Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Feb 1964, p. 1

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DeE _ _ _am _ _ _'s ret___ yJournal_ __l OLUME11O16 Pages OV -N VILLE, ONTARIO, IVEDNESDAY,_FEBRUAR 6h,16 10e Per-Copy_ NUMBER 9 Honor O. P. P. Staff Sergeant Keast l40_Years -OId Former Members HeIP to Celebrat& Rotary"s Biorthday, er Pays Unexpected Visit To Locker The Iomnjl Rotary 0hAnnix'ersarv celebra-ý Clbs 0hAnniversary Dn-i tion. The onlv other two ner was held at the Flyingl charter members still living, inie Dutchman Motor Hotcl onR. F. Aitchison and Claudeî e s Wednesday evening. The pre-' Ives, were unable to be pre - -st sident, Dr. G. Edwin Mann,j sent.IW f presided, and Robert Day,! The Toast to the Queen wlas Toronto, the Governor of Ro- given by President Manin. tary District 707, congratulat- Others at the head table werei~ n cd the club on its achieve- Districl-Governor Dayv, Mur- ap e ments over the years. Iray Macleod, president of the Three Charter Members of: Oshawa Rotarv Club, Don Thieves had the club were honored guestsý Morris, the secrelarv ,,ad at Gord Be et the dinnier, Alex Edmocnd-i George Vicc, the historiari of Grove Groceri stone, George Mason, and Ithe club. 1)ales' hardwai Fred Vanstone. The latter isi The president of the Q p.. service station stili a member of the club.ý awa Club, MNr. Macleod, in a sometime Friè Perey Corbett, another Char-i brief addre.ss spoke of the On Tuesday, t) ter Member who is spending close co-operation, that has a]-, rauders or soin the winter in Florida, sent aý was existcd between Bow- Paid a returin letter expressing 111, regretsimanville and Oshawa Rotar- more damage. that he %vas unable 10 attend ' TURN TO PAGE i'WO> On Friday, Kiwanians Request Rummage Articles For Their April Sa/e Nearly 150 friends and colleagues of O.P.P. Staff Sergoant Gordon Keast gathereci at the Legion Hall MondaY CVoning for a dinner in bis honor. Recently, he was promoted and transferreci to headcjuartcrs staff in the Barrie District. During the evcning, lie recei\'ed a w'risîxvalclt anci a cartoon paintinc-, \Vth the presentation bein,! macle by Corporal E. J. Crough, right. Staff Scr-eant Keast haci served in this district for 10 vears, and was in chaàrge of the Bownianville Detach ment. Here for 10 Years jFriends and Colleagues j fr~nor Staff Sgt. G. Keast Whr'o 15 Leaving This Dist.ý Staff Sergeant Gui loiKoa" who for lb) years Pis beeîi îP commanding, ut tirer of t1lu Bowmanville Dütauhment of the Ontario Provincial Police, was honored on Mloiudav even- lng aI a farewell stag diîînu r aIt te Legion Hall. [le va: recently appointed tu the OPP 1lieadquarters Staff for District No. 7 at Barrie. More Ilian 145 friends weme present. Cor- poral E. J. Crougli, OPP. w'az the chairman. TPose at tPe Pcad table un addition 10 Sergeant Kuast andl Corporal CrougP wverc ýMagis- trale R. B. Baxier. Inspector Lomne Mac-Gillvriiv. Distrir:, Inspector ut No. 3 District ofý tPe OPP; Alex CarrutPcrs. M.P.P.: Geoffrey Biînnmcast te. the Cmowîi Attoccney toc Ithe 'UJnitedc!Couinties cot Duchaini acnd North uinbccla rici; Rex'. Y. X. Malane. Constable Sal' Rosponci. OPP. Constable FI. 1". Corneli. OPP, and Coustal,( E.Wide. OPP. Grace vas sai Psh Fn'ti MValane, vho also proposeci tim Toast to Hier Majest 'v. thi Queeîî. TPe Pead table guesi - c i i iitriiliicil y lvC~pori: ;> .ca fl i iI .î.L co- Iliiuiflitte i ii irge ut Con stable C(ineîll inîîiîdîc- ara îîgenciis for thec eventicd the speakeri Magistrate Citsii-omi. se. utfCorporal! Bax'<er, who iii a w il u anid Cme Caisable RoMS podeloqueiî actrces. cerninisceci CarIsi. i iPi corlici!. and Cons about the Pista cxofuthte loca!, table L. F. Drydcii. The Bom - Opp Dctarhmerit, and lauded inan\ il le Ladies' Auxiliai 10 iStaff Sergeant Kwiass ork.ý the Royal CaîîadîaîîLegion ii pec or aGîlî max i catececi for the elîrjous cli- speakîng ut Staff Sergeatý 1er. 2ncl VicePresîclent Millie Keast's caceer. paid Pigh fnib- 1adto Pis luauýle-siiP qUali- Judy LaMa rsh u Ps bîit n a \AII Coug. ~Courpni ~ I * ress pccsenled Staff Sec-, 'cant K as Ivîlî a suîtably i I À. d nscrîbed silver Ben rus-Cita - IC1dren's ld ion wristwat( i. a gîtt fmon .iivL~îar. P. xvjll Pc i n the Durvc n. Staff Ser-geinltKe. aa C i Ienel \,îx'. eClýXpressed 1Pis apprîriitn toc' -1 n. i u s e %\Pt' Pc le fine gîtt ý, aîîc l tue eil, au ! Re P I o Ii lme dia gan9lizeci at:.Be.i m.spnk" r~~~~~; f cCudci S A ci uetv. 0ut'lec-iprtiu ailsp i Pc'îîc~:i sll Pc Peld poil given lu0 !il" ilî Pis CIutie:z 1 i tPe Ei Collegate i;n Ca- siuhe camie tiioscniaiisille bl iiiiL", stlîllgatai 5 . in. îinDecernbcr ll).:1. TPie puibir rorciii- Atter dînncî tlic al1micc of ccl tPe ovening xvas speiit atîarcls, Le ap Year Babies Prepare For Firsi Birthday Sorm(,îciii g . a record was set lieue un Feb. 21b four 'veais ag xheifou r habices x\'cm'c hi in M il mia I Hospit ali. I .Sî xvek, the Lezip ' arbabies, cx- cupI <uic. liiul a patî' tocelebi aIe lte cîmIUstù vet lThe. met ai i1liceliome of Mr. atndi. lir '~îieî Thit:d St. The maie memuber of the quar1tet coulcin't make i . A cday' befure the paclv. lie got thFe muu>ps, bu t a neigh bî)Urns lit le boy l;ook bhis place foi' ihe day' . 'l'lie ilirve ladies celebrating t beir firsi officiai hirciliczav titis Sa lu rcav aie, frun> leftIo u îit Rose- madMaga Killcun. Jane his, daught er of Mr., andlMs. W'eslc,' Ililis, Enniskillen. antd Kelly vJovner, raug1tei of IMrl. and '\rs. Peler Jovner. KRing St.E. Loxvrr photo showxs Donaldi Farrow. nflmps and ail, who is 1,1ie s mn of M r. andi Mrs. Jamnes l"arnuiw, Libertyj S 1. N.1 ~sMv '5*4 Cobourg Ousts 'Midget Ail Stars' From Playdowns Last uiight InCoL Bowmanville's Ail M1idgct squad were natcd from OMHA downs by a lop-sided of 13-3. According to reports several w~ho attended ganie, Bowmanvillc hai better of the play bi C'obourg goalie %vasL tlian a firecracker. or of titat, the Bowmai boys 'w're unaccustoni Playing ini a heated and ncarly suffocated the unusual atmospher Incidentally, tlieir for funds on Monday didn't meet with the cess expectcd. They about 1,800 chocolate on hand and are now ning ways and mean 1selling them this wcee Procecds wvill be use Pay expenses that have higlier than gate receip Ç3t~ FIRE I"UND -- Bo' completcd a draw xitb ithe net proce Bcond firo \'ictims. ray L aimer, '34 Sil I)EEIt SCARE1 membors at The Sta deer bac? cone thr lar 'ge parie of' glass. shattereci sudduiilvN. close lu il at the tin stîtuted util tbe gl TOO MANY -The pîctuî'ial intecesltt Ibere xxasn't rcou>in (if evenîs that bave tvill appear ncxt wv REMENMBERED frun> bbe Rex'. «ari .1 de's An'glican Cli i ectoi' oilSI. John's, aI Si. Jucle's, Canion ed awav on Jan. 2nd bere wvill be deepîx' Or tltanks tu 1\lr.1 ini fonvacding thisi obourg, S ta r elimi- play - score d te crminue, li enas anda athe Ssharp er f 1in l 1 esTopple St Kttshof Li Oie ail directiuns. A customer, notoperwT r~ v~ Fi cd Roberts, Centre St., >n to In la off Pr vie ame t> belp adc,.iul n le *uesday the animal was,(oýn( arna H re on usda N ght andts le -t lied. from As the deer season -%vas e. Oshawa Gencrals continucdý AI] litree goals ini tPe final;oVýel ,tlh( animal wasn't drive their dominance uver highly- session werc scomed by Bill,.slaugb terc 4 on th'e spot night Itoutcd St. Catherines Black Little on breakaways. Way'ne andc placed in the freezers. suc- Hawvks, deceatiiing the Jr. CashImani noiched a pair, sin- . have Hawks 8-4 at the Memorial gles going lu Bill Lastie. Ron; Town Constable Tracv Da-Mran s.WledKtoispcbok wdw bars jAena Pcî'e la:l nighl. Osh- Buchanan and Bill Smith. (TLRN 7O PAGE TWO, plan- awa, in control niost of the Bobby 0cr might have hadý__ kend. ;leacl, and after the clubs liaýdecear-cuit brcakaways. Orr still i ed o ýeach scored once in the sec-' managed four assists, but needsiMC M I ~ I E E Sbeen 'ond, out-scored the visitors 3-2:a goal a gaine now to earr4 o s nnt in L d e ýpts. in the third. the four necded for a Jr. 'A" - record. 1:Chrîs Robects played an oui-ý _)S £Jandngcese o thîe Ohw[At nnual Dinner Dance CC defece, xvhile Cashman, La- sc, OSe n Buchanan: Th e I i ,' igh inr GIen Hodgson Bruce L isP D sti iet Governor A. Eason, eabho slarred. and dance held f) ' tlîc Bow- Art Oswald, Colin Birtwistleiand Mrs. Easun, Keeno: Zone MNers at Liberb\Y Butl recentlv Kcîî l{odge taîlied lwice for manville L;ons Ciiili al the and IH. R. (Bud) Moses. jChairman Ted Gray and Mrs. for- a portable iclevision set, flIo's. s, sngles going to Lions Conimuîîîfv Centre on President Russell Oke wel- Gmay, Bailieboro: Dr. G. Ed. PClîuck- Kellv and Gaham Saturday cvening wux a de- ,comed tPe Lions and their wnMnpeiet0 h eeds of $86.85 donateci lu the jFrý,eean. Dennîs HuI played'cided sucess. Cullîberi Me- guests in a brief address. OlPh- 1Brmanville Rotary Club, Wiuner of the dravY was ho- ii. be sî gaine un Bowmanvilleý Donald wvas chairnian of tIe ers at the Pead table wer Ms. Mann; Bert Snowden, mpsuiu Avenue. Bowmanville. cu . with Fred Stanfield and Ladies' Nîghîl Coinimitlec. and Ivrs. Oke, District-Governorlpresiclent ufthte Boxwmanville BoP Sneddon (aftcr the first) tPe other members ut it wÀerc Ross Oliphant and Mr.O-Knen Club, Mis . Snowden; LaI Moclv alcîiuuu.~îîff other top) performers. Clarence Hoinu, RoY cîî,pliant, -Peterbor-ou.gh; Deputy-'BilI Cobbarî, a dîrctor of the atesman office îhoughî itanuther ~I ak' ~ Mrs. CoPPan; Bill Bates, lst roch b roi ffice door's v ec mewe tu e !aa nVICe-president of Bî'anch 178 F',or nu accountable reason. it of the Royal Cariaclian Legion, Fortunatelv, there xvas n0oine Mrs. Bates; Cuthbert MeDon- Tie. A plywIV(Ood panel \vas suh- . nigit. Commitîcc, and Mrs. Mce ,lass could be replaccd. Donald. The Lions Gr-ace was sung, Lie lias boon su much doing cof and President Oke pmoposed the Toast btP te Queen. The wi past couple cf \weeks that Haydon United CIîurch Wo- n> Ibis edilion for ail the photos Imon caicred for thie delicinus been taken. Tbose held uver . Qflefl. Jack und was the eek.leader ofthte enjoyvable sing- Song, and Ross Metc-aIt was the Wordw as rceied his\vek 1pianisl. Presîclent Olse intiu Wordxvasiccivec lI s xcei duceci Sain Black, who had ici i N. Tom-nec, Bectur of' St. 'joined the club within the o rich, Torunto, anid a formeri- ast yeac, and Mrs. Black. H-e Ibat is pedecssui bor andalso nieitioiied that Rev. 1K. Robt Jh n Sbirdes, rhe and pas-J. Frampton Pad also joinezt RobertJohn hires hatPess('lob withîn thc last year, d. Canon Sbires' manv frioncis but that lit- was unable to be gcieved tb bear(of Ibis death. (ONT AETO At thc dirnitr !îctî of tie Bowmaniville Kiwanis Club Peld at the Flv mng Duitchrtnanl Motor I-l on Monday even- ing James Colliss, the presi- dent, officiatcd at the induc- tion of Bob Colxvell, a new member, and presented him ivith bhis lapel pin. The lwo co-ordiiiators u1 commîttees. Roîî Brooks and Fred Tîppins. explained the objectives aocd work of the' committees, whicbi include the Boys and Girls. Agriculture, Support of Churelies, Publie and Business At faims, Public' Hit 'ores at! Grove Ëa field day eech's Maple ry and Lloyd1 re store and in next door iay evening. he same ma-i ne new ones i visit to do they stole Const. Tracy Davis and Bob Graham hold deer on floor SOme moiiuiety ana cigarettes ! from the grocery and gen- A \'oung decc,\vjjf( erally made a mess of the between 100 and 125~ place. Next door, they tore ipounds, crasheci lhrough a things apart, apparently 'fot\ndw fBora looking for cash. They even,1 used the floor for a toilet. iville Frigîi Locker System n Entry was made by smash- labout 5 p.m. SaturclaNI but ing (lie glass ini the front iran imb expert deer 'wrest- door. The ppcolrtokalers who put it out of ar- beating on Tuesday. Thieves tiof in a hurrv- Ilried it apart and took a Proprietor Wilfred Kit- couple of cases of softsohajsteurd m drinks. snhdjs eundfo Bo-wranville detachment curling and \vas waJking of the _01P is- investiga-ting. Eto his office \vhen the deer crashed through the Relations, Education and Fel- window. It skidded on the IwhpRffies and Regula- lions, and Ways and Means, slippery fluor as il headeci the Finance comnmîttee. for butchor Robert Grahamn Tlie\ advised the new mem-,Regainiing ils feet, the deer ber to fhink over the efforts tuvneci back toward the of each commrittee so that he Kto a ,will be able to decîde whichlfront, but Mr i-. n a one, or more, he wi]1 affiliateltoo fast for- it and _grabbed himiself xith tn readi]y enjoylils hcad. Graham joined Kiwýýnjs activities. ithe fray and l'or Several elURN TO PAGE TW 0 mntsOir ,vsara 1 '-lel' Jm ' . IS IIliU (tiig ii îîîeS inf o-m ation. INVESTIGATE -- Word bas beei> ieceived iliat. Ihere are salosmon covering tbe town sellin 'g ai- umninumu siding andi possibl>' other simîlar proci- uicîs. We bave nu reason b hoelievo thce' are operat- ing iloegallv. AI] we suggesl is that before siguiug nov documents witb ibemn, xou check or have tle contracîs checkoci carcfullv, especiallv if the sales- mcin are not known to vou. There bave boen cases reportecl ii Toronto palIers where citizens under- stood th.vwr recei\'iug work free i0 ýreiurn foi' allowing iboir lîcuses lu bc useci as lemnousîra- tors. Later. the 'v %ei'e surpriscd tb learn tItis xvas îîoî tbe case. NICE BOIVING -Mis. Bill JolI. Prospect St., biac a -,i-eat evening's bowling on 'Moncda v in the iecMaoLegue at Liberîv Bowi. She rulicci 320. 343, andi 333 for a tbrýc-,game total of' 1,001. This is tlhe highest triple sFic bas bowled. a lthcuigh just a couple of weeks ago. slw came iup witb a 976. Co ncratulat ions' LOST GLASSES -- "ieochiid's e ve asetlt were founci and turneci in ici The Statosrnan a couiple of xveeks ago bave been returneci b thoir owncr. but nov another pair ar'e missing. If x'ou bave founcî a pair, phone Roi> Law, 83 Duke St., phone 6-23-5867, ancd his 5-1\ear-uld .daughlteî xiii jbe happy . . . anci so will lie! The f irst person to xvelcome guesis a titie BU1S. "At Hlome" Friday evenirîg xvas Jirn Cubban, ail dresseci up in a si diver'1s outfit, in keeping with the Nep- ttî'w's Garden theme. He was the official duormari. but in Ibis picture the S'atesmnan photo 'grapher lureci Fini inside to rmeet a lonesume mermaici, resting uJn a ýii-ulated rock in the centre (il thu dance fluor. Sports Editor CaIIed CIay To Win Titie We are extremely proud ibis morning at The States- m an. Sports Editor Frank Mo- hun was onie of the few experts wbo calied Cassius Clay to defeat Sonny Liston for the %'orld heavyweight championship in Miami Tuesday night. In his column Ia.st week. Editor Mohun flot only wrote that Clay would win, but aiso called bhe fight to, end before it weîît the dis- tance. At such odds the rest uf the staff are now wishint they Pad agreed with hlm and wagered some cash. Editor Mohun realiy cdean- ed up. lie het 10e ai 8 to 1. lncidentally, if he should gel touohnoxious in bis moment of glory, there is une way lu cool hlm out. Ask hlm If he is the chap %who called the Yankees to win the World Serle%. "lie's the greatest"!9 yil, '

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