Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Oct 1964, p. 1

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g? 1' s be n~bt~rn - ~ ~. .. ~ ~ *, iuc î-'er uopy NUMBER 4 Newtonville Goes Automatic ------------ Ï,TARII WFIVcFperAv flP'I'flfl41 VOLUME 110 18 Pages Honored with Mink Bow lie Recently, during Oshawa Rotary Club's annual- Friendship Day, a reception was hc]ld on the beautiful grounds of "Parkwood" estate when club members and -isitors from district clubs were welcomed by their host Col. R. S. McLaughlin. To mark Col. McLaughlin's 93rd birthday and also to pay tribute t0 this dis- tinguishcd Canadian's career. Bill Thiesburger of Ty rone's Margwill Fur Faims and a Bowninville flotarian, prescnted Col. McLaughlin with a inink bow1 Uc. Il' i the background of Ibis photo is the President of Oshawa Rotar.v Club, Stan Lovellc ft, and District Governor Tibor Gregor of Toronto. Santa Parade Requires Many More Local Floats Il t Is to Be Big Success' ~o~.h ut surelx', a i iang'ý- has cone fron ou tside points ients a re proceed ing forý Where are the local groups? Bû~n5nvileand District aii-iFloat Chairman Clarence Bell i îaý Santa ('latis Parade. announced this wcek tha, s('li Ioed¶b< held Nere oný floats are being canstructed m Sa 1\da, Nov.t. Tyrone (The Wojoden Haorse Sorn pr 1l ) a e îof Trov)i n Newcastle (Noah's î'ea e rly rnlu. ni' du Ark, w ith live Box' Scouts as feac thvat snbox'in ton hesanimals), and the -Adeline: iudctat nobaux vin teat 1hate'group of Oshawa .i entering' iu construcing floats. Al'theamnsrlfo.I ub- cntcîiarnn lîii îcd o arlong bo a group who would like to enter a float, contact' .11'V S(HOLASHIp Clarence Bell, Cccil Mutton JURY CHOLASHIP or Ted Clarke, and the parade Ga rx' Iown.'o n of NMr. t'ommittee xill assist iu an\' id Nlrýý. Iovd Dowîî. \c as waV possible. iiii, r th, r",- 11111 P l ( ') r t Seuolurshi pfor i, cMsî Vu îs'rsiî' ilu latx'ks plier thîs xx'as iadv'uî bntlv 5l-iitiiH in iîstake us th' *b rv and [ soc heolaraNi p fo Watî'îloo tJulis'uî'sitx'. i. Doxx'uviio pgracluuîecd b 'un î'ae :3 ai Court ce 1112h lSchoolfis x eur. ,vsu aI.su lie xxri'îuu.'o: apî'ox'- TIhis voar again, 1thruuLI"I the cocîî'esY'c Ras'v W()()(J- xxard. the former C a iiniu1 factoi'v building will Ne axail able 'foir erection orf foatsý. This iS a zpd(iOuIS str'uctu re. mIl'hi hchilIs' iniile cool Weather OnuIltuesdax' night at fblc PlafIuii)i Board rorn, al) cxc- TURN TC) PAGE TWO) Post Office Hiours for ,Thanksgiving Post Office hours for Thanksgiving Day, Nlonday, October 1'2. 1964.,xviii be as fol lows: The Post Offive w~ill bie ciosed ail day. There will heno Rural Route Service. Mails xwilI bc dcspatched as followvs: East, 11.00 a.ni., î:00 P.m.: li'est. 3:00 p.sn., 7.00) p.m. There ivill lie one Street Letter Box collection about 2:00 pan. No mail wviii he dcspatched on Sunday. Or- tober 1l. 1964. Vinn ers of MacGregor Golf Tourney Wintry winds on the weekend failed ta deter about 40 or 50 golfcrsi took part in the Donald A. MlacGregor Insurance tournament at Soutbv\iev and Curling Club, -Middle Road. Winneî-s of the Iwo top awards, witb their phies that \%vre presented hy 1Mi'. MacG;regor, centre. wcre Nirs. Nelson E. borne, lcft, and Leo liii N . -Iottlî ad ex :cll In trotinds, osd'in~tN winds and inclcment wcather. w~ho Golf tra- Os- 'tigh Rotarians Outline Plans for New Park AtCouncil Meeting Attempting To Revive Intermediates Attenipts are now under- way to revive the oid inter- mediate Lakeshore hockey group and efforts to date have met with considerable etuiasm. A meeting%%a edls nlght in Cobourg, attended by Bill Orme, George Ste- phen and Joe Cuddahee from Bowmanville. Other teams represented included Port Perry, Brooklin, Port Hope, and Cobourg in the western division. The east- erm division is expected to be made up of Trenton Air Force, Picton, Napanee, and a Belleville team ail under 25 years of age. Additjonal meetings will be held to complete the groups. The meeting was informed that Port Hope's arena at Trinity College Sehool has been tomn down and wilI be rebuit, with the openlng probably in December of this year. Ap- parently, there were struc- tural problems with the former arena. James Crombie, Bowman- Iville, was appointed conven- or for the district. I. NEW SEASON - We are pleased to draw atten- tion to the outstanding list of speakers who will participate this year in the Canadian Club of West Durham programs. They are published in an ad- vertisement on page six. DOWN MARLIES Last year's Memorial Cup champions, Toronto Marîbaros are going tu need bo "buck up" if they plan ta repeat. Oshawa Gen- erals beat them again last night in Toronto 5-3 for the second time this season. Unfortunately, this xvas another exhibition game. Danny O'Shea tagged two goals for the Gens. The Junior A schedule starts here Tuesday night when those fast-maving Jr. Canadiens will be the guests. WINTER - For the record, this area received ils f irst toucb of approaching wînter this week xvhen temperatures dropped below freczing. Several Statesman staff rnembers were complaining bitter- Iy because their flowers were nipped by frost. t1 b CORRECTION- In the Cards of Thanks colun hast week, there was an error that caused con- siderable embarrassmeni. for the family of the hate Mrs. Roy V. Hooper. Our apologies' IMPROVING --Albert MMundv,, B.T~.S. SupIei'x'isor who was aitacked hast week bv four bovs ai the Ontario Training Schoh, is still in hospital, but making satisfactory progress. Three of thie boy s were apprehended but ta date -no word bas been received that the fourth has been apprehended. AIthe1npmetinig of Bowrnan- ville Town Cauncil held on Monday evening, permission oa l civ n oanch 1708 f CNIB Blitz hol is nnalPoppy Can-,Nets $S1701 vass of the town on Friday "' evening. November f6th. andW Saturday, November 7th. ThisMo e f o n was maved bv Councillor Car] M r to C m Leslie, seconded b.,. Council- The annual CNIB Blitz lor Ken Hooper. Campaign conducted by the A delegation from the Bow- Bowmanville - West Durhain manville Rotary Club headed'Advisory Committee to the by Ian Smith, chairman of the; ýCN1B was held on Monday clubs Civic and Park Coin- afternoon and evenng, Pro- imittee, with Rex Walters, ai ceeds from the door ta door past president, and Merril] campaign by many canvassers Brown, appearcd before coun- in the town amounted toi cil. Smt adta $1,701, the treasurer, Jampesi Mr. mith saidthatthe: Bell, announced. George Vicel Rotary Club has purehascd 17; was the Campaign Chairman.1 acres of land north of the1 Returns from the CNIB Base Line and east of Simp- Campaign in Orono, New-1 son Avenue. plans to developi castle. Hampton and the rural' it as a park. and eventuallvf areas'of the district have floti cive it to the town for thel yet heen received.1 use of the people. AIl proceeds from the cam-J j TURN Tre PAGE TWO) TURN TO PAGE TWOs iwanis WilI Plant 50 Trees Council Decides to Eli TemBerance St. Anala - - R Iwf HOLIDAY - Due to the Thanksgiving holidlay next Monday. most merchants wihh bc rehaxing or daing chores around the bouse so citizens wouhd be well advised ta stock up ahead of time. There wilh be no mi]k deiveries. It would be appreciated by The Statesman staff if other than late news copy could arrive ai the office before the weck- end if possible; otberwîse, stories may have ta be behd over due to a shortage of sufficient time ta set tbem in type. ASSISTANT - M1agisîi'ate R. B. Baxici' expects Ia have an assistant magistrale in the near future wbo will be abhe ta devote a couple of days a week to courts in ibis area. It is understood he w'ill be Iocated aI Lindsay, aithough no detaîls of' the ap- pi)intee's name have vet been î'eleased. LOVELY IIAND -' Lst 1gh held a little hiuc. s0 daintv and so sweet. I thoughît mv heaî-t would sui-elv bî-eak, an wildlv did il beat. Nýo otheî- hand iiiailthewo-ld cai î iater sohace brin g. than thle pî'etty hand J hîeld ia n ighI, 1" îîîî Actsa and a King." .5. +5 iminate Tlo commernorate the 501h 'K 1wa il 1Club a cîe Anniversary of Kiwanis In- would be an apprapriate choice ternational the Bowmanville for the 50 trees they wish t Kiwanîs Club will plant 50 donate and plant in the town. flowering crabapple trees in The club inquired coîîncil's.ý the toxvn. il was announeed at xvish as bIlte location of thel the meeting of Bowmanvillp trees. Town Council on Monday ev- euvRev oa tvn ening. Council received this infor- said lie would like tasc the nmation in a ietter from Ted 50 t rees planted in one area 31o Hutton, chairman of the club's as to form an avenue of trees. Anniversary Comrnittee. Mr. Me suggested the cast side (if Hutton is thechre presi. Mmrial Park, and if possibleý dent of the local Kiwanis Club. on bth sides of the road. The letter stated that as the Hie maved that this he left flowering crabapple has been ta the Roads and Streets Com- desi.«nated the Centennial tree mittee with power to act, anîd Two Winners Split Main $500 Cash Prize 'Fh otHpeehn ste1 forward on Saturday night when it switched com. AtLein ta ig rs over a wide area of Darlington, Cak n lp Townships and the village of Newcastle. Mrs. Cecil ThIle annual Millionaires Peter Baitigate, and Georpel Burley, one of the tîrsi telephone girls at Ncwlon- Night held by Branch 178 of Graham were each the Iticky vlewsbogttthofieauryevnnbse the Royal Canadian Legion in winners of $250. A vote of l a ruh oteofieStra vnnt e the Legion W.11 on Saturday thanks to Seureîarv Anne;ý for the last time, this aid switchboard in action. Here, i evening xvas a great suecess. Piper, the catering convenarj' lt is being operated by Mrs. C. M. Jones, while bier Ted Sheehan, President of the and the members of the Bow-! husband, the manager of the systemi looks on s\'lth Draneh. welcomed the large, manville Ladies Auxiliary W'mxdfeig n an eois oc ht crowd that attended. the Royal Canadian Legîî,sosMs .W ocwf fteoiia aac Ed Rundle, a past president,' who assisted lier iu prepa sosrins .W.Jns wf fth rgna aae was chairman of the commit- and serving the delicîoîjý who, \vith others, was responsible for starting thbc cor- tee in charge of arrangements. roast beef dînner. was nas'ed pany way back about 1906. She is rcading some of the He was assisted by PresidentÈb Chairman Ed Rundle. i si hn okpite n11 n eahn Sheehan, James Firth, and aî u'snan nurnber of other Legiannaires.1 Outstaning enterb.ainnmenî' that for nearly 40 years, she xvas bookkeepcr lfori- ht I Eserv ticket for the even t wasi wa s provided b.v the Bowman-~ company. Many of the daily diaries she kc'pt arc still -;0]cd ville Beatles,. omrades Jean te c A cheque. foi'$,500 fo 'bcFirth. Agnes Shehan, Auidrev amon g tecmpany's records. The switchover wa.s Receration Departm ent wasi Flet cher and Ruth Barclay. ma o w h no c pl at ns . n , ot un l , lîr presented bo Bud Fanning,i and thcY reie an ovation.ý those photos werc taken, evcrYthing was proccerlinz iBowmanvillc's Recreation Di-ý Chairînau Rîjurîle uxpres.-ed' sm-ootllv. Incidenîally, the building housinc tItis nId rector, a n dl approximately' his appreciation to ail tNosci switchboard, lias rnany roorns literally filled \Vith old $700. the balance of the Mil- wvho assisted him a) the MiI-ý hand-crankcd telephones, batteries and other oiîtdated lionaires Night proceeds. will lianaires Nighit, and he aLso; go towards payment for thuf thanked al tr emesof cument. It is ahmost a museum showîng the tele- Sports Timer, donated bylBranch 178 who helped in sel-i phonc's dcvclopment from the early days ai. the turn Branch 178 to the Arena. ling ticket,.. of tIi century. Ch-arming Cheerleaders at B. H. S. *TINO WEEKS - A report Wednesdav mniiii suggested that il wvouhd ho at heasi a couple (if *Weeks hefore the strike wotild bc setiled inii tho U.S.A. between General Motors and tbe United Auto Workers Union. In the meantime, lavoffs are contînuing among hourly rated workers ai the Osbawa GM plant, incltiding many orophox-ec from this area. jSERIES - Television service people wVillIliNet- ceiving manv cahîs foi- emergencv repaiî's durin'4_ the nexi few da-vs witb the World Series going on. Also. one can be fairlv certain what lias hap- pened if the persan "au are calling on is lust nu' available foir most o;f the afternooii. Il would bc interesting ta ascet-tain if absenteeism ncreasie.ý jconsiderabhv during this period. Incidentall. we know of several who are planning fheir annual expedition ta New York Ibis weekend. COINCIDENCE -Tsvo Bowmanv'ilhe businîess- men, Manager Keith Jackson of Stedman«s ' ci Stuart R. James of the insurance firm by that name, will be listening ta the \Vorld Seîics in the same room at Memorial Hospital. Bath undei'went rsurgery last week and a visit by the Editor Ibis morning determined that tbcy vcre sufficientlv recovered ta enjay tbe games. Could there bave been a bit of collusion between these two 'gentle- mier and theit' doctor tu bave the operations aI this particular tirme? These students at Bowmanvihle High Sebool were clude, front row, lefIta right, Sharon Burg ss and busx' higb-kicking and leading the many cheers ai the ihI Ames; back raw, Patricia Fair-, Janice Purdv, Erla football game between B.H.S. and Clarkeo Hirh lasi, Ander-son, Audrev Kitson, SalIv Witberly arnd [L\'n svuek on the local campus. Thîe v will ho sun in anc'; on Ihilàar. at. other gamces throughout the season. The gir-ls in-i BOWNIANVILLE, ONTARIO. WEDNESDAV- OCTORFR 7 lQf:,l Il 9)ieces Oils arid

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