Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Apr 1964, p. 7

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Mcr. John Perrv. Toront vsici dhu: pareni.'-, Mr. arn Mcs, W. Pecc 'v. Liberty Strce M:' andi Mci- R. P. Rickab: tp!,ruted home ce"n]'froc enrjoYahlr îoonth'F bolidaý In Flocida. Mi, anci Mmi- Ca-ýex Dfn hrri.oc hax e cetturneri from holidax' xxifh relatives in th Netherlandas Mr. sncf Mc; Tonx' Raai returned lai-t Suîadayv from tbree-wxeek x'îsi xxiub clafine in the Netheclainds- Mr' - Arthur Frise of Camp beliccofi is a guesi of Mc. an' Mcaç. W. .1. E. Ocmistoc Cbîîrch Street. Mr. Verinon Sa irders, of Troronto, '-sas a visitor xxill his parents. Mc. andi Mca A Saunder'x. Wax'eclex. Roaci Mca. Howard Pîckard aili raughter. Muas Eleanor Pickarr recentîx' enioveci a %v oek'ý holuçlav in New York Cîîv- ?ur1.Bîil Bacton or Madoe. wbo is on tbe toacbirng stafi fhere, wa; wutb bis father, Mr Joe Bacion. dcrîne the week. endi. Mr. anci Mia, Cedrîr' Nooi- haro nf Syracuise, NY ', speni ast weekenci with ibeir cous- in, Miss Donalda Creasser, 4q Centre Street. Mc. Rom Stewacrt, ouî ainant il ibe Bank of Mornîreal, has cefurneci aller a montb"ç vacation n San Francisco and Los Angeles, Caluf. Mcs. Haccy Rive, Comuî'caaîior St., ceceotly retuirnci from a x'umf xxitb ber dacîghfer and mon-in-law, Mcr. anci Mc; Wahtec Bell anci famix'. Lon don, Ont. Mca, S. Davcv rof Fli ni Micb., wbo Ohsa heen a guesi, orf ber niene, Mc. anci Mca. Max Brown., s presently x isitirîg Pnother nîcce. Mr. sud Mrs, Ceril Elluott of Scaýrborotigh. M'r. sndf McaDon Morris icftended Ibe Ba' of Quinte Funeral Diceciors Assoviationi Pxecutix'e meetinîg wbuch xxaa hielci atthe Empuossa Hoiel, * Peierboi'ouîgh. on We'dnesdax', nf lasi w'cek. MSundy dinnv'î'gupis xii Mr. an' Mrs. R ing. Elgin Street. were Mr. sud N'r, W. G. Smmpson and daugter Susan, Georgetowrn. Mc. Rings. nuece sndmlirbushanci, xvo reside in Ottawa, xxere aIso cupsfs on Sunday. Mcvs, John .efferîes, RHR. 2. Newcasztle. wbn s on tOc sales taff af lihlo\nciFlua Sbnes, Xing Si. Wesi, leaves tomor- î'ow uhcdy foc a tbe- week visit in Englanci witb her n mother, xxlio la sýi yiotI li. hec faîher andh brothoca. *WfithIll the loxoin bslmv wearher Ibese pasi fexs' disys il wc.ufd seem that Spcîîng ha;: .îrîrivc.d,ý aaixvrac abotib is mr %'me eoio. cci a pecr uc Ps thiî anci then baci some ver.v frosty, chillx' ieaflier. Hope we dont bave a repeat. Mc. anci Mrs. A. L. Hooey Ptfieddtfe specual cotuvoica- tioui foi' ibe Call io the Bar of the gradcafea of tho Bac Adi- missmon Course, xx'icb was hield on fbe 101h of April at th(> O'Koof enre, Thorooto, wbhen their son Wnuex'a uuember of the gradîiating chas;. Mc. anci M i a.Ha rcY Hughes. Deuinis. Bcnanî, John, Brenton Ainc Miss Sandra Casakavich. lowrn: Misa Filcen Huigics. Si. Cathacînes ainci Mc, Georgýe Coî'mîsb, îoxvn, atteuîdcd 1he 'Williamson-Malc'olm xx'edhmng ini Toronto on Salcirda.v aftfr- 623-3303 0, M,. and Mrs. Box' Lînney ic ietîîcned recentl 'v from an en- t. JovahIe Spring holi dav in ,v North, and South Carolina. r. Whi!- in Charleston, S.C., the «v ,V tnur<'d a nimber of beaiîtiful olci homez. Thesp homes, %- whi'h are prix ateix' owned, are ,open h ithe public for a tbree- wepk period in the Spring. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Mac- Dougal and Lowell, town; Mr. ýînd Mrs. Don Rate. Peter- h!o rougb and Mc. and Mrs. Dari Murdoch. Os-hawa. attended the William.-on-Malcolm %ved- - ding in Toronto on Saturday Safternoon. Miss Jonce Me- "Lanand Mr. LloYd Hamil- ton, town. xx',ere also guests at fthe \we-ddinp.l 'Srhoot. anrMr. Lewi5* rnnm of the West School.\A film m-aF shown entitieci 'Who Can Help .leanie.- discussion fol- lowed. afier vvhîch lunch %k-as served. A social lime wxas en- *îoed bY aill Mr. andi Mr. Ron and famitx' we&re Sundax' evening visitors xx'itb Mr. andi Mrs. Wm. Waldon andfai, Lind say. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Dox le were in Toronto over tbe weekend atlending the Ontario Regional Conference aithei Royal York, Dr. George Tcîiscoit and bis Iwo older bovs. Ottawa. spent tbe x-.eekend with Mr. andi Mrs. A. C. Hagerman, and vxis- îtiog bis x'oung son and ibeir brother ,\-ho is x'îsiting bis grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mýar- lin called on the former's auni. Mrs. James Martin, Sunder- land. on Frida 'v last. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Stexens accompanied b «v Mr. aîîd Mrs. a ' I the write-uip of the 2.th 1' ed Wood,. w m a n v i l, inniversary' reception of Mc. w'ece Scndax' caîhers on Mc. ând Mcs, Geo. W. Graham, andi Mrs. Olliffe. Stouffvîille. i whîcb appearec iun laFi xeeks Mr, andi Mrs. R. L.. Westia- -h msue, the namea of lwo nieces, waY , Camecon, xx'ee Sindax' s Mui sa RalhyMosýes and Mca. s u p p e r g Lîie s îa xi tb Ibteu Keutb Hodg«son xx'o assistevh un daugbtec andci bishanci, Mr. and sprcving, wece înadvercntl 'v Mrs. Cedrie' Russell anci fam- f miffevi. Mention shouici alan ilY. rbax'e been madle ibat the Miss Carol Geer n xas - eauttful ((,titrepiecP. on wbicb gue5zi at the Tbnmpson-Cham- the -nniversar 'cake r'estedi, ber'hai n wedciing ai Siý -was macie by Mca. Grabam'z George'. Anglican Clîuîrc'h. sister, Mca. Stanley' Hodgsoni. Oshawa, andl ceceptuon ai flic ibe te weekenc Mu'. Cvril OshîawaAi Port o Safu.ir- Smth of Fhletwood, Mc. and day, Mcs. Reg. Land aoci chilciren. Mc. andi Mca. Edwin Cook. iowii, wece Safurday sîpper TYRONE guiesis of Mc, anci Mcs. F. R. CCook. Sunday supper guests For the benefuf of the sud- xxece Mr. aod Mca. Svd Mit- eni hiockey fans, Couple; Clubh cbell. Mca. George Militaon andi will behe.belci Fcida. Apcil 24 datugbiecs Linda, Georgie andci a 8:1.5 p m, ai Salem Unitedi Dehocahi. town, andl Mc. anci Cburcch Ii a bopoci tuai a hMca. Fred Cook and Petecgo tednpillé hr Pvtehortip. Ohervisilors ln hear Mc. John Lipiax Jr,.. wib Mc. anci Mc; Cook werEPrincipal nf Glenhoime School MVr. andl Mrs. Lloydi Parker, foc Retardeci Chilciron. aIna- *Oshawa: Mc. sud Mca, George wa, apeak on mental retarda- Smi.b uni fmilyMc.an tionain the wock of the achool, < Mrs. Frank Cook. Susan anci tFraunkie. Mi, and rica..Jobhn The monthi>' meeing of the ZOxcînden, Oabawa: Mc-. Frank, li.C.WV was belci ai thaeihonme Wesihake. also of Oshaxwa, and ,ýof Mcs. A. Hilia witb a x'ocx ýMr., Erinelt, tnwi. gonci aitemdance. Presudenu Mca. R. Coombes piesideci for business durimng xx'ie'b eporI; wece beard froua the Soccctacx' MAPLE GROVE Pnci Treasîuî'eu' Mc . A. Rivîn- acc ieporfec oui the 1.0.1,. diii- congratuilatiorn,; tir Misa nec. Plamas 'c made for hue ,lanice Beecb, Messrs, Ron banquet on Max' lit Mentioii1 Bcooks andi Gordon Bpeceb foc was made of gooc ilsîad clihin- rcieiviuig their diplomnas in tbe ung, for bale., deaciiine mcxi Dale Carniegie<oui-se on "Ff- meeting ai the nome of Mca. foc? ive Speaking" anci "Hu- W. Park Jr.. Max 13 al, 2 pur, man Relations" belci fic the Tbe dx'-un Th e Goond pasi 14 weeks ai. the Flyiog Shephierd xx ho cies fo r hii; Ducibunn B o wx'nm a n v i h , hd,.Pbep'* was fakera bv NMca. R. xx'licb was sponsoreci by the Virtuep. 'Flec23rd Psalii xvuu Bowan'hleKuxxanis Clcub. repealeci in unisor: Mca,11 A. Mrs. EF. Ashtoin, wbo bas Hoac. ciiizensbip î'onvernor artd iýperît sexecal wceks witb lier ber piroup, pueserîteciflie pin- iaughter andf son - on - law gramme. The iopiî'%&xas "Corin- Mr. anci Mc-. Gordon Beev'b, flirf of Clue" dealing xx'tlî ias uetcîrmed tiO shawa ta ce- thîe ndiami probleon iii Caunada, side' xxitb bier daugbter. IVrs. xivid filin-sttnp xvaa sboxx'uoun Reta Rodman the subeel, Beaden I ridiann Mca. Stewart Clack and hamîci xxock xxas dispilavnec. dauugter lâne, Osaa.swere Pmavoc disiîîi-secl thenecttug. Stinday dinnec gîuesfs xxitb Mc. Luncbhxxas sereciu. and Mcs. Ron Rogers anci fam- hast Frudan eveunttig NIr ly. andi Mc;. R. Patersoun aunii Iti-sa,en ~(;oodmiiriplby ancifamiîv, Oshawxa: Mc. sanl Mc;ý daughter Diana, Oshawa, Mrs. H. Coîhacuti snd ,Ioaiiié,,Boxi'- Wm. favicisomi anci son Paul, manx'îhhe: Mu'. G. Yeo, Neiliaînd Wos.oîn, were Sumîday visitocs Mary. Fcuîniskîhlen; Mc. Wibecî xitb tbeir mother Mus. Ahlin Miark.. Mc. StuartHoonvsurf Snowdon. Mc. anci Mca. John Mc. andi Mca. lames Woîndlo' Aitchison suntd Bfv lac'k-'m'ta fine homecrf Mr, anid stoc'k, Mc. Spm Snowden andi mrs t aie n fmi iwo sons. Oshawva, ixece also oMcaRon Rwe anci fanîlx'. caîheca on their mother on W. Woodley 's birtbdav, Mnx Sunicay. happy' cettirna, Claremn.tP a Tbe uinaiiîx' riends of Mu';. Bob BaccabelI are pleaseci t'o Congratuîlatio o Mr Nh. anudC know fbat slip. bas rettîrneci Mr's. torne McCov, Bî'uoklîun, home from Memouial Hospital on ubeir 401h Wedding Atuni- andci faprogcessmog nicelx' aix'ersac.'. lasi Sai.cîdat' x t home.' ing. Mc, anîciMca. THaroldi Mrs. Allimn Sneîw,\rheun xisited Skinnîer. a louug xx'tb Mca. N. s lier sister, Mr. anci Mca. Reg WoOCfile, Vira, I.. Gooduin.i,( TaxIor, Oshawa, ou Satum'day. Mc. andh Mca Lhonc Skinnerci Mr-,, Rets Roclmati. emipho.'- aond famili' oui oYecia phossaîntF ci bx' Maple Grox'e Gu'oceryv, ex'enmng at ibemu ne\x',lionne. f rnool x'ne ivr, uonu u-vi e etuned to x'ock Moociax'ah- Mc. arid Mu';, A. Hila is iit- wua bei-t marilter speînding a vacafion in ed Mc. anci Mca. J. Tambnhýr, Presudounil Bob Exains aiuui Palm Springs, California. foc Ocono. Viu'e-Pcesiiernl Doit Morris, il w'eoks aI the home of ber Mr. andi Mca. T. Deuclni niit- 13owmanille District COMCumil uephew, Mc. Ixaun Distv. rd Mui anci Mns.S. Hviod. 1oy Scoutfs of Canada. attoend- The Regulac monthl 'y meet- Bac'ue. eci the atinnial oneetinîg of htîejing of tOch-fHouie andi School M.adMs ar alel Ountar'io Boy' vScouts Assocu1 atuoni aFsoc'uatmou i wSaheluf on Wed- aMc.KamenI Mca.,,Har, -nîu I' nt Sfrt'iford isat Frida' sud mesciax'eveuniung ,April Rtlu.at skc] aeun. ,Nexi'roono. Mc Satucday. Whlîterce thex' thne East Scbool. The attend- Jack Hfoh.Nxxtin'te enlyec afour l tc Sra- aur axaccs ecewo byî'sufed iboir motfner. Mcas. for'd Festival Theatre. Miss LoYsaIs conu oh thie East nu ahcyo utva Mc. and Mca;. TreiuutSî'îui anci famihyv, Gaudetn Hill, xxece IILIIT~ftStinchavx cal leus oh Mi-. a id TRINIY UN TED C URCH Mca. Heir ' vStaintonu' The 4H gicla uiet MoitucAx Mijoîste R r~\ .\Vit. K. h loisianrdr,. B.A , B.D. utuglîl aI tue lîomne oh Esther Organist -Mr. Arthuir Collison, Mus.B., L.R.S.M. Anne Rosex'eac. M'-. FabcE.it'.Ok x'ille. aperni soioral clan; xvîh Mc. sncf M's, Lodh-ari uner SUNI)AY, APRIL 19, 19f;4 anci amilnv Mir. aind MNrs. .1. C' Cookî Il a.în.- Nlorning lVnrship nutht e ivekeuncivîitnh Mi SACRAIENT F BAPISMAsd Mu'aGeorge 'uVlls. liugie- S'ACAMEN OF APTIIMxooch, also x'îsited xiîl Nru a ri Mca. homme WVx'nutt, rif "VIE KNOXV ENOUGH" Orarigevilie anuivi ed leviici uis inntîler, Mi-. J. C.t'initi Si-, ai the lionme'of NIri anduv NI SUN1)AY SCHO(>L Ted McBrude. Brampnup . Mc. aond Mcs. Laivc Biauk.1 Junior, Interniediate and Senior - 9:45 arn. Torontfo, eee Satuirhax' guicats Prinaryand indrgaren 11:0 ani.oh Mc. aon McaS. K. Bla.k. Priraryand indrgarcn 11:<) rn.Mi-, andciMci- Carl Claurk Begiîmners - 11:00 a.tru. aundcihilcceun spu'nt une xx iek- end v wuthn Mr.and MNu -. Wtl- _______ led Chark, Twîxeed. 01) Soun- ~~~ ~~day fl t.' ý,vs i led Mrc. andc I . 4K Clark sndf Mc. aund NrS. F 4 r DIC IAk 'Thihubaîh, Flini.n REH BO H HR STANMc andi MrS Peter Ruiniai REHOB TH 4and halai. Bou-mnuvilirvuaýit - REFORMED CHURCH Mc. andi Nr;, A. Word xx cru' duuîoec grctor,,nu:Scundnu nof Scugog Sreet, BnmanvihleMr. andciMca. ColunTnor S4lg) SreBwavl Bowmamnî'ihle. Then iveo mcc Ssenfeuf with a gzifi frnmi.u sister aundibobe-î-ix fo: Rev. Ilohil C. \oluu~eB.A., B.D., Minuster - feu: fortlacommunp 2.5tin xx d- Telephoine 6-23-5023 ding a tii xersacry, 4 Gîx'in t thp, crotil uttinri o IVORI-li SERICESthec u'hîurch the Sumudax' morul- WORSIP SRVICStmg secx'ice was hehd it it 4 -_____________hall The beaLîtufuil floxier; 9:1)1) arn. -vc i n lox' nug mounocn Oh 9:0 Duleh Oaci' Chant, placeci bYhi hu îx'fe 11:01) an.-English \Rosie and 'son Fricý 4Mc. and i-Mca .1W.NIe- 7:3<) P.n. -English sah ncfndfanîlx -Torncuton; Proclairning the Whole Cotinsel of Go'd Mr. andci-u. T. Smithn. Suff- v il: Mca. S. T. Hoar ivo: 4 - guesis oh Mc. aîndrf c. A. 4 -\i. a ud %Ir . Liii ic'Alini . atten dec] theîneirui ofMca "Bk To God Hour- Broadcasl Harci.- Little, XWest Hi!. o SSatuî r dat* GiOher s atteniuv tug Swece Mr. Lacune Phare. NIru SC KLB Oshawa - Suînday. April 19, al 9:115 P.M. andciMu; H. Brouil.Mr ;a:ud SMus. Gordsun Bi-rit sndf Mc. ~ and Mrs. Rosi Pooley. Rebekah Lc Special Joi Reove -pReluekiiîtIo ci g P' kah Lodêr, Oono. inci Gaina -a*y-ka Rebekah Locige. Port HOP('. lied a snecia it 'iaeetig n the Lions Centre, Bnwmainville. on M n n ci ax Aprîl 610, Reetn:ve Lcigý,e peiîed 'h' Onetin4 wiv*ln tic eht, !ar c'oreoioi:e. and tic special Oiesis x ce oiutced b' mne:';e of the :hiee locigeP iakiti part - Sistec Ma tilda McýDonatd. Pcesident of tii flbkbAssembix' of Ontario, hln Suter lia Martin of Oroîno: Sis. Mabel Disnn,.Paat Preai- cienit. b v Sis. Florenice Moocu- of Rovvmanx'ille: D DP. of Distric No. 8. Sis G race Loxe. b x' Sis. Edia Jex of Port Hope; aunci Sis, Dolmage, D.D.P. ti District No. 7, bn Sis. Mae AltIr of Orono, The guia:d of hoîuoî,ual] meinibors of Port Hope, Locige. pcesenied ithe Pre-aideint wiîi. a beauifi bouiqueti cf floxxe's. Heathec Rebekab Lo cfg e Orono. prrscîii.d a Fcioîdshnip Circle, Garacaska Lodge, Por't Hlope. cav'e a Re-diedicationn Se'rvice, aindi Beelnix'c l.odg-e pu on a Pageantvif Coilor. 0OBITIr D)ANIELJ1.McTVISH Daun IVîTavusO, a former*as of he Oshawà Geterals juînic- A Hockex- Team x'icb ciefea cdf the St. Bonihace Seals i iflie MemnocuaiClip f1mals i tllc lie 1930's, (liedi sddenil Tutesdil« v of a bosct ai.fsck , the Socuth Peel] Hospital. H saS iii bis 4610th cac. Mc. M( Tavisin haci cesideef af 1,4 .v\voiibricigc ,Dr., Port Credi Roi n un Regimna, Sask..fIl xývAs a soin of C, E. MeTavis auncitOe late Ethel Margarc. Mc'Tavi-ln, The familv mox'e icio Oshawva shoiîy afler hi buctin aunciuesirlecion Simco Si.rei North., Dauniel re'cex'od Oi-eduîia tioun ai North Simî-ne Sebon auînc the GOsbawa Coilegiate anu lniiec gradimaieci frouinlune Gen cail Motou's hînstifuute of Tec'h uîologx viun Flirt. Muu'b, Ducmnu fuigîn arbool 0e xvas active ir inocknn' vandh football sîndiplav. cc no'c i te Unitedl State dii rtug bis-u, ueuuti.cs Mr. MeTlavisli inarrieci li formeror Margaret h .occuu ni Daniel., iinSi. Andcexx"a Unit cd Cbuîchl, Oshawa, Feh, 15 1941. A hec gracicua lu ug froun GN'Il. lie xvocl;en for a tium xx'i ii oinra h t\'iuîs linQli a ina. laternox'ting hon Torontto xx'noe e ivas empioyevl a Aiuuuî Elct uic Sorîlo 'Cora nan ihînîîctd fnrc cgbt x'oca Hita mariuvy Osaaa frueci' x'usitcvh flim at i. hlhome uî "'lhe rll" , nar Thc Oh- M ii11. Foli- lueiu'Xi.lixe x 'ac'-. M1 lVi"'x'si al ftic GM (in roleu, Gîdannobile deialcrslîup mi NexvuiaktMii os hi miled i c Nex'in c Fiile ric Iecifi I lle .\îîto Feci rue Servies: Compatin va; vîî'e-pcosfet aunci geincra! manîager xx'brc be ,xans voplove \ci 10 tbe ime of lii; ricathi. rIMc lVlri'astuxx' a cc'ma- tiv tin Uitled Cînirein work 1-le sas a Masoru, a n'emrbcc oh tino Nexxnnarkcî h .uiona Cîthn a mc Ii(c, î'un e Cii ci un_ Clcub. He wag s lanameuihor ni th(- Soriit nIofAcutomoive Dcucuug t neS(ouruvl Wocld w'acrNIcr MuTax isîn mas as- sodiatidxxtiniho ati-nprifore'- os as an rionora c' maj oi' ii thne Ducecirate ni Dosugn aund EnnuuîerutgMocli'antzah;iion, ah- fuliaî.-cl xx'ulbthe armn I-His \x'ork xx'itli linoDDEM floot: Inim n hoEngiand. Hohîunci suiv Mr Mr-'Lx isb us suirvx cd b" luius v. le sud foîurc hildrn.i Ronbcrt, Dusmana, NMaryv aund Fa roui, ah f t Inhome., Fie aiso uix';hi; fat mer suivi au1- annuler. Mc. îndi Xlii. C.E. \/l"1ax'tIn.f 'o oonto : < suster, VMra. K. M., Kelly- (Aidcex'l, ni s mi Qîto ,tutir a hoctO- nia iii lii i tue Skuuîuueî anc Middle- .coi;a Lu unii totFîinfa i Cinnp- cit, 12c , L,'boshrc Roucisl "viru Cccvii. Fitlax . Apt-i lui, uti 315'hu uýni Rex Icihîtun (i- diitctoni thn e 'ne;vc. in focuni xviasu t rii nern Cnthr Cinuîi:on. 'în -Suth iiîi ;igocaunnphn'l ia icIa glonxx t' utuheiviNI ihe i\varx su.a si lîîliîîxx s siar 1 ci fl c'ku x' a:î- nuI ui; îuux' xviil erlo Illex: ut' î"îul ii painvof aii, u'x a' Gait' iî'~ Iîk' itugi'teiille1JUIiti n'-t out 1 fuiSt. Bonifarce Se'al tn ililt tex i'i'-i-tc- teîcgruttc'uu fix cgaii ni' N iennuai C xIr ofr1e; 'Is t' lu'l'a v it i) as: - cia xvi"a" Zivcilli'tnîx' it) uo- aoxtia a rriautiu'k "l - 51~ erpI.lx 26 i ca c;ý Ic kr e c a *1 See Our NI MURAL Si FOR A DECORATION DIGNITY AND BEI ROOIM WEEKLY SPECIAL! WALLP49 ROOM LOTS - R Priced according to qi REDUCED UP ABERNi PAINTS & IVAI. b~3 King St. W. ti! nîlîl igi'nmîicaOU.a ndclciri e andi Mc. Rai ph W, on ilios ;eîtig oit" cbîirc'b bx' iiiic. Port Poccx , x' %,Ild N Sr;itn o frr lm inibhtrebea nciMca Elmer Wilbîi c vii l7be HamDnn o8Itîci, co)mrno;- Sundax Mca acc' Boolsin". Poc' Hope, i; ;pend:ino.- oMp ti1'm, EW xx tO lir daîmghtec. Mrý.c- c: EW lemo<ni0M!. andl Mc" a l Mr andi Mrs. Siemorunon SLn- dax AMPLES Mrd hiIMs ;, r THAT WILL ADD law. Mc. andi NIi5 Rennard i l %UTY TO YOUR OMra. an îrsfa,.în\ I' AS! andi daugbter. ,Oshawa. n;~ ed Mi. anci McF. Tcrn wcax on Satîirdia,- eveinitn£. ý ýjMc-,sad MsMili: ca' N'eu andi chîlcicen výi:îted Mc.a'nd ~ P E R M Paiii \aci Exk. Tvrooe. R7MASMr. andi Mca. BopbM'Qte. ~EMNANTSTorcmnto. Mi-, and Mrs, -J. '1'. Lality and ýizIeWîll .Toromnto. xv'erex,"k'c TO 501c uests witb Mc. andi Mcr 'uil- TO 50%fred Smnaie. Mr. sanc M:'- Bob T y SAl>hott. Rowmanx ile' Mr.,mic Mca, John Cook, 'J' oite, xxerp Stiridan xisiiors c' :the Sma le T H Ye. Mr. nd Mca, Wls n hMe,anid Ma. WldSmanc I [P XPFRS ooe t n ir ov'! Phone 62:1-54:11 thrir moiher. Mi- Wiîlhý - __________ Mr._ and Mrs. Kurt Louch, Tnrr"'tn, x";:tH Mc a"'ci Mcx ~ Canacilan ~îatPsmR~. ~owmMnvfllp. Avril 15. 1P~4 UNI cd nf M@,ssrý. flarrolci Ra1zon odges u-ulua Harold Wilkins, Gerald RBal- son and Lewis Truli. sa beatîtiful number. Mr. Li- eeifgiverne Clemens ofIleHm- ion Cburcb spoke afew word;ý in ,he nexx' membr-, Xlii- I,'he Pre(Sîdei spoke ot boxv pat.;x' F:sher o, Zann ni'eaýcn:,- - ntch she badi enjox'ed 1the cd a beauitifuil piano solo. NI"ý i- pracîtiful tableatîs. andiof the Bue Ti nk o, il be* hP Fldsi,( t- f:ne work being donc in ail clbtircii thr spoke Io the as.-i il the different lodges ;;be bas ;zemhx' a fier xnhîc'h Nis.; Pil' - vi x' zied during ber terni of of- ç.Fse.Zo.fvrc ii fice. Sis. Mabel Disne *v,'Pas' anoIier- piano solo. Mr'. Car! Pr-esidet, andi Sis., ca c,, Bradiex of 'tbe 7ion Cbuc'h tLove. DD.P. eac'b made short the, addressed tle commun:- spee-chrs of cong-ratclations canîý. The cetifucales *,r the i il andi hesi wishe.s. and the N.G. , oew nmembr- xvre harinfci of : lie t hrree ocige.; gv the on t bx M rs. Lewis Tru'! sPreaiden:' a love]lv gift. Hanîptoît. Mca Frank r" Hefialhe' RE-bekah L o dg e lake. Eldad. aud Mis. T So-j eOrono. perfocmed thi, cIo;rIng bi]. Zion. wbile the FI,dp:' *cereniooie.a; cave a bard of %velcome 10thie Before the meeting a delit'- new members. -ionIs iurkex suLpper was en- HatetcnýaLlli0' p.vd idn the Trinitn CbîircbH eîts onaclaiO'S f Suindax' Scbool roorn .serv ed from Hampton friends io Mr. * b' te mmbes 0 Unt 1 ~Cari Bradlev wbo is rec'eîvinz the chut-cb. Sister Edna Kerr :compls i e ents on is bnou f N.G.. welcomed ail presenî ot i ieJre ed pand Si '. Joan Gibson, V.G,, Mr-. Fowler 'eports ihat introduceci the guests althue ;he reeeived sorte beatif,,îl 1 beaci table. Sis. Jessie ProttCamellias for F.asiec from bec proposed the toast 10 tbe Pre- tather iin Vancouver. i sîdent andi the Asrsembl -' of- The Hii-C group biad a vrrv ficers. andc Sis. McDonaid ce- successfîli ake Sale on Sa:. sporîded. Urdav afternoon in tbe C. E. Afier' supper. hIe meeting Bidg.» haobld iin the Lions Centre, Mc,. AlV ver Presî'iî l' andi afier the meeting lnhtUrnec in1 Woodbridge w 1i'n \v FI'S serx'ed bhv commîittees Mc.and Mî's . Jaroh Kse from eaib of the tlbreelociges, He' s rnow pendin2 a foxx' clax s with Mr. andi Mca. Wm.s Hempbill. Diridalk. U A R Y A x'ery pleasani eveîîîngii waFc beld in telue oxx'nsbî ago ionigbt lApril Ptb, 1938)~ Hall on Saturdav ex'ening., that Oshawa Generals won tbh' wben neighoLIs and friend5a firsl gamni of thai Memorial, met tor wish manv nears of Cîîp secies, .3-2, ai Mapl Leaf bealtb andi bappines 10Mr. Gardens. Dann 'v McTavîsb was and Mrs. Kennetb Cochrane. one of Osbawa's great home- a recent bride and groomn. hrew stars of thal club, His Mr. andi Mcs. Bill Harrison sprtandi leadersbip was a ancid m otPer.xiîc big factor in spurng his; wilb Mr. and Mrs. G. Alcnc'k mrates tio that great win ove"r and 1-iarrx', Macîhoros, '.ri Gat, exactly one Sundav caller- with Mr. ancl monib before. In the first two Mis, Aý W. Prescot wece Mr. minutes of the Memorial CIIp and Mî's, Wîll Eddvvea.,n. New' opener. on bis firsi rush IIp Liskeard. Mr. and' Mca, J. S. tbe ice', Dan McTavisb susiain-, Eddvvean, Oroîn, Mcr. ard Pdi a broken wrist, Rigbi tbeî'e Mrs. .Jacob Kessle'c, Wood- was the h!ow thal we bave bridge. and Mr. anci Mis, Leu! alwax's insisteci was the de- Raham Richmondi Hill. <'cin g factor of that final Mc. andi Mrs. KerrCaetx socles. Mild iii manner. Danny wei'e dinner zuests xxiîlnMc-, was a t-ock-likeP defpnceman, and Mcs, L. Braodon, hini-an7 who uould banci oui Ire- 'on Saturdax, mendouIS hodycbecks. andi was Mcs, Hacoldi Raison. Mca, tillerly foarlessain tbe 'beav\' Art Revnolds, Mc, and Mr';. going'. Danux' neyer played 1enriC averîx' aitendcI t lie orgaiizeci hockePy again- that funerai of the laie Mc.ý;, ci .be'ng bis final xear as a Haves. Jlunior. Mrs. Deihoci Fl iniîoff. Mc. "TiOcsori or Mr. and Mca. C. and Mrs. Donald Flintoff a:nd E, McTax'îsh. lie xvas a finie son. 0shaxx'a Mi. Wes. Wood. ppeflemnan-spoctsman andi an Orono, calioci on Mcr.tidM';. atialefe wifh greaf desîre. His Geo . Aî'mocr on Siirda'. noxx' ecomes another name on Mr. anci Mca. Ted L.eif.aeia ail untisual liai of Obaaand Jane, Osbia'awxxc l' "hnibco"Gonera la. vbo al] 'oneitxislo's xxii h Mr.' a nd plax ' cl on that samle team, Mrs. Haroldi Raisont Teammaies 'Whip' Shocf. Mc, andciMcs. Rax Smaith. 'Soi'Reid soci Don Daniels Eloanor. Gladx's ancidax'er' al Ilhaxve passeonn, ail mucb' Millon, viaitrd Mr. anid Mi-S. l00 cicxvn litfo.We loin witb ýGlen S mitin on Suidax'. ibie'x's spor'ts fcaierîîifv and Mcr a rid Mc; Lsn rok thpeilî' lhockey' f ails of Port Creclii. xiaied ibeircdair- ibe Genecals' great era. 10, gbter. Mî's, Hai'xex'Tlaonp- x'oi('inouin,îrdeep anci sincurel!son Mr. Thompsnn and fami!x' x'mînailYixn o aî'b member of 01 ' dv the familx%."oui.Sundx s Jh aria Alan of ntricesti s the tacl speni tbe weckond witb Mc. ibai Mr. McTaii--b's focmer andi Mrs. Gen . MeGillirat' ,Toc- coacii n Doc* Bowdern dreci onton .xujdlenl on(iînda Apiil 12. Mî's, Rujscî Viriiic'. Tx'ionr, Miss Mabel Vir'iiîcMcs. '.. Trimmer, Mis Marx' Trirrn- HAMPTON oim'r, MrsH. S.Pi-iceP,Fnot Ai the Siindav exentlîl. E. Billett. churh srvie, 1- CttO Saturdax' afieî'iioiiMc. asud chose foc tne .;ccipcl'e lesson Ms .S tpp.Rwlii Lcîkc 5:1 4-11. The choir- cen- ville, and Mc. and Mc.:;.Ho;- dococi a onvein antieni. Tihe kn Smith called ai. tie Billet: secmnon v.as entillecl "Disciple- hmeS 0x'si wliibs.co .sbip": ithe hbnmî "Take M-vMr'Si. ad Ms 'lahii Life and Let ih Be." The Coli- OMcawad Mc;. ('balvii firmalion of the inow membersis o iw. eSiiiîdan ex'c'Mn- look place . Afier anoihor in1 înrxiiiîsx'i c lin iiiin. the Sacca ment of Hoiv n r.Ae'Crik tr Conîîcîiorixx'a beci. An-alifnded the Pevenîng r'hccc'h Coher nîonrixas sung Aici scrice. otn berlvic'n wproîouîncead We are 50r:' trireport ltuai fuit acicon o the ceeploAiMr. Alex Cscciv'k s i. îdispoý- f ibe acrnwof mebe folwaPd, anci xxill be c'onfîîned !o ofelox tew cegilars cbcîccsbebd foc a fcw dan;. belo'. he c Lirch Mc. and Mis. Bill Daci-viti e xv. s ad <'ilcicen, Peterborougih. linof C.l.I1. N'lothnet anid Mc. aîîdMrs. .Hacceli ancd Datîgbîcc Banqutixas field in ebildreii. Osbax'a. xvoce Sîzi- the C. E. Bldg. on Mondax' dax' x'sitoc; xxiîh Mc. atîciM:c;z xi:tn.Mc. ,Coleson. Boxx" Clareînce Tîîîk. mainnille . xa.; lie .cîest spealk- Mca. Blake De Hart,.roomk- PONTYPOOL 1-0) RA. niWedrnfsdax' even. inz to miake plini; for the ban. ion;: P: "c C-ne d m lvC"a a' o t S 'i b,1FcI W B: do P cie 'i' MI 0, 1 o rH" i !, - Ali, a' ci Mr x 'ra 'l'o : NI: T': nC. G\Vcr A"o 1n'. ia':1 Sm.i'n' Dc l iii MIs n:en Snî otNSI ; (;i< ' v',r aî:cl 1.", fiavo ,lh*N rx'na'nd C'd the n. B 'nîn:vn:n. 'joli %JNAL COLD CAPSULES su gg. 1I1st 1,3 9 À&BERTO VO5 SHAMPOO sugg, list 1.19 VICK'S VAPO-RUB sugg. l'sf 64c BRECK CREME RINSE 1.25 value LICHI BULBS General Elecfric Best Buy FLORIENT AIR FRESHENER 1.69 value .1,o7 99C 57c 87cý 28c4for 99C LOTION DEODORANT sugg, list 89c77 MENS DEODORANT sugg, list 89c 77 I.DA. BRAND iPoun d container-59c 49C VITALIS 13 HAIR TONIC No Grease sugg list 1.4913 BROMO SELIER sugg iist 1.09 PEPSODENT DENTAL CREAM 1.09 value REVLON SATIN SET 2.50 value SCHICK Staîiess Steel Blades 97C 89C 1.4l _ 9- 5 s 77c 10's 1.44 ALEX. McGREGOR DRUGS 5 KING ST. W. - PHONE 623-5792 1.2.3 w Mr- 10 he bcVon Anrit npîb hi :' oi ii ustoniecs and F:envia to a datnco. lunch andc STARKVJLLE "1: in rneOrange HallotitieM cand Mca flarrnce Allen. Sa:,:"can cvnii Iglu xvas ihC 11vondx.ilI xisîtcd ca N îcto 'r"..:'xxoax of bus ;Gmo- Fac-roxx. last xvcc'k a'I Neai businiess bec. M; .Pua1ooit.vs he"rl indroi enio v elci liedMc, . Arthuric NcKay ciur- dan'uin 'otic Jako Van barri îng the xx'rckr'tid, crîai 'A t nmi d il iîgbî1 Mc snd N'Mca. I .hcxxHaillo. hou n: iti nei xxas aecx'ed xx'cîl xx'oîc rci-nt x'tstiors xx'tl ii'-Pa rk, Boa îci iîec iîîiic, .and irMcaHarolc itle, îx;-l< nci 'Firscian a! tbe Camnpbclford ;v:ino' 1Y xvas docdeclin10le! Mc; . Johtn SIA"k liaz cp- 'ler 'iva' Chlnibctr of Comr- f îîcîîd froni Nlciinoial Hos- no'î' tod lt iho \niitla!lpilai. Stret "ac in JuIn.Nic. ,ai'k alkresiîose s Non;WRJ. Paxuc x\vs IliNoî'î ansd Beilail HaIoenul, Cnoiuicg toi a feu- days lamt Tomîto, M tir. Llcxx Hallo- xx ceIlk Hec lîcothrr Rav Vuaite xVe'lh'a, Sîîîîdav. illccxx otît a îîîaior operalion NM'. sud Nîrs .Bert T'Iîîîîi tîiand îînak ing sai isfactorv'x' 11sba', eccîni 1v pracgcm'Mc, snd Mr, BiaslSax'- Scx'eca i 1' tl in u xx'Il libe orx'ad RBoit v ioce cenît atcîciîîg tc î' x in, i ,a 11i 'sitocs xvilh Mcrs W'alter. Grcandcif2:ainpo Lodg of On - Mr. andi Mia Ross arrcow. arin ~uah1 Lindsayx'1h11, Boxx'miari'l le. x'îifed Nu su ad xvock.Mca, HoxwarciF'acciax NI: Aid 'Nis.'Colin Hethr-- Mi- and M;Sici liailoxx'el oiIti of Torottîo anoni thec Mrs, Llcxx Hallcxx'cllItldcIrM. xecuvitxx N'Mr. aacid vL's. Alf Gcahanmviaitec Mi'. andc F'coci\'oinumainMca , Ainci'Grcý, lKigston. Se ' iMatl\xc a Veicrai n.rcecrily. at icidrci 'linVinvRtdg f Dli- My'.A> Dolin slictvt a fexv nier ;l NI îibrook ou Frîra day issn Toroinorcrla t cx'v ng cMcr.crthaurcNIC-Ka n x'usifeth At cin iiutte','(if tliii' ma- IVranîi-iS. lIn înîciBacroxv- lnccs of h OL, 82 îuîiet witb ho 'ogh elcxî 1

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