Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Feb 1964, p. 3

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!with mitching bat. and white! A . Dionne In action . Te Cnda ttsaBwavle e.1,1 > . 1 m~r~~~ie~Recently M arried fenriaitMyles sen aweek.4 MAPLE iCRiViE Ms .Fae adsn.~~f two piee off-wite andsilverManning, Oshawa.i Sympathv of thiscomn-AII brocade dress witb raspberry. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Leamen; tv is extenedt*M.and Ms .Hi netie red hat and carnation corsage.i mox-ed to Newcastle. Mrs. Earl Cox in the passing several littie boyson at- Mrs. Wm. Reid, Mrs. Lloyd of bis father, Mr. Edward Coxdyi oo o oadssv the bidoe \'a oon ingCalifrnia, Ransberry- and Mrs. Wm. A-ý in Toronto Ger.eral Hospital,Ofth birthday. thee bide a E rng a ortee-'e oiibv r. m rwin. on Saturda, February 5th. I Carol and Anne H i pie c e blu e E n giis h w o rste d M rs. V a~~~~~~ g a n d M rs. O rv ille -M rs. L . C . S tio w d e n a tte n d - t e x e k n i h t e r r n - ~ A d u u n l m g ~ x t o suit with matching hat andi Chatterton attended the Pres- ed' the funeral of a friend, parcnts, Mr. and Mis ~ ubradadDri ~t green orchid corsage. On their, bytery meeting in Whitby last Mrs, Schofield Irwvin, Oshawa,iTyrone.beppnedoreie \:- ieturn Mr. and Mrs. Dudleyl Thursday.onTsdFe.lt.r.adM.BueTyor will be residing at 607 Centre ~~~Mrs. Ha r ry Harrington, Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Ste- adfml ee na e aeBxe fpr f~~ 'St. South, Apt. 3, Whitby. Toronto, spent a few day's lasttdIustof r and Mrs b eay worelade E \1 B J o re h er m arria g e th e xeek xith bier a u n t M r s. \ rn o n tg o m ery . a n u c d b . A u l brida was guest of honor atSut Mr. Harringtoncam., dav, Feb. l4th, after spending Assatt h tonvCn several miscellaneous showers. nStra n teddt five weeks in Florida with M. ndMrs.s.Booead eaPhih salote nmc Hostesses for tbe parties were, onStra0nd tne h Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jose of sons and Ms hli et o flglofcsfrOtro CLR ONY Ilvs Bt oecrae fDedication service of Orono Newcastle. While there theyiîOakC ere Sundav e ussN cul ponuett h CLAR - OONY go es.Bt or osae fMrs. John Kadwell of Osha- UnitedCurhoSudvndcld.MradMs.LryD-n Maple Grove United Church %va; Mrs.David RbWhit- CseveraonSfriendsn red roesetig orth mr-returned home Sunday even-arud eehore fmf wa tesotngfr h mr Foliovhng the reception the by; Mrs. EdwardsHgend- ci el and chldren, Bwa- C for tbee whoare sendi riage on Saturda-v, Fcbruary couple left on tbeir wedding- of ' ty Ms rdiuges, lso .........vle triitbv;Newrs.lnErîci Coandean Miss Norma Hallowell at m g the winter in Florida. vle.oneshsa etenmde Marion Eva Cooncy, d'aughtcr for travelling the bride wreClierIBoanvteisLe edctonSric n aC b d cfMr ndMr.Haol oo-a jacket dress ùf green silk, _________Sna bert, spent the weekend wth Linda, visited Mrs. .Fet udnofoewre oît ey, R.R. 3, Bo,.vmanville, and shantung. Thev will be resid- Deit M rs iceWoStuandayre - cousins, Masters Bill andou usonua.nSriaSmcead el Mr. John Daniel Clprk, so o ng in Newcastle, New Bruns M.RlhMls Mr. and Mrs. David Cark of wick, nezir Chatham, N..An ri n r.Hrigo.M.adMs .P wîovisi5ted Mrs. Howard C Bowmanville. Standards of where the groom is stationcd visited bier mother, Mrs. FrediOsaaGnrlHpta.UidCuti. yellow 'mums prettilv decorat- witb the RCAF. Tbe bride xvas I.A'htcn, Red Winor Nursing Mran Ms.RVieac edth huc ad h get mloycd at tbe local brancbh air O G S L Home, Toronto, and called on companied by Mrs.Dnl pews were markcd tby- white ofthe Canadian Imperial Bank', is en ost n on elwesadMs ere lace rîbbons centred with yeî- o Commerce. V"'"K>M and Mrs. H ouc n iTrno isn aunon sied rj'b low 'munis. BdU. Qof reaiin baby wvere Sunday evening I an and daugbter Karn, Lit- erton, on Sunday. Rev. John Romeril, Courtice,ý DUDLEY - McKI tleeig fte Boardof _ tI were Saturday Mr. and Mrs. D. was the officiating clergyman I Britain, Uite* unt ad cbildren, Masbll a' for tbe double-ring cerec'ny, Bouquets of red carnations, Healt fo O ndCutes Mr. and Mrs. G. Baker were, visitors with bis sister andate OsaawreU adtewedding rnusic 'vas and white 'mumis formed an !of Northumberland and Dur- Tusa vnn iioso ubnM.adMs 0Sna ... played by Mrs. Wm. Laird. attractive setting for tOc bam \vas held on Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. James Wode.Boksadfml.Mrs. Rae Pascoe andfmy. 'o u ei Glven in marr'age by bier candîcli.cbt service in St.i February 6 at wbuch tîme tbe Mis aLinadsay, Brok Mr. Frank Cookv asreur 1Mr and r.L fVIiss BarbararBarns, Brook- Mrs. H.a.nIwaleapbasntetur-ILM. ndsaMrs. L.oannok fater te bid wrea floor Mýarks., Unitedl Church, Wbit- carnnws pone.Mr. and Mrs. John Daniel Clark, shown in the lin, visited Mr. Robert Sim'ed home afler spendingr last51 Frn, r..R.Co, _____________ length gown of wvhite brocad- b:., on FridCay eve:nn, Feb- Th( Board of I-Ialth forf ed peau de soie dc. tn'd x ' ray 11, 1964, at 7:ýO o'clock,1 1964 consists of the following 1 above photo, were married in Maple Grave United oSardy. 1ee stohelnpiw FdraEwnok, Mr. anF.s o r. andM. r ay nd Miss nilce. r n Mr. Oran1dî1rEdwestCoak, ad anra a fui sîrt ani tc ftt1 b~ - ,ngi mrîa'Lvd niabcrs: Charnian-Mr. L. Church, on Saturday afternoon, February lst 1964, at Jo randPorte r say and were Hall andMr.anmi. Weston ovade ee rcn ice had a sweethcart neckline Dormne IMcKim, dati-Ohter ofGibson, Reeve, Milihrook; Mr. 2:30 o'cloek. Formerly Marion Eva Cooney, the bride Suridiay sunPer guests of Mr. r n r.Fan lifget xihM.ad Ms and long seceves. Her shoiild- Mr. ai Mrs. J. Eciwe.rd Mc- :D. Me'lMaster. lteeve, Murray is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cooney, of!Rober! im Stouffville, were visitors onFrnkWetlakeMr. adfm er-lengtb veil wvas caught to Kim cf Wband Mr. Noel' Township (Warden); Mr. J. G. R n *1usjrakWetak r eMiss America crown ancd Charles Dudley, soni of Mrs. Honey, Reeve, Cramabie Town- R..3 Bowmanville, and the groom is the son of Mr.. Mr. and Mrs. Athol Sterling Monday with Mr. and iirs and Mrs. FrankWeta, she carried a white Bible Ceccil Dudleny cf CDurtice, andi ship; Mr~. Wm. Liglitle, Reeve. and Mrs. David Clark of Bowmanville. and « Donna. Agincourt, wvr MsDr)Lrk r a S r.an Ms.DnTyo crested by a spray oi deep pink thec late Mr. Cecil Dudley. Rev.i Hope Township; Mrs. George Sunday aften,,n visitors 01 Mrs. Chester Milîs and baby M.ad r.D sweetbeart roses and white Joli', Smith officiatcd. Edwvards, Cobourg (Lieuten- BMr. and Mrs. A. J. MeLaggaan. Dby saa r rc and children were Suna e carnations. Mrs. Jack EB a1on playediant - Governor's representa- WMu adIleiAs b, shwa M.Brue 1Laressorand n I.ksoc Mrs. Arnold Dowson of Zion the xedding mu ,je and aIso tive); Sccrctaiy - Treasure. r tnadfm l ereSn- I a Sewarioln, Mssere Sn-!amrndssB was matron of honour for bier accempanc fcsoos, Mrs. IMr. L. R. Griffith, Cobourg.S asuprgetofN.ad da uTe usswihM sister and wore a street-lenrit.O Marian Williams. In accordance with Regula- Mrs. James E. Richards, Editor d uprget fM.an a uprget ih M u \s. J. Knox, Mr.We1 lebni -11I Mus. M. Kcllett, Janetville. an Mr.Ce Misan:Hs;M.B.HeMs.T dress of mauve peau de sýie TOc bride v.as given i mr-tiens under tbe Public HealtO ie pnln eea asfmiy etaeadMs o.Pso fashioned witb al low roundcd riagc kbyler fat!ier and xvoreAct, one member is appointed M.ad r.A.JnsanArlCriKtgtad o emscra Hspital Mr. Mr.anMr rs.eci Jl Es and i I de tOc r.C.W. Presby ncc li c nd oufa t sir. fl or le gtb govn of vbtc by Oc Li ute anM r.er nr s n dob r of A.nis oren e v.n d ou.g rlas f alm, toand M.s o OnJ b :o i o e ag n' faill i lv Se en.la ds M'tonial at St. M ark's h r h Sh oeandself ant i 1 w- a tioo n pea de ow e o rncdhit-u cl. TO1th r fo r Cn 0s. L H r y nd grl1 lffr L ng o P te b r- as! pr ge ander av ur nd Mr. We ow a d bo s er ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~b hedrstvh acin vt plqe fFrnblc~mmese appoi,-inted by erio oifRbri fEntb o, Rev. n Ms.ouglMandMr.oonLngaby.Weal is lmaEnezerl, xve IsMndysu Mr . adMs .Lgrad veil. and carried a neegy f and fa-hioncd with a scoon ' Counties Counc1l. It is their Gordon Ballontyne of Lake- and boy s. Mr.an Mr..Dn ped coev o ussavn bi prnsci dren, saxJa. Istdo i yellw po mum encrckdn-vliine Unpc :c pîe5 rcsponibilîv t secthattOc ieldattcded Oc Ddicaion an MMil-nlancMr.POilMrs.Rye ibso accm- M andMrs.Lloyieldden1un-arwit Mr.and rs. . lehoU o fptarentso with carnations. I'alling,, from a Osstie, and provisions of tOc Psublic Hlealth Service of TOc Christian Edu- Long of Oshaxva attelided 10e panicd _ru- daugbter Mrs. Pa i anti Betty Lou. y nodnCryderman.1)5dlîei avr Mr. James Leamnan of Box' loviing into a brief ebapel Act andtihtO Regulations are cation Building on Sundav Dediention Scrviice oniSsincla.v Wri: hI aînd cîilslrcn.Bcay, Don't forge!tOch U.C.WV.i Mn. and Mrs. KeitbCye- lstri O2EV. inanville xvos best mon, and train, ace 1 nted tOe skzirt bock. carried ou!. and after visited Rev. and and after \vse supper gue s's and 1 Mrs. Nor non Davis and : meetlingý Thursdav cvenîng n Vî~ the ushers xvcre M\r. Arnold 1-er illu ý-on lace veil, bigbh- Mrs. Basil E. Long and sons. of Rev. and Mrs. Basi OlliePnyeotmeatnngt nte hrhbs- addars. e cinadi.csre Dowsen, Zion and Mnr. Lewis ligted 0v a scailopesi border, a!t tceManse. Long. bosrg, and! visited witb Mr. Iment! a! 8:00 p.m. famnily, Oshawa. ~~CCO %vNNJSKILLENa rwn f Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wood Mn. and Mrs. Rn-v Is"' n Mrs. J. R. Parkinson and _________ Mrs. Stan Milîson iîe A ecpio v ~ib da!tb~rytn n o;Oi r-of-ueart. and daugohters Gail and Son-i and dn(he lrao c: a i n Ssindasy Fridiy with lier moteMs. ACilIto' home of tOc brisi's parientslic roses forned lber bridai TOc regular meeting Of thOcdra cf ÏLakeficld visîtdMs'Hp vr u w dno nFdyecig eraySO IAJ bli ooite ad Mr. tue trii( <sOn(fl(( of le C.OC0rt whretO bid-' notie e- bu~e.C.G.I.T. xvns beld in the OsWo o udyand! gscsts of Mn. and 'Mus. liai-ny 11 aspecial evcnliing \asOid an M u, s a mtSabo- baiifi wicii:l ceived the guest.. assiFt,,d 0v 1Matren cf honor Mns. John sOarchbha-nent )il Mendny, ,(,,'nded tOe Dedication and ý Mencer. :theLtiS'l cOo.Tcogbaprs 1- drerportn tOc grooms motO-r. For tOhe<adxvell, Oshawva, nnd brides,- Februnry OtO. TOc final ses-li-ec2ition a!tOcnwC . \ckis usso n~ ~~iiwt tOcing Mr CR. ivei, tieof o-ISory t reentHowodf sMr.zictri occasion thc brisiesinother nmaid., Mrs La'nv lendersoi, sieon of thc Clurch Stucly Pro- Bsiidin,. IMirs. W. Normean Potai cÀ 0f OCanaida, accompanied. Ila's eider residlents, xvho hasMNillson is in Oshawa Hsia. CQEILt COvr wore a drescf deep bluc laceO aa and tOciiides sister, jeet iVOs tOe main itemi on tOc 1 Mn. and Mrs. W. Normanl Mrs. M. Mua cciille ans! M hOyJcanlcerontO pan.1!. nfiig elOfrsv over taffeta wilhblse iebt ansd Miss Laueî ci,\Otv gnl wnen resuîts werc Porter Cand s Pnîvasiencondîctes . iroi 'eor, pasecinway astofursif: 'estvra and duginr Mis Letbaaon svto!Teniln.ng nh tabuvlassieds.aCin-eTr tdveindtscussioNur- the <in hisWiiu' itiS ii!ircii: wer inici'nica steetlegintabîltedaftn tc iscssin*Verna Porter of Peterborougb M'.ýizs Mon:tcv ivas 1thei IV T r 1ueftosle fro"ks of r,2c[ Italion silk ever peniod. More plans wene mode' attendes O apelPr ttcCmb -Pte 'csn, Gilson and John Van- i 'n' Home, Bowmanville. He L. J. Sk ife ans sightv blls atsrda, era ue wdchcldnga Non villda, ebi- ig nNcvCovllurcth. i ex eeigonicc for bis cheery disposition, Chartered Accounat -nleradsmdcnc I f ~~' ladStansvl it co o O G'cu'inCe eyIlt.Mrs. CorneliussStouît sand nýýi-' xv,ý,ere quicklv ergani7- toI-est in tOc football team.Whb LLT E skir!cà. Tbicir matching flowcServiche World Day of Prayer, Mn. antl Mrs. Norman 13.'daughtcr Mrs.M rîsfd. MosBoo Wfthiulstjy- F c asedP.Bx28y~a e1~iiW Now and then cverybody gets aSevie o Grl \asosdrecNll o Clbrreaten12TrotoeM. n Mscf, t j lac o ncriareFbuay 4,Y "tired-out feel igandma mateniol and short f.1veiling, d onTOursdlay, Feb. l3tb cltOc eValentino Tea on St-Ci,dermaiin ofH pion, heMn. I ropsNorthcuttan Smt uel bothered by backaches. PerlIaps noth-ai-d tOey corri cd white canna- lice Chsîrcb. As thc girls an-! urday an-d thc Dedication Ser-annd Mrs. Ru.ýsc,!1 Vpcm Hrrnt' cuchrepaTtc'yoingeingroupsan SiFuIne-, tie s.ctil-iî~isti:iiv bls artin oei omavl Itr Phone ing aeriously wrong, juit a temoporary tn. ived from sehool ivith whct- vice on Sunday and wcre'of Whitbv ivene gtiez,3 f ?Ic.colio e lckers andi other mer-iit vas in tie Longvouit at, contiocaiedyurar taono O grom' bothr, n.tes! appetites they en.joyed a overni.ght guests of Mn. and Fred T1mîvuasiatensdnms. Prizes were won by Ooe etoewomunO bladder discorriort. That's the ~to Boy Dudl' y, of Lakeiand. cleliclosis stipper te sotisiy the, Mrs. Wm. Inwin, and Suundlaythc Dedir-ationSlrvicD onis Baker-, as high lhy M '.his passing ive extcnd our O flon 138 tae od sK ne ili.Dod' îep loid, .--be! onan tcfieslb au-d ai-i heur of fellow-idinnen guests of Mn. and Ms r.Co. ipo fA-Liniie, low lady; Clarenca ce ypty stimulate the kidneys ta relieve this tishers ivere ?.r.lBrsuce Ce!- ship, Thi dlev llowd byimont \ ' v1flin conditon whic! rnay often cause back. -eh llof Boxvmrliiflo, au-d - Oi 'a fllw yF. O. Cooper. i 1en, anitoha, is -vîsiting vwoen the prize fori TOc World Day of Prayer Whuitby 668-1±î~-*-- icie ndtrc felng Thn ouledBanyCapOel f -butsilc.spiritual ercfn.slment os tOc Miss Ecîra Best, Miss Verailber sit-n Mrs. Viola SiflitOh iigit ai-d Jane!t cLg-service xvas eld on Friday 3 aceadtrdfeig hnyudB reCapb ell ofxvc-i !tîe girls moved te th-e sanctua'-y Sifton, Mn. and Mns. Durance' and Mns. A. unir' gt, ox cn.aifternocni in Eldad Church. ______________________ better, rest better, work better. Cet A rfnom Zionow and hbamp-lai, owý,ynt Dodd's Kidney Pilla now. Look for the San ialuvoed Pestant, h' - 1Ion tOe Praver Service with cf Toronlo attended the Dedi- iMnfs. Jo-'cc ,,iConpbO-'ll f suuCub5 Ladies fo inadHm- ial sa 1six leaders in tOc cercn-iny: 1 cation Service on Sunday ndiMkinoîs. Mntc-nIM- LCion50 belthelubrur o5ttn0 n svrtO~ blue bo.x with the red band at ail drug w-a. xcerc thec guest. wren-iiselSs, eaIreBith Ircale -4îadynsa urrînoraidoi'î-în Me cafl t OchmecfMn isedi te.evie.Lnc1l3 coutes1çuanepndoDod'.6 civsiby Ocbrde noterNielsen, Ruth Pethick, Marilyn- Horace Best and sons. - were cinnen 9cscs cf Mn dr. , - - Jwa servcd by Solinal who ivore a bîcie chiffon dress!Yelloxlee:, Marie Beckett and!--_____ W. NormanPortenies vitO 13 mcnulN I Jthe#servce, in 1 Diane Averv. !M/iss Doneca and Robin, Toronto, wepe with FMn-a. MW. No.mon Ponter on ladies r nt 0 Trevzin ivas'tOc reader of tOc Mr. and Mîs. S. R. Pethick. Mn. ani Mî-s. Onville, Cha-'- iienesi tOeumeeting witO bymn TOc Explorers met on Sot-, S Scniptuî-e passages. Miss Betty M.aii Msrtu'oLm titnCare na-iiDavitispî'u.iAUgrylada-d urclay afternoon with aIl mcm-' A young man fromthlui Jan- Werry \vas ur"gîiist. The @ anti ee *M. O cl-'c vt n ad nufio.db OcLr b e-s prescrnt. Karen Ycllow dU reamy wtb r n he ekclwt and IILrf I- country whose father hdbe - ,offcî-ing vvos recid an Mrs. Grant Werry on Satur- Mrs. Boss Broomne ancd family, Pacr srxesi eidle e h esi evc dediate byMis Birhe iel da eveing Toont. vvitîb Linda Fie!! and Brenda hanged, was applylingfo dedicted b MissBinth Nid day venin. Tornîceconsisted cf thc Seripture be-llewcs sisig.Te ne- job wîth the govrnet P M RLYsen. Mn. and Mrs. Frank Spry, C'arke ToAnsiiip Teacher- ing rend by Mrs. Jim Woodley olc sitn.T PU OYPL 15x10-inch rectangle. miaitiing part of the metngwe the interviewer ane POLY 15 X Mn. and Mrs. Gea. Irwin Rochuester, N.Y., were las! beld t0clr meeting o! New- and ! Mrs. Edna Pliip gave an wseo-db l 5 Serves 8 for a snack Spread with mcelted were Sunday afterneon visi- weck visitors a!t Mn. and Mrs. castie on Mcnda.v. interesting talk onu tOc tniurnu- IxOc a aines1to knowv the whereabtso tors of Mn. and Mrs. Frank E. WrigOt's. Miss Doris Mn. Vco- whio n! O. e-rh eJrswlm 'eî-e cond<icted by or dessert butter. Combine sugar i Purdy, Bowmanville. Wright, Mrs. Ron Clemens and son Robert,.\Mn. iand"Mrzs. John dn:y r.Mlsn te Cao',isadJenHek-hi arns 3 u s bic i JXand s ic s.Spinkle /2 1' Mr. and Mns. M. J. Hobbs Bren! returned home with Shetler attendecî tOc fiocral cl !'ct lte ces r b slo day Refr es , e s e nsistingja d ed a 2 tablespoons melted o bssitxSaad have returneci home fnom a tbeni for a visit. of thc late Mr. -R.G. Robinson iness on bond eXOsc andycokefrsi ad "el mwded atheyer butter ~~~vacation a! St.Potersburg lMr.i-au-d Mrs. Jim Muller, cf Wiae'w-,brother efmetn eeretecooltmikwesrvd back of pneumonia," e e xith stroined plums Beach, Florîda. Oshawa, ivere recent tea guests Mn. Victor Robinson. '0111'iîtee, 'Mrs. Burgess and Revernd C.BR. otte, BA. 1/4 cup su.-r Mrs. A. LB.D.,nilis b. inducted as min-r. pl 'Mus."Butiiraw.justBurgessrec- 2 eaponscinnin rsaA . eanMr.H.a!E.Wngt'. n.nn rs Mrsal . '-. eoiy. Mrs. Bîgs sten cf tOc Hampton charge,, ently 1He as takingpatn 2¼tcapoosugaclnvin a -inh>mr- J. McGili and Mrs. E. Trewin Mn. and Mrs. Ivan Sharp Chatterton are vi-qiting Dr. playedf seme w'eil lsnowui sengs Fuida.i-, Feb. 21, in the Hamp<apbi eeoywe i 'Atapo umg gin. Sprinkle with re- :attended tOe Oshawa Presby- and girls were visitons a! Mn. and Mrs. Keitbi Taylor, Nancy ou itc piano and tOc ocembers t'on C.E. Building a! pcilapbitfomgaemway!" 1/4ceapoo d ntnmniineutaadspi- Ited lofCurcO t., ks ndMs.IvnCocbnane's, and Bonnie, Brampton. lbad tb write cwn thOe names, 8:00 p.m. service. Rev. W. Her- pEd Lesliee ay 1/2cp cnne strine maningsugr ad UntedChuchWhitby, on Nestleton. Mr. and Mr . S t a n i c v, cf tOe son-s. Mus. Jim Saw- iber! cf Oshawa will preach. plnî orjnir ces. Rail up and eut in Tbursdny.1 Watcb Coming Events for a Sharpe of Icia, Mrs. Rol-i.. don prescttîd Mrs. Stan Gobie' We are pleased te repentý CLOTHES CAREHNT plurns)(rjno 1-inch slices. Place sli- iSerry te bear Mn. F. Don- dance o! Enniskillen Com- Henderson of Toronto, n .t a cliver pickle d*,e bi r.Si okda si- pui)land is in Memnorii Hospital, munity Hall. Elmo Maunden cf Bretit e baîf cf tOeclciub members proving! niceiy. First rate cieaning listersu fcafuwrkahpan ces, eut side up, in a Bown-anville. Las! week w-e Mn. and Mns. Ron Clemens visited Mn. and Mrs. Wrn.,o i1ureet2t vedn'Tcflwr !tchcuncbý attention to every deti yyu oa rcenr Preareyor on bs- gresedpa ormufin reported Mu-. H. Stevens was4and Bren! were Sunday tea Moffat. annix cr '1ary. The main event; service on Sunday afterneon Peaeyu w bi- gesdpno mufn in hospital; tbis weeiclbe Oas guests o! Mn. and Mrs. E. Mus. W. R. Gannon cf sof the evctiing xvas osur__Val- wr nmmr ftelt ST- ANDREW'S HRC OM AKN1SL cuiit doug5h or iueqa pr- tin. Bake in hot aven ;'pnesîmonia. We wish botter iWrigbtshClvelad,-1io spc! th eniu-cAucIon ,. -rs J.Wc- . . R. Kivreil.ofte ae 14LI1 .JLiLI 1L~JLftKaren, shwa, xith Mn. and BLADE o e ecs(h c o s or M s. Carl Ferguson. sp n Shc4tR bAQ C GROUND AQ C Snucav w,,ith Misses Sandra, 1 Roasts --- alb ICHUCK -mglb werrv. a-dbobnJm sEeced Head KING O 'EM AL! Chistie' Brooside M. andMrs. E. A. Werry.T è rD tw e o i KIN 0 'IN AL! Chisies roksde and! Betty Jane wene Sunday "îf r ný> supe gess tMn. and Mrs.CadaLT STANDING BREAD A. Werrv's. ýa a a Lf Prime Rib f c \VIr. ancd Mrs. Adam Sharpl At a meeting of the Board ROAST -4J9 1biandirs Mu-. Sti'onugs, Salem.1 Life Assurance Company, Bmn- Mr. oa Mrs. Riussell Oum- est C. Ciii vs elected Vice- sten wcre Ssincay dinner 1Cbaurman of the Board. Presi-P EOALA STOCK YOUR FREEZER SPECIALS guesîs aI Mn. and -Nrs. Milton 'dent of the Company sunce SW1T' TNDRE BEFTamiblyn's. 0Oenn, nnd callers 1l951, Mn. Gill Oas been as- fo SITSTNEE EFa! Mn. and Mrs. J. D. Brcwn's, socuated ith the Canada Life fo FRONS SIES HNDSOrotie and Mn. Edwin Ormis- for over 40 ycars. ton, Ebenezer. A alt Lemmon was CANADIAN IMPERIAL M. n. Mrs. LoadSan !ce Presîdent of tOc tom- and Coul werc Sa!urdav Company. A Dîrector and lb lblb vsitens a! Mrs. C. Cowie's,I formenly Executive Vice-Presi- Be au-dLoinAliton, dent and Treasurer, Mr. Lem-B AK 0 'CMEE Sides of Pork 1 BE EF LOINS Mri and Mrs. Allani Warren, mon became ossociated with Rad n oiAn AlsoteCaaciei h net Today, when you can buy almost anything you means of financing your purchase. LomnPlan toCandaw 60-70 lb. avg. lb. I9 40-50 lb a'vg. Ib69sneeskend gsiests of' Mn. mnt Division in 1928. He want'ontime',you may nothave thoughtof these BEFIP OR OISd r. rîc e~ ndfm-xasnmeiAssistant Treas- ad When you'd liktoejytepaiaecn- BEOF H . sucn in 1940 and six yeors î adantages ofour Personal Loan Plan. Wt akc omreProa onY> cîifrneewehpnadaigawy 55-65 lb. vgps-.lb. 3 -C 10-12 lb. avg. -lb59L "'Mn. au-d Mrs. Grant Werry, lofer advanced 1 T1aurr'iafofénroencne uikl. eayens r Alil Freezer Orders Cut and Wrapped Free su.,ý1! ar.si S(et1 xverc' idv Il, 1953 Oie was appointed 1. WITH APERSONAL LOAN YOU HAVE CASH ON MANI) ragdoitorwbdeBetflyul make your firstatphBakjomnre te-i guestz; of Mu-. and!Mrs. Vice-President and Treasurer. ..you have the freedom to shop and'bargain find tu fitloaronbmanger elpffual, yuder Budget Ternis May Be Arranged With Hierbent Lei,,htoic, Bowmon- Crabani F. Towers con- fn orlclbac aae epuudr to 6 Montlis to Pas-. xletinussas Cbalrman of thc hrvryuih standing and interested in having you for a cus- Mn ndMs. Clifford PetO- Board. Mn. Tewens was ect- IVe Aise Specialize in CUST031 CUTTING icI: ivere visitc'ns ai W. J. esi o Directon of tOe Comnpany' 2. WITH A PERSONAL LOAN YOU PAY LOW INTEREST tomer. It's ail part of a tradition we started 25 and IVRAPPING te Suit Your Requireîuuents FergusiŽ na:d Mn. ond M.\rs. early in 1955 and Oas been ...you use the motpracticaland conoruija years ago asthe very first bank to offer aPersonal Overl26O rnh0t ev o Hieu-iy Adiams'. Cbaii-man for the past three M .aiid Mrs. Floyd Pethick yas

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