s- -~ ...............'~... Holds Christmas Stocking z VOLUME 110 12 Pages Otn; Durham County's Great Famnily Journal BOWMANVILLE, ONTAItIO, WEDNESDAX, JANUARY lst, 1964 10e Per Copy NUMBER 1 Don Harvey Says Eriergency Sign *Donated to** Memorial. Hospital One of the happiest recipients of gifts at Christmas was "Buster" the Boston bull dog ewned by Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oke, King St. East. He received a Christmas stocking f2iled with ail kinds of goodies and re{used ta drap it for meost of the day. When anyone came into their store, Buster would corne bounc- ing out from the rear, holding his prized stacking to be acmired. Buster is also quite famous for another trick. He holds a pipe in his teeth while sitting in the windew watching the shoppers on the street. Rotary Event -Entertain Crippled Children At Annual Christmas Party A gala Christmas Party for est in thie banquet hall %which- Crippled Children, an annual was bright with festive Yole- evet, as el bytheBow Itide decorations. AttractiveI rnanvlue otar Club at the gifts were distributed to thelNe a t e FlyigDtha Motor Hotel children by a wonderful SanL recently, and the youngsters 1 Claus.I a ir had a wonderful Uime. Bill 1 The children were delighted In L w F m Thiesburger, the Chairman of with Santa's merry quips and '.the club's Crippled Cildren's witty sallies, and this rote Cammittee was in charge of was ably played by Dr. H. B3.1 'îrangemnents for the event.lRundie. other n-ernbes of thisI Dr. G. Edwin Mann, the gol Whlsittee are Erîc Wye president of the club, and his rec i l BrownIDr.Allan " B. wife were present and extend- whrster, R. R. Stevens and ed their best wishes ta the F-tna s re gis youngsters for a Merry Christ- ý'îChrstms reeglit-mas and a Happy New Year m1r spark-ing orna 1The Rotary Annes hdd assist. sir. the crntre of inter- TJRN TO PAGE TWO) e1ir'eve 25 lb. Turkey claugi fo fpU Sflove a Mess rn Christmas Fire fThere was plenty of unusuali pour out through the stove's kcitement on Christmas Day top burners. Mrs. McGuirk Mr. ad Mr. T.J Mcopened the aven door and ta fIer M.adMs.T .M-i hec horror long flames shot îGuirk, R.R. 3. Bowmanviile, out of the oven. The Mc- their family, and 15 guests. A Guirks tried to contraI the Robert R. Morris. B.A. luscioîis 25 pound turkey was blaze with sait and ba king ceoking in the oven in prep- soda, and they rcscued the It w as announcedi this week aration for Christmas dinner foil 'wrapped turkey in its that on January 151, 1964. at 2:30 o'clock when a firellarge roasting pan. IRobert R. Morris, B.A., wil breke out in the stave. As the fire stubbornly con-l'ecome a partnec with Miss, Those present were alected!tinued, the Bowmanville FirelApha I. Hodgins, in the law; by the smoke which started toi (TiRN TO PAGE Trwo) iefirm of Hodgins and Morris,' - - ___- - Bowmanville. Mr. Morris wvho was called ta the bac in 1962 is a native of Bradford, On- Puts Son Through Paces taria, and a graduate of Up- ______ Canada and Trinitv Col- leges, Toronto. Mrs. F. Denby, Injured When Hit by Auto On Saturday morning at, 6:48 o'clock Mrs. Frank Denby, Elgin Street, had just got off a bus on High- way No. 2 and was crossing the road ta the Sunny Brae iNursing Home where she is employed when she wvas struck by a car driven by dale Drive, Whitby. (onq- table B. Shannon, OPP, In- ,vestigated the accident,. Mrs. Denby wvas taken te the Oshawa General Hos- pital where she reccived treatrnent for a broken ankle. cracked ribs and oth- er injuries. On Sunday af- terneon she wvas transferred hy ambulance to the Taranto General Hospital where she is now a patient. Rubber Union Gives Candy To Its Mem bers 1More than 6(0 empi e of Che local Plant of tne .Griod year Rubber Compan% cacn received a Iwo paund box - ichocolates as a Christmas gift from Local 189 of the Ruhber 1Workers Union. wr 1L The committee in charge oi arrangencits foc these Chci'rt- Smas gifts andItuer cdirtribîi. occurred during the instal- tion with li te 20od wri~n salemn Lodge, A.F. & A.M 1,' T'ocal 189 eble ncdi nigh.Te e oshipful Ken IHooper, %who wz.- the .eated. His father Arnold Lobb, chairmian. Wlliani B!ak&r,!ý aste. H als wa Worhipul'the secretapr. and Carl Devflýt. tster e aienws1Wr5hp2u a member of the Executi',e i~ede i-l 192.ijBoard. "I'd Neyer Deprive Accident Victims of Ambulance Service" 1Don Harvey, owner of the Mr. MIacBeth lias announced, Bowmaniville Area A m bu- he cotinued. "I believe ther lance Service, on Mond' are "ther ways ta achieve ou took issue with Presidentý' objectives". Murray MacBeth of the On- The association. which re tario Ambulance Operators presents 60 of the 100 ambu Assn. Mr. MacBeth was ce-i lance firmis autside Metropoli pnî tedi as sa 'ving that mcim-Itan Toronto, lias been tryin bers of the association wouldito arrange an appointmner refuse ta answer accident calls l with Mr. Cass since Septen on provincial higlîwa * s start-1 ber. Mr. Mi.cBeth said. ing .iannary 151h, unless At- The ambulance operator torney-General Frederick Cass want the Ontario Gnverinien would agree ta meet with their ta regulate their industcy ani representatives. ruRN TO PAGE TWO) Mr. Harvey, acea represent ative of the association, said iha le oud evrdeprivePost O ff ice : accident victimis or anyone else of his services, no matter i 11w heother nmembers 0UHou rs for the association agreed to do "Do you think 1 would leave someone Iying out on thlb e ea highway, hurt. because of a' Ps fie or o disagreemrent with the goV-ý New Year's Day. .anuary ernment? No. Sic!" 1, 1964, will be as follows: that nine out of 10 of the acci- al day. dent calls we answer on the Ail mail wili he despatch- provincial highways are neyer ed at 7:00 p.m. paid for. I would neyer con- There ivill be no Street sider taking stncb action as, Letter Box collection. Ç/3ts uni [Pieces MISTAKE - In last week's rush edition, there was an error that we hasten. ta correct. Sr. Citi- zens President Maurice Crook was flot shaking hands with Harry Snowden, it was "Bert" Snow- den, president of the Kinsmen Club. t i ¶ i. t GOOD PIX - Bruce Colwell, phone 623-3150, has a magnificent set of colored prints of floats in the Santa Claus parade. Apparently, the cold weather didn't slow down his camnera as much as the one the Statesman photographeî' was us- ing. Anyone wanting a print should contact Bruce at the earliest opportunity. CLOSED - As The Statesman staff worked al day Saturday to bring you this edition before New Year's Day, the office wiil be closed ail day Thursday, Jan. 2nd. Regular publication will res- urne next week. FIIIST BABY Congratulations ai-e being ex- tended to Mr. and Mrs. Terry Masters. Brown St. whose baby boY. Christopher Matthew, was born at 12:08 on Chr-istmas morning in Menial Hospi- tai. Chiistopiîer brings the Masters famiiv total to three, the oIdcir children being Kim, 7, and Geof- f revy 3. Dr. H. B. Rundie acted as Sanîta Claus. Mr. and Mrs. M. Mosteri, R.R. 4, just missed the honors. Their boy was born at 11:14 on Christmas Eve, with an assisi from Dr. Keith Siernon. CLEAN UP - Boxvmanvilie's Works Dept. a going aillout this morning to remove as rnuch snow as possible from the uptowii section of the town before New Year's Ex-e. Almast every vehicle the Deparîment bas was in use, scraping, plowing and ioading the accurnuiated snow and ice off the main thoroughfares. As tbis is being written just before noon on Monday, thcy aiî-eady have made a tre- mendous improvement, harnpered somewhat by parked cars along the way. + t G001I) SLIDING- Holidaying scbool childien have rcail 'y been enjoying the siick, steep siopes at the higli school. whei-e the heax'y snows and lthe cold weather have brought perfect tobogganing con1ditions. Although there hasn't been muchl nexvs from the ski hilîs at Kiî-by whe-e Oshawa Ski Club hoids forth, they 100 are probably having a great time, taking advantage of the ideal con- ditions. CHILLY MVORN - As the members of The States- man staff came shivering to work tbis rnorning f from xidespread parts of the district, they brought reports of beiow zero temperatures, ranging as f iow\,as1 in the T Nrone arez. Tisis the coldest t ol the year so far. in what bas been a rather r steady winter. This fact is being rnentioned for the benefit of those subscnibers wbo at-e suftering sunburn and heat prostration while wiiN~r holi- daying in Flarida. Our friends (we îhought) the George Wallons fi-om Newcastle rubbed it in a little by sending a Christmas card with the head- ing "Ovex' the Miles at Christmastime from Flo- rida." The picture below showed a flamingo stand- ing on one foot in a pool, surrounded by palm jtrees, flewers and ether luxurieus growth. HOSPITAL, e'f rsi lit 77 M . id Tiie onts-Landitng sign pictuired above wh li as at the Nicholis Hospital ln Peterborough. been. installed on the Iawn of Mernorial Hospital near Pictured above f rom lef t to right are Harry the corner of Liberty and Prince Strk-ets is electrically Cryderman, chairman of the Building Committee, illuminated at night. It was generously donated hy Sarn Bernard Haolden, the Hospital Administratar, and Sam , E. Dewell, Hampton, inii nernory of his wife, the late E, Dewell, the donor. Mr. Dewell wrote the following ]!Vera Baker Dewell, R.N., wha was a daughter of the 1etter te Mr. Cryderman in appreciation of the com- iiaeThomas Baker cf Sauina. She trained as a nurse pletion cf the installation cf the sign. 1,All et fo Gala Time on M ne oigfrBgGm New Year's Eve' WieCnals Ne Yea'sDa The new year, 1964, will receive a festive welcome, Wt Gnrl ewYa' a ln Bowmanville. Elaborate -arrangemens have been c ompleted for gala New iYear's eve dances te be held by Braneh 178 of the Royal Canadian Legion, the Bow- manville Badminton Club, the Bownmanville L i o n s Club, the Bowmanvilie Curl- ing Club and the Flying Dutehman Moter Hotel. Top dance orchestras have *been engagcd for aIl these events. and balloons galore, *the most modern noise-mak- ers, lavors, and gay party bats ill add ta the tra- diti<naI celebratians. Councils Prepare for Inaugurais Osbawva Genecals wilt be Oshawa it is a different stocy. points with two gamnes fi facing a gigantic task New Last Sunday a]though outplay- hand. Year's Day wben league-lead- ing the opposition the Gen-ý The fallowing nighit inc ing oroto arlbroswil eras doppd a ig ne o iGens will be at the Forum for ,î n Toont Marbors wll eatsdroped bi en lOa te ,evised tilt on Channel Il. be here for a two o'clock at- 'Hamilton. Ducing the week then they return ta Menionial traction. Mailies had their 17- they lost three more timces 1Arena for ganies Sunday night game win skein stoppcd bywhile Red Wings tied St.1with Niagara Falls and 1'cxt tail-end kitchener, but arz- Catharines and Peterborough iTuesday, January 7th wheri still secuce in first place. Forlto trait Oshawa by only two IMarîtreal moves in. Christmas Prize Winners 'r l'lie in au-gural mrneiig of tbe 1964 - 65 Bowinanvulle on Monday e'vening, January 6ti, i the Counicil Chaniber at eight ctock. Mayor Ivan ~ r Hobbs witl preside. Tbe other niembers of the new council' ai-e Reeve Sidney Little, Dep-ý uty Reve Ross Stevens, Coun-! cillor George Stephen. Court- cillor Paul Chant, Councillor. Cari Leslie, Councillor Keni Hooper, Councillor Glerîbolmo, Hughes, and Councillor Wes- ley' Fice. Dat tîngton Township Coi.în- cil for 1964 will hold its in- augurai mneûing in the Town- ship Hall, Hampton, on Thuirs-' dav afternoon, Januarv 2nd. It wili start at 1:34) o'cloeck Rev. John P. Romeril. Cour-1 lice.,xill be present ta address the couincil. The members of the 1964 Darlington Councîl are the samne as those on the 1963 council: Reeve A. L Blanchard. Deputy Reeve H. C. Muir. Councillor C a r D o w ni, Councittor Richard Gibbs, and Councillor Mary Budai. Mr. and Mrs. Stan McMu- ter, Sharon and Katbv, Lib- ert *v St. North, recently en- terta'ned atà famnily dinner pactv in their homne. Guests The two ladies in thîs photo were quite thxiiled with the prizes they oen i attended frorr Toronto, Bob- a lucky draw at Denhertog's ciothing store at Christmas. Mrs. John H. Grecnle c-avgeon, Port Hope, and Flint, Preston Rd. South, Maple Grove,'left, won a beautiful blanket. They have se - Mich. Mr. andl Mrs. Mc.Murteri children, and she said il would he most useful, and Mrs. Hugo Iloffrnmar and famnitv spent Chriýtmn;s evening in Port Hope, 'us3 King West, wvas rnost appreclative cf the Dutch Idoll. Proprietor Corncliu~ of Mr. and Mi-s. G. E. Pudt. herteg is in the centre of the photo. *1 f t y ýf.