9The Cariadian Statesman. Bowmnanville, Feb. MP 1964ý1 SPORTopmcs.; By Frank Mlobun 623-7234, ' FIGURE SKATING CARNIVAL Although stil! more than a month av.ay. Ihr promnoters of Bowmanville's; Figcure Skating Carnival deserve a lot of credit for securing a couple of top head-liners for their big ice show on April 2nd. Debbie Wilkes and GuY Revelle, who gave a tremendous free-skating dfisplay to capture the Olympit- bronze medal, wilI he the featured entertaîners. They won the Canadian and North American Pairs Championship earlier this year. ht promises to be an outstanding show. Tickets are now available from members of the Bowmanville Skating Club, i . i t GREEN GAELS HONOURED Saturday will be a big night for the Oshawa Green Gaels, who wîll be honoured at a Victory Banquet at Oshawa' Golf Club. The cînderella teamn, making their first appear- ance in junior play, captured the Canadian Lacrosse Champ- Ionship last fail, under the great coaching of Jim Bishop. MIDGETS and BANTAMS WIN Saturday night was, a big one for Rowrnanvilles O.M.H.A. clubs. The midgets edged Whithy'at home 4-3,: while the bantams broke loose in the third period Io downi Whitby 6-4 at the Whitby Art-na. Monday night the rnidgets journeyed Io Whitb.v in an ettempt to rap up a second round vittory, after knocking off, Ajax in two straight gaines a weck earlier. A report of the contest appears lsewhere in the Statesmnan. Tonight (Wednesdayî the speedy Bantams, pla ' vthe- second gamne ai the Memorial Arena, starting at 7 o'clock.ý If third and deciding games should be necessary, cubherý one or both tilts will be playcd here this Saturday, theý 'bantamr attraction slatcd for 4 o'clock. with midget action getting undcrway i 7.30 p.m. Î. + t i t WELL, CASSIUS? As tht-y say in beUiti. circleq, nexi Tuesday night Plo- quent Cassius Clay will have Io "put up or shut up«'w\heni he meets Sonny Liston for the heavyweight boxing title. Mr. Clay is sure to win, despite what the- critics have Iný say. If you're going to ask who lias ie beaten, w&'ll ask who has Sonny defcated? Floyd Patterson? Just about everybody he ever fought knocked pt-ek-a-boo Floyd down. Cassius would have floored him too -- bull he nt-vci got the- chance. That Cassiusr a pretty smart character n i ray laugh, but he*s laughine too -ail the way Io tht- bank.' Liston's just a big rnonsicr <he'll neyer read this --mi hope) but Our boy' Vhe's the- cloîrfil boxer needed to keep the- sport alîve,. That ki if it's worth keeping alive but that's for another columîî. Clay will mwii and it wont gro the distance either. This! scribe is so sure of the outcome that wi-'re wîlling in wager; ten on it. An.v takers? Ten cents that i1< WIN AFTER .36 LOSSES Ovra.G.M,,wp have, a sport irg record thai firîally was rokn a eekago. The Cost Accotînting Spydiers 's'oný Don'tk-no howmanythe softballers bave Iost i0 a row, but ifs over 20 .Now if theY coîîld jîst pull off a 'Vittory this : a. - t t IHAT MOSCA'S BIG :Mixed League Bowling The lead changed hands --a- __ ____ Single point still the rnargin, in Mixed Bowling League ac- tion Friday night as Palmer Smashing ..Snlashjng.. trucdWright -.-0 to edgc past Bennett. 5-2 wvinners over Lobb. Perfect clobbered f i r s t SChedule Champ PrOUt 7-0, tak- ing over third spot from E. Brock, who were upset 5-2 bv H. Brock. Etcher defeated tail-end Bromell 5-2, whIlile the fina1 tilt saw Grant winnling Harold Bennett kuocked oif a d716 total to cop high triple honours, followed bY Bob Glanville 718, '*Hal)" Palmer 717, Ralph Cole 698, Pick, Per- fect 679. Lew Welsh 677. Frank Wright 676, Bob Leaman 663, Vince Prout 6,54, Clîtf Chriisie 647, Onie Etcher with the- ladies' high of 6.39, Ken Luix- Ston 631. Murrav Grant 629 and Cec Mutton 624. Bob Glanville s(,i th- iiil pice w~il b a 3,20 gamec, nilber top scores going to Ce,.. MIiii- I on, 304, Ralph Cole- 301, Cliii Christie 299. Harold Benneit -90. 270; Ken Luxton 280, Lt-w Welsh 267, 249: Dît-k Perfei t '265, 231: Murra v Grant 2.56, Ken Nîchols 251, AI I.ohh 250,. "Dtikc' BrunI '248. 2.30:;un Melatison, ladies' top of 22 Fra nk Wright 243 and llHap' Palmer 242, '238 and 237. t 1'eam Standings B.H.S. Girls Gym Team in Action at "Hoot-Nite" Corne [rom Behind Mi dgets Edge Whitby 4 to 3 U n Opening Ployoff Fixture R( 4- Anyone who thinks thei-e isn't mut-h goîng on ln town. PIîl should follov tlîis reporter- for a week. Weve been so busy A:, lîist covcriiig lialf lb>' sport-, t-vents that we neglected a littie piece for OUr' co)lumnI, that -we meant fo report, several ,weeks bat-k. ad- mi Privilt-ged we wer<- ln attend ari Oshawa Kinsmeîî met--T Ing through the îinvtation of Molsons Gord Ray to vit-w the- showing oftifhle 1963 Grey CLIPin this art-a. Tc Tht- colour film is excellent, and wt understand aal able to any Bowmaiiville. club wcho wouîd like fo sec il. Tht- caniera completelv covered the famous incident that knocked Wîilie Fleming ouf of the- game. It started as Wli got the- hall and stayed with ihe picture untîl the B.C. star reacht-d the bench. In our opinion, it proved that, alIthough- Fleming xvas cin bis way dowii, big Angelo Mosca had Iaunched hîmself btfore the- pla ' was over. No wonder Willic %vas rcndercd hors de combat - that Mosca's big. t t~ DEBRIS INEXCUSABLE So 'ourerniad Rai 11w refer-e. Well, tossing junk on the ice really shows hlm a thing or two. Hes going to be later gttting honme, of course. So are the fans. But who' ]oses tht- mostl We suppose it probably takes tht- spark.ý away from a teani thiat is goiog weIl. But if this was all' that might happen, maybe this rt-ally brilliant at-t of litter- Jng tht- ice surface wouliî't be so bad. IlowGý-er, whult it. doesnt require niuch braiiî powerI-ot throw a pît-ce of papeî over thue boards, it also onl >v takes a small objcct to scnd a player spuawling along tht- ice, ies fortunate if a spili is his onl 'v misfortune. We wonder lîow- înany of tht-se litter--bu9S r-Call a young pla *ver, wlio nnw is paualyzed, not only his hockey caret-r endcd, but bis bod 'v irnpaîrcd, his life chaîîgtd, bt-- cause some unthinking idividual dccided Io thro\v a coin en tht- ice. Ht- really showed that referee didnt he? If nuemni-'- serves correctly. \vt- helieve il, vvas Bob McMasteî- who pîayed for St Mîýlkes and 'sas with Kitchencr of the senior OHA. when injured. ýQi ( de T( ila It was q tnugh figlit, but Pdept ai scîd inug tfieltatntedIut c i Iilia If a mniilite latIci, i\,vcnanville vamye ouît with a plie pt-aît box anîd 11prlit- foie \Vert- coinieî-ted fi-or 3 xvin 10 capture the first t-nil..' iiz seci a n off'sîde, cal l Stev Bu rus aile 2:32 mark. ai-e o a estof hre Migeton ni)c of tht- vîsîtors' -nais. Bernier evcned uil up again, avoff st-ries at the Memorial fu ascrls openin 1t1 ot iiiican i rt-n, lereSaturdv iîglt. essioii. bot li iîhs erup ei -am bait lied on even terrois krea, ereSaurarln-li. n th-il(' oiddivid i tuefi( est of t lit-xv Wh tlix' fa: lt-i1 Iot-a phai e't- tour goals ti otht- spart- tof lou r \Wh t b\ tlook tile lt-ad ai 1:24 ispîte of*t-n. oviiîg a lto-oiaîîniîjiliîît es.o t lue finl aI sarza. Daiinv rivarilage fornte-a r lv f ouiir DoîîMriîte iaried iiic\Vilkîins -ot tht-e qialîz.cr mid- inuIt-v, t-ary i n fi)liegame,. hall i ol liiîg a 1::10 ou ii vv% lt i îîlî i heperiod \vîilîi 'ho refcrees semect moirc from PeterVrrx blitG l V' 'i- )x îand Bill Sonis- own League Basketball -uels, Coroncition Clash ronîght for Lecigue Titi stepheit Fuels dcfeated Mr-: it-cons Motors 35-23 aniîd . arnation Cafe d o %v n e d cdiîsdaiv iiighit b etrht sgt- for to-iiight*ýýs suddt-n- 'ath lia 1tlt-for tht- Merls owl Basketball Leaigue -pt-q. ai n 1 Wtith i l\oi 0m,',oi- aît ne ain- ilig, fou- eaclî îcanI Slepllt-uu.s hold a mca uit ouue pouint Iv-id river dcfeiud:uig î ba nu p io<n Ce rOnalouun. lun tht- opeîucr.i cîceî led 16-13 ailihalf-tinie. huit j!-w pacî'-se'ttccs WCent ontop27 '21 ini lt-e tlîî'd q(iartjcr aî het-c he Motnî-s Io a single- basket the rt-st of tht- wav. Beiuîîîv K:ng- pact-d tht-Fi- wh a doz n tsp Fank Fridlay Af ternoon Bowling 210(Camnes bt isoi 215. 24. P. Br'ooks '204, 218. W. Coomybens 2101, '106,E. Echr295, J. Lobh 2mt, M. Colville 2-21, Q. Pat fit-Id'-215, Lk Martyiî'2116, S. Br -'s21,5, K. Dotdds 20)2. .Iverages D3. Buooks 211 M.Gibsori 20i E Ft-ci . 19u AL1 Cowanî19,i J. Lobh 187 0. Paifued 19.5 K. Dodcdn 17R Ni1. C'o 1i-i 7 NI. Potr1 7u \V. Coîubes 1731 II. Xlallev171 l.. Nîaiiu ri1lu) S. Bcoocký ci Al. Cix tc 16.1 F. Rithard 161 B. Richards 161 -. Hodgson . 15; D. Rogerýz 1 5t F. Mitchlu-l5tu D3 Pacden lui5 NI. 1*00 147 E. Coonibt-s 14:1 R Hutthmusoii 142 cI Dowsniî1401 M. Mt-Dotiual :1 N. cFu'tter-; 1:37 PMt-D:iald 1:47 W. Bro-U i10. NI. TlpîIDiI;v 101 R ('îuwpalu 1. Grahiani E. MNoore m Sobi 1 eoiýi il1ite 1IlariilTed Da ri - soului 11for- cilî1. Dolut- Woocb;oi k 'c an NIM'- QIieel1i.; liest il tIi .vx t-l. wc ih lot-NI kI- Jauk~Rt-ici an:d Eric ïi-l ., p'oina uis.t uiis. smal! mli-::iliîoîloi i' t-is à: a jet-- 'oètît-fmi:u cluaiit-in okec'p iheurl, il plaie lîopt-s i.i'c 'Ns winri . !! 'a Dainiv Sec, scttuuug it- ini't- 'ailli 11) Jitn.bitcl rd ip lic K(ii Johni ltoctici' a. ' H the taï-t-iîclr;. xxit-c i î wallau'- a-utrtdii.iî, Ticl Falir-v nolc-hed i ti-ht 'l1) d Farmer? If ml.\Oi vo ii a iin imuet- gaie itle StI tiie policthibua i i,îkec,î re nl ano\niorigage Ilt (in the huiic and an-. tibs on île eutiipnciii:tn joui Iieîk .m \muir de-îhý Reii-uiieni iiicomci can o iRal ruufe.V u a ejl me iouay? B.";NER PASSA\NT Phone 623-3258 14 Rehder Ave., Bom"nanville "Bill" u\eTrain St. Curilc Vtu C;) ui c-i Bow UTain Sl Flyers Stop Generals 2-O Bill C;oldswortliv had two chances ta score on a penaltshot and missed both. but 1' didn't matter as Bernie Parent blocked 22 shots to give Nia- gara Falls Fîvers a 2-0 -ictorr over Oshawa Generals a' Trenton Gardens, ThursdaY nigh 1. At the oppo.site vend, P-nnis Gibson was almost as good. onlv letting two gcet hv Iiii as the Fî,vers out-shot Oshawa 3 1 -22. After a scoreless first pt-. mid Ted SnelIl broke tht- ,oo,,e- egg at 6:0)2 of the mîddle ses- sion, after taking a pass froon Derek Sanderson. Brian Srad- iley's back-hand drive put ;t on !ce, with captain Roll St-hock assisting af 14:03 in the third period. The double penalîv shî)t took place at 18:57, when Bill Goldsworthv was haîiled down by defencemran Bill Smith. GoldsworthY missed the net. but was given another trwhen referee Tom Smnitih ruled that lie wasnît readv and several Gent-rals weren't be- hind the centre line. Gibson made a great save this time. Goldsworthv, taking quite a riding frorn the Oshawa beneh, ooked bis stick ai coach Jim Cherî-'v' but tbcr officiai didn't set- the incident, so no action was taken. Palmer P-r feci E. Brock 1-1 Broc k Harrioîî Lobb Etcher Prout Wriglit Broiliell Top Av'erages Frank Xri!ýht Harold Bennetl, -Hap' Palmer Onie Etcher bik ew eh B.T.S. LERAiUE VcBob t Vitne rocît MalînHaBrio 8, Mort-y Etcher 76 H-ilda Bro-ck- 61 .39r 246 2S)i 221 Team Standing .laY Ilawkeî-s H i 11h liies Upsiarts Rt-be Is Niglit H-awks Ladies' A. coIwelI B. Carter- P. Walkeî- P. ('0115 T. Wiseman A. 13. T. fordf- asFs csting Mcuil seconîd al 13:.1()on, a play w,ýith B. 'A. Burns and Dave Puk pioved P. to lie the winner. G. Ihle second -garnp Wa îv- T. (,d Monclav ni-hi al \Whiîhx'- a wvii cvo îld \wrap up tht R st-nos for BowAmanviulle while.1 defeat wumîild for-ce a thiîc R. cotther gain, Saturda B. Afternoon jB- CurlingD h9 f cirwsfo tt-Ladies' ValîEi- le lince Bon.spiel wiîh rinks froîn Oshauva G.C.. C.C.. WhithxCuhourg and Uhig.The uliekeil for 9 o*clot-k diaw wa.s wnî bv tht- tealm from Osha"\a skipped hv alndings Mis. I Guinn vit-e M. Pollardà, \v Lk T Pl set- E. MLih Iiu ltad O0 Andc-ws Twxo - game bigh 4 1 19 xvi:îrSkip Mrs. P. McAI- pile ieniiîk. Oshîawa, wifi hvic,? 9 5 i 18 D. Willianis, sec. R. Pal-lOtt 6 7 1 1 3 coud lt-ad J. Drinkît- One garni bi hwiiiier uvas takeiî bY aur :î Il 0 6 inît- cluib t-a ni skippît-lh.v M rs. P. Burk, vice K. Crui t- slîaril:.st-i. B. Brough and leadf D. Wolse\-.Conîsolationî priz-q haw s ,,a,ýgivt-i to thletearn withouIt a \vîin and w'as takeîî b. vrs, M. Coff-uv's rîuîk tram Osiîa- Ifing \va C.C. %\.tili viic- P. Lau,- ct-ni-,,sec. I. Jllowcr lt-ad D. ;andinz Ci.dd'. ISednian 15 G. Sc ill Hiî2b Triple- .1. Woodlock 6:36 l-ibSinglýe J. Woodlock 25ý3 A v erages MI. W"maî19.5 A. ......... .............19 1 N 1. l-iod-son ........... 196 J. Woodlock.......... ....... 13 K . Campbell --..... 181 MI. Sodnail . .. . .... 17- G; Bain ....... .. 176 J. Sheiliîer 15 F. AlIci 173 G ( i 1 - t17:1 FI. F'o trr71 XI Ca~yi167 , (Cnombes 16-1 R.1 W'lb;r 1U4 C. R i 1,1r 163 .1. 1ý W n:163 NI. F;1r:h 158 W . ' N l 1.'N..... 1,56 F P.v rý:on ... 1.5r .1. Gbner147 ...îge~ . .. ...... 145 A o t 'Iurî...... 140 n3. \Ioff&t 136 K . Roi ' n1î13. F. Uomr132 .-'. 1,'-. 130 R . Roheî-nn 12 NI.\ca~ 2 M. S a':: ý1161 V. P'1i'le 1141 'MI NI îicr! 114 r M. Nc; 1121 .1 Woodock, 20q, 253, A 1 M. . ' 0 Sr.drnan 244,. R.N' 1.M Indicon ?o,. J. L w 0.M Fir'lh Tht- Il 'nck drauv wa7 tak-îî hy a team from Qslua- \v-a C.C. skîipcd hl-yvMus. G Trese, vit-e D. Clctiîis. set. R. Tuuuniicluffe. lt-ad Hi. Tresise Two-game lîigh wîniieus wcrit io a home teanu skipped bv Mrs. F. Kraîîp. vît-e IH Rtîiclle, sc. M. .James. lt-ad Miss- L. Ruiidle- Quit ganie high weiiu Io Mus. J1. Mt-ri-ei's teain frorn Qshawa Golf Club. vict- Miss A. Gay, sec. E. Chanm- bers. lead L. Famme. Mrs. H. Glover's tt-am of Oshawa Golf Club, vice N. Short. sec. M. Petersoîî. ltad V. Sturges. look tht- consolationî prize. A veru- pîcasant day uas enioyed b' aIl] xho look part. Tht- club hour~ was heauttfully decorat- cd with a Valcntiiie tht-me biv lht- bouse comniiîtlec tnder tib' capable supervision of Mrs. B. Brouugh. The sot-ual îommttee diii an cuiornious amourît of work un caring for tht- îeeds of the cîurlcrs. serviuig tht- food and geiuerallv niakino themselve(s ise f il.T'his t-ommittee in lueaded up bv Mrs. ,J. Peter- son wilh E. ýStaiîtoîî, H. Glas- pt-il and N. Gat-. Tht- delucious dmnner was prepared byv Mrs. L. Smale. Thuirsdav\, 26 membeîs gath- ered together for a club dîit- i '.Thiîs is played bY the- skips dirawîng their players b 'v lot and tuis chbanges eveî-v three ends but each pla ' er kec-ps ibeïr total sconr e throughout tht- wbole after- îîooîî. The liickv wîinners wuth tht- top scores wer-, <tir tht- skips, P. Burk: vît-e, H. Glasp- bell: sec.. E. Stainton and lead, 1. Cunniinghanm. Small prizes %veru' pres;eIted hv the- <lob pre '-i]t ic t 5r I lcru .Ccf. ICe al 'i dC)IghIlitr 'st-cr- ei.oy~- ed b, .U High SingIe~ Ladies' Higi Col we Il Carter W isema n Colts. Bain Ladies' High Carter Colwell Col ts Bain Wiseman imen's High Westi Pa terson Martin Coluiell Men's High Pafterson Coluweili Cnu ghl in West Em bIey Men's High Carite r -Bagneli Paterson Buy "Goodwill" Used Cars Now Demonstrator Special! 1964 BEAUMONT 4-DOOR SEDAN Eqtiippcd with V-8 engine, autornatie transissiion, powver stecrinz and brakes, customn radio, windshield wvaslicas, white wvalI tires, whccl discs. Save hundrcds on this Itixury, like niewN automobile. 1963 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE 4-DR. SEDAN 6 cyi., automnatie transmission, ctistomi radio. A low mileage, one owner car. 1962 CHEV. IMPALA CONVERTIBLE Beautiful Nassau Blue with Black roof, "327" V-X engiîl' with Hurst converted standard transmission, power hrakes and sering, custom radio. Exceptionally gond condition. 1961 PONTIAC 2-DR. HARDTOP Autornatic, custoni radio, wvhite walltires, heldi,s. LocallY owvned since new. Priced right! 1961 PONTIAC 4-DR. SEDAN 6 cyl., standard transmission, heautiful l>r<>vn .A eal bhiiyat clearance prices: 1960 BUICK 2-DR. HARDTOP 20,000 guaranteed original miles, lu l'Y pVr qi ij l HCle 10tl owncr. Previous owncr's name on rcquest. 1960 CHEV. IMPALA 4-DR. HARDTOP V-8, automatic, customn radio. Only 3<),(00 original miles. t'revin)u, owner's name on request. A beautiful autlomobile finished in ermine White with red custom trinm. 1959 CHEV. BEL AIR 4-DR. STATION WAGON Custom radio, wvhite waII tires. Finished in Azure Aqua and Ermine White. Real sharp. LocallY owned since new' h Triple% Averages OVR$6,800 IN PUIZES incluiding 267 24Tipes1.964 Ford Delixe St-dan or -%2.00I0 Cash. $1.000flIli- Tripls 728 L.o Came $1100 Big Snnwhail (51 nos.>. $500f. Srnal ,281i Snowhall (51 nos.> Plus $0 regular grmes. $450 640 sperial gamnes. 62,;[ Ion' forguet t0 huy the- ecnnorny pack for value Avrgs603 and save mont-s 908 NIANYVFREF' A5<D VALI ABLE 1)0011PRIZES 204 KINSMEN at the 17t11 AN NUAL CANAD IAN NATIONAL S PO RTS MEN 'S SHOW Exhibition Park, Toronto , "i ' ~' l' 1 '1 44il' ' C d"; rxh lii iii 21 l , Plu or::'v ; hi i î iî:pv nulii) tb 205M' BTMINSSHOW '2015 tE>ý h iion Pa, k, Toro nio 2115ME BRING THIS SPECIAL 'ý PRICE FRIDAYtn . ht s 'Hnap" Pbiilp 166 KING ST. E. 623-3396 R- PASS KINSMEN SUPER CAR i~ -BN GO- - SPETERBOROUGH MEMORIAL CENTRE MEMORIAL ARENA \ ýBOWMANVILLE Telephone 623-5728 PUBLIC SKATING FRIDAY, FEB. 2lst 9 p.m. A DM1ISSION Adults - 0e Chidren - 35c HOCKEY. ST. CATHARINES HAWKS V S. OSHAWA GENERALS Tuesday, Feb. I5th 8:00) P.11. ADIMISSION Sides - $1.50 End% $1.25 Standing - $1.25 Student% and Children. scats or standing -75c Don A rmstrong, Sales Manager Stew Preston Raiv Lathangue PHONE [BOWMANVI PS a l'