Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 May 1964, p. 3

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MAPLE GROVE W. T... r T The regular monthly meet- Vmiin S nd a oa JDINI. f ~ ~~~ ~~~inc ofthe Women's nt:c .Sm l g a ra J n romV was held in the cuc ae McGILL - JONES *ment on M4ondav, Mayv llth, j A at 8.15 p.m. The meetingA quiet wxedding took place inSt. Paul s 'nlcnCuc opened with the singing of a Bt AnonglcnCu W om n's ins itu es the Ode and O Canada and. 'Gwenth Treo Jones.da h- the repeating of the Lords *trc r n r.Rcad HA31PTON W.I. Chant: 2nd Vice Pres., Mrs. E.'Pae f fiOl Jones of Peterborouh beame V HapoWIprlmetn Vinacott; Secretary. Mrs. Roll eall, "Your mother's th rde0 oard JohnMc" Hapo ..ArlmeigGeorge Yeo; Assistant Secre- maiden name, where she Gu- teio fHM.AdMr.e- was on citizenship and educa- tary, Mrs. Il. Macklin; Treasled, and an interestingfatanMGlBîn. tion. urer, Mrs. John Macnab; As- about her" was answered bmaTt'rex'. Rleginlyos f .Mrs. Luther Allun. rrilcnt. sistant Treasurer. Miss Nancyiail. The minutes of the Aprili ficiated for the edn ee was in the chair and opened Johns: District director, mrs. meeting and treasurer*s report:mnyan eMs.Rwediaede the meeting in the usual mnan- M. M'ýountjoy7: Public relations,iwas given. Good-neighbors' the we adAingm os ye ner. Mrs. J. W. Balzon: Member- report was given bv Mrs. Fred tewdigmsc Roll caîl: one thing I can ship, Mrs. Hoskin Smith. i Stevens. It was decided thatý Giveri in marriage by herî do to make new citizens feel Mrs. Wilfrcd Smale then in- we apply for a short course ing iher hebrdew of item at home. Mvotto, "Life is like a troduccd Mrs. Dr. Vipond of! this year, "C a ter i ng to tafet xvhsain liraw fiea grindstone. whcthc'r it polishr's Oshawa, who with her hus-! Crowds" and invite our U.C.1 tafearit atiooedncclnder you up or wcars you dowý%n, band and family of five child-iW. and Bowmanville Institute dopn nafletant depends on what You are made ren had spent two years inito Participate with us. dopn nafletant of," by Mrs. Syd) Kersey. Group Malaya. Mrs. Vipond showedf Bus trips to see two dfe the hem at back of skirt. The eaesgave reports. some lovely pictures in colorient TV shows were announ-" large bow in front and at top A reading was given by Mrs. on a screen of their family,l ed and it was left with a com- o h as ri.Smlrbx Macklin, there xvas discussion the natives, their customns, the' mitteeft sCur mre infor-ftrimming wasan the ress\ý- on "Block Printing', and schoois, etc. If xvas a very de-i mation about themn. Mrs. L. C. sleeves. Rer so houldregî 'Tricks in a Alix' for a cours. I iý,itiul prugrauî. . White invited the members to i lve of xvhite n r et s agi' Birtdaybox\va îrsened.Maniv thanks xvere tendered spend a day at ber cottage in f Each month sonie one has a Mr,, Vipond for telling theirý July. A eommittee of Mr s.' raimmedcapthoBavaian ohrs birthday and puts in as much Fred M it Bvaia"ys rnnyas thicy are years old. eprnesStvs, rsC.îh, tais. She carried a cascadeIof itne Billv XWhite sang his Lunch xvas served by the Mrs. H. Cryderman and Mrs.i Wie crain n e solo very niceiy, the same one north group. S. Dovle xvere aPpointed forý ~ sweetheart roses. he sang at the Pcterboroughl The May meeting of Hamp2the banquet in June. It wasi . Y Mrs. Howard Perkins of Mui etvl Tee-vsas-tn1VI a hl nteCE decided that we xvould cat \r'\ London, s'ter f thei oli a delightful solo bx' Miss Linda building. Mrs. Allin was in.ýoawdigi uy er1h ai flooi ern Coulter, who was accompan- the chair and opened the' Mrs. Ronald Brooks, con-- a dress of aqua taffeta, made jed by Mr. Douglas Dewell. meeting in the usual mannier.,!venor for Currenit Events,l nsmlrfnsc h rd 1964 officers vere installed Roll caîl: Many broughtd took charge of the program.1 dress. f Her headdress xvaS a 'by Mrs. Lorenzo TrulIl as fol- plant seeds, roots, bulbs and' The motta, l'The world owels! bo f qa taffeta xith flar-, lows: Past Pres.,MArs. Bur- bushes and if you brought one,! a debt f0 ifs mothers" was, ed net veil of thie same color. rows, President, Mrs Luther you exchanged it for anotherl given by Mrs. Ronald Brooks.ý J She carried a nosegay of Pink, Allin, lst Vice Pres.,Mrs. Ted one. Sh i e what quality do we and white carnations. Minutes of last meeting andj honor in our mo thers? Howl eiMGl a rosa correspondence were read byi she healed every hurt; turnedi forvis brothea r. osa SreayMs e.Mrs. M what otherwise would havel eetonfraot5 SertayMr.Ye.ofier'been a lonely bouse into a! Aguest va e in StPabuls 'Mountjoy attended the ofcr Sconference at Guelph. Dele- warm home. But did she not, Parish al. Te brd' gatoes to district annual at Nes- like other women, shrill a lit-.mo Her lecevedThe bgue*., fleton, May 12, were appoint- tle, sometimes nag and com- '4ot't earing a shethe dress o ed-Mrs. Yeo, Mrs. M. Mount- Plain. Mothers, thanks to the dusypn afea ihies o Ijoy, Mrs. W. Smale, Mrs. T.goodness of God, come in all k i a n aeor ie whRer o- Y u C et M. Chant with alfernates MIrs. shapes and sizes and colorSi vtagedwacsor lu ie d ecar- Allin and Mrs. Balson. and creeds, each one different' ag atos ors. ermne c-! %. Bus trip cmite w and each one the same. The !naGion aso rc eiving. xas wca 2Uu/o M or , named for later ini the sum-i debt we owe goes beyond the Gil lorciig a cr When you buy the 6 mer. Mrs. J. W. Balson is cu-' personal. If is a debt that cgrond naln sc attrdrs rater of the Tweedsmuir Book demands acknowled g em e n t This littie Miss wîth the sunnv smi le is Sandra Joan Milligan, who was seven Imotif, with blue bat and boulie carton of WILSON'S History of Hampton. Mrs. T ýfrom the whole human race. mnonths oid when the above photo was ta ken i April. Sandra Joan is the daughter 1 black accessories. Rer corsag j -The Prestige Ginger Ale. eýe. Mountjoy and Miss Nancyl Mrs. Thos. Dickson favored ous M ndMs onDl9 fpn adwi e r V11 Jobhns are helpers to get ma-i with a vocal solo, accompani o M. adMs o Milligan, .. 3 Bowmanville, andî granddaughter of Mr. natos. A bnusinquatty ~ terial for same. l ed by Mrs. Wmn. Laird. Mrs. John Milligan, Bowmanville, and 1'Mrs. W. Ramsdin of Toronto. tr qalty t,.Wis .'s Goo~d osed clothing is bei LC Whf av e rpr Photo by Astor Studio.,bcadponsastebrd is famous for its flavor. askcd for and is f0 be left at from the Officers Conference xvb e arp.in astbtaekbie The flavor you get by the Mrs. M. Mountjoy's. Mrs. Yeo at Guelph. A reading, "When waI, 1 U kEACsit withwht bou black nr skilful blending of true is fa belp pack it. A box of Mohe Lok t e, wsvo nNEveeW S be~ a t and white accessories. On peniesforfrindsip vas giennd Ms. . McNel.This week has been the, their return they iwill live in Jamic gige an Ivel ~passed, also collection plate. Mrs. Brooks expressed thei ~ . ..bset0eyt vrtîgiBtay cao naîit o re n lv o n' M otto: "Consider the turtle g o ps t a ks t h w osee mned to happen, including yoiehoe lvr e makes no progress, until he' helped on the prograro. the' fashion show, the Mavy more for your money.t' sticks his neck ouf." A paper, Meeting closed by ail re- ~ 'siatetakme tB S N Why settle for less. ýK xx ýCII prcpared, was given by peating "The Mary Stuiar' , Feiva, the frack meet iBSaU E Mr.~M. tlountoy as eîî as Collee." Lunh xvasservcd"' .. slawa, the band's perform- O hrdyeeîgMv gra u i n a rge.f f. once at Cla r-ke and the nom - AIvrs. Chant then introduced A utinsl o7aoittaiosInStdn oucl Mi's* Neil Brownell enteî *Pies was conducted by Mrs. , i euie andîet w oisa <~ r~Jos xhoopeats ami~lHoward Bradley and Mrs.ý ranFashioonSegoShow inTupperware party. The' ladies sixti cncesici. Se gve ý ejoyed the showing of colo!7:c V r a n c h e a s o f S c u g o g r o a d n i G o d o n B e e c h .O n T u e s d a y e v e n i n g o u n i p a t c a n h n M tua sîxfiî eoncesin She g lsteadthnAr ~ xvondrful flk on aisingnouai fashion show was pre- BonlxihM~RVcn F mink, telling the' colors, di- DISTRICT ANNUAL seniecl.î 'f'hs soRv.asIl' sess eeigadAeci g rehoarsed and moved very Camp and Mrs. S. Van Camp the m inner in which they ae TeDsrc nulo oass esre an% sease~ feeding and describi District quickly. Our thanks ,vere < aex-br ere diî cared for. They are good motb- Durham West Women's Insti- eedt ou tw hmelnhfrasclti. I ers. Records are kept from futes was held in Nestiefon moonies teachers, Mrs. Gib- Mrs. Rov Van Camp accom- SE o n a n d M rs. l e M s G ib - p a ie d M s m S o w e n , l e a r f 0 c a r T h e a r f e P r e h y t ri a C h u c h n M y s o n re c e iv e d r o s e s a n d a v a s e O sh a w a , f 0 a tte n d a te a h e i d 'T er.' dm thacral 2 96,tePesdnMr.' rom bfei' Grade Nine class and recenfle af tht' honme of Mrs. iga nd special ventilation., meeting was opened by use ofAIr Wof eivd ossCD.Rsl. ~î he baxe f0 be innoculated.I O Canada, the Institute Odel fire i liei' Grade Elevens anci Mr. and Mrs. Keith Bickeil., ~IMn', Jost gave a synopsis of'and The Lord's Prayer, led by pin uand earrings set froni ber David and Dale, Sault Ste. T rsie ecdi ontb in the life of the' Mrs. H. Vine with Mrs. L Grade 12 class. 'Ihese teach- Marie, visited Mc. and Mrs. MLG RAiTak t r.Jswoaicrsof atthtoebrgan. Ah. ers jo f0 hours or xork f0 Fred Wright and familv dur-i plan this faishion show but if ing the past xveek. Dale ce-: 64-4 gaveu ber talk without a note- Hyland was rcsponded f0 by p'Leai Vv re t.e o. a I ândfr h ekn ih book. Lunch xvas served and'Miss C. Stewart cf Kendal '41' Fg e,ýlstivalousns ___________ nîoyed by the' west group. In ber presidcnt's report _ 'H i' anFestFreivalt Mrs. Milligan said she had Teflovn ibWdxmMn' Ms Daycled rg TL' ~JIvisifed ail branches; advised nesday, the' senior and junior M a he rs At n artion, m<ieyre ~i thaf we sbould ahl send our bancis, under the direction of atnR. ni r niM-i B TaIk'~ ofelegaes ... 1lir. Peter.-,pi'esented their Mr. and Mrs. A len.cilh "' abo "~ meetings interesting ciiough * .. jof ailG Ta e jno cgrWigt nikle.5 9music stu- Mrad r.Ae aic,ý thideal ~ to ensure attendance. She dntif v axery gooci. foi' a Ajax. x'c' Thur 'dayawe. cioseci witb a poem of ap- y. îclss.'lTle inipulr mon calIons xvith Mi'. anCH~ preciation t0 ail members. ' crcech Oxels sang xvel I ajnciArthur Barnes. B E Mrs. W. Yellowiees, Solina, Bonn ie Robert bru ce (Bobby) MUyles, shown above, \x cre fhoroughly enjoyeci. lTiei On Thurcdav, Mc. and M 75-î conducteci an "In Memoriam" is the two-Ivear-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Br'uce Avlcs scîtiot' bandi play'oc exceiletitle Samn Van Camp left f0x'si G radu tionservice for Mrs. C. H. Snow- of Oî'ono. Ilis grandparents are Mr'. and McIs. Cliff andtIlle soloists are f0 bc rela1tives inXWashington, D.' dnof Maple Grove and Mrs. Coper and Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Myles. ail torono. pecialix'. commiendeci. MAil"ii 'Miss Dorofby Folev spenti S S. Dewell of Hampton. ffll il \\Os Iadclightfuliv en- Victor'ia î.av xeeken d xxi h1 - lrgepotof bit 'mms As Bobby celebrated hissecondbirthday last lVarch l5th. tctliu xeigo Usi.. ber parents,"-Mc. and Mrs. E.ý fiankeci by two candies wbich et-Cak oe rcosof the two branches, some nex onles, that much 1 Milîs; Secc'iarv - Treaisurei r, u 2 1i0' sicompote xith Eileecn Vondiacck, Bellex ii' concerniec. Mrs. W. Yellow work bas been done in the Mî'lis. 1.?ilulav: ee'tdCak' 1\illbrook and Court- spont ho 1, on" xeekend xvi h lees read three approprit Adelaide Hoodless Home; that 'Repre.setative, 1Mrs. Al. Wise- lie anti we came out righit ai Miss Americ3 poems and Mrs. H. Yeliowlees teUec lnfroeigmn liute.I.X.Yl h'tp u cmwsfr Yoiil ad natvar 'reaci the' 23rdl Psalm. Afte u Nor'ihwest Territonies xvasilowlees; Public Relations 01- nifie aiîclBHS. wvon with 381 caçtiured in tis17il,: tsel pae h'toladies sang lrogressing, andi bopes xvcî'- * fîcci', M'L . C. Siloxv(leii; tlilt . lcax'ing a xide nin ii erth M ULDER' waioh. wth braitfuliy "Abide Witb iMe". highi for af least three ncxv ,Cur-atoî' of TwxeedsinilIirus'- btwte'en oui-selves anditt yce e ta vilbc the' study of poisons -couùrse is f0 o e"New Lamps closel with "Tht' Quten". ructori: 2 1 c Vice-CorinneM c LY - 4: \1ý please 0l rcto core ne eaid t thoir uise andi misuse. for Olci'. alzt a Foodi Forum .(2l1liu't (Edilor, Scireecb Owl); i1býWt buy ng anwIuoao em Misses Gail and Bonnie 3 T'csWt-iaMx l rc Vice--Nc'ii Richards (Pub- c L R- you'li lîke. Rememiber, Youre welcoriie litre Miom nefandwihaurged OS f0 make more cuse L i.licity i; Secretary-Karen Oke, aod ftheres abso;Luîeîy no Ob;gaon beautifulyv rendereci duet ac- of the Loan Librany and îm- î utCî PlayV Denîse W'essels; Treasuer- REFRIGERATOR-FREEZEI igto!companieci by their mother, pressed on ail the importance ; Sharon Burgess. Charles Ew- A NIE AYSPC L Look for Ihat BULOVA difference MencL.iatin folm. he R7corn-ýof4HClus or ugirls. . e R c i e rt, Lvn IIeilyar. thse Is LOW A YSECA coromittet'ire- XOn Fridav we vote for A T fl A ~~of Directors were passed: Aý ports were given: Mlrs. G.'po.e Mle$18 hoc threc year tenm of office, Cathecart for Agriculture an 1A ia xxisely as it is by this choicc -- II~Jtbat these people run yoor M A R R S I Prosident andi Secretany-' Hill ion Citizensl)ip and Edut-!SuetCucl ews WASHERS DRYERS Treasurer; gifts f0 4H- girl'ý cation; Mrs. Il. Bradlev for Thlc tlitice ait play pî'esent- 'h :ý ý11 suieceýs. ee v ~~twinnin- Prov'incial or County Home Economies andi ijealti" cd b%-iti' Wil'.krac-ht Club ini So vou sue, this weck hias PIlonours: the yearly districtMrs. C. Wilson for Ristonical tht' I'xn ll 1audituniuni on beuextheel 1 busy butaso 39 ingSt.W. 23-463 feet' f be 15e p er member. IResearch and Ccrrent Evomts: a recont veuing %vas a great ira.V shv il wrkd MEN'S WOMEN'S 39 in S. V.62-563 Mrs. Augustus in lier report Mrs. C. Greenham (for 1Mis. succes.", antci it xvas inuch en- rtcradscccessfullx' shoxva said that alhough we have- L. C. Snoxvdenl foc Public joyat b' a lar'gt'atudience. C. that tînit'y of sehool spirit Relations and Mrs. M. Wise'- Heyiîeman, xvas tht' diroîtor. cari put cus nîght on tht' top? man (for MNrs. E. Cryderman> Tht' production xxas spanio'ecllO for Curator of Tweedsmuir, b ' v the' Dutî'h Ciedît Union s e ECAuo Histories.ad twsgvnithDiel Roll Cail wxas answered by language.i CA E District Directoî's telling numn- The translation of the' tifle! BRUISESWTH EEY UCAS 0 bei' of mnembers in Branch,,of tht' product'ion is "Bî'st unumber prosent and au nfi:s for i' tl.2 Ni- FECTIONS RECEIVE A FRI teresting incident of a meeting. v'rsai- of thle xedding.9",Mýa. ro- ýia th ni te iarn y cal. in nxerdte olIZeveulhoven bnci lhe 1eadii' iî .- ii.Mrs. L. Malcolm sana "Tht' noies Of Mi'. antd Mrs. Roo.,s MAY 'r nu.E D RA V N Sunshine of Your Smnile" a-'tht' Silver Aniiiversa5 'l' , oùi I'a ~M N THRFE companicîl bx'Mn'. G. Tbomp- brants.ff. soi'. deliighting aIl. Rhtsnflee ili 'a. uyMca ,.71 Mrs. Aucustus conducted the wxvcre Marti:11 t .ce, eipresi-iit ruae .., l'kif Election andi installation of dent of tht' \ilskracht Club; U Offîcers xvicb nesulteci as fo- Eiizabe',h Smlî, Peter Zevce- ioxvs: Paszt President. MIrs. NM boven, Franik ,,1:i-, Nolie s2 IGS.E Wiseman; President, Mrs. Wm. Mooyc'r. Trces Smit, anîd I.r. iKNGS.E '11llian. Vice-Pres., Mrs. H., Cornie Koýt-. i i 7he Canadlan Statesmnan, Dowrnanx'ille, May 20, 1984 heir parents. Mr. and Mrs. E.1 ,%r. Bon Broxvnell and Mr. ;ondracek. . Bnian Flegg spent the' weelk- Mr. andi Mrs. Boy Metcalf endi xxith their parents. -'\r. ccce Sutudax' dinner guests of and : Mcs. Keith BroxvncH:, dr. and Mns. Noble Aletcalf,! Ingleside, and 'Mr. and Mrsj )saxva. ' Elîner FIegg, Finch. Mr. andi Mrs. Neil Broxvnetl.i Mcs. Wnî. Kolenko and Julle ;aient' Lee' andi Dianne spent'Ann and M.'rs. Jonc Forsh-e, li' xvcekend a' titeir cottage Os!ia%\va. %vcre Sondas'Yi' MI:nk LakceitîM. anîd Mrs. C. n' . :î FIRTH BROS. 7 King St. E. QUALITY MEATS 623-5081 FREE HOME DELIVERY $PECIAL $AVING$ PORK EAN 1FRESH '3IDE A cIBACK -59c ÎIBS 49lb IRIBS J lb ean, Fresh, Sliced ORDER EARLY! MOOKED 8%9cI BAR-B-Q CHIX ÏAM lb 1 99C to $1.99 ea ,an, Tender, Juicy KING 0F 'EM ALL! MORT RIB or STANDING LADE A C RIB Cfc O0ASTq. 9lb ROAST .J-59b HOME FREEZER SPECIALS SW1FT'S TENDERED BEEF FRONTSJ SIDES HINDS lb 39cJ1b 47c l b 59c IPOF 1 ILOIN OFc EEF lb BEEF l G60 lb. avg. --5 40-50 Mb. avg. 65b -IUCKOF SIDES OF c EEF lbI RK 3 1 ý -8 l . a v . 5 c 6 0 -7 0 lb . a v . l Ail F'reezer Orders Cut and Wrapped Free Budget Ternis May Be Arraîîgcd With 3 (4 6 Mooîths to Pay. We Aiso Specialize in CUST0OM CUTTING % md WRAPPING to Suit Your Requirements nIl 'RATION WITH THESE SAVINGS 1 0: F FURNITURE ITES- BEDROOM SUITES JITES- KITCHEN SETS Drastically Reduced EASY APPLIANCES :RS ELECTRIC RANGES ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL 19 1AsLowAs _ $2 ;- WRINGER WASHERS - ETC. S- CHILDREN'S CLOTHING Y7o OFF ;E 0F $2S.00 OR MORE YOU WILL ZEE DRAW TICKET ON A 1- EASY DRYER )RAWS TO BE MADE SAT., MAY 30 DER"S BOWMANVI ILE mmi

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