Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Oct 1963, p. 3

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XCROBIE- RUNDLE Ibride and a peari coroneti Tri i ty Uite Chrchcaught her elbow-length veIli Bowrnanville, attractiveîy enP Sof ilsinàSe.ar 1da haned it stndads o cahie bridai bouquet of hancd wth sandrds fýwiteshasta daisies and ste-i. white gladioli and mauvelphanotis with mauve tulle. 'Mus, was the setting for the r Miss Betty Rundie of Bow- weding on Saturday, SeD manville, sister of the bride,, temnber 14, 1963, of Lynda wasmadohnradteW DineRundle, elder daughter, bridesmaids were Miss Jua Pl. of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Rundle,' Allun, Mrs. David Ogden and i Bowmanville, and Mr. W.! Miss Beverley McRobbie, sis- Lloyd McRobbie. The bride-! ter of the groom, ail of Bow- groom is the soni 0f Mr. and' manville. The junior brides-I Mrs. Alex McRobbie, also of maids were Misses Anne Kent Bowmanville. ýand Judith Trewin, cousins of j Rev. W. K. Houslanider wasthe bride, both of Bowman-1 the officiating clergyman, and!ville. They were in cocktail the wedding music was play- length lavender velvet with ed by organist Mr. A. Colli- Bateau necklines, bracelet son. Soloist Mr. Ross Metealf 'length sleeves and full skirts. sang the "Wedding Hymn" Mîl wore peari strands, gifts Ui and "Where'er You Walk". !from the bride. Their wed- cere The bride was given iniding ring headpieces were of Lyr znarriage by her father and'lavender velvet with matc- Run wore a floor-length, fuil-,ing tulle, and their bouquets, skirted gown of white satin were of shasta daisies andl McF peau de soie. Guipre lace lavender 'mums. edged the Bateau neckline Little Miss Lynda Pingle of and trimmed the long sleecs. Hampton, a cousin of the The skirt back, accented with groom, was flower girl in a self material rosebuds, feIl in-!short frock of white nylon netý to a graceful chapel train. A over silk fashioned with a! ailver, heart-shaped lockct, bouffant skirt. She carried a, with diamond inset, trle.basket of white shasta daisies~ Oroom's gift, was worn by theland mauve 'mums. Wearingi a white jacket and black dress' Use #MECCA for 'trousers, Master Danny Me- oftegom wstern SCRAPES * Robbie, Bowmanville, brother:I 5 bearer. FETiN M~* r. Bob Abbott, BOwman- 1 FETIO* ville, was best man an d the~ vecae, a favourite family ushers were Mr. Alex WVise- intment for over 60 years man, a cousin of the n ie,I .ucky heals minor wounds. M.PubHnoka d u ilon .îrritating . r alHncc n og moothing antisep Pnlcuisothgrm, tic. 5old t ailj. l :~'ile, o usow insofe gom irug counts. f omnvle F.LO St~O A reception xvas held at the hO /noruea o. .. ..... Lions Community Centre with In ln ortube 011 Mr. Robert IKent, Bowman- ville, as M.C. The bride's mo- ther received the guests and wore a jacket dress of magen- é£UN A-n i1ta brocade with matchingý shoes, white ostrich feather Marrés Say rmery Chritmas wi$h BULOVA the gft-quality watch Aoi Mr. and Mrs. W. Lloyd MeRobbie--are shown above as they leave Trinity ted Church, Bowmanviile, by automobile for their wedding reception. The ?mony took place on Saturday, September 14, 1963, at 3 o'clock. Formeriy nda Dianne Rundie, the bride is the eider daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis ndie, Bowmanville, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Robbie, also of Bowmanville. -Photo by Astor Studio ,;etti ng was îrinity Un ited Churcn 41HOLDS YOUR BU LOVA 'TIL S CHRISTMAS DIAMOND PREAM Exqusitely carved end pieces hoid two shimerlng dlamands, Il lewels, ln yellow or whte. JET CLIPPER Rugged as ail cutdoors - 17 jewels, self. wlnding, certifled waterproof*, shock resistant. $49.95 WéO' MAR R'S JEWELLERY & GIFT SHOP 39 King Street W. Bowmanville1 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kirkton are shown in the above photo as they sign the re gister foliowing their marriage in Trinity United Church, Bowmanville, on Saturday afternoon, September 28, 1963, at 2 o'ciock. Formerly Mary Lou Munday, the bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ivison Munday, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Kirkton, ail of Bowmanviiie. -Photo by W. Lofgren I a DURING MONTH 0F OCTOBER MULDER' 23 KING ST. E. BOWMANVI ILE 1OV0oOFF Ailde' OFF Men's & Women's SCLOTHING 100/' OFF Alil - Wool lmported Blankets MATTRESSES - 2 for the price of 1 BEDROOM SUITES CHESTERFIELDS 100/o OFF 1 1lOczo OFF KITCHEN SUITES Clearing at Drastically Reduced prices 100/o OFF ALL McCLARY APPLIANCES WASHERS - DRYERS - REFRIGERATORS - STOVES SPECIAL PRICES ON STEREO - HI-Fi t .DRAPES & WALL to WALL RUGS Samples takeri to your home - Custom Made Free Estimates and Installation e*vemsl For Your Convenience... ___ II N -THE-«SPOT FINAN(ING Reeber toask about the Low clown payment " a a.CIEILA Ecsy monthly payments hat and corsage of Pink rose- Alex McRobbie entertained buds. She was assisted by the the bridai nTarty. groom's mother who chose a~ On Saturday, September 7, * mink brown brocade jacketMrs. Lewis Rundie entertain- dress, brown velvet hat,led in honor of her daughter brown accessories and corsage! at a trousseau tea, which was of yellow roses. 'held at the home of the bride's As the happy couple left uceadanM.adMs for their honeymoon in theý'Robert Kent. Laurentians, the bride was, wearing a navy blue wool KIRKTON - MUNDAY suit, white hat and gloves,' red shoes and corsage of redi Tr in i ty United Church, and white carnations. She' Bowmanville, was the setting carried a red handbag. Mr., for the marriagce on Saturdav and Mrs. McRobbie are resid afternoon, September 28, 1963, ingr at 150 King Street Eastia 2 o'clock of Mary Lou Bowmanville, Apt. 10. Munday, daughter of Mr. and The bide atende Bo Mrs. Ivison «Munday, and Mr. Thnile Pbride andd Bow-Michael Kirkton, son of Mr. manville Pubic anlyd GHi hand Mrs. Lawson Kirkton, all thooBllanTiemple oyedOsh-0f Bowmanville, Rev. W. K. theBel Thehone Co., Os n- Houslander officiated. ýeaa.oTheroo iswith e- Or'ganist Mr. A. Collison erî Mtrs saa plaved the wedding music, Many parties honored the, and standards of wvhite 'mums bride prior to her marriage.1 and gladioli attractively dec- A mirror and candle holders1 orated the church for thle oc- were presented by the 500 casion. Club, and a family miscellan-1 h rdwowsgvn eous shower was held at the ý.Tebie h a ie cottge f M. an Mr. M in marriage bv her fatherI \\TiomanWore a floor-length gown ofl Wiea.Caesarea. with MNr3. Zvi li~tin dcsig-ned with aý Ed. Hoskin. --\isses Jovce, brie !f train. An overbodice of Marjorie and Dorothy Hoskin velva-rav aoiet e a as c-hotesos.fashioned with a scallopedi1 Mrs. Lorne Crago, Mrs. Da- neckzline andi had long point-; vid Ogden and Nlrs. Bob Ah- ed sleeves. Her fîngertip voil bott were hostesses for a mis-!of illusion tulle was caught cellaneous shower at the home to a Pearl bandeau and she of Mrs. Lorne Crago. M-%rs. carrîed a bouquet of whiteý Lorne Allin and Mliss Julial carnation~s. pink roses andi Allin gave a personal shower. stephanotis. A kitchen and pantry shower! Miss Marjorie Stewart ofi xvas held at the home of Mrs. Bowmanvilîe vas the bride's! J. Coyle with Mrs. J. Parker,ý attendant. Her street-length' Mrs. L. Lowerv and Mrs. J.'frock with bouffant skirt and Siebarth as Co-hostesses. short sleeves xvas of blue chif-, A miscellancous shower was M'n over blue p2au de soie. given b.v Mrs. R. Burr ani She wore a matching pe ta Mliss Beverlev McRobbie at, hat of the dress material, and, Mrs. Burr's home, Courtice., her bouquet was of Pink and! A similar shower was held at white carnations. the home of Mrs. D. Lessard,; Mr. Richard Koss of Osh-' Oshawa, attended by the girls awa wvas best man and the of the Plant Dept., Bell Tele- u-shers were the bride's bro- phone. ther. Mr. Rav Mundav, Bow- A linen shower was giveri manvileadM.BlKik ton, Oshawa, brother of the by Nirs. George Stephen, Mim groom. Bileen Mountjov and Miss' Mvarilyn Cole at Mrs. Stephen's A reception was held fol- home. Fellow xvorkers at the lowing the ceremony at the Bell Telephone Co. presented home of the bride's brother the bride with a Corning. and sister-in-law, Mr. and Ware fry pan, Mrs. Ray M1unday. nhe groom v;as entertained at a stag. held at the home of Mr. Lorne Cragro, when he xvas presented with a purse of monev. Following the wedding re- hearsal oàn Friday evening,1 'September 13, Mr. and M.L-s.: As the couple left on their wedding trip to Montreal and district, the bride was wear- ing a veiloxv wool boucle suit with brow,%n accessories and corsage of bronze 'mums and yellow roses. Mr, and Mrs. Kirkton are residing at 69 :Ontario, St., Bowmanviiie. More Thon 350 Enjoy Sumptuous Dinner Under CWL Auspices The annual Turkey Dinner' enjoyed the delicious meal, held under the auspices of the and the service was excellent. Catholic Women's League in Mrs. John Murphy, Newton- St. Joseph's Hall, Liberty ville, was the general con- Street South, on Sunday after- venor, assisted by the presi- noon, Oct. 6th, and early even- dent, Mrs. J. E. Rand, and the ing, was an outstanding suc- secretary, Mrs. J. C. Nowlan. cess. More than 350 people The beautiful flowers that, centred ail the tables wereý B ROWN'S P itvenRR ,Nw The community, and ail of asters, gladioli, zinnias and those interested, are asked ta nasturtiums in a crystal or'1 take note that on Saturday ceramie container centred evening, October 19th, a pre- each of the well appointed sentation will be held atýtables for six in the spacious Brown's School for Mr. and hall. Mrs. Grordon Cowlard and family, at which time the Glenholme Hughes, presi- money, collected in the re- dent of the Holy Namne Socie- cent canvass following the ty, was in charge of the tic- îdrastic fire that destroyed kets at the door. Other mem- their house and belongings, bers of the Holy Name who will be presented to them. assisted were Frank Woolner, Stewart Chisholm, and Ted Those attending are asked Sheehan, who did the carving; to brîng along any miscellan- Maurice Conway, who usher- eous shower gift for their ed; James Fair, the immediate new home and these will b C past president, and Robert opened by Mr. and Mrs. Cow- Poste, who were in charge of lard that night. take-out orders, and Tom Refreshments and coffee Lowery, who helped with theI will be served and you arecoffee. asked to bring either sand-1 Those who assisted in serv- I wiches or cookies. The ti.me ing were Mrs. W. W. Parry,' will be 8 p.m. We are hoping Mrs. A. Horstman, Mrs. Larry for a good crowd! r Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Wilson adWendy attended the wedc- Nveekly Report ding on Saturday, October12 of Miss Audrey Cox and Mr Laurie Buckley in Orono e ri-lH s ta United Church. On Thursday evening, Oc- For the week Of Octoberý tober 3rd, Mrs. T. Wilson and 7-13 inclusive; Mrs. D. Rahme were hostesses for a pantry shower for Miss Admissions ...............56; Audrey Cox at Mrs. Wilson's Births, 2 male, 8 female..10o home, where Audrey received Discharges ................... 63ý many useful articles. Major operations............ 101j Many from the community Minor operations............ 24' at t en de d a miscellaneous Eegnytetmns..j2 shower in Newtonville churchBmrgncteaets..32 basement on Wednesday even- Visiting hours 3 - 4 p.m. ing, October 9th, in honor of and 7 to 8:30 p.M. Mrs. A. Reistra, nee Lillie Clarke. Brown's H. & S. Club held FINE QUALITIY their regular monthly meeting MONUMENTS AND on Tuesday evening, October MAREERS 8th. It was decided to go ahead with the building of 4 Look fethims..,ci. lira i,. the bicycle rack at the school, gRlk uarani"of . permanence. big enough for 15 bicycles. OF STAFFORD Final plans were made and BROS. LTD. a committee appointed to look after the Hallowe'en party on E Saturday evening, Oct. 26th. 1 1oîz Sorry to lose from the coin- DeaiIr munity Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Martin, Eunice and Verda, Stafford Brothers who hv moved to their new home at Whitby. LIMI¶'ED Misses Eunice and Verda Nou e~ Martin spent Thanksgiving Mou et1 weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Box 133 A. Speziale and family. 318 Dundas St. E. Whltby Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Simpson' and family spent the holiday Phone Whitby weekend with Mr. and Mrs. IWOhawk 8-3552 Eric Balkind, Georgetown. Hardcastle, Miss Maureen Re- Newtonville, Miss Anna PrinS.,I gan, Miss Louise Parry, Miss Miss Maria Sweep, R.R. 4, Tina Hughes, Miss Boudien Newcastle, Miss Dianne Stel. Wittovween, RH. 2, Newcas- la, Newcastle, and Miss Mar-. tle, Miss Marjorie Murphy,1 lene Pelletier, Orono. ~Ôy ICleaners C/zuc/dIe Landlord: ilYou dldn't pay the rent for last month."1 Tenant: "No? WeIll.I sup- pose you'Il hold me to Your agreement?" "Agreementl What agree- ment?" "Why, when 1 rente you sald I must pay ln advance or flot at al!", Ed. Leslie CLOTHES CARE HINT: Permanent Pleats? The word '<permanent" lni this connectiofl. is relative. Rarely is there a permanent pleat. F R E E! HALLOWE'EN MASK with every $2.00 order - Mhile they last! FIRTH BROS. 47 King St. E. QUALITY MEATS 623-5081 FREE HOME DELIVERY WEEKEND SPECIALS SwIft's Lean, Sweet Pickled, Peameal ONLY COTTAGE Whole or Hait A ROLL 3 to 7 lbs. Ave. i4 b Country Style Lean, Store Sliced FRESH PORK IC BREAKFASTLfc Sausage 3 9,b 1BACON 169lb Lean, Tasty, Peameal Neilsons Famons BACON c~ICE % galflc Sliçed or by l CREAM G7 the Piece i. WMany Exciting Flavors HOME FREEZER SPECIALS Swift's Tendered Beef MONTS SIDES IIINS ib lb 591 l' 49C 9 Cut and Wrapped Free BUDGET TERMS MAY BE ARRANGED ON ALL FREEZER ORDERS Don't Forget te Pick Up Your FREE RADIO BINGO CARD "I'm going across to the bank for a minute" Wrherever Canadians live and work, a local chartered bank is nearby-a familiar, friendly source of financial services. Banking ini Canada has been brought to people as ini few other countries-the proportion of banking centres to population is among the highest in the world. Every day more customers become aware that a chartered bank can flot only guard their savings, cash their cheques and make loans, but help i many other ways too. They find new banking services being introduced, others being changed, improved or enlarged. For example: personal money orders, life-insured boans, company payroll plans, night de- positories, banking by mail, safety deposit boxes -the list could go on and on. The local branch of the bank is the one place where you'll find complete banking facilities-ail under one ro(of. THE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY through f uli-range banking responsive to growing, changing needa q IThe Canadian Statesman, BowinanvIlle, Oct. 16, 1983

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