Win ner of Player's Cup rnarn VOLUME 110b 18 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10. 1964 t~de~rn~rn * er%-oyIN Ulvi.DJ2XI.Z4* 32 Extra Police HeIp to Control Mosport Crowd 1Bowmantl A. H. Barkcr, Officer Commnandiiig the BowanvlleDetaclinent of the Ontario Prov incial Police, said yesterday that betwcen 12.01 a.m. Fni- day and MIondav, 20 motor accidents had been in- vestigated in the area. In these accidents :14 motor vehicles %vere involved, and the total damage was approximately $4,000. There w~as only one injury, a "' minor oneC. Sergeant Barker comimended the 29 officiers (of the Bowmanville Detachmcnt, and the 32 extra On- tario Provincial Policemen, who came to augment the force because of the heavy influx of traffic for Sthe Player's "21)0" sports car race at Mosport, wvhich 7.was attended by 52,000 people. The OPP Constables worked round the dlock, and Sergeant Barker said that he is pleased with their good work. The results of their efforts were satisfactory, and there wcre only a few nîinor coin- plaints, he pointed out. Fmormer Resident Here IntaisSculptures On Georgian Peaks Public Invited ta Tour New Goodyear Reclaim Plant This Saturday * ~The sea lias coine to the!four new sculptures tis On Saturday afternoon from one o'clock until six o'cloek, the year parking lot, and around the uenwRcai ln.Pet Bruce McLaren of New Zealand was one of the, top of 'the inountain" . .. The 'tfarncd Ontario resort. ttlï publie is invited to attend the Open House at the new Goodyear of qualified guides will be on hani ocnuttur ftebîd fe\V big namnes in the Player's 200 on Saturday who ýEnchanted Mouintain of Geor-i lis Mcrmaid, Seahorse and Reclaim Plant, pictured above. This is an opportunity to tour the ing, and explain the interesting poesst h iwr.Rfeh came through in hoth heats. Ilis Oldsmobile powered gian Peaks.1 Boy Riding a Dolphin Joi huge new modern plant, the f irst of its kind in Canada, and scie ments will be provided. The manaeetwloeialvstro E. B. Cox, former],, or Bow- Venus on Her Sheli on the tide the faseinating and intricate machinery whieh processes and devul- Saturday afternoon of this week, btak htcide ne 2b were sDa urn ev' hi-Jim xHallst ApJipe s fel pan cr, eat kor f ic sculptor of scuilpture flooding up theýcanizes rubber. There will be ample parking in the regular Good-, accompanied by aduits. weeDnGresJmHl'adA.J otsflncraooftemyîholog- mounitaîn. "I could go on and -- bv the wavside. lie took the two 100 mile stretehes ical creatures from ancictiýion for ever doing these thsings," i W ithout difficultv and is sbown bore with tbe coveted:Greee>, at the top of the say.s E. B. Cox- one of the Arayo th Jb Player's Cup. Irncidentally, bis average speed xvas 92.51Enchanteci Mourtain of Gcor- fcw Canadian artists making " on theMuJob gian Bay, rine miles west of his living entirely from bisAledrd n dMse mFtus miles an hou r. Collingwvood, is no t installng art. G reck mythology s relativelv familiar tu mostN e Recreation H ead Board of Works Decides ;people iind it is in terms of R c i culptural subjects - that is whytetecascse Appointed This Weekc iThe sculptures of The EnE rl-ura'D y chanted Mounitain -]1,00 feet Counicillor Pauil Chant, reation Programs for lamil - D eco ra ti n D a y J n e 14 th above Georgian Boy at the top )chaîrman of the Recreation ton. He was born and educated 'V D eco ratio n D ay Ju n e l4 th ~of Georgian Pe:ks' thrillng Cornmittee, announced today rn Hami~lton. A new feature inheM- ogxxbteilbdgamn hasscurn this vear DsrtheoCbold-eadornedoontthe chesthwithaa woan ,adso iv ren's Playroom ilocatedu-rfl f ml atre I~~r?'I~~f~rbf h. spruce and popîsir trees. Recreation for Bowman ville, aluable experience in the staîrs. It is a wonderful ul-boei nli.I a ih. A t B o w mrran ville C ~em e te ryIV re. whcre the shaded pathiand has started bis c ew duties fîeld, and is enthusiastie about-s cate of an old fasbîoned er-i etd as n egh f meanders through the hrackcn ihere this week. oll aspects of the subjeet He ation rcom for youngsterswt kr îbfn ad ftn ad profusion of wid flowers,î Mr. Fanning has becn as Itold the Statesman today that J ' everything to bring jyt uk nigi ufemth n coatinD a a et for it adDisii Brail f B. Cox bas alrcady set Il lsistant Director of Recreation be expects to have a new nec - their hearts, and it is am~ n hto h oieade FU R LINI D IPUTTER SlcaJn 4tb and the the Candia acrScev ofh sculpture biernes and ýfor Forest Hill for the lastireation program for the corn- intercsting place foradtcdwtlce Recently, I i aîewelleirs Cv ýCmmite vth Cotinc i It epresd ppeiai m ni. rsters from the rnyths 0fseven years, and previorisly ing months ready by next vees nicetCarin TroLto ilthuras cha iman ouncThe doîl carnagenidescnibed mlen ui orntouArtdrs m g hcent Greece. had been Supervisor cf Rec- week. .*Ther - abatiu Centeur, Orp an ,nuscagrert __________________________________theCancerSocietyIoLiseerenisuan Ontiqcetsoodhn govetbelonged maders. aumer prize that bas bten cau.""1îng t he meeigoCquaresdLiJ git r ciPa -*l the Courtice famiiy cfior w er ld r.Sih h consi«frahle comment on the(c n ( gnd to be climibed up and,.7 ~tc ni eoe iqeae etitrtit aor t Bowmanville Golf P Bar o orks ied r-a nalampa nfo uds nhy cbi]dren and aduits (h_à lice.ngInuseîrepgoessna (lbj it i a fancv gold plat- centl b h Counii Charnber A comnictonm re ke - aie now joined by J. 1( ibh ol nabatfu eetons.vst cc ptt wththirî l Bwmill e Town HitmhOsaoV aaeso hesa ~ ~ ~The Rev. Donald C. Powrell, wîedeswt îeyteeesa hn gi v Dcput\, Eoec Stevens, chair- Resourres Commission witcî The Enctîaîtcd Morntain onthBsA., eered aithe(topd a tiem mari'of the Board of Wrs eomnain o onî' i'wv2.M ie vs f RENOVATION - --St. Andrew's Presbyterian 1A. .D tp . safcitt 1îdi in uî ( i mn _ cicmedain orcuci' lgha (, 0mdesi son of Dr. and Mrs. w. Teei acroig I- UNT AETO putter bladr. îArt say te pridc ttemeig guidance regardinri land fi ie. 3 miles cast of Thorn-ý Churcb bore is undergoing an extensive steeple IC. Powell of HagersvIlle ond fashioned wickerwork li diamond really helps hini to A letter of thanks te Bow- on ]and south of No. 401 High- . bury, is open weckcnds frorn, restoration program that is attracting considerable snn-in-iaw of Mn. and Mrs. carriage with metal wel Th me ndt'wîý 1):Ctbout tires, and a plum dMMRE get a proper sight on the' manvîlle Town Counicil wasI WaO. The 0' to 5:t)0, until July 1 te attention frorn sidcwalk superintendents. Roy Webher, Ontarin St sl aao suspended t eog bail. receeved from the Bowman- TURN TO PAGE TWO) ail suimmer long.. . Bowmanville, was ordained t~ikprslaenTedaho n Bed springs, 'hugetinbers. a pig trough, tire rims and mnan 'v other items oi iunk wer~e cleaned from the heachus and the watl'r a-, Bowmanville on Saturday and Sundav ti nai ahotu, ffoi-, ti mark Rcé Cross Water Szifet, c.k R'-d îswere most holipful, the town c\veaxlti. ¶ i ruckand driver,.bu vs troîn Kiwanis Ilouse of Ilii Training Schriml raked and diragged the sanci arca on Saturday and 10 divers frorn Oshawa Di-ving Club scoured the water up tri a depthi oif 10 feet on Sunday. Red Cross representatives ser-ved' coffee and dougbnuts. Uppet- photo showvs some of the items being Iloaded on a toxvn truck. Lomwer photo shows the divers:keon, Alex M.ýacDonald and Larnv floar; standin,,. 1-î. J:m MacDonald. Ted Gibrier. Richi- ard Thcmpson. President Bill Mitchell, Alfred Lewer-' entz, Eric Cross, David Bouke and Bon Hooper. À KIN WINNER --Fred Griffin, the genial care- taker of the Lions Centre on Beeeh Avenue, and a member of Speeialty Paper Produets staff, was the most recent winner cf the $50 Kinsmen Invest- ment Dnaw. ALERT READERS -Txvo weeks ago in a story about tbe hospital board buying the Powell Chem- ical plant, it was mentioned that this was the orig- inal bospital that previousl'y had been tbe Alex- ander residence. Miss Mabel Borland, Concession St., and Mrs. Fred J. Mitcelol, Chureh St., spotted the error very quiekly. Bowmanville's first hos- pital was the Beith residence. It was purchased by the late J. W. Alexander, head of the Dominion Organ & Piano Co., and donated to the town for use as a bospital. For newcomers, the D.O. & P. factory is now occupied by Specialty Paper Prod- ucts, Ontanio Hydro and others. ANNUAL TOUR- The Durham Countv Club of Tcronto wvil] be coming this xvay on June 2th for their annual tour of the home countv. They wilI lunch at Darlingtnn Park, tri Gene Butt's cottage south easi cf Newcastle bi he afternoon, tri Vic- toria Hall, Cobourg, and have an informai dînner at the Chateau Hotel, Cobourg, at 5 p.m. Citizens of the area will ho welcomc tri inn them at Dar- lington Park at noom. Just bi'ing your cwn pienie lunch. NO NEW LEADS - A tip that missirîg 14-year-old Noreen Greenley of Maple Grove was seen last No- vember in Calgary took Inspecter James MeBride of the OPP and Chief Constable Bernard Kitney bo that city recently. Assisted by Calgar'y police who were most co-oporative, thev were unable to find any trace cf the girl wbo has been missing from the area since last Sept. 14tb. t f t DEVELO[>MENT - A quile accurate sour ce ad- vises that the property east cf Simpson Avenue lias berri purchased and %vill ho developed for hnusingp and possibl *v somne commercial etîterprises. The same informant advises that a 53 unit apart- ment building may ho constructed in that castern vicinity this vear. All we know for sure is that Walter Frank's "For Sale" sien now says "Sold." 31AJOR EVENT ~ Blackstock United's UC\V under President Mrs. Neil Malcolm had an idea recently that reallv paid off in attendance. They held a Spring Luneheon and over 315 turned out for the event, almost a record crowd. Guest speaker was Mrs. Betty Kennedy of CFRB and Front Page Challeongo. INFORMATION - it is understood that a speaker fromn the St. Marys Cernent Company will give ilquite a detailed description at the Rotary luncheon 1 on Friday noon of boxv modemn cernent plants operate in close proximity 10 municipalities. This speech, complote with slides, should ho especially interesting because this company bas options on land in Darlinigton and Boxvmanville, but to date verv little information on their plans bas been àmade available to the general public. Church cf Canada on .Junelheavy xwire that extends fromj cd in The Statesman this 3rd. He and bis wife, the fcnà1he carria ge's bandie. The lit-Iivweek, will recaîl many mem- mer Hazel Webber, wiil becl girl dcli in thîs rarniacorsfrmideaged n ,leaving for an appointmentlhas a fawn dress with lacel older residents. She was the near hanlttetwn, rncievens on the bodice and *a daughter of Bowmanvllle's nedw a lotndtoMn Pllnce 1îlx silk belt. Her bain is long time Cllef of Police or ceived his B.A. frcm McMas..ýtied with a matchîng ribbon. "Dickie" Jarvis as we kMus ter University and recentlyi There is also a dcll carniage called hlm in eanlier years, graduated from Queen's The-limade in 1878. It bas wocden a, taîl, impressive man whe ological Coliege and on Mayjwheels sans tires, and a wood- commanded great respect. 23nd received bis Bachelor cfjen hand - carved body madel The late George Freeland Divinity degree from Queen'smi an almost swan like sbape.i was the town's ace photo- University. He was ondainedýIn it is a wondenful old china; grapher with bis studio in at a meeting cf the Hamilton ýdcll with hand painted face and! one of the apartments over Conference in Kitchener. hbiack hair. It i ganhed in a.ý The Statesman office. Lions Mem bers Capture Fîrst Prîze for Marching At Kitchener Convention Al i' rdînner rmectîn.- cf Marching Groioîn <le par-' nalional Chairman Herb. God- tIhe Bowmonville Lions C] ch ode, ivhich încludcd more rlorcl, Peien wtLa ur- held at the Lions Cornmounitv thon 200 units, and the Bow- once Godîdard,. Frerl Cole and Vecntrr oti Mcndi.v eveliîng,, manville Iegion Pipe Band, Waltrrflîîndlr, two past pre- Ted Miller. the Parade Méir- wvon the i' rst Pnîze for thec1 ident Ed L-e a vice- *shal. reporteri on the Ion] lBest Pipe Band prcsîrient. Clarence Oke and Ln<successful p)articîpatiOt' Other reports on the. ses- Clarence Hoskin. in the Lions District A Coen- isiens and events cf the Lionsý A 15 Years Perfect Attend- vention's g-igantic parade beld' District A Convention werc once Chevron was presented in Kitchener last weck. g;ven bv the local Lions te 1Howard Jeffery by Attend- The Bowrmanville Lions cori- Club'. other uofficia] delcgate-, once Cliairman Norman Allin. tured First Prize for the best President Russell Oke, Inter- ' TURN TO PAGE TWO) Seven Year OId Flag Design While the controversy over a distinctive Canadian flag continues at Ottawa and tbroughout the country, evidence carne to ligbt this week that this argument is not new. Mrs. L. B. Williams, lef t, of Temperance St., advised that ber late hus- band, Dr. L. B. Williams, designed this flag, seven years ago, a year befone bis death and mounted it on a stand for viewing. It bas a single, large red maple leaf in the centne on a dark blue background and tbe flag's edges are in white. Un- fortunately, the ned leaf photographed black and had to ho ligbtened by our staff artist s0 that it xvould show in the photo. As a result, the leaf's outline is not jas perfect as in the original design due bo our artist's inexperience. f. j t Residents, BTS Boys, and Divers Clean Beaches .......... ... mon" 10e Ppr Cnnv iliTnITInrýp 4M k