Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Apr 1964, p. 1

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R ece ives Farewell Gift CouncilRase Pedarnaee On behalf of the Bowmanville Skating Club the president, Alfred Sameils, cin Thursdax', before the club's Carnival, presented Miss Yvonne Anonichuk- %vith the giîf ni a nylon liousecoat. Miss Anonichuk, who bas been a rnember of the Bownanville Skatingr Club since childhood lias become a Professional recent- land wvil leave for San Francisco in June to join the Ice F'ollies. With lier vvill g,,o the Ixst wse of all hie Skating Club members and lier host of frîends lor ]iir eolitinuieclsuccess. Over 1,400 Attend Skating Club Packs Arena For Annual Ice Carnival Featuring O(ym pic Stars 'The Bownîanivllc Skating ions, anîd Bloc/c Medalists cf Clu b Ca rnùval in i Ne Aicixa on the 1,964 Olynîpies. They i T'Iursday eveniiig filled the niemnbers cf btheUninville building Io(1 capai-it\ with a Skating Clxiii.andd înformed <rowd of morc t ian 1,4110 cirile1s prui t that thev a re people, who enthuîsiîcally sure 10 xiiii anothier World] applaudeci throuiýho1I ithie en- Chanipioiiship for Canada. tire crogra 10 FThe thinie of' ticefii'st bhalf due: ~ ~ \'ofit'Au pi'ogranî was: There \Vas pae ic] ilie '.qîc'iîc A Old Wornan Who Lived IIu dso ai'i rci ias Iocgive ccii- *h*" Rii tinual interest and great var- Wa oD.Alîg le icbv. The costumes were, ad- itT o iieba* mirîablc. bob h appiopriate anîd )e laccd iii gold withla - eyc-raching.der wiîidow frames and golcl 2vlîeherdîts iii Ii MssshLthcrs. roofed ici red %with a Muchcreit s dii, o N t '(iînev-, aiîd green soles. was Barbara Annîe Sinitln. lihe siluatcd on the ice al the West Club Professioîîal. xvho was end cf bthe Areîîa. The whitc responsiblc for thie cîîoretig- L(JRN ro_ PAGE iWO'ý raphy. and the ChoîCe cf iMUSIC. The music \vas playcd b ' Mi- chael Leddx'. The aiînouicerý was Jirci Clark(. The Carîîival Dr. P. Ketchum> %vas sanctîiiecd hiv the Cana- Skîll and talent were dis- played in the solos by Avclynie Lycett, Patricia Rudeil, Shawn' a din C u , Leddy, Sandra McGrcgor, Mar' Oke. Victor Irving cf the Un- Dr. Philip Ketchum. the 1 lonville Skating Club, andi former Head Master of Trin- Yvonne Anonichuk, who bhasý ity College Sehool. Port been a niemrber of the Bow-! ItPe. fromn 1933 to 1962, manville Skating Club since, wilI be the special guest 'hîldhood, and now becomnes, speaker at the meeting of ai protessinal leaviiig bini-"ne the Canaffian ClIub of WVest 10 j010 the Ice Follies. D)urham next Wednesday Yciî WvîeAnnihk's evening ini the Lions ('om- coomcdY aut combincd expert miiiity ('entre. skating wîî-ih perfcctlv timed His subjeet i%il 1w *e humour, \xihd convulscd the Canadian in East .Africa" audience ,vith laughter. Doug-, Dr. Ketchtim has spent much las Harrison wvas also %varmrlv time in East Africa in the applauclec 1or bis Puff thc fasIt buo 3ears, anîd lie has Magie Draigon, au original anîd a soa-in-law. a noted journ- imnah',inati"e iîmb'r. alist, who is stationed inl The Ni.ilîiîglu of itOc (arniî- Keîcva for a leadjnz Britis~h "ai -as thc suiîîrh ex\hjibition new1) a p r. f f rcc skating li v Dcbbî Dr. cun. address Wiksand ci G iî Reveil,thie. will foIlow thew annual imcd- Canadiaîî and Nrth Amierican of lihe club and elertion of F ugure Skating PaisCap fiesat 7:45 p.m. rlow Not ta Drive aCar Mrs. Bob Stevens and AI Strike wcu-e iii the mid- dle of a funny skit at Cornz a Poppin' %vheni this photo was taken. Nr. Strike was supposed to be driving a car and t' OCiti i na cu isicerabluc d ifctîl lv xi thiiie law.1 Ç/.ifs and1 VOLUME 110 Passes Special . t C O U nI c il o n o d , a Spccial Commnittee report dealing with licence fees for ha.'ikers and pediars vas approvcd and a by-Iaw is to be prepared. The proposed schedule of fees is as follows: Non-resident fees are fol- Io0ved by resident fees ln brackets. Green groceries, grocers' Ifruit, vegetables and similar goods - $50.00 (s1o.0o). Potato chips, f ish and chipis, and popcorn when sold froni a hand cart - $50.00 ($10.00). Goods sold from refresh- ment vehicles including po- tato chips, f ish and chips and popcorn when sold from a vehicle: for first vehicle -$50.00 ($10.00), for each addîtional vehicle of saine person - $20.00 (S5.00). Jewellery, watches and similar goods - $10().OO $10.00). Hardware, k i t c h enware and similar goods - $50.0 (SZ5.OO). Musical instruments - $50.00 ($25.00). Photographs - $50.00 TURNTO AGE WO> eleVcn yc -za-. has done much tn modernize assess- MISTAKES nMent procedures in the Coliîntics. l'here are two errors ini Originalîs a.11 assessor for the caption under the Cour- Cavan township, 'IlIr. Shields tice High School's curling was assessor for Peterbor- tearn photo on the sports ough County hefore he ac- page. Apparently, the page ceptcd his United Colunîies' %v'as tomn down before a proof post. had been corrected. Carol reenhamn should be Carol R n A uac Greenhamn and Mîke Wonik ýe e m ua c should be Wolnik. i_--_ -- Durham County's Great Family Journal 18PaesBOMNVÎIJÉÔFTIÏO, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8, 1964 - erCOYNUMBER1ý Cornz A Poppin' Beatles in Action on Town Hall Stage An extra hank of' hair and a twanging guitar certainlv chan-geci helpcî' L" Lowry, lefi. while elderlv Ke mn Kelly wMatches their per- these rnembcrs of the Jack & Jili club last week when 'they lboo formance at î'ight. The Beatles, from left to right, Fred Fisk. Foster part ini the Cornz a Poppin' production. They were supposed obhe Herrincgîoii Colin Bitw.istle, and Jack Mundav. Below, M.C. Dr. auditioning for agent Meri nu Brown, seated behind desk and bis Ai Syvex'ster introduces thie numbers. On Sick List'1 ppoeRqus r Garnet Shields, couin-: CouncilA po e R qu s on e sck orince 1953 homs 82 Hope Street NotlPr 8' oe Sre orh >r Mrop. S ils i( i 1pintr.melds. oniC bis a- 1"ORE1Il"RIND .- I m oji, pr'emier of the Ilimalayaîi state of Bhutan, dîed Sunday after beinIc' < : cl ownî b'<' a;îassassi',i's bulh'i. This far off niexs îu'obabl.y didn't meaii much to 99.9', of' Statesmaix readets, but it brought baek pleasant memories t(i W. G. Bentham, -1 Loyers Lane. 1In April. 1917, lice it to India as a Captain wvith the Armv \'eteriiiary Corps aîîd was stationed in Bbutan xvlieie me t anîd became friends with the Premier. 'le. Benthîam has an oid album contain- iîîg photos o't hie Premier, unfortunately too dark ho be repi'uducedi. lic believes the assassiîîatedi man is the same peisun or possiblY a son. It trulv is a sinaill \ii1l. t t CENTURY AGO( - (Dur qLeiv a13oIt Jfaims in the arca tuai have beecin i the same family foi' over 100 'vvars lias eertainl.v brought resuits. On Tues- da ' , William James floskin Cann, 90 years old MNardi 141h, of' 72 Centre St., brought in the well- preserved lCî'ownî deed made out to bis grand- father William Iloskins on August 14, 1845, for 50 acres of lanid in the îîorthwest quarter of lot 12. 4tlî cui. larliîigton. Mr. Cann farmed that land tiliil 1947 xvlin he î'etired and sold the property. The original owner paid 26 pounds for the land. T R A( G E Y In Newcastle on SuInda v. a six- montlis-uuld ov, Rob ert Roger De Paepe. suffo- catcd xvhetî une of those thin plastie cleaning bags somcbuw larided on his crib. Our sympatby goes out ho lus beî'caved parents, Mr'. and Mrs. Alfred De Paùpc. along witlî a stî'oîîg warning lu offher parenuts of x'oung ehildren. These bags c'ah lx' letha I. Thcv strike witbout any warnin- anid Ihere is nIOIoise or di'ving ho alaî-m anyonc NMakt cci a i n \'ti oiviîtine wiî hiii reaeh of ST, - 'II ! Suînîetinie Sali ucha y eveiiii. peisun or pcî'suis unknoxvn lifted the iiiîgriedieiît: of' a sizeable barbecue parhy from the storeroom cil' tte Cuication Cafe. They cleaîîed out a freez- er containiig 14 chiekens. several dueks and a quantiv* vuofhamburg. To make matters worse. a large grOuup cf peuple visited the restaurant for dinner onî Suiidav anîd thîey ah xvanted, flot Chinese food - .- .CIiICKEN! Police are on bbc traîl. tumplete wiilhi chicken sniffers. t t t IVELCOIME -- On 'IlLtbusdavl or Fridax'. vou ma.' -sec ftic Edîtor xalkiiîg or'diving around towi \vihb lwucdistiiîgtiîislhcd - looking strangers, name( Victor Snith atnd Wilfi'ed Binding. Both are ruews- papeî'men fî'um 'Tli Clevedon Mercury (near Bris toi> Englancl, a paper owned by Sir Arthur Elton Thbey are ini Canada ho sec bow comparable weeklx îî exspapcr plantfs (perahe bere. The Statesman is highly lbonuired to have them as guests and w( b id hhem \%x' cocrnie lu Bowmanville. Later, they xxi bcorj x'i o Trenton, Smihhs Falls and \Iidland. t t t P001( lINE RIDGE ---Soint' membeis of Pint. Ridge Lîîdgc LOBA 1'-91 muîst be convinced that we t.'a The Shatesmaiî are picking on them. A few we'eks ago thex' v sî vedi dinneî at the Lions Club and %v.c gave cî'cdit for the delicious meal to an- uther oi'gaiîization. Last week, a bcading xvas mix- cd tîp with the ixisult lituai appeared as Pine Ridge "*Rebt'kahs" Heai' Report and to make mat- ters worse the sturx' was on the sports page. We have assuî'ed Pine 'Ridgc reporter Mrs. Henning who bas breconciithe rcceiving end of criticism frornmnmers iituai x eshah endeavour tb do bet- hter in future. For Memorial Park Tag Day (lears Many Routine Items Bowvfiailvî ieToxvnl Councîil anîd 8ao granied pc'î mission Io (-nf Mondas' evening concurred, the association Io n c hie with the request of MemorialiCounlcil Chamber as ils Tap Park Association bo hold its Day I1eadquariiter,; on that affluai Tag ,ýDayv on June 6th. claiev. This wa iîonved bY JCouncillor Ed. J. Rundle Takes Hîs Seat on Coun cil To F111 Ste phen Vacancy aith le meeing c f Bowmaîî- v'ille Townî Ccînci]lileld in fie Counicîl Chaniher On MVon- d ay ex'eCîîi11îg. Ail moîcmbers Of Counici I x'ee resent a!' flîci c' i w i til fi( exuep- t ion cf Rec'x e ,Sidniey Littie. FirsI cf, the Bv- Laws paSci- cd %vas No. 1906 ;which autO1-1 orizcd Ma >voi' Ivan Hobbs and TlO wni Clerk Jack Reid to, execule ai) agr'eementî be- iween the îoxvn and Donald, ambulance service. TN s agreement Ssiniiar t1 ilie onîe sîgned ili 1962. Undeî' FIRST WINNER lied Tippins, manager of J.lry & Lov'cll's drugý store here, %v'as the first S50 win-1 ner in the nei'w'eekly 'Kin Investment* dram, sPonsored b3' Bot%'manville Kinsmen ý club. t Hic Area Amnbulanuce Servi "e Agr'eement. Bowmanviile pays 50.1 per cent cf the subsidy,, Darlingîtin pays 43.15 per' ,cent. and Newcastle 6.86 pc-r cent. Under the pî'eseîîî agree- nient which couricil on Mýon- da ' autîoî'ized the Mayor aîîd. Clerk 10 exeute Bownman- ville wîll pay a isubsidy tor the yeaî' of $3.600, payable in 12 monthlv instalîments cf $300 cach, The charges for ratepaYers wili remain thc same as previouslv. BY -La w No. 1907 gives, autliority ho the -Mayor and: Clerk to exeute a sub-divi-ý suon agreement with Wilfridý C. Carî'uhhers regardin" five lots on High Street, xvhere! scwcr andl waher have aI-ý rc.ad,% heen inshalled at Mr.' Carruthers' expense. By,-Law No. 1908 \vas one: for the Bowmanville Museumý 'TLJRN TO PAGE TWOi Float Rebuilt in NO BB GUNS lVith warm iveather- coin - ing on, (i'e hope). parents are advised that they arce responsibie if they ailow their children under 14 to fine air guns, BB guns or similar type 1-eapons. They are considercd firearms and it is illegal for aîîyonc ho fine them ivithin tox%'n iimits. LOCK VOUR DOORS Police report therc err'e. at lcast three, and possibly four thefts last Thursday or Frîday, late ah nighit. from houses w'here the doors had been left uîîlocked. In each case, the thief found a purse belonging ho the lady of the house and removed any money it containcd ..'ppar- enhly, nothing eisc ii'as touched. The moral is ho lock your doors at night for a Hurry Coua1C Ilîni Ken linoper, sec- 1 onded bY Couneillor- Gleîî holmne Hughes. Colincil endorscd a recsoLu-J lion Ipabsed recentIy bY the Cit . of Woodstock that the Ontario Legislature be request- ed to amrend Section 84 (1) of the Liquor Licence Act to pro. vide that ail regulations ap- plicable under this Act in an aninexing :nunicipality shail ;ýPP1Y to ail other munîcipali-« tics anoexed ini whole, or in part, subject tu such modifica -_______________ tins as may becldireeted hy :Ie Ontario Municipal BoardJ LicfntheBoiruor1Two Cars Crash - w -s decided Ici )ha ve cousof th;,s resolul ion and its r'ndorsemeiît senit to Hon. John'i9n7 i wa Robarts, Premier of Ontario,! o0 tbc Chairnian of the Liquor: There was a two car col- lîiccorce Board, the Ontarioa lision on No. 7A Highway, AssoCiation cf Max'ors andl forth of Blackstock on Fn- Reeves, the Ontario Municipail dy n ohvhc n Association. and the local dy ohvhce n Vleinber of the Lcgislature. volved sustaincd extensive This was moved by Councillorl damage. Hlughes, s'econdcd b y C ouneil- ýJ T e d i e s o b ý o or H-ooper.Tedrvr fte wc *Two properlv ýigned Pc-, cars ivere Mrs. Edith Gobkes, tilions Linder Local Improve- R.R. 3, Nestieton, and Har- nen', froni Simpson Avenue old Vincent Snowden of 263 rcperty holders were receiv* Bigeiow Street, Port Perry. cd bv counicil. The petitions .sked for the installation of a Mr. Snowden received minor ewer and watermain on Simp-Inuis Constable Murray son Avenue froni Prince Street Joynt, OPP invcstigated the TIJAN TO PAGE TWO) J accident. Spectacular Performance - - - - - Spectators ah the Bowmanville Skating Carnival on Tbursday didn't realize that some feverish activitv took place at tbc Arena between five and eight o'- dlock that nigbî. After club officiaIs had left the Arena in the afternoon, xith ail their decorations ready, somebody proceeded to tear this "Lad,, in the Shoe" float apart. There was real panie when club members returned carly in the even- ing and saw the destruction, but they were able to restore it before the shoxv opcned. Here. Shaxvn LeddY. prepares for her number that used the float for a i background. Canadian and North American pairs champions and Olympic Medal winners, Dehbi Wilkes anîd Guy ReveIl of Unionville Skating Club, provided the 1,400 spectators at Thursday's Skating Carnival xith hreath- taking thrilîs. They arc shown hiere inioune uf the spectacular routines of their flawlcs4 perloî'înance. (À-ô# t f t cces ÀME Fý ý lý y Peuxuàr.w ree'r 1 on thp qiviz lif ýf hi. h-

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