The~' Canadian Stfaesrnn. owmnanvlîle. Oct. 23. TYRONE There were large,. Ville, lavoured mwith twva Ings bath afternorn n,1 '~-"Count Youc Blessings" "',ling at Tyrone Uni t e d -The Voice in the ýWli Chucgch ast Sunaiay ta o)ýerve ness". The choir sang two Harvest Homne services and thems. Ocganist %vas mark the 9.51h Annivecsary Gordyn Brent. Our Pa" aJ ur church. Rev. Chris- Dugan del;%- Mrs. S. Black, Bawman- two inspicîng messages.' Goodness of God' and - 0 His Majesty, So D; His Mer & t the Expiorers mec i Mcs. E. Philp started ar sion Story of "Rangoon" littie boy of India. Erla) bY 4l WAYS TRY To ian had the dvto n DE/TNSpRy-Me the girls the heathen bc Pir ND of he "Creation". Thev c( N~W/X~ofiSEEà pleted their mission bacI ND EF/CENCYON car. White of Ontario] Y ON droM Toronto, was aur g W//C OL SReLY aI I t he IJ.C.W. meeting week and was introduced ~ Mrs. R. Lambert, who shov -lids- Ist "History, Bea and Power," 2nd, "The Ro Visit ta the St. Lawrenc which was thoroughlv enj ed. Mrs. L. Annis thanl Mc. White. ivho graciai repliedi. Treasucers cep and correspondent cepo were given. Mrs. R. Coon' lorpresident, thanked M ý Rundle for the donat, 13to B RNER EVIEiof an electric kettle. tM ~ M ba: -Gordyn Brent is ta subsci *I!* I * I E Ifoc "Volunteer Chair" mu _________ foc the choir. Canada Pa( SEETHE TOURNAMENT 0F INTERNATIONAL JUMPING ROYAL HORSE N0VEM BER I5th to 23rd - The finest horses and horsemnen tram Argentina, (,Prmany, Irelan UJnited States and Canada compete for the only International Champioc ship contested annually in Canada. STHE MOUINTIES ARE BACKI The amed Muisical Ride ofhth [1Royal Canadian M ounted Police is another of the many thril LL..Jyou'll experience at the Royal Horse Show. USE THIS FORM TO ORDER VOUR TICKETS NOWA r---------- --------------------- gROYAL AGRICULTURAL WINTER FAIR Roayal Colseun, Toronto 2B. Canada NOTE Aîî,rns, Affernoons: Number of seats Total oi Fn. Nov. 15, Saturday Nov. 16 (or $150 .............$.. .......... Wçd. Nov. 20, and Satuday ov.23 (ý $.50... -............$...........t rrNvedi ar Sairda No. 2 (~ Numnber of seatscropi boxes) Tîcirof I Evenings: (a $2.50 «<a $350 for thp.sp dates are IFriday Nov.1...................... ..............sotnly nday ai Is8turdov J'lov. 16...........s ....performante. IMornday Nov. 18............. ........... .......... Ai.tSfAIS50i Tuesday Nov. 19 ...............$........... plus ggoorat ad- $ .......... Adifo 75e' Wedno'sday Nov. 20.................Crilden ?5c gTirsrday No.2 ...........S............... orl JFrday Nov. 22 ............. .........$.. ..........olr nr rrraI. Satturd.y Nov. 23.............. .................... admosunn. I Enciosed firid chaeque for $........... Pînase rcîd SNAME.............................................. adrreos'd pnove- g lope for prompt gADDRESS...........................................o actae t CITY .............................................. STILL TIME TO TAKE AVA FRE 9 FWF 24 hours aday There's no better heating ail thsir nothing ho beat OU R Whats more you get an annual ail heating equipment-a/so con defective parts. For instance, fur are cleaned and vacuumed; theri former ignition are checked; ail bu unit are iubricated; and many mi (Att Url HEATING QIL WEARN'S FI ENNISKILLEN BILL SKELDING NEWTQN VILLE PHO solos ec labels are still coming ini andl.Mrsr. A. Huis,; s to be respoa- ider- .sible for the sale of chuccli can-1 calenoars. T h e Afternoon Mrs. Study Unit will meet at thc star, home of Mrs. R. Coombes on eced Oct. 30. Plowing Championship Go es to Sweden >' A vecy successful masquer- ade and hard timie pacty was> held at the home of Mcr. and tnMrs. Ralph Hi lîs. Rev. Chris Mis-a Dugan conducted the install- told ing yeac. Mc. and Mcs. J.! chIef Woodiey wece in chacge of :0m-worship service. Games and iks. dancing filled in the greater i<part of the evening. Mr. and1 H-Mrs. Bob Ccaig and Mc. and l uest Mcs. Dennis Ferguson werei ia n charge. Alfre d Gaccardwa t;hie capable auctioneer ta sel )wed the. box lunches. Mr. and Mrs. 1 ... aL yD. Reynolds, the presidents, ýoyat1 cewere in charge of the coffee. i jo- Mc. and Mrq. Murray Yen kcd and children spent Thanks- uily giving Monday with Mc. andj port Mcs. Paul Vaneyk. arts Sorry ta hear litIle Susan ibes Clark has been in Oshawa. vlrs. Hospital. tin Mc. and Mrs. W. Rooker L% .and family, Hamilton, spent World plowing champion Yngve Mansson, 39, On the left is1 u ic? ihe eeked. wihiMcbsn (centre) of Swederi, is presented with the Esso Stanley Willis, Mr.F.B lapl, c- Golden Plow by Imperial Oil dicector J. A. Arm- the right to rept Alex McMaster, Joanr andi strong following the 11lth Annual World Plowing event in Austi Ross, Zion, were supper guests 1Cntest at Caledon, Ontario, October.1O and Il. competitors fro of Mc. and Mrs. R. B. Glas- pell. Caledon, Ontario-- A Swed- competitors from 18 nations. Congratulations ta Mr. and ish daicy farmer, Yngve Man- Canada's second entrant, Toby Mr.Thomas Gibbs, wha sson, 39, edged Finnish and Trimble of Portage la Prairie, quîetly celebcated their 56th Canadian competitors ta win Manitoba, was not among the wedding anniversary, Satur-1the 111h Wocld Plowing Con- top finishers. daOct. 19. 'test held October 10 and Il In the Canadian champion. cr. and Mrs. Paul Vaneyk at Caledon, Ont. It markcd ships, a Prince Edward Island and amil viitedMr. nd he firsî time Sweden bas won grandfather, Stanley Willis, and fRaymil isdMc.on- the caveted Esso Golden Plow, 47, won the Esso Silver Plow ville, during Thanksgiving symbol o! the warld's plowing and flie right 10 cepresent wee kcnd.1 chacnpionship. Canada in next yeac's wocld Mrs. L. Goodman, Miss N.1 Only one peccentage point contest in Austria. The vege- .,sepacated second place Ecro table faî'mer fram Cornwall, Woodley, Bawmanville. Mc. .Rautiainen, 32, 0f Fînland, P.ET., ceprcsented Canada and Mrs. Lorne McCoy, brook- land Canada's Grant Wells, 33, in the 1957 event in Ohio. lin, were Thanksgiving vis" of Stouffvitle, Ont., fcom the His teammale for the 1964 itors of Mc. and Mcs. H. winner. A pre-tournament conhest will be William Hos- Skinnr. 1favorite, Iceland's Jack Bacc-, tcawscc. a 33-yeai'-old daicyý We hope ta soon sep Mr. finished fokicth among the 33 farme'r tram Malton, Onhario, A. Knawlton home again a!- fer his cecent apecatian an h-~ knee in Oshawa GeneralHo-s Mc.HeraCaeraFed eration Chooses Mc. and Mrs. H. Trive tt fli g ruu c Stî'athaven Nursing Hoe Bowmanville, spent Thank s-i id, giving weckend with Mr. and Rv Donald W'elsh Rowvman ville: M rs. Gardon n- Mrs. A. Woods and Mrs. Cam-' Ah the September directoî.s'blooh, IadEciowalis, MilI- cran, meeting of the Durham Countybok n oadQatii ýhe Mc. and Mrs. J1. Wagg, Osh- Federatian o! Agriculture dele- Canipbellccoft. Alternahe dele- Ils a, Mrs. K. Squair, Baw- gates were selected ta attend gtsaeMs atnDcel manville, were guests of Mr. the annual meeting of the .ierlVnCmpadDlo and Mrs. R. Wright. IO.F.A. in Toronto on Novem-Dorî,alfBacsckM. r M'.an Ms.K.Kime adber 1l, 12, 13. The voting rc Tay'lor, Enniskillen, Mr SalyAne, w. . ith Mc.and dlgte.r :oad e:,was î'e-elcctcd as member Sall Ane, ith Mi-,and d-l-eale arc:DoaldWel;hfrnrnDurhiam Caunty ta OFA. iMrs. C. Kîlmer at their caot c ndMs . e e- Tle dii'ectars agc-ced ta pro- tage.Tan Mrs.RsMPo re,. ade..LaeNe-vide prize maiiey foc the Duc- Mr. nd rs. ossPooey ýcasle'ham 4H AuItomotive and Farm IOshawa, wîth Mc. and Mrs' Mr. and Mî's. Har'old Ma- Safcty Club. G. Brent.' tyn and boys, Blackstock, were' Mcs.l-lcb ucca, Oan uests of Mrs. Florence Scott.1 Mr. Glenn Cole autlincd.the o activiturayiroc of the Cceam Pro- Iis spending a few days wjtÀ Mr. a nd Mcs. LloydHa' ducers in Otro h x Mc. and Mrs. George Al-. mer and Mc. and Mi's. Aldinioufiv o nai'eoDu h Cx-n 1dccad. Hoar. spent Thatiksgiving 'Crcam Pcoduccî's arc: Howard G. Gishrgerandweekend at New York. , Quantrill, Campbellccoft, Pros.; 1 Mî's. G ese radI Louise Hoac spent the weck- Tomn McCamus, Ida, Vice- Ichildrerî, Zion, wece supper rend with Ann Hamilton.. Pros. and Lawrence Staples, grîeshs of Mc. and Mrs. L.1 Sympathy ta Mrs. S. T. [-barBthnc'-Tes I Skinec.on the .passing of' hec sister-; The annual meeting of Dur- iMi. and Mrs. M. Hamilton in-law, Mrs. Edihh Anderson. 'haIj Countv Fedecation o! and children were supper Misses Marjorie and Eileen Agriculture xill beclîeld at guests of!lher mother, Mrs. Couch, Bowmanville; Mcs. S. Blackshock on Satucday, Nov. K. J. Ferguson, Bownianville. T. Hoar wece griests of Mr.:. ~Dr. Helen Abell, O.A.C., i Mc. and Mrs. C. Taylor, and Mcs. A. HuIs. will addrcss the meeting on Bowmanville, were Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Jim Park and the topie of 'Rural Redevelop- iguests of Mc. and Mcs. A. boys, Mr. and Mî's. Chas, menlt". This Nvill be of special Wood. Mucney and childcen, Peter- intcrest to Durham County. i Mr. and Mrs. H. Skinner barough; Mc. and Mrs. G. Kil-! The Durham County Fed- were eagestsSundy of patrick and Scott, Bowman- ecaion of Agî'icultr lnt ville, were Sunday dinner 'conduct a survey of the cauntv. guests of Mc. and Mrs. W. Ocgaîîizations within the county' va~r Park. Mr. and Mcs. David ,will be asked ta facmi a rural uni~~~~r ~Park, Bowmanville, were Sun-',eceomntcmile ............. .day evening callers.4 a .... .... .... .... . : M . .......... Mr. Harvey Anderson, To e onto, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. people with the concept ofv Hoar. rural redcvelopmcnt and howv Mrs. W. Rahm accompanied this programme wilI bc enaet- Mc. and Mrs. C. Rahm and cd in flic cotinty. Such thingsý, children on Sunday and wece as industcy, schools, transpor-9 dinnr gest of r. nd Ïs.tatioîî and toucîst areas willJ L. Wilson and Anne. bc _____(Id .. ....rfri...Or.r« .rv:rrCiir.i0uiitTyrone Hi-C Wednesday, October 9, y- COURTICE C rone Hi-C gathered i h Sunday Schooi foc the second McI. Il. Tinney, Port Hope, c t O U R Presicent Paul Moore op- xith his dauglit.r, Mrs. Char-L mndt eeting. spcn'by ie lithe hodayr. eekettnd the last meeting. There wece many business Miss Liîîda Osbor'ne and c. .r .r r rr r...projects discussed concerning Hnitn our Hallowe'eri Dance, dlean- <"pont the weeken with ce- M ing up chucch grounds, etc.;latives here.N ENRThe leaders, Joan Davey and Mc;. Johin Wilkins, Mai - C Douglas Park, Jean Piggoth P FE~.m D V Shirley Johnston, Elaine An- > ~IU LELI nis and Norma DaveY. The S CO LECT above gcoup were the first ta return with aIl 20 abjects. We'gave s uekers ta the other losing grou PS while the 5 winners each won a box o! Smacties. We closed with JE L STasOn Saturday, October 19, at 1:30. fourteen Hi-C members' J E L S plus une leader, Cecile Park,ý gathered at Tyrone United PHON 2632291Church camplete with bushel baskets. shovels, cakes, slip. A new car for vour, pers, etc. The fifteen warked diligently' for two boucs, cak- appli.ances forypur home, ing flowers, tcimming bushes yo nee w itaF F E Sand geiierally giving aurednw it NE CLARKE 2502 fa" deaning. Refreshrnents fo h aainIp Mfinished. f ietting Inte the f n.a1m. Aftet CADMUS (Intended for hast xvcek) The members of Cadmus U.C.W. meh ah the home o! Mcs. Robert Stinson on Tues-: day evening, Oct. 8th. Therei wece 12 members end hwa visitors present Mcs. Gray aýpened tlîe meet-' ing with a ceading on Th,.nký-' givin'g. The hy mii, "Must; Jesus bear the Cross alone" vas sung. Mcs. borne MeKen, led ini praver. The devotional, "Salvation", was taken from Chapter Il ini The Word and The Way. Missiona ' v reading on - H-omes foc Senior Citi- zens, Unmarried Mothers, and .odgce for Alcahoîjus. Minutes o! last meetingl miere read and approx'ed. Raill caIl xvas answeced with an article o! clothing foc hale for /Irs. Tonge. AIl articlcs for baIe ta be in by Oct. l9th. Cammittee foc bale, Mrs. Sweeh. Mcs. Larmei', Mrs. Samclls and Mi's. Johiîston. 'Tie business par't of the ment- in-, w'as soeîît namning rn- îittces snd making aî'rsigc- îents coîîcerning the tuckev Lipper. The meeting closed wih the iiiii "Tell nie the aId. aid ti.'Mis. MNeil a ave a 7eadiiig. Lunch \vas servod v GWULp 1 and a vote ouf îanks of!ered ta Mrs. Stbn- family? New Personal Loan i ent repayments. See your helpful Commerce. Loup interest rates. Life.- oeril Bank of Commerce bru nch manager Ioda y. Overl26O branches to serve you 4 TKIWHA VIN CONSIGNMENT SALE Thurs., October 31sf 1963 - 7:00 p.m. held at TRI~E IVEN FAIM LTD. which is on the Scugog Road 15 miles north of Bowmanville and ½/ mile south of Blackstock or 7 miles east of Port Perry via Highway 7A. 50 WE OFFER PURE BRED 5 HEAD HOLSTEIN CATTLE HEAD We are offering a useful group of Fresh and Springing Young Cowvs and 2-year- olds, as well as a number of Yearlings and Calves for Caif Club prospects in bath senior and junior classes. Don't Miss This Oiportunity to, Purchase Your Caif Club Caif. ACCREDITED - VACCINATED - BLOOD TESTED The n'ajority are ready for immediate export. AIl cattle tested or eligible ta enter Iisted or certified area herds. NEXT SALE WILI, BE FIELD NOVEMBER 28th AT 1:00 P.M. Sale Managed by: TREWHAVEN FARM LTD., Auctioneer: R.R. 1, Burketon, Ont. HWR RWN lcsok Phone Blackstock 986-4957 HWR KWN lesok 2 ........... (Intended for last week) other pitcher. Bacrrv Lane va TuChtocil o~r Mr. and Mrs J hnn Sa - itched a good game for Ken- spectators and players as he chuk and family were to their dael with Brian Foster behind temperature xvent below iO. summer home for the week- the plate. However, errors The W-heatley coach had.a end. Mr. and Mrs. Tattersal proved quite costlvfo Kn-;oeea t cam epii of Oshawa visited them Sun- da]. In the 6th innings Bruce player warm- n cm day aternoon. Mrs. Tattersal Mercer broke the jinx and got efough gum for them also called to see Mrs. Alva gt in the first run, followd chew from the Wheatley s Swarbrick. in the 7th innings bx' Rickv ttr._____ Mr. nd rs.Pcrc Thmp-Neal, Barry Lane, Ted Stark son and sons, Dennis and Al. ad ery Brown. Terry GET CASH TODAY ]en v'isited hec brother, Mr... Brown made a timelv two base and Mrs. Eddie Couroux for hit in the 7th innings to bring FOR OLD APPLIANCES the holiday weekend. in two runs. Compaced to through M c. and IVIs. ord n L ng- size our lads looked sm all ps T E S A stff.Dn a n r. donaspnt-the Wheatlev lads were ailCLASSESA staf, DnnyandDona sentabout the si .ze of our tallest LSIED the weekend with her rnother,.ladi The boy* s and coachesc Telephone 623-3303 Mrs. Roy Vernon, at tab cogauae _______________ Guests with Mc. and Mis.___ Bil Jackson Sunday were Mc. and Mrs. TercY Price and son, j Mark of Bowmanville. 1n s Mr. and Mrs. B. B, Foster .. does it ofMontreal spcnt the holidayl earn poial ivisitîngth .....Mrs. Verne Sinden and son its Donald, Simcoe, were with keen? hecdauhtcr, Mrs. Roy Fos- 'Io n ter, Roy and family for the w ! . . .. . . .Mr. and Mcs. John Baulke. and family of Algonquin Park spent the holiday with Mr., and Mcs. John Thom-pson. -npr ----- hoo Allen Peacock and son' lineral itPhooJohnny nf Kickland Lake, and~ 1963 Canadian plowing championVeonPackwrtoBl . Jackson's Satucdayatr00. 47, of Cornwall, P.E.1., who wonl Ceebai y g Tafnkivn. presenit Canada in next year's world with Mc. and Mrs. Hatcheri ria. The 1963 cantest attracted 33 ' Foster on Sunday were Mr.1 mn 18 nations of the world. i and Mcs. Jerry Byers, Mc. and Mrs. Bob Caruthers and Rus- whoplaed ecod nthefieIdsel. Mrs. Jack Fonk and Don- aId. Jack Fonk was aBc' iY of 1-1 contestants fcorn ,cn oBr' e Canadian provinces. Edward Falls foc the weekend. D e m m a o f î g h B u f f, M a n i M irs . T e d C o a th a m a n d f m of ilv- were guests of hec mother, > toba, placed thicd ahead OIMcs. W. Mercer, Sunday. i- entries from New Brunswick, d Quebec, Saskatchewan and Mrs. Alva Swacbrick enjoy- sBcitish Columbia. ed a tuckey dinner with Mr.' The Ontario championships, and Mrs. Ralph Geach and P I N ER S N U - I17 iheld in conjuniction with the family Sunday evening and dWorld and Canadin events, thcn accompanied them io The chain saw tht turns your woodlot into a profit- *saw Donald Dunkeld of Clare- Charlie Gay's whece they had able yeariy horvest, eases the normal work Iood on farm jmont, top a field of 2.3 pîow-1 the pleasure of' seeing pictures maintenance and construction, cuts firewood, fence posts a nen including second place taken on their trip through! or ciears land - makes ail woodcutting chores a breezer 1înisher Douglas Reid of the States. 4Brampton. The two %vill e- Mc. and Mrs. Aylward Little present Ontarionin the Can- 'and famil >v wece in the vil-, CMPC ada hminhpe ...lage Sundav afternon COMPCT M .M Lm ia n .carpos. pa El ehave been having .somp NU-17 LUNE 0F CHAIN'SAWS nexi cac.exceptionally fine wacm wel- li7ed at Ehce(z--r United ther foc this time or vear. WPe Churh onSundy hyRev.hope it continues for our Tur- .rs ~ .John Romecil. The\ ' wcrc key Supper ncxt Wcdnesda.v. Lance Douglas Crago, son ofLast Yeac wc had an unpleas- C'rrP?)lrtr iridh 12" aitcn tt Mr. and Mî-s. Kcith Crago;1ant night, - the first snow of ~60 Kevin Walter Tink, son of~ the' v(a Mr. and Mrs. WalterTik Rallv Service. was hpld in Carl Donald, son of Mc. andKndl huc onSdat/E with the Sunlday School Sup- NEW 70_;'l~ Mcs. Donald Metcalfc: Jeffery citnet r e ali 0 1 John CanifiecC4son of Mi' rinenen, c.àn aisin M0 RT 0N S and Mrs. Alan Canficl; idn hre uet h ie- FARM SUPPLV LTD. da May and Carol Ann, daugh-. say services al, Newtonville 4" . "< ý/ ters of Mc. and Mrs. Camil-1 the minister was not present. V Bowmainville - Ontario lerc; Catherine, daughter of OuLr Aniversary Services are ___________f_ Mc. and Mcs. Gecald Gray. S ndaY'. Oct. 27th. In the' mocning at 11:15 Rev. B. Long,ý coeiipfrfe r ith tra 16 "'UUl. A W.RU D Mr. and Mrs. 0. RobertsonjOrono, will be the guestis rceA .R N L visitced with Mc. and Mcs. A. speaker, aided by Kenda! $238.00 1~ rd G RENCN R »Hooper, Oshawa. choir, and in the evening ati GARDEKNg C.E,TREaw Mc. and Mrs. L. Barra bail, 7:30 the Rev. J. Porter of 0sh- Ocono: Mc. and Mrs. E. Es- a with Newtonville choir., scry, Mc. and Mrs. D. Barra- Our Turkey Supper is before hall and Gordie with Mr. and our anniversacy this year. Mrs. Art Essery. Saturday afternoon at 3 p.m.' Mr. and Mrs. W. Browni the Kendal and Wheatley Ban- PI N E and girls with Mc. and Mcs. 1terrs played the second game R ES Joh n N r i spe t h awalong W e ek- Ofthe D inalup at Kendal. the' Hi A i chamrpionship of Ontario in: end wth Debie Ncris. visitors wvon bv a 9-5 score, l Lowc . TMrs .1. Mc rDt hus winning two games and THIS COUPON IS WORTH $1.00 on the purchose of Low, Ms. 1. acGcgo, he title,. The Kendal lads aynwPoerci s fmSpt19t O . Mrs. J. Locke, Mrs. A. Camp- a-3in had trouble hitting the' n e ine hi awfo et 9 oOt bell, Mrs. W. Brown attend- Wýheatley pitcher until the 6th 31, 1963. ed a tea held foc the rnothecs and 7th. innings and then hell of the Kindlergarten pupils at quickly ceplaced by an- Harmony School on Thursday afternoon. h --- ~ ------ - differe'nce between hoping ... and having is a PERSONAL LOA.N .from CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE m Commerce branch manager toda.y. KENDAL Over 1260 branches to serve you