Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Sep 1964, p. 1

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Cowhoys Thrili Fair Spectators There was plenty to see at Blaekstock Fair on Saturday including many exhibits, horse races and other attractions, but one of the most entertaining features was the show put on by the W Bar L ran1ch cowboys and cowgirls from Oshawa. Over a period of several years they have developed a large number of trick riding displays and competit ions ta showv how things were in the rodeo days. This young, energetic cowgirl is taking part in one of these contests. Riding at full gallop, she had to pick a stick out of this barrel, carry it round another barre] and on the way back b ithe starting point, throw it back into the first barrel. Working against time the riders wenit ail out to win, while one of their mnembers dressed as a clown did his best Io cross them up. The audience loved ever.v minute of their showv. Ge rman Couple Lose Furniture Fire Deparf ment s Refuse be BOWilANVILLE. ONTARIO. IVEDNx1nil'% V FPTL'NTIRP - l là To Answer Cati for Help When Truck Burnson401 A couple from Hainover, possessions they had purchas- 400 records. "The records. Germany, who had been in ed in this country, plus articles think, went off lîke an ex- Canada for about three they had brought with themn plosion, and after that every- months, lost furniture and Ifrom abroad, when the fire thingr burst into flame," the other articles valued at be- started. The Hartleys were truck driver stated. tween $500 and $700 in a truck going 'ta Toronto enroute to He explained that the truck's fire on Highway 401 at 11:55 a return trip to their native contents owned by the Hart- o'clock on Sunday morning. land. leys were flot covered by in- Neither the Bowmanville or j Horst Hoensch, Orono, driv- surance, arnd he 'vas flot sure the Oshawa Fîre Departments er of the truck, first noticed whether or not his own ifisur. wil] fight vehicular fires on the fire when he saw a smali ance would cover the losses. provincial highways.i flame in his sideview mirror. After unsuccessfully trying iM.and Mrs. Hartley and and believed ilta be a flash of to obtain hielp by telephonc their i l-year-old son, Helmut,ithe sun. from twonen-arest fire depart- spent the time they have been " Traffic wshcavy so I menIs, Oshawa and Bowman- in Canada 5taying in a cottage1 didiiVt pull over until 1 check- ville, the truck driver receiv- in Pontypool. They were, ed a second time," he said. ed some assistance from two travelling ta Toronto in a car The Hartley's possessOioni-Opp constables who tried ta which was following the truck cluded sound and recording fight the flames with an containing an accumulation of equipment, and also more than cmergencv cxtinguisher frorn the cruiser, but the fine was already out of contrai. Town Clerk Jack Reid said today that when local fine- coucilin 962reganding high- 'Naw an TTURN JTO PAGE TWO) -- aluw'Vvol Ba mIums wwM7 Fine Weather Helped Blackstock Fair Attra Draw Bigger Crowds1 Thousands, of we books will find thei the trash cans of th week. The annual1 d iffl is'bcst rcad' book isr sînce its successor, r han U su ithe mai! to custor i According ta J.' Than UsuaiBell Telephone rn Blackstock was certainlv fa- Decoraîed Bike, Girls,..Jîîaînn Oshawa - Bowman Voured on Saturdav, with won- Ballingali, Judy Felsteaud; bourg - Port Haope church supper and the evening Tnewîn, Tod IMartvni. New e ch~.iers and urrounlbedigte entertainmcent alI had langer Clowns. Beth Dunsmorc, Jiiit ca.Thn'xisl e isti attendances than last year and MacLauiîln: JQlfl. 8.465 copea ven t]- numerous favorable commentslFallis, Grant MeLaugliiiî: id 'ear. A total of 3.9 were heard. Mauri Kininunen. (Hoc km I I sent 'to customnens ir The fair commenced ut 1 Special). H igOh SchoflOOs ville, an increase c p.m. with an excellent paradeý Boys - 12 to 15 Run Manix ii j last -",ear. which formed at the Iligh!Rein Bonsnîa. DistrictarHBgl School grounds and pronceed-ý1 The comple h t ( i e Diiîrh a t n-Co a c isctHgi spEer hunyedr Bef oedup a te suihgat afthexvii b ptblili~l H\i k.School Board lias released the .pn udeso riccîltothsur lgleo. f hwle naines of îîe\w teachens xvho i n g, telephone parade xwas composed of wsevoi area hîgh sclîoolanamesond ocîthet eral beautifully decorated i read reference boal floats, business floats, decorat- TUhRN W .. y a h GEar. datingowr n ct ed cars, deconated bicycles,,R'OPG W M.Lwvcu farm equipnicnt, W Bar L U e e tB o sým a an N w D p yCh f Rodeo Riders: 25 ai' more an- e e tique cars and sýorne clownsm. Titis -year 5tudent's of Following are the prizes of iGae XadXwl - parade: civefe txfoý;a h Bestjecrate faRachard , several area higli sehools. c>ecoatedfloat Ric a d ief es XtnooX mat tel *1 Com pletes 'ines§ Floats, Hoskin's Storel To make certain there are Ph-je Ridge Service CentIre;'1 uf fi<ieiit books for al Decarated Autos, The Beadies, pupils, Bowmanville Ilighi Cleopatra: MaShrtridge;' Schoo is offering to pur- W t o n s F r WINS $50 DRAW Ronald Mutton of Me- Queen's Motors' Service Station, King St. East, wax the winner of the Kin In- vesinient Draiv on Tuesday. Mis number ivas 117 andj the prl',e S0 tcxtbooks at haîf their arig- inal price. Thcy must be ln good condition. Those w-ho are intcrestc< In this affer are requested ta leave the books at thc school during office liaur, on Sept. 3rd and 4th, Thurs- -day and, Friday -of this -weck. I nterested Spectators ýThe Fire Committee report!r and necommendations whichj S were adopted by Bowmian - j d ville Town Council recently' eon a motion bx' CouniciIlor1i SWesleY Fiee, Chairman of the; Fine Committee, seconded bv, I Councillon Ken Hlooper are1i as follows: OPeratlng Policy for i Bawmanvjlle Fire Dept. 1. Repeated absentees xvith- out reasanable excuse MUST be reponted ta the Cammittee by giving the Cormmfttee the ralllceal fnom time ta lime.« If in the opinion of the Com- mitlee absentees are not icîsi-1 ified, the Cammittee will; meet with the Chief and his1 assistants and discuss this- malter and make futher de- cîsions. 2Leave of absence shahl ,mean a member absent for a' perîod of more than ancexveek UP pta thnee m ni ths with a' recommendabion from the Fine SDept. and with appî'aval of: rFine Cammittce. Leave af absence referred to il, the! above will be xithocît pay. 3. Fireman who expect ta be out of tawn for a peniod afý Imorîe than 24 hacirs other than aon vacation MUST natifs- the, iChi-ef. l' ire Committee Report and Recommendations 1. The policy as amended be adopled and the farmen policy' be rescinded. 2. That the use of Captains be rucotnte as far' as rR OPAGE TWO) Lloyd Ayre's Ram Awarded' Top Honors UYi. nc.Ayre of Bownian xiile. Ont,.. xas the- x-încr of the be>:t Hlampshire Doxvus rani awandi. Monday. ah tua Can- adian National Exhibition,. Th Tla eser-xe hast ram xvas an , -intr ,-vbx Har-oldi S. Jebsoii of Beaventon, Ont. i Mr. Av ne also pickîrd up the best exx' and resenx-e besi ev-a nwands. At Biacksîcîck Fait- On Saturday afteri'nîcn. tese, twa vaungstei's di-ew considex-able attention %vith theit- aimost identical oulfits. They were also most interested in eveî'ythin1g that %vas îaking place an the bîack atîd had a gaod view, standing as tbey were dinecîiY tinder. the piatfarm xvbere Master of Ceremanies Ted Spence-, ley xvas boiding,. forth The beys are Tommy, left, a-cd 3 in Octaber. Bobb. 2-'un September. They ar-e sans, oft Mr. and Mrs. Merle Allen, liamplori.i (ou rtice lies Softball Finals ýWith Newcastle Countice ladies lied the Dcurham ladies' sufiball fin- als las* îiigltît i Newcastle bv diefeating flîcir casten neighbars 2 ta 1. Newcastle w-an the apener, 7-1. Third gaine of the senies w-iil bc playcd Thursdayr ight at. Courticeý starting at O;30 o'clock.i )lications 7e l -th unbed1 tomners to check the Tîmbers] ir way inoai in the new directory andA.., .e area this' where necessan.y make changeslppjj.~ fate of theRta their Blue Book of ftele -1 prditale1 hnenu-ier.ThsFor hl ,the 1964, avoid the annoyance of \vrongc o y s now ini numbes. 'Anyone needîng a mers. : ncxv Blue Bokl for frequentl 'v A nu] W. towrý.: called numibers can obtain one for the nanager foi' by calling the Telephone 0f-. Building pies ofth lihe said. Inspeec nville - Co-! 'i aae one u ce1e ý- Whitb Ili naiagr u _ieso treei -rrt rNdir- that ftie introductorv Paga rc bei rrîae were a wealth ot information Are ributed thicf and snould be chccked to see ait he r i'fan different pracederes vleT he previous11hedo 12 wllbe wcre outlined for mnakiîîghedo .2 il omb~c a 1ls' Eimergency nuinbens Septei in Bowan-1should be recorded in the The ] of 400) overibaîks pce eiai.Inspecto i blnk sace" he aid.by âMcli 1ernployees! This year's cavai' features ai- horslit-sketch of the Ajax and P iei p i ,;Lbscibe-,-' eingGenrlHos pital.In world's best directories the Bell ill pr t mas )ks. thîs vea-, the caver is a new VI t i o n e d u s - 1 l m n i k h a e - .A ilr 'Retuil nomen..os B.A . S n heior ulgon , r.>.si1 I aedou tr. ditor canmed-'F0U s Bna. r.Sîle came9ta Hour Akont Bamnile irt 1910 fod year Conmpany here. Whcn, jGoociyean took thaîir tire plantý bo New Toronta în 1917, Mn. Tîeflo Sîslerwcnt with theni.Th Ile retired froni the coin- apply on Labo 1panly ini 1950 aftcr aven 40 day, Septenxlj years' service. Now, 82 years inanville Past old plus, he i s enjoying the The Post C retired life in Burlington. Mrs. lng the box1 Sîsier could not mnake the tnip; closeti. ta Bowmanville dcue ta illncss. r Mails will1 Shie is a sister of Chanlie Van- as follov.-s: Eý stoiîe anti IVirs. George Fanscy. and 7:00 p.n-. 1Aithocigh net living tao far -p.m. andi 7:00 distant from Bowmanville Mn.ý There xii Sislen had not returned taý Route Service. visit hcre since the Centennialý One Street calebrations in 1958. Collection at Ag reement De partment Di ts anad §Pieces RETURNING - His many friends in tLus area will be interested to Iearn that M. McIntyre flood, who has been chief of the London Bureau of the Thomson newspapers, is now on his way back ta Canada. While no details have been rcleased of his new position, it is believed hc' will again make his headquarters in the Oshawa area. SHOWMAN- Congratulations are iin order fer Walter Riekard, son of Mr. and Mns. Carnet Rie- kard, cf Shaws, who, xith his caif an Monday, won the top 4-H award for Sbowmanship at the C.N.E. He was presented with a beautiful sterling silver tray. HILLTOP TROUBLES -- Down Pott ope way, tbe arguments are flying thick and fast. Haif cf town council walked out on a meeting Friday when there was disagreement ovet- wbether they should discuss the appointment cf a iîcw police chief in private or public. To add to their misery, tbe Parks Board is threatening to resign because council allowed Nicholson File strikeî-s ta set up headquarters o n pu blic park land. EXPANSION- A major expansion is la progrcss at the î-ear cf Bowmanville's Stedman Store, King St. West. This will add considerable additionî- ai space ta this modern merchandising outlet. Sev- erai cf the men wbo worked on the original renovation cf the building have returned to town and once more are looking fer places that supply room and board. 't t + FISHES - No soaner did that, pic'tuî-e of ite big "muskie" appeai- last week than ethet' big fîsh stories came ta light. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bathgate cauglbt a "muskie" while on their holidays at Ston- ey Lake. It weigbied 14 pounds and xvas 40 inches long. Bill Slacbt and his party also had consider- able luck catching lake traut aver the weekend. 'l'le details are carried ia the sports columas. inspeci-or nber of applications ýAttract Thousands of Patrons Inspector, IVeed ' r, etc., have been 1, and the applicants To (olorful Legion Carnivai ng interviewed. a rt will be prcsented nceeting of Bowman- WVanîi x at foi a cag k a also assisted. sedan wvas Il. McKee, Guelpi own Cauncil to be r was a real coiîtribuliiîg factor, b t Vc-PX~,d iKiiîhSt-ct, Oshawa. Arthur Shee- ri Tuesday evening, in rnakin.iithe carnivai hc-ldj Fergîîsoîî was in charge of the an asthie Car Diratv Dcput.y ber 8th. by Branch 1-8 of the Royal Car Draw, and the lucky xvin-iChairmiiati. The winning tick- position of Building Canadian Legion in Alenonial nc-r of the 1964 Oldsmobile1 iTURN TO PAGE TWO) or was formerly held Park on Frîday evening a tre-t ville Moore. rnendous siiecess. It was a!- tended by lhousandis of po !Crnva Caima Knnlh Quarter Century Club ýy a ie(jiîn i Nicers-.on de.serve, rdit faor the wcll planneci arrangemcnts. James Firth! was Carnival Deputy-Chair-j Back in '10 man, an Presîdent Ted -,Lrb 1LK . 1!)(4 10e Per '.opy \UMBER 336. Cartwright Native Wins Legion Car Harry O. McKee, a native of Cartwvrighst Township and for the 1past W', vears an employee of Houdaille Industries, Oshawa, bis xvife Doris and their daughiter Janice xvere a happy igroup on Saturday. Thev had just drîven over f rom tlheir home afler receiving the welcomc news that thev had won the (Jldsrnobile sedan at the Leg' ion Carnival here on Saturday. Mrs. MVcKee purchased the ticket fnomn Stanlev's Lunch xvhich entitled Iihat firm to the sellers' prize of $'200. Car Draw Chairman Keith Fenguson is shown here sha i z lîans andi hancing over the car kevys t the xinners. "If yuou have faith ini God aici belong bto he Orange Order, x'ou are bound bo win," commented Mr. McKee. Warm Weather, Kiddi*es' Parade )fice for Day ,ing houns w~il] aour l>ay, Man- ber 7. at Bow- t Office. Office, includ- lobby, wyul be bc dcspatehed East 11:00 a.m. il.: Wclst 3:30 be no Rural tLetter Box Orono Flower Show Attracts Big Crowd Qi-citeI lonlicult oral Soc-eyci aines Colliss xx-nt ta and Juniior Gandenens Cu1oeJog-nfer ftie hast hcld their annual flower show ganden fer 1964 and Io Donna on Thursday, August 27th, at1Chaliic-e for highest peints in thîe Unîitcd Chuci, Orno,the jno show. wxilh anc of the langest crowd, ,of spectators and the Ian gest A c-i ai faut o e ci lIi,- ncimbei' af displays in thei-rleventingw-s a speiai dîspla four year iîistaî-v. '1hcre wene;o anîish-xeikoî 167 exhibits ini the Junior sec-,Oooa-il n.A .Dcîî tien andi 143 in the aduit dix'i-'rmolld. sicuî. S. J. JackIiiiatî & Son, Boxx- Top axxaid in the saîîîer scc- manvilIe fionîsts. lied aniicm- ticin xx-it ho Mî-s. Helen cclieut isplxi\v of floral ain- Scluiîid xxho v-as avancd the raîîgemaîîts xvliiic-h ci-a Jeter Ealon sîlver Iraphx-. donatad foi- doon prizss Bowxnaiîvill Kixvanis ('lob, A complctcliîst cf thue vo- Inaphies prasarni hy Presi- liens wiil anocan next week. Bawmanviile's Postmaster Ceorge F. Vice last week celebrated his 25th vear in thQ îpostal service. If- lias been postmastei- hei-e since JVMay, 1954. To rmark the everit, J. G. Fultz, right, District Dix-ector cf Postal Service, Tarante, visited bbhe local post office ta pi-esent Mn1. Vice xith his 25 cair pin. While in the ariea, Mr. Fulîz aise prn-sarted Eanl B. Duivaîl of Les. kard xitii a sci-oli from the Postmastcn (k'naral lion. John Ft. Nicholson in appreciation of M r. Duvall's 27 .\'aar-.s st-i-vice. fle retired in ,July. Deseronto Couple Injured in Two-Car Crash FAIRS -- Foi- those xvlo take in tfic lu fait-s, bbe C.N.E. xiii continue until Labor Day, xith Port Perry fair being held the same day. Orono xiii come next on Sept. 10 ta 12. foiiowed by' Part Hope. Sept. 18-19. Lindsay is Sept. 23-26. witb Roseneath's the same xveekend. If theu-e are any others cf interest, we have a complete list at The Statesman. r ' t t LUCKY - Hlarold Thet-teli, 6 Annte St., is looking for double iuck. He found an eight leaf claver on hîs laxvn last Saturday. SCIIOOL OPENS- Tuesdav, is "S" dav foi' the thousands of >'cungsîers who Ïiave had the summer te enjov7 themseives. The "S" means school and ni'ght noxv, parents ar-e busy preparing clothes and î-ootimg eut bocks used by aider eildren in the hope tbey wiil hold together for anather year. For many housewives, lb xviil be "F" Day, mean- ing Freedum because their loved ones xvili be comparatively safe and off the streets for most of the day. The car above, driven by Alexander Ramsay, 161 ' ac-k inju-. ewS taken aMmril lsital George Street, Deseronto, was praceeding cast o0i1 bvthe' Boxvmanville Area Ambulance Servie, and oit Highwvay ai 12:09 p.m. on Fridav xvhen it went ot tof Sunida\-ý waus transferred to the Kingston Centrail ias- contî'ol, crossed the median andci ollided with a car pitai.ilis; wife aiso received treatrment at Memoriat being driven by Rager Cain, Ottawva, and then rolled lospital for abrasionis. aven as shown. The accident h appened just east of the PoRger Cain, Ottawa, te driver of te second car Darlington-Osbawa Line. Constable T. Yardy, OPP, inveived in the accident, and bis %vife were patients investigated. Both cars were damnaged extensivelyan in ltae Oshawa Generai Hospital over the weekend. traffie in tbe west ]ane xvas blocked for a consileî-abie They w\ere t reated for mineor injuries, and were able *period. ta leave on Sunday tu return ta their home for recup. j Mr. Ramsay sufLered' lacerations, abrasions, and eratiori. . VOLUME 110 1 16 Pages N'Y Tý% mr "TlTý -11- rns riome Town Receive_ç m a MUR m IMW ww un

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