Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Sep 1964, p. 9

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of the Parade Horses and Ponies at Orono Fair! Sam's Take Jr. Titie '--w- ~ -'Downing Ellis' Tuesday - i Is_ _ By Jim Clarke spectac On Tuesday night, Samn's and foi Finer Foods climaxed a sensa- playoff tional year by capturing the Dick Junior Men's Softball crown. pitchin Ellis Shoes wilted under a Pion-; 'bliztering 13-hit attack as and tu, 1Sarn's claimed a 14-4 win. iDarkness curtai]ed action after Junioi 51t innings of play. Sams victory gave thiem the best of seven finals 4-1. Sam's Dick Stata claimed his 7th Ellis playoff win, firing a seven- (Sam's hitter. He fanned four and walked four. Ted Leveck and Jim Coyle shared Ellis' mound a', duties but were unable to halt a' Sam's relentless displav or Bates power. Sam's, holding a'n 8-4 Kilpatr lead, put the game on ire as McMan they added six more runs in Stata the bottom of the fifth. Pickard John Kilpatrick, Blaine MýcFet Pickard, Dick Stata ind Stevc Burns Burns each had a pair of hits Falls for Sam's, while Jerry Falls. Bradley Bill Bates. Brian Bradle 'v and Parks Guy Parks added singles. For-,EFjjj Ellis, Harvey MWebster had L,,vee(k three. while "Doc" Adams, AI 'oscr Woodlock, Ted Leveck a"' Clarke Jim Cl arke picked up singles. Coyîe, Around the Bases Woodlo Bill Bates with a double Yourth led Sams in the finals with Dnc Ad a .531 mark. For the entire Crossey playoffs (semi-final and fin- Lee ais), Bill finished with a fan- B. Adar tastic .680 average. Hancock Tuesdays win gives Sam's a Ogden - - - - - cular record of 21 --ins our losses for ff action this ,Stata had ng record for this seasoni m-o defeats. or Men's Tom Finals GP IV L .5 4 1 Win best of series 4-1 Finals Batti AB rick - mjus rd ýters y. 'r ock dams ams k. 19 -18 in 15 AB 1.5 13 1.3 15 1.5 15 8 leag... and a brilliant V the Cham- 'w VV V VV of21 wins WE HAVE wn Lcague R M E 40 47 9k )seven final TO SERVE YOU BETTER! ýinK R Il Avg. r We cordialîy invite you to visit aur 6 9 53 3 15.18 newly enlarged and renovated store. 2 :~ eLARGER DISPLAYS 5, 5 .263 5 4 .122 LARGER SERVICE DEPT. 1 2 .;00 3 3 .200 E TH A S I R H Avg.SETHLASTN 3 6 4i.5 .417 Elcrh m d ia 1 1 .3:33 -13.1 .231 lcrh mAd ia 0 2 .';99 0 2 . 188 0(1 . .167 and Philips q 2 .133 2 0 .000) 1 -O0 .000 ÉTMIlIR l à turned home from fsfsIing ber The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Sep. 16, 1964 Iniece, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Loney and family, Windsor, and also ber niece Mr. and Mrs. number of prizes at Orono on T'uesday morning. John Stev-ens and family. Lon- Fair last Friday and Saturday. Rev. and Mrs. Colin IR. Rudd, don. Mr. and Mrs. 0. B. Elliott, B.A., B.D., Peterborough, were Congratulations to Mr. Vic Toronto, called on their cous- Sunday dinner guests with Mr. Cookson on winning a large ins, '.%r. and Mrs. R. R. Stevens and Mrs. Wm. Laird. Bruises and Aching Muscles FoIIow Donkey Bail Game BRy Jirn (iarkc, Bni i sr a îand h i.' îîîîqicîie are the badges cf 11w brave. Theb brave refcri cd to are the ruembers oif the local Kios- tien. m,ý'l and Kilvanis clubs vlîo 0 X ut ow~d f applroxîmal;tr part icipated inii Mondav ' % -- 0 hiîc ciut t u ira ii n gs Donikrv Basebalexhibi - .lans of 1theiii ni ca ble (tli BEAVER CADET Car & Hall Spacîr'ug 16 x 20 ft. qnraqe wth U W convenjent fiii' acc es,, d , PX t'a .pacq for $6 storffqe or wori< shop. TI() CAR Two door 22x 22 I. Cadet siyled fiirnqA with Pxtrn sioroge space nt the, remr. o piste,..redycot. irect, only _,-. $529 BUDGET TERMS D E L VE RE D Studs and Rafters Pre-C,ît, Easy fo FolIow Plans, Conplete Materials Include Ail-Steel Up and Over Door! Smart, irim and practicai, the 12 x 20 f "Cadet" gaage has qood siyiinq, sound con- struction and an easy ta toi. iow pian that any home. owner con flliow. NOTHING DOWN! ONI.Y $14 A 3io0"rIl! BEFA VER 'ECONOMY' Standard s e and suv nq i2 x 20 fi.gaage, campleue mn. terials inciade al steel tic and Over' door andt pcnns. FREE DELIVERY. CANADA'S FINEST GARAGE DOORS Ca mirl3s finet lnw~ prired donr, 'trnz rizid and durablp % t service frer n 'lniiial hearinit action, bonder- 5 i7v $5e, 0.50pet w itl îd r stanidard 8' x 7' size. 5 Standard S' x 7' %vi Lars-er 9' x 7' door 9' x 7' with ith lites lites -.S55.95 - .--... S57.50 S62.95 F ree I)eliver *-N -Qtîality Materialui - Easy to Ruiid - Pre-Ctit Stuids and Rafters - OnIl, S14 a Month $ 239 CEDAR BEVEL SIDING R ili dried, B.C. red cerlar 9"-iand Io" bovel siding at Ille low. losv price nEof nl1Y $99 PE.R 1000 Ex\cellent for zararf' or ettige. OEA VER LUMBER Dependable Quality & Service 96f Kim, St. E. Memorial Hospital, Bowman. ISoccer Hi- Lites vlm n Darlington Senior Ail-Stars.attcndcd service at Bethesda defeated Peterborough Ail- cemetery last Sundav. Stars 5-2 on September 7th at Mrs. L. C. Snowdcn and Mr. Courtîce field. Goal scorers .Bob Snowden, visited Mr. and were E. Wer, 2;B. Nemisz Mrs. Sam Castle and boys last 2; W.Vallraff, 1.Sunda. Congratulations Io Mr. and T.ast Wednesda ' 's game hc- Mrs. L. Collacuttî on î-eaching tween Courticp and Solina, 46 years of married Eifc. Courtice 1. Solina 0; goal scol- Mr. Charles McGrath, Miss cd by Grant Down. Evelyn LangleN, Hamilton, Mr. Saturday niglit's ganie - and Mrs. John Rekker and Courtice 0, Zion ç son Vance, Courtice, Mr. and Thenet snir grns wîlMrs Lee MacLcan, and son, bc layd o Set. 9th;IlMark, Bowmanville, M r. and Courtice and on Sept. 23rd at Mrs. Ellis McGrath, Toronto, were Sundav visijtors with Mr. l«'ys and their gamp but in- Zion. and Mrs. R. MacLean and experienced riders. The game Junior (lame famiv ended in a 5-5 tic. The score on ThursdaY, Sept. 10--- Ma'ple Grove Sunday School wns incidentaI to the action Coîji-tici- 1, Hampton 0. Goal started last Sunday with a thiat took place howevor. Prac- scored by Tony Harrison. gond attendance. Rcv. Mc. licallv cvcr.yh-od.v bit the <hist Colin R. Rudd, of Peterbor- it lvast once as fice ,tccds oiîgh, preachcd very accept- fcit their oatF. "Ebert ezcr", al nteitrsso h "OdRd" Sl;c"adC OUBTICE Bile Si ty. tre mcrhael wee P.frwof licMr. and Mcs. C. P. Swal- ,.four lcg.ged stsrs wvho shoxvod The Northumberland - Dur- low were Suinday visitors and Splouktý of av on flic dia- ham Tuberculosîs and Health callers on bier mother, Mrs. )n mnond. It s becîî' a 1lng ime Association held registration Fred Ashton, Rcd Wing nurs- -sinco Donke B aschall ý,vas in on Thursday cvcning for 'a ing home, Toronto, Mr. and * toxvu and Moundayv nighitsh - Baby Sitters' Training Course. Mrs. Bill Barlow, West Hill, cd it hsýs losf littîr of its crowd Thii:t.N - two students enrolled Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ashton, plcasing ingredients. ineluding two boys. Fîirther and Mr. and Mrs. E.L. Nid-' Prior to the "Donkey match" registration will be takent at dery. Toronto. On Saturday the Men's Tow,'iî Loagîe the firsi meeting to ho e ld evening thecy attended the rswamped flic Men's lini on September 21st. al 6:459 p.m'. Cruishank - H-ubbs wedding, Loaru 02 h mn ok h dcto eteOf Toronto. The' bride being Mrs. adp'ntagýe of the ",JLniurs"' Ebene-zer Church. The first Swallows Ssse; carl ' jitters, buildingl up an lecture will be given on the Mrs. H. R. Folcy, has re- car]i* ' 6-0t h'ad. Charlie Kil- tnpic 'So X'ou Are A Baby- Patr'ick. George Stcphens and.Sitter" by Mrs. John Romoril.ý Bill Osborne shaî'cd t(e Menis Guests are welcone Io attend souad pitching. wbile Dick any of the lectures. Stita and Harold Michlcson - ____he___ haindîrd tflic Junior Men".ý motind duties.ida Wethc va f rfrniMAPLE GROVE for theo nîgIt 's cnitei'tainmoent Sympathy of this community wi'lh hflictemperatLire in tbe high40Y tcmcdw'it a ris isextended ta the family of the ind '. Man ed i'son a xvr s- late Lorne Stevens, of Bow- fod.MnYrcso n d tk manville. formerly of Maple '1ons]ble o h hwadc- Grove, also to his brother and serve Pl-aise foc lcîr cifoîts wife Mr. and Mrs. Fred S1ev- B o l son in particulhr merits special ca(n r . htOh mcntion, howevor, and lie awa, and Mrs. K. Sumners- E Allan Col. Al~, an oranizer 0i ford, Bowmanville, sisters, and several teenage dancceý last ail other relatives.R O wintcr, spent considerable tirne Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stevens and offort in brinpinig about attended the funeral of Mrs. the rrfurn of Donkev Baseball Frank Olliff, Newmarket, last T to Bownnville. Thursday. BRINGS T O - -- Mrs. Wellie Pearson, Lake- field, is visiting bier mother, Swltchiiîg tires,;frnin oriî n- Mrs. A. Laird, aod lber sister FOR '1 su inu to aniothor on flie car Susan. We are sorry to learo prolongs tlire life. Tire switch- that Mrs. Laird is ont too weil. in;g sa'.es tires b * eqaqalizingl Mr. and Mrs. C. Russell at- %À,ca r and ..exolrc-isitg" the tcnded the Parkin - Dodge spore. By'svicinyotîr tires wedding on Sept. Sth, in Cen-T H spare yon cao drivo'-5,000 Miss Carole Grecnham, Tor- miles and put onîy 20,(000 miles onto, spent tbe weekend at of wear on oaci of the tires. home and visited bier father in SPORTopucs, § ~ B F~~ 3Irank Mohun 623-7234 ~h OVERTIME ,Xftcr resolving to attend the donkev basoball game on l\înnday ihat included an ail Star game as well, word came througli that some overtinie 'vas requîred so we missed tlic event. Howvever, ve understand it was quite an affair and must express thanks to lini Clarke who kindly did the job for us. They tell uis that Ozzie Williams is now doing his eleutIricaI xvîrk xvîth a ri.iaal limp, after tearing some "a aa' ,'Iae dan k r výs mu 4 have been PO\\erl-fI. CONGRATULATIONS Work Done by Newcastle ladies are to be commended for com-ing up M m eso B froin flic bottom of the laddier to take the championsbip. M m eso B ThtY dnfcatod Courtîre on Monday 7 to 5 in Newcastle Io Bowmanville win the socles, t t Rotary Club YEAH ARGOS! The nid scrihe bari decîded, after watching Argos get clnhhc,' cn cople nft.,cars ago thât we'd neyer go back. Blut Sundlav, -ith Edmonton Eskimos as the opposition, we gave ils a free ticket on thic 40 yard line. The double blue lnokcd prcttv gond ton. -liiethr it, as because the Eskies wore bad Or Toronto ilas :mproved is bard to say. But we n1iclît go avaîn îîoxt Sîîadav just to sec for ouLrselves- if insirance man DonMaroo cornes through witb the tic- sa iFa)pintd l fnihni o t ote mdthiS uhcas 166 King St. E. 'Mfan" lie 1novos to seceis name in print --: ohere it Is à #H E L Pn T H E" C M 1 V 1 16 ~ IN& VISIT OUR FURNISHED COLOR TV and STEREO SALON where you may sit and listen in a homey atmosphere NEW RECORD BAR WITH THE LATEST IN HIT RECORDS AND ALBUM1S THURS. - FRI. - SAT. - ONLY! Drop in and fi out a FREE draw coupon for TRANSISTOR RADIO No Obligation to Buy! HARRY LOCKE 20 KING ST. W. ýrvice TV BOWMAN VILLE Club qathat 'Helps Others J" YIMANVI LLE ýARY CLUB WVMANVILLE AND DISTRICT THE SIXTH YEAR ROTARY Proceeds for Rotary Club Charitable Work ~DAYe SEPT. 19 8 ar. to 6 pem. -at INMOTORS LTD. Enter Robson's Lane off Brown Street OLUB .- . THAT HELPS rARY MEMBERS ON DUTY :0- 1:00 p.m. I Samuel - Foreman rty Martin - Tickets ,rrill Brown ýDale bes Heyland nie Holden nMorris ,k Reid t Stevenx 1Thiesbuirger xWa]tersý 1:00 - 3:30 p.m. Keith Billett - Foreman Art Rlbey - Tickets .Jack Bî-ysoo Bob Hepgadoron Frank Irwin Wilf MeMechan Walter Reynolds Howard Rundle Keith Shemon AI Strike .John Verbrugge Ah Witherspoon Bowmanville OTHERS"# AiU Ailin -Foremian RIck Rlckaby - Tickets Bill Coggins Ken Hockin Keith Jackson Tom Palmer Dan Hughes Tan Smith Ross Strike George Vice Harry Van Belle Some iý TICKETS MAY BE ýTAINED FROMROAY CLUB MEMBERS I2Ea. 1 1 > OU ind %mllwlwbgm À 1 s 61-13-3389 1 BOWMANVILLE

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