Santa Visits Tyrone Public School Christmas Party DISCONTINUEDLIN E 39" Broadcloth Reg. 1.00yd.45O WHL TLASTS Ocyd. 45" - Reg. to $5.95 CLEARING AT ---- --- --- $2e50 WOOL AND1 54" - Reg. to $3.50 CLEARING AT --- WOOL BLENDS - $1,050 DISCONTINUED LINES NOTIONS Rick Rack, Bias Tape, Elastic, Piping, Beits and Buckles Reg. 25c If TO CLEAR --------o ALL PRINTED SILKS Estron, Magic Crepe, Surrah, Shantung, Etc. 45" - Reg. to $2.59 f CLEARING AT ------ d POODLE CLOTH 56" - Reg. $5.95 CLEARING AT - 39 DarkcCottons Reg. to $1.98 O CLEARING AT 85 c d. DOUBLE KNIT' WORSTED 65" WOOL $7.50 yd. $4.00 yd. DCONý1NUED LUNE cEA ING ALL FLANNELETTE Reg. 69C FIRST QUiý,LTY -4cd CURTAINING Cotton, Dacron, Rayon Dots 5O CLEARING AT - yd. WOOL AND COTTON 1/2 PRICE .REMNANTS ______ 7-O-T-TO-N-PL-AY KNIT Re.$1.79 EARING AT - -$1000 Yd. SAise Cotton Double Knit - 60" DISCONTINUED LUNE WORSTED WOOL STRETCH FABRIC 45" - Reg. te $7.95 3 fO CLEARING AT-- $ ,9 BUY AND $AVE AT Goodbrand Fabrics ý.,28 King St. W. Bowmanville 1 At the conclusion of an excellent Christmas pari and entertainment provided by pupils of Tyror Public School on Tuesday, Dec. 22nd, there was grea excitement when Santa Claus (Roy Maynard) appea: ed to shake hands and give out with some resoundin fOver 50 Girl Guides Raild Holiday Part y Over 50 Girl Guides partici- 1IMrs. R. Gropp and Mrs. J. Ne pated in a holiday party which bitt portrayed Sweden and followed a U.N.I.C.E.F. theme, the costume of St. Lucia ai held at high school recently. lier star-boys they distributE Eight patrols, representing cookies. eight different countries, COn-1 The refreshments consistE * tributed to the entertainment. of samples of festive food froa Each group was allowed 15 the respective countries ai minutes to portray the Out- ranged from crepe suzettes1 standing features and customs Polish Mazurka. of its country. Many colour- Then came the presentatic fui costumes were worn and a of18 edrotm 2s collection of pennies was taken nclsbagsnd5pr after each display. foinclassbadges and 50 pr The leaders judged the three been earned since October. most outstanding countries and these were, Cathryn Etcher's Plans were made for a cra. 1 patrol for Belgium; Carol Bell- session in order to make plac man's patrol for Poland; Louise cards for the hospital Ne, Mann's patrol for Iceland. Year's dinner. The Company Captain, Mrs.I The party was considered1 I L. Lucas and her lieutenants, be a fine success. Reports from Women fs Institutes MAPLE GROVE W. 1. The December meeting of the Womien's Institute was held in the C. E. Building on the 14th at 8:15 p.m. Meeting opened with the singing af the Ode and the repeating of the Lord's Prayer in unison. The regular business was dealIt with and it was decided ta give the usuai C'hristmas donation ta the caretaker. $10 was voted ta go to the Salva- tion Army's C'hristmas dona- Mrs. S. Doyle, vice pre- sudent, presided for the busi- ness part of the meeting, and Mrs. W. Brown presided for the following program. The motto, "Christmas Glad- ness, Joy and Mirth are the givers oI blessedness" was given by Mrs. E. Snowden of - AT - 57 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE ig-mw- -SPORTS WEAR' DRESS CLEARANCE ONE$7ACK DRESSES, aIl one price .................. 7 O DRESSES DRESSES Regular to $19.93 Regular to $24.95 $10-00 $15-00 UNIFORMS -100/o OFF SABRE SLIMS Soluds - 1 laids - Stripes $14.95 .... 9 9 G... Ci L TABLE FIL! KOUS ITEMS 1 D $2.00 ONE RACK Includes: Dresses, Slacks, Slims, Skirts, etc. EACH $5.00 ALL SALES FINAL Courtice. She said "'tha CIhristmnas brin-gs aut the bes in us and starts people think sing of! others. The elaborab decorations, the outside glit tec, homes a-bustile ail goes ti make up Christmas gladnese fjoy and mirtIh. AdIults;i-es] real rewai-d wîth the piannini sfor the childi-en, faxnîly par: L ies, etc. She hoped that 19M swoul be a truly Chritlikg Christmas and tihat we'd for. geL about guided missiles anc be thankful foi- the essence v. Love". Miss Olga Nowasad favi-ec with a piano salo. Mcs. Wn Paiak told of the Ukrainîar Christmas customs thýat ari obsecved in hei- home or Chi-istmas Eve and Vhcoiagh tc Christmas Day. Miss Merý 3Ann Dayle favored us withe piano sala. Mrs. Alex Muir Courtice, read three Chi-istmaî readings including one fraiy Miss Ethel Ghapman's latesi [ book. Mrs. W. Brown expressed the W. I.'s thanks toa ail those taýking part in the pi-ogram. The rotIl cail, 'A Christmas Coakie and Recipe Exchange" was deait with priai- ta lunch. Ail memibers sat down toa delicious Christmas lunch of jellied fruit salad, Christmas cookies, frudt cake and candy, HAYDON Pte. David Lagere, grand- son of David Malcoîni who is on furlough, will show pic- turcs of Egypt in the school house on Saturday evening ai 7:30 o'clock. U. C. W. January meeting will be held Wednesday, Jan. l3th at 1:30 a'clack at the home af Mrs. Arthur- Read, Mrs. Alfred Garcard in charge of programme. Rev. Dugari wyill speak on the New Cur- riculum, which is being used in the Sunday Schools. The ladies are asked ta bcîng their questions and he wiUl try and answec them. The annual congregational meeting will be held in the 'church an Thucsday evening, January l4th. Rev. Dugan is holding a special meeting in the Haydon Church on Tuesday evening, January l9th, Week of Prayer. IMr. and Mrs. Clayton Read, Rab and Steven, Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Dudley, Bowmanville, were Sunday supper guests of Mc. and Mrs. Arthur Read and Lynne. Linda Sharp and Janet Sharp, Enniskillen; Beth Ash- ton and Bai-bai-a Ashton spent a Iew days with their grand- parents. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton. Mi-. and Mrs. R. Ormiston, Mi-. and Mi-s. Ivan Sharp, Lin- da and Janet, Enniskillen; Mi-. and Mcs. Lloyd Ashton, Ron- aid and Ray, were New Year's supper guests aI Mr. and Mrs. Rou a Ahton and lamily. / r- -STORE -WIDE iuary (learance à».ý Mrs. Nelson Marlow spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Marlow and family,; Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Me-; Laughlin of Ottawa visited hisl parents, Mr. andi Mrs. Harryý MéLaugh lin. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thonp- son and Mr. Marvin Nesbitt' visited Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Har-ý ris and Miss Drothy Harris, Lm'a. i- and Mrs. Richard Davî-ý son, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Elliot,'ý David and Kimberley wcre! New Year visitors with Mr' y "Ho, Ho's". Nationally well-known photographer Neill BDuglanDavson re Newton who has a home in the Tyrone area was Mr.iihBkr aey at present to record the action in this photo. The aduit 5 moved f rom Nova Scotia to' r- in the background are teachers Ed. Peltier and Miss.the W. G. Bowles farm, was g Pat Knox who were incharge of the concert. unfortunate to break hier legý wlieskating, and is confin-I Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Ber- Bob Craig and also celebrated edt1optli otPry trim and famîly, Windsor; Mr. Cindy's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hyland1 and Mrs. Ron Morrison and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Craig andiwere C'hristmas Eve guests of j family, Oshawa, spent N'ew family were Saturday supper Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Staples, Year's Day with Mrs. M. Ber- guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Fleetwood. On Christmas Dayl trim and family. Mr. and Mrs. Craig, Janetville. ýthey entertaîned Mrs. Hy-1 Wesley Bertrim left for Crow Miss Marion Buttery spent land's parents, Mr. and Mrs.ý eLake on New Year's Day to the weekenid with -Mr. and Wm. MjcCabe, Lotus.1 iattend the funeral of his moth- Mrs. G o rdon Komarechka,1 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Craib! nd er, Mrs. George Bertrîm, Kingston. left again to spend the i-e-i ,ed Crow Lake. New Year's callers at Mrs. ,ed A. Thompson's were Mr. Larry - 1. ) Thompson, Miss Sandra Craw-i nd ley, Mr. Terry Thompson and to friend Wayne, of Newcastle. Sunday callers were: Mr. D. K.' Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. on F. Osmond, Virginia and ýc- Tracey, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. h 70 Thompson and Cynthia, Bow- id manville. S Misses Valerie and Debbiel 3tThompson have returned home ce to Bowmanville after spend- ý ing a few days with their - grandmother, Mrs. A. Thomp- toson. - Mr-. John Tabb spent New -Year's Day with Mrs. George Tabb and family. after Christimas we bel Mrs. K. Cowling visited Mrs. Mabel Cowling, Salem, on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Ronald andRay,Mr. and Mrs.s e Ross Ashton and family were and Mrs. Russell Ormiston, j .tEnniskillen. o ,t Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Trew- s k- in and William were Christ- te mas Day guests of Mr. and Why not sq t-Mrs. Walter Loveridge and more out ol to family, Tyrone. sMr. and Mrs. Roy Graham p visited Mrs. Smiley, Burling-! g ton, on Wednesday. r- Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Camneron 4 spent New Year's at C. W. e Downey's, Shaw's. SMr. and Mrs. E. G. Topple id and family, Mr-. and Mrs.i 01 Alfred Milison and family attended a Nelson family gath- >d ering at James Nelson's, Osha- n. wa, on Sunday. in Mrs. M. Bertrim, Jean Bir- 1 e die and John, Mr. and Mrs.i )n Ron Morrison, Oshawa; Mr. O and Mrs. George Bertrim,ý rY Taunton, attended the funeral .a of Mrs. George Bertrim, moth- r, er of the late Melville Bertrim, as at Crow Lake on Saturday. MI Sympathy is extended to the St Bertrim family in the passing i' / of a loving mother and grand- .d mother. ;e Mr. Kenneth Graham and Mrs. H. Crossman visited the is Morris Funeral Chapel on Fni day evening where Kenneth'sI îuncle, Warren Pinch, was rest- a îng for service on Saturday. f Mr. Pinch passed away in ts Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton visited Mcs. Edna McLaugh - lin at the Oshawa Hospital oný Sunday evening. SA E4Easuy ooel navela mse. 88: doi. Tasty and well trimrn Il Two baskets of flowers !i U ITO A G S6c FEHPR tthe church on Sunday were in! Ciaîp and Green lO-oz. bags BUT (HOP loving memory of Mrs. L. Cr-! derman, Hamnpton. Frs PN C o 9C Royal Guest Rindless 1. Friends in this communifty, e *were saddened to hear of the' lcd> a passing of Mrs. L. Cryderman, Produce ci U.S.A. Can. No. 1 grade zize 241Sie Sd B BHampton. She had been a C IP LETTUCE 2 for 35C Alpine or Primrose Ci ini the last few years. Sym- Spallhy is extended to Mr. Cry- Tender Green derman and other mmersi BRUSSEL __SPROUTS_ ab2S Itching is often a symptom of an underlying disorder. IL is very closely related to the sensa- tion of pain and by following the natural reflex to scratch iL will after a ime initiate pain - which is temporarily more comfortable!! Itching can bc caused by many conditions - local infection, allergy, nerves, nutrition, etc. Self-treatment could delay proper Lherapy. A persistent itching should be checked with a phy- sician. He can find out the cause and advise the proper treatment. eb VOUR DOCTOR CAN PHONE US when you need a medicine. Pick up your prescription if shopping nearby, or we wvill deliver promptly without extra charge. A great many people en- trust us with their prescriptions. May we corn- pound yours? PHONE 623-3361 JURY & LOVELL LIMITED 2 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS / Il-, 41 Lyou'reI P rjueeze a littie of your food dollar %at Ll Campbell6 10-o&,9 FAN(Y soup 6Lins 9 C Raspberry or Strawberry - Added pectn4 AYLMER JAM Jar 4 C Cracker Barrel Mild KRAFT CHEESE 1~L43C Frozexi 40 Fathom SOLE FILLETS IGoveaent49,C med >5 49'lb s 1-lb. pkg. lacon 59c Dhopped .lb. attes 55C ive Jan. 6, 7, 8 ethe Right to TOMATO JUICEZokian33 Strained or junior 5-oz tins HEINZ BABY FOOD. 10 - 99c Sunny Morn Coffe ...7-1 c Lancia 2-1b. box«. Spaghetti or Macaroni 2/69c Spaghetti Sauce -... Ba1~1- ian ,39 SALTINE SODAS wl-llk" 25c Chocolat. chip 1-1b. ph;. WALKERS COOKIES .....39c KAISER ROLLS D. ci ~lï33c. '"Euy orne gel orne free' 12-os. coin ".1rtc CHEX CEREALS ........29c DETERGENT ..... LIquId d43c - -,. GA FoodlinerJ EVILLE- NESTLETON 1The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Jan. 6, 1965 Recent visitors with Mr-. and mainder of the winter in cous-se in Geography at the Mrs. Cecil Wilson were Mi-. Florida. University of Western On- and Mrs. Loi-ne Laimb and Mr-. Heads Geography Dept. taioi. and Mm~. Ralp~h Lam-b oI En- (From Chatham News) He graduated Iroîn Water- niskillen, Mr-. and Mz-s. Ken- loo University College in June neth Lamnb, Oakviile, Mr-. and R. Douglas Davison, son of I16 n uigtenx Mrs. Norman Lyons and Lori Mi-. and Mrs. R. Davison, Nes- o-oyea 1961-62 rig h e of Uxbridge, Mr-. and Mrs. tleton, in his first year ho ugt t atr igh1961- ih Hermian Rodman, Karen and tea'ching in the Chatham Seuhol in arktwcrightarjo. Wilson of Little Be-itain, and school system, has been nam- It wa fi-on- this Hi*gh School Mi-.Alfed Smeis a ed bv the Board af Eduction he had graduated for Univer- manville. 1tb acting ha of the Geo- Kitchener Burton is enjoy- .rah depactment of the taught at Timmins Secondai-y ing a holiday in Toronto with, sch McGregor Secondai-y Sehl.c relatives. ,S oo1Mi-. Davison lives on a lai-n Mi-. and Mrs. Chai-les Briggs J. G. Griffith, Director of near Blenheiso. His wife, of Toronto spent th.Ž holidays Education. said the appoint- Janet, teaches Geography at at theiî- Nestleton home, ment will. become effetie lenheim D i s t r i c t -phHigh January 4, 1965, the dayhtShO Messrs. Oliver and Warren school cesumes in the iShol- Rohi-er visited his parents,. year. 1Mc. Davison is recording Mi-. and Mrs. Orland Rohrer, 'Mi-. Davison, wha intends ta* secretar,- aI the organization Mitchell. 'make his career in secondai-y of Cha-tham geography teach- The Clarke Williams enter- school teaching, last yar ers which meets i, ntervals tained the Ronald Williams cainpleted _past__graduate throughou h family of Oshawa, the Daug. - _ Fallis family af Bowmanvillel and the Arnold Wirnars fam-ý ily.. Mr. and Mi-s. Ernest Fi-cecj were in Toronto avec the New'! WHAT I5 ITCHING?a B>ATS - DRASTICALLY REDUCED n in Oshawa visit Kay.'s at 68 Simco. St. N., Oshawa "ES