Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Nov 1963, p. 14

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Graduates of South Courtice School Honore~d by Home & School Accounts amount i n g to, On a motion by Mr. Jose. $ 16,081.46 were passed for: seconded by Mr. Thompson, payment at the meeting of'the Building Committee was the Board of Directors of empowered to accept thisi Memorial Hospital held re- donation and to thank the rently. This was moved by the donor for bis generosity. Finance Committee Chairman. The Chair m a n of the, Keith Jackson, and seconded Grounds Committee, Mr. Walt- by Maurice Prout. ers, reported that this com- The Board Chairman, James mittee is sill checking on the, etutt, presided at the meet-i old hospital property, and on ing and other board mem- a motion by Mr. Walters sec- bers present were Glenholme onded bv Mr. Jackson, the Hughes, Harry V. Cryder- committee was given power to man, Rex Walters, Keithi contact the Powell Chemical Jackson, Mrs. S. G. McMut- Company. ter, Mrs. L. W. Dippell, J. H. Mr. Jose. Chairman of the! Jose, Newcastle, Mrs. H. Gib- Property Committee, reportedý son, Clarke Township, Dr. that the outside painting basý E. D. Hubbard, Maurice Prout been completed as planned, M and A. M. Thompson. Thc the soot blower has been in- Hospital Administrator, Bern- stalled, and the light outsiidel ardHolenals atendd. the former ambulance en-I ard olde, aso atendd. trance had been looked ater. i On a motion by Mr. HugheF, D.Hbadifre h xeconded by Dr. Hubbard, the badi i eotta h letter from the Minister ofMdclSafromeed Health for Canada, Judy La-Meia Stfrcomnd Marsh, stating that the hos- tegatn fbsia rv pita ha ben gantd $0,-ileges to Dr. Harold Slemon,ý pital he e grantged 20- Toronto, a surgeon: Dr. A. men3 by the fiedrand goven Hard i n g, Ear, Nose and men wa rceied ndfild.Throat Specialist Oshawa, Mr. Hughes, seconded by Dr. P. Willson dentist Osh- Mrs. S. G. McMurter, moved awa and Dr. R. A. Heston- that arrangements be made Cooke, dentist, Orono. for certain department beads Mr.' Thompson, Chairman on the hospital staff to attend of the Staff Recruitment Com- the Ontario Hospital Conven- mitte reported that Miss Wil-Atapeilm tngoSuhCorieH e&Scollb tion. This was carried. son, a registered Atechnicianetn fSuhCutieHm colCu Mr. Crycierman, the Build- is 10 start this week in then Monday evening, 19 graduates of the S. Courtice Public School ing Committee Chairman, sta- x-ray department. were praised for their achievements and presented with school pins. ted that preliminary work is Mr. Holden, the Hospital! The students included, front row, lef t 10 right, their former teacher being undertaken regarding'Administrator, gave an out- ýRobert Storey, Wayne Wright. Susanne Rutkay, Lois Down, Karen 1 kitchen alterations. He also standing report on the ad-' reported that he had been ministrative details of ahl the ýRoberts, Wi]hemina Cochranc, Gail Walter, Vibeka Ormstrup, Ken approached by a donor who hospital departments. Hle alsoi wished to sponsor a new sign informed the board thal 224 ber, also 67 pediatric patients f for the hospîtal at the corner;adult patients were admitted and there were 40 new boru I ' . r up s D San ta Cla us Parade Wright; back row, Danny Brown, Ken Cryderman, Tom VanCamp, Renald Siblock, Dean Worden, John Worden, Todd Penfound and Leo Christi; absent, Drew iVeLcan, Annie Stienberg and Paul Tubb.1 The meeting was held in the Christian Education Center at Eben-I ezer United Church. I.convenor of the Touch an" The tea convenor was Mrs CIIl Take Table. Mrs. Leo Gouýlah Bert Payne. The evn ýcking convened the Sale of Home table was centred with a Baking ana tocre was a mar- beautilul arrangement of ycl-I velous display of cakes, cook- low and rose colored chrysan- ies, pies, biscuits, bread and themums, marigolds, zinnias rolîs to tcmpt tbe customers. and dainty purple and mauve Mrs. G. W. Lee was con flowers in a silver bowl. It venor of the Apron Booth was lighted by taîl whitc, where there was a colorful tapers in silver candelabra.'! array of attractive aprons of Mrs. John Armstrong, Mrs.: every kind and material, Mrs. Stinson Martin, both of Or-ý Peter Wittowveen, Newcastle ono, Mrs. J. Scott and Mrs. was the convenor of the Doîl Tom Masterson, both of Bow- Clothes Table. manvilie, presided ove- the! The CWL president, Mrs. tea and coffee cups. J. E. Rand, was in charge of1 Those who assisted in serv- the Sale of Religious Artbe- ing were Mrs. William JolI,: les, and, she was assisted by Mrs. Bill Buday, Mrs. Peter Miss Linda Masterson. Mrs. Korstem, Maple Grove, Mrs.' Michael Heenan, Courtice, the Thomas Cowles, Miss Ann immediate pasi president, was Prins, Miss Rose Prins and irn charge of the Fancy Work Miss Marjorie Murphy, New- Booth. tonville. ff ~"'~Lean, Mild Cured, Sweet Pickied or Peamealed .Cottage Roils 14 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmnanvllle; Nov. 6, 1963 Hospital Boaird Plans Kitchen Alterations B rewers' Retail Stores wilI be closed MON DAY NOVEMBER il Remembrunce Day Brewers' Wa rehousi ng Compa ny Ltd., Operators of Brewers' Retail Stores BARGAIN HUNTER Canada Packers Hunters SPECIALS York Choice ¶5 n. '9f Cut Wax Beans 21Tin oz- Pear Shaped 1: b Maple Leaf Hams fin $I.37 2c Off Chum 015 oz.Lf DOG FOOD O Tins U7c 2c of -msi ~c off Domestieizî.-> SHORTENING 1kg. jic Maple Leaf LARD2k, WHOLE OR HALF There will be a general way, and the lst prize is R eeting of the Santa Clatis $1,000 colored TV. There arade Committee tomorrow, will also be several other (Thursday evening) in the .prizes donated by the mer- lanning Board Room of the chants of the town. ibrary Building at the Four The Santa Claus Parade orners. The entrance is on Committee bas received a emperance Street. Everyone donation of $50 from the Boys nterested in the Santa Claus of the Fire Department, and, Parade who would like to the committee is most ap- ssist in any way with theipeitv ftergnrs roject is cordially învited to peitv ftergnrs attend the meeting.. ity. The firemen decided to Geore Stphenbas eenforgo their Christmas party appointed co-chairman of thethsyaantomkadn- Sant Clas PradewithCar tion 10 the Santa Claus Par- Sant Clus arae wth ar-ade instead. son Elliott. Doug Rigg and Bruce Colwell have been ap- The Santa Clans Paradel poinled co-chairman of the Stag Night will be held at the Floats Committee. Schwarz Legion Hall on Tbursday Brothers have kindly lent evening, November 2lst, un- their building, the old cann- der the auspices of Branch 178 ing factory, for the building of the Royal Canadian Legion of floats. Wagons are avail and the Bowmanville Ladies able f'or any group that would Auxiliary to the Royal Can- like to build a float. adian Legion. AIl the pro-1 Lloyd Ellis' Draw for the ceeds will go to the Santa anta Clas Parade is under- Claus Parade Fund. 3 Area Residents ake Trip to Buffalo, Over Thanksgiving At Thanksgiving. 33 localj whie listenîng to organ In the nd district residents took an' background. corted bus tour to Buffalo,î Monday morning. last min- New York. Leaving town Sat- ute shopping, then after lunch urday' morning. they stopped homeward bound travelling enro ute at Burlinglon for from Fort Erie along the Nia- breakfast, arriving at Buffalo gara river road to Niagara, around noon. Falls where a stop was made The aflernoon was spent for supper. shopping. In the evening' During the trip home an oId Manly of the group attended a fashioned sing-song was the supper club where a variety order of the day. At this limne floor show was presented. the group expressed their On Sundav many of the tbanks to the bus driver. Vern roup attended the church of Sehafer. their faitb and in the after- Those taking part in the noon journeyed 10 Delaware tour were: Mr. and Mrs. Herb ark Zoo where a most enjoy- Calmer, Mrs. A. Wright, Mn. hie time was spent. Leaving land Mrs. G. Wiseman, Mr. and elaware Park in the laIe af- Mrs. F. Mutton, Mr. and Mrs. ernoon the group loured For-1 E. Fowler, Mr. and Mrs. R. st Lawn Cemetery to viewv Bale and daughters Marjory he beautiful sculpture aîndîand Merid 'y, Mrs. J. Wilsoni,' flerwards St. Joseph's Cathe- Mrs. G. Foxvler, Miss E. Large, rai where the marbale inter- Mrs. G. Major. Mrs. M. Perris, or and stained glass was Mrs. E. Bromeil, Mrs. M. Hol- reatly admired. royd, Mrs. G. Luxton, Miss K.i Returnina to the hlote] 10 Shaw, Mrs. C. Beard. Miss J.ý reshen uip. once more the Alîchorne, ail from Bowman-, roup set out, Ihis time to onie ville; Mr. and Mrs. M. Mount- f Buffaio's famous restaur- joy, Hlampton; Mn. and Mrs. A. nts, "Oid Spain", where re-, Hurst, Mrs. M. Jacques, M.. ~ervations had been made for G. Clarke, Miss S. Clarke., lovely Thanksgiving dinner Oshawa: Mrs. A. Stone, LinI-ý hiclh %vas thoroughiy enjoyed sav: Mr. V. Schafer, WhitbY. an>, Win Prizes ut W.L. Annual Buzuar, Teannual Bazaar held by bnoidered sheets and pillow the Catholie Women's League cases. It also bad a satin bound in St. Joseph', Hall, Liberty teal woolen blanket, and a Street SouIth, on Friday even- beautiful quilt. Miss Edna ing was an outstanding suc- Bottreil, Lib,ýrty Street North, cess. Throughout the even- was the fortunate winner. ing large numbers of people The draw for a lovely oit thoroughly enjoyed the event. painting donated by Mrs. Lee, Mrs. Stewart Chisholm, a Orono, was won by Miss Judy past president was the gen- Britton, King Street East. eral convenor. Mrs. J. E. Rand, the CWL pre- Mrs. John Murph 'y, New- sident. was in charge of this tonville, was the convenor of draw. Mrs. Ernest Rashottce, the Special Draw, and Rev. Liberty Strcet North, was the F. K. Malane. the parish winner of the atractive cake priest, drew the winning whichi was a perfect replica tickets. The winners were of a white lamb. Mrs. Leo .M-vrs. Elise Kaupatwa, Or- Goulah was in charge of the ono. S25: 2. W. R. Mutton. Lamb Cake Draw. Ontario Street, S15: 3. Mrs Mrs. W. W. Parry was the John Regan, Church Street, convenor of the Candy Table, $10; 4. Mrs. L. Hardcastle, and she was assisted by ber Simpson Avenue, $10; 5. Mrs. daughter. Miss Louise Parry. G. W. Lee. Scugog Street, Mrs. Larry Hardcastle con. i $10: 6. H. King, 75 Duke vened the Country Store, Street, $1o: Mrs. H. B. Horst- which had a marvelous as- man, Newtonville. $10; and sortment of plants, flowers, Jerry Murphy, Newtonville, vegetables, eggs, jams, pre- $10. i serves and jellies. Mrs. Peter Wiîtowveen,1 Mrs. G. W. Lee was the con-' Newcastle, was the convenor1 venor of the Apron Draw and for the Draw for the Dol the lucky prize winners were Wardrobe and Crib. The 10v: I Mrs. Wayne Purdy and Mrs. ely dolî's extensive wardrobe, Gordon Montgomery, both of of wonderful hand-made clo- 'Centre Street. Mrs. W. W. thes included a bridal gown,1I Parry was in charge of the veil and bouquet, party dress, 1 Miniature Christmas T r e e underclothes, d a y dresses, . Draw and the winner was skirts. hand-knitted sweaters, Mrs. Leo Cioulah. pullov'er and cardigans, hand- The Fish Pond, a Most I.. Len Mleat l-resh PORK SIDE RIBS Maple Leaf WIENERS 55 c Maple Laf Rindlesq 51b SLI CED SIDE BACON 651b b 45c Prices Effective Nov. 6, 7, 9, 9 EXTRA A Total OF $34.00 In IGA Bonus Tapes U.S. No. 1 Grade California's Finest EMPEROR G rapes 2bs25c VALECIAORANGES B(C EXTRA FANCY- Size 110 ANJOU PEARS NO 1 GRADE BRUSSEL SPROUTS doz. 59c 5 for 35c QtiX 2.5c ROYAL GOLD ICE CREAM !//2Gai1. 79C FRASERVALE FANCY FROZEN PEAS lb . PoIv Baz39 c IGA 14 oz, pkg. "Hospitality" potao ChpS 5 Avallable Thurs., Fri., Sat. Potao Chps 5c Raisin Pie ea 39c Receive $10.00 in Bonus Tapes With FELS LIQUID 2 c'nt Receive $6.00 in Bonus Tapes Witb NESTLES QUIK FAB SUPER Chocointe Drink 2lb. tin 20C nit gicint six. Receive $4.00 in Bonus Tapes With KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES 12cm. Receive $2.00 in Bonus Tapes With MARGARIN E BOOTH FISH STI TABLERITE BOL( SPINACH Coioured 2pklgu. ICKS 8o.pq DGN A 12 s..1c *d No.1G 10ozp We Reserve the Rlght To Limit Quantities Public Sckool Teachers Attend Institute Meeting in Bellevllte Recently. members of Bow- manville. ma ville Public School teach-1 At'noon. dinner 'vas serve-d ing staff attended a meeting at Holloway Street Unittud of the "Teachers' Institute' Church with entertainment 4; for Durham Number 1 at the the Rhythm Band from t Belleville School for Deaf. School for Deaf. Publie Schc *Morning activities b e g a n Inspector E. J. D. Websý.' with Opening Exercises b. spoke and Mr. Demieza oI.- Rev. Coleman, Minister of lîned a tour of the School for Holloway St. United Church, Dcaf. The intcresting and in- Belleville. following which J. formative day concluded wi-ià Demneza, Supt. of Ontario a tour of the Sehool for Deaf. School for Deaf, welcomed The 1963-64 executive is ).q the teachers.' follows: Honorarv President, Mrs. Jean Argue introducedý E. Webster, B.A., B.Paed.: Pa~t the teachers, and Chairman President, Mrs. Bella Smita-; Mrs. Bella Smith. President President, Mr Dennis Barry, of Teachers' Institute, spoke Vice-President. Mrs, Wendy briefly. Those attending had Hamilton: Secretary - Treasur- a choice of two sessions: A er, Miss Myrna Saunders; Re- Demonstration Lesson in Lit-~ presentatives: Bowmanvillè, erature and discussion fo'- Mr William G. Heald: Cart- senior teachers by Mr. Ken-iiwright. Mrs. DorothY Ven- nedy Skuce of Oshawa Publicý ning: North Darlington, Mr. Sehools: or a Primary Art Dis- Robert Graham; South Dar- cussion for junior teachers ledllington. Mr. Bruce Lush Main- by Miss Barbara Huff of Bow- -vers, Miss Lorraine Merrili. Bowmanville IGA Foodlïiner - BOWMANVILLE-

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