Ancient China Cornes to Courtice be ~Mbt~rn t~de~nuxu ýurham County's Great Fa'mily Journal LE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, APRIL -22, 1964 10c Per Copy NUMBER Ï- Memorial Park Association Donates Typewriter VOLUME 110 18 Pages BWAVL Give Second Reading New Pediars' By-Law Increasing Fee RatesI Fir-si and second readingsi wvere given on Monday even-i ing b'Y Bowmanville Town1 Turn Clocks Ahead 1i Hour This. Saturday Thc Drarna Club of Courtice High School, fresh frorn winning an atvard at lite Kiwanis Drama Festival in Port Hope, again prcsentcd the one aci comecly "A Battie of Wils" ai, Courtice iligh School on Friday ex'en ing. The pla.veis iii- cluded: front row. left to ri 'ght, BilIl lasiuk and Allan Youngmnan: middlle row. Sandra Scot., atliv Siemnon and Margsaret Thiesburger (prompter)ý back îw John Baker-,fnPisla.vanid Glenn Fraser. I.G.A. Managers and Wives, Earn Free Trip to Nassau NaîrM , Bahlî as A n ucord Don.1r1Wilhýigan.wn aoiîl lfs Afl.iiiga i. (me1e<if t - ~reefgoud -servicetf[G Mrs. Rbe-Uth Iirc'-ons;~dî lîcir comnmunuty and the sus- Wagar, Tom's IGA, Newcastle. authorities on thle stibjeet. lained support off thuir cus- and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Beck- The conffcrencé, wasn't ail tomens earned Mn. and M rs. stead, Bcckstead IGA, Court- -snss f our-se.Tl'lieIGA ive, an expense-paid trip f0 dealers, anîd their iu iid WATCH THE COWS NassauîîinIi lic Bahamas. re- plentfv ti ine to en.tov lb' c(il t'H\. Canîhbean su n anîd tlie niaitv L onîg Saulticorresponidenît The lCtX dealers arriivec i ions off recreatloitu, ftticl i MViss Grace Sinîifh sMgg'StS NaSSa Li10 attenîd a six-day IGAi have made the Bahiania Islaiidý tlîat groundliog finuîn t e r s 0o1,rece uliman .rela-r a vacation pa radise should ask permision l b- on and uom-niîînitv service. According fo lG.\ utffciafs, fore hcintiîîg oni finIvnuy T he înference %vas 'sponsored Ilie conference was au anivaitue owned farrns. b 'v Thli Oshawa Wholesale studyv for IGA foodniiarket Sucb Pernissuiîion i - s-Lu nu cd. Toronto. IGA su pply propri ut uns xho \werf, i - pecialylvimiportanit mitou t cledpo-, iii Central Ontario. ognized for i- finiwdilex - cattle arc out ini the fildins. The localI businessmeni were n-mplar 'v servi(e-(, t ltui rii-- Thev dont look mlu i lîke P a 1nig severa i hundncd lU A tomers and **dedicaî iti t flie grouindhogs but stna'y hullets dealers anîd flîcir wivcs who i iighest G rnits or ricochets hiave killed farim n'flnwn tb Nassau for the animais in the past and îîioh- cnîtcrunicu oin two chartered WIINS KIN DR.AWX ab] ' v l I againt Also. fi uni - Panî-Arnericaii cfts. Thtcv pa r- crs shlclStaY ufrutn-t icipated iii a suries off sessions inier of *'Kmin lnest- ccl front barris anid bu ex - on h uial relations condcuctedi ment- draw Tuesda, April tiýrcul caretf abiout firnng bl«v Dr. Lawrence Taylor, Vice- 2Ist. .vas Miltoni Bruce of towar(ls buildings. President offIillsdale College, Bovman%'iIIe. lie iwon S.50. Iaylîght Saving Tiîme goes into effeef. at m'idnight this tSattîrday. Everyone is rerninded that they must Put their dlocks ahcad one hour. Midnight theit becomes one a.m. on AttuhPeople lose an hour s sleep this weekend, thle", till gain it back when Da.,liglit Saving Time ends inOtoher. Goodyear To Buy Se %49 N%4%4 JI %4 If# %w J PM d f il17Af Memorial Park Clubhouse on Tucsday even- ing President Margaret Jeffery on behaif of The Me- Gncodi\ Iar Tire and Rubberi Mr. Spencer said. -It will onlymoilPr Ascatn eetdaty wie o ýCo. of Canada Ltd. plans to have changed owners."moilPr Ascatnpeetdaty wrtro bu,. Sei berling Rubber Co. ofl If negofiafions are success- David Gray, president of the Cerebral Palsy Parents Canada Ltd., a Toronto-based ifully concluded, Seiberling of Council. The donation will be used in the Cerebal ,subsidiary off Seiberling Rub- Canada will continue f0 sup- Palsy School and Clinie in Oshawa. Several of the ber Co. off Akron. !ply ifs customers with Seiber- hniapdppl r nbet odapnio Good\'ear lias agreed in iling products. Mn. Spencer hniapdppl r nbet odapnio principle to imake the plurl- said. pen, mn their fingers, andtypewriters are needed for chase, Leland Spencer, Gondl- -He said Seiberling's Toron- year ut Canada president. saidto plant employs about 400 WIN SAFETY AWARDS vu l<idlav. lHe said he could pensons and the firm has 1,50015 D not disclose the price bu t isfribufors. Goodyear of Tw'o local finms neceived V LJI DL itldod "It isnont big enough Canada has 13,000 refailers. Safefy Award Certificates lo choke ;anvbodv.' 1 Goodyear off Canada, about recently for thein record in Iii Akron. Seiberling Rthb-i80 per cenf owned by Good- 1963 off having no injuries bc r Co. President 11 P1 year Tire and Rubber Co. of where compensation was Schrank said his dinecfors had Akron, bas plants at New paid. A tt ra cts iupproved sale off the Canadian!Toronto and Bowmanville, They were Bowmanville compéin v [o Goodyear ofiOnt.. and Medicine Haf, Alfa. Area Ambulance Service A C'anaîda. Tf 15 a cash transat- A wholly owned subsidiary owned by Don Harvey and Mr. Schrank sai the mnnev cinthe, Que.-Globe and Mail. by Lorne Haynes. A C o u rt would b he sd for- Seiberlingý,Teocatcrey ABt x.'pansion in t he UnifedTeotat mdy"AB- Sta tes. Al (S.e off Wifs". presenfed by theý Seiberling off Canada will aiu Drama Club at Courtice Higl tf/iueooeat st las UanLULe ISehool on Friday evening ae Council to a By-Law to lie- ense, regulate and govern hawkers and pediars, and it was referred to the Depart- ment of Municipal Affairs for approval before final reading is given. Under section one off this By-Law every person, who goes from place to place in Bowmanville, or to a particu- lar place in the town with goods, wares, or merchandise for sale, or who carrnes and shows saniples, patterns, or specîmens of goods, wares, or merchandise which is f0 be delivered in the municipality afterwards, shall obtain a lic- ence for so doing froni the Treasurer of the Municipalify. The fees to be paid for such licence shaîl depend on thel type off goods f0 be sold, andi shall vary hetween non-resi-, TURN TO PAGE TWO) Planning 'iberlîng's Cancer Society's' Fund Blitz Monday Night Pevople aîre asked to Kive tenerously to the Blitz Cam.- iîuîîgn to bc held from door to door next Monday, April 27th. hy the Bowmanville amd District Branch of lte ('anadian Cancer Society to r ais e funds to hclp the fight aainst this drcad dîsease. LeleSmale is lte Cam- paign Chairman.[lie ivili he aýssistcd by members o f the BowirnanviIIc and Dis- trict Branch, and also by ývolîînteers, w~ho have offcred to help canvass for this uorthwhile cause. Young Home Economists Display Their Products 'rhese fashioiîably aiuiredi studentus of Courtice Iligh School \verc sumi ihIle members of the IHome Economîics caae\'îpiî i aycd the latest st\.lr's c!tir ig a Fasýhiuîi Shou\ n I, r±daY cvcning. They made~ thecir ow-rî outfits uîtcier- direction o!* teachier Mrs. Marv .Mcihbn.Tiic ol' l.frorn Ieft tbri-lht, Lvnda Kil. ens. it Pal insînLo's Ztr i,îman, Diane Averi'<Janc -Poliu-d, Marii E5scry ana Jeaii Baker ESTATES --. The complicated subjeci of estat planning wilJ be discussed bomorrow (Thursday' evening in the Odd Fellows Hall, Orono, at 8 p.rr Lawyer A. A. H-. Strike will be the special speakei and the meeting is open to everyone. It was ar ranged through the Department of Agriculture of f ice here. LONG TIME AGO - Back in 1796, Richard Love. kmn emigrated f0 Clarke Township from Cork Ireland and was granted 1200 acres and 200 addi. tional to cach child by Order in Council. This i, the Lovekin property west of Newcastle now oc- cupied by E. Richard Lovekin, the seventh genera- lion of Lovekins. POSTAGE - Statesmani correspondents are ad- vised thaf f hey should place 3c stamps on their news budgets instead of 2c as formerly. If more stamps are required please advise thîs office. RUMMAGE - The Kiwanis Club started their annual Rummage Sale last week at the old IGA store, but the crowd was not as large as expected. This Friday, from 2 p.m. on, they will include a Bake Sale that should attract more people. Also, they could use many more items for the store. Caîl 3-5901 if you have sometbing that could be of + t t j t t CHAMPION - Jack Dempsey, one of the greatest heavyweight boxing champions of ail time will be in town tomorrow afternoon (Thursday) when he is scheduled to spcak to pupils of Bowmanville High School at 1:15 a'clock. He is on a crusade, trying to do something to cure the student early dropout problem. Earlier in the day he will be at Courtice High School, A hearty welcome goes out to the great "Manassa Mauler" from many of us older types who stil] rcmember him with shining stars in our e.ves. He was great! And, apparently, stili is! SWEATERS AIl Minor Hockey players who stili have Recreation .Dept. sweaters in their pos- session (of any year), must return them at once to be eligible for hockey next winter. Tbey should be taken to Secretary Mrs. Ron Aider (623-3634) 42 Centre St.. one block east of Lions Centre. n T T Y OLD PAPER - We are indebted to Allan Brown of Hampton who brougbt in part of a newspaper The Merchant, published bore Friday, June l6tb, 1871. He found the old edition while tcaring down a partition. t +T WORTHWHILE - OfficiaIs of Robson Motors who staged a 72 hour day and nigbt sales drive this week aie now assessing the results. Accord- ing to President Wilfred McMechan, it was a tre- mendous success. Tbey xvere selling new and used cars at 4 o'clock i0 the morning and throughout the entire 72 hours, at a record rate. Monday was the best sales day in the history of the firm, other than on announeement davs. + SKATERS - Anna Forder and Richard Stephens of Port Perry are gaining considerable promi- nence for the ir figure skating. They performed recently af the Port Perry Skating Club's annual revue and were real crowd pleasers. Next big event will be a trip to Calgary next year for the r Canadian Pairs Championships. One Bowmanville citizen is extremely proud of their achievements, Mrs. Rupert Byers, Chunch St., grandmother of Miss Forder. them. Pictured above from loft to right amQ: Mrs. Helen Park, Treasurer of Memorial Park Association, Presi. dent Mrs. Jeffcry, President Gray of the Parents Coun- cil and Mrs. E. G. Mitchell, the oldcst member of the Memorial Park Association. In the background are Mrs. Charlotte Clarke, vice-president of Memorial Park, and its secretary, Mrs. Vi Thompson. 1 Fash ion Show Large A udience 'ice High School son grcw on a tenace on one- side, whilc f0 the ofher side ofif the stage fhere was a quaint, ,atiup- f-- e d-i-bcorfeýga a s o aherouds.e Group' e Miss E. Prower and Mrs.1adorned by a huge dragon o-ff ak ade , , cellent cast The Home EUnSrnSfClddb1c t u-iad n ýr Show also pleased tlic audiencesol n ete f le rs T us a thatfiflled the large auditorium laquer adorned with goid. Loaauine l hv - to capaeity. Bill Hasiuk was the stage the ><aJ auincesonIlhve The sctfing off the play was mnanager. and the assistant Thursday. Friday and Satur- ancient China in the gardenýsfage manager was Margaret, a vnns"h of the home of an official f!Thiesburger. Linda Courfice eveing to sec Th th e emperor. A trec in bos- Jane Pollard, and Marga ChilkCh arden", presented by lthe Bow.manville Drama Thicsburger were reposCiVWor kshop. M argot Samuel for ae-u an th ses1tetlne ietrad ISM LTSARE RUNNING weremaei- upand thadetbys SMELTel f heAt earS there is a wonderful cast. - o' ar e aelakesh oreon mnent, and Neil MeAllister f The Chalk Gaden 'vas are ear the ake hore one Industrial A rts. Special credit> first produced in London, - off these nights and sec rnany : small fires burning. Prob- iwas due Mrs. McGihbon for England, a few Y rears ago. ably, they have been lit hy ithe lovely costumes. The off-ý and iv'as an outstandixg bit the cager smelt fishermen fiee staff looked affer the there. The local production - who are nefting the small programs. wvîîî start each evening in r fish that are now startîng to Chung Tai, the eniperon's the Bowmanville Town Hlall Wins Curling Club Television Throughout the winter months, Bowmanville Golf & Curling Club (Curling Section> have been selling tickets on this portable felevision set. Lits, Wednes. day evening, at the final men's curling meeting of the season, thr. Iuck- ticket was drawn, xib bbe winner being Charles L. Warren, Hiarpton, right. île also sold himself the winning ticket. s< ho won an cextra .'2 Incoming ciii lig lresi- dent. Harold B. McGee, left, was in charge of the evunt. LI