SALE - LEAN - AIEATY SPARE RIBS 3b LEAN - BONELESS Round Steak OR ROAST onIy772 SAVE!! A REAL BUY! S.iVýE!! STOKELYS - CUT GREEN BEANS Sa3 DYKSTRA'S FREE DELIVERY Bowmmnville FOODS Phone 623-3541 InstaliB Coming Events- Monster Bingo, Thursday night at 8 o'clock, sponsored by the Junior Chamber of Commerce Red Barn, North Oshawa. 45-tf Kendal Sundav Sehool Anni- versary Service, Jue 14t0. Service at 11:15 arn. Guest speaker, Rev. E. Leaker front Toronto. 24-1 ,4 Annual Recrealion Dept. Dancing Recilal, Wednesdiax, Jo ne 17, 8 p.m., Town Hall: pupils of Irenie Harvey and Shirley Fowler. - -24-1 Anyone wishing tb go 1,0 Stratford Festival, Wedinf,.da. June 17 (King Lear) PlIoIIr Rowe Travel Agericy, Port Hope_885-2 527. 2:1- 2 Tyrone L.O.L. and L.OBA. will hold their aunual church parade on Sunday, Jonc 14. Parade starts at 10:30 a.m. Ail brothers and sisters welcomne. 24-1 I Parish Social Evening in St. J"h's auditorium, Liberty etSouth, Satorday evei- ing, June 131h at 8 p.m. Music for dancing by tOc Dodsworth Orchestra, -Oshswa. 2 Round and square dancing every Salurday lu music 0v Country Travellers ai Triple C, one and a haîf miles îîortlî east of Hamptan, also picuic grounds open for somrmer. __________2:1 if Decoration Day will be oh- iierved ai Hampton North Cemetemy aI 2:31) p.m., Jue 14. Rec. C. Callo will bc tOc speak- er and the Bowmanville Salva- lion Army Baud will assisýt with music, 24- i AlI branches off tlin Orange Order are iiivitvd fi) attend tOe Annual COu rch Par.,de of L.O.B.A. 1314 and Ifi. O on Suindav. Jonc l4tlî. 2 3îî p.m. Parade will Inave Orang'e -all, Pontypool. s :215 p.nui. Euchre card party, Mmra Prk Club Bouisr, Liberîx St South, Tucsda 'v, Jiine 6t!i, 8 pin.; admission 50ic. Di)or prize. Lunch served. Pruceed- for the Crippînri Chihdr4eiuY School sud Tr-catnirîi Centre. Woodvîew Comrnunîty Centre -Monster B i n g o. Twcntx' games-îwetiîty, dollars; five' games-lhirty dollars; $15w jackpot. sud îwo jackpots ai $250. Door prizes. Next Monday, 8 p.m.. Red Barn, Oshawa.-- --46-tf Ebenezer Suda v Schuuol Anniversamy, SUndax, Jue 14. Services ai 2 sud 7:30. Gouc: speaker, Rex'. Bob Shortcui, Board of Holame Mîssoîîsa- bath services. Ouest soloî:.t Larry Marshall simd specria nmusic by Suuday Sehool. Washin gt on T o iîr S5 9: 5 da v S Jo n6 to Jonc 301. No iuuuIlt trà,t Travcl deILcxe aur- couidiiaurd motor coachu. le i. cight-seeing tours sud boa, cruise arrangcd. Rowc Travel Agency, Port Hope 885-2,527. ROYAL THEATRE BOWMANVILLE JL'NE 14-17 - Mou.-Wed. 7:30 For a feature that's differcut See "«WOMEN 0F THE WORLD" (In color) For aduifs only 24-l' Coming_-Events -Teachers Wanted- Yelverton Garden Party will DURHAM Countv S.S. No. 7, be Ocld un Frîday. June 12th Clarke. modemn sirhooh on psy- followed by a Varietv Concert cd road requîmes a Protestantj startîng at 5. Admission $1.00 teacher for Faîl terni. Apphy1 and 35c. 24- 1 stating qualifications and sal-t amy f xpecfed lu Mrs. A. S. Hal-1 Ponfypool t'nited ('hurch lowvell. Sec.-Treas., R.R. 1,1 GARDEN PARTY Orotîo. 24-1 IVEDNESDAY, JUNE 17, '64 (ommencing at 5:00 p.m. ln ('hurch hasemnent Tvo one-aet Plays in Orange Hall Admission: SI.25 for .AduIts d5c for ('hildren 12 and under Preschool Free 214-I Mvaple Grove Sundav Sehool Anniversary, S unday. Jue -21. Services at 2.30,. when t0e neu Christian Eduration Centre wilt be dedicated, and 7:310 p.mi. Ouest speakers: Rev. Hi. C. Liristead, Toronto, aud Rev. F. S. Linstead. Port Perrv. Anniversarv Supper on Wed- nesda.v, June 2410. Fuît par- ticulars next week. 24-1 1 Cadmus SuudaY Scliool An- nuesr.Sunday. Jue 14, mamning service only, Il a.m. Rev. R. B. Harrison, minisier. :VIu .ýi c )xv Sunday School. Garden Party suad Bazaar. Fmi- da',. Jue 19. Twa skîts 0v Pontypool U.C.W. Admission. supper sud plays: aduîts $1.25, schîool childrenn 5fc. Supper froîn 5 util aIl served. 211 Plan 10 attend t0e Bowinati- x l Lions Camnival at Me- murial Park on Dominion Day Holiday, Juhy lst. A day' aIo sport~sud fu for the eiîtire famîly staris at 1:010 p.m. xitîi ares, bail ganie aI 6 p.m. sud carnival sîl evenirîg. Binîgo sud boufhs xiii be operating iii afteruîuon sud rveniuug. Bi, sure Iu have t ikets onI96t4 Or ulllîolile aud Portable Tv CHARTERED BUS TOUR f Washington, D.C. Aug. 17 - 20 A~ir (onclitioued Mafar C(achi No night driving ilotel secorm. sud tour loti. SPE('IAL RArE FOR (11111,I)RLPhone COLMER TRAVEL SERVICE 623-3265 CHARTERED BUS TOUR E."Ight day tour of Egln Ne oEgf n States - Boston sud many major points of intcrest Sept. 5th - Sept. l2th Aceaommodation, Transportation and Tours i. No night driving PERSONALLY ESCORTE!> For information, reservations Phone 623-3265 or m'rite Box 611, Bowmanvilc COLMER TRAVEL SERVICE: PROTESTANT tcacher for U. S.S. 10, Manvers Township, Durlham Countv. Small schoot. sevn miles South off Lindsa.v. Hiighway 35. Salarv accord- îîîg fa qualifications~. Horace Heaslîp, Sec.-Treas., Janetville, Ontario. 2- Tenders Wanted THE Board of--Oroîîo- Public Suhool request tenders for a I t e r a ti o n s lu rhassrooms. Sperifirations ma ' be oblain- ed from hie undersigned. AhI work ta be comptnted b0'v Aug- ust 15, t1964. Lowest or an v tender îîot necsssrihv accepb cd. Replies. rhesrlv niarked -Classroom 'Tender' xvilh be received nul later thaîî noaii. Manday, Jue 15, 1964, ad- drcssed lu Itarace R. BesI, Ororîo, Ontario, Secretsry- 'Ireasuirem. 2- Notice ta Credif ors NOTICE TO CREDITORS ANI) OTHIERS lInthe Esiafe off MAIRY ELIZABETH (Belli) CIIAR- TRAN. Deccased. AIl persuns luavinig clainîs ag-aintisth1e estate off Mary Elizabeth (Beth) Chartran. laie off tOe Township ut DarI- ington rn 10e County of Dur- hiam. dereased. who dîed on or aboutthue 241h day off Feb- ruary, 1964, are hîereby noti- finrî Io senin iiluSt rike & St rikeý, Sol icitors fir tilue E-taù .ait Box (640, Bowmnii- viIIt'. Oritai'io, on or bulore fhc tirsl day% o ut bi-, 11(6 I fuî particolairs (off (heur riaiii. lnîiciafivatter the said tîrst dla ' utof JîLv. 19(34, ftle asset fzutthe dceased vwil i 0e distrihxifnd Oaviuig regard on! ' lo d aimîs off vhichi fhOcsaid solicitors for flie Estale shaîl then have not ire. DATED ai Bowmiaivillie. Otilai-io. tlis lii day oft Jouie, A.D. 19)64. S: rike & Stril e. Solicitors toi- thOnEs a te off Maryv Elizabeth Ch rfraii, Box 64o. Bowmani i le. Ontario. 24-3 LICE NSED Nursing Home SOUT Il Hayen Nursing Home Accommuodationu for private a n d semni-privaf e paients, lounige 'T'V. Full ' lircnsed, nxv OLiiulcrhi, nodemur. Visiiors' welcome. Reasonahle rates. Frec arubuluince, service. Phone NJewcastle 987-4441. 41-If "THE Lodgc" Nursing Home, on Higliwqv 2. Lieensed. Ac-' 'ommudati on available. Kind: are. Nurse 24 Oirs. Visitors' welcouuîe Phone iVrs. Wm. Westnor, Nnecstle 987-42_52ý --Photography PHOTOGRAPHY Change of Address - 161 King St. E., Bow,ýmanville Portraits - Passports %Veddings . Anniversaries a Spccialty ASTOR STUDIO Phone 623-2502 2(1-9. (xxrdS of Thanks Clarenîce and Agnes Marlow are ver.v grateful fa their neighbours, friends and rela- tives for floral tribufes, cards off sympaihy and arts ;off kind- ness during their recent Oc- reavemnent. 24-1 1 ý\v)Lild like lu cxpre~s niv s-inçere lîaîks lu mv manv friends for loveix- cards, visits and gifts 1 reccîved xvhile in Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. A special thaîîks ta the familv lor their kiniiesses. Mrs. F. R. Cook. 2- t t\io 10thank all friends. ielatives, neigliboui-s for gi fIs, thowers, cards. sent to me dom- îing mv stav in Sunnvbrook, Hospital, Toronto. Special thanks ta Ladies Legion Aux- i lia rv, Bowmanville. John Humphre.y. 24-t W shto sincrelv thanîkj ev 11oe -l11 i axwsv - - - cirivin conivirtions and alash hehped f0 softeri the bil is,ý4 admitied spending 3f) da.vs uni hihbefell our famihv me IIdJ ifl L'.JYIIInvIlle jtaîl un Ottawa for failing lu cently lu thie iagic deaih i 1 1produce evidence off iniir- ,Evely n Gilmour at Slarkvilhe. jle9h"1.964 di-ii eft of hr entr- e Baretwena sd kî an ce. The car was inipound- Morris Gilmoîîm sud girls Edward Gionet, Il o wv a md( April 121h. pressing down the acceterafoî-dfr h-e ots Orvil le sud Blanche Muhdmevi St.reet. Oshawva, was 1 ined Canstable R. Parker said lie sud then letfing itl op, causing \'îctr su Auidt 9G-1ou $110 ad $9 costs, or a iota! had fatlowed a car wesî un backfiring. U VIT r 241of 25 days iin .ait as a resulî King Street and laid thel Jack Woodward, Lat 20,. TARILLELzJ of conviction on ilîrce charges charge near thie westernî limitsCouicession one, Damliîgtoîî. I %wuuld like tu express mY laid Mav 24f1î, drinkinîa und," -off bown when arcused passed!pleaded ual guilîy off careîcss Gerald IIallowcl bas com- sinrere thianks Io relatives sud' age, dri -ving wifhout a licence1 another vehirle on a rurveý driving Aprit 23rd. TO e[pleted. with bonours, lus fhird friends for flowers, gifis, rardsland aving uno liruof off insur- whîere lhe-e \was a salid whitelicharge xvas dismisscd whuenyxeam at Victoria College, Toir- sud kinduesses shown duririsue.cîrche. the omntainant rilpî0a 4,. ,ý.nto. fle is sçnninz the SUri At l nterc The B. & P. Womnen's Club,, held their a unua! installatîion off offirers al a dinner mieet- ing in the Bowmanville Holel. Mrs. Jennie Pingle off Osh- awa conducted the Cand!c Lighting Service off Installa- tion for flic following officerz: Past Pres.iden:l. -Mrs. Victoria Frank: Presîdenî. Mis.s Velma3 Gay: Itf Vice Presideîiî. Mis- Margaret Pîîrdon: 2nd Vire President. ',rs. Marion Jef- fer >v: Corr. Sert., Mrs. Marion Hoar: Recording Sert.. Mrs. Lilan 1D1 i i ua: Treasurer, Mrs. Kav Bal. Colivenors, of Commiitiees are: Member-.;Iilî, ip rs.Ai leeti Turneri: Civir, Mirs. Anna Watson; WaYs & Meaîîs, ýMiSs ""M" 111d LtI1, 1tJWi1IdLI, Ju.iUI10 l, 19M4 &P P Club O fficers 8Ir11, gew ifeour months rather than pay lik Oshawa during flic week-crt$. fin ee i gne of $200 and costs. lie AIm. and Mrs. Llew Hal l-. ýsting e eting leadedguiltv and was found wel spent Sunday aternt ,gtiil:,v of driving whilc his j, ' orontbo. Isobelle Daviîs; luernational. awa Club. and 1 rs.' Eileen licence was under suspension- Sonne frorn fOis distrc~ MIrs. Marion Jefferv,; United Wilson, Whitbv, were head on Jue 41h. îended ftic Variety concrtil Nations. Mrs. Victoria Frank: table guests. Constable P. Dent Hord. Newtonville, Friday evcntuii, Hisoin. Mrs. adeviook The president, Miss Velma OPP. sa id le lad been non and greafly enjoyed il. son: Phonie, Miss Helen Devitt: a hne vroewî fe vrdobwhfrs- Fricnds and relatives fri Prs.M_ .Dîln:Ble had conlributed 10 make the rused's veicle which lia d h aepidtcresc3 fin.s Ms. . illn g:Buderma.ear a suces n akdfrforced anoîher car off No. 115 fi rspi 0mspecî.iii fin Mis 1ele Crderan.uccssandaskd fr Hghwu. o te lafe Ambroe Rbn Miss Margaaret Purdon and their support for the coming H"hwx son in Port Hope last uwek. 1Mrs. Florence Tomlinsoîî. ear, reminding the members "The vehicle was r-e.g:steied MIr. Robinson vvas a resîdevnt Reports of ail comnîitfees that qualitv and interested ta Mrs, Alex Vigea. 31 Glou,- Ocre many \'ears ago aud a,- W(ere presented. oullining th' members are those thirigs, rester Street, Tomonito,' con-ýtended Shilob ('hurch. year's highligOîs sud act ivi- whiclh make B. & P. W. Clubs tinued Constable DeinHoe. Pv. E. S. Leaker. B.A., frniii lies of the club. Mrs. Lillian 1ces thseod e0 hdbuglfi Publications Departmictt off Dîliing gave hiem report of tOc The menibers voted to have if MaY 2910. 1le showved niC'tje United Church, Toronto, Provincial Conference off B. & dinner and se 'The Tale off a 1963 licence, claiming heiil c guest speaker at tlo' P. W lu b s h eld in 1 e R o a T w o C ill s" hi O s h a a lia d n e ye r re c civ cd a 19 6 4 a n c a n n iv errs r e v c e a : 0 P . W C u s h ld n t e R o a,' T w C i i e i BO shw an v ille d u e ta uio v in g fro ni T om on t . S lilo li an S u îid a y. w ith sp ectu l York Hio*el, Toronto, whicb June 18, leaving omnil Then lie saîd lie hsd fotînd if. mti5ic by tlîe choir under Mrs. shc liad affended as delegate bv 6:30 pirn. Thi.s would bn A check with the Dcpartrne'iî Westheuser's direction. frmn Bowmnanvil le. Miss Gla-. the hast mieeting ont il th flic 'spr showed his. li Mr. Bert Trim is nîakin.,ý dvs ill pas prsid ni, sh-Fall sea on.cence was uider suspe nisio . fine progress lu the coust ru- His car 'vas towed swa 'v fo a lion of his bouse. g a a e t a i lI o -l M r , a n d M rs. D e lh rt T i4l- ThIrwiAlonvPo lo'vell, Ltnda and Bill, Tor- îtrate s Court ldalntvrecord _0fth5O umnerhome. une asi wo eeKs bpeial Conistable K. C. Laton, 0 lOanks tu Dr. MrKay, nurses sund staff off Oshawa Griieral bstiticd 1hat1 lie Oadb hospil. catled ta iiivestigate a car Mrs. Raîpl i Vrfuje. tOc ditchu ou Courtice .1 241South. Ile sttated fhat il, ont off flicdifrO b v 10e I 1 wsh o epres I. sncee le arrived, but lie laid T x suto xprss i sncee hree charges agsiiist Gio bhaiul: and appreciat in o the fOc driver,.aiid a drili nuîrsiiig staff uof 'eniorial Buos- tuder age chia rg-e agaý pîtal. Special thanks 'u tOc ROcal Leger. Jarvis Sti, therapist and ier assistant, Osliawa. a passeiuger. als(l the dîctitian, Drs. Rundle' and Git , snd the nîanv fricnds Leger xvas fotîid g t anod relatives .vo s(') kind cbarged. île was fincrl cal ledisud sent Onauti fol flow-i crs and(l ards. MY thaîks luý T. WsivCawker. '24-1 Thc familY off t0e laie Miss Flora NI. Galbraith wish lu ilîaîk lier trîends sud ucîgh-, Ours for floral tributes and for- Ilîcr kîndiiesses to lier duriug lier lingering ihlness;; especiallv tOc kînd nurses sud; staff ai Memnorial Htospital, also (lie W.ÀM.S. off St. An- drew's ('Ourdi sind Rex'. F.ý Svcaniiiasd Rex. A. cG. Scott tor (lic ir cuiîsol inug xxords. 'l'lie tam ilv off tle laie Mrs. RusseillGaN' wish lu siiicerely thank Dr. Rondle for kindncss, care: relatives, fîîcnds sud tîcignbors for raIls, cards off sympafhy sud Ocauliful floral tributes: alsa Rr.v. .1. RouicrI for Oîs eonsoling words sud tOe Armstrong Foneral Home :for 10dmr efficient and thuuugOl- fut. service, ai thue tinie off 10dm merent sad bereavcmcnit. Russell Gax sund farily. We xx oui Id lîke lu express, oui, thanks for gratitude shîown lu us iii tOheJîssiuig of omri bcloved hîushandsud fther. George Kozub. Special thanks iu Mm. sud Mrs. Bill Stomks sud Mm. sud iVrs. Murray PalIer- son off Newcastle. Also, loasll clcmgy wlîo visiicd sud prayed with George aud Ols family. Mxauy thanks toalal nurses on Oce Third Fluor off Memorial! Hoaspital sud sperial bhanks ta Dr. McKeuzie. Mrs. G. Kozub, Elizabeth samd Titus. 24i1 Pets CHIHUAHUJA îppirs. King Court Keruncis. 75 Duike St., 3owmamvillc. Phone 623-3841. 24- 1 Personal IYGENIC supplles - (Rubber goods) mailed posipaid lu plain seakd envehope witb price list Six samples 25c, 24 samples 1.00. Mai] Order Dept. T- 8 Nov.-Rubber Ca., Box 0,: Hamilton, Ont. l-52I J F g s $ fi F ONT. GROWN - NEW CROP NO. 1 LETTUCE 2 fo 5 FRESH CRISP Green Onions or BUNCIIED Radishes S C a bunch ONT. NO. 1I- IJOT llOt'SE TOMATOES 39c 9lb .MIRACLE IWHIP Salad Dressing Sae 67 z 6c 37 (Jar MORRISH flegular vxx asi ~p uxî exd Ocld at 10 anu on Suuudav, Juc 7fluTliere xvss a suisîl- cm couîgregsîuoîu fhum USLai. Thue Rex.'.M. C.l'reemau iii charge. Thle usuîal scîeccian given Oy tlue choir -Corne. Socînd Bis Praise' oas nuoch ;ipprneiate. h luie seet ries" toueps f !Ilue iuu uiors leuidru xx,(Iii viflu al iiuenuhbrrs of Wlîhi ui ivlxxo xxe ri-escîî t. Iisfead o f (le uisuaI sermnî thue Rex'.. M. C. Freemauu gave a rondensed repart off fle re- cent Bay voff Quinte Confer- ece. This xxas nuosi inirest. ing aud informatixve. Foui' menîbers ffom tOc Welcome charge were prescrit NMm Frep- misu ~gsted il xxould Oce wothwhîle for a much langer number Io be present some- time durniz future conter. ences. Clitirchu, exiesaire xith- draxvn next Suîdav. Jine 14. wxilli tOhe xcepiion'off Wesle- 'ville U'nited Church wh'ere Anuix'crsarvY Services will Oc hinhd hoîlu uorig snd cveuî- îng. Suîudsy ScOool aI 10 a.m. Suuday ScOooh xvss lueld at Il. arn. rs. D. Haines, sup- erînteudent. un charge. There were 29 preseut. Four bîrth- ds *vs wcere horiourcd. TOcy xxn1re Miss Jonc 'Marv:u. Mvr.s. Milton Brimacounhe, Mrs Har. old Osborne sud Mis. Helen Mýc Ho lui MIilton Brimai onibc and Mrs. William NIcloini were guest ' of M1rs. Haroldj Pavnc, Port Hope, at a hirthclav' -dinner party given in bonor of Mrs. Bertha Hamilton of Port Hop,- rccentlv moved from the farro in Hope Township. Nrs. Mcl- v!lle MrHnlm. Wlom.and NIrs, Kathicci. .\rî,in. Po, 1 Hope, were also guîests. and costs Or fen cda v. E vouths had plnacied go iltv" Carl Jones, 180 Kinc Sti E., Bowmanville, was f. $10) and -costs or 10 -days, Gel Your Price For Your Livestock thrng STAT ESM AN Phone 623-3303 Lýjjpiinaii aija i apýRESU--LTSiiiiCOtieNTim OPP, David Falco, 210 Shephardipear in court, mer months at Prescott. been Avenue, Toronto, p 1 e a d e d Constable L. Ricard said li Mr. and Mrs. C. Plurn and ir iii guilty to being drunk in a: laid the charge after beinu Mrs. Ida Plum, Toronto, were Road; publie place June 6th. Con-ý called t0 the intersection ' frrecent visitors at Mr. Alrîhur was stable S. Rospond, OPP, stat-i Wellington and Temperanrie McKa v". ime cd the charge was laid at'Street where two vehicles had Mr.' and Mrs. Brovn, Port, MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE the Mosport Park, and accused eol]ided. Huron, U.S.A., \vere week-end Cnutl ember of the )ont, had belli rernanded in CounoLvý guests at Mr. Sid liallowcll's. osl kriu g Jaîl, Cobourg, noiti outThe manv friends and nih sa a&Dsrc rent.a Co v c ion a fi ne ~hours <of t ie G ilimour fa nilv lctCovcinbroughtafilofR ce t n went lu Millbrook last wcck, Real Estate Board 10 and rosIs or tIhree davsi cxpre sr k deep fl path 1 _________________ asaii iethelime had beenGi r Bi $5osered Facowas free b o.j l B i Bli Joiln J. Swanson Osha\Â a. hY .1111 Nichoi.-% * pladed guîLlltv 10 impairnýd At lhe Recreationit 5 [rel driving Jule 6t. Constable girls' basebaîl game Tusday u s t e r c for thlat lie had corne tpon a' Nichols defeated Rotary 19-SBDVIO - lealv Sprite about 9:,30 p.m.: 17. The two teams were hield SLB DiVISION -stoppcd oni No. 35 l-ighwa.v, lu suspense unlil the last ioni- Liber~ty St. N.Bwnnil s,y south of Crono, with a line of ing \Vhen Nichols took the CM NT-A!..ADCIOEYU traffic stopped behiod it. lead bv Iwo us. OEITODY...ANCH S OU The driver was asleep anid The* winning pitcher was LOT IN THIS BEAUTIFULLY PLANNED 1 liad to shake him ta rousei Katlhy Shrcdd (lo.sîng, SuerU-IVSO him," continued the officer.l Mann), and homers were hil U-IVSO "lHe was unsteady on his feet. bv Cathv Evans, Karen Shrcdd his brealh smelled slrongly 0f'and WillY Blyleven. Honies Buit By S alcohol and his eyes wcre1 bloodshot. lie tld me hewhad, B id utnL UA E EOM N S LD S driven frorn Mosport Park. a luI the same league, Robson L UA EEO M NSLD distance off tweîve miles." 1 Motors defealed Lombank, Accused had been on cashý Thursday night at Memorial bail off $îoo. Ife was convict-: Park,' 27-10. Wînning pitcher a ed and fined $50 and costsj was Bey. Anderson and home or one month. runs went 10 Bey. Anderson,. sLwAs$ 4 r O David Forbes Bruder, R.R. Carol Belîman and Karen tv ta Public intoxication May Gibbs defeated Rotai-y 34- NH.A. 30th. The fine was $10 and 27 at Memorial Park on Saf- costs r ie. arkerto urday, Winning plîcher was 1l,739 DOWN EM ConsableR. PrkertoldAlice Chiltick. Losing pitcher the court, "I was called to Ihe was Susan Mann. FrAppointment to Inspect rear of flie Areria where I For r feound Broder with bis head WHETHER YOU WISH TO Poo6339 u ni a eardboard carton, lying, TRAVEL62BY339 aton the wet ground, where A M 'e 9ome of bis pals had put ilm AR RAIL orA la tosleep for the night." WA.R al Robert John Barret, i TEA SHI Queco Street, Oshawa, ' was S E M HPW RN couvictcd of ereaîing unne- insl essary noise J LOVELL EAL ESTAT fine $5 apcs ril 281 andJURY & L V L E L E T r aYs. adcsso ie TRAVEL AGENCY 17CUC T O MNIL Pr Constable said lie was cast_- Bowmanville 623-3361 on St1c1_____________________ST._________________________________ ýound OnKing Sretbehind _________________________________________ od *YOU GEl ECONOMY PLUS Q UALITY WITH 5FIR PLYWOODS GOOD 1 SIDE it ~~~4 x 7 xY .... .. ...... 42 4 x 8 x ' ... ......44 4 x 8 x l .. . . .. . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . .6 0te 4 x8 x' . ............................. _........ 7.40 4 x 8 x 5m"............. ..... ... ... ..8.75- 4 x8 x ,"........................................ 10.10 GOOD 2 SIDES POPLAR PLYWOOD 4 x8 x'-à"................... $5.65 4 x 8x '-", B.C . ... ...........$78 4 x 8 x :s .....................$7.25 4x8xs"BBB112 4 x 8 x '"..................... $8.65 POPLAR PLYWOOD UNDERLAY 4 x 4 x aI" (waterproof) $1.30 NOTE: PRICES ON PLYWOOD ARE SUBJECT TO FLUCTUATION. CHECK WITH US FOR QUANTITY PRICES SUPPLIED CURRENT PRICES. -O EUS Make ... PING -PONG TABLES Your Own Tables :z1 TOPS wt C-11111H 1 TAPERED 54" x 60" x " 14.99 T-. LEGS BASES ~s *CARI.OAD SALE "FOR QUALITY SELECT USED CAR! -SEE - McODUEEN MOTOR SALE .LIMITED - EarI McQtîeen, Pres. 219 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE Authorized Dealer for Rambler Cars Phone 623-3356 Ve iu.,t don't give thi best deai lu town . .. b wheu You make a deala MeQuccn's yoa recelii guaranteed service. An, dca! is flot a zood dea wifhout this service! 1963 Rambler Ambassador 4-Dr V-8, automstic, powe brakes and stcering, custori radio, many other extra One owvner, local trade. Thi auto is lu cxceptionally gooi condition. 1962 Corvair 2-Dr Sharp wvhite with tan trim auîtomatie xvith (ustomn rad(ia. 1961 Boat and 71 h.p. Scott Motor Complete %vith trailer. A real buy for summer pleasure! 1961 Rambler 4-Dr. 6 cYi., atutomatie. Excellent condition. 4 - Volkswagens from 1957 ta 1962 Ali are prieed for clearance. 1960 Chev. Station Wagon 6 cyl., automatie. cusfom ra- dia. Itere is Your holiday camper wagon. 1957's Chevs. - Pontiacs Several models rcady fa go for many mîiles of holiday driving. Weekly Special! Are ynu lookiug for two cars? Bu.v the first car at $1400 or more and wp~ have a second car for vou for oniy $25. Try and beat this One! Service Station [Have vour tires checked for trouble-free summer driviug Open tram 7 a.m. until 12 midnight TOWING SERVICE Phone 623-3401 Aftcr Hours 623-2083 Mlember of bath N.AL. and 0ML CONTACT: EarI MlcQiien IVeldon Brown Bud Fogg Jack Miller Jerry Goodwin Jim Crombie Sales CHASE AND SANBORN " THE TEA COFFEE TEA BAGS S a v ecS a el k q 1 2cI 77 King St. W. Open Thurs. and Fri Till 9 p.m. IT'ho rinlirll2m I:zf!àfmq"gn" Tylp9a Im ICIAI -