thoroughly enjoyed by aII who - fit spendlng Easter holidays Tenderson, P5eter !Henderson, The Canad!an Sate, n omnlle pi ,15 I attended, concluded with re- v.ith '\,r. and Mrs. HarrY Gary Stapleton, George Har- I ~feshments served at the Sun- K iV nis S ea er Wade. ness and Neil Stapleton. Adam Stec and failC p- r.SeerGdo. S ocial & ' )ersonal M.andSc rs. M. J. Whelan 4k 19mr of Ridgewav., spent the Sid LatniLster on behalf of the Sklding, Backstok eetEd nt bple. on 1 a d a u ht r u e El e n S d -e s E\Ir Te m w ek n d -vi Mr .L a n .re . esso .l- loed . W i e a dm r. h e llcra sioft r n rs . e r e M . r awo le r t r e Phone 623-3303 bury, wger e East il~ i ec u er Tnerne u ivGilmer. Eazter anthemi chosen bv the Mrs. Bill Skilding. n ih~d I gu~Iets or!an M rs. EMrs. WiIlis Jones spent Suin-Ichoir xvas Von Berge's Whr.tatdM Fk O'1 Palmer, King St. East. TheIIlf /l(IrlC day wvith Mr. and MKis. Car- 'Grax -e, They Victory- "There lins. withMin Mr s. Ray Rihr adr u ents, Mr an Mrs C.H. , Se eranpd f r. nd Ms. ert omp era r.raulen Mrs. A. R. Virgin of Toron- Rcad LneQen' lovstdM.W elan Sr.. en W ord nCons n fmla- a ulattendance f0o- the Tomipkins ,vere Suna U-HCE toviitd n ow o Tesax Uîvrsty Kngto, s om Neastle n d MrWelavSr.,i te nding service in Orono. MNrs. celebration of Holy Commun- per guezts mwith rli i. i~ ît fabte un 0f lasientoe.wn nTedy înth int,iads.melevcasle, athnmetigrelteati-vespae Ili "c d GCeorge Harness home from ion. Ten ne%\, members joined Ralph opisadbyoto lyrteNxtn Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Coombes, Glenn Lander. Division St., 1 manville Kiwanis Club held on their yeaîs in ',his world for nipe auraivnig hecuc-a eda n 1iVe Port Hope. vleta vn ont LibeissOlie Brt. NorMrtMod, eveingat he lyig te 1endng ue ftc dcth. Eair Sunda yorm or nnteninegstaI MisiOliveBmakonngdaMrtotal eveAt Mal teBourgeries sunday 7-4 defeat. at0 the hands cf the a otal o Lierty St.n Nort. et ate orsmeintensiv. tdypirJoseph Barton attended the Dutchman Motor Hotel, Rev. Discussing thevord Familv broughta g o i n-g'4(I lecaý- o atrMs or weeendin ornto toexmîntios.funeral of their aunt, Mrs. J.1philip Fies, aator odtheMi Fiss c onhie carzo fr Eaîr eeMr. and Mrs.EBacyldsSna iht Mis Magaet eCtchon Miss Sandra Clark and M.A wtsse Mr.r.W.L Ga esuthea ChrchohIll e ies pokof the lea ditngrur' atîon, despîte the chilling and family ,Mrs. L ukn. aeIldth vnes oMisrs. Vanstnne. ornno. A.ere Barton. lster fîia Mi rent. ,, uhrnCu sha-place hefamilv lbas :n th ix ds. \"aî l urcMc r n i.V ueIsu lnigterdlgtfu of Toronto is a guest o r.Fred VntnTrnoxvr atnls ria nTetn a, gave an inspiring address 'formation of( ChristianMr.a char- ..-. V R. . Cwie Bech ve. Easter -weekend visitors with Mrs. S*îzr a i e 9t o h EserTe e Ioact.ndofinstan'chlian. e emes e e re- Ldlo f Ttroto were Sun- famnily. ail of Oshaxa ue.Hgfdsoe wc MisCrlYlole is mother. Mrs. Morley Van-' ceadi ecigcide w r n year. Miss Gloria Gardner The guest speaker was 10-'1I oean x od. i ed~~O. mlothe church. Mrs dyr tr x i unday callers ihMs.anFotnohetesnge waf erg aoterMse.ktnadsstr ee nd gusl and Mr. Bill Barton als toduced bv George Bebee.i also mentioned the imiportance Rvrond Bruce by- transfer Mcoadadfiiy Nesbitt included Ms tî o ~Toont wa a eeknd Barbara. Beech Ave. attended the funeral. cfrom St. Paul's Boxvmanville,, Sundca\ visitors xith Mýis. A.* Allun. Mis. Wellingonaro, Frteocs.CMupy Yeîîowîees. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Andcr- Miss Deidra Doran. Belle- O tord hissfeho Kixanîans f ef athrs ole:u oand the followigyugpo-Buhnicldc.M and Miss Jean Peuii.Ms SIî.m oru adRnRb son, Douglas and Donald of ile was a weekend guest o of Micîes ottndn fmlv i bv profession of faitli:- Mis. Jîmi Kendall, Toronto; Lancaster.inosupedtega.Th Miss Jan Turer, Bightonrcarerue.,te minstrre nd of Fathers have hpeciîdepictedilHoather Best. Kenneth Brig-,Mi. and -Mis. Ted Boughcn and Mr, and Mis. WalneBurinr okteodoeo was with ber parents, Mi. and'Barpie Qe.wr a- ber uncle and aunt, Mi. and 'bis deep interest in the in lmdi uhafi-qi'alBceM DoldBlIbbvOrn:.r.ndMsginwr Sdy rer, elinto!Andcison's mother, Mis. P. E. and îeturned home with hier the people in the aiea. diama. comedies, television,, Mr JhnDpplio Ktc-Gîeenfield, Liberty Place. fathf r and sisteis. Mi. Lloyd, The speaker informed hîs îadîo, magaoinsasma b es Mnr. spen thelloeke th Mis. G. S. Findlay, Susan Doran, Susanne and Lee Anne, audience that to discuss The pa atos saibe hi ohr i.L V îpland Sheilagb, Toronto, re- wbo w'ere Sundav dînner, Eastei Theme hie would take ýiaela hrfr eeir Wbinto th reetr. L ,Dpe turned home on Tuesdayguests of Mi. and Mis. Mai- seven words ail starting xith iae ba thereaere deeteor- WelntnSre.after spending the xeekendljeirison. th1e icîter "F' to illustrate its'aeth pakrAsetd Easter visîtors with Dr. and xvth Mi1s. Fîndlay's parents,' This is wrong, and the general Mis. E. W. Sisson were Mis. Mi. and Mis. M. S. Dale, Well- Gond Friday guIcSts ;With T\,r.inportaiit meaning for mari- image of fathers must be Harry Green, Caroline ami îington Street. and Mis. Gordon C. Martin kind. strcngthened, lie declaîed. Harry Jr. of Toronto. M i.adMs. Walter Black-, Cie Mrs. Joyce Bingliaîn, The seven woids given bv Tewnid Forsaken is a i.adColleen and Deanne, and Miss Mi. Fiess wi Foigiveness,, ThegM. is epaiiI Mr,. Doug James, Toronto, humn and family, Don Mis, Doris Martin, Toronto; Mi. and Foietaste, Family, Foresaken, batin, or wMi.Fesine hodo spent the wcekend with bis xeie Good Friday visiteis with Mis. Alec Martin, Tommy, Famish, Finality'and Forever. tha eo vmu vod parents, Mr. and Mis. Stuart NMiss, Stella Blackburn, Thîrd Donîîie and Greg, Nexvcastle: These words taken in relation otacp lstahns n R. James, Centre Street. Street. Thfo' aIso called on Mm. and Mrs. Lloyd Martin, to ourselves bîing ont flic who do ont leaud a Christian Mir. and Mis. Roy Sxindells,:.Mis. Nettie Cole, Marnwood David. Shelley and Lianne, meanîngs of Oui Lord's suf- life, aie cul, off from the bene- ~i~i andCiny, Trono, sent uisng Hme.Dorval, Que. ilering, arrest, trial, crucifixion:ft i eif thle Easter holiday witb bis Mis. 110gb Nind, London, and resurrection. Famîsh is tflec, ord at mother, Mis, J. H. Sv.indells. Ont., bias retuîned home atter Mis. Lloyd Ayre and lier Ho spoke of the soleinnitvy applier to tfli ruel Illirst suf- S e i i o d ri p i Geoffrey James of Pointe a w(c k's visit with ber mioth- daugliter Cindy were soloists of Gond Fridav observances !ered bv .1(505 Christ on ftic Claire, Que.. is spending Easter:ci.. Mi.. Duncan Smith. Loy- at toc mornîng service lasI l.nd services anîd of thecir imi- Cross. Mi. Fiess said.1He vacation with bis gîandmothei, ors Laue. Mi. Ja5,perSmt Sunday in Tinity Unitedî port to ai Christiansq. Mi. pointtd ont that it also applics Mis. Gen. XV. James. Hoisev of Oakville spcnt Satuiday C0c.Cny ektesl Fiess also pointed ont that tu the thirst for affection ini- Street. x.vith bis niother. part in the Junior Choir an- Good Friday is one o! the nate in ail people, and xvbiçiî j Mi. erno Sonderso! i. ad Mi. Ro Webei.tbem, "Wounded for Me" and few great religions days that connut be slaked uinless thcvLS TRIE au Mr. Venon Sundorsoie a d snn.% er Mis11r. Ayie sang "Stranger of biave beco loft untouched by oie willing tu becomne truc Toronto xvas a Gond Fridlav toxvii, wrd guests e! Galile' Both selections wereyc omiîis.Hme-Citan vîstorwit bi pren.. i. i. ndMn- IlA. abcckgieotly enjoyed bv the col]- tioned that Santa Clans nt. The xvorid Finoalitv retors 10 and Mis. A. Souind(ler', Wolv- oni Gond Fridov, and in the geain Christmas and the Easteî cieath, Mi. Fîess s'ae .\AI]_ erley Rdl. evenim, '.\I.and Mis. John Bngiegation -d pmut nw ht h. oi.c Mr. and Mis. Rov Wcbber Ashtnuond Mr.Pickering, Mi. and Mis. Gordon C. iByun. rnv aveben playd up must knnw o t s th con:c pntEaste'r weeke-Ilcl wap isic lthe Babcock home. Martin adDriîtene _e erhnsbtGodf n- pepceso li t e s dthi usU A E A TC D I their dauglhteir and son-iin- Mir. and Mis .. Xaro Dirk christening of Lianne Eliza- dybsbe etfe foypol hndntrgrIti 1b J I IIJ E I law, Mi. and Mis. Doin Powe:l, Mark and Scott returned te: belli, infant daughtei et Mi. but religions significonce. as a dieadtul endi and be feor-Plsr no Kingston. niax' to thoîir home in Montreal land Mis, Lloyd Martin, in the th'hodFrgvns s el.Yhvriti as knov sthti . 1 Mis. C. W. Vaicue , s o. -North :fter spcnding an ex- 'Presbyterian Chnrch. Gaît. on vast importance to ail humiî-ltsey bav10cved as xvcl as tbey IoJ nieatb and Terry Black,, Union- tendecl Eastcr weekerid w'ýith'Eastcr Sunnday morning. Mas- i ity the gtîest speaker stated. Il 110(1nd conc thoîr bcst unl vilewee wthMn -m Ms i>.Vros parents. Mi.u and tci Dovid Martinî returned ý means that ahi]xvho accep~t Gtid Ihiis iie tfi("\ necd net bave .SamBhak an Jlolc ovc: Ms.fohn lhumphrey. Divisionhome xith them te visit xvhile xvill he foigiven for their sis.nS. iciir ldathosi Ille weckend. Sitreet. bis parents are hoidaying in 'He stressed that peopile xb oee h vi Po IAI arTncsit iiio 4 A DCLQ I Ro ug s .029 Dalead enet D:lv M'an hr. îto ja-New York Citv. bave corne to accept. believc. reteirs rIn fic wondcifîîl woild NW LM IS10 dal n ent ilv \lr lc r.Ve icto - -and love Hini should nul buld'ut the brafe.the speaker NW LM ISsig hî11993c DYNACHROMEFL Nnmo 5mx.32 Bancroft, spent Eastei b'oli,- rock, towiîdrvM. and Miss Audrey Fletcher, town, tlie evîls that the\- have (11)0esiatedI. Iuinan mnds can not days xith their grandiporents, Mis. Bob Glanvîlle of Oronoland Mis. Sarah Neil. Oshawa, in the past against mi elesth(p I' complote bappines.' ENO FRUIT SALT-sug. ist 1.119 1.07 PEPSODENT ToliPse. sug lt10 9 Mi. and Mius. C. Dslc,:i to Molton Airpoit on Sunday,lhave îeturned frem an enjoy- but shoîîîd go on 10o anew that ;,wiits atter deatb for Meaîuîs Ave. ' Maich 12ith. to commence their able Easteî weekend at, Wasi- 'lite tl-ose xvho foîlow liiLV RSM uhahiî. ît .511 EETFO E2fr edrn .0vle12 Mi. and Mîs. lvi Ellicont trip by air- Io Rome, other ingten, D.C. While there thev 1l"oretastv s Fa word tha'. Johin MorlTin u iel;vote A O IMotwssugls .2511 DE RTF ' Sandra and Don, Peter-bor'-iEnriope(antiefis. Englaiid and:visited Mis. Neil's relatives, indîca tes that ail Christians efthtanks to Mi. Fiess toi the - ________________________ eug, xer dinergîesî ~Scotland. who toek them on an eveninglithiougli thrir krîowledge and'clevating and informlative adl- Sunday ee dnng!M u îd \hs.t\ar'Alonco vsteur 10vhexvthe city and lb.' beiet in Gon ibave th(, great dressIthot lho id given ,the Mis. Frank o lcEse ckci aybatflpit fi-assurancee of eterinal lite iu clubh. Beicid'itl ainles C'lliss DSL TB E Pi K'lr I .A E Mi' .Jne andr. ingtouwxvth ier parents, Mr. and Mis. terest illuminated al uight. Ille oxî vurtd .Mi. Fiess o Iso opr .en is Persolol ____ __ Genral Hospital, visitenh lieu' .R AîîalOîari ho.'Tbey eie aie pino rh tu 'ke- .. ., ,___ _ Mr. Ruissell Alldread and M. bae TV personality 'Pencie parnts, TMrance St . Jack Ron Tiickcy. Toronto, spent Police'. Of thie Haxvaiian Eve tlida y xv, eekned.. vrGood Fidav witb Mm. Ahh- sciies. sit and chat witlî tlem DD' î n y P e1 rîth Woiighweeetern deads parents.c.uring the intrimission o! lxx'o Gratis gt, n en, eOn xvaî M-. anîd Mis. Donî Yellow- shows in wliich bie xas bbcTN V LL hover t h oldnin v3"opbnn" hr ý,,salatdanc' wek ces. Greg, Cinchy Loui and 1 'top banana'. n na * vdgli hoeîvth h oi aent. i andMichelle, o! Ottawa, were Mu. anîd Mis. C. Hei'kîi. Mr iiý i \l heUC W tlotalipreso htwl cn e hbsprns r nd Good Frinayvivsitors o! lus and Mis. Ken Kelly, Miss Pot Weddilsly i gi nkdîn cnbe ogte.A Mis. Frank Wright.niotlicr. Mus. N. C. Yelew- Heekin and Mi. Bob Marjer-,mS O LOEPgaBtpc d cuiriBob PIOs Willam, iad Mi. Fmnk iigt oi n Ms okn iC, d aG dW d i, S O L O plastic boevPins . LDC Miss Judy Jeffeiv, Lako-,hees, anîd overnight guestrse sn attended the xeîding of MaC b and a'senovbl was home for Easter witb bier Prospîect Street. Miss Diane .Iaîkinan. and fi ncig' ý.ih wods fol M i essBeau---the parets, m. nd Ms. owam Mi. Norman James, Kings- Frank Pasian in St. Catharines wel m pC Jeffery and brother Stephen. ton, and Miss Margaret Van- ci C Satiiday. Mis. M. . xhc Unit Leader' Mis. l\Ioug- piogrim. Lunch was sîc Mi. and Mis. Frank Mobun, ioe uos Ui~riy igt i n i.DnGl aret Elliott pescnltcd t1w De- by bbfile1vo Uuîîts inica" Bill and Leslie weie Easter isto , xere omoUnvrsty, heoy. f and Michaenl, andvotioliol assisted hy Mis. Inez anîd a short social tune encledi weekend guests e! Mis. [eî-of-îoxvn guests wlîo al-1 Miss Mary Jewell also attenîd-1 Bougbieu andl Mis. Ediia El- the evnn. Mis. Shirley vW'ood DE TTOL 11 Mohun's parents. Mi. and Mis.1tendeci the Watterson-MagLuiieed the maîriage o! their niece 'iot.Businecss includedthwîin 1LukCîpPî. Wmu. Hall o! Shelburno, OuI. xeddiîîg iii Tiinitx United iand cousin, Miss Jackmnanl. secutary\-s anid treasuimrs eis - il.ave i. (cdîlo oruî and - Mr. and Mis. Ron McDonald.: Churcb oui Sauidavý. The bride is the cangbter of Por'ts, as welil as riîessages Of fil v uivd uBu Fir st - Aid Antiseptic sg.hi12 PaW, ath ad obi wreMr. and Mis. Houx' Jacknîaiî tliouiiks for th(, w'ork of th(e-' o<Il' a&KlyadRb wee Mu. anîd Mus. G. By'ron, ain _______l uisil Cmlite.'01,0l r.Tuiili]a SSunday visiters wilh Mis. Nie- jCrawford. onie.,Margaret and, (ne" aincew ,freil:,re u sîied CormiîcMtofionl c htoiîî oie nla 1 Donald's parenîts, Mn. aud 'George, anîd Mr. aîd Mis. Ken e Of mnv l. vcod aFeh <id piheta- Do alpd-iuîu wthMc Mis. Chas. Johns, Libeit St Crawford, Susan, Heather, Mi. and Mis. Russoell Mo!-ci, and thoil music for the Mav Doua ntnl rýBlack. :e'tio sgg lst79 C ucut theC ctrs ;t fM( I i ým ovgG e e a M.rand Mis, miss Clark anîd side. visîted their parents, bomough; Mi. and Mis. Ronald o!Mis Glml.uhe uil was l lecrK NMr. dBobbAy. lake: and MDavid,. all o Lea- fatn entacli, Anieî ys.i Be o 10 cUitharge CIistt liand iMrAtbui~ M MY lown, were Eastcu Sunday'during Easteî wcckend. ýMis. Leen Moffatt and Steven,IWO el otlckdnner, adCtii n i rIîu supper guests ith Mi. aîîd Mms. G. C. Squire e! Lon- all of Oshawa, and Mi. aîîd and aul ailday quiltuîîg ss'MrT lom p on, Ms C Sho rt. oo hes M u culr che ad -.Pains. Mis. Ah. Elliott and son Stexven,! don. Ont., is a guest o et heuMis. J. L. D. Webb. Miss Mary sien. Mi.ElFuesiMu X .J" II3 lYU '..U i OiJ raii. Wbitby,. sistcir and biotbei-in-law, Di, Loui Milîsoxi and Mis. V. E. Mu.Ga-sWlev îi- Dobsn. Mis. Il. Fostoi Mis____________ Mia. M. Lajeuniesse anîd and Mis. H. B. Runille, Qucen Millsoîi. alh et Toronto, visited duced Mus. 'Ross Stevens OfS LîncstrMis GMCu ctaughler Chantal bave iclumo- St. Hloxx'arýd Rundle, Uni- Mm. anîd Mis. A. E. MoffttI,Bonanilwseptue, îL ed 10 their home iii Nontreai u'eîsity et Toronto, spenll Prospect St., on Sunday. Iii' - - ,ndrfll dscipiv afler spending a fow days FEaster xxeekend xith lus par-[the aflernoon al attended tîe accuîd xonfnly e scîiplix'ed ther. thîe Goci laiiv axxer- with lier parents. Mr. oud Mus. ýents, Dr. and Mis. Rundie. eception iîn honor e! the ber busband took te Afuîca wîo nîo . uhsciî' s tro l]Nn-L J.Oeh.Golden Wedding Atîniveîsary,_,- 'trde.Vsio-fwmKn JO'el.Mr. W. L. Barton, faîher of o! Mr. and Mis. Arthur Wan- c1il ,Shilob andh Newcastle, ilsîîx Mgoa sa laattsig eti aaie o dîs Mr. . E Nihol, Crlile issOlv Barton and Mi 1namaker, Wellington. Onh., iOui giie1st sýpeaker, Mis Ross xvcil as a gnon ueprescnitoîion mconiMgoa i laattsig etelxtvfrat Av. ha eundhme ftrJ sohBaro ceebrated hisývhich was beld iniIht thel'Sevî\ Vlixvtlîlie'r Iuz- of local icrîpîn', ei('ldli c heinfants and children. penig Ease \ek wt i h qp birhd onTut.sday Feîlowship Chumehu. Ontario'bannI, liaI the îîleosnuuc ot go- meslug isa~ge. delîver"d lîy son and dauglie-n-i T.' . M irh3lt r Baîton us a! Sreot ing ho Africa Io visit ber Rev. C. CtolIno(f Hampiîtn. 'l'lice~* f M I I ~ N nil Mrs.DouglasNicb patin nMemorial Hospulal f - iauglitci, Muriel, xvbo i-s alatter %vais tboril'ed l [iv ex'CTVE -- W WUUUL A# Knso.Bltdbrhîay wsles ancdnissionariv nurse ;ili flic vil- R. C. White n'duI.C.W' Presi- A erîtmadMl Mr JhnE.Je, Rcs n ng atua ns to Mi. Barlon. E EZ Blage of M1\ocubeke iii thr Bc- nIent Mus. X 0o1,ou lchaIt fofA homogenized emulsion of Liquid Ptoau n Po~~~~E E E E nan TT U cdCirl giaiî-Conizo. ail p-Thoî01'h j Dnh Bugenl m dbtiut,,T Mmn- T aA y nam9m EeîizeiUnieSCun-h o- entletci ioi Mrie. x lii l xxîîchofiot o tu Coîgrg Bbi lnf'.ifrk Li(,pd vT v ie--wa onQva1bllonMa1-1,1u a ui mc o he cix' bu r- l"s>' S t ue u:~uer. uiga t i- Nu ouli I 'h> Sr ci- a onvt h alieu .ini, .'x i uic ID E I-I ~... BOT~ C î-aR I SToui quili iug t1irec qii,- Mii: ici 'iel.ola ehu~ Tht' Eliascn o pi ii x ,AHIST Cougyr p I.D.A. Brand 6oncs 10 RE O O CRIS I NFnsl ,plans %were aiînouRe sr nrvel' etîoic CLa<litî,jîli îet;onSyrupt'd ....Prde cheeon ho be elI a t the' Chrs- wel l liuiîgh Kniigen Poukn al Poit l nîlu tic.s' uýOt'n' IC0,1l MG ar ' ian Educatien Bu iuldi ng n t South A truca andi saxx' zebi is Poui Gia i yfoi bbc lin ida':s. id REF RME CHURC ~12:301 inApril.There w elephîllt: ; 1iOOIC9w5 h' I eeling Iow edaSrn Scuglog Street, Bowrnanville dem onstuatiiun cf lat rnakiug. C,,, fTaritk irewi': i ui'< i i ' , od FleTelîi .~ can vascoxie -h . place1more firmly. No ton ictk ID HO ' Nî Ms.Ross Pearce r'I six bags, tioni v i ie 'T' .of place m Revx. Johin C. \ubîî,B.A., 1B.D., Minisîer tla Il-niuotes. Mrs. Hari' et tarbar !àpr tiiucu I a1Idaphios iii a Ilealitlsiggiea oî Telphne62-5023 ýGav gav-e blie bcasuridi'>-o- 0 lu expi',-) oss:giHI-la 's ofmore rock, slide or slip. i an excellent sourceo ieB(oipud îais po. \i te'u5 o a~î.p.os hlps to nroeheaettadmi- iOSHP EVIESs.kîCarlDowu lei thIt trp'with us, Mis. Go'tiP:. ________ SER ICES___________tainbued seaclr \ing the conteîeuîce a, îug entau vcýoi eestI * I oureTIREla5(167c, 1913alth. 9:00 a.m. - Dtitt'h ton that $6000liaI be'rn +ha, slue lob. -:i e aI bi AIM;!m b t 9:0rj.-Dthecilfou the Over and îA oi~îet: LL THElI Mmm ___EI Fu i. lic lv s ai îl h o n t h e tiptuton - English Aboxe Funil. Mi. Willuanm Bîk( c Now and tien ever body ges 1:0pmn ngihShe exelaiuîed thic Burn i' rv-'li c-p iir, om John t19: "tîred-out tfeeling -and ma, I eA. D AC I logial tudnts an a oton1-t19. anI Mus Siowdeu ln- othered by bankaches. Perhaps noth PECITO \I.~L Proclaiining the Whole Counsel of Godose $0tiIiesa'cd the meBug 'tra e.ngsrodyaog utatep r Fundl xas carîied.- ;,u ,'c es uI eu c O bladder nsdi by nar rr that àtetm oo weie transactel anI the mec: - chauac stumulate the kidn cys to r,,! eve ti R. (".1 TTII ni '~~~cmmiten tht' Easter -:~:' Ir EsEh ache and tired 05 as f.nsir vr~n.~t ~ twrsi omte ee!ing.Then ynu foe,.Z "Bac To od Hul4,rAB,,radcUast ~ ~ charge o!fNhis..Eber Snoxvhna lOhm v.i he lieua lami"' better, 'est hotter, work botter. CetSDR G S The o!tcrieg xvas reu'ex'- IBirtbnîav. a Hanpx E a s'eir : -1Dodd'à Kidney Pilla 00W. Look for te .l~O h a wva -S in d ay, pri 5.at9:13 P.Mý. hv M..Han': Gav annidon:- tiappiPcua':on'o.rf ineacblue box Wilhth Oe ed hand a( Adrug5KIG S.W--H NE 63 79 raled bx is. S.u',dnr.wok !ueha- doreandl :i dx. couniters l'u can depend on Dodd's. 6 S Mrs, Snox,,den n.ioduicn'd înz w tb the makînz cf u13. e nîbi.