è ýOWE - PEARCE The marsiage o! Diana Ger ftldene Pearce. daughtero Mr. andi Mrs. Howard Pearce Newcastle, ansi Verne Freder Jck Rowe, son o! Ms. and Mrs Allin Rowe. Newcastle, wa Solemnizesi in St. Paul*s Uni ted Church, Bowmanville. -r Saturdav afiernoon. July 25ih Rev. E. C. Woodland offic. fated at the double ring ceres niony. Mrs. Heathes Ballai Oshawa, the soloisi. sanè flouse o! Love. Ross Metcali was the asganist. The churc was beautifullv decorated foi the wedding with baskets oi Pink giadioli ansi large fera, iven in marriage bv her fa !h'er, the bride lookesi la,' ely la a long gown of sheer n1ylon oves peau de soie. The bodice was trimmes iwth smaîl pearîs andsiesquins, ansi had long lily point sleev- es ansi a scoop neckline. The full skirt was adornesi wt] nylon rases on lace appliques. The oecklace of pearîs wosî bv the bride was a psevious gift from the groom. Her softly !aliing veil. which cov- eresi ber face was o! sîlk tulle trjmmed with lace. Il was helsi bv a csown of simulated pearîs ansi sequins. She cas- ciesi a cascade bouquet of sec roses, stephanotis, ansi ivv. Miss Isabel Pearce, sister o! the bride, who was the maisi o! honor. ansi the brides; inaids, Miss Marie Rowe and Miss N. Darrach wose iden- lical Caribbean blue gawns af peau de soie, which featured scallopesi necklines, elbow lengtb sleeves ansi flare pîcat. ed skirts. Their short gloves wcre o! blue nîei ansi theiz slippers wese o! the same shade of blue. Theis heasi dresses were pleatesi casoneti of matching blue peau de soie with rufflesi nylon tulle rn front ansi short back x'eils. Thein bouquets were a! whites carnations with centres formn- ed o! blue tinter! carnations. They ware peasl necklaccs ansi earrings. g-ifts o! the bride. eyary Viola Parker, flic flower girl, was preft % in a dress o! Carribeasi blue with puffesi sleeves. I-es lace glov- es andi shoes were white. She wore a circlet o! blue canna- tions on ber hair, ansi carsiesi a basket af pink carnations ansi white 'Fuums. Her sterling silver nerkiet was the gift o! the bride. Brian Rowe was best manî fus bis brother, ansi the uishers Were Glen Rowe, a bi'otherl o! t-be,,grooîii, Larrv Pearce.' a hJetétr so! the bride, asîsi 'l'or Simnpson. Matfhew Joncsý wa's ringbearer. A receptIon was belsi t Memori a 1 Pa rk Cluibhou s3e. Garnet Riekard was flic MC. Receiving the guesf.s, r he niother of the bride wore a dress of pink french lace oves taffeta, white accessories. a-id à corsage of bronze colos rosý-i les. The mother o! the groom.ý Who assistesi in rceiving. was- wearing a mini green lintn, -dress wiib white lace jacket,1 andi wbite accessosies. Her corsage was o! pink roses. Later. the. guests% spent toc !and sequirL.ne. flcval necklinet was formed bY the natural scalloped edges of the lace. and the long pointed sleeves were also of lace. The 2race- igs pliques. and there were three overlays of organza finishedý with a large bow below the W waist in the back. The bridel .wore a necklace or pearis,i the gift of the groom. HerI shoulder-length veil ofttu 'eý illusion was held by an ex- Quisite headpiece of white pearlized petals adorned with > seed pearîs and sequins. and ev'ening nt thfm home of thé she carried a cascade bouquet1 brice«sparets.of white carnations, vellow, bride parets. weetheart roses, and steph- For a wedding trip tIot01- nts it tawa and other centres tne Ms e, bride wore a pink brocade Mis Lorraine Brock was r- satin dress with matching maid of honor. and the brides-1 s.tre-quarter length coat., maids w e r le Miss Sharonl as and a corsage o! pink andlBueMisPnY ajr oh l-white roses. Since their re- o! Bowmanville, and Miss n turn Mr. and Mrs. Rowe have Anne Hancock. AiÀrora. a cou-i h. been residing on Liberty St, s in Of the groom. Linda; c- NrthBowanvile.Loucks, Napance, niece of the' e- The bride. who was educdt- biewas the junior bridps-r n. ed in the Newcastle Public' id nd Jnice Lou cs.1 19 School and Bowmanville HichI Napanee, also a niece o! the' If School is a Général Motors: bride, wa.s thé flower girl. .h employée. The groom was; The maid of honor and the r educatcd ai the Newcas1:le1 three bridesmaîds were dres-ý f Public School. Orono and sed alike in aqua organzai sBowmanville High Schools.ý over taffeta. Their attractive1 r He jr employed by Loblaw'sJ frocks had rounded necklines, -1 Prior to marriage, Mrs.!cap sleeves and each had an r Pearce entertained ai her re-: inset lace cumnierbunds. The, ie sidence ai a trousseau tea forý full skirts had inlaid shirr,ýd hher daughter. In the after-1 organza and lace dlown the! s, noon. Mrs. John Rîckard andý back, and the waistlines we.' -Mrs. William Lake presidedi each marked with a bow. îe over the tea cups, and in thel They wore pearîs, the gifts of hl evening. Mrs. Harold Rams-! th e bride. Their aqua head- sberry, Enterprise, and Mrs) bands featured roses and rose- i Darrach, Newcastle, did so. buds and had sm-all semi-cir-~ [s The bride-to-be was the eclar veils. They carried' r guest of honor at a large mis-, white carnations highlighted r- cellaneous shower held at the bv a numnber of aqua color2dl & Newcastle Cornmunity Hall ai' carnations. i ýs which the hostesses were Mrs.i The pretty junior brides;- dl Harvev Jones. aunt of the1 maid and hier sister. the sweet Mr. and M .-: bride, Miss Isabel Pearce,' littie flower girl were" ter follnwing t I d'Miss Nancy Darrach and Mrýs.' matchiiig frocks of white Or- 1 Brian Rowe, a cousin of the ganza over taffeta with fullil . 8th. The' ýr bride. Mrs. Peter Lake. also fluffv skirts. They had aquia is shaVoWn Standii le gave a shower, which was! cummer b u n di s. aîd their Ann Finnigan, c ;-, held at the home of Mrs. Ha- dresses9 had cap sîceves and groom is a son o d vev Jone.s. Bowmanville. square necklines which, frp- - At the home o! the brides mcd their oearl droplets, ift:- lfgrandmother, Mrs. Mary A'[l-'o! the bride. Their charmýin.îg d dread, Newcastle. a presenta- head banîds were formed of -tion was made to the brideý stiffened aoua organza. andi *and groom o! an electricý thcv carried aqua carnation., s floor palisher, a walnut, coffpee with some wvhiie carnation,: - table and walnut step-tables,' as a contrasi. lan oil painting, aîîd a large Jon Hancock. a brolher of - floral spray, giffs of the bri- the groom. was filie best main. 3de's aunts and uncles. The ushes-s werp Richard The bride and groom 1- Loucks. NaPanee. haîf-bro- i reived presentations of an ther of the bride, Bob Wl c lectric frying pan from flic liams. BOwmnanvillc andiGax 2bride's fellow employces at' Palethorpe, Richmond Hil]. -Général Motors, and fromn the a cousin of the bride. aroom's fellow Loblaw ern- The reccotion ww; lsi ai ployees, a large hassock. Thcv Memorial P a r k Clubhou le. alIso reccived a purse o f The paternal grandmothcr -)f moneY presentesi to them at the bride. Mrs. L. M. Rowe, a party in their honor hcld reccivesi the guesis wearing a af the home of Mr. and Mrs. shcath of bei2e lace ovrrfaf- 1Brian Rowe. feta and matrhing lace duster.i - l~~ier Iwide-brimmed hat Iw- pink. andi her gloves wese of, HANCO('K - FINNIGAN the same shade or pink. H-Ierý St. Paul's Unitedi Chtisch shoces and handbaz were beige \vas effectivelv décor a t le d and lier corsage was of ninký witli tail standards of yello\v sweetheart roses. Mrs. Han- and white chrvsanthemums.I cock. the mo4ther of thie, and whîite silk bows marked' groom. who assisted iin ce-, the pews on Saturda * yaftes-1ceiving,, wore a dress of blue noon, Juil.v l8fh, wheîî Carol,'lace over taffeta, and iher lare Anne Finnigan, daughtcr of, coat was of the sanie sliade Ms. Robert Fiîînigan andi thelof blup. 1-er corsage uas of late Mrs. Finnigan, was m uiii swethcart roses. and , h v t1ed in marriage to Pauîl Ei- wore a white hat and white win Haîîcock, a s~on of Mr. andi accessorieý.I Mss. Lloyd G. Hancock. Leaviiig for a weddingtn Rev. Edwin Hancock. Air- to the Unitedi States, the brýide1 osa, uncle of the groom, per-' wose a becoming two-oiece formed the ceremnony. Thelsummes pink boucle suit wi!hý soloist, Mrs. Kenneth Hull,î a smart oink haf, wliitc ia. sang The Wedding Praver andý gloves andi white shoes. 1-er 0 Perfect Love. Ross Met-'corsage was of oink swoeef. caîf was the organisf. 'heari roses. Msr. and Mrs. PalI The beautiful bride. who, Hancock are îîow residing af was given in marriage by her;39 Centre Street. father, wose a lovelv' floor-! These were out o!f own! length go\wn of white silk averl guesFl ai the weddinz fromr white taffeta. The bodice oflOakville, Newcastle, Toronto. Alencon lare oves taffeta wpvl Oshawa, Naoance. Cobouri-. enhanesi with seed pearis: Richmonîd Hill1, Buck FaIls.' - (enn -,,TT (;A T~. MODERN AS TO-MORROW and 100% CANADIAN MAGNESIUM LUGGAGE 0 Jetliner introduces newesf advances in Iuggage design Sgiving lightness and beauty with more strength. OSfeek scuff-resistant vinyl finishes, wash j dean and new trip SSanitized inngs throughout ensure hygienic freshness. Jelnropen stock moîched ensembles have mine practical trovel sizes plonned For W MEN- for the entire fomily. 4 exciting colours. White, Blue, Grey and Brown. f or MEN - Jet Brown and Jet Grey. from $2950 HOOPER'S JEWELLERY & GIFT SHOP 2P KING ST. E. BOWMA NVILLE MoI<es tilt o4allrIuggage *1r oid foshioned! Aurora. The biide was borninl Toi- onto, ansi movesi ta Bowman- ville with her Parents when a small chilsi. She was cdui- catesi at the BowmnanvHlc]( Publie ansi High Schools. aund s a member o! the Bowmnan- vi!leý Figure Skating CIlubh The bride is on the staff offth,' M lacal Stesiman's Store. The LUnted groomn wa.s born in Bowman- and IJl ville. ansi was also educatesi Allun I aI Sfic local Public ansi High Sehools. Hf, is employesi hv General Motors of Canada. The bride was the euesýI o! honor at a number o! show- crs om'îar ta lier masriagc. Among those who enterfainesi for ber were Mss. Jark, Glan- ville, who was hosfess at a pi'eseiitation showcr attensies hv about 30 gessWhîih wns s"' hIdli athle' i-sideîice o! Mr. a inI VIns. Lloyd G. Ilaiicock . FlotcSs e - at rmiscelIlaneoi'ý showers for the pooulamr bride were Mss. E. L. Marirrisoii, girls, o!flie Stedman Stoss aîîd Misý Lorr'aine Bi'nck, Tile çyirlý o! the Stedman staff pse- fric clark.1 Th groom was honorer! bv1 a stag oartv lielsi af the Bo-! manville Badminton C I u b' Hall ai which hîs fellowv workerss rom General Motos presenfes i hm with a pusse of moîe v .4 A trousseau fea for thr bride was belsi af the home 'if the gsaom's parents, on Sa,- ursiav andsi Sndavý, affernoon5,: Julv I lth ansi 12th. Aftci the rehearsal the groom's par- ents entertainesi the wedding ___________________________Party and frinds. P Ontarjo 's Largest Home Furnishers (oming to BOWMANVILLE 26 KING STREET, EAST (Formerly Osborne-Sport & Cycle) À& A& À&A A I I I 44 Pretty JuIy Wedding Irs. Paul H-ancock arm picturvd above as the bride signed the recis- ,hcir marriage inî St. PaulSs United Church on Saturday aflernoon, officiating clergyman, Rex'. Edwvin Hancock, uncle of the groom, ng beside bis neplîex. l1' lancock is the former Miss Carol dauighter of Mr. Robert Finni-aii and the late _Mrs. Finnigan. The of Ms. and Mis. Lloyd iG. fHancock. ýAarried in St. PauI's United r.and Mrs. Frect'ick Rnw'e, Bawnnnvillc, were marricd ta St. Paull's 1Chu ircl un Satur day anitrasnit, .Jiv25t h. The bride is a daýti,,htrrof Mr, hs. I l<watci PO imrq Newasil. andsi th groom is a son of Mr. anîd Mrs. Rowc, ais i <if Nxcs e lemgffi nwI or i.a1ce A Iccori. h ian w a îui't ut îckline, i scîesvi~'cliii Prî:nitul 'he lîosps iîad i i i'. ne t usîger xith lace con i IsI ,tofhenm ai thie hack. Iler sI bnw lemigt!i vu-il of' French 'lîiiu:-ioiî ivas lac" trîiiîius iuandaînheIotia lîî-adîiece ouf 1,1ln madeiiinl oIi,-- (n unîcîl a ci . uas btii no rei-ro îse bus lld iSni \' lite iii - i aSlmis. Peteî'hiîîm'iîîi'lî o n ia id o! liinur. 5h> uit auhi-I Ipimit. non iorga îî s ver mel amis tat!cîa, spriî vs of lace. G uipure triminesi the ucklc ansi s kînt. The sleeves iverc three- quarter lemîgili and! fhe hack featuresi a panel amid! ailored- bomp She woic a flowcrenl hat amns] eiimîg 5Ymatrh anis!car- riedr! tnolas io'ea vo! pink ansi white casmaîîoas. Thiip'b r irlpcsniîai d, NI-- Yvoninic ritîsîn, .sfrn i tue bridie, wore a iefsasuoft lip sain, lesimiî in ilite ,ansi car- rîesl a cruln suea !blue A frieini o! thé, groomi, Mmr Roetlewis o! Onono, waF be>st5miari anr!Mrs. Wvilliam Bnîttoti. broties o! the bride, was ushes. Th( recepf un o a hels i thie home o! thle bride*s par- ents. The bride's inither se- eciriia dres-Of i iLie Chiif- faon oves taffefa. vvith match- i 'g nv r~it. wîeacces- sosies and a traos>f pinkil ans! white carnationms. The groomstit irwoeajacket ýýýýdress o! importes! prîuîtedsi sîk Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Lloyd Tavlor o!f swsolandi pale lionev, white acceSsosiesý ansi a corsage TAYLOR BRITTON an~d Ms-. Rouas i' !Tar]lso! xhite ansi vsllow carnations. ,Oi Of Ms.. anidMs.Lloyd .\fter hIe rerceptuon the Bouiquets Of pînk aiid Q'hitc Tayvlo of Ornuin. happv couIplee Iton ;1a wed- glactioli. (uarnatiamîs ansi bah\ Rý'Re.Il1-FS uitf B',-ding trip fa Niagara Falls ansi breath. forniesiaiattractive iamville off!îîiatcnh ansi fhicthe Unitesi States For ti'av- setting mnt Ballydut! Presbv- wvesling mtisic was Plalv esi bv eiiing. the bride chose a linen tenain Church, for the wedsinig MrsscGordonn Stroag. Ponî.v- sheath o! pale pînk ansi match-! ami Satîîrda.'. Julv 25th, 1964, port) ing thj-ee-quarser length coat. of Jsephîne Margaret Britoi, pi'su in mairriage îlu' fýies .xh'tr,.accessorie5 ansi a piîk daughter o! Mr. andi Mss. tathps aitSh-ir double rmng ansi-white corsage completesi don Brîtton. R.R. 2, Pontypool,, ceremony, the bride wore a lfuIl ber ensemble. BDOROTHY BRE The Cariadi an Statestnan, nowmanvil1e, Sgept. 2. 1984 sounding rattle into CN's steel! erica and to the wellare and o re cars long before that date. 1 prosperity of the Province of Calansi bas an assured mar- Ontrio and thie people of Can. ket. Behinsi it are the researcb ada." laboratories o! Inlansi Steel,l And in the century or more constantly searching for waysý ahead. when this ore body of using steel. Calansi ore is'may corne to an end as ore bought with American dollars, mines have been known ta ils transport ation ta ore boats do, there will always be the aver CN's rails ks paisi for in wonderfully colorful spec - Amreican dollars. Caland ex-, tacle of those open pits for pccts to sbip two million long' tourists ta gaze on! That is, to[ns inI 19t' i lU Lree i l-t Discovery of the vast iran lion tons annually wben theý ose Iode at the bottom of pelletizer is completed. Steep Rock Lake ln the Lake l h enie te Superior district o! North- IRock, m ng, s in g manyeeo western Ontario bas been se-Rok ing selgmay flected on the graphs of Can- thousand tons of the sameý adiaîî indu.sts. Aside fomfe grade oe. collects is roval-' i th e ti e s . sales %-aluie of the ose. maney spent on employment, Coi - Wf Hope 90 TOO struction materials and equio- 1 like the tribute Inlanrl nient needed. îîol only to emp-, Steel's,. vice - chairman, Philip t *v Steep Rock Lake, but also D. Block, Jr'.. paid flie Cana- ta build the CNs spur and are dîaîî campanv --"We have fol- dock at Port Arthur. bas goný, lowed in their <Steep Rock*s) in vast sums. towasd many footsteps and profitesi by Canadian payrolls. Millions of, their experience. .Asý w e tans of ore have travelesi over lookt the future. wr do ;:o that high trestle andi been with pride andi confidence dumped into the holds of lake that ibis will bie ane of the freightcrs since 194.5. when theý outstanding mining ventures first ton \vas sccovered from ýo! aur gcneration. . . that itsi r bencath its overburden. life will be long and healthy, An Amesican company« , ln-'andi that if will make an ever- land Steel, stumbled almost bv': lasting contribution fa the chance on the opportunitY ifý steel industsv of North Ani- saught. to acquirc a new and, promising iran mine ta assure a supplY of high grade ose for UeE its stcel nîanufacturing opera- lion at Indiana Harbor. A new! RO compan 'v was formesi and giv- en the îîame a! Câland- "ca",C for Canada andi "land" for tf sC parent camoany. Iin the dying[ days o! 1949 negotiations wcre OF completed with Stecp Rock:By Iron Mines Limited for an op-ý lion ta lease 1,0001 acres ont llI'rF fiî'n7I landsin flic Falls Bay area.' Drilling proved thieore wouldTEF meefthe coînpanv's nceds anîd FAIL RMIV OP a 9.9-year lease was signed as1 of Januarj' 1, 19,53. on a novai-ý Comiprehensive training ty Der ton basis. lndividluai instruction-.CI With the expenience a! Ste'-P! Rock's pionecring, Caland, for Dr. Ettore Mazzoleni, Prin the next five x'cars, drain-d 23BorSre dredgcd and carfesi away mil-27BoaStet' lions of Yards of sait. Sixt ' Telephone 928 -3797 -9 AM-4. million dollars have been spentý ta bring the property to ils present efficient open piS op- era lion. Calaîîd has started its new",À, Plan t. 1 watched workrnmn driving piles, or same st.ich, construction for this undcrtak- ing, which will psobably fake, two 'years ta camplete. How-** ever, if I mav bie permitted i a prediction, wifh a chic! engin-' eer lîke B. Whitam in charge, Mother: "Well, .Tunior, were that Planît will probably be ' spewing pellets withi a re- you a good boy at your first BETHÀNY Sn: "ure, moher, o Mr. and Mrs. Charles McG 1] standing ln a corner ail day!" entertained a oHm b e r of, friends on Saturdav night! who presented L/Cpl. John] Jackson with the gift of a * *nu ring prior to his leaving for alese Germnany where he will be alLsi stationed with the Canadianý LTE AEHNS Arm -v for the next three COHSCAEHNS years.1 When buying clothei for your sehool children make , ur@ Mr. and Mrs. Thomnas Jen-, they are 'Guaranteed Cleanahie." You should recelve this nings soecnt the weekend in, Willowdale with Mr. and Mrs.ý assurance from your local retail store. Frank Prussak. Miss Marlene Rylcv and SCHOOL OPENS TUESDAY, SEPT. TH Miss Beverice White were in Mntorists drive carefully .. watch for the wee tots! Trenton for the past week, visiting .with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. A. Turner andr ; tamilY, Toronto, mwere guesîs 1 4 rlcçScW. OA wvith Mr. and Mrs. Wall e dla for the weekend. if Lte IdI' t e L U whicfl held back by a series of pumps aod Pumping appara. tus, doesn't seep back to its olsi shore level. If You'reTIRED ALL THE lIME Now and then everybody getsaa "tired-out" feeling, and may b. bothered by barkaches. Perhaps noth- ing seriously wToflg, just a temsporary condition caused by urnnary irritation or bladder discomfort. That's the time te take Dodd's Kidney Pflt5. Dodd'a help stimulate the kidneys to relieve tbis condition which may often cause back- ache and tired feeling. Then yeu feel hetter, rest better, work better. Gel Dodd's Kidney Pilla now. Look for the blue box with the red band at ail drug counters. You can depend on Dodd't.en OST F TORONTO IYAL ISER VA TOR Y 'MUS/C eel, Dean PENS SEPT. 8 ;in ail music subjects lasses*Special courses ncipai, School of Music West, Toronto 5 .30 PM, Monday ta Friday IDEA L FOR CA NNI NG PEACHES ARRIVING FRESH DAILY NO DEALERS PLEASE C ARN ATIO N ~~EVAPORATED SAVE MILK ALLENS e"41 AMpple Juice 2 IN69 IVAG STA FFE RASPBERRY JAM 24.0z. CSAVE JAR5 C 8c FRESH GRADE A No. 1 22'2 to 31 Ibs. Average "'e,("HICKENS N~\ 35ib VEE TYPE No. 1 If EA PIN G MARGAINE "" 2 lbs. 47c CHASE AND SANBORN S AVE] COFFEE l.89C Ideal Barbecue Specials Lean Fresb HAMBURG 2 Ibs. 75C LEAN - TENDER T-Bons or Wing Steak onl751! SO? AND SAVE AT DYKSTRA'S FOODS FREE DELIVERY Open Thurs. end Fri. 'Till 9 pà.m. 77 King St. W. Bowmanville Phone 623-3541 WYed in Ballyduff . rNý L ý No. 1 FREESTONE TULIP