Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jan 1965, p. 1

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1! J-, ~: FIREMAN l'OR - "Persona ooper Says No!l Bowmanville,'s Fire Brigade lost another of ils long service firemen a ,t the end of the year, in the persan of Louis Lyle, 27 years on the brigade and a son of former Fire Chief the late George Lyle. His brother Tom Lyle ls the present chief. Louis Lyle, who works with Goodyear here and frequently ils away from this area on behaif of the company, apparently f ailed to, obtain leave of absence on two.occasions from the Fire Cammittee as detailed in the brigade's policy. This infraction was brought ta the attention of the Council Fire Cammittee with the following i-esults: Councillor Wesley Fiee as! "It is the decision of this Chairman of the Fire Commit- committele that if the aboveinj g riere tee reported at the meeting of!frato istu ndcret Bowmnvile ownCouncil on!Mr. Lyle's services will bel ,Monday evening on the foilow-'terminated as of Decemberi t~4 nd y ig letter sent by him to His;131st, 1964. "7, jWorship, Mayor Ivan Hobbs,j "The committee would bel Fire Chief Tom Lyle, L. Lyleipleased to mert with your rep-i and J. Hayman, secretary of jresentatives at any lime if youf the Fire Brigade, jor Mr. Lyle wish to discussi "It has been brought totetb matter further.j committee's attention that Mr.1 Councillor Fice tbld council L. Lyle bas been out of townithat Mr. L. Lyle had declineti on two occasions for periotis 10 discuss the matter, andi that exceeding one week withoutlhis services 10 the f ire depart-, leave of absencp beîng grant-!ment have been tcrminated at. ed. This we feel is a violationithe end of December. of the poiicy as adopted. (TURN TO PAGE TWO) Powll hemical Movn to Toronto Leaves Plant Fmntv - W V- w - w w w a ai" LiAon Dist. Gov. Terry Evansi The Lions Club of Bowman-1 The foliowing letter from ville will weicome Terry the H. Powell Çhemdcal Com- Evans, District Governor, D-p.any Limited was read at tctA-3, ns International, Councul on Monday night: ~inc cl 41lubs in this It is with much regret that of r*.;6ince. LionI~ have to announce a decision 15is tpn Or perator from the Board of Directors tlie -,ydro. He is of the Fideiity Piharmaceuti- miembe e Havelock cal Company, Limited, the avi this Club' parent com.pany of Powell. * President Due to quite recent Canadian an 1962-IFood and Drug rulings limit- GovèrnorUPr'g certFt.ir.perso-nne1 I, in cir 'Sovernor unidu-try to specific jobs, we have Sound thet t s mno long- r erry er econoeiloally feasible to local Club continue our plant on Simp- athe Lions son Avenue. tre T *prpseof his inConsequentiy we are mov- WIllbe tq>,advise and as-.mg back to Tomnton mb a st President . dprence God- warehouse close to aur head ard .er1rBu Moses, and1 office, andi are contracting al e Offices-lrectors andi Our manufacturing to other mbrs ft Club on mat-j firms stili large enough to raperta !'11à Lions ad-i survive. Our plant in Bow- pn*ration andi the Lions' manville will he cioseti on ratprograni of humanitarian, January 15t*x. Had we known e. ail of this a short two years I~~ay Trbute to I. McLaughlin Mxlnstér Pearson an-lof one of Canada's most dis- ite'day that a bay and!tinguisheti citizens whose n rin Ontario have ýachievements in business apti medti 1 honor Col v hose service to his coun#y amual McLaughlin of have been outstanding, md have put us ail in his debf gh]in Bay andi Me-j No formai or officiai recog- 19' gn Point which forminition, I know, can ever match rtof Darlington Provinciaithe satisfaction which you brk, lie just cast of the city!must fetil, in the place you kOshaw4. Both geographicihave won the hearts of s0 *tures, with Lake Ontario as marcy Cana ans as one of the Hit a 0.Te ee-M.MLuhiwsoni ~kground, arc clearl1y visible' great builders of our country." o n n u Wm o n n i v i l iago when the -plant was con- .structeti we wouid have acted tmuch differently. "There are 13 and a haif years remaining on a lease, and we can offer an attractive arrangement to, any prospec- i tive cflmpany interesteti in' the property. The property is listed through A. E. ýLePage, Toronto, and tbis firm can [furnish anyone wîth Particiji- lars "We have always had loyal co-operation fromn your towr officiais, and the citizens in general, and we deeply regret thet we have been forced inta tbis aband'onment." The letter was signed by N. L. Mason,, president. Councillor Hooper mnvcc that this letter be referred È) the Industriai Commission, and this was seconded by Councillor Rundie, and car- ried. JI n n c ati on the recommenda-,1Enniskillen, Ontario, Septem- othe Province of On- ber 8, 1871. He was. educated " Pan ent app ovetb teCa-in Oshawa* anti wenÏ to work an aPranen teCommiîce'in bis father's carrdage works ogrphcalNalin ù 1887. -Cal. R. S. McLaughlin September 8, 1Q64, when! By the turn of the century el McLaughin telebrated he was Convinced that automo-ibecame director anti treasurerj Idbirthday, hé a sn biles would so repflacp horse- 1of Chevrolet of Canada, anti Aliowing message by bhe drawri vehicles ant i hhW7 heiin 1918 solti bis auto interestsý SMinister: ýfoundedthbbcMcLaughlin Motor!tb General Motors. He was ap-! uîrm congratulations. botb Car Company in Oshawa. ipointeti Canadiin president of il -né officiai anti best From this modest beginning the Company andi remained ii son the 93rd birtlidaY his enterprise tievelopeti into thnb position until the endi ot General Motors of Canada. HisWor]d War Two when be be- fL cars were marketeti first untier came chairman of the boarti. '.rieauethe name McLaiughlin anti lat-îHe is also a vice-president anti' ýnyer McLaughlin-Buick. 'director of the parent companyi G'v'er ~In 1915 Colonel McLaughlin in the Unitedi States.-Times.' i24d Town W'101 Request st one Worth- r over $10 cdl here 00o Road Rebate hvbeeh j lgfor a ji m ha en dark " to 6 ILt tit, A request from Memorial councîl. This was carried. t 185, Who iu Hospital for permission te use' A leter informed councîl, e frequented 'the Town Hall auditorium on that the Thirti Annual Region-1 ^stoes I theWetinestiay evening, January ai Conference af bbc Town antiý "%asseil here 120111 for ils annijal meeting 'Village Section of bbc Ontario: was granteti by Town Coun-Municipal Association, will be, t "ave coeie cil an Montiay on ja motion byhelti in Delhi, Ont., on Jan-i waPa ag' Cor- Deputy - Reeve Stevens, sc-;uary 29th andi 3th. Il was W8 und by ontiet by Councillor E. J.!received anti ileti on aEtlO n os "mht. & 'a Runtile. ýby Cauncillor Hooper second MeCt O o A letter fram (Ci. Jager stat- cd by Councilor WesleY Ficci 0ah" Mot wX th cd that he would like parking; Brantiwoad ;ýigns wrote toj 'UIlkOI tand meter No. 114 to.b. rcmovedask cauncil fer? permission btj WI~*£U 15.se that he could rrýake a drive- ercct a four feet, six inches by t0 way an the aouth side. of the eight feet illunýcnat1ng sigmi at lit house at 15 Sttv«r Street. the Adams Furtiiture store ani W Councillor Hooper, uecoded King Street. Councillor Fice,j -. rto er . J. Rundle, secantiet by C6uncill r - Iliot thia iater l>e r.- or, îuaved that4\his" ââà Uï tq,ýte Police Conwvit- eerdtthB Raids and Streetalspector to re rt -tw ngwirt4bmck toi rdRNTO g First Baby of Year Born at 4:49 a. m. On New Yea r's Day çBits anal Capitàý Mr. and Mrs. William Nicholson, East Beach, Bow- manville, are the proud parents of the f irst baby born this year in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Maria Joanne Nicholson arrived at 4:49 a.m., New Year's Day, with Dr.. E. L. Ewert the attending physician. Mrs. Nicholsomg was, formerly Helen Terry.. Both father and mother ewell known athietes. She plays with t~ie4ow asrïc1'sof tbll tearn and -le irý a më,mrbdr oý" the men's. softball ' lea gue. They have four ather tchildren, Stepheni 11, Darla 9, Stuart 5 and Jay one and a haif. The new arrivai weighed 6 lbs., 8¾/ ounces. 9ÇAeces 1,NEW MAKE UP - Subscribers will note that The î Statesman's front page has taken, on a new look this week. In the spirit of the new year the layout staff has been attempting to provide a more at- tractive appearance thal wiil altract your atten- tion and gel away- from a routine, stereotyped look. Many other changes will take place during the year in an effort to always keep The Statesman up-to-date. t. t t t t NO JOKE - One rural correspondent sent a f ran tic message to the Editor on Tuesday to delete one item that had been sent in. Apparentiy, some joker had thought il was funny to have il in the paper thal a couple were moving out of the area when in fact il was not true at ail. It was nlo joke for the correspondent who takes considerable pride in being accurate. t. t t t t NO NEWS - Mrs. Minnie McHolm, our octogen- arian correspondent fromn Morrish advises that she wiil be spending the next few weeks out of the area. Il would be appreciated if Morrish residents wouid send in any news direct to the office in Bowmanviile untîl Mrs. McHolm returmis. t t t t t DISGUSTING - Florida correspondent Alan Knight, formerly of Bowmanvilie, writes that he, bis wife Helen and son John enjoyed Christmas Day silting oulside their apartment in shorts with the temperature at 74'. He may be interested to, learn that Doug Carter spent part of Christmas ieve galhering dew worms bere and the Editor washed two cars oulside on Christmas afternoon. But, il wasn't any 74'. T T t t t MAY LOSE - The several hundred farmers in Durham County who have invesled considerable amounîs in FAME, the proposed meal packing projecl, must be quite worried at the present time. An additionai $20,000 was raised at a meeting in Orono recently, but they stili were unable ta meet the million dollar payment on the Fearman plant on lime. However, from reports, il wouid appear the door is stili open, so they niay yet be able to raise sufficient fîînds to float the project. Other- wise, a ]arge amnount of money will have gone down the speculative drain. Lî t t SPEAKER -Foârmer polilical candidate Eieen CoulIs of Hamnpton advises thal the Women's Commitîee of Orýtario and Durham New Demo- cratic Party hava ,arranged a meeting in the Fleet- wood Room of u nosha Hotel, Oshawa, for Sun- day, Jan. 101h aI p.m. Guest speaker wiil be A. Alan Borovoy, B . L.L.B., a well-knomn lawyer and former prov *al candidate. Ever one wel- corne. GOOD RPocei on thg!'àlért over thehIin Assessment Increases b Over $400- gýat, ou c At the meeting of Bowmanville own C nal held in the Council Chamber onM nday e;eni*ng of His Worship, Mayor Ivan Hobbs, gFv he fo Vwing va year end report. wa "It gives me a great deal of pi sure t$ report on considerable succcss on the operati n of tlhis com- ticl munity for the year 1964. From a m i 'cipal . ipoint of Ste view, we have had what I believe be oqe of the Sid most successful years enjoyed for ite soffie time. Poc "Our assessment for exampi has increased r $443,661. over that of 1963, of whic , 52 per cent or $229,656. is increased Industrial and Commercial As_ ni sessment. It is needless to tell COUDin how important nej and be;aeficial this is. To illustra e the increaU4 B« assessment further I would like 't rsent the folw. 911 lowing statistîcs:cm "In 1964 aur assessment B Nbreakdowni dicated i the folS c Maitlei d Goua lowing: Resid fitial, 5,850,225,4 Cjl Maiia d G ul Commercial, 053,520; Indus-,t trialn81e,175and Business, "In 1963 our 'ssessment reati: Que n' C un esidetiaî 5,6 6,210; Commr Que n"s Cou selcia, 1036,60, diùstrial, 691.- S 865 and Businýei 85M~24, total- A former resident of Bow- ling 8,216,069. 4, manville was among the 107 "From these figuS t5i- Ontario barristers wha were leresting toi nÔ,i t ut.,an- appointed as Queen's Coun- ticipateti by' ,,,the e: sel during the weekend. cast prepai4d -by ceT Maitland G. Gould, af Committee anti aER i North Bay, was born and re- Council, thatawe are Ut eeived his éducat ion here b o ur forecast flot onl ' Priar ta receiving his a capital expendilure pc of bachelar af arts degee at the view, but also from an a UJniversity ai Toranta. ne pated receipt viewpoînt.. latel¶ Èraiduated lf:&' 08 .s-' percentage ,afi Industrial goodia Sall and hàüs been Commercial Xosessment in r prominent in thé legal 'Pro- lation ta the Residentia1 As- 'ý 1 fessian for many years In sessment rose approximately thé_forth. C-utRN To PAGi -Two) Council 4ppints Personnel'. The report of the Strikirig omn-îiVtee making recomnu.t ations as te the appointment.i fcertain representativesý j- a-nous boards andi oommitttee las adopted at the 7meeting 0k4, owm;anville Town CounéiI. nMonday evening oh n o on by ]Jeputy Rmeve TtýO tevens, secondeti by Reeitg ,dney Little. By-Law, 194 rhch au-thorizes these, ointmefits, was given thgè cadings and passed , 4ý The appohfiêh4 are:-In ing Board, Wijli>ç.yê~ Jan Osborne, a d'euty Peve Ross Stevens. Cern eer <ert, Peter Bathgate, Caun.. M'or Carl Leslie, andi Coun- Utor Wesley Fi-ce. Libtrry' ogrti, Mms. H. L. Swan. Piereation C o mm itt e e 6ur"lor Wesley Fiee, Co=xu [lIr 'aul Chant, Don GiJp IVDt . ian meI his, 'i The pse tell'on hours 1 ýL. Toronto Man Dies Ken dal Residen t Injure d ln Crash Th ursday A Toronto man, Raymond Blackby.r ~tan tly kilied in an accident on N cnThursday afternoon at 3:55 o'c mashed 964 Valkswagen station wa0 iloer photo. Thé driver of the otil in t~ colision, upper photo, Ra.~ XýndaI, ls a patient In Memori; ten reated fâ~ facial lac ~3eun gl His condition is im'provin- ~ig~aw.y - ,i~o~h ~Z t Claims Fin s A z c ai 31 fo uhcs &,&. =MI

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