Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Sep 1964, p. 2

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ENNISKILLEN JOSIE ROBERTS and LEE IMACKO full time stylisis DIAL 623-5703 FOR APPOINTINEN'1 nu Y C K' HAIRSTYLING 6 KigSt. W. Bovimailjlle 2nd Mortgages " Up to 80%- of appra"ed property value " Terms Up to 10 years " No hidden charges " No bonuses " No brokerage fees " You can prepay ali or pr at any time, wjtt-OLtt notice or penalty. F-or il FREE brochure on SUJPERIoR marîgdges, Artta. Phono or visit the SUPERIOR Office nearesi 'ou. TH4E RF.ALTY DIVISION OF SUPERIOR DISCOUNT Phone Collett764 17sîmcte st. Osha4 a Opeuu dauly'%,ta 5:30ù u:- e tuip.,,,. Other eveniuugs bx' appouuleitlt Ciloseti Sat urtiav 12uiooun 27 SUPERIOR offices in Ontario l HAYDON LiiusScluoa x'1 ii iniliriites ha 2 o'clock. Jclui'ch ser-vice ai .3 p.nu. qSuiondaYx-.Res A. W>I-an' '. Bow-îianildle. xv .11 bue lai thue service. l'ie hC iSePi eu:. i niehig xas li-Id ai tlîe h( of M I-:s. Rus-s As;iitoi' T 11 i rsc aY v 'xtii i i i . i:l me m be i, . \xý m s i w()i egi il '. Bri' uiee \l.:xu 'u. .i, .' :ueuu cepatibv the Sec-ceary andt praoveti. 'lle foîlosvhngp grýanu yas i!u charge offN I.losdJ Sleinoil Piano solo Chers hand Bethu Ashtoni:s hy' Mca . ILloyd Ash to t , coropauieti bv Cheryl Aslut dex'otional. Ms. locti mari. ueaduuug h v McIrF. Jouies, Mrs,. L. Atinus. Ts cm Raxve a talk on liu'tu-up ta Calgat-'.' Stampede andi ot noints. Mcetinug cosetia ail cujos-etilunch. The t! C.W spollisoretip rocu i-nast ileiun ble cliii sheti oi Satuirdas' everiu Mcs. Cov.'iuug vas M.C. fai s iiI pragraiîn .tucl hel inluithe chuircu. The pi grain consustet off a piano s( bs Chers'l Ashton: Mrs. J. Cale. Bowrnanvilie, pia.'ed couple off numbers on the gaui: Mrs, Ross Stevens, Bo nuanx'ulhe, showed siides hec tiaughter's svork inu: Corigo. Proeeedi offtbec ex ing'.s eniertainmenî wecýe gi cii Mcs. Stexvens ho lielp fu ther Minuiels nissianar- wo there. Mes 'Morris anîd Mi Cale ac"onipiiiieti Mr. St sens. After :hîie prograni : v.il 'ut iiit! huediei hlereil lable5; xx"ece e1sVilh c-or breati and buttîer. toui-atc( and ti ier goodies, Mu -'ryThouip-on ar .eu:ti WXa ' v îri Nexca, ',T",,'hrcmopons5 NIci-Edsvard H.:tî '1 Qnt.M'as isaturday xiatOr1 Nir. Vitor S5mýth àt Mr!. A. Thonipso n's. Sundat' vîvsitors with Mrs.! Thompsouu wece Mrs. F. Os- mond and Virginia, and Blane Adanris. Bowmanviîle. Win Top Hon ors at Oshai Magistrate"s Court Drama Workshop's . ___ýJVYt!U [fie -'ýPectacUJa1 North A carge off causing a dis- IooI< aflet.- __ SNTR E E :onSU gSte, On. shawa Rodeo ShiosxWEK Y PE LS turbauice at the Creanu orf Now I su-e bs thloical news- SNTR E ES nSuo tet tr ra The 'fuîg-of-War. v.hiciluwas W E L PCA S alv f uv21 gi tpaper and1icl IomthtStr . sspouisored bhvRuisselt C. lianes', Adamos was disrnissed. He wa upeu, Mayor- Hobbs stati okRoddede v. solo .P. puoced ta) be exciting, 1957 PLYMOUTH 4-DR. found guilt' off failure 10 huat NMu. Moore's request for EdselI Avenue, Freder. A.lo d aut hard-fouglit struggle. 1954 PLYMIT7U ield the ight off wa" at the sonu' lasmnent un connection ick Avenue, Barbour AKîcb ' v sýa zvuctoriotis sviîhý STATION WAGON sanie time and place, and this wuîh ia bridge us funfoundetid, Road, Jacknian's Road, haOrauuu seconid. auur Nev.'astle cost him $15 anti casts, or anr as thece wa.s neyer any or-,in third place. Eti \ouigruan Both are econornical 6 cvi. 'atiditional live days. The off- question off the building in- Smsn Aeu n Dw- was unire. corne in, look them ail over 1 ficer giving evidence was spectuir v.orkung In this con- Smpdon venue and Oni The' OldTi 'nie Fitduing Cou- and make u3 an offer! Constable H. Cook, OPP. nec'tuoî, tlie tovii paid engîi- Maove Id 'lue test was mosî euterîainiuug. It eG earst ilmks yuia Gyergt'ak, Sudtbury. eers tocrîlîis. ut wa.- pounteti en-, was won b *v Jin-, Connors,Exetrprsoai ks was conx'iched off careîess tins- out, WATERMAINS: on Simpson Avenue and Duke iv'- Highiand Cueek,. with Carlifauoob1s ing on August lOth. anti fined Nluguut I saY for bis informa -Ste. lu-Elluit. Ajiax,, secourt:.1. Les 125 anti co'ts, or fîve dass. lion or aux a)nc el herf- wasSte. ork Freemniauu stawa anîd 4, Ji Ili DTlue court was toiti that lheî-e au;"ugiic: fron Proctor anîd Irs. Hollawell. also off Oshawa. PAM ERULt sas oiiY' the one vechicte ti- Redferii, bthe naine off Kuio! ANYONE INTERESTED IN 'rHESE MATTERS te- Thue results tuf the Horse volved. Currant oui the entire pruject a l' Shoc viii be CR SALESshen.onl .,Wcard statd whih included the sewer and ARE INVITED TO ATTEND THIS MEETING hisoreti b- Jesse Van Nest, Real iTOvHEAoRpaTHE oREPORTSaerandPLAINED ANDb th %vill be' M TOR SALES Street East, when he carn e! tawui. The Mayor might check, OHA TERPRSEXLIE AN es. 1 reporteti next week. CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH upon Mr. Gyergyak's Vaux-I with Proctor and Redfern on TO MARE ANY REPRESENTATIONS THEY The Arnateur Show oui Sat- -lal station wagon laying on McLean Foster thic contractor' WISH I HSRSET and urav eveing wa >p'enid. VAIANT -DODG 'uts roof at the bridge juîs off the bridge anti he will find I HSRSET ,1e. 1t .\: prnsre b bsoni 20 Kint Street East east off Mcarns Avenue. He outi1Icas on th- jobexc' dat'JCKL -i iMotors. L.urnited. anîd tahn au-led Iha-, Iuiciuark so-thitc icbirîg au uetiJCKL.REID, DcWith.luu,uraîîce, bou '.)ff Phone 623-5487 cd the vehicle. proceediuîg out, also therc yc taw uifni,- '-Bo\&w.nivlle. Vince ?Mount- 1I1 cast. unsteati off going with fthe workîng (ou: the bridge. I arn, lr-Tesrr off î. Brampton, \tas the ablei iîcu. e had &oe â traizhtsure they will bacJi me Up that Cek.rasrr 2 T"he Cauiadian ýltateFmaun1, Rowf'ani'l1le. Sep. 19. n4 Clarence Tink's Dahlias Clarence Tink, Haniptori, won the most points un Osha- wa Horticulturai Sacietv's f Dahlia Show recentllv.lie ce- i-i uc1) rie. iv irlsts. Rev. Lane chose as lis text Scau îs Aa two seconds and thcee thirds. 'ibseiyut reetyî r u.ad Nrs. Atinu The show set a new record bodies a living sacrifice.,svholv s'.'ece rece.ît cailers ]in entries, h largest sunce auceptable unto Goti as your Rus--Il MLuhi the first DahliaShow was helti reasouuabie service." Fron it he ca. hy the organization in 19,5.3. gave a wonrterfuily expiana- Mcaý . WHaellia There were mare than 7J1 tort' message andi counselled'to,'iaurpout ou: Tuesda e.nta-les. Fred Ing, Whitbv, bbc congregation that in fulfill- iu-g. Sept. i5tli. on as was the jutige. ing the texh we displayed our visit svth relatives a -- - devotian ho God anti wouid Irelaiicl.and iLonidon, experuence jas' of sacrifice., special x'isit with huer ZIONWith Miss Behîy Jane Wenry rtauehîeu', Phylus ah MONai the orgauu, our leader Mrs. as- hler soulMiv The Neihburl D ibesWright directeti the Jr. Choir aî"mvý- The Neihboriv Dublsun a pleasing nendition off "How IY Club had a wunec roast at Great Thou Art" by seîecting M r.F. 'Iouuîs. accul Glèn GlaspcII's an Stra asl1at o isShr' candtiMcs. Wilbîur ' nîght. sl pr frMisShr Orouio Fair. Su n. xisiti nigt.Ashhon, Mcr. Lock MeNair'Ms Toms scere Mc. a Mr. anîd Srs. 'Foi-n Cornie, duel part by Miss Shirle vAv- LlydShernon an:d Susu T1o'mvy anti Lutia Currne, ecv anti Mr. George Leatibeat- o c niMs David and Sheven Frank, Scar- er'anti boys' choral part bx' thedoM.ad rs borough, Mrs. Robent Killen, six youths un the choir' We Briggs auud Mcs. Veta Oshawa, uxcre Satundax- visit- y' une pleasedt h have Mns. Latie jo.v. Nestîcton. ors at Michael Newis-z. ici aur congregation on Sun- Mr. andt Mrs. Gea. Mr. Hans Geissbungeî- Sr.. daY mou'ning. Tororuto. scere Suuudatý1 spent the wcekcnd ah Cae Bill. Mca .NoaaFieatluert.ouuei - iv.itlu S. R. Pethic'k's. Mrs. F. B. GlaspeIl, Mrs. 1Iaugýh. Calgary, Alberta,.,was Mrs WM'. C. IVnura3t -' Alex McMasten anti Joan visit- a guiest ah Mc. auud Mcs. 0. C. is spernîîîg a ffeus' daý <'t ai George ult's. William's Ashton's w'hile she was caca- Mc. andtiMcs. R. .1. 01 Point, on Sunday. tianiuug with hec sister anti Mr. anti Mcc Wm. I- Mr. George Sonley, 'Foronto, fa niily Mr, anti Mrs. C. Dow- ton, Rochester, NNY., M visiteti ai Fred Camecou's J~ne,", Bowmatîville. da Avery anti brothei Monday. Miss Reta Diekie anîd MVr. wene guests aI Mr. aui Mr. Hauus Geissbergec Jr Allan Diekie. Hampton, were F Doriantis. wentta ontealon he eek Monday eveninug caîlers at Mr.cMc. anti Mcs. E. Petti xvent antioMns. Geon tnwin's. Ross Downsview, Mn. ai endi on a business trip. He n r.Ge.Iwn Donald Weann anti was accompanied by Mr. Aif- Mrs. Ken Mason, Port Bol- Sc'auborough. we'e xvi reti Mohi, Toronto. ster, Mrs. Harold. McGilI, Toc- ýanti MIrs. L. Wcaî-n. Mrs. Ray Camcrnu andi Dort- onto. were xeekend guests off Little Miss Doris St lia Henry, spent the weekend 'Mc. and Mca. Harvey MeGili, Onllia haspital, is visiti et Hamilton. and together ail attendeti Dec- p)areuuts Mc. anîd Mrs. L, The afternoan unuit off bhe oration Day aI St. Mary's tari 1J.C.W. journeyer tot Stony Cenietecy at Lifford an Sun- Ms uý i-u,' Lake on Tuesday to visit Mr. day.. spent filîe x.eekend ,'i and Mrs. Walter Pingie at Mn. anti Mrs. Earl Tresvin anti Mr. R. Virtue, a their cottage. andt Doueeuu, spent the week-'tendeti Decouatian D enti with Mc. auîd Mrs. Roy'Bethestia Cemetery. Trewin, Weston, and M/r . anud Mc. aud Irs. I-arrs' i Mn'. Eti Cox, lslingtan, alsa o W.To 'aie B ETHANY visited iat Grimsby andi Niagara Mrs. Glativs Finiey. Ti Falls. MVrsý Ott Vurtuue vet'e S The fail Ralt' service fan. Donualdef lrwun spentlthue: scu Sunday sehool pupils was weekcend witlu Mr. anti Mns. Mca. gR.es gue't f .1,ArthRrVrertîuen lcithe bcUniheti Churceh j, tut Te uaniWilliam, Mu-. anduti-sc . Rj.1, Sundav morninug vith Rex'. Hat'rotu aud iVrs. W. C . ML i-a' Wro. Piercy -iving the Sec'- 7.1r. ant iNies. 0. C . Ashuton, Suntiav dinuior withh M, mnon anti prescnîing promo- attentict a Surprise Party' for Mu-s Llo.d,'A-htotu,, Il lion cetificates to the pupils.« Mr. andtiMca. C. Grahanu, Scu - atîtede Decoration tu hE Aissisting ho the serx'ice svi',hgog Islanti, oui tlueir 4Othh xvd- cda anud attendeti Mr. anu prayers and scuiptuce readin-Q diuug anniversar.v ah Mr. anti J. D). Brosvu's .591h w( were Miss Patricia Davidsauu Mrs. O. G. Tra velî's, Oshawa. oi'isr iM.au Miss Ann White anti Miss Mc. anti Mrs. Wrn. IHamble- Eti Millson's. Orono, Grace Smith. .Announcement. Ion, Rochester, NY.. wlîo are Mc. anti Mrs. Staniley %vas marte that Sîuntiay sh,,ooliad a,'ing ru Ontario, .s*p e nt er OshawvaMn. anti Mn w:ll eginnextthe y'eekend witlu Miss Elsie' wti bgu nxuweek ah 10 'Cle anti brotheu', Albert. Miss Hoti anti Daciti, e.rn. anti Junior choir practice, Elsie Oke iS retUrning lon weite Sunday guests 3off y, :3.Thu frsdy ning as r y'itîu tlern, Tuestiay, for a -19Slic. F.Drnts Vach vusut. M c an ti M rs. Il. A shtm cived ti Pte îran orpotMs enuddDecorathon aht E bx eth Pter Bor uu Etta Page s iii Bowmnuclle da. ~cnTh art -'ous eig &-.Memocial Hospital.,sve \wish ~ Mclt etv- Thefirt --II metig > hec a speetix' ecoveî-y hoisue frnulîcitl h- lucîti ah the home off Mca. NoeI Mc. aud Mns. A. *llcrrighm frn csta f 'Wood aon Saturda.v wth 17 O.:hav._a . M'andîi s. Cecl uuCb better. girls takung the uev.'proteut, Wlsn..cîtI VI, " r. aud M.FîaYd Bu 'TNestletorluî. icMson r. 18cr- aiteuidet re 'ueuaDc ~The Cub Gil Stauds ~mati Rotirnacaia familv, Lit- ,'c'c' u Sita'au Cuaird." Miss Nanc'y ,Moutai tIc Bî'ilaiuî. xvec e rvstivofh itehuonS'1.uuuda Mrs. Was elecltd as presideuu tvhiMc. anîd Mrs. L. Lamib. . ~ Luîsv Miss- Elcanor Porteacus,vie Mrs. F. Beckett anti Maiuc rf, Mc. n Mr.Stut President. There v.'ll bcetclatheteti the 501h wedtiug an-wMre'.uand calrs.tart M .ns ve'Sa tuudaY nmotunnnix'crsarv ueccîutiouu off Mc. sud Mrs, .Sano' vtinil the end off October, Pue Mes. C'. ,Rebter, at thie Luoîus Mr. an tos. .E tapie for tlic day was on citl_ Ceutu'e, Boy'manx-ullp. nec-cut- hr .EV renshi *n. cuupha i i z i oi g "lh's lx' . hc Suuuday dunuier xviii Great Ia hc a Canadiatu." La- 'Mr. and iMca CClarence ",stabu- f(h reubt Wright anîd girl: cal leatier is Mca. Hans' Rv- 1on anti farolît'har tiuîday teaa Mrs. Allait Wercy. attf ]ey, with MuIs. Noci Woodi as sx'ih Mr. anti Mrs. Fred Ho- tea itu honorur off MissJ asitn.garth'jx. al Grove. o Doughe-tt', Oshuawa, at ____________Maplehome off Mrs. Lawrenuce Mr. anti Mrs. Wray IX Bonnue, Jackîe. anti Mount Foi-est, Mcs. Jini Gregor, Osiuawa, wece Su dînuier guests off Mr. and FA t S P ECIA L 1M. and MrsEdgar Vs malgu rie Wigt, t.Ca ON ni.Haoubletouu, Roch( -~ kUNY. vsiteti the F. Wrigh wcercet siosoff Mr Mrs, Flovyd Pethick, Scai t gh PERMANENTS Ms .Clait,ýo,, ville, hart Suin'iav hea yulh (EXCEPT STEAM) : anti Mus. W'. Griffin anîd Tuesdays- Wednesdays - Thrday lv affer attendutugthe Bel Ursaysda Decou'atuouî Services. MR. HUYCK Aili he in the shop f os. T. J- witleii.rs\'i Tu yas and ThursdaY's , Mointjov. 'HA-nipton. Mrn s T. S.Mou ndov., Hai nîp-vii !Te prfn mein f h Canro n Id . 1was tee is ---e-i Bownianville Drama Work- w a 1 MCad s oga t- SPebe -t,16 9. fnd$5 n ledo* lenlt a sked me to do. shop will be held on Thursday ,rand bMrs. WnDoulsr- eme Mr,16 îa \a ie .5an o: ha nt lcfrhshoul- 1 also read in ftic Oshawa cveninz. September 17., at 8 'i aîî 'baby. insor.o Mr i,14hevdnc a-or on, month for iliegal pos- der. Thereil adh hoT f *q164ttpr and Mrs. Ron M rio, Oh- OilJu I4th vid nc wasTimes of Sept .9. 16 , .m. in the Lions Centre. avwa. were Fridav \*î5îîors heard 'in the case off Richard session off liquor, and $5 and. bridge abutnien, andrt tiuned Counicillor Hooper blasts ex- President Jean Darch uirget; Aiý r.N.BrrmadChisholm, Thessalon. a tran-ý cos's, or an additionai îe v: building inispector and 1 quotle evcrvone interested to please mia eliec n crls His passeîîger Douglas Mal vas placedonupnedcrei~dhdd ~ - g wlak etn ,_: wni Aîiires. NI r. diigonn 2d ., ' <ir ai 11gý,)pe sidle iotitknw ,,catnfined'e lae o vi ~eog -hs, rvîgo un 2u Tory as Cavuga. ws enc oroieva fiown hat Mr. Moore based his fil- îhree one - act plays to ha r BuniDa\d R~x r ~ <~r on0, followed a fatal accidento an cstroemnh varionis charges dating back one 0 but hie feit inclined tol prescnted early ini November. irButpetit a dayv.l Mrý Rav' Highw'av 401 xvest of Waveni for illegal possession, and $9,5'am b va~Tîe'îcu e flict figures off Town Wvn Wonnacott has chosen at s. hton. lev Road wheni a General Mo- and coqts, or an additionai 10 theft of gasoline. drinking Cer Jack Reid. As to this T7he Rsudn Tinkie", a SI.iidMi.GidnWe-trstaco ralr a idavs for drink îng while un-une a request for nforniation on a lier play' and Elsie Raikes is To ndM.Grodon ere Sa r therar ffa esbuo rdra geinr ndecae n cLsigadis- bridge tlîat xas constructed at aîîxiousl looking for. cast aves Mli- visitoi s at M îr. and Mrs, killing *,ne passenger, aîîrt Constable T. A, X'ardyv, OPp, a cast of $42,622.63, so re- members fcr her play. #hr six weekLod stn*.sed the driver to hospi-, told the court hie xas on pat- .' do not know li a r in\ muneratioîi can be madte is'play is yet to be chosen. ti waes, SuInd3\d:ne ss .t taI. Chishoini was represent- i e eastbound on Highway 401 tinies hie lias to be hit overiridiculous. H-e is flot a bridge ,Te'rgam o h and a Mr.' anci Mrs. Lloyd Ashton ed b', Terence V. Kellv, Osh- _on the afternoon off July l6ithe head beforeg helbe nde mnarried were Mrs. Walter Murray awa, anîd T. R. Langdlou, Q.C.. wm'len lie saw a passenger in his serîses." rernarked Magis-ý we pav aur engineers for. tpenirî eetingofWil b n dern Bri ssels, o'oîo -aî M.ad Ms Toronto. The decision vwas i'e-'the car ahead t.oss an empty, trate R. B. Baxter. -There In reply to his statemrents, 1ýcott and will be devoted to a iliHi Ormiston. Eîîniskilleîî served tintilt tlis week. bottie onto the roadlsjde. I-e will be no more mollv-cod- based nil figures on informa-!,.Wýorkshop on "Directing a Mc.an Mr. loy Ahtn. ii a liith jugrenîadedthat wheîî lie gaveidiing. Baby-sitting by the, lion î'eceived froro the con-'PIay.*" This should be a most rnpa ied M . a u r . R r i s o an d Mag st at R . ax er st t ch ase hie saw th e d riv er tos si co u rt is fin ish ed. H e as h a rt tracto r, an d since th at in f r ro un s n e so ne T o rs, Io M i ý. W alter M urrav attended d that hie ha rt given the m at-! out a part b ttle o f liq ur. h a t ( h n e h r . a i n w s r c i e t c e b r r n o r g d t t ýors with the Decoration Service atiter diligent consideration. and1 In thie car, the afficer found Bonnie Quesnel and Nornia have informed nie further tend. md rs.BelîcdaCcrctrv n niî hd fun noevdene ! three paper cups smelling oif Dernars, bathi of Bowman-' that the figures \vere in er- ~n, {ay da ani w re upp r gue.îs run îng aud n wa ton lar alcohol and a part botte of ville, peaded guiltv and were: ror. I will now give you the ~J L Charlie <of Mi-. and M s. Edward Mii- of responsibiliiî. H e dismissed !the.four consequntlY laid foId guiltv of shoplifting on figures recie ir c cn ~ Fost.,. thecontrrcor. Tcndc Mount- son. Orono. the charge of criminal rin.gîi-,cares ugust Iltti. Similar charge-;steetecnrco.Tne John Brrn îd Bri gence, and found accused; George Robinson, 715 Lus against Sylvia Goodwiuî,àR.R. price $42,294.49, extras offMs Bertrni a d Bidie o fl t ,:i . Bow anvile. ere itb"ý $ ,03035 ars$19 .00amaPlumIdPToroTo onto Petli ick, Bertrini -peit t he lholidav guilt .v offcareiess driving. The! downe Avenue, To r ia,3 'waa he.wr v ttal,0 of nd$199238400, makingas r.Ar visitors xveekeuîd with rielatives a-'ýfine was $.50 aînd $25 costs, or' pleaded guilty to charges of' drawn. Police Chief Bernard. 1a oa $3.523,4. spt a few ays a r r er ir '10) das. There was fno sus -, dangerous driviog. carelessiR. Kitney gave evidence in I as a 0 C u clor M s o n o c , B w lo n to in diso r, sp iW 1 e t e r elc im ,' p is o f d i i e c . driving, and driving w ithout ithis case . .udgm e it w as re- lH ooper il w as nore than ridi- nM ni tts:o n t toue weekend ~ \It Mr. Brtrniamd fmiv. Detense counisel pointed oui~ a licence July Ilith. He was' served uîîtil November 101h' culous that hie and another at home. ys \ithMrs M.BerrimandfamlYthat the diver(, had 53.0001 found guiltx' and fined $1501 for pre-sentence report. Thle counicillor make a motioni that Miss~es Normia and Beulah ýrmiston. Mr. anîd Mrs. Stan Cowiing. miles off accident-free driviîîg,l and $82,60. costs, or threeigoods were ordered rcturnedý I receive 2% off stirnated IlaIlowell spent the weekend lamble- Saleiîî, called ou Mrs. Georgel and that lts employer hadjrnonths in jaîl on the danger- to Breslin's aîîd Ka%,esLd!cs fsev e tteBs iss Lin- Tabb aîîd family 0o1 Suîîday. been in cour! each lime nie as riving charge. Magis-' ies' Wear. .es Lad- co offservie statte se atli hirs.hoe. aito pn ýJohî,l Mrs. Harold McGill Tor matter iart arisen. His Wor- trate J. D. Berger forbade Cad council or town were alreadyaewdsatM.FdTod. id lMrs.'onito, Mrs. Keînelh Mason,1ship said thîat: Iiia case cf Robinson to drive foc îwo laue Bissoiuiette corf- pyiganegieraolok Fe,das a .romhsdstict a Port Boîster. Mrs. Harveyý this kind any pinishi-ent he years. nitdof hf1ofa0eovr after tlîis worwîc i- teddtesriei rn fer ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~: an cit, Ensile. wer 'cud moews eîyanv Rbofr se frtoa Auuth25thofwarevver0cîuded the sewer aîîd water. last week for Mi. George Mor- nid Mrs. Mondas ine gust ffM.anatiinoeîa beause he monsonpay. e frotwndays in jail to date from Sep- dineratist OfMI n nt-clma bcaue h' mnth t pa. he ronitember 141h. h 1î ws Iwilt admit 1 ar n ot a ton. family, anîd Mrs. Lloyd Ashton. driver. due to a nioment'sý disrnissed the other charges. rereehb oie gin Wn-big nsetrlo n i.an r.E heTr tOM. c aî 1rs. Bert Ashtonî lack off care anud attention, hart Invcstigating ot'ficer, Cons- sor. BissonPiett instted at sbieer nd tfer inspectoanto, spent the weekend at Mr. aind Lea. Toronîto, spent the!tknalf al . .HreMxelf tainton, weekeuîd altlieucr cottage. trkna ftcets Jhn tablePP.stted hatnieMaxeonie intended ta obain work in' fr whichthie caunicil have Lloyd Hallowell's.far ng Der Mu' anîd Mrs.W. acn urs. am K.;s ofnleesav îa ee aeîtohosptacl-! nail. $1.325.9-d. Tlîe niust have Saturday, frorn this district. Stauuu iDate ad e :l d n M rs. K o s u e 2 t , S s a d a r s h f h e - a o-thought iT v.as "capable to do 'V r, and M rs. C harle H o t, 'oranto, lok aWhtbîedo SnavSer costs, 0" 10days, (Conistablei lision. fteiurdaAlrd this work. or who are the,,Toranto, visited Mrs. Stone, ah Mr.r aod Mrs. Leslie* Gra- Hall, -avpg hepasedtaEarneM.strvvWarrwkartth inuprapl - passing Au- EnstWlk o ld ahaur- 1 I k hnakdt iavyFro h y Lst 0t. $0 ad ost oý 1), iing1n pecto r o." r ifd ah ia i ck o t ak e van d ats a st îo h $ 0 u d os s ou 1the b st off nîv abilitv and rousfortune off losing his barn poah Bintsî.ak od ohe' da s (Constable M . Jovntl it t i case. He said hat 1 do sac w leth r l be nýie or m rn Viece, P lt-ial fi-orn flavdon alm-,OP Dre Feet'Ln,,h, s orthbound on Higi sonueone cise, if has paid off iM.ani r.LlwHl- 7o ro n to ' te n d e t h es D e c r a Ia n S e rv ic e e a r, J u l,\ 2 ud , $ 1 5 a n d t c o sts ,' w e i a a r u l n R M P G N I ffae e ta n p c oie c t o r o w h e r e w ll M siîan d M rs. L M . Sh uao Suuidav i Bthsi Cenîeterv 011ii or 10) da% s, (Conistable J. C.i decided bo hitch-hike. a i ght ay 1 dîd rtce ie there arc hlliisands off dollars Ola.a udv SundaandCartwright. OPP). "iMc. Robinsonî gave $5850firyl7,0eed f axae&ai e\hi" Mr. anîd Mrs. cc-arw $Ir.8.5 auîd Ca50ovee-o txiav aboutvhen, Sý "Tpatli'. or tlre coninitiiii- Peter John McFartalîe, yilfitabu 10 p.rn.," cautilued inspection and $65.00 per speuit. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Farrow, Iis ' ta o r.Russell _ _ -- l h vins."I xas sti ln\Ich r$800 p.M. anditMrs. Lawrence Far- ex dWrgteanded Mc. thewitnes. siting i -,,nh1or $8000 ear " I caluint Lndrstand wv.'1 row atteuided tlic twenhy-fifth ~, hd Wi~,î ad fmîi unt1î M.. *'h~taîentert winners 'the back seat and roulti sc" car allowauîce irIoth(' town ow 'onc gels niuxed u edn erto o r r. and Pdssino off Mr'. Wright, w'eue: 1, Miss Mai-v 1l-orsefieid, thie speedarnetei-aa'it cîinibed un 1963, also $742.40 for -2'% wi, secraîd"Pa e- whe anci Ms. lod CoyrdMre favdon S ropathi. k1 exteîîded 1a Port Hlope. who played the frorn 90t1 t 100 miles an hour. ot subdivision services frai-n i,, s cuitiret',' a Pnht:;c tt1- ewonite Saura' en lellies M Slîcrxy'ood Rîmodle iii Ille accordion: 2, Miss Avelyne The driver and lus passenger the town. which wvas paid en- lies ..aoiuuern : uug retcin9 u I cih.twirler3, Miss Tina Kozub S1ing hOW fastthie car wouid cost thie towuilîîuîhig. op inion, r.Towýii Councîl Rusould pretty weddingrno atninficfon ea er isu took placei aterad li jniw 1 c.11 1v aura atrrcon vr Li M, rs. Newcstle, acordionplayer;4: go, nd thedriver, who hartudpetywdigtokpaea .ss Sandra Gowlauîd, Gar- just boughît the car for $1,800, .fsfr h 132,9CfIr2 be e advi.ed ta sit dowvn Shiloli 'hen Miss Betty' Sav- sericS 0on the base line, witli their heads off depart- ery became the bride of Mr. Fr~~ ~ ~~ N wdnHltcoa:5hu sa-bagdta ehr odi-lis was passeti by the Finance meluts. ta discus: roatters ser'- . Bothwelî, Bawnianville. Rev. Ro e w wa Guitar Grotip. cr's licenice, aîud hart uex'er Comrnittce oni Jult- 16, 19(64, ioisly. a: who kuioîs bettci' R. C. White ofticiated and the Pi(tan Later an cujayable dance: hart one. b the a that was the day what is gun on than the-se Shiloli U.C.W. served dunner. r. a fid was held in the township hall, 'I asked theni ta let ne out l w iruecerls Ooo ndv.a dcdd' adte rfs s eps, en temper's wcre running peo;)le wiuo are on flue job Mr. Lloyd Hallowell, Mr. OronoaiandOi v.as a decieti a r they5reiueAs w as- ura lutIle highl, and 1 receivert evcrv day. andi Mrs. E. Shier were guest.q tetes POMPAGE ONE, s esiet a I9 mlsa orthe chequue oui Aug. 18, 1964 FEx-Biiilduî~ii îsectr, witli M\r, ant Mrs Wilfrrd 3et e rtSodeit ncru Complete prize lust wiii fol- a southbound eau- carne aveu-.wluich was atter 1 was relucv- Ste o:.Wcd oindlzmv eveîuinp. Bewritsubequeteisues. the rise ahead, and lhe ieveret'inudtesbto.î u- fo Pi-pesienttDukeo Br100.p'fle--hart a chanuce. Robinsoncil con Aug. 14. 1964. 'eeii ctîg offdlncePnscto 13swerved right imb the side off t(i13the car we were passing. This 1 did nfot know ai aux turne )raktt mme rporswed I eswung oui- rear endi arounti, tuai J1\as about ta recive 'ri aîio Cnît e repgotheraen eanîd straight into the paîli Of$13:25,97 for services an-lhe c o e I ar euîe erauîuu t heagnthe souhhbouuud ca r.," Mr. base liuue, until afler I hart beerihof John dd Loi, the coming yeau-. TheueWiksttiid asked for niv resuguaioand auî Ia osdrbedsuso e PNAL Ronald Terry Boduîai. Oshu oui the nighit off the speciai o us b Lani garding support off the recent- oiclmeigwihývsf ru eby r. and ly aclopteti Kinsmeui's Distuict aa, aud ar Bwrau, onuh meg. whc1964 .'as - Prjeci. Cystir' Fibrosis Re-Cutc, eepacdo l iex'e me off rot duties. C n d li M r.One liu, 4.n1964i tdotre- ruM. e Kintewuinere elantiree charges. Magistrate R. B. possibi ' consider this amautt " ~O lyiipic 0ën ev.'Kuuuuters er tewbusonîess 11< u> ADR Baxter ordereti each ho repor't for 1963. Sure it waslfor work, eudheting.mcr dac ebuingws ess E donce a nionthta thle proba- coniplete iun t1963, but umtil tudth nîeel! hing aancu sejoyted lion officer, andrtotastay sep-, the nmeeting off the Finanuce A t i e Allen. dui'in" heblac ofth CLEARANCE 1a rate and apart. These youths, Crmrittee luelti on Juiy 16, _______ vloore.were found guiîty off break-1 1964, absoltutely uothiing hart B UY N NV\f g, entcy., auîd theft froni been said, ta 'indicate that 1 Mac BU - h Eastwat- Bowling Lanes ýwas heing rpiunnerateri by 2%l7 LdaTo nn July 23rd. for tlue services on the base nrtav1 O W fl ~AND SAVE ! Botinar hart already paid his lUne a .R I UF U am iMrs f~ haif off the $288.90 damages,' Hy thec v athe " tle I Vich P art ONE ONIAI' and Bowmaiî was ordecedti 10have used I wasuflot passed SUPER *LEIM IIIq Miss pav lis v.ithii a twa-rnonth thu-ougli Couicil tuul u gus thar PROM PAGE ONE pei'iod. His Worship pointeti 6, 1963, anti afier the Base Lix'M LIL VTMN N MINERALS Mc'ed.t off Simpsonî Avenue.I'hus NEW 1964 DODGE ' out the faux' off touths ai-- proiert hart beeuu (onilleteti:Py iyl.Sthi ester auî. .hiletiseless ('ommer- D.quiri'ifg a('rirnal record frcil was aiso for su'b-divisuotheGuets. ts. ciahiy, ulias a strategic location in ci.auo ti life bv sucli a stupiti esca- fuît for uidistial service(]. ' / alts 49 .8tbtt ot 14 thick9 foc accesrsibiluty' bas beautiful in y.,atmte parte. land, v.hiclî1 inuoiîer thue 1'2ta bets, $7.983... 18 tabtets Worth $1.49 .andtrcs n at leasî 10 acre., off Nw 16 Vain Edwa'u' N o r ni a ri Diiii fi.loy-n ueedpd hartlv, at thle 14428 tablets. $7.98 ... ...1 tablets Worth $491 ýibrth rpr'v sfiat. the speak- Nw16 ain Base Litre, was convi'tert off'leasî possubte(rositlta the tax- 4V »i4g1 8 alt,$39 . .7taltwrh49 ci, saui ."lie rest hie explained, Siant 6 cyl.. automatic carcies drivuug oui July 251h Paver. 1,, . 44 Ir. tablFtn 55.79 36 ablets Worth SI.9 n i i~ lue bank., of Soper 1 tnl and fined $25 and $19 î-oýýts, buouglit ie atte'ntionî off "* SPECIALS! iii k DEN au N .~STR ATORS O' ice dys onstae RHuePfinace or-. SUPonJul M~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~UE rekD ON'orf ds b R. fîaceCnmieoi,,., . PLENAMINS JUNIOR LIQUiD! tusw.huclu k leased ai prescrntndSave $ S S Here PceteivsiaîgOff-: 16f, 1964, a siMiluar SitLiatuoiioun'iL8 " oz.on y $2.98 16 0. only S5.49 -te-,adficer, estirnahed damage ho IeLrvSt. N. \,\,licen Wilfuu d _______________________ 1îuic originîal olti Crearno of Bar- unvhcea $20adMw lî'r ev lill, The structure off the 1964 DODGE 2-DR. Dn1 elieai$6,aiCruti'sws ayor off the io ili on.M.Smiith ur"- Sat6 l.atmte volverl. upec't ilucse services. anuîru ri oncdIlat thus landi bc bought SanD6ci. atmal 1 5Ih scur ta~c i ttwu ied ii I w$10.0 askor d 10 - ,o& hY fluc Rotary Clrub, and i ts 1965 DODGE D otieu'hstJ U RYlir ruc&ei luOnî fr hu wr 'asa i iîghueoff tuaftic te, conpensate focrot' car. d tlecelaprnent as a park he tak 1'2-Ton Pickup westboîund, stoppeti fou' the No' nlitrb~~he .o EDLVI en an as a long ternu project. light ah i crie ffKui urp('unIlMleorHaîs hle jobgSt EWPoE 621-:11 Bwmnvl Il cotulti hethe focal point off ni tme rnSer t. A% 7 uprcritu M-f1on lus le- i"off. -oe 2-36 onin a lcnulx inuportant achievement, maasd soouu ac e So et. l Ioed i(c 'uiauli tsti '..

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