Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Feb 1964, p. 3

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2nd Annual Banqi Given By Courtice Guides and Brown The Second Annujal Mother and Daughten Banquiet of the Counhice Area Guides and Brownîes Association uxas held ý,2recently in Courtîco Unuîed Church. The mnothers anîd guests were greeîed at ilue door by Guides Gai] Batlit and Suzanne Canpen'ien and 13rownies Wendi' Baker anud Janice Collier.' Special gue,>îs ;at h hue luaci table were District Commis- isioner Mns. Ross Ha .'k j rs. Ruby Courtice rcpresen'uingi the South Darlingtocî School Board, Badge Secnetarv Mns. Bruce Johnsoni, Rn-iv. J oh n Romneril, Pastor <ifItle Court- ice Circuit and acting as chair-< mtan, Mrs. Chas. Elliott, seci'- treas. of the Local Association of Brou-nie and Guide Motb- ers, Folloxvîng thp sxing o f grace, Mrs. Clas. FIliot. pr-- posed a toast ho The Quetu.ý Guidq Peni' Biclkie proposcn i a toasï' Io the Mothers xx bu-t was responded to10 bu' 'ln . Garnet Goyne. After "n.toyiîganuuutio« repash seru'u'd bu' the ladies 0! Courtice Chunch i.C.VW the Rev. John Romerîl spoke to the Guides and Broxvnics cii "The Meaning of S ., . " Mrs. Ruby Counhuce extend- ed greetings froni theuchluol Board wbich gteoîî'ai- lows the use 0f the scbool fo.'r Brownie and Guide meetings.e Mrs. Gien Ren noînis thiankenci the ladies who hacd prepared and senu'ed tbc baniquet. Tlhe Broxxnies îlu<'uu siuuug their Pack Sougs and tlîc Guides sang theur Cuidie Law,', and npc(-ated theur pîurinçosc The folloxx'iîg axvard'.e-, pnesentcd: îst Comrtien' Pack.-_ under the leadershuip of 1Brou'. u Owl, Mrs. W. Il1. Janies,: Tauvi'"" Owl, IMrs. S. A. ,Jolîuîsctul. J Guiden, Sandra Dowiwnr, anud GET THE PRESTIGE GINGER ALE CET WILSON'Set J fil Pack:e. -Judv Brantor Stan' hI't X'ear. jîll V cr. Linda Ellîs. Kath berIaon. 2'nd Year, C ung-.tou and Dehbie I Au'.ard ' presented1 of The 1't Countice( the leadership of Cap A. W. Bishop. L.i Mris. Alan Fulîtona H il.go Onmstrup. 21 Service Stars' Pami son, Janice Johnsor Simipson, Gai! Walte Ormshrup, Heather I Profîcîecc' BadgE Countice Brownte Pa Makers. Jetunifen Jan- bY Rucksthul: NeedlE Sanudra Atkinson: C Loraune Ellioti; Hou cu.Debbue Rucksthî men'-s Shirley Inîvîn. I xt Cou rtice Compi Guidies' Hostess Badi Rranton, Janice Johns, cia Jbohnson: cGai] \'c ' Onistru p. Go- îune and KareniîH Auxards prcsented t( ('ouîrtîu'e Brownie Pa( the h adcersbip of Bnt Nîr' .William MeChee 0%0, Mrs. Robt. Snoivv ivI, Mrs. Sher tont. Ish Ycar Serui( Lanne] Sher. Krisar cii. Kath', Peterso- Yean Service Stars, Li nan, PatlrIniîn, Louanr olds. The-futîloxuiîîg Broi Liup lui Guides: Bot-niE anud V'ieku' Re x'nolcIs. proticîeiicv Bar-e5 utaku t. Vueku vBei- tuttI ens., Botunie Bisîuop, Vx'luue. X'ickv Reviýiol( iîiitît Revîîolds: Swximr lîî't:Collic-tons. VîcI -<ici'-' Wruters, Lîtuda 'Firifl anud Bock Rover Rex uuioldls: H o Lu s e Barbara Elidcoth.1 Rex't'olds. Barbara Wý À linnîrous skit Shouotiîg of Dan M vas portraxed h ' Cii Branioiu. CatI l al1tcr s, ,oliutuson. Viî'ki Orinsti ut'- Johnsoni and G.ovuue. Gaîl Walteru a piano solo aînd Heati -nsîiui per-fori'ned a solc 'bond corean. A tiiost cnîoî'able i-as h-oîîgbt tho a cIr th(, îGuide Bran' er aandt ing of "Taps". ENFIELJJ Tic Young Peop!ce social E,'ening on S ],,iii;or Sîundau' ,Sehool !.i ~ a .kanog partx' on Emnieti pond and gamnes and refresý mieff:s in the churc'hbasemeîv' t we ceSinidax: exening dintic -iuesi~s with Mr. and Mrs. DF viciL Iee and Kelix', Black M.J.W. Bowmnan sprr 1 Qe xxfckcnd xx' h lher st 1 -Oiss Mvie Tambivn. Toi oialt. aho cafled on Mr. an Wrs. Gordon Werrx', and Mr: 'v Normnan Stinson who is a Pa tint oinRiverdale Hospital. 'lIs. R. Cochrane and Eai a Were Stîndax' callcrs of Mi adMrs. Les. Cochrane. Mn1 and Mrs. Ralph Dax'ie ;nd familx' werrc Sunday visi t 'ors at thr W. Pascoe home. Mr. and Mrîs. Jim Harri and famîl\x were Stndax' visi torsý ai E. and D. Prescot lu-Il inr me. 'dr. amd Mrs. Edgar Presco' wr're dinner giiests ot Mr. an( Mrs. Will Ashton, Caesarea. EVERYBODY'S GOING TO THE . SADIE HAWKINS Teen Time Dance -lt the Flying Dutchman Motor Hotel FRIDAY, FEB. I8th Toronto's Don Calvert and His Hit Records I)ancilng iluntil 1aI 0.. A d Iliissio I -3c 'el erl-esoli - Dr. and Mrs. Robent Bonine,',, and family of Gait visited with 'Mn. and Mrs. Gran, Campbell and familu' on Sun- da'.-. Mrs. Wesl ev Camipbell 0 accompanued theni home ho Sspend a short holidav in Gaît. nes Mrs. Neil Bailev and baby '- ýn. Sorvice son returned home on Sundav Van Walk- aften spending a week witli h' Chami- lier parents, Mn. and MrS. Carol Liv- Grant Thonipson. Rucksthul. Mrs. Wileî' McKeouvn of to Guides Mono Road spent a dax' with Co. under bier sis 1er, Mrs. Bruce Heaslip ptain Mrs and M r. Heaslip. ,en. Mnr and Mrs. George Bow- and Mrs. ens an d the Arnold Williams tudi YeaY familu' were Sundax' guests or 11a John- Mn. and Mrs. Clanke Wiljiam3. n. Bonnie .Friends wish Mrs. H. Cole ýer, Vick'.' împroved health situce return- Paterson.' ing from Port Perru' Coni- munîtu' Hospital. A speedv es: is recoverv to Mrs. Charles îk To'Fud2e ixhu is still confined to nies. De hospîtal. eworkers, Congratulationx ta Mn. El- Collectors,' mer Nesbitt who ce]ebrahed use Ord- bis birthdav on Mondav. Fni- aI; Swim- ends called during the davl paii Girl and several others in the' evening. Mrs. Sarah Weldon gel Judy and Mnr. Nesbitt of Uxbridge son. Pam- were callers through the Walter, week. Margaret Miss Elsie Barken [s visit- Iaux'ke. ;ne with Mrs. Edna Posi, o the 2nd Clearwaher, Flonida, for two ck under weeks. onOwxl. Nestieton 1.C.IV. e: Tawnu' The Februarv meeting of Wallace; Nestleton U.C.Wý. was held at mil Bran-, the homne of Mrs. Norman ce Stars: Mains on Thursdai' aflernoon, ondo Pul- uith 19 ladies present. n. 2nd The president opened the inda Cur- meeting with a poem folîow- ne Re,.n- ed by praver and the Lord'-z Praver in unison. The tlieme! 'nues flew hu'mn was then sung. ie Bishop ' Mns. Granît Camipbell gaxve the Devotional, the thenue 's: Toi' - being 'God's wav is the bez! ýds. Skat- w&av," reading froni Romans,ý Barbara 8: verses 26-34. The scripture ds, Lou- reading. Luike 7: 36-50, uvAs mer. Pat taken bi' Mrs. Bowens, and cx' Reyîîi- Mrs. Arnold Williams readpt Curr an: "The Repentanit W o ni a n." FeI is, VickY Hv. 263 xvas sung, and the i Ordenlu',ol call Anothen chuncb wc tht. Louae. have attended besides o'îr t, "'The own" was taken. Ilew Rev. Romneril was preseot den .Judv, and gave a yen' interesting' Per laci talk on "The Incarnate God- z'up.an-l froniCluapter 9 or "The Word s, paved A short business period fol- ber Pat- lwd The minutes were Io on the nead, and approved, the treas- uner s report giveii, and sev-> ex'nin i thank-You cards read. the sig to have their articles readY for the bale which will beî - packed in bhe near future. Hi-mn 96 was sung and Rex' Romenil closed the meeting with pna 'er, Lunch was thon served and luad a the uisual social haIt-hourK Saturdav spent. Mrs. Malcolm mou'edý ng the a vote of thanks ho ail for the class ~ o pleasant aftennoon. NESTLETON ZMON er Zion UC W New.'s a' k_ Febnntarx' Mb xxas the rnîîtbly meeting date of bbe nt atternoon group of Z i o o rU.C.W., heîd in the Sutidax rschool noonis of the chut-cii. d Openiîîg the meeting xxibh ,ý. the use of the 1.C.W. h'mrn, a- President Mrs. Bnadlev thon turned the worship period nI over to chaînman oftfhbe r. month, Mrs. Hatîs Geissbe'-- ger Sr. Assisted bv Mrs. Trac ' s GlaspeIl and Mis. August i_ Geisherger Sr., a venu' inter- esting prograni was annanged us, and presented, using as the, s .theme 'Our Mission in bhp t Chut-ch." Minîutes nead and apriovo. it Collection haken and accepteel. d folowed by offertoru' pra 'ven. Business wa.a openc'd witb in- formation that the convenot'- ship position in the social committee was still empti'. Mrs. Tracy Glaspelli s pur- chasing membersi-ip ca rd s. and will members who havent, Purchased theirs please [et' Mrs. Glaspeil know, she w;l] fil] it out and see that n'on receivP it. The dcconating comtîuibbee lias been bus','u.onfeî ring wîth different parties. nr bbhenu'- novation of S. S. and class- rooni. il x'.as a great pleasître tnt inounce more Junior mcmn- bers coming toto ouîn choIr. and v.eri' happu' to atutounce that more choir gonxts arc- boiuîg purcî-ased b'. the U.C.W. Mrs. John Barlow of thù Atnne Reid unit ba.s offcned bo take charge of the"o'r .'eas bale", as bue coniciior. Mrs. Hans Geissbergen Sr. : accornpaîî,'ing lier hUsband oui a trilp to Suxi t'erlaîîdandc th'z bale xi]] lue pi'epared aiud senut auxa x'le fore lier ictutrut Another bale of batndage's. etc, , s ho be coliected anud senît ont hi' Mav, to a mis- sonoaru' nutpost in Africa. Members wanting tri attend bbe. annîtal Presbîtenial n'eet- ing at Whitbx' were informî'd of the car-s that wene gouîg anud rudes wouîd ho arranged for theni. Il u as tîoaoimouslx' agtrerd upnu that our- bazaan xx'ouil.- be lîeld in June, and rerpana- h iotus for 5uch s tanrt ri cnt aavw'aavi Representatuvos t o attend thie World Day of Prayen xxere asked, and the hope of soi-ena] icar loads seemed quite p non-i si ng. Correspondetce xxa5z rca-i. incîudingi- er nIthenest iîg Icit- bers fronu Mi5s Muriel Sie- i ens. misý;ionanv nurse in the, Conîgo, al.o a thank-vou card. a donation to Our U.C.W., and onie bill. Mnrs Hans Geissbenger Sr. askcd to have a communitu showxer for George Fisher and busý bride. athber home ont Feb. 18th. Meeting closed wuv:hth ie reading, -M\ixTask" hi- Mrs. Train Glaspe1P. Tue nexb uîîcetiîg to be Mlan--b 4th. xv-heli the prngraýt- ix 1!l be un charge of Mrs. Ra- Camenon. Mns. Hans Geîs_- berger Jr. and Mns. Fred, Wahtson. The u1utic cu'uuc'o N' Porc',' Daqv'duuu n- xx.: Ha,ýlUk. Mrs. Cali BradLe',. Recently Married in St. Mark's, Whitby Mc. anîd Mts. Noel Char-les Dudiex', shnîxn signing tho e, î9ste ýir tho ah t e uts. uvene niarricd ini St. Mank's Unitcd Church, Whitbx', on Frida ' 7 iiig bt'uar 'v 14, 1964. ut 7:30 o'ciock. Formerlv Miss Lynda Donine Mc lmihe bride the elaul7erof'Mi'. andciMis. JI. Edwat-d MeKim of Whitbx', anud theg'urn uis ie son of Mis. Cccii Dufflev of Cotmrtice anud the lato Mni. Cccii Dunjdlev. Photo hx' Astm' Sttuiu. Announce Engagement Mit'. cui] ?xi's.Joliun 2'xagut'e aiîuîuîic'e ihue etga-oe mn'iit ()f t heuir clauti ier Caiol LynIo -eMrt. Rottalu- Dav'id oatbcci<f rTcut'uuîc, soli cf Mn. anduri îs. G. Watt ersoti. Tnt cit n. The w dn tgixilb a koplaue A iari i t a :î:0( p.ro i 1 iite urc cli, E nv îtîte. Art Exhibit Coming To High School Mar. 4 ning art bx' Cariaiciuauu higi sool stuuciî. tokiiue fcî' xxau'd to a i- , i ý iý i n cf art lza own',. ' lina he The <oîti' în u c i n sciilarIiupxx ii'.ci1sudlij on oiablretioniîc-î'c fi iiil the 1963 Art"-laîui,.'î sciinlausiu uctuan I u i tîtal ne-cit :c' i-iceil bbc Canwîacii iSoi-cc",'mf-cd c-atuon 'fhuu.îuîuiî .u i-ci ta soteu-I bv (,îî" ltunut' Ca rds- atcd in f<i " V r 'o s(-lîotai-shipu xx cc i' <il ("cd ii m? ai u' i îîîî"1) [ pie' fxxi I ii i Tori ui-t'!i cu, gi n a ix-arcis. 'lue oi'iu ir"î-du l- i-l ci î' i p cucte Ito vecu ara Ili cdc i 1tinou. <i i , - ',',iiu ;;1iou c h t u ii "lie v<- ciii a ia(-c :,t 'ii' c Ili s': <'iii ' oll<<tect tin ia'- bocir ný (- 't lu a ' 27 na : ' ii q bl 1' Wn Al il1 nI chn I p i cpcîî 'o a IoCi 9-iap s m. ri !i c 1 il - i -< i i u o'hci ý it p î'iu îc ,1 ~ 1. C cc-aiîiu îicl h lu ~ c-ac'uc i. cind l' utiii' <iii~ ~ ~~~~~r dh îuc"ta iîi"'-' WEDDING JASPER - HI(.H1 Tiî<'Rex en aclik %'.Tu t miu fficianted alt a vxci yprvtî i ýweddiîîg oui Feu1.lt tti. u-u Pat î'uuia AtiIlit iglu t' i the bnide oif RuiualdiMitt, jaspein îîSt. St piiuu YAig- becau Cluitcl. Eas"t Kitdniuiauu Mai-The brude i. flue .'uutîutr :daugluter of Mn. and iMrs. Wal'en Ilaiglu E-astKuilouuaii and tue gt auuccauguitcî'of Mr-s. 1. J laîgli anudMirs . Johnu Ca rod, Ne',cast le. andu-lhie jg roonu isàthe son of Ni r.and :Mrs. J. Jasper', East Eli lu-ouaîî. Fouri-lte uxeddintg thlue cliuri'l v.as lucaut ifuul lx'deu'uruteduith litie baskets of glaiou. '~Thue rude %xvas goxx'ue iar off iwhite niihhn' uelx etu'- e;pîecc suuit cuuluatuîunlxxilî a l un rtuu l îeukl:uue and tlut'e- qîtarter lcîugtlî tuu -. Sue w.ormàa aiiatuicuig xx liiuuîsvtype i anauu uarî cd a huicuict tif recl t'nsus. Il 't' tiatt <il ( hit lua iu. 'Mu'". W'lVu tî,îu Soliiiiii'hu" îd - xi itto a nuxa Ilubilut t", t tiuee inut x utlhia wix lîuu i pc liat to miatchî anducl arruu'd a l:- qui'!t of îopuîlînc-ci ciInux', muuns. 'lIr'.Not'tîai l J1pt i. briutuliet otf thluegrnni xxas thlie hst nmani. atnd'lin. CIa.x mu Jasporn atutîtlier brother u-îrdthe guims. Ointg 1ofilue -.dl'uîti of the brude's s;,1tc'n 'lIs. 1 'lirT'ggaî't.al î'.'Iuu e lîuc'hic îeceptîon xx a' it ho- tutîc.it xxasc Ied atltefi( uuiî<' uf it li. aîud 'lins. C. Blinligt,.',xi', bnir desinut utc ret u i.l 'x'ua r f uuîg a tî:uu' Muidunixxiutc.ei'sp sage of îuuuki',(Ii'i 'iuis.. ' % xemti uug a1m'iîi'lci"u neu'lacie dre'-', ithlî tuuuuiiug îui" .'ii'i anici a <ii oi<f l îl ilhu h 'ulu ipli' ui'l! ". i ncu i Fot i t it. fl'lo c-'îtS-t'1 -c' li. ln-- ftî' ,-or. 1 i V(, 1 i 'i1 i c uc' ni: t v- iOu i -I oi I i') S Mot'-tu ii cîpcîc oîl x î' il i:'o1 a id u'ci il id t 1i NI n i t-' N - c ',I î 'a ýo i i ( il , il tI îî~x i-c,'uîcl ' fi l ' I Ni) I' 'hi- ' ith uîîl it i 'l'ouik i')fîullciî iiI ' eui' ci lu,' - ci() i i b - i ' ai1i a ftu- t' ilît- G c(;n- iiiî ?' Il u-c'i Ig. Feh. 2.51th, li 'Ici'( 'li"st uttu Fu-iuî-iui 'i 'i eýNum piiîit rip n ai NI.ailuIl 17 ScucauîeNla- afeuai, -ut-<t t i i i "ni cýi rotp - 1utn ,k fn! i' (1:i 't u,1) 'lii',. lo luu 'u ucmi b!n pli' h'lIn la'i l'-i1:-. ' ux-hucl iit at i ' 1ui'uoui ITiesdiax , Feb t 801. A'I 1p ni, anud begaIIuî xx "h a i1. 'x'c- '-rch le' ic. 'in l n - sri .'luip fu cuinî'!Il'( i', i T" i-c cîîg for Vtn'-' ,i-'.i 2.'-e:î Mrý 'lIai'xvccunlMc'Keo a-, d f Mn 1.Gonrdlni S' ru()IuIu-_. 'lI: Daltotn Dnr-rPand ri 'ln'Gor- dotu pa i sI1<rxv co niiîo'1c r ii- p rogna mîor, ' T!wi'S'icil%. u WM'reiî 'n I!id.u-un rDcu' th- MIý:aroePc"- g :oci to ho h<lcl a,' lue ctin- of 'lin Ixan iTh-uuipsuu- eitui'uo1 (Id fhiat Rex' Romrn t blel a -- ed to coicd[iiuta 'uI cilas n "u V' a-id T1.n' W'I eau l M lic "h 1'i ' %- c. 'c plai tuthe oic uu i. t- c- fin bbc Shorti-urn hanuuc,î-'Annil 8t,5 Mectcnz cilosenlr %v"î 'h pra\x'0i ledi bu"iv oie "-e i Doa i.!-;'. uI-I a' the home of M..Ha. x vef' HAIRSTYLUNG 6.5 KING ST. IV. BOIVMXN VILLE would like to introduce Mrs. Ruth Saunders who Fias joined aur staff Ruth is a iveil know~n hair stvlist 1'ronm Osih;t%%tanaud Bow nanv il. IVe W1illNo%% .liat'e. FOUR OPERATORS '?o Serv e X'oti RUTH SAUNDERS KAREN MYERS VIOLET COOK DORIS GREIG FOR APPOINTMENT PHONE 623-2932 You are cordially invited to attend the AkR T EXHIBIT at BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL on WED., MARCH 4 2 to 4p.m. -7 to 9p.m. - ADMISSION FREE - 1 wish to annourice that on March 1. 1964 1 arn retiring from the building business and that EUGENE BETHUNE à very capable employee will be taking over my business. 1 would like f0 thank the number of friends I have made during my 16 years as a builder. 1Ern est Laird 1 assure you that E. Bethune 29 HORSEY ST. PHONE 623-5416 wilI be most happy to serve you regarding any building projects. Tuesdav IRth, 91 2 p ni 'Meet- The Canarlian Stesrnan. PRmimanville, Feb. 26, 1964 ing opened with a eall I worshîp bx' the leader, Mrs. Waller Wright, who also gave Smih and O'x'en Sorr -v to learn Mr. BmU Tay. 'eB.%,luv fr m th i ; s M arv', 1ý,z F o*'z îsniI. or had to return to O shaw a themne, John 14. verse 27. fo]- Do n Hs was weX "d cue' Hospital Saturdav, and Mr loxx'ed bv pra.ver. After the and Mn.,nd lid ('i M_'- Chiarles Turner 'is stillini offering was received and Conneli. No:'xx'od, x ccSi'- Bowix-anville Hospital. dedicatcd, Mrs, Stanford Van dax' dinner gc' :Mn '%I r. and Mrs. John Hamnil. Camp read somne interesting Cecil W111. 'on spent a few days witl' letters frorn Miss Doreen Mn. and Ml:'.ý. Pxw-n Ro. friends in Toronto, Brant. V an Camp, telling of ber- Dutnnxillc, 'x e re xckni ford and Tillsonburg. \vork in Indla. 'M\rs. Liox d i<cl .n'd iLi*l 7M\1a:d'rsSta Pin W ri-ht zave ome highig hîs ; Litt, Porl, Pcr"x x " M ud fr ex'd M r. S a and ine of the Pr-esbx'tei-ial in Whitbv, da\-cei~~l"n- iOt~" r Glen. -Kent, Tracy and dwelling miostIx' on Dr. V- Mr. A nd Mrs. 1(i lo* P exK el],'-. ail Iof Scarborough. pond's address on Mala.va. Mn. and MIr-1' niCoo k. ocre Sîndav guests of Mn. sinie ihis xxas a issionarv BavnM:. 9"' iud and Mrs. Tm Hodge and meetincg. An invitation froni Mns. ihr'1'" 'u.boxs the Candace unhIo visît t hem Mr. and NIr- R - c o ' ' Tiiere were eleyen tables March I 7th ivas aci'epted. loi' spei n'ti x x". ' c cchrc ai the L.OB.A. Memnbers wvere as.kcd to do- sister. Mrs. f.c ~c î-',nantx' Wednesdav night. Highi nate -ood uscd clothing for a and brother, Mr. 1on adx 'vas Mrs. Norman Roh- balle, and the making of a Pavnc, Nexx'.'a-'l"' cr: high gent. George Cal- qult was discussed. A card Master alanio M PI t c o 1 m ho'ic-',: low lad. Mrs. Perev was sig-ned bi' the seven spent a feu \-d ix xx'c Wiliiamson: low gent, Sharon members present and sent to with hb radunî Mrs. Wulluamison (plaving as gent)*. Mrs. C. Hill. Meeting closed A. J. Cook. :IIu Pionk, il. door prize, Mrs. Howard Lee. bv the group reading hi-mn Glad to rco MIs Nléurv Txx'cntvN ladies spent a verv 383 and prax-er bv the leader. Loti Malcolm aw'c 'n"nîu"i e'uoxablr and profitable tbree The hostess senx'cd a dain,\v b school todiax. af:,c, -uî' goni' dax's at the millineri' eourýe lunch and a social haIt hour lasi Mndi'ponsored hi' the Women's, was spent. Mi- and 'r G. P' , ,iittite. The Esther unuitt i thbe Sahrcug. 'î'c i I' 'li M. aind Mrs. Gordon CaIîh. homne of Mrs. Keith Van Camp and 'Mrs. JA.liîio c'nîa"! and fanîilx'.Bay* vRidcis, Wednesda v ex'eitîig, Feb. 19. dax'. x ccSindax' guests of Mrs. with 13 nîembers and one Glad to ii'Po le)1, )wi 'd ciune Co\wlingz and Ro. î'isitor in attendance. Leader Brownu ab!(, Iniho limu 1'0oII1 Mr. and Mî-s. Earl Brad- Mrs. Bruîce Mount jox' vonened ho.-Pital, t ho' ' n.i i bu ru. Donald and Ivan visit - the meeting with a poemi. iin bcd. Li,îda P x- '-cd 'MIn and Mî's. Melville La- Mrs. Keîn Lee x\'as nl charge tin,« arouiiîd i'f. ' lagcOcme udv of the xx'orship perîod in whlch sue read a poci anIld aý scripture passage. Atter h'n 500 \vas siing. slip read a venv' 1 lc te s u thoîîght pî'ovoking miessageý and led in prax'er. Mrs. Han- vox' Grahami led the discus-J sion on1 Chapter , of Tlî"î Word and Tho Wax'. Mrs. Monnjox'broiîght gleanings "Hn'." <id vou hAppî'ul to hit fronu the Pnesbx'terial Rall ' n Whitb'. Decided tlîat the the mani?" asked (the .judur. birthdav and annix'ersanx' box incîtîde ail memibens of th?~ famni lx A committee was '"I didn't," saidth le drive (r. " namled to plal)nilh' choir su- aw. the man %wishrd to rs pnn Roli] ixas ansxxered with the nutmber of calis on si,'.] the street, so 1 came-o't. il stop and shult -ins made. Meeting andi motioneti for hitri to cross, î-loeed xii ti Benediction bv' the- carien, a ftcr which 1-lîch andi he faintecd: and a social timie uas enjo *vedi. The Msegr met Tuies-, dax afier sehool with nine' Carl Leslie inembers and tuxo leaders pre-ý seîît. The Mes.'-enger hyný7ii' CLOTHES ('ARPE IINT: xx'as siing. unoto and pra'erý repnate'd. Mrs. Feruo-n con- A WVeil Dresser! Person f i;me x hnse gaI'mentq are cleaned ducted the xx',orship. A new regularly hyý yoîîr local drvî'leaner. lndian -usame îalled "Waten Pots" î,vas plax'ed. The rolli Buy Vour 1Tickets Now For... (.ai was ansux'erp(d bv "M'BOW'MANVILLF: %V. I. KOPPER KARNIVAL Fax'orite H\,mot" and a coupie of t em xeueni sing. El iza- beth Thomp'îon told the third c h a n t e r o f t h e s t î î d x ' b o o k , a f - _ _Z 4 ~ l . te-whieh flic eidren finish- ~A pasted them on their map of I n dia. '17eu mrcmibnr.s attendrd the, xplorer- meeting on Tuesda "v.* To commence xvith. a game xxas plax'ed. Following t h regilar opening ceremon * v theF RHBO S storv of "The Golden oný 47 King St. E. QUALITY IMEATS 623-5081 was iontinuted. Bob Swatn' ass is teld Mrs. Romeril wîth F'REE HOME DELIVERY the wxorshup serv'ice. Sceetccn members attend-ý CHURCFI CROU'PS AND ORGANIZATIONS cd the mieting of Ilite O.N. ARE INvirED TO ttSE THIS SPACE Cl îî atit le honte of Reikiý'FR(OIINèEET Wx'gende on Thîîrsdax' even- '(OMN EET ing. F b> 201h. Roi] call vas:'1I I' A faiilt 1 woutld like to cor-> ~ ~ (' rect. The li s saving Nv ~ % canaida pau'kers labels for, a " " ncw cofîco pernc-latorý. The Aptril 3rnd, xxi lu thle God frex' or -le' Ina Dec ;dcn(l Ir)pur- chase enougýh dishes 10 bring tliv qtaîi:il.x' up to teti dozen. Manch 24th the nlîtb plan on AI coing to 'Toonto 1insecFrount A NIVERSARY SA L Pagep Challenige. There was sonie discussiîoîn ethue Mof- SWIFT'S TENDERED BEEF fatit Coo)k îng School. Sc ne-: tari' alid I( tnaxne reportsR(HOC x'ue reuu eird and se xcal DA I c'ai ds of lIhank's readl. As the, S E K or R A T x'rdxarecfo leaxe th;. OU DRUN'N (~uiuiii ', .n t tueiea i fut utre.S RL tuec club, prfeý>uuted Reîki with SRLc ONR N a cuip anId atur for xx'liciî PORTERIIOUSE BONEC OR heexpres:ed lier apprecia- 6 9ON lb BNLS tiouu Reikui and lier sister-in- W'ING RUMP la',. Marie Iloogex cen. showed ____________________________ moi- ftheir home. faon- LEAN. .11< ( hi stie's Brookside eanud oitir plaie, of iter- os Il nul oilland. Dora Marîtu l SHORT IB or sue a filmt strup cf thl('îAeCBR A tmip Ir) tIlic oa-it lasi summet-. L D ie BLACKSTOCK

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