Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Nov 1963, p. 5

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Lions7 -Dist. Governor Nu*ys Officiai Visit Deputy - District Governc Alen Eason, Keene, paid i - l-icial visit ta the Bowma: Ie Lions Club at the din Ir meeting of the organiza ion held at the Lions Corn rnunity Centre on Monda evening. He gave an informa tive address on the work be ing donc by the Canadian of ficers of Lions Internationa and on the ideals and object ives of Lionism. The Depuîy-District Gover nor was introduced by Icte national Councillor Herb God dard, and Ed Leslie mno'ed vote of thanks to him for hi interesting speech. Deputy District Governor Eason wa accompanied by Jack Bahi and David MecNevan, lx'. xnembers of the Keene Lian Club, who were also guest at the dinner meeting. Othe guests present were R. M Short, -Hamnpton, Joe Chai Announcii TO MY BOWMi SURROUNDING A' Mrs. Ruth formcrly ol ..for that vcry specc classic modern business that ever popular basic Mrs. Saundcrs wil your appointment at Wan, BEAUTY 71 King St. E. Phone 62 (Out -of-Town Picz Recently Married companied Mr. and Mrs. Har- The vey Osborne of Welcome to ýNiagara Falls on Friday. ______________________________ Mr. and Mrs. Armond Bal- linger of Granby, Quebec, W and Mrs. B. F. Elliott. ior elle, Belleville, and Robert r.CitnBo ,Ms. lis tory, owmnvileTrueman Henderson, M r s.. LIS Story, Bowmnville.Fred Henderson. r.Ry ýn On a motion by Robert t odTi n Mrs. Wilam fl~ ent seondd by Waler ~'Wade attended a miscellan-ý ýa- Rundie, the Lions decided to eu hwrfrMs on ay doa ate 10 o henrTherri McElroy, a bride-eleet, held' iaY Iutaysater Fusntd Theac- at the home of Mrs. J. Cun- a- cuntswerepreente by ec-ningham, Cobourg, last Friday e-retary Bob Williams. Glen evening. SMartyn and Herb Goddard,' al moved that ail bis be paid,i Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Staple- 't- ad ths wascarred. ton of Toronto, and Miss Dor-1 and ith as ofa R oie ertothv Stapeton of Kingstoný r-Kent, Sam Black and Cliff Gpeorgeteplen tM. rSamis were celebrated by their daogMm. and Mrns. On Satur-' cfeliow Lions. The Haydon Uni- l a.anddorth Mvs. ted Mr. nd a ted Church Women cateredan oth viteMrad ~ fo thedelciau diner.Mrs. A. J. Lomas in Toronto. a s he tophyfor he BidgeMessrs. Cecil Burley, Don' The ropy fr th BrdgeVinkle. T. Henderson, Hugh: inTournarnent was presented ta <adBbSapeo aegn Strophy for the Cribbage Tour-i hunting. tsnament was presented to Nel- Mrs. W. H. Joncs was an e. son Osborne. The presenta- -oengtgeta r a- tin eemade by Gien Lan- man CornislVs. Orono, Satur- ;-der. day, and attended church' The winners for the hockey! there on Sunday morning. draw were: November 2nd,' Miss Jo-Anne Cameron and J1. Johnson and Bill Joyce; Master Bruce MacDonald wvere. November 9th, Faye Jones both visitors on Suinday at Mr. and Bill Harrison. 'C. Gilmer's, Lindsay. Mr. Frank Gilirer aflendr.c1 1.the 6th Annual East Central Recreation, held in Clarke The regular monthly meet- Hg col nStray ing of the Base Line GondT Mr.and Mrs. Fulton Ridlev, Neighbour Club met at the of Little Britain were Sunday home of Mrs. Robert Keyes ' ý visitoswt Ms0.W.Jns The membership was weIl ri-:~ Mr. and Mrs. F. Henderson presentcd and there were sev- ; spent Saturdav evening wýth eral visitors. Mrs. C. Wilson',' ~Mr. and Mrs. B3ev. Henderson, conductedI the business period, "".-ý""4 Bowmanville. afier which the names were Mr. and Mrs. Wm.. Stape- drawn for the Christmas ex-: ion. with Mr and Mrs. L. change of gifts. Miss Phyl1i7; Mr. and Mrs. Lee M. Weber, a re showvn signîng Vasey, attended the Remerni- Holt was the proud wînner 0f' the register following their marriage in Ebenezer brance Day Service in New- a ovlvdor rieMis ei- United Chur-ch, Courtice. on Saturday, October 12,ý castle, Sundav, morning, after erley Wright held the lueky number on a copper measur-1 1963. Formcrly Marion Elizabeth Muir, the bride is which they went on to Tor- ing set, and Mrs. Roy Metcaif! the daughtcr of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Muir, Courtice,.oo1 0 ii riJh odn Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Rowe was in possession of the cupi and the bmdeg-room is the son of Mr. and Mrs. PaulandugtrNeasl.we and saucer which had bernI Weber, Memlin, Ont. Photo by Mamys Studio.' Sunda.y visitors ai Mr.. S.; previously m ar k ed. -- . -iRowe's. Koweyesasssnd b Mrs. R x Wisn Mr. Bart Ton is a student~ Foerdand s. luc.h ilonf Jteacher ai the Howard Jordan' seve atst lnhe for a L--UL-(LL JL ux v e s School in Port Hope. thisý social haif hour. oThee nerxt D eV1 meeting will be held at the, week, so is able to board ai home of the president, Mrs. Mlinor Hockey Practice Times duled to be held November home and ride back and forth' C. Wilson. Saturday, November 9th 7th b o th at the Constellation with Mrs. Jones. We re eryplesedtohear, 7 - 7:50- Pirates and Huskies Hotel in Etobicoke. It is cx-ý Keep in mind our Remnem- W at re vcy ry las orn 8-85 efsadRdWnspeeted that approximately 150, brance Day Service on Sunl- fthat Mm. Ja rli isdhoe' 89 - 8:50 B eafsad Wns professional recreatia nl i s t s'day, Nov. 17, at 2 p.m. There ýmuch improved in health. 10 - 12:00 noon - Re-membran'e' from across Ontario will be will be non morning service in Miss Elizabeth Hayes, Col- Day Service at Cenotaplh i attendance. For some time, our church on that day . îîmusan Mis JantteAst 1 - 2:5 -Bomersani Rmsmany rccreationists have been Mr. and Mrs. LeCroix and 1ev, ady, s wee rida -, 1 - 12:50 -Bamros and Rains concerned with problemis of familv are moving into the ening supper guests of Miss 2- 2:50 - Mt. Royals v .Ts . self organization and the bud-, village. Grace Barnes. Ail Minor Hockey players geigo-hi ie re Mr. and Mrs. Mel Shiels must suppiy their own hel-:to attempi to answer some ofl ýand amil, OsawaMr. iiiiets.these queries. the Training, and ~~ ~ igr failvOsawMm Bh et.Commitîe has chose "Theý Rd., wee Sun- ~ Figure katinManagement of Time'" as the M x d Bo ln ,idy vsiorsofMr. and Mrs.ý The Recreation Deparîrnent topie for the Training Insti-1 Fred Wright and famiiy when i ooeabnwihteBw ue Things are looking bad for Pau Sie'sfouthbithaymanvîlle Skating Club are The Institute will be und'2r the team that had everything was bing cle.brted.again sponsoring Figure Skit-,the guidance of Mr. Maurice Jteronwv ic h ce Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wright in- hessons. Anderson, who will act as duie started. Friday nighit attended the South Courtice 'The first lesson and meg3-keynote speaker and co-ordin-!Prouit was upset 5-2 by Brom-ý ýGraduation Exercises held ini trationswxiii be hcld on iTh-urs-iator. Mr. Anderson is the cil and Perfect blasted Now-' the Christian Education Cen-,day, Noveniber 7th, ai Mcm-' Manager of Mechanizationilali 7-0 to take over the lead. tre of Ebenezer Church oniorial Arena. and Methods Department at Now,ý finding themseives ouît Monday evening. Mr. Mcl Miss Barbara Anne Smith Simpson Scars Limited and Of first place for the first, Smut ofthe undy Scoolwiil b, the instructress. *has lectured for several years' ie;h lbreie of the air was guest speaker, in extension courses at thelrough jolI when captain Vince and Tom VanCamp, Kennethl Girls' Saturday Morning University of Toronto. Prout, the average leader,ý Cryderman, Wayne and Ken-l Gym Class Teeeigo oebiboebswit nch Wrgt ecie ter Open to girls 7 to iii- 8th xiii be the start of thc M. Eteher moved intna graduation pins. ýclusive. These clase' un Annuai Meeting and Society1 third place lie with Harrison, intcresting _and hca - ro- members wiil convene ail day edging O. Etcher 4-3, whilc grammetuof exere . active Saturday to hear reports and'Bennett upset Harrison 5-2. games. tm bling i1d volley- discuss Society business. Sev-SE Brock dmoppcd a close 4-3 bail. egser at Bowmanviilie cral Society members will re-1deebsion to Palmer and Lobb High Sehool on Saburday, No-' eeive honors ai the annuai' dcfeatcd tail-cnd H. Brock i ng , vember 9th ai 10:00 arn". The'banquet 10 be held Saturdaylthe final attraction. ~N ILE NDfirst session will get Linder- evening. The Honorable Wil- Howard Bromeli found the ANVILE ANDway on Saturday, Nov. 16th. liam G. Davis, Minister 0f going tough for a couple of LREA CLIENTELE Recreation Directors Education for Ontario, andj games but came up with a big Training Institute other recreation and munici-1 363 effort for high single pal dignitaries will be in at-r honors. Mcl Burgess tumned iThe Annual Meeting and tendance.i in the high triple of 820, but Sauniders Training Institute of the So- Mr. Doug. Rigg of the Box'.- the large total topped Harold f shw ciety of Directors of Municipal, manville Recreation Depart- Benett ai 816 by only four' OshwaRecreation of Ontario is schp-Iment will be in attendance. pins. Besi among the ladie!s Jal event, or for the I l** *were Onie Etcher's 761 triple girls coffue, ad i i l I f~E rand a nice 292 single by Essie hair style. v V II I.COther big totals w-cnt to El- There was a gond attend- Mesdames M. Joncs and Mýj ton Brock 768, "Hap" Palmer il pemsonaliy welcome ance at U.C.W meetinîg on V nkle. Speciai speaker was 721, Bob Leaman 709, Mur- Wednesday evening P r e s. Rev. Duncan White of Toron.o ay Grant 702, Bob Glanville Mrs. Gladys Wood opened the' on Christian Education. In the 694, Frank Wright 688, Hilda meeting, expressing apprecia- even ng, after an enjoyable, Brock 682. Howard Bromel' lion b ail those xxho had dioner served in the United 678, Matt Harrison 669, Aud- d a 's ~helped make the Rall a su- Church basement, where for- rey Slecp 657 and Stu Carson ds cess, especially under wetficul. unattel 'v one furacemis65).olegaeo S:,O~charge of Mrs. Wanda Kim- sionary . Mrs. James Caswell triple. followed by 'Hap' - Bownianviiie -bal. assisted by Mrs. Bc'a favred with a vocail solo.ac- Palmer 36.H-ol9Rnnt mer was given on progre-,s derson of Port Hope were 259. made by Washroomn Commit- supper guests at Mr. Fred tee: notes of thanks received Hendersnn's, on Sunday of bv Sunshi;ne Committeo. Mrs. last weck. 'R. Farrow*s Unit wili hav.e Mr. and Mrs. Ross Brow n Perf Christmas cake to soli at thie -n Mrtv m n .Bb r bazaar to complote their allo- ade, Gt r and Michael, Hr cahion. There xviii be a table Waet GrOtand icasIw eln'l. of gaond used clothins for sale, etoOtaalswekn.M 1 tbis year at the bazaar, alNo. ThBroenldnComî A donation 10 the hall care(- nt Hall a wcek ago Satur- B taker and church caretaker is d,' vnigbt xas under the aus- Benr to be made. as xveîl as one to pices of the Lakeshore gmouzi. O. E 'the Hall Committee for ils use Mrs. S. Snowoen of Osh- Lobt on the dav ~of the Rail'.. Nom- Mrs. F. Calme's. ale a E inating Committce '.as ai)- Mm . BilmAnr'.v asd-N pointcd Io briina in the \rnel A.'. asa- O slate of offiucrs for- next mec'- mittnd Io '%eiiorial Hospiai Pali r ing. as follows: Mrs. Mrae on Tuesda'.. and Mm. Ed Sa- H. E Elliatt, Mrs. Mary Wado. A mi on Thuirsda,\. donation of 55.00 was voted l Mr, and M.\rs. Lennox Vassv the Bible Socîctr and the Gir- or Port McNichol are visiting Vin, con Socictv. A solo bv'.' Vî M. ard Mrs. Wm. Stapleton. Haro NlaleneStacv eioye, I honor of M.,- Thomas Ellor Mrlee Stacv as eand d:- ,Joncs' birthda 'v, a dinner par- Frai ;-oivowcd b'. attheahomandfdOn- cussion on bhc life of Solomcner d. xau hted at teBhoe El- Onh led b 'v Mrs. Gertie Staoleton. l'or dauThtgeMs. Brlue ElMato Next meeting wil be Dec. .1, unt.Th vges iludedMm. AHo in charge of MmIs. Edna El- and Mrs. an hbî.M.Aa liotîs LUnit. Beneict.Ion cloýz- and. Mrs. George Elliott ani DicIk ed this part, after xvhich lunc'i famî'., Mm. and Mrs. Russell Hilda m-as scrved hybel'nît in Ellioltîand familv, Oshawa, charge. Attendance 26. Col.-vMm. and Mrs. Donald Elliott and farniv. and Miss Carol: lection $4.41. Cox of Bowmanvile. Due ta fumnace trouble at Bain somcwhat dampcned, the United Church. the Eas- the ardor of the cîxes. witcbes, cmn Regional Rallv. of tho and goblins on Hallowe'en,' f Oshawva Presby.terial Uinited but there werc stili a g-oodly Church Wornen %vas he'd :n number xvbo managed tn bbc Commuiniýy Hall on Tues- como callin!z. Thev rcpaircd W day. Oct. 29th. As a more de- Io the Sunda'.-sehool later- taled account xil be given for parade. orizes and lunch. J elsewhcre. let us merc&v stae 'Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Hender-, that there xvas a splendid a - son attonded the Masonic La- tendance at bolh sessions. Fo:- dies« Nig-ht in Osbawa last > È lowing the opening exerciîses:, e. otterinez and dedication. var,'- Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Warie ous reports. anniouncemen..*. an.d Grant %vere Fridax' even- and rail eal]. special music :ng sioper guests with Mr.ý was provided b.- the Nexvt-*on- and Mrs. Artbur Redknap.' v-lle group. In the af:crnoiïîN-vwcas*tlc. this consisted of a duet by Mbr. and Mrs. 1'. Gilmer ac-ý Team Standings fete ... ut rrison Etcher mll nott itcher b Broel, 'Ian .. mier Brock Top Ten Averages ýc( Prout roId Bennett n Brock ik Wright te Etcher tt Harrison Nard Bmomnel ... n Lobb k Perfect ....... a Broe-k Pl8s 43' 16 281 2:33 222 6 224 22q) L)i;9 216 21:3 213 21 ? 211 'ACKACH E? .ntme! For relief frons backache or that tired-out feeling 1 depend en- I Get aFree Card EverylTine You Visit DOMINION W FRESH YOUNG CANADIAN LAMB SALE 1Full Cut Whole or Haif LegsCo)f Lamb Fresh Cut Lean Loin Centre Cut Lamb Chops or Ro)asts c 1!!iplb1 'q p i r F res h Bakery Feature COUNTRY GIRL Apple or Raisin PIES 20 oz. O c size 39 ea Household Needs ALL VARIETIES DUNCAN HINES f MON 0 FOAM Cake M ixes 2 pkg- C LIGHTIGH PILLowS FRESH PRODUCE SPECIALS Ont arijo Grown No. 1 Table BRITISH COLUMBIA GROWN NO. 1 FLORIDA GROWN NO. 1, SWEET JUICY SIZE O0'S ANJOUF TANGE LO Pears uo49cOranges 492 effective in Bowmanviie until closing time, Saturday, November 9th, 1963, 6 p.m. Deep Cul Specials CARNATION EVAPORATED MILK MOM'S COLOURED Margarine 2 pks.45C Clicken Noodie - Toniato Vcgetable soups CIDIAMONDS THS CH RI STMAIQ Give a diamond ring chosen from our select group of the finest qualîty - ail fully guaranteed. The gift she %villIlove! Make an appointmnent to see our large selection. LAY - AWAY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS Vour Christnias Store in BowmanvilIe I HOOPER'Sl # JEWELLERY & GIFT SHOP 29 King St. E.- Bowmanville FreeParking-1 Ail merchandise sold at your Dominion Store Limited is uncondition. aIIy guaranteed to give 100% satisfaction. c 1 ]b - 1 r r 16 OZ. 1 tins 8

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