'dîsease, and for thie stud of lstudy of medicine was the D r.in nds Sy v s e G v sisrgery» hejdiscoyery ofthethoy f Dr. ylv ster GïV s Inere tingaded. irclation hy William Harvey. fb I fell dead his relatives after the heart pur.-ped blood but, nq iweeping and wailing would nothing of bloods origin or' Talk at Rotary Club M eeting honder wh:t kill:d him.. Why function" * mdeposil did he die? What should they Dr. Sylvester told of the& ~Th hitor ofthemedcalClu Asemby wll e hld t snce195 ha ben cndui-nearby they would sacrifice once the microscope age be-i ~rlfhe soaiwaofteined in thubse ions Community end teing a1busvadsucencsfumed-a goat ta it in the hope of gan. 'Leuwenhoch was the: essiona was otlined n the ions ComunityCentre ng aprsy andingcefurther calaeveninity.tman cto whommancreditm isdi duesd forfo an interesting classification early in October when recom- ical practice in Bowmanville. b tak gvenby r. lla B. endtios o th FianceDr.andMrs Syvese a e ocie therefore became as- grinding lenses smaller andý talk gven byDr. Alan B.mendaions o the inanceDr. ad Mrs.Sylvinetheaemindstedoi thrim-dssmaprimrsm untilun he lbestowede tthe Sylvester on Friday, Sept. 13'Committee will be discussed. :four sons and a daughter. , itive people with mystery, advantages of the microscope! nt the luncheon meeting held A District Institute will also The medical profession s mgerlgo n h be- n mnid ewnoh by the Bowmanville Rotary be held next monih, and the historv is one of the oldest of ai.rliinadth be-n akn.iewnoh Club at the Flying Dutchman:president, secretary. Bulletinlail tqe professions, Dr. vainoSatryhlsekra md elo:!te Motor Hotel. Eio and the Information vester stated. As long as men :said. IRoyal Society of England. 1 Editor m n 5,000 B.C. the centre o!, "Great strîdes were made! A 21 Years Perfect Attend-! Committee, and Classification have ived a community lifeîlearning was the Nule. Theiby Robert Falk, Louis Pasteur.1 ance Pin was presented ta Mel Committee chairmen wiil at- ,the eiders of the group have Egyptians were a ciever peopleilt is a fascinaiing story, the: Dale by Art Ribey, the Attend-itend it, Dr. Mann stated. helped in the relief o! illness but held lhe belle! that ail their discovery of many d iseases! ance Chairman, who pointedi President Mann on behaîf and disease. ' .books were written by the through the isolation, growingý out that in the club only theýof the club welcomed R. P. "The temple of medicine is mo1o. Teewsntan nouaino em" late Dr. George James hadýRickaby back. Mr. Rickabyan edifice of many towers and, muc on gr essire amenot. nDr. Sycleterlo po k e of equalled this fine record of irecentlv underwent a success- in early years some were cum-mThy kne hoitn traitenihe ag ese r ! modeeicnef attendance. He congratulated ful eye operation. The birth-, bersome and buiît on softihyke o asrihe teaeo oenmdcn, rDale and expressed theday o! Wilfred McMechan was earth," Dr. Sylvester pointediouabrknegho 0pl and o! the great numnber of: hope that eventually he willicelebrated by his fellow Ro- oui. "These early towersý a eut together, and t toP drugs that have proved to be double this record. taias.cumbîed into dusi, and pepl bleeding by pressure. Teo! tremendous value, and he' Committee' reports were pre-1 Dr. Keith Siemon introduced wondered why the theories pinsculanlloso referred tai extraordinary sented by Bill Thiesburger,!,Dr. Sylvester, who recentîy went to pieces," hie said. "Onar. Tedid ofhaeat baic ls chairman of the Crippled became a member of the local.whien the towers at Iast were "hr asltî ipoe profession duing the lasi 50 Children's Committee; Tom Rotary Club. He said that Dr. buili on a solîd and deep ment in 3,000 B.C. when ye aha edcre ]Rehder, chairman of t he Inter- Sylvester was bomo in Toron- foundation did they b ecomelBabyIon Hestte thet Medicre s Club Committee, and G len- ta, and educated there, andistrong," hie explained."h ' rig n epewol onwofpltclineet n chaîrmn ofutateh, father was a native of studv of the human boda-tee frtetet' r said thai all pliclarties the~~~~~~hr fii omte.Dra ony r stefudto oîd ethen?. D'have iheir own plans for it. the CPesCmideDr. E dwi1rhgad Cut.Dfr ylvs aoy sth onainoSylvester tl teRotarians Dr. Sylvester expmessed the Taneanonesdenthat r.o arymersiîy otf T ro tihe Uni-,medical knowledge. Anatomy that if a person were ilI with hp Man __one htaRtr, est fTrnoi 1954, and' is the basis forthe study of hp httepeadmdcl ____- __ fever in Babylon an animal or shm that iheprpd edicalfo insect would be found and in the population and for the cantations said ta transfter the medical profession would be fever from the patient ta thethon a iseced e beast or insect. The one takt s he cld b MI 2,00B.C. in India surg- The spie hdak ner d t hecu MM M M Cery had become a science. School in Toronto. and sii'dicd There were many instruments Medicine ai the University of K . * ~ Kandintrcat opratins ereToronto for six years. Afier performed, and the physicians graduation he intemned at the BUY NOW . .. a th peset trnewe av a oodselctîr. , were able ta grafi skin fmom Toronto General Hospital and onu er o! l a oy aoer. iaiShau ghnessy Ho spital in Van- of one owner, 10w mileage, local trade-ins on 1964 Chevs. and Olds. iBeu ftheilas supficiawl couver before siarting practice ecae o! anthelak f n l-in Bowmanville. "We are For a guaranteed used car see Roy W. Nichols, your authorized edge o! anatomy. new i "Moses was a physician, and fortuge sin a ing owa neilv GM dealer: frtiv e e tught hs peoplhanks 10 the Memorial Hos- forte.He anihtatiso plen pitl Board, and there is a hygienean ato, and fine spirit among the local the benefits o! proper diet". dd II1Ir~bI. .,N~,qI~-Dr.Sylvsterspoe ofthe rs," Dr. Sylvester said in hU~ID(E I' UNDr.EDSyAnc e tr k and thesclosing. W U~e~ekly S p ci i+1.cintG..k ad t .n John Bain on behaif of the thnnoted for culture, phil-clb oedavtofhas 191V LK W GNosophy and debate. He told clbmdavte Drthnk 16 O KW G N2-Dr. 1957 VAUXHALL 4-Dr. of the great physician Socrates, ative Sylvrester frs infoM- iwothrough bedside observa- address. Presdet Man Special - - $995 Special - - - $350 ltion evolved the principle that aslo .rse isproa 1959VOLK WAGN 2-r. 957 ONTACa2Dr.nature fghtinclassification talk. 199 OLS AG N -D.197 ON IC -i.the body._______ 'During a drastic plague in- Special - - - $750 Special - - - $695 ýAthens Socrates noted that E IA E H IL __________________________________________________ smiths who worked in metals E IA E H IL escaped ils ravages. He knew other metal workers did flot, On, Wednesday afiernoon so hie decided that tbe heat the U.C.W. held 'their month- W inners .of Our Auto Show Draw: lfrom the smithy fires was the l meeting ai r.Gro 1. D VIDMERCR, ewtovîle wr îighfadthr. oughot tetheris' home. Mrs. H. White,. 1. D VIDMERER, ewtnvile wre ighed trouhou thethelstvice-president. presýd- 2. RS.GRAE W IGH, 7 Prspet S., owmnvile city and the plague died out. ed. More study was taken up MRS.GRA E WRGHT 75 rosect t.,Bowmnvil' The Romans were warriors in The Word and The Wax'. 3. ONYJAN ZYN Tyoneand were flot much interested The minutes weme read and 3. ONYJAN ZY , Tron 1in the medical field. But a approv. Sm pa bt l manhe ysiciansan hoe tend the Rally ai Wesleyville theorhies were held toe ucon Wednesday. More plans fhori1,40 yers.ed abetu for the fowl supper were dis- 1 "The truc renaissance came cussed. Lunch was served. in the 151h Century. A Belga Mr. George Burton, Toron-' R O Y W N C iOn Paris undr SylVanius. be- Powell family the past week, CHEV OLE OLDMOBLE came greatly interested in also siayed ai Mm. and Mms CHEVROLET TRUCKS ýdsetn.Eetal i rt akrs The Anatomy of the HumaniMr. and Mrs. H-. Quantri'l COURTICE BOWMAN VILLE ýBody, and the principles hie speni' Sunday with Mr. and laid oui were followed for Mrs. C. Quantrili. Oshawa. 728-6206 623-3671 generations. Mm. and Mrs. Fait and iwo ___________________________________ ___ -The tumnîng point in the, children, Pontypool, Mm. and 1Mrs. Eric Baty, Toronto, witi Mm. and Mms. à. Thanksgîving. Mr. and Mrs. E. Fowler arnd Mm. and Mrs. A. Sheppard ai- tended Norwood Faim on Mon- is dav M % Y 1 the -Muldrews 1of Oshawa Chevrolet bu iding a f ifth lino of cars were ai Sunnyside. Miss Beryl Thickon, Osh- awa, was home for the week- end. Miss Suzanne Thickson at-' f ended the Kendal playof! ai Kendlal on Satumdav. OBITUARY Lawrence Herbert Bucknell qww- Following an illness of sev- eral months, the death of Law- rence Herbert Bucknell oc- curred at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, on Tuesday, wmhen iL builds October 8, 1963. He wsi ceased was the son of the laie four great ones William R. and Eliza Buck- neil. He received his educa- tion in Pembroke In 1917 he Mertena Featherston who sur- vives, aire ady?Mran r.1ukclhv Bowmanville, they lived at Maple Grove, Claremont and Hornepayne. A stationary en- gineer, Mr. Bucknell was em- ployed ai Hornepayne from 1924 to 1946, and since corn- ing to Bowmanville at the Memorial Hospital. He retir- ed in April of ihis year. Mr. Bucknell served %with the lOith Battalion in 1916. The deceased was a mem- ber of St. John's Anglican k'. Church, Bowmanville. lie was also a member of Horne- payne Masonic Lodge No. 6:36; Shuniah Chapter R.A. M. No. 82, Por t Arthur; Rho- ai BRIOdes Preceptory No. 23, Port Arthur; and Riameses Templ.e A GFINERAL MOTORS VALUE Cheveile Malibi Super Sport Coupe Toronto. Surviving besides his wife A fair question. M And we eould give you a lot of irnpressive-sounding answers. But areincke e an)he, H.n basically the explanation is quite simple. It has to do with people. M Each year their tastes ilwe Mrs. ..G..Brale~ Lis>, become more discerning, more selective. They want a car that fits their particular needs. worth (Sylvia), Brampton; a son Leslie of Port Arthur; "'Almost" isn't good enough. a So for '64 we're building the Chevelle - a totally new line ,Nine grandchildren and one of cars that combines some advantages nobody else has corne up with yet. Chevelle's ride A!so surviving are a sis- and oomfor example, compare favorably with many of today's bigger cars. Yet it gives ter, Mrs. H. Smalldridge, Tor- and oomonto, and a brother. Stephen of Edmonton. you the handling ease and agility you expect in a smaller car. And as for looks - it's styled The funeral service was with a fresh and youthful flair ail its wn. a And, of course, you'll TDIEREU5 U~el~d ChrchSt.Bohrn'sanvio find the kind of quality craftsrnanship and reliability you've corne to à Thursday, October]10, and expeet of a Chevrolet-built car. M Matter of fact, once you really get Fmptn. Interrrent wa in toko t ehave a ue you'll corne up witn some reasons for Torhono eoyGadn, Àk 1 ;Among the beautiful floral building the Chevelle that haven't even occurred to us yet.--m tributes, evidence of thees L164C teemn in which thc deceased was held, were those from Ciii'v~ hLE!BN C EV O L F! No. 636; Shuniah Chapier CH.E .E-'TTEl.1. B CHEVROToiR.AM. No. 82. Port Arthur; a f dRhoesPreceptory No. B Be sure to see Bonanza on the CDC-TV' network each SundaN. Check your local listing for channel and time.P23, Por rthur ess Hugh Samis, Robert Grif fin, both of Bowmanvilie, Arthur Bucknell of Capreol and three ROY W * NICHOLS- sons-in-law, Messrs. H. en cke amiton W.G. Brad- COURTICE - Phone 728-6206 BOWMANVILLE - Poe6335 y'Wlotle and R. L. éM@ý IlJingworth ofBrampton. 1 ýThe EASY TO CARVE SHORT RIB orfl CROSS RIB O PORK SHOULDER ROAST Canadian Statesmnan, Bowmnanville, Oct. 16, 1963 ST PORK BUTT ROAST Money Saving Specials OCEAN KING LEAN - MEATY - BUTT Pork Chops 492 m STOCK UP and SAVE - PINK SALMON 1 SOLO COLOURED Margarine HEINZ BRAND COOKED SPAGHETTI 4 8 oz. Tin 1 lb. Pkgs. HEIN Z BRAND TOMATO soup 00 Frozen Food Specials DOMINO SLICED $ l O ONTARIO GROWN Strawberries 3Ctns. N.1HTOS _ _ - -~ Tomatoes2 DOMINION 3i8c ~flff~ 12 .inSOUHFRCAGRW Orane Juce Tin 'J 5C SWEET AND JUICY SPORTS31AN - CLEANED SME LIS Free Parking Ali merchandise sold at your Dominion Store Limited is uncondition- aIIy guaranteed to give 100% satisfaction. HEINZ BRAND TOMATO KETCHUP Size 252's 16ko.29CORANGES 4Y 16 g. dz 1112! 1 Ontario Grown- Snow White Cauliflower large heads closing tiie, Pnl- effective in Bowinianville untit Saturday, October 19tb, 1963, 6 F resh Produce Specials Clet FREE RD goy rov ý& vvË limi m :94 0 1 1