n Te Car.adian Sae,,-~j'nlvrpOct 14, 1994 EDITORIAL__COM-MENT Jobless Teenagers It ;pr,;,z-uhe jhaitrr" 1 h psbbrn- ME; do t-nrso!rptray7r" lu. ut the rtI j uflempl' nwib no2caadians n'lie 14-19 h, ,, arein Ithe laliouFrum'r.nîîttv Pua rueht'e imes the îîniremta' ie rthfr Ciii tic 2t64 'ra' gr, Diru ihn aie laitor fnr"-' In i* ttu upl. thi e Ei- plovo-en' t t-. ot 'he IXX'o 1tr'ltps r.<.'ee t~5'r't'tX r"' er cent 'iianîd 2.7 per c' 'i . t ,Iibe(, <titi în., x' inter tbhî r i'hr îe to 7iilillllteeniagers inti bbcaber i fr rce ant ili.s hkev at aboutk' urlt'e'%-i! lit tiiemplnrvcd and v.tt. ac nittllphympeurtî'-"-s Te"Clip Sheet. O '-a bout î' - ofIi i r riserîs i n t bis MZPC ~irtup ît-ne in bt' Iabtin ce anîd fewxv o e.r XX ire it"irless iiutsfullv aUptr':-tIleit. eX-s. ru uit;utîa family. But johin". trreiat ;a imriutlai-IX'for lern. adifffe'uutv i U.r' 'S. as ii is bere, and'ttl 'tiontPtr' tît'ttkt'ietiX' ' vie~d a ('o m i % 111 nt' ti itu Fn i1ltym 'iî i tr 'I r ;tuM ithritlinteV',tMirs. a 11d iit. ltlk. lt. rt .x lj u' cr'cl on W c r" t ;tr t 1! lît tt ir ml rus aie 1 t~n'lr' XX t lit' h t lil'it'ss anid bit- L tCrrcs' 'i tii lil bx 1iî-tferm cf-i f'eCI s ( n di!' r) ri i )mif Ca ndrisocial st ie- iurp. Consr'qtenily. îhe prohl(sm of the unwrahwd, iriskllpd, tunemplnveFd teen- ,-ger !ePqiii es sp'cial ztuc-lv and pro- fou nd refleciion." TO SOrne 0 tn .inSisiIled '<oung- sters face ari tficial job barriers. Labor unions impose steep starting-pav re- qulrerneîîs. and offher restrictions. Also, an unîntiended effeet. of minlimuIm age laws A btat. inanv emplovervs cannot a ffoi d i o hire i nex peiienced teenagers and train them ounthe job; Mn.Gates urges ibat governmcnts should go slow in tliîs field of legislation, and explore nieamiîes a) eriure bat Uhe brden of stirli au\s villinet fal j on unemploved \ <oth. liIn bot ('aviada and thie United State-s, gov-eiîmieîts are miakîng special training,, cou rses %widelv available. 1fow- evei. wletheî it is main ly dir e to paren- ta! failîîie or youftbful indiffereiice, îe- iii this aiea have been di-appoint- iii- tl ate. Another ineans liv which no\ ~ COil eîniicolattack the problem, Nle.(laces sugg.ene .\\aîld he the offer (if a tleipa\îol! subidv oricorne baNiixim-eitivus Io enicouriag.e (omypanies te prie i'oiti-jhtrainiing forî (W- tai n ua i dully definied classes nf n nsk il 1- Pdla bt i Fil ii ig 1t }i e lvvrs loi. Jobslr is rmaiii- ly np p thbe i erage s. a nd most of i hem maiîaipnîM.Pei haps indusi n lahor and i.zrrXerîrneîiît cari help, but it will flot le pas. Posies for the Postman A iiiil ~ ' r Ir- l!tIfr t t(iti ut ts ute 5secs tIt te tt'xs f iluI atIX'Press.\v-as a ~irnr-'aoci ma'i',! i;tcarrtier!iii r ii't 'rilir' jttX ,lii rul()av ttc eed mien dtf I t u 'r" i t 'ti uur'tiaboi<u tus. ru !"iS <'1lu rî utn! Irr-'iu c'art\iig i'r tt' ti tti' r X,"ii t'a î r'r irst tîtat - liti ~ ti-tI a t l Ilt tlei'serv"ice be n~ ~ ihr' iîtr%" -iv. i lt't' Xas a lot rof Iritr' it." <i ilu. tî <t leplat-c. Scenîs i r .~',i'<',~t 'ilI.a tI rXxei'c sex'eial ýrid ru' 1't'!Ifut liii X ou t tiion tIle la a r i e u i . i v rt d t i X l i e m i . 1 l F:xîauuurg is actîions, lie said tbat lie delîx-cei aIl suchl mail as lie deem- ccl imîlorbai. I"lks xx'br a ntcd mail- tîîdcî n-', seti catalrogues grot bhem. Ut bei-s xvlur bad ninter-est in Iese iîins. dudiitifindIll ieir mail boxes cI ttievîet. Fier' saup les otf toothbpast e anîd Xt'lit-Iltb XXc'i'hioh onu is list tof piîî't 'sfrtr' xx'ediig <itt. Srt x'er'e ciretu lavîs firni bornd Iouses seekiîîg in- x'esî îîîî'tî îî Ine' iixvathe deemned rîriaX.vX\livii clîckirig (r\.CI. ic' rut <i:i t "i utrfseless tixia t iccii ng tii srtiall Xx'ctkl\'v oexvs paper' ihirîtgli the ruail. \ exxish ve lîadi sucb a dîscein- In' JiriLo-rl. itd1(ing, tort, livthe con- t,,lits rf thelai- e, '(, asebasket in Pal- Mcî'sho;tiî's porst office, îber'e ar-p other'q whibrrsliai-r' that icxv. - Palmer-sîrn Obser-ver' i'WF t l "hjt'tI"te'ii that th- u Put 'c;anid I icrtof cdîîa mn are bsiîî cIr'2und"'clly ruî-brf th-e cii rient iT() ' "lita ir i iii t i t < nu x. u lutut tis itnpietsi"nb a lopsided i*,rrtihe iau 'ri uac i rr 1 )k uti.srrn e hi ng 10-bu lu i ii tii 'ne t-t atnîi u îuead a nd I-uîtu. lu i ' (,ni) e(, Iriada;rî ecucatiotî ho tnrl'uu i 'n'cl'-. xx'r-' i-r'inlusîoîc danig- ei o-f S-rt-t %i<'uih îex'aîuics Xx'icb uin- cipr1w !i' t it-" 'M ue1n<rtrr iuXeisal frtee ecîtra ir'. Il t tt il ri ur.' iît1 ltr' <dur-aiion sni'ra' len î lpt t 'Iulesrtf îîuaî's existence. Lit itiilun t tri r' <i t t n li' t' tliat iit Exer wmui tuttca i - tuttovilus mtatui bjeci lit cii- a nl ut(t jr i i a tt a lix i i i - Ift' mien" m i Id i p wp xla:l ic e u Ipu uî srorf cdii- Calinu :,t t' us i'ttlin'u'r Irtr'tt itr luxe tu uitti utu a ti!Xui..Edlica- tîen u t.lual i ! 1 ltuî u od iecirnr lecatise t î i k Il Oni' pavois'tc rfY t igîii, ut undnon treJ isr lu'2iCI'u nîui s anutimir'otl- sut lt ' 'i"rt tr ii.arne iesit dexelntp- i i 'u'u1 "l.'-1( ( i itu w uu m tict"ep i li (r train iiiq im utc - t It tt ii s tof x'rîtaînuis is a uA-a It ' ' iducl u iî,tr i ti i lin' î-rnii a I fdea. Bu ui . ' u a d dobI i uru uti thle cent t P. catrti " p".'i t' irai cru H ies lIdT u'ce lis il t'tu t u ut inu u - i r' I u <cisia tit- îî-t un< a mou'!' c '.. u atx da' l'ut kmîux o ' ti r i ! ' ' i u'1 i 'c' a1 u'X Iu tît uuu ! t i-'ccýj.ý,> sf!\e l 1u 1- i"u ! - ii tîu ..i X .iu1:(, '..tttrrrl u'ucru i'2.It is easy' venitu;ghl tt ax e a sx'-scm of<"titîtat irn xx'bicb stîLtiitarian, -1ivin jusisuh knuwledge as makes c'-nitga livitg possible, and absorli- in, oniir acîx' made theories. But ho tivliîtht' abilitvx'tri thiîtk 1uqulir-eS stoiet Iimî mrerur. Il is t bat sîrmethiîtg iturr x'it' udic'atinn assisîs iii de- xc! rip. xx Iî'nîil tis alrîng ,classical1 Iinfes. \\'ctdtoxxe Il tri encouirage the puîr'- stui tif "edutcatiton. Todax"s xx'r!d 'c- quiires mtrue ski!! tlait d id filte past. Btut il is inrt cclucaîîîîîttri knrîxxrhrîxvtri xeld ou sexy, Iri laîdlc clcctî'tnics tir'dr-ess l.aui'. T't i s't atniiîg. and its addibtion i filue rclutul sx stem s anu expensixe. bîut xaluaîîle adîjunct in a wrorld wbere Itie utskuillr'd incr'easinglv find Job rop- poiinitie's scaîce. Edutc-atli rî is thle other sîde rof thle I'ru.lb*xxi'aI «xx'empîtasis ho shift avt.fi rot it.xx'e sua Il sinîk intcî a crass îîita'inialusnî as iad as auvx-e denounce in nilhlîr'nIess f'rc'e socrel ies. Arcaiei t'eduication is r'ssr"rtito lr' xthe ipnetorf' an uu'lmaut being-. Yeb e\vut bttbIt, srmeibing cIsc niitsilict-dticci. 'lhene arne spi riu al qtualuîi-s xiilini mrn xxhic'b are bthe basis tuf i-cal "su<'n-es-"inti iis voild. EdLcc- tirtutdorsi<' loîi strîxe pn'ollems wliicb arusr' tuîtf* mani's spirittual nîeeds. Ilbus <iii \- a part rrxx'ut tfiliore an<d thle cliihin th ie de\veluî1merit, of the wlinle l'ina ut. 'lh at is rlnue ueasr ni xv .'taocF tor'tîeaur-' justx' c'crnnd wbcui sr-mc rtf ilir" t'espontsîttuîi'ies whîchbhelnig in ih Iti' ri- avie shufîed elsexxhere n' d itiint sroîr- cases aie shiti-ked altr'geîlier. For i le sptiruiitualIantd formativie i n fILucnces rf*th( i hr'omeri ari' t xualbt te dex'elrp- ilunîr' u [ f I lit le hi mattnr. Al\idI i 'lt ori r fie Spi'.ittial tir-- t.cltptî'îi f îu* i lll lîMLtsiket-p pace Xxi! lu t'îLî '-atiuui <lu tle xxur Id xxill c'trî- hiti( burhe ut'b-sic'duicar-'tl. murad-tti t.ic't'tuu ut ;Is lîstru'..'ci stantdinig tint tlue h)i iii tif lueil I ro'm ils civ u .îdisci- pl inued knouîx'led gr. -Ti'eniiiian Break Ground for New Hotel G lotind Xas utliciallv broken for Caîtadian Paci tic's ie $33 million hotel anti office bu ilIdinîg cimplex i n Mon trea I Sept. 141h bv N. R. Crump, the com- pnvschaiîrna n a nd pînsiden i. shown ati glu at ibecoiîtols<f a huge power shovel, Atilefti s art îst's i mpression of' th e 620rom 3-biCX eC euCap lain hotel. Immediatel 'v 10 the rîght of' the' $21 million biotel is a $12 million, 28- s tOrire- V office Si ruc'tituic b be bu il i bv a private ieeehper. Plaza su rrou odin g t he t u iildin-s lbas lieci named Place dii Canada. Behind new bu i di -cnb Seen thle suri Li fe Bu ilding wvit h Place Villc Jari(, s! igZhftv 1(o t he iîgb and he- Yond. The bote! is expeeîed fuihe <pufor business ian 1I967, prior b .othe opening of E\po '67. P.S.I1. Rates 'fle d('(isionrifrrt iue 'hy"icn rs Slr- ius pi ejî v'ires I ncolporla ted toi<rincrease ils l'ates aci tua ria 1ilv bas hecit -reeted xx\ii b vide prriest. 'lble ierit' corn i nc 'case puis P-S. 1. i nsiirance airnrng floi ntr tilie h iglesitiof its class and lias beeri blaried tr i ustified onirî tlie rrrinar'v girtulidts rof r'h lnr'ea.siiig t'xpicisrs. Loirking belîird lb'ithe lubt ibis lutihiftàni \'t' iife'i'aiini' r of lîrrd uirîrnic tbiirit's. Tlhenot im npotnith ihita i e r t trrh prrlic'v<if P.S.!. irr rffer 'rriage irn se-iicieasc. T Ircied crrnmuiîiruiibm side gmi' Mjrans spi ati <tI bas been a bailmst. floirt mci Iladti s ('oligbieriwrl prsr t'- zens haXe1 cddii riiffl d havXe becnu nq uesîinn- ltirilxe if ablv cxîcîuldcd lb îougliothe bcProvince. lix PS.\v By this mcarîstîtE> P.S.I. bîîped toriînake tlei s itug con tesi, orgu l/ed hy ihe Candis Making tsttrr- as ait îatîrd ti niendoîts inter- est across Canadai. Man<ivgiru Ps tave -' onilr t10 Ille C'aidtr' takirig Iristi- luile 'ecquur'stuoig art rý-- tenîsiontor thtr- ' <si eg cdater' for ithe <on iSstinui rder ittai ti'ic\mat' pa'lir'iparc. The groîups arr- Ai prerrui tut'. ing îndlx'idîîalilniembers iOnt. i9 , 193 9i 'Mc. m'tri-Mis. \W' A. Ra-itu, M/r. anud t\t s. Wtî *'uew i uMr. andîrist. Kflii l'oor- andcifainilr- 'petrSuitîdat aI .Statioit,'x'ititricî. <pnt Stiti- day wxih l lis put "sMr. atndi -r. IKtP. BHatui. Edina "xlan, Newx' Tctt «it, t situed IrM. andctMr-S.Hte Jotl 1-la> t it sxrt-riie ua ]oir- l X n oNuetus n< Prît endu Mtr-dlmo.Pa. ('trigt'îirti 1ti- (ru NI>1. (;rrt'donti .\"lnteii 8.A, sort rot' Mrndric trS. W. C .\-Lu toit'Sait'o.nti er-sxiing i sNIA. dr- rr-- i îtuîMi- G il Ur. B- ittr ( . 'h tru <un i bt t-d tu tr. :Sliurr a, ' iti-ud' 'loit 'r. it . i ]ii ini Nexx Nîrîk Ci itr. C c;. "'n t"N i r- o K" F'. Motrris 'tCo. 't a Itaîtîtu iluantu his -xxýek tr, o etf a î'hsq s ist 'îne r.cdfr-orîî - tî Cautadian 'ealier atnd Mar- tl'Ss <ci. L ir e. îa- fI*t prr7s utt a t etetrir t - irn. Misstîhoîrîtiecia Ilttet 10 the cmi'o'îaui u iguQr'sirg a îî'roltona a t-t ipai xiiw r-cl xxoîld Psefftî toi- fait M r.i fd i a . .I i i" t SnIii anid tMts Uia'r-'Stitil. Lonig Saýt: Nit. lai-k 'Cook, T'ý- tons: N'tr. E. Xli- de, itr- .x'rod. ýx ier S iida'., giiests -'f Mn. antdNir.Pur-ci 0. Sm'lh. Pîîur' . i. Cailait. R.CAS, Iiurdr.ay.. oa'. ecent gLiesu of M :ý-s .raîîSp lnPtir uitt'tîr. Nit s P. C. Nîrs. F.'S P.:. î:tovi- denue: tirst W'iniur' orrrs a tir-t NI n ri 1 ) *,atît c-u tût r--i rîtri t' Sposition in Uronio baiik. ît-rake îuP cr'r.rrti'ir"s ud .aiP c'hoo sirug tus i-est1 ca ndïisc miornto itit- <toit sr-itiîrn In bs, phobog'rthsd for the na;- lionai r'onit-si. g.roups iii lakr' pari aturi haXe, Ilite ppotitinutll\-of tuii the imoie ruiait $1 .5oir, it- e s.1 iîr-dt'rd 1i ner' for ils t'oiiir sl t as heetei-tic 14 da 'vs in No\(rmhcr 2ci 196t4. Thusi -,ithrea(.rijînts for settdiutg or colon plotoý, If the ointst hsCiî and Dis tanlt Pis t From thle Statesmian Files 49 V'FA R 9 -,%;G -Mu and Niri \is. A. "Luct'iict' Peininripon hâPax's titoyeci coi> iito. Ir--i, pptuinSuindav wotîh M Rd. Stntwdeîi. and tri itto ilrdrpri at-e t-oi- cm 1atMu. Aberi Baube%. Mîr. RiiSueîi t'rt.xti.tînici i-t s tome rc\erenig front a stepe of l plird ex ".. Nrs . T E. \tuc'uh--,rtud friiry rltiie tîîýuîx tlouRe'lIe- vîItcxxtirsNi. Nt(at \Kiii -lie s'ttni i-5:. Heu - schlilîlinopc'i - Wxright îard eto!1 cati'- " <r liii tr-i tîiaaic litierut ai.t 1 i a ndirtur u'r'îid CNaîtîçia. KTtg'îr. aid spnii.. t ix I a u" - : I'tMr . R -peit Sý' iri' " 'i. R Vl i trun->A. ý ! Ulpýl Mtru xrtlt ol . rîrri lit - .1 J. 'ilrtnr r-t - Potl', iItc Nuui 1u iîîitl'u ,î .'u-ip, rr'-Mnr. atrdlMNi te-Ht' Nr'a ruet if t rouli a f~ine sa('irt lute. rits a fur4r 'taii Iaf: ui rruîis of u-t p ui utc lt xx eAkd 'luscx uis ocat- tind atci xcslus'oîst u anîl nd too1.W.kprl inIr au'rs.......Spart- iAri Ore, "h u ca othe i Cli forn i a hrrgeS, itrC l foent xxlruste. xisrtu iu' ' l ti SS 'ilîs Sa, S ti.rioLi o n t- dit eciaut Ctiorui rtuî tIe d'xxlt aitad8ri 'na<<ip iâotird i R ii' 8'in 'asictu Mntûre i Rire.' rt x' h<' surla ecaond N E Nt' Jna.giip e rorît î'rh tîîaî. Pt. .Di ctio ,'.0';ct-n.r ol la. R. ic ix lu-titi. 0s'aR. 'l'i' tansSd'n. iirttrt'i 'l'an t-nl ot- rt tt ttttc dotîr tctr- t'lii r'u înri- x trnt'>d' <isut r a Xii'. a nd ii N i1: t' Ar11i NI' rr1 I:- ' ' ?. i a'e.î the 't 't lt 'c arci"pti 'ir ' tctt'tdxJti Mis HaN-lt ..andtr'MA I t o iaruotu unt p ri;t-i friends un Clox e- land. Ohio, Viiriltscre' bot heba1rand * sriiiid. In a sense the fail- roninoitie-s I<r'espond Io hrbis r'ne'dicýal uîsurance muisi lie i) paîtrtt fticilcrease. mli! icati rrus are uin fou una te. il ic tîrres ntix'lunI.aîl" î'es- etIi i ta I iiisuranice, i!lie prîeSSc l' be applied 1li'v bbe stale xviIl 'lie P-îrxi nce bas lîca rd xv ide- .iec <n I ilie s a te niov in g ca îira-miibut tbbc dli- beer i îdi:ffeî'enît ti proposaIs if. Of Iliese. bbcerifleofftprpd -Pe'terhniorougli Examiner Markrrin ntirutpi. p.o Rox 408<0. Tsrmin;aî -"'. Toron- ro. for juîdging. tri t oir ai-Pa ar ns wokrng on 11,01r enlrr' for tiîs consi, wer ihttighî Ot oittiiikp Ioî hring il b ithrir attention. ()r-lober iih, 1,9(i4 ftetîiIscient \X's unp i-spcastirsin art- tt-nrtig the 2111 Nnnuual t'oMîx'eîîuon nf the Ontanjo) FOrir-rali0lti of Agriîculunre o- W-txiilhe liel iun lte (.aitadiarî Room of the Royai I Ynn-k Hotel. Toronto. on 'Vtotdar-, Tiuesdatx-and l'Vpd. AhP of Not-ember. flitn-ingP tis ..tiniai Crin- voi ion. atteni on xvill!'ne foctisýseci on the !uteecifor tuen r-locitîr.er - -onsuimer r'la' nons and turoden'slaoading. Tue Iem of this x'a' jot--uiol ii hs 'Partnerx Wlt< Diffî"'. A second fsa- lrte o'ili -uire ai'ound tPe tner-INer.an'd îtu'btems o- t (ri ]\(cldjru. rut ai det'sop- uii"'ti. Sinîîe uhis lopin' wulI it. r-uit-e tie Fedcnat Yrda Pra tut-u. te lonotinabie >,arueSauv. ts.Mînistrnor Fo-rr-sntandi RutaiDetrIop itiet, it.o iiaddnes lie Con- x'eni oir onit Ine'da". No'emn- hPrn 2d ai ilou Oa.m. 'lte Iighilghi of NMondai's p tîgua 'me wiit Ps a parie] dttiiSOion prodcerinsi-tî -rîtci 'liro nt'nis.<'bat ncd Pt' R. W C'ai-hprt The Pl <tsi tif cxp"'uus o ii titde i lit'tcti Morinpsnii î'prs- 'tciinng IteConsLmr-.M'. Dnotaici Raxie rrpressntnoR Are Prcni-ssn t fond prit. ci ne Nr, \r'nî Rat-he r, t-cnt er-ci ti i. 'Lue Ditrihit- lot . aid tli.Pitrt.t ii p ,s <'lii. t ctrsnin he Pirt- f e'titit't- tlie 1lIon, Malrie Stîa i's'pr-ik tig ouitr tl'ai1 ut' 'irtuitr'ir dtu'iig tlie tut ,- :liu 1 l S', il u: lu 111 I lr-îi C1 lu it, tire -rt l"rIl Pc1'uuuAr'j t Cil i - tiurtri letit l tt'tiPeople in ) aitr St-r tde-r-ni.e'tiod ilutiitgist. i'ittcn'iî or rtt.tsuartic ll! far nici' buom Rîi u x ite(. Otlarît, anrl jta r menu of .'«gi'mcitrpl rrca ftoor andci 'ets xxi>.!'np Pl 'ss--1ior)m ax aila bis for crut ttrm'auucte Lu iad- dtir i ,. ' -1- ii dr ta !- bPs-t tr fa-uteis tnt smosxiîh ant.' oif tir-- g(lessi 'rîaket o 'Then'O.F'.A Patu i t i xxui bir- hlcil ttinutnitdax Pvetinig, N"\cirr-r nîd ini ,thle ('aeaîra' Rorcriiai non. i'he Ditt.r'tr'aken oewill Ps Dr. Joil rF. R îîx-îî.\'re-Chaîn- tîtirut rtf LusOrlo F'ood %c'tî on Walti Iant' ni au or ttîr. -r-au rsetsioni- ot otur i i.u :ri Cr-ent iion. Plro- '< 'fer--It.. hlavte a pro- 2»interrr itai xxine rmopt t~ ~ ~ V n luc-ui " ope you -i - io a tend. Directur of infornmatuon. If anv reader is nea ring the seventy \ear mar-,k and contemplating applying for the sevenîv five dollar a mnonth handout from the Federal Treasur v. bce or she. had better have a birth certifi- cate or baptismal certificate hand 'v. o r be prepared to run the gauntlet of an- swering some fairlv pertinent questions propounded b,,- he Regional Direcîor of Old AiZe Securitî'v. xvho is nerpl 'vtîr *v- in', to observe the rules as laid down liv the powers that lie. Althougli not seventy,' votir scribe thouIght it a good idea to start tbe hall rolling. so sent along the necrssar *v, filled oit form, including the names, and addresses of a couple of neiglibours.' who have known me for the past fort ' years. and also sent a "statemnent of age fom the orphanage xvb-icb shelt- ered me for i'frtfen months. afier mv paens' deatb. But the rules sav, at LEAST, twO other proof of age doCU- ments are required. if no birîb or bap- tism-al certificaîe is avar lable. S-o-o, iin a v'erv nice lette:'. the OAS folks said that it xvoiîld help il 1 sent tbem news- paper clippingis. books. gifts or other items showing age or birthdae, such as a famil v bible. .lust happens. 1 haven't igot an vthing in that line. In addit ion iii the forepoin, I1\vas r'eq uested to sigri somne enclosed docuI- menrts, Cnt iblin, certain peisons tri SCrtLliifi/e cenSuJs records of the \'ea rs 1891 (hefrîre 1I v-as boîn> 10, and inclird- in(, 1931. Thev va nied tb Knoxv il 1 faîhe!red anv Caniadian liorn cbildren. If I bad a scbool record. Oh boY' Thev sur ie truLClt. Ou that, time. XVben Bob I landv xvas the teacher ai SS No. 1 Or. I av'cîaged a strapping e\'er v other day. When Annie Dodds w\as the shool marm, I vas suspended for a week, and vhen Minnie Crispin was princi- pal. I1 vas expelled: Perhap., that's why' il tool< me u'o long to graduate fî'om kindergarten. Miss Crispin is still alive, as is .\lîs. L. Whitele v, xith whom 1 weitr ixewhn fie an hi yeaî-s of age. boîh muId vouch for m"' xve hPn thpv first met me, hut npithèr a d *N.couild sa v x when 1 was bm b h- cause ihât înter'estin- event happeuîi'd thrPe thouisand miles awa v, and bpfor* wetlre bpcame acquainted. I mwas asked about mv militAixv ser'. vice: if 1 had an insurance poliey or. if 1 bad ever had one, did 1 know the number, and the compan * vihat issuedc t; %\-len did 1 first enter Canada; hniv long 1 sta 'ved. hoxx' long xvas I awia. (if at al>); did I1 have a baptismal, o r confirmation ceitificate; did 1 posse-ý a Canaliani citize'nship certificate. o r an nid pass-port. B 'v the tîme 1 answer a lot of qusiosxi!b a hig, fat "no." l'Il not onlv flot îQeî mv mudhooks on that sex'enî 'v fîve per' monîli, but may even be depor'îed as an îîndesir'able ilien: Wouldn't that lie something? For sixt v vears. [Vve been à la\w- ahiding, tax pa 'ving r'esrdent of thi,, fair' land, xiîh five of those veaî's, wcar'ing the Miaple Leaf, on mrt-rspas, active wev âc vs boî'n in the mothler country, and campe b Canada when it was sthîl a colon v nt CGreaî Britain. It 1 amrnfot nom, a Canadran, homv can a If 1. a Brutishb lorn citizen, have tr 00 r iough scich rigmai'ole, how dro forîeign-bor'n people make out. especiRl- lx' tbex' x'o aie illiter'ate, and havoe nothing 10 shouw except "por't of intrv.ý" documents; hou, can tbeY pnîssiblv pr'o- duce "proof of ae withouit a biî'th, or equix'aleni cettificate î' And ept. these people ire given- the Féedéral OAS pension. The Ici Ici fr'on the Regional Di- rector's office iridicaîed thatlieé. ari staff, are afixiolis Iolie of all possibI#, help. and for thal, bhr ' hav.- my*vthanks. M ' advice to people producing babims is. hée sure, and register thprm if you wani bhem tin have, thé old age pens ion, sevent v vars hcncc. withoîtuîrndrîe tr'nu hi. Spice i'nuficiipalityý wiIl spendi. Neyer minc wbAethfe govprnmipnît s ttthe two buucks. Thai's bi-side the point. If it works as il sbould, Canada will have a .3,0-rnrle rilihon of opera bouses in wbrch nnbodv sings, theatres which nnbodY attends, swimming pooll that H-a vlork Centre can't afforr in10or- Prate. lilir-aies xx'iih no books in tbem, and muîseums full of jiunk out of people's attics and cellars, but neyer full of people. Is thaî wliat Canadians want. In~ celebrate the centenary of an evé-nt that îîobod 'v undeî'stands, except à fe bhisý- toc-v teachers? Fie on us. lVh1 don't we show à little remil imiagination, throw à party that wfll resouind throtîghout the world, then for- gel the whole thing. Tbcr,'% nnthing very thrilling about beint 100 years % nd, Anvway. Let's spe. Instead of piddling iround wilbh thousandsi of grants tri municipaji- ties. the goveî'nmenf., for one, yeAr, cou]d double pensiomsIo the nId, the veteranq and bthe widows, ireble the bab 'y bonus, and declarc a bwclve-month 'holidav from income taxes. That would put thec prîpulation in the right frame o! mind for bbc celebratiîn. Employers could foi-ego aIl profits for a vear and grant an extra iwn webekq x'acatîion witb pav. Municipalitiex couild set aside a speciai fîîod for éer and dancing in thé, sireets. Ex e r ' da ' rn 1the yva r (cou Id he Lra p Yeaî, as far- as spifisters go. And .somp of thPem would Ro for. Teenagers ciould aIl lie locked in special romp nunc[$ for. a vear, fe-d xvel and rplemased on Now Vears rda '1968. AIl babies brern Hdi'ng ceniennial vnr w<tuIld l iegai'ante-ed a fiee uni- x-ersibv eduicabron. Dixorce, for one, year mril v, wvotuld folloxv ihe Moslem patterni, in whîclî the husband mer-elY savs, ihrfe t imes. '"J dîxvorce t icee." [)uring the twelve-month, anyvna w'ho ,uucntioned (lie %v'ord 'flag" would lie iiiulpaled and (lhen rîîaqted over a lîwflaîîîe dtiring (lie evening fire- works displa ' . A &ài'vone wvho breathed .national an (hem" w~o ild he given a one-waY ticket Io Nloosonee. Tbei'e xs'ruld be national lrolidaym t'x'en'v Mon day. We-dnfsday and Fc-iday,, wxiilî xveekerds as tîsumal. For one *year, childirnn ild hi, spen arud nnt hmard. The, possihilitife arf, limnifless. These arp iuti a few suggestnions. Sorid ynurs Rlong. Ipt's forppt tbo,%f cr'umby prm- Pecs and bave , ;huîndr'pdîh birthday 13 [RTf-fDAY WITH A R N Not long agni. 1 altended a liafqtiiet ai which John Fisher. the guest speak-- er. was extoiling Canada'-, centennial vcai-, xxhicb is just ar'ound a couple of exir'e cl v sharp corners. Mn. Fisher' is an cloqujent speaker-, a cnnsummate onatnr. A f ew\ vear's ago, wbfn lie v-as lila-zing across the coun- try delix'ec'ng fierv. poetic speeches abonuItii land o-f îcuuîs (at about SIOO a whack). lie vas gziv--n the tille "Mr. Canada." L'nfortunîatelv. he ran out of service clubs and things. Now he workN for the governmenî1. The talent iN stili there. The golden tongue %till wags with pax- sion and brilliance, stili throhx with xincerit v and hope. Br1.t the a(Udiences haxe cbanged. ThI bey sed tb listen xxitb ope-n moîîhs, sbining e «ves. as Mr. Fisher- toîd tbem wh'at a Or'eat countr'x\ the ' I ixed in. TheY ised tii float homewac-d afier ibe banquet, <un 'he pUrple carpel lie lad sprnî. And eveit the Job of fixinQ the furInace, pLIting the milk liottle nuit on the' ice-cox'e'ed pou-mb, and climbing un witb a hairý-in-cuntler-s. face-iîî-grease mate didin't dispell the xvision. No\xx' , b'îv-ver-, bis audiences listen wxiîb that caî'efffl apath * . that controîl- cd xxariess with whicb the bonesi. dour' Canaduans alwa\;s lîsten îrr anv*litudy connpeted uiib the goxter'nment. Suc-h as the Miiîisier' of Financc explaiiîinpg in Jmliv fashini xxhv t axes arc gond for At Ibis Ianq e mIrentiried -John F"isbepr xvas b' ing io dr'um uîp enthuisi- asm for "Ceobefnniai Proîfcîs;.' xvili wh'bcb lic us î'nnoeî'ted. I waic"hsd ths I isîeoe's. In bbe mrdsî of bis lihs flughts. tbe 'v sit açth<rugh car-\'ed of stonc'. xxith bbc exception tof txv r r thue xx'lî bad iat faawa v, wistfutl look ouf peotîlwxvo have tbgo ho the bat hmuom Ad mîitt i ix' liai lieet ' xxene sumne inuîucrîaitesxxlîcîse id-a rot a hirt cli- e rua I pî'oj cct xxas tr-îdu-coi rate thle loy' ri clerk's toffice" ou put ani extra cellinii thîe ail VIn. Fîstir'n assciied tIrat ilie xxei'c ruait t otheis xiih irld, imîag inia- tixe scbernes for iibî'arîes. art cenuii es. muiiseims ai-id nîlie wnr'ibv\ and lasting mr-ntunisn is. lVbich hringg% ne Iotut' Ihene. p'a. tient and Zenilf- reader. WAha.%ba.vnur municipalitv plninned asil% entennial prrijec-î? Ponit forr ict rînx. llp zn\-'t-nmpnt pcuts ufp t\wo burk.5 for e-vper' dollar the jan w'llnpe nrs l'Il1 A N K t'lI. 'rbankfiiî for lr-od. lhr fîcîrîr 1 t ea i Thankfîîb for the r'oof abrixe m 'v head, For the sound o! a cuIld at plav And the touîch rof a great ncw dat.'. 'Pl inkfuI for f iri ds thte o Id. bthe new, And fotr focs. eren thbrle few t t'on the sui-îichi anîd the shr-wers Foi' work tri filI mv pleading lirs. "baikfi. O h Lor'd, and Ibis 1 pr'v t'on ouidarîce aIl along the xav, 'Ie m p baî îrn .s IMui fr -m er ' sire Near ait-I fa. lonrn and vdf. Thanikul '.Lhý hand îis there tcu grasp, Thankful fr-n .ov and lear's. lýead( me oit andrithen pirhapq Jna max' VF, fot only take.. throuch Marron Ford DISCIPLINE'S DILFMMA Shtruld 1I ueall 'v spank Or pn-omptlv put to lied; 'l'el] bîm I unden'stand Or paddlc bim inshead? 'lhings change so ini conduct; Tintelias b , vme sped. Vm Ifnf a puîz'zld pîcîduct Of the old wood-sbed. Marion Forci 8d ~/ui~,iia'sColm Education: Wvhat Is It For? C),esi Ccvnt 'y Gieat Fnmily Journal L'5îorKshed 110 years ago in 1854 .AÀso lncoipotaîîng The Bowmanv:lle News The Newcastle kidependent l'he Oronio News et5 't.. ed C3 S'- : 1ý-t.ii. PC e i 'e 0ic9 e De,. :'ci, r' - 'r r m n ' i ncm Produced every Weanesdav liv THE JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED P.O lBox 190 6-'b K.Il St. %Y., Bov ninvikue, Onicario M. ;21A '.11:' CEG. ' GRAHAM GEO. P. MORRIS EDT-F PSt M hl:'Ftl. *1AN .-;.i< 3USINESS MOU. SUBSORIPTION RATES S4.QiO a Year, str.ctlv in advcmnce 3,5 50 a Yecir in the United States ns~r~ ~ .., 'n n tf~ ~r - "" ' jer.Stot"man cccnoa cdvertis nr ' (l e .,~' ' t'h" t .r,. !0e ' r n" s'ot !n aCee ndvertisement ribli.' rd-ci r - -- - :itn i b: h, cd,«,t,,, <'id et. ,: . !'ne t 'n ' --e' îQ r 'h-e -- 71 Ptr' nci Ah s urhi et- r - -, r'M Â* ; ' r -* ~ , îtri s f< cn',.0 t"'"!ne --" e "n< r ' ' - I&r Il t',n '1<Q * ,,. bysuch dss.-r C70 CWC t gar and