, e VOLUE 14Durham County's Great Family Journal OUE109 1 Pages BO'WMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY,O0CTO0-BER-lB1th, 1963 1Oc Per Cop NUMBER42 international Horseshoe Champions Cartwright Township and Durham County mýay well be proud of two native sons, Harold and Roy McLaugh lin who won ýthe horseshoe pitching championship at the International Plou ;hing Match la« week at Caledon. They were awarded the Alex McKinney challenge trophy w lcef hey received at the concluding banquet ini Brampton. Twenty counties sent hô Feshoe pitching teams with the McLaughlins winning 17 out of 19 games. They started pitch- ing at 1 p.m. and finished at dark. Way back in 1929, their father, the late Wm. McLaughlin teamed with Russell McLaughlin ta win the gold medal and inter- national__championship at Kingston.______ Legion Ladies Arrange For Birthday Part y when ~hev WiIt Present Cheaue; iPresident Audrey Bale pre- iliarys Birthday Party on sided at tbe meeting of the Monday evening, October 21. H reBowrnanville Ladies Auxiliary. During this event a cheque held in the Legion Hall on Sheehan for a substantial do- Monday evening of last weck. lnation to Branch 178 from the A satisfactory financial state- Ladies Auxiliary. ment was presented by Treas- Secretary Dorot 'y- Richards urer Ruby' Palmer, and thri read the accciunts; Corriradê * adoption of ber report was Vi Somerscales, seconded by seco nded by Comrade Leab Comrade Jean Firth, movpd Graham.1 that the accounts be paid. This It* was decided to invite was carried. President Ted Sheeban of It was announced that there Branch 178 of the Royal Ca- will be a joint executive meet- nada LeinSecretar ing of the auxiliary and James Firth, and Treasurer!iBrancb 178 on Thursday even-, George Thrasher to the aux-I TuRN TO PAGE TWO) Santa Parade Meeting Tomorrow at Town Hall Th ere will be a generai meeting of all committees i-f Jthe Santa Clans Parade beld tomorrow evening, Thursday, Guy Daufresne de la Chevalerie October 17th, in tbc Council Chamber of the Bowmanville The executive' of the Can- Town Hall at seven o'clock. adian Club of West Durham At the meeting of the Santa are quite excited about the Clans Parade Finance Com- next speaker on their faîl pro- mittce held in the Bowman- gram, His Excellency Guy Daufresnc de la Chevalerie,, bbe Belgium Ambassadort Canada. The meeting wýill beýH n held at the Lions Centre, Bow-,, - manvillo, on Wednesday. Oct.' 23rd at 8:15 p.m. and member- ships will be available at tbc door. His Exccllency is naw aI the peak of an amazing career. He is a son of the former Com- mander in Chiot of the Belgian forces, and was born in Bruges (Belgium), in 1904. He is a Master occan-going Engineer in Public and Business Admin- TuRN TO PAGE TWO) ville Hotel last night, Jacki Adams, Finance Chairman,I presided. Those present in ad- dition to Mr. Adams were Carson Elliolt, General Chair. man of the Santa Clans Par- ade Commibîce, Miss Velma Gay, General Secretary, John Bain, George Stephen, Mrs. (TURN 'ro PAGE TWO) red at Maple mandie~s nere iNexi 1iueSday Generals Drop Thrlli*ng Opener Against Junior Canadiens 6m-4 But Crowd Lo)ved Eveàry Minute by Frank Mohun Fite-year-old Orr was a Montreal Jr. Canadie44&.. ed: stand-out on defence, playing by Cournoyer, Charlebois,1 close to 50 minutes, and al Boudrais and Vachon, spoiled but a few seconds of the last iOshawa Generals home open- 'haîf of the final period. O'Shea er 6-4 before a buge crowd of was the big gun on the at- Jr. *'A' enthusiasts, last night tack with the hat-trick and at Bowmanville Memorial an assist. Vachon thwarted the Arena. Generals time and time again The enerls gave t q iteas Oshawa out-shot Montreal abattie in their return to the 422.B eid tws 11-7, O.H.A. loop, after an il year absence, twice coming from ~ The ice was very slow in behind two goal deficits, be- ~ the opening 20 minutes, and fore Chariebois' winner with i~ the teams had a tough job three minutes and 22 seconds ~ carrying the puck. Excellent to play. surface bad the players really Yvon Couroyer hadt himself skating for the rest of the, a big night, scoring four goals, way, resulting in crowd pleas- including the clincher at 19:53,1 ing hockey. after coach Doug Williams had Opening game ceremonies' pulled goalie Ian Young ini saw O.H.A. executive Matt an attempt to get the equai- Leyden face-off the puck bet- izer. Bob Charlebois took time we veteran sportsmen Bow- out from a pair of minor fights! manville Reeve Sidney Little to net the other two, while and recently elected Ontariol captain Andre Boudrais col- MPA akro saa ýleced treeassits.Sportscaster Jim Bishop Charlebois opened the scor-! Bobby Orr will be broadcasting Friday1 ing at 2:59 of the first periodî night's game from Montreal! on a penalty shot, after an: O'Shea put the Generals Forum at 8 p.m., sponsored Oshawa defender had grab- back in the game at 12:15, by General Motors. Mariboros bed the puck in the goal- when bis attempted behind-i will unveil their power-laden crease, Cournoyer picked the. the-net pass-out bounced in: une-up at Oshawa's next home top corner on a screened drive off Vacbon's skate. game, Tuesday night, starting at 12:57, witb Charlebois and Twenty seconds later Bobby at 8 o'clock. Bourdrais assisting. Orr Iotund OShea at centre, - The Generals came out fly- and on a three-man break the ing to start the second, and big centre faked the defence-':B.H.S. JUNIORS LOSE quickly hit the score sheet man, and fired a quick back- Yesterday afternoon the after 15 seconds, as Danny bander 10 the corner, junior football team from gour, ih M fonaBto men Just as il was looking like Henry St. High, Oshawa, de- go rod Za neanged inin a tie game, Charlebois broke feated B.H.S. juniors 30 to 19 short. ovr hebie-neanddrlld er. he oclsle uit George Vail's pass-ont from vrtebu-ieaddildjhe.Teocsldupo offIbecrese t 730,secnd a bard 25-footer past Young tbe haif but were unable to after Bond went off for hook- frte inr ke pth ae ing. OShea got the draw 10 o set it up.I*I at centre and fed CournoyerBarri necpe asJ( .c I)e e to make it 3-2 before the per- Iis a d ,(.),,e e iod cnided. Tbe same pair bit agan a te 416mar o the AFTERMATH - The election is over, but the hid p eriod,6Couryerilp- memory lingers on. For the past two issues we Iing the disc mbt the net after1 have been trying ta remember to put this item iBourdrais had battled in the in print. It is an appeal to the persan or persons corner.who removed (without authorization) a couple of the large, plywood "Vote Carruthers" signs around town. These were expensive items that the ,,'O fical C untassociation hoped ta use again. If they are laying "M D around somebody's garage or cellar, please return t ýGives MP. P. them ~,to ac rough ,c$, and no oauespctiuns will bh , 1,501 i !Majority The Officiai Count for the provincial election in Dur- ham was conducted by Lyail Lowery, the Returning Of- ficer for Durham County, last Wednesday e ve n ifng starting at eight o'clock in Orono. The final returns gave the totals for the three candidates as follows: Harry Ashton NDP, 1,135; Allan Beer Liberal, 6,413; and Alex Carruthers PC, 7,914. Mr. Carruthers' majority was 1,501. Those present for the Of- ficiai Count, in addition to Durham Returning Officea' LyaIl Lowery, were Colonel J. C. Gamey, the Clerk, Mrs. Loivery, Mrs. Don Tennant, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lowery, a n d Glenholme Hughes, Liberal Campaign Chairman. Grove Rare Fish On Display M This Weekend', Final plans were made last Friday for the Inter-lb Aquarium Show ta be held at the Badminton Club, 72 King St. E., Bowmanville, when the t Inter-Club Show Committee met. Ib was reported there were 189 entries in Sa far with still a day or two before the final entrv date. The show will be open to the public Saturday, Oct. 19, at 1:30 p.m. tbrougb 10:00 p.m.> and Sunday, Oct. 20, from 1:30 p.m. untîl 7:00 p.m. The Ira-1 phies will be presented by the Chairman of the Canadian Association of A qu ar iumin Clubs, Rex Merrîtt. at abouti @*~IW -pm. Sunday. There wil be no charge for admisson, and the public is invited loI see the Aquarium BeautifilI entries as well as the single~ fish entries. A highlight of the show will be the 30 gallon aquarium beautiful entries by the three ~ pnsoriflg Aquarium Socie- ties, Bowmanville, Oshawa, anid Port Hope. There are1 t~benîries for an annual A special ceremnony took place at Maple Grave on Thursday evening, phy for which the campe- when the first Queen's Scout from bbc roop received his badge of hionor f rom n ie'smeeo! the mre rare ardo District Scout Commissioner Luther Weish. The new Queen's Scout, lef t, is unusuail ish from the district. Ronald Welsh, 15, son of Scoutmaster Harold Weish, standing in centre. i asked. It t, NEED FOR BLOOD - Local regular donors and others who would be willing ta contribute blood to the Red Cross blood donor service are asked to set aside Wednesday, November 6th, when a clinie will *be helcd here at the Lions Centre. Al persons between the ages of 18 and 65 will be welcomed. The nee d is grea ter t han ever. WINTER COMING ? - Down Newcastle way, they must be pessimists. Here, it is balmy summer weather and they are throwing a frasty blanket on the weatherman by calling for help ta operate their winter pragram at the Arena that has natural, not artificial ice. Their advertisements appear on the Newcastle page. Also, any groups interested in obtaining ice lime are asked ta con- tact thie arena management committee as soon as possible. Aren't they going ta feel silly if this warm weather continues for another couple af months. NEW BACKSTOP - The Memorial Park Associa- tion's new basebaîl diamond was recently cam- pleted, including a fine wire mesh backstop, at a cost of $898. Jim Cole assisted Cecil Mutton in planning the diamond. Rowe Brothers levelled off and puit the diamnond in shape and Dominion Steel of Rexdale were contacted by McGregor's Hardware to erect the backstop. Anyone is free ta use this fine addition to the park. LAST FLING- Over the wclekend, almost everyone must have decided ta either leave home for distant parts or have visitors from out of town, because the raads were jammed with traffic, aimost as bad as when the first Player's 200 xvas heid here. On Sunday evening around 6 o'clock it reached its peak with Highway 401 vehicles proceeding bumper to bumper and the overfiow pouring up Highway 2 until it was packed too. It was aimost as though everyone had the same idea that if they lef t early for home they might miss the heavy traffic. VACANT STORE -There will' be a touch of sadness this week for many aid timers in the community, especially Harry Allun who for over haif a century operated "The Corner Grocery" with considerable success. On Friday, an auctian sale was held bo close out the grocery aperated recently by Chester McQuinn and ail that is Ieft now is a "For Sale" sign. -- t + SILVER ANNIVERSARY .- Just 25 years ago this week, tvo new doctars were about ta arrive in tawn. Dr. Harold Ferguson took over the late Dr. J. Clark Bel1's practice and Dr. Howard B. Rundle opened an office at the residence af Mr. Chas. W. Bagnell, King St. East. Dr. Ferguson's apening was Oct. 22nd and Dr. Rundle's Oct. 24th. WHICH TWIN Considerable comment has been caused by bwa littie figures in the window of Joan's Beauty Parior, King W. Long reddish hair streams dowvn the back of each of them and there isn'b a curi in sight. A card asks the question, "Which Twin Has t he T oni" OPEN MEETING -Aithough the golf season is on the wane, memnbers af Southview will hold an open meeting on Tuesday, 8 p.m. at the club ta discuss plans for next year and review the past season. All galfers are requested ta attend. With two mascots such as these to cheer them on, il s no wonder Clarke High School's Senior football team autscored Bowmanville last week 30 ta 21. The mascots are Teddy and Terry Witherspoon, twin 8-months ald sons of Clarke Principal and Mrs. E. G. Witherspoon. How could any team campebe with this kind of enthusiastic support? The poses are sa superb that we decided to publish bath pictures. Readers can have fun as we did in compasing their own captions ta describe the epeson ntes.toc-rý-ý Anniversary Speaker The Rev. Sidney J. Hillier of Brooklin, Ontario, .wbo will be guest preacber at 129th ýAnniversary Services of St.* Paul's United Church on Sun- 'day, Octc ber 201h. .Mr. H-illier was born at IDorset, England, and reccived, bis earlY education at Boyle's: Enclowed Scbool; be came t.-3 tbe Newfoundland Conferenre, of the Metbodist Church of! Canada in 1911 and served as! a student minister, attending Victoria College in Toronto. After scrving overseas frorn 1915 to 1918 he returned to be ordained by Newfoundland Conference in 1919. He bas served aI Carman- ville, Weslevville, Carbonear and Grand Falls; being presi-, dent of the Newfoundland Conference in 1941. He trans- ferred ta the Maritime Con- ference in 1948 where he ser- ved at Chatham, N.B., for six vears, before caming ta Brook- lin in 1954 wbere he served until bis retirement in 1963. Mr. Hillier is a forceful speaker, and a man of dcep conviction and keen wit. Hisý messages will be timely and, enrichi ng. HIGH QUALITY CROPI Alre apple crop of the Ihighest quality goni decade is expected Ibis year from Ibis arca according 10 Fruit and Vegetable Special- ist John Ingratta of the Ontario Department of Agri- culture here. Durham, wbere 250 to 300 acres af orchard suffered bail damage earlier, will only produce about 300,000 bushels, but Northumber- land and Ontario Counties sbould bring the total pro- duction up 10 approximately 10,000,000 bushels of apples. Museum Alters Hours Opens on Weekends Until End of November Bowmanville Museum wl be open on Saturdays and Sundays, but closed tbrouglh the wcek, from now through November. These extra weck-' ends will give the cottage- owning folk and others who were away during the sum- mer an opportuniby tb see Ibis year's displays aI the Mus- : (um. 1Groups may still come by appointment on other days by contactiîîg Mrs. Aubrey Smith, Mrs. Mcl Wiseman or i Mrs. Roy Lunney. Attendance bas been ex-j cellent Ibis year, the Museumý Board reports, witb a total of 1272 visitors from Junc 1! to Thanksgiving Day, Oct. 14. Thjis is a considerable gain aver last year cven though the Museum opened two wecks later than Ab did in 1962. __ $1,000 REWARD Bulletins are now beîng distributed across Ontario notifying local police depart- ments Ihat a $1,000 reward bas been aubhorized by Town Council for informa- tion concerning tbe whcre- abouts of Noreen Anne Grecnlcy, R.R. 3, Bowman-, ville. This 13-year-old girl has now been missing since Sept. 14, 1963, and all search efforts bave provcd futile. At a meeting oif oxvman- ville Public Sebool Board last weck, lb was disclosed that the nine-day boycott of schools by pupils at the beach cost the board approx- imately $105 in provincial grants. Haif a Century Luther B. Nichols who received a 50-Year Veteran's Jevel is pictured above on the lef t with Past District Deputy Grand Master William Corden who presented tiiis high honor ta Mr. Nichais. The presentatign was made at the meeting of Florence Nightinîgale Ladge No. 66, I.O.O.F., held in the Odd *Fellows Hall, King St. E., last Thursday evening. Li To Speak1 It's No Wonder Clarke Won