Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Feb 1964, p. 5

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Rehearsais Underway For Choral Society's <~' Mikado" ~<-0e-/1» slIhte Rehcarsais for ite CiMîn;! Societ\v's presciltation of "Mikado" are in full swîing ai lihe 1Towr Hall cerv Monday evening. The oprcia x b'ilh presented hiere on March 6-7 and March '-i-.Te gî-oup xiii also preserît it in Oshawva at Norlhrninister Ciîurcli on March l6th. Photo shîows clîreetoî- Iltgh Martin, fore- Open House HeId At' Saut h Courtice H &S Open House %v frd a i o bh, 0-lii cid oýý South Couetice Hm School AssociationîFbeii meeting. Each romu v. tastcfull.y decoeated witli1-1C eind uhildeen's xork. On ti( <hldîen's desks Llier riole- books xvereeopen bio l heir peogress, or lack of it,. unefoui cach desk, a name, vhiulî mnd-îl it comvnient for eaclih aC-i hronni i s pre -c,îl-cl river hoe teaclier- n fttliai1 cla-s i bch, nil cîts hat lflic op. hi' ld. 'T'heu-, r w a. laîigr, îurîîoif xx bn-b ni c. it muc tsý - niuit n îr, foi ni1 con- ground, leading members of the Oshawva Symphonyi orchestra, xvhile on centre stage is Dr. Bill Rundle,: and froni loft to right, Larr.v Marshall, Dr. Roy Bec-ý kett, Walter Goodc, Ilare Teemeer. Dr. George Gii- len (hidden), and \e.Doxvn. thi oknow thernselves. andl i to choose more wîisely whai PON TYPOOL vocation they are best fitted to foilow,. Vve rxtend au o !"a al Seventh. the red candie <f~of.ios 10 two 1c'Ma in, .aà- weil spent leisure. We as ies. At a rccvT!corv.Î ex- grown ups have nuch to learn amnation a, the Rova, Con- on hoiv to plaY and how to servatorv of \î~c Toronto, renew bod 'v, mind and spirit .Miss Lindla St,,v'-. c r:... ini oui leisure. We niust leadý ceived Fîrs aô oous chiidren to a fine spirit of 100 'l Misý \ar\nYoîînc- play and well spent leisure man !)uîv il, rin"Mlisc in time. A love of out-of-doors; her exai:r'a!:oi, a, Black- with fiowers. birds. trocs and stock. the stars and the sky. finie for A weK! atrdr ot" more hobbies, a %vider range the Chambher of Conmirý,c of interests, learning to play 'asheld Tbi d': vcn;ng a* flie gamne ourselves. These the lInca!or ncl coimîcr- and fewver commercial amiuse- joie b~î- ,v' see menis %ve wouio cncourage iin ourselves and in our children. Eighfh, white caiidie Or spiritual vision and ethical character. Spiritual vision we crave for o'îrselves as w.ell as for our cblidren. tha t deeper insight %vhich xiii assure aný bonest relationship with ourî * fellow men and wth God. May we, as parents and teach- ers. magiîify the true, the good, and the beautiful. neyer failing to give forth the light of inspiration. And above ail in aur dealings with our elîild- ren, may we seek for insight whiciî raises life ahove the nîate-cial and makes it nobler, finer aîîd bîggec. The service ended wifh Miss Puffer singing the Home and School Song. Tliose faking part weee Mrs. Greer, Mrs. Wes Bryant, Mrs.' George Lîîktala and Mrs. Lak- as from Council. Mrs. Arehie Campbell, Mrs. Keifh Ormîs- ton, Mrs. Murray Osborne, Mes. Fred Wright, Mrs. Jack' Mortonî and Mrs. Herb Mackie. Mes. Maurice Bickle thanked! oumc guests sineecely for coni- in", to contribute fo aur ev- ening. A mattress î'ovcr aîid bianket hîrîlîriglît of everv hiid, se- -hie meetng colos7ed w th liad been purchased for the curîîv, love, bcauty and hap- Thedc i" folloed hv'the: coi xvhicli bad boon peovîdec ine-,Ntmrl bv the Selîool Board, anopie. Nomrly aeiaeectî. chair, whicb bad heen rentodbi ingsaind possession do We, for tbhe meeting. These bilN ýsteive Io gîve our clîildren iniSA E xvece xoted 10 be paid. oîir homes, but love, coIi- S LE Mr. Fred Wright antiouiî-(d dencc, nndeesfandiiîg amîd syni_ thaI at the Mlarch mîeeting \v patliv wlîich come back in u; Txronie and Havdon U.C.W., xvoulcl have a speakecr on in eneiched and nobler char- were guests at tlîe February "Rabies". Mrs. Archie Camp- acter: fourtlî, gold candie ofmeeting of Salem U.C.W. lîeld! hiel thon îalled on Miss M. eaening. The love of know- last Tlîursday at the church. Puffer wbo favoured us witb Iedge. the love of good read-1 Mrs. E, Twist and h e r, two noC 'oVel solos, "M 'v licro" ing, flic gifI of understandiiig group xvere in charge of the aînd "Over thie Rainbo\. ", au- aîîd above ail thie spirit of i meeting. Mrs. Twist opened (ompzinied aithie piano b. , Mr. ioariiing. Ai these ii' erave wÀith a caîll10 xvorship. Several Ross Meicaif. Miss Politer i. i' or lîleîaneorou-byiS \were sung. Seriptuce a feachier ai ilhe sucol, and suives. The toclI, of lcaenîng ireadings were given bv Mes. fier reniîdtiomis Were muh ri is lCd aloft b\' parent anmd!R. Feee.Ms .Bte Joyed. Icacher. standing slîoulder to'and Mrs. L. Welsh. Mis. Twistý As ;biswas io"otde sole.gave the devotiona] î'eading' Nilîl,' Mes Nicholas Lakas. Fifth, goid candie of ritiiýen- . and led irn prayer. \ mu-e-pres. for- our area from sbip training. We as, teachers ;Mers. Muîriel Johnson, acconi- CounLilr , hrougbt ge-cetîîîgs and parenits wmll seek to gîve paîîied by Mes. Gerald Slîac-! froni Council and a bricf lii:- uliildciî mo -rie undcrstandiiîg kletomi, favoured with a vocal, tory of the Home anîd Subool comradcship, aîîd sec theni!solo 'Jesus Lover of Mv Soul.' Movenient anel especially thi less as problenis aiid more as' We xvcre pleased fo have as Oshawa Branch. The acuoi idividulals and persons Io be our guest speaker, Mes. Ross' plislînîcnts of the ('ouîîiiil oved anîd enjoYed and allow- Stevenis. Mes. Stevens showed xvere lisiedi as foi]ows: Foeii - d express and help thenriu pictores and gav.e a coi-: lion of the Girl Guide Assou.; scIvcez. MaV V-weo moe the mntoary on tlien. She also told institutioni of Aduit Traffi' oirade an-d frend Io youtli, Lis mativ inteî'estîng stories of Criards at bUsY sclOiociterbliiig fhem tii woek out in- their vi'sil to sec thoir daugh- secioîs oldorsktiigeiks tilge tlv heir oxvn prob- !ter, Muriel, xvho Is a mission- skating partie' , mniu s i c iii toms iniiri ownî xv. Mavary in Africa. A special col- suliools; aniimal borie-S'( foi' Ie inuctilcate justice, goodwill lection was taken to he]p Mu- teachcwr-studcenits and olher and Io «lf iin aIll ur dealings iel ini hec work. promisiiîg students. wmf ,Iiildhood. A social tinie a enjoved A birtlîday ( andleligliiiing Sixth, blue candir ou- olowm t he nmeeting. so-vcethtitok place 111i HonaI guidance, realmzmig ihai Glad to report Mr. Glen wich ciglîl un idles xuec i-lit. cur--one dsrsacac nl 1 nule, wvii lein irnmîorv of idsies ciamcotoe, Black burn refu rncd Ilxoeo C. oLt-ic.,folllci, o' liox': abolit niid f0ouioose Moiidav froni Momorial Hos- 1. ..' CurtcefomiilceofWisclv biq h fe xvork, Ma, , pitlwhece lie had been aý I~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~l 'o- îc cîoliiQiaeo hav-e failli toecther as pareni patient folloxviig an apporn-: secçond, reel dc leof lien 1h iiel i cadc olàgixe hini char- decr'fi. on boior o f tue greut IMiei itacier itraiing, belpli mi fi) Mr. aîîdNMes . Ii ni Coombes,' prograni spoii.ored 1wi vIlni fuern luI iyaid mnoble idecals, Mimss Maionm Buttery, Messes. niid Sclîool Associatioiiîs brîrîg- aned olfer hlm xwv of load- Ed Steplîoîî and Don Welsh in.- liing conîdit ion-In ail igli- ersîîi!n Snlie nîa\.knoxv; hi aitemidcd flicJunior Farnier cui e, uslieeiig iin a iieu o-ilfîcixers .Abov ail. May Curling bonspici at Ferielon cea of happîncss, tii COUgli w lCîboi) he cliîld f0 know a FalIls last Saturday. bcalth, eduicalioii andiel l;li inii woi'k and to appeeciafe The Younîg People's Union' babils. the rlignitv of labour. Bv ai-c holdinîg a pot lock supper, Tluird. flic binei-a ni o of îiiielcrtstiidiiig amnd kmiowi n'gaithie ehurcb on Saturday xvilsoic home lii11c, ieiir cwiiuib ildîenî ve Iieolp 'veniiîg. O0heck how littie it goes for... You'II go for BU 10K SPECIAL (TRIII IN SIZE \U)(NBEATÂBLE FOR PRESTIGE EASY 10 OWN because it's Buick pt uc uiiyi orhad o eswiha lie throRh ad though115-inch wheelbase Thîe new Buîîek- SpccUî1,hieý soi n-u:cih buiit-in vilue. vouli)hraking is safer, smoother. Its performance is swifter, hardly bciteve ho'x 1ttie ;t ccists , It ookS 1oXver. sleckrr s 1lkier. The special is everything you expect in a Buick and on its newv longer \hch~ Its ride is softer, quietea-. Its is, priceci mnuch lower this year. ABOVE ALL, ITIS A BUICK Be sçure Ci h Tt- ,and &--ro One' no,,- showinc on tel evis!on Chpck local listings for tinme and channel, MS-664C Robson Motors Limieted 166 King St. E. Bowmanville Phone 623-3396' SPECIAL THIS WEEK Jumbo lO-oz jar 1.029 Reg. Price 1.39 SAVE 10C A dctr, ~s~mLind-a- wRs'Thm Canadfaî, Sfateian, Bonmarîville, Feb. 2,1964 present and te'iiporarv a- ___ __ ________ rangemnents xe m rade b have hirn in Ponts 0001 for a feu, hours everv \Iondav ev- ening startnc March 2nd. The conimitiec have hî:ti hopes of securinc doctor -wbowol bc here on. a fuoY :me basi-, inJune Tiii arca lias nit, badl a ierciicrtd-ctor sinc'e ,he deaib of thE tla'r Dr. Mc- Ne.:l Severa' from boire c en, a Conserx at:ve 'mcet îng n Newcastle on Wednesdav eV- ciing. We ha% e beer cr:i jci/ed foi- 110'~ ~ týc uOeil ac'tivitie- of our *ccal hockey oPlavers in1 Vaughan of Toronto has sold :liis coluîmn. Several boys are lier home here Thîis property plavîn w:th iilbrook and'was fornierîv owned by the Oror-i and making a good late T. E. Cain. s!iovýn:z.1Pwc e :s aiso a la- Mr. Albert Stewart undler- caý :cani iha' plavs their went an operation at St. Jos- -ancs in()roiio. We xvll be1 eph's Hospital. Peterborou 'gh, Qclad Io rover iliese activitics this wveek. We undersfand 111 f w'vPet 'ip ncceýsarv infor- is recoverinz rapidiv and hig nai!n. man-v-friends xvili be hoping :\I a-i ir F:cdyoung- bo see hlm back honme soon. nman and dIaugbtcrs spent the. Mr. and Mrs. Raiph Sharpe, weceu:d x:hfricndýiin Hope Toronîto, spent the weckeni Townzh~ip. with Mr. and M\rs.. Harrv '\V'e barn ha N: Bee-nice Hardy, at the:r lhome licre. 'J A&P Fancy Qualîty APPLESAUCE Choies Quaiît A&P PEAS CASE 0F 24 TIf JANE PARKER Pumpkin Pie each 45C~ Ragular Price each 55c SAVE lOc ith Cheese in Tomata Sauce) SPECIAL 1 SPAGHETTI LIBBYs 215i5 noztins 37c CASE 0F 24 TINS $4.44 - SAVE :24c Australian Fancy Qt ality BARTLETT PEARS 28 fi oz tin 3 9 CASE 0F 24 TINS $q.36 Mtishroomn, Consomme, Chicken Noodle or Flic@ SPECIAL I CLARK'S SOUPS 3 lof.zid9 Coigate Rleg. Price tube $l.09-SAVE 150 DENTAL CREAM famiy size tube 94C White Swan, White or Coioured Fleg. Price Pkg 55c-SAVE 6o TOILET TISSUE Pkg o4rols49C Prior Pack P.0. Price pkg 89-SAVE 4e SALADA TEA BAGS Pkgof9085c A &P Nundies OnIy Meuts Purchused From Federully Inspected Peuking Nouses BIG (IIE(K' PIS PORTION, 3 TO 3,-LS PORK LOIN LEAN, MEATY PORK BUll ROASI CHOICE QUALITY PORK HOCKS BONELESS, SOLIO MEAT, PORK Bull ROASI BY THE PIFCE, FRES SIDE PORK CENTRE LOIN PORK CHOPS LEAN, MEATY, SIDE PORK SPARE RIBS SALE'l (OMPA RE A &P's Lnw Prie@ sAvînge Per Pound L EAN, MEATV, SHANKLESS, PORK CUflIIflD RAST b'~ SAVE JI1VULIILfl jj163C 14C TENDERLOIN PORTION, à TO 31/a-Lg PORK LOIN RB HALF PORK LOIN TNDERLOIN HALF PORK LOIN CNTRE CUTS OR SLICED SIDE PORK FRESH, WHOLE OR HALF HAMS RATN SCED PORK LIVER h49c SAVE lb49c SAVE e lb 9CSAVE lbJ7c16e lb 49C b 49C SAVE 14c SAVE 1 Oc 1b29cSAVE 29 6c SU PER.RIGH-T, PURE, SKINLESS, ALL MA PORK SAUSAGEIb49C4 Fresh Fruits & Vegetables r' Navpis, Fmest for Fla our-Famey G rd ORANGES Slb ceilo b:g 5 9C! Ontri C ldSto age-Crisp ndTasty, Fanicy APPLE ceo bag 35C Mexican, Freth, Swseet, Tender, No. 1 Grade GREEN PEAS 216391 Califormia Iceberg, Good Solid Heads, No. 1 Grade LETTUCE 2[o35C B sd d G rruwm, Frn And Sweet, N. 1 Grade CARROTS V.beaiiabag 19C Ontar, oOwn YP110w Co)oklng. Brushed and Polished, N. 1 Grade O NIONS 3-II6 celia bag 19 Colorftîl Houise Plant, Weil Budded AZALEAS NO. 1GRADE 6" poî99 Californ a Freth, Taaty for Salda DATES NO. 1 GRADE 12-oz cello pkg2 9c Texas Frc'sh, Grern, Firm Head& CABBAGE NO 1 GRADE l6 8C Californ a Firm, Green, No. 1 Grade BRUSSELS SPROUTS lb25< PORK A&Ps Savingt Low Per Price. Pond lb 39 c O l43c Av SAVE e SAVE 1 Oc SAVE 14c SAVE 20c lb 23C lb 53C lb 39C 16 59C lb 47c sAE2 JELLIED PORK S12o SV HEALJLHEES Plastiec mn39~C 6C A&P Quulity Bukery Products Jâne Parker Reg. Price each 59c-SAVE 14o ANGEL CAKE e,,h45c J5rîe Paker B URACKED Reg. Prices oaf 22c-SAVE 7c 2 24-oz loaves 3 7c Jame Pan kç'- Aplf Raisin Reg Pr e each 39c-SAVE 4c COFFEE CAKE each 35< Frozen Food Feurtures Cleârbroenk, Fancy Qiîality Reg9. Price pkg 37c-SAVE Se RASPBERRIES 2 15 oz pkgs 6 9 Chicken, Turi<ey or Beef Reg. Price 4 pies 89c-SAVE 13e MORTON'S PIES 58-ozpes99C i. bbyReg, Price tin 23c-SAVE 'ýe SAUERKRAUT 228 fi oz tins 41 C Brimga Out Ail The Flavour Reg. Price. 98--SAVE go ACCENT 4-oz shaker 8 9 Sco re Reg. Price tube 69C-SAVE 4-e H.AIR DRESSING 3oz ube65c Sa ye i ASPIRIN Reg. Prie. bMI 93e-SAVE 14e btl of 100 79( Try Sonie --Tiey ce Delicîous - Jane Parker HOT CROSS BUNS pkg of6 3 3( ilAAI .ic & s Acinc IF A COMPANY, If) 'Y FOOD STORES 4~ A& EN DPAI I ALL PRICES IN THIS AD GUARANTEED THROUGH SATURDAV, FEBRUAF1V 29th, 1964 Bowmanville Choral Society Preseîî ti GILBERT and SULLIVAN'S ""THE MIOKADO" in BOWMAN VILLE TOWN HALL Oshawa Symphony Orchestra in Attendance March 6th - lth March l3th - l4th 75c.5 0 -Lz Tickets avaiable from members of Choral Society

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