Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jun 1964, p. 16

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18 - The canadfan Statesman, Eowmanvmfe, Zîm. le, 1964 Births Deaths Articles for Sale Articles for Sale- Livestock For Sale 1 Tenders Wanted _ _ForRent _ JReal Estate for aeR a saefrS l FISHER-Barry and Frances ABRAMS, Clifford Edson- MeCORMICK mower, 5' eut. BOAT and trailer. Telephone TWO-year-old gelding, white En iisIn te FURNISHED apartment, three CHÙOICE building lots o sl wisn to announce the birth of Suddenly at Toronto Western Phone 623- 2212. 24-l* 623-3134 before 6 p.m. 24-1w socks and blaze, chestnut. Tele- nureIvid rooms with bath. Telephone on good road six mils. o alb. 1 3 oz. baby sistrfrHsiaonudaun7h,8GALN otwter foeaterpiWEDDING dress, sîze 20,6 $20 pwthone Newtonville 2570. fromn Established Wrecker-s 623-3102. 2-fBxmnil.ApyKneh .FakRelEtl Leanne on May 3th, 1964, at 1964, Clifford Edson Abramis, tank. Phone_623-3102. 24-1 or best offer. 263-2710. 24-1 24-1 for the tearing down of a MAIN floor dlean aatm His, R.R. 1, Orono.PoeLITE Oshawa General Hospital. husband of M. Elizabeth Ever- -- __ 5__r _3__ - parmen est, Bowmanville, and father GIRL'S bicycle, small size, GO-KART, West Bend 580, BACK Poli Angus registered three-storey solid brick house, aduits only. Phone 623-5692 5- --rn.24*17Cuc t. omnfî GREEN-Don and Marjorie of Barbara (Mrs. Wm. Leask), good condition. Phone 623-5836. with power kit and clutch, bull, age 3 years. Ray Whita-' af ter 6 p.m. 24-1* ,7 16339 _______________________aw; ndJoh; ranfah-24-l* like new. Phone 623-5423. ker, 985-7559 Port Perry. approximately 30' high x 751' r, ete roaMmer Oshwaan Dstic riounce the arrivai of their1 er of Susan, Richard, John, WATER for sale ana atelivered. 24-1 24-1* long x 57' wide. Furtber de- Fgn eenroom fo rhent, r . duheMrlnDawn, 7 lbs. David and Anthony Leask, ail Cail Cliff Pethick 263-2131. ORDER your buckwheat no WHITE Rock Chicks, five and tails available Monday to St. Phone 623-5620. 24-1 and GENERAL INSRAC DarFrm-20cesî 6 ozs., on Thursday, May 21, of Oshawa. Veteran with 32.4 $2.00 bus. Limnited supply.vainaesd, treatd tfor a i hefr 4pm.f ous, oem covnincs RalEtae ordbrc-hnu.Lage-in_ 1964, at Oshawa General Hos- Black Watch lst World War. MBLEhm, 8x ur*J.A arcddn hoeOrn iae,25 e hned. ny A iittr c.Wus. hE 2-2737. 52 Klng e of st. wa 2-43bratai tbeda pia.24-1 Service was held in Toronto e. Bethany 32 R 2. W.ouser 9.d24-1 quantity. HughRStlpleton, 24- on Wednesday, June 10, 1964.'hd ehn32R2 W.3r9.21 uniy uh SaltnC.Wi.Poe6-77. 5Kngt.. HOPPS-Mr. and Mrs. S.4.Gibk. 24-1 BALED straw, Massey-Harris Newtonville. 22-4* Mernorial Hoptl-_100_onfr3 Glenn Hopps (nee Myra Coop- WATER for sale and delivered. binder, Massey-Harris l1-hoe --L,~F.U TWO small stores on Division bungalow with oiî -eron40Hîti ati1nîdd er) wish to announce the birth BUTLER-At Memorial Hos- Telephone George Feddemalseed drill. Phone 623-5158, Cars for Sale BOX 820 BOWMANVILLE St. S., one with wvork shop nice lot. Only $10,500 ~ Trno div rcda of their 6 lb. 9 oz. son, Craig pital, Bowmanville, on Thurs- 263-2270. 22-tf1 Bowmanville. 24-1 * HAL- iku rc go 24-1 and storage. Apply Olympia $1,600 Down for10rm$5,0 ih2,00dn Stephen, on June th, 1964, at day, June 4, 1964, George WEDDING gown, 10-12, head--SPECIAL discounts to newly- conditonpiG.-uFores, gewton-urat oVohnek23W153ntedk omeonarg Mery Hsptal ScraenoIRicar Bule, i hs 7thpiece and veil, $50. Phone~ weds plus free storage and de- ville.__ 24-1 ob Calif. A brother for Michael. year, dear brother of Stella 623-2684. ____ 24-1 livery. Easy credit termis. F. 7- 2~*_____________ _HOUSE for ret in Bowa-Bidn oms n od 01ha.Wt 0 b aî'îkcn (Ms . neso)ad oa -- . rm Ld,37 King St. E., 59 FORD two-door sedan, very FOR trenching and complete ville. Close to town, school Priced to sell. Act no.ar 0x12'lrgsiowh JOHNSTN - Fancisand1Newcastle. Service was helàALMNUM Windows, Doors, Bowmanville. 24-1 good condition; must sel. septic tank installations alndcuh.WieAvrsr 4Bdombng, Donna (r.ee Vice) are happy in the Morris Funeral Chape, Awnings, Siding. Lorne Allun,- Phone 623-7140, Saturday only. Frank Brink, 263-2710. 24-4* 1509, c/o Canadian Statesman,, garage. Choice location 3804' sd uoai 'Bowmanville 623-3871. 23-.2* ONE chrome kitchen suite with 2- A Shree yu pe ..Bx10 omnil. dw.cenr sav ra to announice the arrivai of Bowmanville, on Saturday. 2-1 -Ss4archairs u red and grey; one ______lle.down their son David John on Thurs-, June 6th at 2:30 p.m. Inter-1 MODEL 77 New Holland haler 4chir,___ad__e; n day, dune 4th, 1964, at the I ment Bond Head Cemetery. in good running order. Onie modemn chesterfield ch a ir, 1959 CHEV. Biscayne 2-door your work and reduce your $v- 9,500 full price for -e-S300 em Oshawa Generl Hospital.24-11owner. Phone 725-6000. 24-2 green; one floor lamp, metal sedan, 6 cylinder automatic, labour costs. F. Crowe, 102 .-uction Sale room bungalow in nicecunr lI Arenar roo Oshawa General Hospital._ utility table. Phone 623-5228. excellent condition. New- Elgin St., Bowmanville. 23-4-'. M -m. setting. Ideal for sirlfm omhmewt oe ah ON neraina 6bae 41 ate 8-21.2- and Mrs. Will Wilbum, ily or retired couple.romnifuacselbr OSMOND-Jack and Pamela DUNN-At Memorial Hospîtal, and one nternatioal hay HOPER' <" Dscount Sae '57 FOR Fsewishe babtt t are happy to announce the Bowmanville, on Sunday, June coanditone IrnaPhon l 728-0624. R-D airlane 2-door wsebay-sitting or mo- auction on Saturday, dune 201 gonng birthtofntheiPhson Robin62o.-H7th, 1964,%beioceuninfant biroho, 9lbs.ils,on u n o- dauhte196of Murray nandth 24-1 continues on Community Silv- hardtop, fully equîpped, ex- er's help at cottage. Ex- at 1 p.ni., their household A. L. Hooey - 276pndst.$200 Trm bro,9lb.1 z.,o u- agtrofMra adEiheplate and 1847 Rogers Bros. cellent condition; $600. Tele- perienced. Phone 263-2075. leffecîs incîuding bedronîn, liv- P. Koival - GS.S8~ms- iha am day, May 31, 1964. Special (Storie) Dunn, 29 Third St., GRAVEL, loamn and sand, de- Silverplate. Buy now and phone 1813J, Orono. 24-1 24-11I ing room and kitchen furni-Ico eril oato thanks to doctors and nurses. Bowmanville. Baby Dunn rest- livered in 4-yard lots. Phone save, at Hooper's Jewellery, 29- - MOUNTJOY Backhoe Service ture, dishes and many miscel 2- donîgOruo n ieo 24-1* ed at the Morris Funeral 30 r à Orono. Andy Sutch. 'King St. E., Bowmanville. For Sale or Rn -Trenches, drains, founda- laneous items. Temms cash.- 1yee 0~ oîewt i Chapel, Bowmanville. Service ____________19-t-f 24-1COT Ein roowtal tions and septic tanks dug and 24i-1 George coveincs Exelet n COEALYi Oon-wih-llbackfilled. Caîl 9836-4737. REALTOR WILSON - Jack and Sheilalwas held on Monday, dune 8 USED Washer Parts, ail makes; EL mattresses, made with conveniences, also cottage No. 2-f1Rmaeacins (nec Gogcty) are happy ta at 1:30 p.m. Interment Bow-¼ h. p. motors. Paddy's 59-50 featurcs, for $3988; con- 2 Highway. Write Advcrtiscr __ 2-dRmaeacinsle wîil Phone 623-53001eteia 5,o.Trs anone h rrviofter avll eetr. 241Mrkt 6321 tinental beds, complete with- 508, c/o Canadian Statesmani, A A R S S ' dy June l3th ai 1 p.m. hnuse ile9 o son Christopher Michael, 9 lbs. eaCtein apo, 11-52 headboard, $59.95. Trade-in: P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. . h-~~elda ae col o Bwullmanvsem9rombik ra 7Ro hm it I 83/4ozs., on Wednesday, May FREELAND, euLena___Catherine_ Plmbig1 27, 1964, at Memorial Hospt (Daughter of the late Richard KES u automatlcally, whileji Continental bcd, like new, $22: 24:1-* u bng&H'e'-<n"-' hallseto efrand abs t of ace. Could easily hecnvt-banIdahos ar.$0o. Bomnvle.Seca taksad ay avi)OnStu-you waît, at MeMullen Hard- aby carniage, gond condition. hl waesadabsti Bomnil.Spca ' ad ayJri)-ý au-ware, 36 King St. E., BowmanlMurhy Furniture, King W, T1. V ne PHONE 623-7127 for the Athletie Club. Articlesled into two separateapr-Tms to Dr. Ewert, Maternity Staff day, June 6th, 1964, at hem vlle.,tfl62-371.24- ________35_ Nelson St. Bowmanvllle may be 1005î,dnnated or xviîî mentsExeln p and Auntie Jean. 24-1 home, 522 St. Clements Ave., vle -tf12-71 4-_--___ib cetd'n ecnaefo h admn Toronto, Lena Catherine Jarv- ALLIS-CHALVERS Model B Watch Next Week's Issue EPRECE ates.Tl- __ 6tfb ccpe na ecna e $950erndmn.Asigtuttra adspng Engagments is, wife of the late George P. ti'actor, 2-gang plough on phone_623-7072.___ 24-1* ER EPRFC basis. Came nut and help thepnc 950Tem.onngdbrkhmbas Eg g m nsE NE ËFFËC -lu.24-1 MVaple Grove-4 BeI o 0 0 n 4 0.Lct Freeland; mother of Mrs. Danrwheels, both $850. Tel'ephone for FULL or part time waitresscs ____ family home, hot waterha-c ie o~h0 omn Mn. and Mrs. Thomas Chittenden (Esther), Toronto, 263-2314. 24-1 wanted. Apply Mr. Campbell, PLUMBING & HEATING WEKYing and nicelv decora, o il.Ti ami oe o to announce the engagement erîne and Margaret. A funemalor ppinscî EmeHLwntdfmainaryP.Bx19 LIVESTOCK SALES Gîve us an offer.Pnc$350-.ems of their daughtcr, Judith Eliza- service was held in Toronto on Hampton: business 263-2294 - SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT bar, with some grill expemi- at Duirham County Sales Arena me atlcnTOse aat-14ni-oelpu1to bcth, to Mr. Ronald William Tuesday. Interment Mount residencc 263-2695. 6-tf 24-1 ence; on Highway 115. Tele- 78 Ontario St., Bowinanvillc Orono - Evcry Thurs., 7:30 P.m.Iand one 3-hedroom aparmn.Hgwy;1 n 5o RoNope, so nceMm.Andrs. leasan4-1mteryUTomnto Doors and Win- PASSANT'S CUT FLOWERS I phone 987-4830. 24-1,_______ __ 21-tf Horscs, Cattie, Swine, CalvesSprt nace r znamriage will take place on ____ dows. Contact McMullen Hard- ConaierArangmetsfo help wanted for et. For truîck pickup P>hone Sprt nrneadcn ag o.Flyeupe n Saturday, July llth, 1964, at GALBRAITH, Flora M. - At wame, 36 King St. E., Bowman- CnanrArneet o snack bar, expemience neces- B LD ZN rn 8h ..dyo elecs aae 3olokiStGeresAg eoilHsiaowa-ville__Phone 623-5408. 34-tf Decoration Day - June 14 samy. Apply in person, BA on TOP SOIL sale. J. A. Reid & Son, Salc'î .e or cheap living.Asngoo.Gdstem npo- b.ian Church, Newcastle. ville, on Friday, June 5, 1964, BE-A-';TY Weashemrs, new, as Phone Orders Taken 115 at Newcastle tomn. 24-1 CEMENT and ROAD GRAVEL Managcrs. pBnwman0900. er- ns wrhat esns sig$50 24-1 Flora Galbraith of 158 King low as $99.00. Fl ieo~FFENcieyhy 1 Willow Removal Equipmcnt9 and Bwmaletobidn os isnROhw - Tor Street East, Bowmaniville, in Beatty appliances. Pa d dy'si Phone 623-3527 15Crusmmdatomfo Loading and Hauling Th undersigned auctinneen 6x10 180cc.soe n hc -emo P1one 986-4209Collett wî fori bywpublic ucti.n$1,Wh ent w-bdomaprmns.Htwle et Mr. and Mrs. William David ber 87th year. (Former teach- Market. Hampton 263-2241. 122 Duke St. Bowmanville manville area. Apply Murph RPoeR986-S09ROG t lrgelquntiy cfubi tureai hom e un3-pec bahs.A Nion, Bowh anvigagem n- ofer of South rd ubli of11-52 ____24-1 Chamberlain, 728-1534. 24-l* 24-tf Pethýick's Auction Shed, En- . 1uliprice $2,450inf nouce he ngaemnt f Shoo),yougendauht Rof~ESH Eggs delivercd daily to DOORS -- WINDOWS FULL time cashier, 'phone or - niskillen, on Saturday even- Salesman - R. Loeki fes sig$800 their eider daughter, Berta the late John Arcbibald Gai- youn doon. Ask your delivemy AWNINGS RAILINGS apply in persan tb Dykstma's SEPTIC TANK ing, dune 13: CombinatiomiPoe9743 eemlSoei oac Lambert, to Mr. William Johnl braith and Christine Staîker, man tnday on Phone 623-5444. Ohw lmnm Fonds, 77 King St. W., Bow- slave, washing machine, Cook, Poe9743 Lawrence Avery, son of Mrs. Broken Front, Darlîngton. Glen Rac Dairy, Bowmanville. OsaaIuîu manville. Phone 623-3541. rU J..L.LNG ~slave, heds, dressers ktchlen -____41ae ihlvn ures Cyril John Avery, Bowman- Restcd at the Northcutt and17t SALES & SERVICE __ 24-i chairs, antique Jon '$1.00- ers elle, and the late Mrn. Avery. Smith Funeral Home. Funemal 7t Specializing in --- WHITEWASHING STABLES q prslor id, r.n F DeWlhMiaLkM omct T1he marriage will take place service was held at 2:30 o'clock FOR State Fanm Mutual's ALUMINUM SIDING PART-time, expericnced kitch- leather upholstemed; 2 lazy- boy en Saturday, duly 18th, 1964, Monday aftemnoon. Interment Auto, Fine and Mnrtgage Phone 725-7922 en help, Wage $1 per hour, BERTth sandchirs heech. Cottages RELTO et 3 o'clock in Trinity United Bowmanville Cemetery. 24-1 policies, 'phone 623-3621. Dîrk 58 Nassau St. Ohw generally weekcnd; also wait- Phone Newtonville 2552 Satunday night, tîme 6:45.,Bowmanville - 14 Frai S.flyfunse. $,0 ________mnvll. 4- Brinkman, R.R. 1, Scugog Rd., Oshawpaeabyepeined ______ 2t Clifford Pethick, auctioneer.' 24___________alyepeiecd,52t Phone 623-3950ocns Chuch Bwmavile 241 LOCKS Wltr M-A M- Bowmanville. 23-9 -oor 80e per boum. Ontario Trad-F-wîîmombikunaw. oc- LOCS atrM-tMBenjamin Morîng Post, Highway 115. Phone FOR BIG OR SMALL JOBS Auction sale of modern and1 210 A'zme DAIRY FR cetotsna,3bd Reception oilHsiaBwavle NUAIN lwn ehaniu untretgas il odblig. Fred on Monday, June 8th, 1964, od, with rock wool. Work- (U SIEOmono 10 r ,19. ______ 23-2* CALL aniqefunIlecl lssgodebulngs.Hsecdne Wa.ltnerrLoucksJ billlovedltbus-ucmanshipvd guamanted. guaFmeed.Fr ti- HOUSEUSE TINT SOP worVing bout ebt-Tonontoc amilknces nM anyieextorast.m$21quota Toronto, wîll be at home ta band of Gertrude Warncr of mates. Har1L.ad TeeAPIT. *j-,C lciî apiacs nn pmc- uoa 1nî Har .Wd.Tl-Pay thern by gîving Rawleigh okdng omsielk2$34,(00 Terms. their friends and relatives on Leskard, aged 83 years. Rest- phoîîe Newtnnville 2420. 16-tf White and Colors Service in Bowmanvillc. Estab- Dernolition oak dîning noecsomfsutelike 10 crIDI Friday, June 2th, 1964,severalinpiecethefBrlawnuîn100lAcreLEDAIRYRFARMli4 Bedroutebricky bungalow Friay, dnUnt194thed ing atoe, th e rviwFe rari SPRING plants for your (Gal. E RN) lihdrue.Eay1 tn.161 MillISt Oshawa antique fumniture, kitchen Gond buildings. Al mdmams ew aka rs Eundaisl l United Chnc7h e u Home oo. Sevie ro- gardening, annuals, peennials, G . Qt. No money required. Write utensils, garden ools, etc. conveniences. Pon clh cnt o m nile . ta 10 p.m. on the occasion Of day, June il at 1:30 p.m. Iibsescmtryn 05Rceiu tS.Hny 3- ebn amnslgth- 150 ocrefrm lcaeefve$1,00- ers their 25th Wedding Anni- term1ent Westminster Memorial bcdktcmtr pots plant- McM LE Montreal. 24-1 Hresenve on sturday, dun miles fnom Pcterboroughwt Versar. 24-'l ed o you choic. Wiliams,_ednouores2-stonreyurbrickn 9 __a -24.2 Park Cemetery, Willowdale, 81 u chicetWilias, IU LENEMALE elerk, mature, pre- JACK BURGESS 20 ai lier laie esidence, 70 excellent buildings. Lag os inB mnvle Ou%' in Memoriam Ont. 24-1 Hn t 6t HARDWVARE Feal wih some high seool oI. BURNERS - FURNACES Division Street, Bowmanville. barns. Asking $25,000.~ haig w btmosTi WE Moved - Now Bill Hamilton 36 King St. E., Phone 623-5408 education and store expenience. CLEANED Tenms cash. No resenve. For- 100 Acre DAIRY cniii AI4LDREAD-In loving me- SoManiTt emorial Hspial, Office N quipmontOs alane 24-1 Sbeady position for ight per- PLUMBING REPAIRS ther panticulans sec bills. Jack with gaod milk quota.Nw îdbabenewyecatd nrndftatber.Lar F. erand Jonc 9th, 1964, Evert Smit, dence 985-7160. Lowavn Shop Here for Full Line of son. Womk is not beavy. Reid, auctioneer; Lawrence pig barn, with automatiefe-Akig$480 «ra h, asdaa ueaged 62 years, dean brother of bead, low pnices. New and C.AMVPING Apply in writing to Advertiscr Phone 263-2151 Harris, clerk. 24-2* ens. Stable cleaner in oh~Bdombikbnao dra wopasd wy ocMrs. J. dcBoer, Bussum, Hol- used, large stcan5en10, C/oTeCninStts barns. House witb ohmwt peebtolfmae 14, 1957. heMrigurne.estk, UnPMENT man, P.O. Box 190, Bowman- P.0. Box 543 - Bowmanville The undersigned aucbinneen conveniences. Open forofrPidat$380-Tms Nohn a vrtk wy land. Resting at thori ___ate Trs 22-tf Q IM N ville. 24-1 _____________22-bf will seli by public aocbion the 100 Acre fanm, 15 min.d emo taebnao ______________________________ farmn stock, implements and bo Oshawa with bousean narOhw onalgeot Theeoveao haethoid der, ervce i th chpelon TonsrMAERcLS or ctmial ARBaSET CHIonAS REE RON TISHO fumîtue fr Lonad Stph-stram.Askig $5,00. ermsETS-PicHRathTndASiifurace Fond memories linger every day, Jonc Il ai 2 p.m. Inter- grain and corn. Fongicides andiO O O TN H PfriuefrLoadSeh tem sig$500 day bimn ment Bowmanville Cemetery., insecticides for apples, pears, LAVJN CHAIRS PRUNERS P-0. Box 122, Orono enson, Con. 8, Lot 34, haîf mile 18 Acres with bousehr.Go gadn ad.Akn Renebrnc kep 4-veetblsec.J.R.Wrgh,90e an hour Sheet Metai Work west of Enfieîd, Darlington AlI buildings in goodrpar$~0 -Tns ________s rcad Ml Sre Eprine Furnaces and Repaîrs Township, on Saturday, dune Asking $7,500 with $,0 omnil om -Lovingly remcmbered by bis van DAM-At Memonial Hos- South, Newcastle. 21-6;1ese w.. Must have own transportation Ventilating Fans and Hoods 120th: 5 registered Belgiami dawn. bikbnao îbfnse daughten Viola, soni-in-law * nWd-DAES e ptcnsi W hn Ooo30R1 Eavestroughlng and Flashingsl show horses, 25 head of catie, 6 Roamed, almost ncwe rcverain omwt a.Fu Bbadgadhlrn 241pital, Bowmanville,onWdDRPS Ne patrsi 0R1 PHONE 194M1 (Colecet) 16 ewes and 19 lambs, full line bungalow in Oshawa.Wlpecbahou eaigStn Boban grndhilre. 2-1nesday, Jonc lth, 1964, Cor- "Wcather Ban" insulated drap)- RUSSELL FISHER, Pontypool J. E. (Jack) Garden, Prop. of tamm machineny witb Case kept and nicely landscpd abce ieylnsae BARRELL-In loving mue- nelius (Sandy) van Dam, of eny fabrie. By the vard 'on 85 King St. W. Bowmanville 24-1* 46-tf tractar, Model *"" 2 sets of Asking pnice $14,500wihadvy rat.$590 whryofaeaway duerViolaBurketon, aged 39 years, '0e-custom made. Othen new Phone 623-3134 WOMAN who can drive -if cCVTN -GAIGoharte s.w Mntesan $,90Roomdbugloa loved husband of Inene Hickey, samples now beigsono 2- o ol ejywrig rECVcNG-GAIGohero e so hMSeneso nd5$3900 dn. Term 1962. d wy un 1,dean tathen of Bian, Susan, ae oyu e.ng sîo n o ____ 41yuwudejywnig3o 1ay962.ea sstr Debbie and Glen; son of J taken ta your home. aFree ang gularlyl LOADING bas been showing borses ai modern convenienc'es.Asigal6339 Wecano oretyursmlngva Dm BwJacle;boh-estimates. Goodbrand's, King Zenith 4 haus ondy aig re oSAND - PITRUN - FILL Fali faims and bas now sold $9,800 with $1,500 dawn.Atm .. f aec a n ae , r g tS to s iWng v aDm ,oow a n i î enh mvbS tlW ,ea w.n î l .t- t C M B N A I O S u d o i r c s m l i c c l e n s n U s d b n db i f r m H e i s o f e n n g b i 9 R o me9h m e w î h p r t a l J o B ros km e2 0 N w t n v î î faecmof Nellie (Mrs. J. Hooyer), -1 MBNTO Sui il oeieclie ntsansd umber adMaterials lk Toh apspi , i fr wmayGo rgie;andlJam, Pontypol; caINEtRmdoortble ilh otet eetbls nadDUTCH 'show horses, al] harness, hait- lk1frontage. $650.Ke ocin - 62-55 Yoo hpp, artre wys Curice Wllam Cinsile;SIGE auomîi zg-agFreezer and Frig. Iaround Bowmanville and are GEEe OTATN rs, blankets, hamness boxes, Easy\ terms. t~ ~ ~~~~Aniendrs als Fee), knee on foot conîrol. Fancy 14 e. f t. - 150 lb. cap. Freeýzer J willing ta make iight dcliv- ec o rsre aea OTPRY omdJc iad --6335 In those happy bygone days. Aukn . etn ttepten n tnie (Mstc.Chamies .Liner e ies, etc., write Studio Girl 942-5735 1 p.m. Clifford Pethick, aoc-lbtngailow, aIl modern cone-FtYo ---6337 One ofthebcbesi sistcrs the Morkiston esting ai the p- Galrand Butlnh e c.PceaorLmerCosmetics, Dept. CW-46, 840 2-*tioricen. 24-2 îcnces. Pnice and termsa2- wold could hold, Morrle rieisnFunhal ha Bo' Gareed. Blamnce of$5700or Magnetie Door Gaskets La Fleur Ave.,Montmeal 32.24- - _________ Yu hsha of g l, yuon Friday ai 2:30 p.m. Inter- per mnonih. Dealer. Write SPECIAL, PRICE Route will pay up ta $5.00 per UPHOlLSlTERING CMLT modemn conveniences, Akn oie men Hampton Cemetemy. Advertiser 507, c/o Canadian bu.________ 33only $7,900. lwy ogouslihadim2-enaemn PO o 10 o- 299 Save Dollars! Have your chest - DISPERSAL SALE1 kind, .I manville. 24-9 No trade-in nccessary *FEMALE H L ril n hisr-pos:BAKTC,6/ What wondemful memeanies VANSTONE - At Memorial ZNT 5C.F.V 'NE ered. Free estimates, samplesi 0Fmdemungcownvene. si,194 w__1 yoo lefi behind. ZNT 5C.F.W NTDtknt h oe.mdr ovnecs Deep in aur bearis your Hospital, Bowmanville, onl T TOVVERS 1 T .iBde cm ragd D"~CD%. î,0.D tmysofc ilb Saqtumrday dune 6- 1964, Alice-- T%;k 7rn7nBugt emsAagd1 R S M P M I.al isse du andb ueverre-au said' in the Funemal-Home on A!O ULTYFEZRcorn liead and grass pickup, Phone Long Distance D1 Prompt service. Pick-up and FIRST and Second Moi-iae T ~ -Sdymse n vrr-Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. 24-1 ATPQAIYFEZRInternational No. 4.5 P.T.O. Zenith 66550 (no charge to you) andcieyGom's14CtmpubsdanarnedDurLOrpry .wnr sonembned byowad agandMr,---- AT A haler, International No. 46 p. Dept. Agric. Lie. No. 286-C-64 uiozn St. Phone 623-5713. 41-tf win Realty Limited, Boxc 8 cbildrcn. 24-111 Flowers New Low Price T-0. baler, reconditioncti andi 12tf Port Hope. 4-f.'~fLI WED _______ gua~~ ~r oaodg Cash on the Spot IRA CARR 'Watch Repairing WE willboAgemnsoNtieshreygenoaI TRIMBLE-In îoving memy FLOMN'R SHOP CsPadCrryPice wlth gePTO.frDa Certified Watchmaker of Sale: boy or give scn prosl ossino ad of a dean husband and father Factory warranty f'~U~'TSockea or Crippled FarmCNSRTTT'T Canadian Jewelier's Assn. martgages. Alwood DEveo-l codnewt h e ,wopse wyJn t, CARNATION COWAN Stock. Picked up promptly. CONSTRUCTJ..IONI ment and Construction Lmt oto c,16,Sc ,1 p1ss0 d awayJonc 7t. W. 15 cu. ft - $209-95 EQUIPMENT Co. Telephone coilect 263-2721 Pot9579 MLarrS Jewellery ed, Newcastle. PhoneNe-at19thtuesnxouJ -Sadly mîsscd andi lovinglY FUNERAL ARRANGEMENTS MaPwortu Fr Perry 9579 39 King St. W. castle 987-4245 or Csaawesgolgo hi at remembercd by bis wife HOSPITAL ARRANGEMENTS 20 cu. f t. -Bo199manne62-589 ileN Gldy adfail.24-1* EDN OQET EI LOAVIAL 41 Licence No. 333-C-64 BA.RN'ES & BYAM Refigeration NEED A dt flN 9 94 n FREE! - One TE--LOAAIAL _ _______il-tf adMraceLa? truhu h esn h RIARtongawyCome In anti see our Rt BORDINýG boues LES SG&EVIEan AVgae o RIIvIA gorsgeawa Diplyanted to-R ent and , a AL ESBNG& &S E TIE G pplance Service Private part>' to Inveat st te s a d ni hv h MEMOIALS wWery f -'t lorDsly APARTMENT, centnally locat- aamaen ofArelis il 4BU and wîlîrtags ______ apaandmDissinAtiisI willn be 24-HOUE Commercial cantleomesticdand made MorofagesrApleesaneedslldCsmroyedalchnrginmethe Mo nm ets - FlatinctIers wredigr O V ' A N I L cy u g-ope, o hlde. e mae available, on request, QiÙ B urner Service Refrigeration - Milk Coolers ments for Sale and Mortggs cssa antteln atxs Monumens - FIa Marker order.Available Sept. 1. Telephone ta all public scbool teachers Phone BERT SYER Piirchased. L 0 W R ATEaseotInheAt in design* for any need. Corsages and u FlIGID LOCKER 623-3488. 24-1 wha coquine. Reply in wriî- SEPTIC TANKS AND Days- 623-5774 iYour mortgage problemi ld h ooealne i 152 Slmcoe St. S.. Oshawa Cut Flowers l ,,,è9 OUNG married couple wiih ing listing accommodationsTEBDSNht-62317 1'issedNoee, ctenisarelyolce. '723-1002 - 728-6627 phone62374 iYTMna cbildren wislh 10 ent twa- and services, rates, etc.. ta A. PHONE wilg alayie EDISETR Offie Eenigi e ed foers b623-re1ne423-557 nedmom Laner Harware Afte Hous -623-184 Phone62.5 eromapanîment by dol M. Thnmpson, Supervising HAMPTON 263-2288 L9 M. Mardwar Offic e n fwer 2-tire 72lst Phone 623-5700' alter Pnincipal, Box 175, uBowman- TYRONE 263-2650 adEETI 723-3211 or 725-25~ ian tBwavle 2 nwhr 3-f 2- pn,241* vW.e24-2 18-U adELCRC24-tf 3 4 DEAD.LINE FOR (LASSIFIED Tuesday, 4:30 p.m. -.- 1 a 1

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