Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jan 1965, p. 3

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and %mg aleeves. !nverted plets =wp into a grceful diapel tan She wore as a headpiece, an ivory Frenchl lace miantilla and carried a, bridai bouquet of gardenias. Her attendants were Ms.1 quo John Platt, Toronto, es matrn of honar and a cousin, Miss ~Frances Gibson, Whitby, was, bridesmaid. Tbey were in floor-length, midnight blue ve ivet A-lime dresses designed with Empire waiistlines, scoop necklines and long sleeves. Their sinali pillbox head- dresses were of matohing vel- -MOLEAN cantions. vet and they carried Christ- IMr. Donald Masters of Bo- mas bouquets in muted shades evning, Navein-, manville was best man and 1of red and coral. 2tl 16,at 8 O'Clock, inl meuhr a M1rd ol Mr. Gregory Kasperian où Psh Untted Chiurch, also of Bowmanville. :Toronto was best m aad the Mise Joyce Mae The reception was held at ushers were Mr. James Wyse,1 cLdéOydfghter of Mrs. the home of Mr. and Mrs. London, Ont., and the groomsI EuoeIwsLue co Bowman- Fred Cowle, wbere the brides brother, Mr. Brian Turner oft ville and the late Mr. Russel' mother received in an aqua- Toronto. M~Lài~ idMr. Lloyd Wil.. merine wool knit dress with Foflowing tihe ceremnony a Main anilo n of Mr. and winte'r white liat and gloves., reception was held at the, Mn.WiliamHamilton, also and corsage of white carna-I home of the bride's parents o! BoMwM~le, were United tions and yellow 'mums. where the guests were receiv- in *ar e. Rev. A. W. Har- Following the reception the ed by the bide's mother. For «W eficiated.! couple left for a honeymoon the occasion Mrs. Storey wo-e The wedding mu.sic was lin New York City, via Ameni- a bright pink crepe dress witih played by'Mr. M. Beaton and can Airlines. For travelling matching acoessories and cor- the o0loWt was MTs. Lloydithe bride wore a two-piece sage of varyin.g shades of pink. Ayre., red wool dress, black hat and She wtas assisted by the Given in mairriage by ber gloves, and corsage of white groom,'s nother who chose a brother, 1fr. PRoald R. mc. carnations. Mr. and Mrs.1 deep blue velvet dress wirh Lean of Bowmanville, the, Hamilton will be residing atýmrntching blue and pink ac- bride was radiant in a floor-1 St. George Street, Bowman- cesso-ries, and pink corsage. len.gth gown of white pure ýville. Before leaving for their' silc aïroanza. Thie low torso-. honeymncon in Jamaica, theý lined bodice featured tiny. TURNER - MITCHELL :be emb o! a bl e ol ~it, sleeves and scooped neckline,j esml fabl, olsi' trimmed witji Swiss embroi- St. John's Anglican Church, brown fur jacket and bat. On'ý dery. M a t ch ing appliques Bowrnanville, enhanced by their return Mn. and Mrs.j were an added interest at the candlelight a n d Christmas Turner will reside in Toronto. 1 hipline. of the full sweeping1 trees, with white 'mums on The bride is a graduate of! skirt. Her long veil wastthe altan, was the îoveîy set- the Atkinson School o! Nuns-' caug.ý4ýa Cleopatra head-Iting for the marriage on Fri-i ing, Toronto Western Hospi-ý dress and she carried a cas-jday evening, December 18týJtal, and of the University of, cade bouquet of red roses and 11964, at 7:30 o'clock of Miss' »lestern Ontario. The groom! white carnations. 1 Mary Vernon Mitchell, daugh- i s also a graduate o! the Uni- Mn. K. Garner, Tononto, ter 'of Mrs. Vernon Harcourt versity of Western Ontario. was inetron of honor and al Storey, Bowmanville and thel sister of the bride, Mrs. D3.Ile John Bernard Mitchell,1 Bishop, Bowmanville, was'a'nd Mr. John Glyn Turner.1 BASE LIN brsdesniad. They were -in! Mn. Turner is the son o! Mr.' cktal-length, sie e vele s siand Mrs. Glyn Francis Turnerý Christmas guests at the sheath dresses of emnera]dio! Islington. Rev. K. JOhnl Grange were Mrs. George Dob- green velvet styled witb V-1 Franipton was thbe officiatingiý bins, Leamington; Mr. and necklines and Empire waist-I clergyman. ýMrs. Irwin Sexsmnith, Mr. and ~ Thi rwedding-ring 1 Given in manniage by her iMns. Dave Preston and David, ~apieces were of the same step-father, Dr. Vernon Har-,Bowmanville; Mn. and Mns. .îmerald green velvet withl court Storey. the bride wore Athur Gowen, I4.r. and Mrs. niatching green netting and' a floor-length, simply stvled Charlie Bottomnley, John and tiheir cascade bouquets were gown o! ivory Italian corded Mary, Whitby. of yellow 'miurns and white silk with sweeflheart neckline. An apology is due the ' Wrîght famnily. It was Miss Barbana Wright who was a patient in Memnonial Hospital iýy LI las t week. We regret any em- 1&'ry E ea ters u CJ<e barrassment caused by this: mistake. i Miss Beverley Wright spent Ilast week visiting hen aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Mel Shiels, Oshawa, Mn. and Mrs. Edward Foley, Antharf"HIere ln the manu- - Mrs. L. Hockin, Mr. and Mns. leipt1oÉfered y0u îast year." Paul Mclntyre, Mn. Donald ~nIptFoley were New Year's Day Publisiier: "What's the Idea guests of Mrs. Bert Colwell Of brlnging this thlng back and Mn. Irwin Colwell, Bow- Iwhen 1 rejeeted It last year?"MranMs.Ni onel Author., "Well, you see, entertained at a family dinner ryea's eperinceon New Year's Day. Mr. and a Yer's xpenenceMrs. Roy Van Camp, Mn. and Ince ten.11Mrs. Sam Van Camp and faco-1 ily were their guests.1 Miss Mildred Vondracek spent sevenal days of thel Vd Leslie Christmas week with her par-1 eaTS: ents, Mr. and Mrs.E.Vn dracek. Miss EileenVoda o r ailitweekend with ber parents and aur ablllty . . . plus prompt delivery. brother Ross. ter now for Pre-natal Education Classes Chitavstos ihMr e ob start January 2th at Lions Centre thein daughter Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Brown and sons Bob, Don and David and Miss Mar- Z$ ~ garet Corden, Bowmanville. AM. On New Year's Day Mr. and W. M4-4 Mrs. W. J. Brown and Bob and David wene dinner guests IOn Satunday evening Mrs. j o i i)-N KAYE'S 4 KING ST. E. LARGE SIZE SHOPPE BOWMANVI LLE DRESSESODDS & ENDS DSR es l4VES3 ~ONE RACK gular Valueta 32i 5 House Dresses, Slims, etc, sio*o* $1.OO our $5000 AIL SALES FINAL FLANNELETTE PYJAMAS AND SLIMS GOWNS ROguOiIr $12.95 $9 5 Regular $3.98 and $4.98 C R U O $2.98________ iwCLOIH COATS w- [ 9,- m DRASTICALLY REDUCED GOOD SELECTION 0F, NYLON DUSTERS REDUCED To CLEAR SAVE $$$ Married in St. PauI's United Church Icard and glft fram a pen pal The Canadlan Statesman, Bowmanlfle, Jan. 6, 1M6 in Japan and is waiting for a letter to explain the unusual The usual number were of laryngitis and heard the firit j looking box with strange con- present at Sunday Sehool for of his series of sermons on the tents. Word f rom relatives the first Suday in the new life of Christ which w1l serving with the arnied forces year with the superintendent carry through until Zaster, overseas is unusual in that a in charge. Opening exercises Sunday's beîng on the only move from France ta Germany are hurried, that each class incident we know of His boy- didn't prove happy and anoth- may have more study time ta bood, His discussions in the er young person home after a cover the amount o! material Temple with the learned men. term with the United Nations provided for each day's lesson. Tbe choir's anthem enriched in Cuba, states she would mot His people were glad ta see the service and a deep gold care ta serve in another com- Rev. J. Cargo completely re- chrysanthemum added bright- munist country. covered from bis recent attack ness to the winter day. rýPNL K E R'S Annual January Sale of Fabries WHERE BUT AT WALKER'S WILL YOU FIND SUCH STARTLING SAVINGS ON FABULOUS FABRICS? IT'S BEEN A TRADITION WITH US FOR OVER 50 YEARS! Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd William Hamilton, shown in' the above photo, were married in St. Paul's United Church, Bowmanville, on Friday evening, Novem- ber 27th., 1964, at 8 o'clock. The bride is the former Miss Joyce Mae McLean, daughter of Mrs. Russel McLean, Bowrnanville, and the late Mr. Russel McLean, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Hamilton, also of Bow- manville. Setti ng Wa s St. John's Anglican Church COLORFUL COTTON PRINTS Sale! 4F yd. Clearance of a Canadian nfl . .. you save up to 47e a yard! Assorted qualities, de- signa and colors. Ail wash- fait and colorfast. 36" idtbs. COLORFAST ACETATE LINING Sale! 117 yd. Save up ta 2le a yard! Better quaity lining in beautiful colorfiât colora. Such a@, mint, yellow, Mlue, pink, -white, 'navy or blac. 54# widtha. PLAIN and NOVELTY WOOLENS Sale! 1.88 yde Values up ta 3.98 a yard. la the group! Makes up Ibeautifa]y lt coats, nuita, iumpers, dreasing gavas - anytbing yau want to make, Wide assrtinent of colore and weights. 54" idths. Mr. and Mrs. John Glyn Turner are shown in the above photo as they sign the register following their marriage in St. John's Anglican Church, Bowman. ,ville, on Friday evening, December 18, 1964, at 7:30 o'clock. Formerly Miss Mary Vernon Mitchell, the bride is the daughter of Mrs. Vernon Harcourt Storey, Bowmanville, and the late John Bernard Mitchell. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Glyn Francis Turner of Islington. i Ifl Photo by Rehder1 Mr. and Mrs. A. Gibson. 1 il McIntyre, Oshawa, wasI W ES~L EY V ILL E est o! honour at a mîiscel- eous shower anranged for - The sympathy o! this corn- rat the home o! Miss Grace lT IT1V munity is extended to Mrs. Whnese. ussha s UDITUARY John Gnoeneveld who receiv- Vbenthe uest hadas-ed word by telephone last nbled, Grace pinned a cor- RUSSELL H. DAVIDSON week o! the death o! ber ie o! pale pink 'mums on' ifathen iin Holland. rothy's shoulden while she' A well known farmen in' Absence o! major storms in ýseated in a bowen o! pimk the Raglan district for mon e this district made the holiday d white streamers and belîs. than 55 years, Russell Henry esnialfrgtn ro pnetty miniature bride Davîdson died at bis homesasndaloretigfm tred the table whenc the Dec. 31, 1964.Tedcad place to place and famîlies ts werc placed, aften who had been seriously ihin esnbe dsac rothy opened themn and 1 since last July. was in bis 79th wene together for one on other ýh was admincd. Hen brides- 1I car. 1o! the festive days, or both. Li, is atKox Slna Asn f hylteWlla On Tuesday evenîng thene ;td, Miss PthyKn oSoing avidAsonao! Ishe latWlimrwas a crokînole party in the .stedt Doothay in openg Davidson nd sbelLainrchurch hall for Sunday School gîfis andoMis aryll-an M.Dvdo wsbr members and thein friends. ket an Mis Mry anCartwright Township, Thene was a little di!!iculty in. np fashioned a bonnet o! iA'n adherent o! Rag.lan1 getting started. These parties' bows !nom the pnettily;!United Chuncli, he was a Il!e- lare the kind where you bring .orated parcels. long member of the Canadian1 your boards, sometimes your .!ten Donothy had very Order o! Forestens. ýtables and chairs, and always tciously thankcd everyone Mr. Davidson is survived by some food. This time more ,tbeir gifts Mrs. Clifford Wil- bis wi!e, the former Lillian people than boards arrived, sa 1 £onducted a party game. I Collett; thnee daughtens, Mrs.1 while those on hand wene be- nre wene five ladies with D. Haines (Jean), Mrs. P. Col- îng made neady, two scouting same number of points and lins (Florence), both o! Osha- cars went out for more. Thene ýn straws were dnawn wa and Mns. Ralph Lee 'were nine tables played and as 'othy was !ound to be the (Marion) of Kinsale and a usual some o! the very little mner of the pnize. son, Lloyd o! Oshawa. people showed their eiders how rae n hnmohe er- Also survivimg ane two to shoot and score. Once the !ac lunc he o! adhes sisters, Mrs. B. Hubband bell at the head table rang so a luch fsndwchro, (Pearl) o! Burketon and Mrs quickly, the others were bard- des, celery and cro1W. Krantz (Ell1a) o! Oshawas; ly stanted; but one couple put .ks, small cakes and Christ-l rtePryDvdoofteisinhectetre s ckewih esorcofelin nd14 grandchildren. times fr o! o 60, good socil bl! hun.The fumerai service was shooting. Marie Austin won isitons with Mn. and Mrs.jheld aI the McDermott-Pana-!Ithe game which broke the tic' fford Wilson were Miss baker Fumerai Home, Pont made by hersel! and Linda and [red Wilson, Oshawa, Mr. Perry. at 2 p.m. Jan. 4. In- Sharon Thorndyke. Phillip .e Panas. Bowmamville, terment was in Pine Grove Nichols won the mens pnize, and Mns. Hugh Wooldridge Cemetery, Prince Albert. The with several oChers close be- ! amily, Oshawa, on Sun- service was conducted by S. hind. ?and on Saturday, Mr." G. Saywell, iay paston o! Rag- Christmas season is a time rdon Sagan and Mn. and i an United Church, assisted by for grectimgs fronu all around' sDon Lansing, Oshawa. Rev. T. Fleetham of Green- the world whethen the coun-! 1on Monday evening Mr. wood. His grandsons acted as:tries be Christian ornmot. Marie' 1Mrs, Fred Wright. 1'pallbearer. Austin received a Christinai IMPORTEDU LNEN (Woven o! 80% Viscose & 20% Coinbed Cotton), Sale! l.6lyd. Shrinkage.controlled, it' f nanteedwashable. Color- luaradwikle-resisnt, too! A few of is mclons colora - popearn, ýinkette and sugar cane 'beige. 441 widt1là. IMPORTED ACEATE ESTRON® PRINTS Sale! 1lllyd. This lovely imponîed.fabric la hand-wa <hable and simply abruga off winkles. Newesî apring '65 colora that are aisa being introduced in New York. 45" widths. NOVELTY WOVEN GINGHAM Sale! 88ç yd. Diseontinued patterns of famous "Dan River' Cul- pepper woven gingham. Wrinkle-Shed 'wvith Dri. Doe5finisli. Asortedpastels in the group. 36* widths. ARNEL® aleCOTTON DENIN Sale! 1.69 yd. Idleal for sportswcsn ana chidren's -play toge. Qtick drying ana so easy to care for. Spring-fresh shaae. Fiwu, yellow, canal, summner blue - ta, mention a few. I S ARNEL® & COTTON SEERSUCKER Sale! 1.48 yds Drip-dry, no-iran! YO' white stnipes alternate math pink, turquoise, green, black, bIne, yellow, apricot ar fawn. Also available in soid white. 44" vidths, WILL 0'WISP by TEX-MADE® Sale! 57çyd. Pri.ntecd embaaaed fabrie with MagicareO finish. Mi% or matchs prints and plains. Inaasilof spring '65:neweit colon. and des igus. 38" 'wiathà. v o CANADIAN PINWALE CORDUROY Sale! 97ç yd. Marvelous for Pilow coven', spreada, drape.'%Need w. mention suite, skirt., jumpers, jackets, 'dadha? À rainbow selection of colors, nlnding a dgoldanmd orange. 36" widths. 'GAYKNIT' by TEXNADE® Sale! 1.16 yd. This plain or printed Magi. cme Cotton lian isexpensiv. linit-hike loch. Thanks ta is Tex-Set finish little or no ironing la required and h'. ereas-resistant! 441 widths, Il -~ I NUBBY VISCOSE & SILK LINEN Sale! l.47yd. This plain ter±ned inen lias a delightful surface in. teresi. Waîer-repellcnt, ico! Colorfagttasud hsnd.wash. able, of caurs. 44' idths. SUPERIOR I ANFORIZED ROADCLOTH Sale! 4F yd. A inuit' for samany a ort togs for you r&fn ' almnmerwardrobeMaelune- washable. Wicle vaxiety of coloms including - grec%, Nue, white, d4nmuve, s i RAYON SUEDE ®DOROBINA Sale! 1.19 yd. Yodul love the feel of IWOs smooth rayon suede cvery scnd yon work an it! Lave its crease-nesistance, ton! Its colorfast colors include viking red, racket blue, coral and mreot bIne.360 widths. DOWNY-SOFY PRINTE5P FLANNRELET Sale! 47ç yw. Nothing can match it for cozy aightwean! Desigus for mea, liomen and children. Takes to sud&saeniationally. Wide assotment af colore. 38, Widihs. I 1 Check thia liating for more Fantastic Fabric&Savings Soft.napped white flannelette. 27" widthu ......... Sale! 2.87 for 10Oydo. Cotton streteli gabardine. 44' widths..................... SaIlL67yd. Woyen check gingliamn Tiny Y8' checks. 36" widths ........... . Sale! 58«yd. Canadian.made acetate Uning. 45" widths ............ SaIl!570yd. White silk-finish broadcloth. 36" widths ................... .SaIl 770 yd. Everglaze cotton new spring prim.38" widths................. . Saled 730 yd. Printed exturedlfinen. 44' widths ........ ....... ,..SalLU yd. Acetate/viscose bouclé. 44'widthe ........................ Sale! lu77yd. SHOPFINQ s CN IN *ON A WALKER!S 'PLAN' ACOUNT NAb&.@iLERt a tsu o hun mt$ 5 KING ST. E. OM VLE 'I i *i§~. A'enjoy Canada's favourite BRANVIN '-!--RPY'AND POPT MME mm m i t»W 1

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