Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jan 1965, p. 12

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.12 ne .canadiazistatezman, Bownmvlfl, J-Tm6, tlm iThe Orono Mrs. James E Richards, Mr. and Mis. Ken. Mc- r Wm.Mthll n nday. Q jrâe an and Elleen o M.and Mis. Borden 1rm Bownavlew er e d ne fKtchener spent New Ya' ofetee Mr. and Mis. Len week end with Mr. and Mrs. axLynda and Alan, on Gordon Power. SiInday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Snod- Mr. and Mrs. Ceci! Jones, grass and son David of Roch- Paul and Julie were Sunday ester were holiday visitors dmnner guests of Mr. and Mis. with Mr. and Mis. W. B. Hoar. Geo. Jones and fainily, Bow- Mr. Robert Edward Dent, ananville. Toronto, died on Sunday, De- Miss Nina Hjodgson of Wash- cember 27th. The funeral ser- bigaton, D.C., spent several vice was heki on Wednesday days last week with ber aunt,, with interment in the Orono Mirs. D. G. Hooper. Cemetery. Me is survived by Mis. Fred Tamblyn, Mrs. his wife Louise, and three Chs. E. Miler with Mr. and ohildren, Ray of Toronto, Pro- -Mrs. Carlos Tamllyn attended fessor Ralph E. Dent, Guelph, the funeral of the late Mis. and Warren of California. Lew Cryderman of Hampton, The An.nual Meeting for en Saturday. the Orono Congregation wilà Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Baxter be held on Tuesday, January wid son of Hamilton were l2th, coxnmencing with a Pot lholiday visitors with her par- Luck Supper. The Combined ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. E. Annuel Meeting for the three .Armstrong. congregations will be held ,On Tuesday, Orono U.C.W. Tuesday, January 19th. neven meetings were held as New Year's Visitoru follows: Unit 1 at the home Mis. Walter Couch spent of Mis. F. Lycett, 8 p.m.; Unit New Year's with Mr. and Mis. 2 at the home of Mis, W. Ir- David Gray at Newcastle. Vwi.n, 2 p.m.;, Unit 3 at the New Year's Day guests of home of Mrs. W. Armstrong, Iýs. Charles Wood were Mr. 2 pin.; Unit 4, Main Hall of and Mrs. Neil C. Wood and the church, 8 p.m.; Unit 5 at daughters Gail and Sandra of t.he home of Mrs. N. Allun, Lakefield, Mr. David Phasey 8 pin.; Unit 6 in the Fripnd- of Tyrone, Mrs. George Crow- shiD Room, 8:30 p.m.; Unit 7 ther and sons Charles and in the Friendhip Raom. 2 p.m. Jamie of Newcas'tle, Miss Congratulations to Mrs. D. Lynda Singer, Mr. and Mis. G. Hooper who celebrates ber Fred Brooks and son Chrus of 83rd birthday on January 7th. Oshawa. Miss Brenda Mitchell and! Mi. and Mis. Wm. M. Fan- Mr. Simon Klastra of Keene orey of Whitby, Mrs. Wm. vlsited her grandmother, Mrs. Mitchell spent New Year's 1WIDEMAN'S 48 KING ST. E. LADI ES" WEAR BOWMANVILLE JANUARY Savings! Savings! Savingsl 0fR ENTIRE STOCK 0F: CAR COATS - JACKETS FUR TRIMMED AND UNTRIMMED CLOTH COATS R EDUCE D FOR CMLT CLEARANCE flPANTS Som Reersble$10000 Reg. $19.95 - CLEARING PR. SWEATERS Some Mohairs, Wools, etc. $5000 Reg. to $9.95 - CLEARING - --EA. SABRE SLIMS $1_fl00 (Fishbone) - CLEARING $ PR. BRIEFS 3 12 Reg. 69c pair - CLEARING - prsl2 DRESSES - January Clearance $5-00 - $1000. $ 15.00.- $20-00 ALL REDUCED FOR JANUARY SALE JEWELLERY m 1/2 PRICE "KAY-BAR" COTTON AND CREPE SLIPS $5 Reg. $3.98 - CLEARING 300"'e DISCOUNT ON ALL WARNER AND EXQUISITE FORM Giries - Bras - Pantie Girdies 30% DISCOUNT ON ALL BLOUSES Many, Many Other Clearing Items SHOP AND SAVE! ALL SALES FINAL! a 0as you like if! EVERY FRIDAY UOWMAN VILE IL eL4e J4in g MOTOR HOTEL1 »WY. theud ceMin. entrlye Mrd.u LAMMr. and Mrs. L. Stainton's. ear guests at W. Griffln's. and m. BnSt elye andMrs. Herbert Stainton spent Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ormniston Nancy, Bronte, Mr. and Mrs. APO the Christmas and New Year weîe New Year pus t Mr Lon Wxon., St. Cathar- holidays with her family in.and Mis. R. Ashton's Haydon. tone.seCrdeM-., ndaeads eeend wih eDois NoahHoî, n om- Mu. and Ms.PJonTGmsfin *ih Mis Whit lue, i. ndMis Dn Wn- Deepest sympathy is extend- tenay and famiy spent NewClarence Au.in, Woodville. Tononto. r Ms. F. tsentand y 1 1e W 5MacNeil and fam1lly, Toronto, te ail other relatives and mother, Mis. Edith Brenton,1pany with Mi. and Mis. EdgarLnsy Mr. and Mrs. Earl NancyJonHm n Mr. WySand r.Bbeintneried fte1aeMs îy eb.iHorn, Oshawa, was a New Luke, Mi. and MsM Gîy M. nsMs BbFlthrdamn Agacos ayoeMr.ndMs.MîwnMon- ei' ustwthM. n Ms Bcet.Hmpo, s ecn vste t EdtrLindsay; and local relative- of God's noble women is at ,oy weîe guests on New Year'sEaîl Tîewin, Enniskillen. day callers at Mi. and Mrs. F. Mr . S. R. Pethick's. Edtrthe Frank Hoskin fam.ily, the rest. iDay with Mr. and Mis. Ken- Mis. Teîrill Su., is a patient Beckett's.1 The family of Mis. E. C. Murray Byers faniily, Bruce On Sunday evenmng a fine'neth Samelîs, Blackstock. in Oshawa Hospital. New Yeai's Day guests Of rAshton had a paîty on Nev Mountjoy famuly, Ivan Mount- New Year's Service was held.1 Mr. and Mis. Hilton Peters'i Mi. and Mis, C. Tink had Mr. and Mus. L. Lamb were Year's Day at the Commuw~ Day with Mr. and Mis. Abert joy farnily, Harvey Graham The quaitet, Messrs. Harold and Mi. Ralph Peters, Toron- as Christ mas guests, Mr. and Mr. and Mis. Don Lamb and Hall.10 Mitdielll and family. famnily, Dalton and Stuart Balson, Harold Wilkins, Lewis ta, Mi. and Mis. Keith Peters, Mis.I. Harrell and family, family, Bailieboro; Mi. and Inclement weather pre S Miss Edra Best, Mr. and' Dorreli famihies, Ha.iy San- Truli and Geîald Balson,,gave Oshawa, spent New Year's Oshawa, Mi. and Mis. Don îMis. Allan Wuay and family,i ed a large attenda ce at t? Mis. Wayn Hooey etToi- derson and David Hudsan. a beautiful rendition aif"How!with Mi. and Mis. HaraldIGaade and family, Lakefied omnil;M.adMs udy moîning e 'e ente, Mr. and Mis. Geo. Best, Mr. and Mus. Ronald Drink- Great Thou Art."' Salter. ,Mr. and Mis. Bill Dadson and 1 Stuart Lamb and family, Mi. M. A. Dougherty Neil, Susan and Nancy ai wateî and family, Ottawa, Mi n i.Sm ceîs Ms. J. D. Hogaith attendedifamily, Peterborough. an i.Rl Lm.etn emn hoo nJt Claksn eî Nw ea'sspnta ewdas it h r afnd itncs.Say e Rete fnraiMssln, Mi.JeWtsnadM.and Ms. aM h argrte . gh, St formscîiGuOel JOn sguest.s et Mr. and Min. Horac mother, Mus. W. W. VanCamp. sigu as caietakers at the Bowmanville. 1:Mis. Charlie Watson and Miss Catharines, spent New Year's very appropîiateîy sele ctL. Mis Go. oronwi'b u.hue, uihia sentth lng elen sevie hhbas beensp)ent the Christmas weekendand Mu. and Mus. Lloyd John- and family, Enniskillen. lusn nade y iv Best, Ron and Bob. Mr. and Mis. Peter Vander- church. They have given ex ýMu. and Mis. Chas Warren Mae Watsan, al ai Toronto, iDay with her brother Herbert New Yesr's message ws-iv " and Mis. Robt. Mouton and weekend with the Cecil Gib- much appreciated. Mu. and with relatives in Goderich. stan, Oshawa, weîe New Yeai'sý Messrs. Leslie and CeciliMarguerite Wright af iSt. childuen on New Yeai's Day. sons and Heimanus Vander- Mus. Maurice Bradley hav Dr. and Mus. Gardon Sleman! visitais with Mu. and Mrs. Middleton, Toranto, weîe cal.-Catharines and heu brother, 7 Mu. and Mirs. H. Luxton huels. Itaken on the woîk and alsoan aiy o îî,M.adCarneTi.esa .Ssna'.Mr. Edgar Wright, III Shahl )sud childuen of Bowmanville, Mr. and Mus. Ray Taylor plan ta look atter the school,lMus. Lloyd Siemon and dsugh-ý Sympathy is extended ta the Mu. Jim McGîegar, Oshawa; Take the Saviaur With Me" Mu.su Mu. ruc Mrcr sen Thrsaywit M. ad s is.Bohwel aster, Mr. Milton Slemou, Hay-1reiatives and frieuds ai Mr. Mr. Murray Marshal, Maple with ougan arcompaniment by >sud failly were with Mr. and Mis. Gainet Murray and girls, aiter a number ofai isofeddon and Mus. Fred Toms, En- Wm. staples, Bowmauville, Grave, were New ergessMs1 H cil niskillen, were Suuday guests who passed away iallawing a wYFuneut M s ilrie a el.e Mis. .Hsrry Mercer on New Ciesswell, and Fridav and faithful service. Mi-s. Rauo r n r.C.Aeys uea sriewshl e rYeau's Day. Satuiday with Mu. and Mrs. Clemens will be printing th.with Mus. Helen White and heart attsck. Mr. and Mus. Lysl Bîock,,cently for Calgary ald timer Miss Nancy Jahns. A former resident af Hamnp-,Bawmanville, were New Year William F. Rogers, 86, who Sanda Luu o Oshwa nsanTayor, csioîoub. thuuch bulletns. Mu. Noean 'ý Miss Ruth Parter, Salins ton, Mus. Chaules Hastings, ba Day guests at Mr. snd Mis. 1 died Monday. He went ta Cal- 1with heu grandparents, Mr. Mu. sud Mus. Arnold Taylaotencrtkr a teCeRd.,seta ,,aiyf epsedaa tanavýe!KihMGlls ý.61 years ago, fuom En. anhe New YAr's ee und. eadrs pate af h Nobe e y o165big ayChristmas halîdays with Miss'age Inteument took placein Mu. and Ms FadPeth- uiskillen. He wvas employed changes.er' weknd Yerspryo h olTrudie Wilkins. Hampton cemeteîy on Wednes-: ick and Bill, Scaîborough, with Great West Saddleuy, Ri- 1 Mr. and Mis. Ken Bail, faînily at Uxbridge, Fridsy. Mr. and Mus. John Carrigan Mu. sud Mis. Hosken Smith, day. Mr. and Mis. Hastings weîe Sunday visitais at S. R. ley McCoumick, Western Steel. Bannie sud Sussu, Mu. and Debhy McLaughlinseta and Douglas spent New Yesu:s spent New Yesr's Day withllived for many yeaus in the Pethick 'S.anHieadPtfedeor Mus. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ sn Mlo BihM.adew dy wihbrgad Eve with Mi. sud Mis. Francis Mr. and Mus. Russell Gilbeît, hause, now owued by Mu. Mon Mr. and Mus. N. E. Wright f e îeti.îed iu 1947. He wasa Mus. Laveune Patteusan and mother, Mirs. Edith Murphy,Le Bamnie.ow nvh. Stevenson, and Mu. Hastiugs;spent New Year's with Misses!57-yeaî ebraladtn Wednesday eeigvs ebro adtn Gary, Mr. MHeward Stapletan, Tyione. atteA .eeigvstors Mr. sud Mus. Raymond Far- made su-d sald the goad od:Effa sud Annie Wright, Osha - Ladge No. 17, International *Mu. sud Mus. Jae Sautoansd Mi, and Mus. Roy McLaugh- wa teue .M. dPuescatt home'row sud family, spent New wooden pumps, uaw a thiugliwa Order of Odd Felhows. Mu. weeM.adMus. HerbertlYear'sDay xwîth Mr-. and Mis. oi the past ____ Ms .Tm a ee. oesi uvvdb i ie Margaret, Miss Susan Gilbaît lin and family weîe Friday Prescatt, Rager, Erin sud iges at Tmu.sud Ms.a GeraldL Eversyn; v sans, Ros, Cal- and Miss Barbara Sawyer guests ai Mu. sud Mus. Hugli Anita, Maple Grave. k. Eii I kMKvyelChmbs ay sud Haony, Edoton;l * eeNwYa' Day guests Murphy sud family, Bowman- KlYearolmbs'sry adHarDaymntn were ~~~~ew Yeesus New supper EN w *. vMu. sud Mus. Ross Ashtonisix guaudchilduen. of u.su Ms.Len Psu, ile.guests with Mu. aud Mus. A. 1 Easd family, Mu. sud Ms._________ 1Lynda sund Alan. Christmas guests ai Mis. W. Puescatt were, Mu. Pete Mis Geo. A. Scott, Oshawa; Wright and girls. LodAhoRnl n ay Mis. Fred Tanihdyn, Mu. sud Velva Bailey - Mr. sud Mus. Kessler, Mu. sud Mus. Jscob!Misses Louise sud Majorie Mr. sud Mus. H. Skiuneî, Haydon, weue Suuday visitors V'X tD f1 Mus. Chas. E. Milleu sud sons Ssudy Lawson, Mr. sud Mus. Kessleî sud Amy, Waodbridge, McIutosh, Whitby; Mi. Hein Tyrone, speut New Yeai's Day a t Mu. sud Mis. R. J1. Ormis- J.JJJVERTONLJ. Laruy sud Wayne wi'th Mu, Fred Burney, Toronto, Mis. Mu. sud Mus. John Carrigan Wick, Dunbaîtou, weie New!with Mu. sud Mus. R. Sharp.1 ton's. sud Mis. Russell Van Haine, Mark Wehdon, Uxbrîdge, Mu. sud Douglas. Yeai's guests af Mr. sud Mrs. ýMi. sud Mis. Lloyd Sleîn- Dr. sud Mus. Clark Weîîy, Belated congratulations la Whitby, ou New Yeai's Day. sud Mus. Roy Corden, Mr. Mr. sud Mus. Keuneth Cav- Geo. Iîwin sud Rodney. on and Susan, Hiaydan; Mu.I Elizabeth sud John, Willow- Mi. aud Mrs. Geo. E. Wilson M.us. Thoruton Wilson visit- Clarence Pari, Bowmanvilhe, erly enjoyed s family dinuer Mu. sud Mis. C. E. Main, sud Mus. Cortuey Graham, dale; Miss Geudine Suoek, Who obseived theiu 59th wed- ed with Mr. sud Mis. jim Miss Eva Pair, Mi. sud Mus. on New Yesi's Day at the'Oshaws; Miss Noas Man, Part Perry, Mi. sud Mus. Wil- Bawmauvilhe; Miss Winnifued ding snniveîssiy ou New Lamb sud Karen, Ottawa, Neil Bailey sud Howard, Mi. "Flying Dutchman", wheu ýHampton, were New Yeai's1 bur Toms, Puiple Hill, weie Cale, Toronto; Mu. sud Mus. E. Yeau's Day, sud ta Mi. sud ovei- New Yeau's week. sud Mis. Cecil Hamilton. those preseut with them weue:ivisitais at Mi. sud Mus. E. New Yesu's guests ai Mus. F. A. Weîuy, Betty Jane sud Bert, Mus. W*m. MeCabe who cele- Mr. sud Mus. D. S. H.auuess Mr. sud Mus. Roy Corden Mu. sud Mus. Dougrlas Caelýrwns Toms. Mi. sud Mus. Grant Weruy, bîated their 45th suniveusary >with Mi. and Mus. Reid Mai- retuîned Satuîday night îrom sud family sud Mus. Sudds, Mu. sud Mus. Joe McGill, Mi. sud Mus. R. Byeus, Bow- Susan sud Scott, Mu. James uecently. ness sud childuen fou New s week's visit in Tampa, Flou- Bowmsuvihle, sud Mu. sud Shaun sud Dean, Cooksvilhe; manville, weue with Mu. sud! Arthur Weruy weue New Year Mr. Ken Wilsau bas retuin- Year's Day. ida. Mus. Bruce Caveuhy sud child- Mu. sud Mis. Garth McGihh sud Mus. A. Shsup's.i Day guests at Mu. sud Mis. A. ed ta Guelph aiter speudiug ChîstasViitisMu sd is E. swonren, Oshswa. Mark, Orillia, spent the week- Mi. sud Mus. Pst Tuesise, Werry's. Christmas holidsys with his Mu. smaVi. . . ong f sdMrucen Yevrton, asent Mu. sud Mus. Bill Harrison!endat home, also Miss Ruby I Oshawa, weue callers at Mu. Mu. sud Mus. Lawrence ismihy, the Jack Wilsons. Cae Hill, Mi. snd Mus. Arthur Friday with Mr. sud Mis. sud Kim, PDay it Per. spntd iteTuno;M.sdMs euetWihAvery, Bowmanvihhe, weîe The last annuail meeting af Long of Lakefield, Mus. Oda Maiwood McKee. Nei eusDy ihM.sdRahph Virtue sud Judy, Miss' Mu. sud Mus. Eau Tîewîn,1recent visitais st C. Aveuy's. ithe local School Trustee Boardik Laing ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .s aiTGn. u lifr udvgessa u u sad fou anfewho hi- Cindly Masters sud brother Doreen sud Donald weue Sun-l Miss Laverne Ouchaud, Baw- 1 was held last Weduesday e- Mu. Mus. Cecil Gibsan sud ~~~Tuent, Bowmanvihle, were day visitais at Mu. sdMs avhlseanewekn eigwt ssahstuac Lng s hilPteLaoghad, o f.an'ms.Buc isol iss New Ysi's dnner gests Lorne Lamb's. at M. Stainton's. present ta hear the year's fin- andMus Pil angsu so Mu sd Ms. rue Gbsoî issSusn ilbr, shwa, H. J.McGill's. Mu. sud Mus. Stanley Tuin- 1 Mu. sud Mus. E. Wright, ancial statemeut sud ta do Todd ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r anO~aasetCrs-sdDni u u.E.HyIpn ata h oia ek M-sd Mis. M. Stainton, er, Oshawa; Mu. sud Mus. Rau ILawrence, Betty sud Miss what little business urss nec. mes with Rev. sud Mus. Basil don, Paît Hope, Mu. sud Ms. with heu graudpauents, Mu.M.adMs .Sano n: oso n aiPco, i rgt r uryA-esr od eoebigds E. Long. Fred Gibson sud Brenda and!and Mus. Hsury Palmer. M.dMs . Str ewYanonsudayHosts ud Dsvidk , Picton; riWigtMuMuuyA-esrtadbeoeeigd- Mr. sud Mus. Ben White' Mrs. L. Bîdley. Bowmauvn e On Suuday eveuiug, Miss faml eeNwYa' a isEseOe u leti oud were Sundsy dinuer solved. sud Mus. Win. Seymour weîe Mu.* sud Mus. Clifii Rbinson Gaila Rogers, Toronto, Miss : il guests ai Mi. sud Mis. Elwyu Oke weue New Yesu's guests guests ai Mi. sud Mus. Jiîn; The aid year wass bid adieu Christmas dinner guests ofsud ia.mily, Hampton, Mu. eud Madlyn Wilcox, Bowmanvihle, Dickey, Bowmauville. ai Mi. sud Mus. F. Douhaud. ýMulîcu, Oshawa. sund the new yesr usheued in Mr. sud Mis. Donald Grahams Mrs. Peter Vandeuhuel, Oi- Misses Margaret Pellow sud Ms Karen Leybouru, oai. Mu. sud Mus. A. L. Weaîu ýMu. sud Mus. Ernest Wslkeu at s New Year's pauty span- aud family af Oshawa. lia. M rjaie Lske, Oshawa, weue Toranto spent a iew days with suad Sussu weue calleus at 1 sud girls, Tihsanbuug, spent saied by Jauctville - Mt. Hou- Mu. sud Ma-s. Phý' Long Mu. Keith Johuston, Linda guests with Mus. Armour sudiheî giliîiend, Miss Janicelftheir families' homes, the E.Ithe weekend at R. Gîiiiin's; eh - Yelveutou chargeshbeld at aud son Tadd of Oshawa, Mr' an sd Pearl speut Friday with Miss Bertha Armour. Wright. :Pettifeus, Dawusview sud DoniMu. sud Mus. John Belle sud Yelvertou chio hall. The Basil E. Long weue guests ai. sdMs J .Jhstoni On New Year's Day, Mu. sud ,Mi. Robert Wright sud Miss Weain's, Scaubouough. Philip, Bawmanville; Mi. sud eveuiug wss speut in dancing of r. nd rs.J. . Jhn Mus. Sidney Couuish sud îam- Diane Doueu, Toronto, weuel Mus. K. Cryderman sud giuls, Mus. Wahkeu sud girls, Mu. sud ta records with s short vesper Mu. sud Murs. A. Joues at Eu- sud Mus. Scott. iy Tyoe wueget ai weekeud guests ai Mi. Herbert Zion, weue Sunday visitais at 'Mus R. Guif fin weîeNe service arouud miduight. nismore ou Ohristmas Eve an Mr. sud Mus. Eber Snow- Mus. Gea. Armour sud Missi the ocasion ai Mu. Clifford den, Courtice, Mu. sud Mis. Bertha Aumour.« Long's Christmas Day biuth- Harvey Yelowlees sud fsm- New Yeau's guests with Mu f day. ily, Salins, Mr. sud Mus. Eru- sud Mus. Wmn. Axfoud weue: Chuistmas visitais with Mr., est Larmeu, MT. sud Mis. Mu. sud Mus. Bill Nash, Miss snd Mus. Jack Mafiat sud Glenn Laumer sud boys weue Doris Wright sud Mu. Murray fanuil~y weue Mr. Fred Au- Frid.ay guests ai Mr. sud Mus Axioud, al ai Oshawa. drews, Mi&. sud Mus. A. Jake- Ralph Laimer sud fsxnily. Ou New Year's Day, Mis. m man, Mr. sud Mis. Meuil sud Mev. C. H. Ferguson, Don John Bshsou's supper guests' Mr. Lawrence Squaiu of Sal Mihis, Mu. sud Mus. Arthur weue: Du. sud Mus. Keith Bil- em1. Rahm, Bowmauvilie, Mr. sud lett sud family, Bourmanville. Mq-s. Stan Rshm, Paul sud Other callers with Mus. Bah- . ?1fl7nmfnhP Carol witih Mus. Cecil Hill, sou ou New Yesu's eveuiug, «.. EL C S O K Fridsy. weîe Mu. sud Mus. Macnsb » R .*«*.. .L,- ') Mu. and Mus. Lloyd Wright aud tamiy sud Mr. sud Mus. During the service ln the sud family, Mr. Roy Ferguson,Havy aso su sme f United Churcth Sunday main- McI. and Mns. Bihl Ferg ter aiyQhsa ÔIE ing, a new Communion Table, sud Alan speut New Yeis eYear's Dy i u "' pueste byGlen La-me luwit Mu sudMus Grnt eu-Mus. A. L. Blanchard, Mu. sud1 preentd y GennLamerin it Msuad fmîly, Toanto.er-Mis: Laveune Clemeus, Mu.ý behalf cd the Town sud Coun- gusonadfmlrno ansd Mus. Mon Clemeus, Missý try Club and aocepted by Stan- Mu. sud Mus. Wiih Foudeu Darlene Hall sud Mi. Bsuuy .. ............l..-.. . ford Van Camp iu behaif of were Frîday guests ai Mr. sud Chemeus were guests ai Mr.'f' ~ .. tihe Session, urss dedieated by Mrs. Gaunet Wright, Part sud Mus. Narman Clemeus,' Rev. P. Rjaaeuull. The chair Peuuy. Toronto. sang the antihem, "Iu This Philip Rameuil, Courtice, Reeve A. L. Blanchard at- Quiet Moment." Rev. Remeril spent a few haiidays with Rev. tended the Civic Day Lunch- CroMEss n mou '"I Have Proniised." Ho1Y Deunis. ou by the Ratary Club aioffi"ii~ o eII:. Comn- a axiitid Rev. sud Mis. P. Romeuil Oshawa held ou Monday. i ht rs n In St. John's Church Canon and Denuis spent a couple of Mu. sud Ms-s. Beut Buuuaws' Illusion and Walking Heels Admnoue deait with the gaîng days early in the week wit*h cailed on Mu. sud Mus. Rudy ýS E I L eut of the aid, sud comiug in relatives in Hamilton. Jammer sud Clint, Part Peury, JANUARY ____y ot tihe New Yeaî, etc. The Friday guests ai Mu. sud an Sunday atteunoon, sud weue JN A--8 . 9I officeus af the W. A. urere in- Mrs. Frank Bailey weue Mu. Sunday eveuing supper guests CLEARANCE $ eg $295$ 95LNE O gtailed. Hioly Communion was sud* Mus. Tom Redman, Scu- with Mus. Chas. Buîuows, _______ P Rg 1.5-$13.95 7 .9,Y5N S 1 admiuistered. On Epiphany gag, Mrs. Modgsau Su. snd Mu. Ajax, O E' CLEARING AT --- h wil be held at 1 ..gadM s llnBaly, Mia tei rsAndhldren k ________ SL herE The Newr Year's Eve dance' fa.mily, Oshawa, Mis. A. Keefe childuen, Toronto, with D E S S O STE N A E F A S H E O T spousoued by the O.N.O. Club Leighýtou, Mu. sud Mus. Hectau!them for the Christmas vaca-i R S H E E N A E F A SS O S MT wss well atteuded sud a good Shoutridge sud Bill. 'tion. Illusion and Stack Heels TIES AND SLIP-ONS NOT ITEMIZED time hsd. Music was puavid- Sstuidsy guests af ir. sud Mu. sud Mus. Cheathsm, sudý ed by the Roy Godifuey Or- Mus. Grant Edgeuton urere Mu. Leslie Davis, Oshawa, Reg. $7.95-Re.$95t$85 ahsta Qhur.Mu sdMu.JakChpus wu Suaydiur ust eû r $&.A5É% YÉY Ceg. RIN.9 To.50 0 1ud Mss CralynDew___ viitTT R II ýed Miss Doris Milîsan, in Osh-1,r B, C, D, and E Width. aws, ou Suuday. 9 l ooO ueSipr Mu. sud Mus. Douglas Hig-, Reg.,$.95 $4 9 iO 'MueSper gins sud Mu. Jim Higgins CLEARING d4 eg. $3.95 t C 1 spent New Yeaî's with Mu. sud__________ Mus. Wm. Saudeusan, Janet- CLEARING AT$2 9 1M iL 1ville. CHILDREN'S bMu. sud Mus. Ouville Mmnd- AEU, man sud family speut New SOW JflES !asud Mus. Frank Deduick, Sira- Reg. $4.95 te $6.95 By McHaIe and Dack DRESS SHOES coe. Mu. sud Mus. Jack Lyon sud CLEARING AT CLEARING AT Reg. $8.95 Reg. $12.95 'ismily, Mu. sud Mis. Sid Ker- sey spent New Yeau's with 9 Rev. sud Mus. Ted Keuse 'y,' 9 5 9I;4 O F~-$ 9 Ou Suuday Mu. and Mus. MHauold Ashton, Enniskilleu, Mu. sud Mis. Len Playeu sud: ÀAI AAI bBowmauville, Mu. sud i MANYi MOREBARGAINS I A IYFOOTW Mus. Ken Pooler sud tamily, M R rIîL Oshawa, visited Mu. sud Mus. Sid Keisey.___- - - -___ Miss Judy Lyan speut last - m m m --m 'Thuusday in Bowmsuville, m mM'~m l ih ihheu aunt, Mus. Len Play-,M * *I RESTAURANT ansd Mus. - e 'Mis Edwsud Gibson, Oshaw, 9KNGS.WB W 401 PHIONE 623-31373 visited Mu. sud Mus. Rau Lukeý 9KN S.W o on Suuday. ui Mr. and Mrs. Overton Moun-,u L. 's. ,

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