Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 May 1964, p. 9

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are only a few of!1the 1arly M ay F stiv l Vistorsexamples o! this ty pe exhib- tedý Enjoy High ShooliBands pcr coere s =Makes Fin( # pastels, and ails. One por- Enioy igh Sch ol an trait receix-ed nîuch admirai tion. Ilt as a head and 1 shaulders of a Spanish lady. To P y O Another that impressed the Specaculr Ar Dis layviewers was a pencil sketch Spe ta u f r rtDfslaPGeîî::denit J.F.Kennedy. P esiei t .lra owavleHhScols The mnelodic selection Green- Michael Leddy, barit.une; Ge;ujcs dpce ee.ahl eet% ntecu May Festival provided an out-1sleeves, and Lady of Spain, a Rabb, tuba, Ted Baie and stylized dragon, a beautiful hed ecni. u'-r standing program of music onlfantasiï. were played le a'Aln1loedLn.paok eea nmlpc house. VIce-Presiudeni(~a Wednesday evening for a large; pleasing manner b'; the Senior lotte Clanku ulillustrations-of audience in the assernbly hall. Band. As a duet Jane Oliver,' The Junior Band is co ures . lxrilstain !tory' fi a nc iîi u lt(2unio 0f Caol Bin, Bnniepress headles, and flower ar- behaif of the tc-rrThe playing of the 26 -piece clarine t, and Hon Thompsoni u Cao Bin, Bodi rangemnents. seascapes. and Helen Park, o.vas 'o Senior Band v,as impressive., cornet, piayed the Barca role,, Be ecti. (jrEg Brookirig, John, sailing ships.tabprsc. Lt as onucsd ~ DrecorO Bll Not.Budel, Roherta Craig, Rob)ent 1The alumninuce etching by Ln the absence o.t Itie Ils-a, D. C. Peters. The Seniolr Band's Etude ie Cuthbentson, Cathy Etther,lGrade 12 students seemed ai- urer Mrs. CL-arke presente-c Tbey openrie ti.u progrant Beagle feAîuring the talenited Barbara Fer-ris. Kathy Foster, most professional. and there cheque te Mrs. Anmie Oke. 'ch( with a Conrerto Grosse, xvhich your1g composer, Jim Cobban,1 Pat Geode, Doug Harness, were some amazingly w-eîî imnmediate Past Presidefnt. t featured Pili Cobban and Ron ai the piano. mnade a great hit.lWayxeeHn.Bindnqielrepitnspyofel Thomson trupet, an Brd 1The enir Bad aso ds-!aulKelly, Laurie Little, that ivere reproductions of the club house. hix a-1 illilan Lucas. trombone. This seler-1tinguished itse]f in the Latin iAshle-, Osmond, Briari Peters, scenes on Canada - in currency. mausly decided te ;endi a car' tien was expreszsiively, played.irhythrn tuf Ehumba for Trum- Dotîg Raby, Wenjdy Ste pte, Winte adcpswralofthn nd -fo\(rii Much appIun- vaaccordi-1pet. an1d Bill Cobban w-as Louise Whitney, Mervin Con- - lstc, pnslps'vx is fankoMs. a.îB.o floî ini ,d Shla Thorpsnfor loiîer~ splendid as the leading trum-I roy, Janice Black, Jim Cobba rate an Tete Mrs. L.B. Wiluam balis fu le love'yie player . SLnýan Elliott. Jtid:, Fie,!The exhibition of cnasks and Te e"îr. I;- Oic Wings or Sein fer ianlo A claninet quartet Ccpesýed:*Sheryl Ciii, Diall(- 1Par. Bob pape~r work- showed imagina- Thonupsoi, u.- ' accernpaluis xa-J, A. Thomp-jef Bill rombie, CoritnnE J.ackman. John McGuirli. Jan- tien. andc a flair feo- design thanks iroiu ic 'clu son, a meuculer 'of tue teacbung 'Eiiott, Richr PerL-ct and îCe '105 .lt Mchioh. ~onw-as aise indicated by inutch of Palsy Parenuts ColIuCi :0 staff. Judy Allun played an inte-esc - iPctersoiiDavi Vacu Nest, the other art work. association fan its u;oliaouc r ung selection. xîtiich inc1udc'd Mr:, Jacie Walterr, Laurelyn Parents wv e r e especially a t?çpewriter for 11- (':1pffle 2 chorale, dance. liflIabY aiid!iWeisTh. Bob) Welsh. Lorriainýeipîeased ivith this year's exhi- ha rnd Suhc aid nu i;cu \Vba Witf.. Liticia Morris,.Iaiiiielbitioii of ic'dustrial art. There adfrCliu lîoî, f it elu The ScreecliO;vls, a popîclar Smaie. - ' *tr .de tbwsadciî's mtcntilx etcclue-. HighSchol quriteIxutal trays. Grade 10 students 'VISON oAETE Hg ebo une ?f o"l Onbetb Tuuesday.1axnd Vt-had nmacde vell turned eut The Firtlbdli, o:-Px ii singers, Judy Broughi, B nesdcse P ~ QOH/S CGRECAT Mutton. G rant Thompson. - sa v evenings, xniany people u ooden trays for glasses, base- and b - n dnd ilt /N E 7O TOD / avdWry n aa'Coe visiteti the excellent diispDla-,s bil bats. and metal scos leave ifs coiiicn .,s "(,,, np IN oNO0 f Dvi er n LrtCoe ar ad industrial artscains chu u u : l'iu ci >~ nIID xvho also plave d a gjitâi, d- tcGrs amaiucu o lu or exaniples of Gi-acte ~Ms nu ), iuit illsILCIS 01R lighted 10e li sierers w.itîcsex- irls . Mciaser. îe rIl ox-nicldd m r thAnne 1) îuî'..In /RvTENT/ON ral songs. ýteacher, and Lloyd Joluistoi, foin av:ax-v siiack tableswth electîje miixu r i(l -ta As a climuax to 1the evecdng'sithe incusîial arts ixstructoi' j band rubhled vax-isli finish, a foi. tule luuen'i flt, musical entertainiment thc deserve gi-cat. credit for the f'st stop ic11 rabinet makîng. C ~Junior Band, formed entiu'elv excecptiocually good pîo gress Examples of lathe turning and of Grade 9 students under Mr. l made by their studercut - - hand wc'k were the beantiful Memorial Hospital Peter's direction, played three, Originalita tvas showuu b>' oi laPars. lI I nurnbeî', The HIeavens Areithe wcrk 'ctf Grade 9 art1 pectators v-ere particulariy veekly iReport Telling, Canqcian Sunseti ndipuipils ici the development of impressed w'ith a peî-fectly Military Escort. . esîgiisectiocn, whicb showed finishiedlarge record cabinet, For 1i c-Iý s ko'l- 1 1 t The ineînbeî's ot the Senior shaPes, lunes. and hoth oh- whieh would be a decided inclusive: Band are: Sheila Thempson.ijecti ve and abstract ivork. The asset, foi' ancy living-room. Admissions f b f lute; Bill Cobban. Ren, black and white silhouettes There were aise excellent Births, 3 ruiaho. ;.1 ni Theup-son, Paul Lucas. Deugidonc by this class wcre aise ,cerner and ed tables, ceftee Dshro Gropp, Rick Deivell. tlnscmnpets;1 part ic cîarly attractive.i tables, and some fine ex- Majorepiaou * Corine Elliott, Bil'Cr-omble,: Pictures li black and white amples of tvreughit iren, antd 1Miner opera1io, 2 Richard Perfect, Juci Allin, * v olderi sttîdenls wer-e ouct- obcmciese e Emergenra ni 5 Sharan Stainton, Robin Viriue, i standing. Thiere tvas one. Students denionsti'ated the Visitieg houir 3-4 Tui. l'1 g16 TEMePERANCE STI. Jarce Oliver, clarinets; Brian spec ially loveiy mnoofflight making and printing of their T Elston, Susaci Quinton, h ares: uscene cf trees tiiat seemed te own bluepnints. And there * Brad Lucas. trombone; Pat isxvay in a wind. another cf a was aIse an interestirig ai"d Gui. Joan Adams. Rarîdy Deiv- boy xvth a, dng. ard oee that informative exhibition et the -Là.£_ el. Art Jacksoi., slnbtu- s i feulke "! a L'oup cf_assernibling of modle] airplanes.1 yOL 'en, wl tff YOU GET A FLVU,, IN EVERY BOTTLE 0F 1 JR PONTIAC-mBU ICK-ACADIAN-m VAUXHALL DEALER INVITES YOD TO HIS st arrin g 4 BUICK (26 models in~ 7 series) ACADIAN (6 models in 2 series) * i sî, C,,'iu.o 2.00',, S~l-,, RECORD NEW-CAR SALES BRING YOD SPECIAL "CELEBRATION" DEALS! The Success Car Sales Celebration 80 choices - and a v//de selection of is your Pontiac-Buick dealer's way mode/s available (or immediate de- of showînq hIs appreciatuon for the /ivery, And hecause he is looking for woruderfLil sales popularit'y of Pontiac, good used cars he will offer you top Buîck, Acaian and Vauxhail. Sa dollar trade-in a//owance for your now is the turne to take advantage present car. So don't delay. Corne on of the special "celebration" deals along and join in the Success Car Sales he is offering'. There are more than Celebration todlay! GO WHERE THE CHOICE IS GREATESI! GO WHERE TUE VALUE IS BEST! GO TO YOUR LOCAL PONTIAC- BUICK-ACADIAN -VAUXHALL DEALER'S T004V! A (ENERAL MOTORS VALUE Cail for Brading-the quaiity aie that's strong on flavour Robson 166 King St E. Motors Bowmanville L.mi*ted Phone 623-3396 PONTIAC (38 models in il series) BEAUMONT (10 models in 3 series) r 'i ' ,U c! - iO,'- -. (ý p - - j SPECIAL ADDED ATTRACTIOIV v N 1 1 VÀ& !for Bowmanville, The Canadian Statesman, Bowmianille, Mlay 20. 1964 It mras agreed on at motion P ark A ssn, ' by Mrs.Cutescne - Mr. owan, tha! Howard à I Oriiiston be allowed the use ~ i r-fvrn in !of the smnall diamnond on Wed- a- Eamn 1 EE~NDnesday and Friday cvenings for the giris' softbalt team. The association igreed toý IVIUtiJLILJ ýater for the followxing ban- quets and convenors w~ere ap- r lî Editri Deboo, secondedb pointed: Foresters Bowling. f~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c \i aibr CntnxMay 23rd, Mrs. Anniie Dilling; (ifMr. Brbra outne. nov jMixed Major Bowling. -May on, d that dessert forks be bought, 3Uth, Mrs. Greta Luxton, 0i* ý-aiid h 's w s arried The înîwh convenors an- MrS. Rabara Cuurtl1f - ' poIl ted or Jume are.: rs 'IPxopertv Chairnan, re- Ferîl AIlow av, Mrs. Dorothy! I til Tovei~'~lsldX ecRichard~.s, Grace Downeyl S h f ~tdand also that an ýaî1d Mrs. Isabel Carlson. "old microphone lias been re -_______ 5aýrc for iise at banquets. \l~Muriel Terrv BURKETON ~ lehon tel- Nr:s Jonn Carter. accorn- insollned in àa cupboard. coirtij ~uonedkx M~.panied bYlier daughiter, Mrs. Cowan.seconcd niermber of a pilgrimnagep ILr k Dboo. rmoved that wo-Holland sonoe b1h un loxu wilî ingd lds e Ntherlanris Waî' Graves Corn- obtcnd (xeri e utsie Inittee in co-operation with If bg ns iisxv~as the Canadian Legion. Mis Cï 'T i (2. CarterI attended a e rn..ial..... 1 ~Service in the Caniadiati Cerne- ciMntI n otulside tel,. at Groesbeek and attend- ,jProPertx- Chairiinan. reported eci a tea at the residence of, i1lî;: rwo toads of sand have the Canadian Amibassador. Atý f,!h, 1311n ,ilo the srnall diamond. Tilburg. w.here lior son F/O! ýno1iton hx 'Itrs. Courtney, R. E. Cairter died diuring XVortd -iridced n;)v J. 01,Oe, thal Vvar Il. sne was received iv! ;"ýi:1 onbe requested tooh- Uthei rrnster and after2i _ i ein'~1~ ~ was passedi lies v.ho fld alltcmpted te o - ;i1 ; o greîd te iohat.'e tlh eil besoli to afIty. scgl1- i cn.b, Doni cîornpson. cana tmn o ,\nuteroa Mi . bn'-xCows an xi ns aserl'is tan W lh )field- and Onhar o bas ail thebîc sail Vu na is a stirring, tho po k. HoocL"llllýllazcd bloenos aIse c of the variety for one of the most excîitng place. Take this sumn- *Mrs. Rose 0Overv nbiovcd thaft he Hague atid Jo Volendlam, a exciting vacations of your lire. mer to explore. ý, liu guvoen Jo Mrs. Greta fisiir3 village xvhere 4'ra- Ontario covers 415,000 For more information write, l.IInfoi. the Sick Beniefit ditionial costumne is still I orn. square miles, packed with fas- Ontario Department or. f'îm.'l'iiis w.as -cconded byu On inv'itation of the Britis,- NJit <)ke, and passcd. Mrs. Legion, a few days were spr ,c nating things to sec. Like old TraveI,Roomn 270, Parliament J )e oo . econded bi Mrs. Terry, sigilt-seeil, il and around castles and cathedrals, art gai- Bidgs., Toronto, Ontario. movxccl ibat a large retrigerator London, England. Highlighits leries, and long sandy beaches, Jxýývhh a lock ho pnirchased., and in Fngîand were a v.isit to the red-coated Mounties and mag- iir a- aiso carried. RuinvmdeMemorial whelce 'ietwlenscnbs HNUAL AF u n) motion ha' Mc-.S. Court- F/O Carter's name is incrib- niienwiensscann -OURBEAMSAu, Oea c ndedbv Mrs. Bettylcd: oi tour of Westminster' and charming side-walk cafés. nitP > ue c. to. s tecided teo Abbev and an afternoon ini c ruii, !oDongRig teWindsor Park walchîng Prince Bucnci)rector or Recreation Philip play polo.____________________

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