10 Thp eanadliarî Statesrnan. lnnrnanx-iiie. Junp lm. 11PA4';rre roýad b'-Murrar i-Ml- ------ crim cn-iîposed bv him and the1 H-oward Nîalcolms. Farm Net Incorne Downi Thev wer thrnprescenfid1 ncluding an ciglit - piece si- Due to Higher Costs ver eMCifSdaex 'i'essed the *hankç cf Marx' nd Balfours families at being Farm net icmpmcrail he S.7-.7l million and wasneiar-, nviied ta parlicipate in the rneasured in îwo xvavs (i lylv,' above the fv--a 'eigs fesivities . Nancv Realized net income - amaunt average betwccn 19-58 ana -id Oram M1ýoore aNso 'ire- of incarne from farmîng leit 1962. Most cffie î ncrcas-n ented gifts tn their parents after deducting operating ex- camp (rom a sîgnîficant huila '>-n thi-s ahspici.iuis occasion. p enses and depreciation. (2> up în farm inventories ci Th P local cornmiittee i0 Total net incarne - same as grains in Western Canada be- harne cf the, evening, dr- ra- realized net incarne only ad- Ixceen the beginning and end 'ins etc., ,vere Mr. and Mrs. justed to take intoa 'counit!of the year as ai resmlt o:1t fGbo.M n is any changes in inventories af larger craps, cspeciallY wheat. rcm MKe. M.1ndM i ivestock or grain on farmsiAlthough fhis portion cf ne, rr,çal Quackeiiuhu;lîMu and between the start and finish of incarne ls îot actuallv avail- 'ýt1r, \NrrvMlr' i c the year. able for spending. :1 forms th'i: and MNrs. David W':Non. Realized farm net income in basis cf cash advaiices on1 Music for ininiio ias ;ijp- Canaa in1963droped ~ facm-stored grains in Western,'uîdh v Dxi isi below the previaus vear. tnd. I l sastatc h and Clarence Page, Dorotlîv amounted tri S1.410.2 million toa rdcin frwti ard Garr-v Bistexi . ii and ws 3.% abve te fîestimated total expenses \icerce larke Williams as caller for andwas3.7ý boe ten 1958 încurred durîng the vear. i year average bten 98 PEt., Ontario and Mýanul- qîarooaie. and 1962. Althoîtgh farm cash îioba x',erc flic clv provinces A hunce but dilcenîîisýlîitu.ii incarne set an alI-îm higli. in 1963 to show an increase i a -rve and d (n'm on- farmn operatmng expenses and ' fniied 10 hlatantPetl'e- depreciation charges rase bvre ralized farm oet iîîcome ovn1c.1rýf) evu nerl 5,1ý96i2 .In total net mnoie, the id i -' the voitgr se'. .udg-ý eay 'onîy«%-provinces %with inîîîreases f, fron-, the la rce ntîiibc Total farm net îîîoemp rose werc P.FE..l1,Saskatchewanhi rt i gn vîle f about 2't- It added tup 10 and Alberta. '0tl-riiav1 rei .are a"SîUr - co a' thoy enhark cni thieî C ~4 'L A~ ~2.5 years cf marital servi- Ontaria Wheat ( W Wc a re pic,,;sed fto report iliaft hu rs . Jack Kerr and Crop M rs Berthîa aelvp ce f- esro rm hospihal. Bnla Agreerment was re-aeiied Il Pheprescrit oxýcjll 1) pro n",,ll enouh -1'O'a ttenild th(' Toronto, May 27, on minimin- îects for the 1964 xv,,heat crop Moore rrstiviis and church prices to be received hv On :ollowing onri te heels of an on Sundav. tario wheat producers for th 'xceptioiiall\- heavv vollume Sorrv 1 report that (il 1964 crop. -rop last vicar and a! i- thcr ecood ncighboori, th(, Rceve (if A stand fast dlecision seti, .PcCts inc!uding the worýd Cartivri'2ht, Mr. Bert Gibisoni. the minimum or floor prie 'Ial'ke(t %rirc va F fr1' i currontIv incarceratcd in for the coming "icar ai !ih lat 'th" priee agicrement is in Port Perirv 1losptal, and that Sarne level as lasi vecar me witli mnarket conditions.'s -IrldStnon is ini poor Under the agreement \\'ind shoîîd prove s;atisfactor-y,,Icaltlh in Lîîîdsav . A speccdy Js negotiated annîmally v pro- 0 ~111 conccrned. convalescence 10 both, ducer representatîves and .~ Neogotiations ve re cha ired Mr. and Mrs. Glenin Gih- trade, Minimum prices r .\,hvBruce Teasdiale, reres ,,- Orcf Oshawa, spent hIe at 1.6 pe buhelforgraesiný 'hie Ontario Farm Pro0- îek with Mrs. Bert Gib-I 1ad $1 6 erbuhefor radesaI ducts Marketing Board. -n i and2.eSJtrife Oradar.io $1.30 for grades 4 and .5 and Representing tnnt n t iîiniber from Yc!vecrin grades 1 and 2 mixed whepat 1Wheat Prýodîîcers' Marketirîg enjoved the tsquai fine stîpper and wheat grading lowePr dtiv Roard were R. T. Bolton: A. served at the St. John Angli- and i 'R. Coulter, CanipbellvîI 1~ CîrcîIu.Behn.o ta exeive pouin Pe*ter MacKunnon. Bath: M.. R. Saturdav cv.zIine2 Thw eightc.i!cvrMcVI ea Douigall. BJenheim: Harrv Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Stinsonl sold during ther:Od h,- Son, Kesuwick: and K. A. rnd Mr, and îvlrs. Clarence, twen ul lçý,194 t JneStanding, Chatham, Pige. attcnided the wcdding of twee Juy lt. 164 a Jne The cereal mari Ilfactuîrer. r,;âl. anld Ms omnK 3Oth, J96,5. M omnKr The escalator ciauise wlî cl and floeur iller,,s iere repre- (npe Lesin J-alia Lvcvk >in ldesigned ton cffset .n*:eresL sericd bY D. M. Iluinter, Chat-,Oshawa a f Northiminster andstoag cois o rodiCeýzhamn S. MV. Lockingtorî. Pete:- Uîitcd Cîuîrchhcon Saturdav met agreemeni on the sarne borougli: and G. F. Bowker, \xithi reception in îhurch hall. basis as last veir. neToi-on to.'Norrman je the oîîIv son of the Starting ii' Ocoher, 196 4 COuiut1rv lecator operators Eldon Kerrs or Osha%\a. the floor price wiIll încricasz' 'ere rePrented hl J. A. Mr. andi Mrs. George Lane 2cents par bushici per month'Ivn St. Thomas: D. G. Wa' - of Kenora visited this past lip to and i'nciuding the mon, rPrhladn.!i aet h ofFerurv 165 fr tna Thompsoîî, Blenheimi. Ernie Lane's, follo\ving his Increase of 10 cents per bit-- motlîcr's release from hos pitai. ghel over the basic $1.6. Nohangbcrdabl-I The minimum wil rema 1- bird for mari\ vears iin this et file SJ.7,5 level throUC 4-H T SwYYiIe Club Jdistrict.,xve Uwere pleased Io March and April then drop 1 . sec on0! of nature's nmore cents per bushel in Mav and ri r I I c ufl species tlîis week- &gain in June retîîrnmng 10to e ta * ia.v tli"ir bribe iiicreîisc. $1.65.. Art Rowan (Chairman Mr. R. T. Bolton, R.R.i(W 1,I,- of Lindsayv Disti ict Higli School Seaforth, chairman of the On- O f M arkin\fg !Board) le'ft SundaY for Niagara tario Whcat Producers' Mar- Falls Io attend a 2-3 da ' An- keting Board, announccd The second mceetngofth ual convention o ua n suits of the negotiations.H .le Durham Swine Club w of Ihed Urban Trustces. Presumne he said that in consideration of at bleArclua fiege s Dlgt tlre 3oxvmanville. Jim Cochran '!since hw' gocs unalttnded by Assistant Agricultural Reprc- wife Doris. sentative. gave a talk on the 1SUnday service nt Velverton Marketing of hogs, disctîssing .had special music in tlie form Ille teletYpe method of selli ng:ocf ate n so dit- hhe: te cigî ang, enghthe "Cccxv Ciits'- Clare and then; he eigt ang, lngt ýRav Robinsoni. IVItsadmit i!hat andi amount of fat which de-,ic ftecrwla ae termines the grading; market . ou of the snirenîadbr. i ingtreds fator iflurîiîg! Several local cîtî,.ens ap- hog production and hog prîces;;prnl iitejcptrr and adviee on when and how P"nt "flicthedjacpot rcs ta ship hogs, stressing the im- Ilie otWl'v.Te cdsn andlievs portance of keeping tthe higs Nomaxon Wti il s rdtine frec (rom bruises. A film followed, ijLustratiîîg 'ier mode! cars.E ithe talk, after which the meet--- j 0 ing was adjournied. CANAO4- R. Osborne YELER'NNew President ili (Intended for last weck) On Thursdav%, May' 28, or this week the publie sehool clîild- ren, Grade II to Grade VIII,. 'spent an intecesting and cdu-ý catiomiai tour nspecting cer- tain places of interest in thre ~ town of Lindsay. These, in- cluded visits to the Trent Il - Vallev Baker,Silverwood'1S W RITING T0 Dairv",lte town Filtration't A NYONE ? Dept., at the Gov't Bldg., and your enL'Plope was enjoyed at the Auto Court shouldshow: and the dav's activîties wr shoud shiv: Ioped of wih acal atthe Bar-B-Q. Miss Murdock. theI Th7le name of the teacher, is to be commende ..person you are for her arranging the day'si addressing. activities By a "Calopi'ng 2 The street nî,mbrr, wouldn't trade one day likeý 2 street nome, Or that for a month of Ordinary' pos oficebo niibe, srhool. Wonder wh.v' pos ffie b~ nunîer, On FridaY eveniiîg of luis aporýtneril or hisines,ç week, one of Yelvronjs Most block, suite, il ronv. popular pairs. Mr. and Mis. Atarcnmeigoftî Bafor ooewere lîonoured Board of Directors, Mr. E. F. g~City, toun or rnuagir, with a presentatian at theRuisscIl Osborne, Newcastle, 3 and postal zone, <hurch hall on the occasion cOfinaowseutdPsdn, if in use, Ilîcir 251h Woddiiw Anniver - ontrn xBselders IdcPrpsidnt- procince, fro. s lr lxOur. e rI16 on general 'preac.lîernîlan" kvpt bu oru s 9aWea Mr.î Osf xprlr A our nanie and the hall rolling as tlC' ih ahins ncwe por îavinse-ve 4yu opeeddesa liomorous running ranien-asheDhaConvir- you coph'e odres ary. The program was as foi- 1arfcthe uim nt Dirc a- in the upper le/t corner. llcws:- A piano duet by Barh- ltifBrted uin site ioniClce ra ilan-ý b'v Jd Jan i sacn 1948 and as President of that Re D og hv Jy Robnso Association in 1960. Active ini \'udn't Sae, v':aIt Of a (armer organî,.ations, rhurch please don't make 'aidne~~ and in~l d rommuinity affairs, Mr colin, her dnc'mate Ohnn i ls ntd redr the postm n guess- Page, was unfortunaîcîx- con-' sni sif cthshnortnte rlie gues (md tra barracks witli'an aýi cthSorhr atl be sure to write lack o sha utrand the correct address. F pan ri0 o LndandRolFitMeein Stace ':' a tap dance routine bv ,os rit ! 'Panîcla Stinson and 4-it,. lu s en gs b v the school îîupils e NADA ~ hv 'Miss Murdock and dedicat-5 CI cq--40 :ÀeariIng ~TdSîee 0 gess aEects Of ficers Recel ve KemptviJle Awards Pr'incipal A. M. Barr of the Kemptville Agrieultural Sehool is seen herce with thc winners oif the Ottawa Journal awards, Ronald Welsh of Bowman- ville aîîd Fred Doornbos of Hastings folloxving KAS graduation exercises Sat- urda. The Hon. William A. Stewart, Ontario Minister tif Agriculture xvho ad- dressed tlie graduting ('lass(es and 'Mrs. Jean Casselman, 'MP for Greniville- Duiidas. xvho sjoke bto lie KAS AIlIItni Associationi meeting stand at rilît1 Ronald Weisli reccîved the Journal aw.ýard for Senior stock ,udging and Fred Doornbos was honored for gencral profieiencv in first andr second vear wot'k. -Kenptville Advanee Photo OBITU The deaili of 1dml Sackett.1 Street, WhithY.' tVlcidav, Julie 1I Oshiawa General uvas in hec -561nl beeuî in familiiîg t year. The deceascd eî Betll Smale aîîd was borniOf St. Johni, Port Whîîhx. [AliY un AMumbIcs, Xales, dauîghter An cntliîisiastic allcv iiowl1- of Si, -c %r Alusnaid thc e, SMm. Sackett was a rmeni- ILj.SACKETT Cae han Snialc. To1927. shci!ber of a îîummher ofcfhiampionî- i-icri Wmiliiarn J. Sackclh at!sh îp hcams whîile Iliig iin Nfrs. Willianî T'oronto. 'Toronîto. She organized thîe 1 707 Duifleriri 5h -Sachet t ivas educatcd Youth Bowling Ieg i n on-iire , at i otîto Sehools. Shue I yen i Wliiîlî sex-ecal vea i-s ago an(! 11964. al thli11, Toroilto hefore seI luîîg ib w; ýprcmuieîif in its develop- Hospital. Se'W ith n j1955ý. nment. ivear anîd had T'Fidueased ix-ul;an c-She s surivc-xed liv lir tuts- lialtli for two ploxte of tue Oîîîaco Hospital , b andl andrin- mothcr cf Bcw- Xli it iii -for filvu 'cars. Sue rniaiui-ille cabIo Jeaxs Ixxo waus theicfurm- .at tcîded thle .A.iilc-an ClîUmcidaughhecs, Mms. D. Iillnlore- (Loiý -of outh Afriea anc!M i gr tarin ne they mppear en mark. ChErvi of Wîb.Three sit- onn o U arEaldw.Rcatad ers P.re also surx ivors. Mrs. P onhofJ ne esaeErian eca n Wright (Gwyneth't, Oshawa, :Sake hs alte l Mrs. K. Kendalli Dorothvî) pak and si xetoa! and Mrs. A. Butson (Margarcî Straw e ry TeSakevreyl of T oronto and two hrother5, especia]Iy suitable for freez- Ioan of i m e 1 n Onta rio Joanof Ohawa It is expected an ail-Ulne The remnains rested at the This delicious fruit. fresh high wilI be estab!ishod thýs W. C. Towni Funeral Chapel. from farms in Ontario, is now year in demard for Ottt *Whitb V. for the fîîneral rv available' Peak volume for groxvn, fresh strawýberr4es. Nit ice in the chapcl on Thursdca'., Ontario strawberries wili like- only are they us.di for* desscirt Jîîne 4 at -2 p n. Rev. J. c'il be reached the week of in homes, restauraîils anci pub- Kibbon of the Chotrch of St. 1ju ne 1,5th in most parts of the lieceating places. but also by John conducted the service iProvince, and later in northerni processing plants for qui(,< and interment w.as in Mount 1 sections. Local supplies xviii freezing. jams, fruit toppings, Lawn Cerneterv. flot ie- last more than threp etc. - weck,' depending on weather Fresh strawberries are avail- M1EMORIAL HOSPITAL rc on d i t i o n s. Reports from able a ulemres od IVEEKLY REPORT strawberrY growers indicate side stns meuarkrets, road- Wrkof lune ]-Î inclusive 1 h at plantations reverv iesands.iregulrm re s.uf Wcek 1) ýheait n d-- frutsand irec fro groverr Ad missons 72 tionlfrui hod beofConsumers and buyers would Brh-1ml,2female 3 eepinal od qua' tv be weii advised to make fItII Bîcrths I8aie 2This wili create and maintain jisfhvrgasl8e conraber use of this annual "straw- Major operations ----- 6 [ av nume accept- berry treat" while it lasts, Minor operationsane thus following the trend to- FEmergencv\ treatments J2 rie th'-ce niost common wards the use of Ontario farn *Visiting Iours 3-8 p.m. dailyv xarieties noxw grown in On- products. Duirhamn Farmiers' County Co-op PHONE 137 ORONO, ONTARIO Order Now and be ready for good weather. Far fence, Steelý posts, Steel roofing. Nails, Staples, Black and Brace wire, Fertilizer, Rubber boots, Leather boots, Motor oil, by the Quart, Case or Five gallon cans, Iawn mowers, Paints for indoors or out, Electric Fen- cers, Fencer batteries, Livestock spray, Florbait, Fibreglass screen, Car and tractor batteries, Freezers, and many other farmn supplies. And now a complete new line of Haugh's work clothes, pants, shirts, jackets, coveraîls, overalis. COME IN AND SEE US. Fresh feeds for ail types of Livestock delivered to the farmn. ATTENTION Att CITIZENS 0F BOWMANVILLE and DISTRICT TO VISIT and TOUR GOODYEAR'S ALL-NEW RECLAIM RUBBER PLANT SATURDAY, JUNE l3th, 1964 p.m. to 6 p.m. I I I We at Goodyear would like to extend a hearty welcome to aIl aur friends in Bowmanville and surroutiding districts to corne and see the latest addition to our local manufacturing facilities. We are anxious for you to see our new Reclaim Plant first hanci. It is thue first of its kind for Canada, and we are sure you wiII be interested in seeing the modern facility that we have erected over the past year. We believe we have constructed a plant that wilI make the citizens of Bowmanville justifiably proud. There will be ample parking space in aur regular parking lot and around the new building, and we will have plenty of guides to explain our unique process. Refreshments will be provided for ail. We do request that childrer, under twelve be accompanied by an adult. We will be Iooking for you at the new plant Saturday, June l3th, 1964 between 1:00 p.m. and 6 p.m. GOOD/,YEAR H. G. MacNEILL General Manager L. F. HUHTA Manager - !»eclaim Divisin 'j