAl calves must be nominatedi oi the Corporation of the Township of Darlington in writing ia Ontario Depart-1 > ut its regular Council Meeting to be beld on ýment of Agriculture, Box 730, TheBge stAuuol h no ttn *gg o o k Thursduy, the lSth day of March, 1965, at the BWmdall, Ma ,ia.m- Form I lement Sale Council Chambers in the Township Hall at Hamp- 'Quarterîy meeting Duran#iA oEsenOtro otasnwpriee hsi ie otgetrsrn n tonan :3a p 1:r30ytmepheraferorl co-nyContyExeitiourtaf.fn- erEoser Onorocon-PntacsneupeimteEchatengsesionratStafef.h nd4On-siss1n4anengneeletinrag. aider passing a by-Iaw to widen, divert and im- tariol Departient of Agricul- i'~in rigidity for aquietcr, safer ride.Ils improved suspcnsion gives you ing from 10h nteeooia e proe heBaelithoe (he riinl oa tucBamavile.Onart.'eU "originaewlmotnes o te ouhes cunryrods.it nw ide Ivey sto-Sx oOnthpaAIrio.ic Allwucebewen onessoni ndth Bokn Brauîch, Annual Confcrcnce,I 1 'I trac k gives you improv ed cornering power. its new steering gi ves proves rate& ocuieyhwoesc Front Concession) and ta expropriate certain 'Univer'sity of Guelph, Guelphi.![. .. lunds in Lots 16 and 17, Concession 1 and Lot 17- lst ANNUAL SPRING inew nleaning to precision handling. Its bigger doors and flatter cess can Ia oaohr inforeiBroedFon Cncssonreuiedfomte floor give you even more room and travelling comfort. And afnrthe BrokeaFot ocesonJqurd.o teFarmer N~ews m.TI Tyou get famous Magie Mit'ror finish, Body-by-Fisher quality, The proposed by-law and plan showing the BY Wm. J. Tomlilson Ml1 J 1 atîer-washed air-dricd rocker panels, Delcotron gerierator, deep 5l~ landa affected may he seen in the offices of the Tb--1I>~ twist carpets, foam cushioning, cigarette Iighter, dual sunshadcs, > JUI L 4 To nsi Cer n he T wnhi al.be in full swing, starting Fri- OVER SALE STARTS Iocking glove box, 2-1<y locking system,ý crank-operated venti- The Council wiII heur in person, or by his or day, Marcb 5tb, through Sun-* ** 12 NOONpaeanth is Ptachoelvr:4mdl,17oos TEN ber counsel, agent or solicitor, any person who binday, aclot. se reat par27M dlaims thut hit or ber lands will be prejudicially lion of the Ontario Executivel ANDTH«Y MUST DE SOLO IGIRLS ooemssueowac"T "d'lhR w'ntlvs' hklcllitnfrtmmdhan -6Sy Mffected by the mid by-law and who upplies te Junior Fanmers' progratns for >,.,Be sr owth"elescope and's ogues- now showng ontlvso. Chck ocl- b. heurd. "64", Ieaving the dnor wide iL i irm s' Authorizcd Beaumont Dealer in Bowmanville: open for new executives for DATE» this lSd, day of Fehruary, 1965. ."6511. MWiL110M E )IIfi iNot unlike the Provincial' COO'JRG 372-2139 MARY NIDDERY, Club, the Durham Cunty ~~O NA 0S R OB SO011 M 010R S I ' Acting Clerk.ibaqe ibegînî anOu eydcapdal A3 AL OA. LSEASTOÇ DALE St. E. Phone 623-339 Acting ClerkP.sIeidenirirs. M caarieATDL O,4MLEESTFDL. ___________________arie_____King St._E.Bowmanville ______________________________________the__club6 iMid M * I if i. i. ib à a

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